A person who doesn't like guns. Why are men interested in guns? Why do men collect guns

Technique and Internet 18.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Today there is a lot of controversy around weapons. Thousands of people die each year as a result of gunshot wounds, so it's not surprising that many people oppose guns. However, today we will not talk about whether it is good or bad, but about curious facts related to various models gunshot.

1. History of firearms

Many people know that weapons have changed a lot over the centuries, but few people think about how long they have been around. Some of the earliest records of the use of firearms date back to the 13th and 14th centuries. By the 1400s, matchlock guns appeared. This was an important development because prior to this the weapon was very difficult to use. Before the appearance of the matchlock gun, it was necessary to manually bring a burning wick to a shelf with gunpowder. The wick lock made it possible to hold the gun with both hands while shooting, which had a very positive effect on aiming.

2. Gun owners benefit nature

Usually gun owners are never associated with the environment. In fact, they greatly contribute to the protection environment when buying weapons and ammunition. Since 1937, for example, gun owners in the United States have "allocated" more than $4 billion to preserve wildlife. This money went to save wildlife, preserve forests, reserves and parks. What's the catch. And everything is simple - in the United States, a tax of 10-11 percent is set on the sale of all weapons and ammunition, which goes to preserve wildlife.

3. Russians and trunks

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that the Russians actually took pistols with them into space. These pistols, called TP-82s, were produced between 1986 and 2007 and were designed to allow astronauts to defend themselves against bears (in case the lander crashed somewhere in the taiga). Also Soviet Union developed a Gatling-like autocannon - GSh-6-30, designed for installation on aircraft. Unfortunately, the vibration of the cannon could damage the aircraft. Three prototype made an unsuccessful landing due to jamming of the landing gear caused by the vibration of the Gsh-6-30.

4. Revolver with camera

Many changes have been made to shotguns and pistols over the years. In 1938, a very interesting innovation appeared in the form of a revolver combined with a camera (Colt .38 special with a camera attached to it). Whenever the owner pulled trigger revolver, the camera took a picture. As you can imagine, this had some creepy potential. The good news is that even if the revolver was not loaded, the camera could still take pictures (however, no different from pictures of a conventional camera). But it's really a crazy invention.

5. Picasso

Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous and outrageous artists of the 20th century. Less well known is what he did in his spare time. Picasso had a revolver that he used to load blank cartridges. If someone asked Picasso about what is depicted in his paintings, started talking about his theories on aesthetics, or insulted the memory of Paul Cezanne, then the artist “shot” at this person. Today it is already known that the gun was loaded with blanks, but at that time it was clearly not funny to people.

6. Strange Laws

Everyone knows that there are many strange laws all over the world. Gun laws are no exception. The first strange law we'll look at today was passed in Arizona. In this state, it is legal to carry a handgun, but it is illegal to own nunchucks. Another strange gun law was passed in Kennesaw, Georgia. It says that every head of the family in the city should have a gun. However, there are a number of exceptions to this rule, such as the inability to use weapons for religious reasons.

7. The biggest gun

Firearms come in all shapes and sizes. There are pistols small enough to fit in your pocket, and there are guns big enough to fit on battleships. There is also a tool that bears the title of "most large caliber rifled weapons used in combat in the history of artillery. It was a Schwerer Gustav ("Heavy Gustav"), a railroad artillery piece built by the Nazis during World War II. It weighed 1350 tons and moved on a railway platform. An 807-mm projectile weighing 4.8 (high-explosive) or 7 tons (concrete-piercing) could hit the target at a distance of 39 kilometers.

8. Wrench guns

In the 1850s, jailers in the United States received a special type of key-like firearm. These gun keys were actually used to lock cells in prisons, just like normal keys. But they had a secret - inside the "key" there was a barrel with 1 cartridge "in case of emergency." The production of such weapons was eventually discontinued, as the guards had much more useful and practical weapons.

9. Presidents and pistols

James Garfield, 20th President of the United States, was killed by a gunshot. But his killer did something very strange when choosing a firearm to kill the President: He bought a gun that he thought would look good in a museum. The weapon eventually ended up in the museum. The next story about the president and weapons has a not so sad ending. US President Andrew Jackson was almost killed by a man who managed to get close to him with two pistols. However, luck seemed to be on Jackson's side that day. When his would-be assassin, Richard Lawrence, pulled the trigger, the gun misfired. The second he did not have time to pull out of his pocket.

10. Zombie Killer Weapon

Finally, consider a funny weapon created in 2012. Gun Company Mossberg released a line of firearms designed specifically for killing zombies. Of course, everyone believes that zombies are fiction, but you never know what will happen in the future. In fairness, it is worth noting that between this weapon and another firearms there is almost no difference other than a special "ZMB" stamp. But why change something that works so well.

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Psychological peculiarities human With gun

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Psychological peculiarities human With gun

Shooting technique reflects character

"In shooting, as nowhere else, character is manifested human. Say, if the shooter is too impulsive, then he will pull the trigger too sharply. In general, all people can be divided into several groups depending on how they prepare for shooting and what shooting is for them. Some shooters concentrate on the target, they feel it. The eye, sight and target merge into a single whole, become a monolith.

With sufficient development of intuition, all actions occur automatically: tracking the target, choosing the moment to pull the trigger. For people in this group, the process of shooting is important. Others enjoy shooting, unconsciously concentrating on the flight of the bullet. For them, this process is important, it seems to move them through life.

The next group focuses on the goal itself. These people may not have a purpose in life. But when they hit when shooting, they feel relief - there is a psychological compensation. From the point of view of shooting skills, the most successful are people from the first group.

By the way, failures in shooting can be explained by psychological problems. For example, a person takes to the right and above the target. Accordingly, from the point of view of hitting, the bullet goes to the left side. Of course, we can talk about the randomness of events and external causes. But, no matter how strange it may seem, let's look at the situation as a chain of non-randomness.

Based on this, the shooter hits exactly the left side of the target. That is, he turns his gaze towards his own feminine qualities of character (the left side is female, the right side is male), such as indecision, fearfulness. So something is going on with feminine energies human. The fact that the shooter picks up may indicate his internal overestimation of something. AT this case, for example, feminine qualities. It is quite possible that a person idealizes women and is afraid of them.

Of course, now we are touching too high matters. But as practice shows, all our external actions, one way or another, are tied to our inner world. So, the loser, most likely, will hit below the target, and the dreamer will take it higher. The shooting style also depends on the temperament of the character. Too impulsive people, as I said, twitch when shooting. And the ideal shooter is a collected person, maybe even a little melancholy. He has calm and slow movements. He feels very good about his body. This person is focused on himself, directed inward - the so-called introvert. For example, sports shooters during competitions are directed inward. Whether they realize it or not, there is a constant internal process of weighing themselves.

After all, it is enough for the balance to be disturbed, for some muscle to overstrain, and a failure will occur. It seems to me that successful shooters only pull the trigger when they feel like they're going to hit. As long as they feel an internal imbalance, the shot will not happen. It can be said that the target itself intuitively sends a signal to such people that it is captured and can be hit. When I was studying, we were given sniper shooting skills. But, unfortunately, no one spoke about psychological moments. We taught breathing techniques, corrections for wind, movement and the like.

Weapons are responsibility

In the army, after a person receives a weapon, he initially has a sense of increased responsibility. Then recklessness arises, which leads to unpleasant incidents. In any case, the possession of a weapon is a great responsibility, since, receiving such a materialized symbol of power, a person must be aware that this power can be used. Contrary to popular belief, that men are drawn to weapons, I personally don’t have such a craving. I shot from everything from which only it was possible in plenty. In fact, some psychoanalysts would explain this male craving by saying that the weapon is a continuation of the phallus. And so ... Yes, a weapon is an attribute of strength that gives confidence. In general, in my opinion, initially the weapon was invented by the poor, who could not resist physical strength.

Psychological peculiarities hunting and fishing

In some cases, hunting is a societally permitted means of escaping aggression. On the other hand, both hunting and fishing, from the point of view of psychology, are great way for the development of intuition. Consider fishing. The fish swims in the water. Water in psychology symbolizes feelings. That is, success in fishing is possible only with the development of the sensory sphere. Intuition is developed through the senses. On the hunt, intuition develops through the body.

In addition, oddly enough, the most successful hunters and fishermen are those who love their prey and treat it with respect. By the way, at one time studies were carried out that showed that the most successful were those generals who respected the enemy. The same thing happens in hunting. Respect for prey somehow attracts her. No wonder that in primitive society, hunting was preceded by sacred rituals of communication with the animal world, which contributed to success.

In general, I believe that if hunting is not related to the extraction of food for survival, then this hobby is not quite normal. After all, all ancient cultures taught respect for the animal world. And the sacred books say that humanity up to a certain point was generally engaged in vegetarianism.

From the history of the issue

Vladimir became interested in psychology while still in the army and successfully used it there. For example, he created his own system of drill training, based on the one hand on army principles, on the other hand, on psychological meditative moments. He approached drill as a kind of discipline for the development of the body and mindfulness. As a result, his unit became the best in the school.

Being a company commander, in his school - this is already after his graduation, he became interested in hypnosis techniques. A funny situation is connected with this. Vladimir simultaneously served and studied in State University. There he learned the basics of hypnosis and using this technique began to conduct classes in his company. I identified the most hypnotizable - out of a hundred fighters, twelve turned out to be such. "So, Misha served with me from Ukraine, says Vladimir. - There was some kind of holiday, and a group of officers successfully celebrated it. Then Misha comes in - brought papers to sign. I told him and I say: "Well done, let me pour you some vodka." And I pour a glass of water from a decanter. The fact is that Misha was just one of that group of especially hypnotizable people. with the hypnotist in constant communication and dependence, and if the specialist makes some kind of sign, for example, snapping his fingers, then the hypnotizable instantly falls into a trance.

The officers stare dumbfounded as I pour the water. And there were already rumors about some of my extraordinary abilities. I snap my fingers and Misha goes into a trance. He takes a glass of imaginary vodka, drinks it, and leaves. Everyone giggles, and then the duty officer runs in and reports that Misha is lying drunk in the back of the yard. The officers are seized with quiet horror, they begin to crawl away in a panic. By the way, after that, even the authorities preferred not to meet with me one on one, only with witnesses. I go out into the yard, with a prearranged signal I bring Misha out of a state of psychological intoxication.

Going home. Suddenly the duty officer comes running and says that Misha is drunk again. It turned out that the guy liked this state, and he began to introduce himself into it on his own. I took him out of this state until night. Then I got tired, and I suggested to him that if he or some part of him fell into such a trance again, then he would be put under a cold shower and kept there until he was completely sober. After this incident, I realized what to joke with You can't do things like that."

Psychological peculiarities human With gun

In the generally accepted view of all mankind, men are conquerors, warriors and earners. Since ancient times, weapons have been used to obtain food and protect their lands. The first weapons were made of their wood. Over time, it has been constantly improved. And now, when the need to use it for the needs of men has disappeared, they still continue to be interested in him, since the so-called protector instinct is in their blood.

Rice. Why are men interested in guns?

What is the reason for the increased interest of men in weapons?

The female essence is such that ladies splash out all their emotions with the help of conversations and tears. And men realize this need through various fights, tournaments, competitions and duels. Thus, their self-assertion takes place, they demonstrate their ability to defend themselves from enemies. And the skills of owning certain types of weapons, of course, speak of masculinity and deserve respect from others.

Why do men collect weapons?

Another method of self-affirmation of men is the collection of weapons, for example, firearms, cold, piercing and cutting. As a rule, the maximum value for many men are rare types of weapons - combat revolvers, ancient pistols, bayonet-knives, spears, crossbows.

Back in the days Ancient Russia the conqueror got all the property of the one over whom he defeated, including weapons. However, it is inconvenient to carry all the captured weapons with you. This is what led to the emergence of such a custom as hanging trophies on the walls. This was proof of the power and valor of the owner of the weapon, as well as his countless victories over enemies. Let the great battles and fights have sunk into oblivion, the tradition of collecting weapons is alive to this day.

Not all men have the opportunity to devote enough time to improving their possession of weapons. And it doesn't matter what weapon he prefers - a pistol, a crossbow or a sword. All the same, in order to master it perfectly, regular training is required, which allows you not to lose your dexterity. The fact that a man has a weapon seems to remind him: “You can start training at any moment and make up for lost time.” That is why men so willingly demonstrate their collections of weapons to everyone.

As you know, collecting weapons, especially rare ones, is not cheap. Here you have another way by which men demonstrate their status and position in society. By this they emphasize their own.

Some men are interested not only in the weapon itself, but also in the history of its creation, as well as improvement. To do this, they acquire rare books and allowances. Women, as a rule, do not understand this male hobby, and do not try. The less the representatives of the weaker sex understand men's hobbies, the more personal space and advantages the latter have. Men, in comparison with the female sex, are the most conceited natures - this is another reason why weapons are of great interest to the stronger sex.

Rhythm modern life very swift, in the daily cycle of events, men can realize themselves only by providing for themselves and their family members. Sometimes for this they have to sacrifice their health, both psychological and physical. Everything, the psyche and self-esteem. And the presence of a collection of weapons allows men not only to be extolled in their own eyes, but also to feel like real defenders. In addition, the love for "dangerous toys" envelops men with an aura of aggressiveness and emphasizes them.

In every man, the program to kill was originally laid down.

Why are we drawn to arms? This question is rather rhetorical, and it can be answered unequivocally - because we are men, and the love of weapons is in our genes. We were originally created for, to protect our family, our homeland. Men who, holding it in their hands, indifferently put it aside, can be counted on the fingers. And even ardent pacifists get an incomprehensible shiver when they pull on a sports one to hit the target. At the subconscious level, a gambling hunter wakes up in them, a killer who longs to shoot not at a painted piece of wood, but at a real, living target. And those who say otherwise are simply deceiving themselves and others.We can vehemently oppose violence, against wars, be in an organization for the protection of animals, but somewhere there, deep, deep in us, sits a primitive who is obliged to feed his tribe by killing enough living flesh. There, under the thickness of the cultural layer of consciousness, a killer is hiding, who is eager to put his ability to kill into practice.

Imagine that you are where everything is possible. Where there are no rules, there are no laws, where you can do whatever you want and you will get nothing for it. Imagine that you have no fear of inevitable punishment for killing your own kind. There is no fear that you, too, may be killed in retaliation. Unleash your carefully hidden, natural killer out. After all, you will gladly kill someone who, in your opinion, is guilty and deserves death. For example, the same murderer-pervert, child molester, sexual maniac (choose your own justification for your conscience).

In war, any person, without hesitation, will pull the trigger of the machine gun, laying down the enemy in packs, just because it is not only allowed to him, but also is his direct duty as a soldier. He won't get anything for it! And if it were not for the fear of dying from a retaliatory bullet, ninety percent of the male population of the world, with great pleasure, voluntarily, attended the "fun" called "war". The fear of death and inevitable punishment is what keeps most of us, the killer. Conscience, moral attitudes, moral values, of course, also play an important role in this containment. But the main obstacle, nevertheless, is fear, and the instinct of self-preservation.

Remember, in your childhood, playing war games, pretended to kill each other, laughing merrily at the same time, and you were not afraid, because you knew that this was not real and nothing threatened you personally. So, if you deprive an adult of this fear, then you will also, laughing merrily, kill each other for real.

The Germans, during the war years, even killed civilians. And not because they were a particularly cruel nation, but because the Nazi system brainwashed the townsfolk, disinhibiting and perverting the universal moral principles. The Nazi ideology inspired the respectable German burgher that it was his sacred duty to kill "subhumans" as the highest representative human race. That for this he will get nothing but an encouragement in the form of an iron cross and an additional portion of schnapps.

Do you think the NKVD firing squad was recruited from particularly cruel scumbags? You are wrong. The people who were part of it were ordinary military personnel and in Everyday life were no different from others. They had families, children, good relations with neighbors. But, the command, removed from their souls the taboo to kill their own kind, in the same way brainwashing with the “correct ideology”. They firmly believed that the execution of "enemies of the people" even elevated them above the rest of the Soviet citizens. They did a "good and necessary deed" for their country. So, if you believe in the ideology of society, and be encouraged by your own social structure, you can easily become a murderer, not at all burdened with pangs of conscience.

You can talk about this topic for a long time. Give arguments for and against. But the fact remains. If a person is convinced that he is right, if society gives him a “license to kill”, he will not load himself with remorse, but simply realize his subconscious desire to be the one who has the right to take or give life.

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