The tongue turns black in a person what kind of disease. Black plaque in a person on the tongue: identifying the causes

Design and interior 21.09.2019
Design and interior

Language healthy person has a pleasant pinkish color and is covered with a small layer of transparent plaque. If the plaque changes its color, becomes yellowish, grayish, or looks darkened, this symbolizes health problems and requires an immediate examination by a doctor. Black tongue requires special attention. Only a doctor should inform you about what to do when it appears and how to treat it.

Black tongue is a sign of serious illness

Causes of dark plaque on the tongue in adults

At this stage of time, doctors identify a huge number of reasons that cause black plaque on the tongue in an adult. But the most common of them are:

  • Acidosis. As a result of an increase in the level of acidity in the human body, a black coating may appear on his tongue. In order to identify this disease, you need to go to a consultation with a doctor and take tests. It is almost impossible to cure this disease on your own, because a person simply cannot make a correct diagnosis for himself.

Black plaque with acidosis is very dense and cannot be removed.

  • Diseases of the digestive system. Black plaque on the tongue is often caused by this kind of disease, especially problems with the pancreas and gallbladder. With such pathologies, the filiform papillae lengthen on the back of the tongue, which stimulates its darkening. Sometimes the papillae swell. An additional symptom of such diseases is a bitter taste in the mouth. In some people, these ailments pass in a closed form and do not manifest themselves at all until a certain point. If the tongue darkens, you should immediately go to the doctor and take a blood test.
  • Angina. A sign of this disease is a black coating on the tongue in the morning. And also the disease brings with it fever and sore throat. For any of the above factors, you need to go to the doctor. In the case of tonsillitis, papillae and plaque on the tongue does not require special treatment, because after getting rid of the disease, it disappears. During the course of the disease, it is recommended to pay special attention to oral hygiene, it is necessary to clean not only the teeth and gums, but also the tongue itself.
  • Thrush. Despite the fact that everyone knows that with candidiasis there is a plaque on the tongue, it is mostly white or white-yellow. But with prolonged ignorance of the disease, it can reach the stage when the coating on the tongue acquires a brown tint.
  • Chromogenic fungus. In this case, the color of plaque on the muscular organ of the oral cavity becomes black-green. With this disease, a plaque of the above color is located not only on the side and in the middle of the muscular organ of the oral cavity, but even on the gums. The enamel of the teeth is covered with small spots of dark color.

Dark spots with a chromogenic fungus occur throughout the mouth and on the teeth

The papillae on the back of the speech organ also change their color. With such an ailment, it is recommended to carefully observe oral hygiene.

  • Crohn's disease. The presence of this disease in an adult symbolizes the blackening of the tongue. As a rule, the tongue and papillae turn black as a result of the development of autoimmune processes. Sometimes it is accompanied by the appearance of small light stripes on the muscular organ of the oral cavity. Getting rid of Crohn's disease is quite difficult, the patient must constantly be under the supervision of doctors. It is mandatory to use antibiotics, hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants.

A dark coating on the tongue that appeared for any of the above reasons can be removed, you should only consult a doctor in time.

Why did a dark coating appear on the tongue of a child

If you find that your child's tongue has turned black, then you should immediately find out if he has eaten berries. As a rule, after such delicacies as blueberries and mulberries, a dark coating appears on the tongue, closer to purple.

Plaque in a child after antibiotics

Another fairly common cause of blackening of the tongue in children is biting through the core of a felt-tip pen or pencil.

In any of the above cases, plaque is easily washed off with water.

Blueberry and blackberry jam stains the tongue

There are a number of less harmless reasons due to which a child may have a similar plaque on the muscular organ of the oral cavity:

  • Anemia. This disease appears as a result of a lack of iron in the children's body. To help the child, doctors often prescribe him liquid iron, which can lead to a dark brown coating on the tongue. It is worth noting that the plaque will immediately disappear after recovery.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. This kind of pathology, provoking the appearance of a dark plaque, can occur not only among adults, but also in children. In this case, as mentioned above, the filiform papillae are elongated, which stimulate the formation of plaque on the speech organ in the form of a continuous dark surface or small spots.
  • Dysbacteriosis and other infectious diseases. In this case, children tolerate this ailment much easier and without darkening of the tongue. In addition to a similar coating on the tongue, a white or yellow color. If such a plaque occurs in the mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor, with the exception of only those cases when antibiotics were prescribed to the infant (a dark tongue may be a kind of reaction to medications).

Black plaque in infants requires a pediatrician's consultation

The children's body is weaker, so the dark color of the tongue is the reason to go with the child to the pediatrician and gastroenterologist. In most cases, the child is prescribed an ultrasound scan to determine the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Features of treatment

Getting rid of dark plaque should begin with identifying the cause that caused its appearance.

Hairy leukoplakia - enlargement and blackening of the papillae

Depending on the identified cause, a person is prescribed certain procedures:

  • for the treatment of organs digestive system;
  • to stabilize the intestinal microflora;
  • revision of the diet and general lifestyle;
  • to get rid of fungal infections.

Occasionally, ailments that provoke darkening of the tongue can be cured using only antibacterial drugs, this can be Linex. It is advisable to use these drugs along with vitamins.

If the pathology is caused by fungal infections, then the treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the type of pathogen.

Never forget to take good care of your oral cavity.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of plaque, it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment, as the situation can be aggravated.

We all know that the tongue is the “mirror” of the digestive tract, but a brown coating on the tongue is not at all the norm, so you need to know about the causes of such a problem and how to treat it.

The tongue is an unpaired muscular organ, the beginning of the digestive tract. With the help of it, we talk, eat, and most pleasantly, we feel the taste different products. This work is performed by papillae, which are located throughout the tongue. There are 4 types, and each is responsible for its own taste.

Causes of brown coating on the tongue

The etiology of the onset of the symptom is different, but what does this mean in most cases? The reason may be:

  • the use of dyes;
  • taking drugs that contain bismuth;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcohol;
  • excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine;
  • poor sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • dehydration;
  • advanced stomatitis;
  • Addison's disease;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamin PP;
  • pathology of the digestive tract;
  • diabetic coma;
  • food poisoning;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.

If before the appearance of plaque a person consumed chocolate, coffee, then it will pass quickly, as it is the remnants of a treat. The resins that are contained in the cigarette also stain the mucosa in dark color. If the appearance of plaque is associated with taking medications, a doctor's consultation is necessary, as this may be intoxication or a violation of the flora of the oral cavity (when taking antibiotics).

A lot of diseases of the digestive tract give a brown coating on the tongue. If a sour taste is added to the plaque, this indicates a possible peptic ulcer or gastritis. Bitterness in the mouth can hide diseases of the biliary-hepatic system. In infants, a brown coating indicates an advanced form of candidiasis or disorders of the gallbladder. Dry mouth, dehydration can also result in brown plaque, especially during pregnancy after prolonged toxicosis.

To accurately determine the cause of plaque, you need to know when it appears, saturation and thickness. If it is noticeable in the morning and does not go away after sanitation of the oral cavity, this indicates the presence of a disease.

Shades of brown

  • yellow-brown plaque - can accompany diseases of the digestive tract: liver disease, ulcers, gastritis, enteritis provide this color. It is also observed in chronic alcoholism against the background of pancreatic necrosis or hepatosis of the liver. This color also accompanies poisoning with chemical, toxic substances;
  • light brown - may indicate diseases respiratory system: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia; violation of lymphatic drainage, diseases of the joints;
  • green-brown - the development of a fungus in the oral cavity, taking antibiotics, taking immunomodulating agents. During sexual development, a surge of hormones can also contribute to the appearance of a greenish tint on the tongue. As well as eating predominantly fatty and fried foods, lack of vitamins;
  • dark brown - can be acquired with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. Then bitterness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, pain in the right or left hypochondrium is added.

Consistency and thickness

  • a thin layer - indicates a recent period of the disease, viral etiology, transient reactions. It is easily removed during cleaning;
  • thick layer - indicates the presence of a chronic disease in the stage of clinical manifestations and the presence of infectious agents. It is difficult to clean off the mucous membrane of the tongue.

The consistency of brown plaque can be wet, dry and oily. This indicates different ways of the course of the disease.

  1. Dry tongue - indicates insufficiency of the salivary glands. This can lead to an infection in the oral cavity, inflammation of the glands.
  2. If the tongue is smooth, swollen with a wet coating, teeth marks are visible on it - this indicates a lack of vitamin B group, iodine deficiency or myxedema (disease thyroid gland when, due to involutive or oncological processes, the gland produces less of the hormone triiodothyronine than it should).
  3. Localized in certain areas - each area is responsible for a specific organ system, and this is due to the disease of a particular system. The root is responsible for the digestive tract - intestines, liver, pancreas, stomach. The middle of the tongue houses the cardiovascular system. A plaque on the tip of the tongue indicates problems in the respiratory tract, both upper and lower.

A photo


To find out the cause of plaque on the tongue and how to remove it, you need to consult a doctor. A therapist or your family doctor should help with this.

To determine, a thorough history taking is necessary - when and how they got sick, hypothermia, bad habits, childhood diseases, recent medication.

Then the doctor must objectively examine the patient. At the same time, he can detect soreness in the abdomen, abnormal heart murmurs, crepitus or wheezing in the lungs, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

As additional research methods, in order to make a final diagnosis, the doctor can help:

  1. Complete blood count, blood culture for nutrient media, biochemical blood test.
  2. Fecal analysis.
  3. Fluorogram or x-ray of the lungs.
  4. Ultrasound of the OBP (organs abdominal cavity), thyroid gland, hepatobiliary system.
  5. EFGDS, pH-metry, duodenal sounding.


Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the identified disease. The doctor recommends certain drug therapy, possibly in combination with physiotherapy.

How to remove brown plaque should be of concern to everyone, because this is most likely a signal that not everything is good in the body. You can immediately try to clean off the plaque with a toothbrush and paste. If it does not peel off and does not disappear for more than 3 days, you should immediately consult a doctor and treat the underlying disease. After all, the plaque itself will be removed if it is candidiasis, advanced stomatitis or products that stain the mucous membrane.

If this is one of the diseases that directly affect the oral cavity and the mucous membrane of the tongue, then you can undergo local treatment. In the case of bacterial flora - stomatitis - you can rinse every 2 hours with a local antiseptic (hepilor, chlorophyllipt, tandum verde, cameton forte). In the case of fungal genesis, nystatin and its derivatives will always help in the complex therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Video: diseases that your tongue will tell about.


Than to treat, it is always better to avoid the appearance of plaque, for this you need to avoid diseases of the organ systems that we discussed earlier. And to get rid of plaque and prevent it, if it is not a signal of serious diseases of the internal organs, the following rules will always help:

  • get rid of bad habits - alcohol and smoking;
  • Replace your favorite high-dose caffeinated drinks with herbal teas or water
  • eat healthy food;
  • build your diet right;
  • include fiber in the diet;
  • increase the consumption of natural cottage cheese, milk, yoghurts;
  • take B vitamins;
  • reduce consumption of spicy, salty, fatty, fried foods;
  • increase your immunity;
  • carry out 2 times a day complex oral hygiene;
  • prevent intestinal dysbiosis.

The tongue and the oral cavity as a whole are the first section of the digestive system. Therefore, changes in its appearance should encourage you to think about the state of health, and find out if everything is normal with the body. Today we will talk about what black coating on the tongue means and how to fix this problem.

In fact, a coated tongue does not always indicate a disease. Causes of plaque can be hidden in smoking, drinking a lot of coffee or tea, using spices with strong coloring properties. The tongue temporarily turns black after taking activated charcoal, but this should pass after 10-20 minutes.

If, in addition to plaque, you notice other alarming symptoms in yourself (from any organs and systems), it makes sense to suspect a particular disease. Knowing accurate diagnosis, you will be able to eliminate the problem in time and improve the functioning of the body.

Fungal infection (chromogenic fungi) Kidney dysfunction Hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood) Acidosis Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Black hairy ("villous") tongue

In medicine, there is a term "black hairy tongue" (lingua villosa nigra). The essence of this pathology is that the papillary outgrowths on the tongue under the influence of bacteria lengthen and acquire a dark color. In the middle of the back of the tongue, the plaque may not be black, but green, brown or yellow. In addition to this, the patient has bad breath.

Heavy smokers, as well as people who do not care about oral hygiene, are at risk of developing this disease. Other causes of black hairy tongue:

  • use of antibiotics;
  • diabetes;
  • chemotherapy;
  • radiotherapy.

Since the main cause of this disease is poor oral hygiene, it is obvious that in order to eliminate it, you need to take more care of brushing your teeth. Additionally, clean the surface of the tongue with a soft brush to remove dead black papillae and bacteria residues (this should be done at least 2 times a day).

You should also floss and rinse your mouth with an antibacterial liquid. Prepare such a liquid at home - for this, boil a tablespoon of sage leaves in a glass of water, cool and strain. Salt solution (teaspoon per glass of water), decoction of lemon peels (teaspoon per glass of water, boil for 5 minutes) and tea tree oil solution (5-7 drops per glass of water) also have an antibacterial effect.
If the black coating on the tongue is caused by an antibiotic, you need to stop taking this medicine. Almost any human disease is treated with herbs - find recipes for traditional medicine against your ailment and do not poison the body with pharmaceutical chemistry.

Black tongue with beriberi

Black tongue syndrome is a group of symptoms associated with vitamin PP deficiency. This pathology is a hemorrhagic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. Symptoms: black plaque on the tongue and oral mucosa, ulceration, exfoliation of the epithelium on the tongue. Similar changes occur in other parts of the digestive tract and vagina, so the whole body suffers.


Black tongue syndrome responds well to treatment - you just need to eliminate its causes, that is, make up for the deficiency of vitamin PP. To do this, include in daily diet the following products:

  • beef liver;
  • fish meals;
  • eggs;
  • pork;
  • chicken;
  • kidneys;
  • broccoli;
  • tomatoes;
  • sorrel;
  • carrot;
  • dates.

It is useful to take sprouted grains of wheat every morning on an empty stomach, drink teas from alfalfa, sage, ginseng root, fenugreek seeds, eyebright, burdock root and leaves.

Other causes of black plaque

Why else can a black coating appear on the tongue? Let's list everything possible reasons.

Fungal infection (chromogenic fungi)

With this disease, not only the tongue is affected, but also the teeth, gums, and the inside of the cheeks. The plaque is dark green, almost black. ethnoscience in this case, recommends treatment with garlic or garlic tincture for alcohol, decoction of celandine, decoction onion peel and bay leaf.

kidney dysfunction

In a sick person, in addition to black plaque, other symptoms are observed: pain in the lumbar region, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the upper and lower extremities, problems with urination (pain, burning, too frequent or too rare urination). AT severe cases bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract opens.
natural remedies from kidney dysfunction:

  • horsetail - a decoction of this plant will help remove swelling, remove excess fluid, support kidney function (to prepare a decoction, boil a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of water for 5 minutes, drink 100 ml several times a day);
  • corn stigmas - go well with horsetail, improve electrolyte balance, contribute to the removal of fluid;
  • boron uterus - alcohol tincture from this plant eliminates the infection in the urinary organs (taken in a teaspoon three times a day);
  • a mixture of viburnum, birch and dandelion leaves is a real elixir for sick kidneys. These plants are mixed in equal proportions and used to make tea.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood)

Hypoxia is another common reason why dark plaque appears. But with this disease, blackening of the tongue is not the only symptom. Patients experience cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes, constant fatigue and drowsiness, and breathing problems.

Healers offer to treat this disease with coniferous and turpentine baths, massage, as well as restorative plants (hawthorn, wild rose, eleutherococcus, mint, calendula, raspberry leaves and fruits).

Acidosis - violations of the acid-base balance, as a result of which a dark coating appears on the tongue. This disease is caused by an increase in acidity in the body, and requires complex treatment. A special diet based on "alkaline" foods (milk, kefir, bananas, herbs, broccoli, corn, carrots, potatoes) is recommended. Meat is completely excluded from the diet, as it leads to oxidative processes. From herbs, you can recommend linden flowers, fireweed grass and chamomile flowers (make teas from them). It is also helpful to eat flax or fenugreek seeds on an empty stomach every day.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Flaxseed, infusion of marigold flowers, a mixture of honey and aloe juice, a decoction of red clover flowers, burdock root juice and other means have a good effect on the digestive system. However, you must first know what exactly is to be treated. On our site you will find recipes for all diseases of the stomach and intestines.

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When examining at a medical center, the patient is often asked to show the tongue as an indicator of health. By its appearance, a doctor of the highest category will be able to tell which organ system requires a detailed examination. Normally, a pink-red tongue with a uniform surface sometimes turns into an unusual color - black, which can scare anyone. But are such changes always a sign of pathology, we will talk today, and also dwell on the causes of a rare symptom, methods of elimination, and prevention.

Is it worth worrying

During the initial diagnosis, the doctor will pay attention to the thickness of the plaque, the intensity of the color and other features. The most important sign of a specific pathology is the localization of layers on different parts language:

  • Tip lesion talks about problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Color going deep into the organ- about pathologies of breath.
  • Spots on the center in the direction of the root - about diseases of the digestive canal.
  • On the sides- dysfunction of the spleen and liver.

Plaque also varies in consistency. It can be greasy, cheesy, wet or dry. According to the distribution area, it sometimes looks like clear spots, small inclusions, or completely covers the tongue. It is also important how the plaque is removed:

  • Painless but difficult.
  • In the form of a film.
  • Difficult and accompanied by severe pain.

Black layers also appear against the background of other symptoms, such as:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Thirst.
  • Bad breath.
  • Pain in different parts of the body.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Yellowness, pallor or cyanosis of the skin.
  • Slimming.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Heartburn, belching.

These symptoms are only part of the overall picture. It will differ in a particular patient with a certain pathology. Black plaque on the tongue can be a temporary phenomenon that has arisen under the action of food pigments, both chemical and natural. There are many of the latter in blueberries, blackcurrants, and mulberries. In such cases, there is definitely no cause for concern.

A similar situation develops after taking liquid iron-containing preparations or activated charcoal. A slight darkening of the surface of the tongue occurs in those who like sweets with dark dyes, coffee or tea. It is not difficult to eliminate such plaque, it is enough to rinse your mouth several times or exclude the corresponding products from the diet. Another thing is when the nature of the symptom is associated with the source of the pathological property.

Causes of black plaque

Factors that cause plaque in adults are associated with the following conditions:

  • Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) and other diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Prolonged use of antibacterial agents, as a result of which immunity weakens and dysbacteriosis develops.
  • Slagging of the body.
  • Excess weight.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Abuse of fatty foods, as well as high-carbohydrate foods.

Crohn's disease is a rare autoimmune disease. The pigment melanin is concentrated in the form of dark blue spots on the skin, papillae of the tongue and other mucous tissues. The condition occurs when the main function of the adrenal glands is suppressed, while the organs of the digestive canal become inflamed. Treatment is carried out with the help of hormonal and antibacterial agents, as well as immunosuppressants. The color of the tongue is restored as it recovers. Plaque is not washed off in any other way.

Diseases of the digestive tract

A black tongue in a person, supplemented by constant thirst, tissue dehydration, bitterness after eating, may be a sign of disorders in the liver and pancreas. In such cases, consultation with a gastroenterologist and examination of the state of the gallbladder is required.

The reason may also be acidosis or a shift in the water-alkaline balance towards acidification. AT healthy body this phenomenon quickly normalizes. But during pregnancy, with prolonged fasting, passion for strict diets, intestinal pathologies, uncontrolled consumption of meat and confectionery some substances are retained in the tissues. This violates the ratio of electrolytes, which causes a dark plaque.

A neglected form of acidosis can have severe consequences, up to lethal outcome . Testing, consulting a specialist will help to adjust the diet. Include fruits, vegetables, herbs and other foods that increase the alkaline reaction of the environment. If necessary, the doctor prescribes conservative therapy.

Pathologies of the oral cavity

Active treatment will be required when black-marsh spots appear on the tongue, provoked by a chromogenic fungus. A greenish tint is a sign of an abundance of chlorophyll pigment. The cause may be thrush with characteristic curdled accumulations on the surface of the tongue. Running forms can be recognized by the appearance of dark layers.

Other reasons

Additional factors that cause darkening of the tongue in adults are as follows:

  • Pathology of the urinary system.
  • Chronic intoxication of the body.

This also includes a low threshold of immunity, provoked by incorrectly prescribed antibiotics or their unreasonably long intake.

Diagnosis of diseases

To determine the definitive cause of the condition, the clinician needs research results:

  • Study of the anamnesis of life and medical history.
  • Physical examination.
  • Blood, stool and urine tests.
  • Specific testing to identify infectious agents.
  • Endoscopy with biopsy.

Based on the results of the examination, the general practitioner directs the patient for a consultation with highly specialized specialists.

How to treat black tongue

The complete elimination of a symptom depends on the source of its occurrence. This is what therapy is aimed at, including various methods, such as:

  • Compliance with a special diet, if the cause of plaque in the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Medicines to combat the inflammatory process, pathogenic bacteria and associated symptoms.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Folk remedies.
  • surgical intervention in difficult situations when other treatments have failed.

Effective formulations include tinctures and decoctions for rinsing the mouth. They are based on the following medicinal plants;

  • Linden;
  • oregano;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • oak bark;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • strawberry;
  • flax seeds.

Black plaque can be removed from the tongue by the following simple methods:

  • With a teaspoon wrapped in gauze.
  • Apply antibacterial paste to a soft toothbrush and clean the surface of the tongue with it.
  • Remove plaque from the mucous membrane with a plastic scraper without damaging it.

If these techniques did not help or are accompanied by severe pain, you should seek help from a medical center.

Black tongue in a child

If we exclude felt-tip pens, paints, food, then more often the problem with a dark tongue in a child is associated with candidiasis (thrush). The reason is simple - they began to feed the baby ahead of schedule. A black tongue in an older child can be a sign of pathologies of the gallbladder, colitis, gastritis, enteritis. A gray color on the tongue appears in a child if he is treated with iron-containing compounds.

It is difficult for parents to independently understand the etiology of the problem. Only surrender necessary analyzes and diagnosis will help the doctor find and eliminate the cause of the symptom. On the initial stage this specialist becomes a pediatrician, then a dentist, an infectious disease specialist joins, depending on the diagnosis.


Dark spots on the tongue will never bother if you follow the following rules and recommendations:

  • Minimize the consumption of spicy, fatty, carbonated water, coffee.
  • Maintain oral hygiene. In addition to teeth, clean the cheeks from the inside, gums, tongue. Teach kids about it. Use plant extracts for rinsing. Don't skimp on toothpaste.
  • Get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • When treating with antibacterial compounds, strictly follow medical recommendations.
  • Increase the amount of physical activity in accordance with age and health status.
  • Add bran, fruits, vegetables to the menu. Nutritious smoothies are helpful. Instead of black tea, drink mint, strawberry, linden or other herbal tea.
  • With a tendency to sore throat, try not to injure the mucous membrane of the throat, for which use dishes in the form of mashed potatoes. Inhalation is carried out using sea buckthorn or fir oil.
  • When the tongue is blackened in a child, consult a pediatrician to find out what new food provoked such a symptom, in order to help the baby later in painless adaptation. Methods of therapy in children do not differ from those in adults. It will take great care and smaller dosages determined by the doctor.
  • Baby food should be natural, consist of fresh products. On the recommendation and under the supervision of a pediatrician, vitamin and mineral complexes can be given to the child to strengthen the immune system.

Do not practice self-medication, which rarely ends well. If the condition worsens, immediately consult a doctor. Regularly for preventive purposes visit an ENT doctor, dentist and other specialists.

ratings, average:

The healthy color of the tongue is pink, without extraneous plaque and blotches. But often, for a number of reasons, the organ changes its shade, and sometimes even becomes black.

Varieties of black plaque on the tongue

Until recently, the detection of a black coating on the tongue was perceived as an infection with cholera. This disease is a thing of the past, but the symptom appears in people with enviable regularity. The causes of this phenomenon are varied, as are the symptoms.

Black plaque may appear on such parts of the tongue:

  • tip;
  • root;
  • On the sides;
  • on the middle part (in the middle).

The plaque is uniform, equally colored over the entire area of ​​​​the organ, or appears in the form of a "ripple" that makes the tongue spotty. Sometimes it only has one or two dark spots located in specific locations. Specialists also diagnose the general darkening of the organ, when its entire mass becomes gray, as if dirty in appearance.

Often a dark coating on the tongue is combined with other signs of an existing disease, including heartburn, a bitter taste in the mouth, sores and ulcers, and many other symptoms.

In an adult and a child, language can acquire black spots - dots, randomly distributed over the entire surface of the mucous membrane. These small black dots can signal fungal and other pathologies of the body and are often accompanied by damage to the gums or the entire oral cavity.

Banal causes of plaque in the tongue

Before you worry and look for the causes of the appearance of a black tongue, the symptoms of which disease occur, you should carefully examine the oral cavity. You should also remember if coloring products were used, such as:

  • blueberry;
  • red wine;
  • mulberry;
  • food with dark color dyes;
  • lollipops, etc.

Often a black tongue is observed after taking activated charcoal tablets, and there is no need to panic in this case. You should make high-quality oral hygiene, and you can forget about the problem.

Of the simple and common, but more serious causes of darkening of the organ, one can name alcohol abuse. They not only stain the tongue, but also provide the body with chronic intoxication that disrupts metabolism and slows down the rate of excretion of toxins.

A gray, black-streaked coating may be due to poor oral hygiene, in which case the symptom is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Another popular reason why there is a black coating on the tongue is active reproduction of mold fungi after taking antibiotics. When local immunity is weakened, these microorganisms colonize the mucous membrane and give it a dark shade.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and black tongue

Blackening of the mucous membrane of the tongue in children is almost always associated with pathologies of the digestive system. In adults, the incidence of such problems in the presence of black plaque below and yet disease gastrointestinal tract occupy a leading position. The symptom is more common in people who abuse fast food, baked goods, carbohydrate foods, food with an abundance of preservatives, dyes, and other harmful additives. Such a "diet" leads to violations of metabolic processes, and the language serves as an indicator of general trouble.

At Crohn's disease blackened tongue, since in the body there is an increase in the production of melanin due to inhibition of the work of the adrenal glands. Diseases of the gallbladder, stomach, duodenum also cause changes in the oral cavity, and only their treatment will help get rid of the scourge.

Signs of the main pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the appearance of a dark coating on the tongue, are shown in the table.

Inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity

Pharyngitis or chronic tonsillitis in the acute stage, they can also lead to the appearance of a black “precipitate” on the tongue. hallmark it is the presence after waking up and almost complete disappearance after eating, hygienic cleaning.

Sometimes a black coating appears on the tonsils and tongue in combination with an increase in body temperature. Such symptoms are characteristic of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis). Sore throat does not occur without sore throat, so making a diagnosis in such a situation is quite simple. When the disease passes, the unpleasant manifestations of the tongue will also disappear.

Sometimes black spots form after suffering the flu - this is how glossitis, or inflammation of the tongue, proceeds.

Oddly enough, sometimes black language means development oral candidiasis, or thrush. Usually this pathology is manifested by white curdled masses localized in the mouth, but advanced stages cause a darkening of the plaque. The disease is accompanied by bad breath, burning, tingling, swelling of tissues.

Other causes of black plaque

It is impossible to ignore the appearance of this symptom - it often means big health troubles. For example, the body may suffer from acidosis - slagging with toxins and a shift in the acid-base balance towards oxidation. Prolonged infections, intestinal disorders, starvation diets can cause a similar condition.

Other possible causes of pathology are as follows:

  1. lead poisoning. Acute lead intoxication is almost always manifested by changes in the oral cavity.
  2. Inflammatory and chronic diseases lungs, bronchi. Some bacteria contribute to the coloring of the tongue in a frightening shade, after recovery, the color returns to normal.
  3. Taking certain hormonal drugs. Cancellation of drugs contributes to the disappearance of the unpleasant color of the mucous membrane.
  4. HIV and other severe immunodeficiencies. With such pathologies, there is sometimes a black-gray coating in the mouth.
  5. Dehydration. In the acute form of a lack of fluid in the body, the tongue may change color to dark.

Babies sometimes have a dark coating after the introduction of the first complementary foods, if up to this point the baby has been eating only breast milk as a response to a new product. There is also a separate pathology - “black hairy tongue”, in which papillary outgrowths grow on the organ, become dark and hard. The reasons are not exactly clear, but more often the disease occurs in smokers.

Diagnosis of pathology

Dark plaque is not a specific disease, but a symptom, so it is important to see a doctor to find the cause. It is better to start with a trip to the therapist, who will prescribe a number of necessary tests, but by the appearance of the oral cavity and additional signs, he will be able to suggest a diagnosis. For example, if plaque appears in the form of dots, this is a sign of a fungal infection or gastrointestinal tract damage, large patches of plaque signal pathologies of the gallbladder, pancreas.

The examination program for a similar problem is as follows:

  1. General blood analysis- will show inflammatory process, the presence of bacterial infections;
  2. Bakposev from the oral cavity- will reflect the specific type of pathogen, including the type of fungal infection;
  3. Biochemistry of blood– diagnoses pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, pancreas;
  4. Coprogram, occult blood test- necessary for the detection of intestinal diseases;
  5. FGS, colonoscopy- needed to clarify diseases of the digestive tract.

Black tongue treatment

There are no single recommendations on how to eliminate plaque from the mucous membrane. Usually, the treatment of the underlying disease recommended by the specialist is enough, and the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tongue is cleared and acquires a normal color. With acidosis, it is prescribed to drink more fluids, take alkaline mineral water. Inflammatory pathologies are treated with rinsing with antiseptics, oral antibiotics. Fungal infections are treated with antimycotics - tablets and drops on the tongue.

Only after a complete examination, treatment is selected, self-therapy is unacceptable.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated by correcting nutrition and taking medications:

  • antisecretory agents;
  • antacids;
  • preparations for diluting bile;
  • herbal choleretic agents;
  • enzymes, etc.

It is also important to carry out regular oral hygiene 2-3 times a day, drink kefir and other sour milk to normalize the intestinal flora, stop smoking and alcohol. At home, you should rinse your mouth with infusions of sage, lemon peel (a tablespoon in a glass of water), saline solution with tea tree oil (a teaspoon of salt and 5 drops of oil in a glass of water). This will speed up the removal of black plaque and prevent recurrence.

The tongue of a healthy person has a pleasant pinkish color and is covered with a small layer of transparent plaque. If the plaque changes its color, becomes yellowish, grayish, or looks darkened, this symbolizes health problems and requires an immediate examination by a doctor. Black tongue requires special attention. Only a doctor should inform you about what to do when it appears and how to treat it.

Black tongue is a sign of serious illness

Causes of dark plaque on the tongue in adults

At this stage of time, doctors identify a huge number of reasons that cause black plaque on the tongue in an adult. But the most common of them are:

  • Acidosis. As a result of an increase in the level of acidity in the human body, a black coating may appear on his tongue. In order to identify this disease, you need to go to a consultation with a doctor and take tests. It is almost impossible to cure this disease on your own, because a person simply cannot make a correct diagnosis for himself.

Black plaque with acidosis is very dense and cannot be removed.

  • Diseases of the digestive system. Black plaque on the tongue is often caused by this kind of disease, especially problems with the pancreas and gallbladder. With such pathologies, the filiform papillae lengthen on the back of the tongue, which stimulates its darkening. Sometimes the papillae swell. An additional symptom of such diseases is a bitter taste in the mouth. In some people, these ailments pass in a closed form and do not manifest themselves at all until a certain point. If the tongue darkens, you should immediately go to the doctor and take a blood test.
  • Angina. A sign of this disease is a black coating on the tongue in the morning. And also the disease brings with it fever and sore throat. For any of the above factors, you need to go to the doctor. In the case of tonsillitis, papillae and plaque on the tongue does not require special treatment, because after getting rid of the disease, it disappears. During the course of the disease, it is recommended to pay special attention to oral hygiene, it is necessary to clean not only the teeth and gums, but also the tongue itself.
  • Thrush. Despite the fact that everyone knows that with candidiasis there is a plaque on the tongue, it is mostly white or white-yellow. But with prolonged ignorance of the disease, it can reach the stage when the coating on the tongue acquires a brown tint.
  • Chromogenic fungus. In this case, the color of plaque on the muscular organ of the oral cavity becomes black-green. With this disease, a plaque of the above color is located not only on the side and in the middle of the muscular organ of the oral cavity, but even on the gums. The enamel of the teeth is covered with small spots of dark color.

Dark spots with a chromogenic fungus occur throughout the mouth and on the teeth

The papillae on the back of the speech organ also change their color. With such an ailment, it is recommended to carefully observe oral hygiene.

  • Crohn's disease. The presence of this disease in an adult symbolizes the blackening of the tongue. As a rule, the tongue and papillae turn black as a result of the development of autoimmune processes. Sometimes it is accompanied by the appearance of small light stripes on the muscular organ of the oral cavity. Getting rid of Crohn's disease is quite difficult, the patient must constantly be under the supervision of doctors. It is mandatory to use antibiotics, hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants.

A dark coating on the tongue that appeared for any of the above reasons can be removed, you should only consult a doctor in time.

Why did a dark coating appear on the tongue of a child

If you find that your child's tongue has turned black, then you should immediately find out if he has eaten berries. As a rule, after such delicacies as blueberries and mulberries, a dark coating appears on the tongue, closer to purple.

Plaque in a child after antibiotics

Another fairly common cause of blackening of the tongue in children is biting through the core of a felt-tip pen or pencil.

In any of the above cases, plaque is easily washed off with water.

Blueberry and blackberry jam stains the tongue

There are a number of less harmless reasons due to which a child may have a similar plaque on the muscular organ of the oral cavity:

  • Anemia. This disease appears as a result of a lack of iron in the children's body. To help the child, doctors often prescribe him liquid iron, which can lead to a dark brown coating on the tongue. It is worth noting that the plaque will immediately disappear after recovery.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. This kind of pathology, provoking the appearance of a dark plaque, can occur not only among adults, but also in children. In this case, as mentioned above, the filiform papillae are elongated, which stimulate the formation of plaque on the speech organ in the form of a continuous dark surface or small spots.
  • Dysbacteriosis and other infectious diseases. In this case, children tolerate this ailment much easier and without darkening of the tongue. In addition to a similar coating on the tongue, a white or yellow coating is also observed in the entire oral cavity of the child. If such a plaque occurs in the mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor, with the exception of only those cases when antibiotics were prescribed to the infant (a dark tongue may be a kind of reaction to medications).

Black plaque in infants requires a pediatrician's consultation

The children's body is weaker, so the dark color of the tongue is the reason to go with the child to the pediatrician and gastroenterologist. In most cases, the child is prescribed an ultrasound scan to determine the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Features of treatment

Getting rid of dark plaque should begin with identifying the cause that caused its appearance.

Hairy leukoplakia - enlargement and blackening of the papillae

Depending on the identified cause, a person is prescribed certain procedures:

  • aimed at treating the organs of the digestive system;
  • to stabilize the intestinal microflora;
  • revision of the diet and general lifestyle;
  • to get rid of fungal infections.

Occasionally, ailments that provoke darkening of the tongue can be cured using only antibacterial drugs, this can be Linex. It is advisable to use these drugs along with vitamins.

If the pathology is caused by fungal infections, then the treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the type of pathogen.

Never forget to take good care of your oral cavity.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of plaque, it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment, as the situation can be aggravated.

Treatment of cervical cysts folk remedies recipes that have helped

Most people are horrified when they see their blackened tongue in the mirror, and this is not surprising. What can black plaque on the tongue say, what are the reasons for this phenomenon and what to do.

The doctor's request "Show your tongue!" is the most common on any inspection. The language can be used to judge the state of many human organs. In this case, any changes in the structure, shape or size of the tongue matter: color, the presence of furrows, the degree of smoothness, the condition of the papillae, mobility, moisture and density.

If a coated tongue can still be explained by diseases of the throat or digestive organs, then a black coating on an organ can terrify anyone. What reasons can provoke such manifestations of the body?

Black language variants

Usually, the patient notices a black coating on the tongue on his own. Such blackening can occur in the form of symptoms:

  • black spots or many dots over the entire surface, often with a blue-green tint;
  • one large spot;
  • dark areas in the central part;
  • dense plaque with cracks or bleeding points under it;
  • the transition of plaque to the dentition;
  • solid blackening without plaque;
  • with a putrid odor in the mouth;
  • with increased relief and swelling phenomena.

When a raid is not dangerous

When a black coating appears on the tongue, do not panic. The most common reason is the use of products with coloring properties:

  • strong tea or coffee;
  • spices;
  • black berries (black currant, chokeberry, blueberry, mulberry);
  • juices (usually purchased);
  • sweets, lollipops, chewing gum;
  • activated carbon.

There are cases of darkening of the tongue after active smoking for several days.

Many food products contain dyes. If this is the reason for blackness, then there is nothing wrong with changing the language. In such cases, rinsing the tongue and brushing it with a toothbrush will help.

What to look for when examining the tongue

An adult brushes his teeth daily. The same mandatory rule of any person should be a daily examination of the tongue.

When examining the tongue, it is important to pay attention to it:

  • color;
  • plaque;
  • surface structure;
  • mobility;
  • symmetry;
  • the appearance of bubbles, pimples, spots and other inclusions.

If a black coating appears on the tongue, it is also important to remember other symptoms:

  • past illness or stress;
  • rise in temperature;
  • drug treatment;
  • alcohol, nicotine, etc.

What will tell plaque in the language

The blackening of the tongue primarily indicates reduced immunity. Therefore, it is unacceptable to dismiss such signals from the body.

A thick dark coating that appears on the tongue, which is removed with great difficulty, looks especially frightening. Previously, blackness on the tongue was considered a sign of cholera. Modern medicine rarely encounters this most dangerous disease and it is usually not discussed. Most common causes the appearance of black plaque on the tongue:

  1. acidosis;
  2. angina;
  3. acute infectious or colds;
  4. diseases of internal organs (more often digestion);
  5. fungal infection (including after antibiotics);
  6. renal dysfunction;
  7. rare Crohn's or Remack's disease;
  8. alcohol abuse, smoking.

Types of black tongue and its causes

If the tongue is, as it were, covered with black dots, or looks “speckled”, then the cause of this phenomenon is more often:

  • lesions of the oral cavity with a fungal infection (if this is not dealt with, the tongue will soon turn completely black);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • lead poisoning (Remak's disease).

The appearance of a large black spot that increases may indicate:

  • exacerbation of an existing chronic disease;
  • complications after colds;
  • malfunctions of the abdominal organs;
  • urinary tract infections.

It happens that the entire tongue is covered with a black coating and even the enamel of the teeth acquires a green-black tint. Usually, such symptoms require a visit to two doctors at once: a dentist and a general practitioner.


Dehydration, diet, excessive sugar intake, alcohol, intoxication, treatment with a number of drugs, etc. can lead to acidosis. In addition to plaque on the tongue, acidosis is accompanied by nausea, malaise, shortness of breath, high blood pressure.

What to do. Acidosis is not a disease, but it can accompany many diseases and lead to serious malfunctions in the body - heart attack, thrombosis, etc.


Plaque on the tongue with angina is very common. This condition is usually accompanied high temperature, sore throat, weakness, headache.

What to do. It is fraught with complications in the form of paratonsillar abscess, myocarditis, pyelonephritis, rheumatism, etc. Angina can be one of the symptoms of a fungal infection, influenza, infections (diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever), diseases of the hematopoietic organs (leukemia, agranulocytosis, etc.) Therefore, any angina requires serious relationship and treatment.


Lack of vitamin PP leads to hemorrhagic disorders of the stomach, intestines, vagina. In addition to black plaque, with beriberi, the tongue can peel off or ulcerate. Similar violations occur in the internal organs.

What to do. It is necessary to find out the cause of beriberi, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and introduce foods with vitamin PP into your diet (fish dishes, offal, green vegetables, etc.)


Antibiotics are often the cause of blackening of the tongue. Self-medication and the habit of taking antibiotics for any pimple on the face are especially dangerous. Antibiotic therapy should be supplemented with B vitamins and probiotics.

What to do. Reproduction of fungal flora requires treatment with antifungal drugs, restoration of microflora and increased immunity (at least 2 weeks). In parallel, it is necessary to clean the tongue with a toothbrush and rinse the mouth with propolis, nystatin or herbal preparations.

Diseases of the internal organs

The tongue is the first section of the digestive system. Changes in his appearance often indicate a problem with the entire system.

Pathologies of digestion can provoke signals in the form of a feeling of bitterness, belching rotten, nausea, pain in the hypochondrium after eating. The range of diseases in this case can be extensive - from dyskinesia, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, to gastric or duodenal ulcers, etc. The most dangerous disease is cirrhosis of the liver.

What to do. It is necessary to undergo a serious examination by a doctor (general blood and urine tests, blood biochemistry, fibrogastroscopy, etc.).

fungal infection

A black tongue can be an indicator of a fungal infection, more often a thrush. If the plaque is not white, but dark, this indicates the neglect of the process.

Often, oral thrush is combined with intestinal dysbacteriosis and vaginal candidiasis. May occur after long-term antibiotic treatment, abuse of sweet or starchy foods.

What to do. Thrush with untimely or illiterate treatment can become chronic.

kidney dysfunction

With a combination of black plaque with urination disorders, lower back pain, swelling, one can suspect a violation of kidney function.

What to do. You will need to see a specialist to rule out kidney disease. At the same time, a series of urine and blood tests, ultrasound of the kidneys are prescribed. Kidney diseases are dangerous complications in the form of chronic renal failure.

Crohn's disease

This rare disease is associated with autoimmune malfunctions.

The reasons are related to:

  • decreased adrenal function;
  • an increase in the content of melanin in the skin and mucous membranes;
  • inflammation of the digestive organs.

In Crohn's disease, the tongue is often completely black.

What to do. Here you can not do without passing tests and medical supervision. The treatment regimen usually includes antibiotics, hormonal drugs, immunosuppressants.

Remak's disease

Remak's disease is caused by lead poisoning. Additional symptoms: abdominal pain, dark gray border on the gums, metallic taste in the mouth.

What to do. Urgently exclude contact with lead and begin treatment.

Black coating on the tongue of a child

If a black coating appears on the tongue of a child, do not panic. Toddlers are known for their curiosity, and their black tongue is often associated with:

  • biting through an ink stick, felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • eating berries with a coloring effect;
  • the use of iron preparations in liquid form (for anemia).

In such cases, there is no cause for concern. It is enough just to wash the child and clean his tongue.

However, a plaque in the baby's tongue can "talk" about such problems in the body:

  • In infants, this often indicates dysbacteriosis, a fungal or other infection (more often with thrush). At the same time, a whitish coating will also be noticeable in the mouth.
  • After antibiotic treatment for sore throat, SARS or influenza, blackening of the tongue may appear on the 3-4th day. If the tongue is blacker at the base, and its edges and tip remain pink, this may indicate diseases of the internal organs (more often with gastritis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, hepatitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis).

The baby has a blackened tongue

If the baby’s tongue suddenly turned black, while he didn’t eat or gnaw anything like that, then the plan of action is obvious. Any such manifestation in children should be a signal to see a doctor.

As a rule, the doctor in this situation will examine the child and begin with the appointment of "basic" tests such as a complete blood count, urine and ultrasound of the internal organs.

There can be many reasons for black plaque on the tongue. And if this manifestation was not the result of a banal contact with food dyes, then the disclosure of its causes should not be delayed.

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The tongue of a healthy person has a pleasant pink color and, most often, covered with a thin layer of transparent plaque. Any other color of plaque or its thick consistency is a deviation from the norm. If many have encountered white or many, then black plaque is a rarity and a sign of serious abnormalities in the body.

If a person's tongue becomes black, but does not become covered with plaque and does not change its shape, then the reason for this is a rare and unusual disease - Crohn's disease. This disease is caused by autoimmune processes in the body.

Black coating on the tongue.

Causes of Crohn's disease:

  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insufficient amount of hormones produced by the adrenal glands;
  • increased concentration of melanin in the skin and mucous membranes.

The treatment of Crohn's disease is a long and laborious process that takes place under the constant close supervision of a specialist. In general terms, the treatment regimen for this disease consists in normalizing the amount of hormones in the patient's body, using antibiotics that relieve inflammation and taking immunosuppressants that help strengthen immunity and restore bowel function.


So, here we come to the question of why the tongue can be coated with a black coating.

First of all, it should be noted that the coating of the tongue with such a coating, as a rule, is accompanied by a darkening of the tooth enamel (up to a black-green color). If you find black plaque in your mouth, you need to consult a general practitioner or dentist, as the causes of this symptom can be varied.


If the appearance is accompanied fever(very significantly), this may indicate the presence of an acute respiratory infection - tonsillitis.

Treatment of angina is prescribed by a doctor. All that can help the patient at home is gargling with herbal infusions of chamomile, calendula or sage and a special diet, which consists in eating “soft” food that does not injure the throat (broths, jelly, etc.). In addition, well contribute to the treatment of angina inhalation with fir oil.

Please note that no special plaque treatment is required. Black plaque will pass by itself after recovery, all that is needed is only enhanced oral hygiene.


The most common and adequate explanation for black plaque on the tongue is acidosis, that is, a change in the acid-base balance (increased acidity). A general practitioner can make a diagnosis of "acidosis" only after a series of tests.

The essence of the treatment of acidosis is to eliminate its cause (fever, starvation, intestinal disorders, etc.), as well as drinking plenty of water and ingesting soda.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Black plaque and bitterness in the mouth are indicators of problems with the pancreas and gallbladder. Many patients claim that problems with gastrointestinal tract they don’t have it, but for some reason there are layers on the tongue and bitterness in the mouth. This is due to the fact that problems with the gastrointestinal tract can be asymptomatic for a very long time, so if signals such as plaque and bitterness appear, you should immediately go to the hospital and take a blood test to protect yourself from serious diseases.

Gastrointestinal tract.


Antibiotics are powerful medicines that should never be taken lightly. Antibiotics weaken the immune system, and a black tongue is an indicator of a weakened immune system. In addition, taking antibiotics can affect the appearance in the human body of a chromogenic fungus (fungal infection). Such a fungus also causes a darkening of the plaque on the tongue.


How is black plaque and thrush related? - You will be surprised. And you will be right in your own way. Yes, with thrush, a white coating always appears, but at the most advanced stages of stratification on the tongue, they can darken significantly, up to black.

Treatment of thrush is a complex, long, but mandatory process. Never allow thrush to reach this stage.

Black dots

The tongue does not have to be completely coated, sometimes only black dots cover it. As a rule, these points are accompanied by the appearance of a dark border along the edge of the gums and an obsessive metallic taste in the oral cavity. These symptoms may be caused by:

  • an early stage of fungal diseases in the human oral cavity - later the entire tongue will be covered with a black coating, but it all starts with dots, so if you find that your tongue is covered with dot layers, do not delay treatment;
  • black dot plaque can be an indicator of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The worst thing that black dot plaque can talk about is Remak's disease (lead poisoning of the body), treatment consists in combining a number of drugs prescribed by a doctor and immediately stopping contact with lead.


Not only black ordinary or spot plaque can disturb a person, but also the appearance of dark spots on the tongue. Usually such spots gradually increase in size and eventually cover a large area.

Spots are caused by one of four factors:

  • problems with the abdominal organs;
  • seasonal exacerbations of various chronic diseases (including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • complications after the flu or even after a common cold;
  • various urinary tract infections.

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