Pain points on the neck. Pain points and methods of defeating the enemy in hand-to-hand combat

Pregnancy and children 16.10.2019
Pregnancy and children

In this article we will talk about the vulnerability of the human body, or in other words about pain points on the human body. What are pain points? These are the places most sensitive to physical impact, having a low pain threshold. An exact hit in these places allows you to cause unbearable pain to a person or deprive him of consciousness.
There are a lot of such zones on the human body, many of them are prudently hidden by nature from easy access. However, many remained on the surface. Of course, the complete art of defeating pain points is a whole science, which can be studied for more than one year. In order to use self-defense, it is enough to know and be able to accurately hit only a few basic ones.
I would like to talk about targeted defeat separately. Finding a list of instructions for the location of pain points is not at all difficult, it is difficult to use it. The fact is that painful points are affected by precise, measured movements, but it is extremely difficult to do this in a duel, when the enemy is constantly moving and reacting to your actions, and it is also difficult to apply sufficient effort without special training. That is, each which you want to hit must be previously studied, striking movements (and these can be blows, bites, pressure, squeezing, etc.) are worked out to automatism and with the skill of applying full force. For this, both a partner (study and accuracy of movements) and projectiles (working out the full force of impact) are used.
So applying the impact on pain points requires painstaking work, but the result is worth the candle.

The most vulnerable points of the head.

A blow to the temple.
The temple is one of the weak points of the skull. Deep under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. The average thickness of the skull is 5 millimeters, in the thickest place its thickness is 1 centimeter, in the temple area the thickness of the skull is only 1-2 millimeters. A blow to this area can lead to concussion, loss of consciousness and death.

A blow to the base of the skull.

The point is located at the base of the skull, at the junction of the occiput and the first cervical vertebra A weak blow to this area results in loss of consciousness, a strong blow interrupts the nerve and leads to immediate death.

A blow to the crown.
The point is located on the top of the head. This is a rather weak point of the skull. A weak blow to this point can cause a concussion. A strong blow can damage the brain, cause hemorrhage and eventually death.

A blow to the back of the head.
This point is located in the center of the back of the skull at the junction of several bones and is palpable as a slightly elongated structure. This cavity is the weak point of the head. With a weak blow to this point, a concussion and loss of consciousness occurs. If the blow is strong, it can lead to hemorrhage and death.

Blow on the superciliary arch.
These points are located above the eyebrows. Blood vessels and nerves pass through these areas. A moderate impact can damage them and cause bleeding in the eyes and loss of consciousness.

A blow to the lower jaw.
This point is located at the angle of the jaw below where it articulates with the ear. A blow to this area breaks the bone into small pieces. This area is also known as the "knockout area", as a side kick directed at it hits the cervical spine, causing the opponent to fall. This is one of the reasons why in actual combat fighters often drop their chin to cover the point of the lower jaw.

Chin punch.
If you draw a straight line from the corner of your mouth, a certain perpendicular down. Then, intersecting with the line of the chin, an amazing point of defeat will be indicated. Its property lies in the fact that if even a light blow is applied to it in the direction of the cervical vertebra, this will cause a knockout effect.

This point is located on the nasal bone, between the eyebrows. The nasal bone is thick on top and thins downwards, a small vein runs in the center, which goes to the nasal cavity. A blow to this area can easily damage the nasal bone and lead to severe bleeding and difficulty breathing. In addition, a blow to the nose is very painful and impairs vision.

Blow on the cheek. (Above the side of the jaw)
this point is relatively weak. A blow to it leads to a fracture of the jaw and damage to the surrounding blood vessels and nerves. If the opponent's mouth is open and the blow is delivered at a downward angle, the jaw falls out of the joint, causing severe pain.

Blow or slap on the ears.
Near the ears are many blood vessels and nerves. A blow to the ears causes damage to the outer ear and eardrum.

Eye shot.
The eye is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Not even a strong poke with a finger in the eye can blind a person for a while and cause him severe pain. The elasticity of the eye allows it not to be damaged even with deep pressure, so a dosed, but strong enough effort can deprive the enemy of resistance, but will not deprive him of life or vision. Of course, there is a risk with, the effort in this case cannot be accurately calculated, but nevertheless, saving your life, you should not worry about the health of the aggressor.

The most vulnerable points of the neck.

A chopping blow to the back of the neck.
This point is located near the third vertebra of the neck. A weak blow to it causes a displacement of the vertebrae, which as a result put pressure on the spinal cord. A medium-strength strike knocks out the opponent and can lead to serious complications. A strong blow that interrupts the nerves of the spine leads to immediate death.

Chopping blow to the throat. (thyroid cartilage)
The thyroid cartilage (in the common people, Adam's apple) is surrounded by numerous blood vessels and nerves, behind it is located thyroid. A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back during the blow, the result of the impact will be much greater.

The most vulnerable points of the torso.

A blow to the sternum. (solar plexus)
The sternum is located in the center of the body. In this area is the heart, below the liver and stomach. There is no protection in the form of ribs. Therefore, a blow to this area directly affects the heart, diaphragm and nerves between the ribs. A blow to the solar meeting causes severe pain in the walls of the stomach, difficulty in breathing. The enemy loses the ability to defend himself. A strong blow can lead to bleeding in the stomach, heart failure, liver rupture, internal bleeding, unconsciousness and, in some cases, even death.

A blow between two ribs.
Usually blows are directed to the 7th, 8th and 9th ribs and their connecting cartilages. On the left is the region of the heart, on the right is the liver. Ribs 5 through 8 are the most curved and most easily broken, especially where bone meets cartilage. A strong blow to this area can lead to a heart attack, liver damage, internal bleeding, and possibly death.

Impact on moving ribs.
Movable ribs are at the bottom chest. These are the 11th and 12th ribs. They are not attached to the sternum. Since the ribs are not secured at the front, the impact will cause them to break inwards. This, in turn, can lead to their penetration into the liver or spleen, which is deadly.

A blow or impact by pressing on the armpit.
Many blood vessels and nerves pass through this area. In addition, this cavity has no muscular or bone protection. Attacking this area with the fingers can cause an electric shock type sensation and a temporary loss of hand movement. Strong pressure can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult to move the hand.

A kick or hand to the pubic bone.
This area is very sensitive. A blow to it is quite painful and leads to the inability of the enemy to continue resistance.

Kick or hand to the crotch
Many nerves pass through this point, and the genitals and the bladder are located above. A light blow to this area will cause very severe pain. A strong blow can rupture the bladder and cause shock.

A kick or hand to the coccyx.
In this area, the nerves are relatively protected and a strong blow can damage the central nervous system causing severe pain and possible paralysis.

Kidney kick
The kidneys are very close to the back wall abdominal cavity. From an anatomical point of view, the kidneys are not protected by ribs and are very vulnerable. when struck, there is severe pain, possible rupture of the kidneys, profuse bleeding.

A blow to the back opposite the heart.
A blow to this point can cause shock, as there is a direct effect on the heart. This exposure can be fatal.

The most vulnerable points of the legs.

Hit under the kneecap.
A blow to this area causes severe pain. The greatest efficiency occurs when the supporting limb, on which the weight of the body is concentrated, is attacked. The result of such exposure will be tissue damage under the fibula and tibia.

A blow to the outside of the knee.
This force will cause the joint to move in an unnatural direction, bending inward and causing damage to the ligaments as well as tearing between the bones of the joint. In addition, a strong blow can damage the main peroneal nerve, causing severe pain.

A blow to the inside of the knee.
This impact will cause the leg to bend outward, damaging the ligaments and tendons around the patella. The best angle to hit is a sharp downward angle towards the rear.

Practice when practicing techniques in pairs should always be accompanied by practicing defeat. That is, the ability to hit pain points on the human body should turn into a skill that you no longer think about, which acts by itself. At the same time, while practicing strong blows, it is necessary to strive to carry them out precisely in these zones.

Pain points- areas on the human body that are most sensitive to damage. pain- because hitting them causes pain (and a variety of dangerous damage). points- because the plots have a small area.

Why are pain points needed?

For victory.

In the process of formation intentions to win a person is sure to face the question “Where to beat to win?” Since the intention is to win, not to fight or get hit on the head, the most effective pain points are needed.

As you understand, over the millennia of development, humanity has accumulated a lot of data on the topic pain points Both in attack and defense. We will consider the main options, if possible with illustrations.

And let's start with such an interesting classification as classification of pain points according to Andreichuk V.I.(V.I. Andreychuk, Senior Lecturer of the Department hand-to-hand combat and combat sports of the Military Institute physical culture(VIFK), Master of Sports of the USSR in sambo and judo wrestling; you can download the book of this author "Self-Defense"

The classification of points is very simple and is compiled in the form of a table: the first column is the name of the pain point and its number in the figure (see below); the remaining columns show the dependence of the force of impact on the place of impact. The numbers 1-5 indicate the degree of pain as a result of a blow of one or another force to the specified pain point.

1 - Pain sensation of the first degree. The pain is not severe, but even such pain is confusing and distracts (scatters) the opponent's attention. It may be the basis for stopping the attack on his part in self-defense.

2 - Sharp pain. Confuses for a longer period of time, favorable for performing counterattack actions (painful techniques, release from grips, etc. for self-defense).

3 - The pain stuns and causes numbness, despite the fact that the opponent is usually conscious. The numbness incapacitates limbs lasting from a few seconds to several hours, making it very difficult for the opponent to resist.

4 - Temporary paralysis or loss of consciousness, serious injury possible.

5 - Serious injury, loss of consciousness, possible death. Such a strike can only be justified in extreme cases, when your life or the lives of others are in danger.

And the actual plate with the main pain points for effective self-defense:

Pain points on the human body
Number Name weak blow medium punch swipe
pain points front parts
1 Temple 3 4 5
2 Eye 3 4 4
3 Nose 2 4 4
4 Chin 2 3 4
6 Neck (carotid artery) 2 3 4
7 Larynx 3 4 5
8 shoulder muscle 1 2 3
9 Collarbone 1 2 3
10 Armpit 1 2 3
11 Solar plexus 2 3 4-5
12 "Floating" ribs 2 3 4
13 Groin 3 4 5
14 Biceps 1 2 3
15 elbow joint 1 2 3
16 Forearm 1 2 3
17 Wrist 1 2 3
18 Back side of the hand 1 2 3
19 Fingers 1 2 3
20 Hip 1 2 3
21 Knee 2 3 4
22 Shin 2 3 4
23 Ankle 1 2 3
24 Foot lift 1 2 3
painful points rear parts
1 Base of skull 3 4 5
2 Central part of the neck 2 3 4
3 seventh cervical vertebra 3 4 5
4 Back between the lower ends of the shoulder blades 2 3 4
5 kidney area 3 4 5
6 Coccyx 2 3 4
7 Triceps 2 3 4
8 Elbow bone 1 2 3
9 The area below the knee 1 2 3
10 Calf muscle 1 2 3
11 Achilles tendon 1 2 3

And the actual pattern of pain points on the human body.

There are a lot of pain points on the human body, a blow to which can be not only painful, but also fatal. Among the most vulnerable places it should be noted: ears, temple, eyes, nose, upper lip, chin, Adam's apple, base of the pharynx, back of the head; clavicle, armpits, solar plexus, abdomen, perineum, false rib, kidneys, spinal column; fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, leg instep. I would like to warn you that not even a strong, but accurate blow to the above places can be fatal. This should be remembered during training, when you spar with comrades.

A blow to the head or neck
First, you need to fold your fingers in the shape of a cup and hit the opponent's ears hard. Remember that this technique can cause damage to the eardrums, internal hemorrhage, or a nervous shock.
blow to the temple
If you strike the temple with the edge of the palm of your hand or with the pad of your fist, a fatal outcome or a serious concussion is possible. In this place, the bones of the skull are extremely thin, and the nerve and artery are placed close to the skin. Fighters strike in this area of ​​the head and elbow joint. And when they manage to knock down an opponent, it is enough to hit with the toe of the foot.
Punch in the eyes
Bring your middle and index fingers together in a "Y" shape and strike hard. It is important to keep your wrist and fingers straight at this moment. Note that there are several ways to strike at the eyes.
A blow to the nose
You need to beat with the edge of the palm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of the nose. A sharp blow allows you to crush the cartilage, fragments of which can damage the brain, which can lead to instant death.
Hit on the upper lip
The upper lip is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Here, the nasal cartilage connects to the bones of the skull, and the nerves are located near the skin. Hit with the edge of the palm, slightly tilting it up. A strong blow can cause a concussion, and a weak one will cause severe pain.
Chin punch
It is most effective to hit this area of ​​​​the head with the base of the palm. If you use your fist, you can break your arm.
Strike in the Adam's apple
The edge of the palm is also used. With a strong blow, the windpipe can rupture and be fatal. A weak blow will cause suffocation. You can also squeeze the windpipe with your fingers and rip it out. You can still beat in the Adam's apple knee joint, toe foot.
A blow to the base of the throat
If you hit with 1 or 2 fingers in the dimple at the base of the throat, then the enemy will be incapacitated very quickly. This is a very painful technique that causes coughing and choking.

Hit on the side of the neck
Use the edge of the palm and you can knock out the opponent's consciousness. It is necessary to beat below and slightly in front of the ear. This is not a fatal blow, but it is capable of causing loss of consciousness.
Hit on the back of the head
If you hit with the edge of the palm, then instant death may occur or a displacement of the cervical vertebrae will occur. When the enemy is poorly familiar with the basics of hand-to-hand combat, then you can beat with the outer edge of the fist.
Collarbone strike
If you hit the collarbone hard with the edge of your hand, then it can be broken quite easily. When the opponent is below you, strike with a bent elbow joint.
A blow to the solar plexus
It is located under the sternum and a “pointed fist” strike will be more effective in comparison with the edge of the palm. The enemy will feel severe pain and kneel down. A sharp and strong blow to this area of ​​​​the body can be fatal.
Armpit punch
Here a large nerve comes close to the skin and a good blow is able to neutralize the enemy for a while.
Stab in the stomach
Strike with a "small fist" and immobilize the enemy. If he begins to lean forward, you can hit the knee in the face or the edge of the palm in the back of the head. It is most effective to strike in the stomach with the foot or knuckles.
Kick in the crotch
The crotch is the most convenient place on the opponent's body to hit. You can beat with the knee or elbow joint, leg, fist. After that, it will be permanently disabled.
Kidney kick
Another area in which a large nerve is located at the very surface of the skin. If hit hard, death is possible if urgent medical care is not provided. You can strike with the edge of the fist or palm, knee joint, toe.
False edge hit
If you hit in this area of ​​the body, you can paralyze or even kill your opponent. Strike three or four inches above the waist. This is the most vulnerable part of the spinal column.
Finger grip
If you are grabbed from behind, and the opponent’s hands are located under the armpits, you need to firmly grab his fingers with one hand, and take the wrist with the other. While squeezing your wrist, simultaneously pull your fingers back sharply. This will not only get rid of the grip, but also disable the opponent's fingers.
Incapacitation of the wrist
Sharply take your wrist to any side, the enemy will feel severe pain. Your thumbs must be on back side enemy palms. It is necessary to remove the wrist at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the forearm.
Elbow lesion
Elbow is very weak point which can be easily injured. Grab the opponent by the forearm or wrist and deliver a strong blow to the elbow, sharply pulling the arm back.
Shoulder dislocation
Having knocked down the enemy, rest your knee joint against his collarbone and, turning your arm back, you can dislocate the shoulder joint. If in such a situation a strong blow is applied to the spinal column, then a fatal outcome is possible.
Impact to the knee joint
Hit the patella or the side of the knee with the toe of the foot. So you can immobilize the enemy, crushing the cartilage and damaging the ligaments. If you hit from behind on the popliteal cavity, then the enemy will be immobilized.
Ankle kick
Do not use your toe to strike this part of the body. It can slip off, and no harm will be done to the enemy. Hit only with the edge of the foot perpendicular to the outer surface of the ankle.
Instep kick
Strike with the edge of the boot on the instep of the foot of the opponent's leg of the same name. This will damage the bones and protect against a blow to the perineum.

First of all, understand that half a year of attending a sambo section or martial arts does not guarantee you victory in a duel when attacked by a night robber. It is unlikely that a criminal who has decided to enter an unsafe trade has less experience in fights than you.

Feeling like Bruce Lee, you only hurt yourself by blunting your guard, if you like, even fear that is healthy for such situations, and as a result you do not use the only opportunity that allows you to “make legs”. In order to confidently resist the criminal, half a year of martial arts is not enough. Yes, perhaps even a year is not enough.

If you have already decided for the purpose of self-defense to master the secrets of the arts of hand-to-hand combat, do not strive to work out all the known techniques, for which, naturally, neither the time nor the strength will be enough. As a result, you will know a lot and at the same time nothing. For a night fight, five or six blows are quite enough, but brought to automatism. This is something that every person can do. Preference should be given to the simplest and at the same time the most traumatic techniques. You can read about them in special literature, which today is in abundance on every book counter.

Indeed, it should be noted that theoretical study self-defense techniques during an attack have not yet saved anyone. When attacked, during a real fight without combat experience a person almost always gets lost and completely forgets where and how to hit. Hand-to-hand combat techniques only justify themselves when they have been repeated a thousand times during training. Then the fighter, during the attack and during the battle, acts in accordance not with the mind, but with the developed conditioned reflex.

So, if you want to be able to protect yourself not imaginatively, but for real, build from old clothes a fake pear stuffed with rags of your alleged enemy, in extreme cases, draw his figure on the wall, mark three or four most vulnerable points and beat them with your hands and feet every day. Only in this case, in case of an unexpected attack, will you be able to resist. Most of all, training on dummies is necessary to develop the habit of hitting a living person. Where we don’t know how to hit hard, because we know how painful it is. Well, we are not able to cut the throat with the edge of the palm of our hand, drive the cartilages of the nose into the brain and gouge out the eyes with our fingers.

Our whole being resists such blows, and therefore, at the very last moment, our hand weakens and our outstretched fingers freeze in front of open eyes enemy. It is possible to overcome this psychological barrier only by adopting the methods of teaching the techniques of hand-to-hand combat of special forces, that is, beating dummies every day and poking fingers into the eyes drawn on paper inclined towards a pear. Preferably drawn very realistically in order to gradually get used to not soften the force of the blow. Then, even if you are afraid to cripple a person, you will still hit with full force, the way your hand is used to.

Available pain points on the human body.

I will indicate the pain points most accessible to a non-specialist, which, if successfully obtained, can cool the ardor of the attacking enemy for some time. Phalanges of the toes, on which, during an attack, it is very convenient to hit from above with the heel of a shoe, and even more painfully - with a hairpin of a woman's shoe. Shin, a sharp blow to which the toe or heel of a hard boot is extremely sensitive. Groin. Such a blow can neutralize the man who attacked you for more than a minute. The pain from such a blow can incapacitate even the most experienced fighter. It's only in the movies after hitting the given area the enemy's leg, the hero, smiling charmingly, continues the fight.

A normal man will sit quietly on the ground for at least five minutes. And, by the way, his hands will be busy supporting the injured organ. It is a sin not to take advantage of the moment and not to “finish off” the villain with a blow to an open face. What, cruel? Then substitute your organs and your face. But only then do not complain that the enemy, not appreciating your nobility, did not hold back his blows during the attack. In war as in war. And a night attack on an initially weaker passer-by is even worse than war. At least it is carried out according to certain rules.

Solar plexus. This punch is good, but it requires certain boxing skills, which, theoretically, from reading this advice a hundred times, are not developed. Throat- the most vulnerable part of the human body. But in order to hit him, it is desirable to make the enemy lift his head. Take a look at the roof of the nearest building, roll your eyes, let out an exclamation of surprise, maybe your opponent will fall for the trick and look up, for which he will raise his chin. Hit the opened Adam's apple with your fist or the edge of your palm. A hard blow to the throat can be fatal.

A very painful blow with a tightly clenched fist in base of the nose or into the carrier. But such blows must be well placed. Punch in temple capable of instantly incapacitating the enemy. A strong blow is to kill. back of the head, or rather, top part neck. A hard blow with a fist or the edge of the palm to the base of the skull can not only immobilize, but kill your opponent. Eyes- the most vulnerable spot. They are not protected by muscles or skin. They are open to traumatic impact. An accurate lunge can blind an opponent for hours, while a strong one can blind an opponent for life. The beat should be spread with the middle and index fingers, thumb or middle knuckles.

A sharp blow with the edge of the palm from the bottom up in upper lip causes severe pain and loss of consciousness, since there is a dense network of nerve endings at the base of the nasal cartilage. A strong blow from both sides with folded hands on the ears causes the attacker to lose consciousness. I must say that the eyes, lips and ears are very sensitive to force during an attack. Something to remember during close combat, when it is impossible to strike from afar. For example, when trying or strangling, when the enemy came close or wrapped his arms around his victim.

In this case, only the eyes, lips, and ears are potentially reachable. They should be hit. Eyes with fingers. On the lips - with a fist or grab them with your fingers and jerk down with all possible strength. The same can be done with the ears. But it is even better to push some sharp object into the ear - a hairpin pulled out of the hair, a fountain pen, a key, etc. A damaged eardrum will cool the ardor of the most ferocious bandit. But the easiest and most effective way is to use not fingers, but teeth, especially since, unlike hands, they are likely to be free. So you should cling to them in all the same lips, ears and nose. And so to cling to that at least bite off. As a powerful shock weapon, you can use your own head.

For example, if the enemy grabbed you from behind during an attack. Hitting the back of your head on the bridge of your nose is a very serious blow. Of course, if you have the courage to hit with all your might. In the same way, you can hit the opponent standing in front with your head. In the criminal environment, they are very fond of such, stealthily strikes. And that means they will suit you. Feel free to use improvised means. Pull out the penknife. Hit in the face with sharp keys. Umbrella point. The cutting edges of a bottle broken on the asphalt, which you hold by the neck. Cauterize an enemy's skin with a burning cigarette. Or poke in the eyes with the tip of a fountain pen. Women can successfully use a hairpin as a weapon. Feel what the name is? Barrette. Well, then use it for its intended purpose!

But! Whatever methods of defense and attack you possess, whatever weapons you prepare for battle, you should not show your skill ahead of time. If the enemy knows what to expect from you, combat skills lose their significance. No threats (I have four dans in my asset and a grenade in my pocket!), no warning attacks and defensive defensive postures. On the contrary, pretend to be clumsy, relax the enemy with demonstratively stupid actions, convince him of your incapacity, let him open up and quickly, without pre-training, that is, without swings, fighting stances, inflict a “deadly” blow.

Just don't look where you're going to strike. Do not warn him of your intentions if you do not want to run into a counterattack. Look elsewhere. And don't be silent! Shout "Hurrah!", "I'll kill you!", "Police!" or something more articulate, but no less formidable! First, someone can hear you and call the police. Secondly, screaming is a means of psychological attack. Unless, of course, he has the tone of a threat, and not a request for mercy. Thirdly, your cry “turns on” you, sets you up for battle and victory. Confident in his own strength.

It is not for nothing that most street fights begin with insults and screams that warm up the fighters. And it is not for nothing that in martial arts, the reception is accompanied by screams. Well, you scream too. It's even easier to die that way. Than in deathly silence for you. If you managed to "drop" your opponent to the ground, don't wait for him to get up - go for finishing moves. I understand that such advice has little to do with the code of officer honor and the unwritten rules of yard children's fights, where they don't beat a lying person. And you will have to. And it is lying down. Until he got up and laid you on the vacant place on the pavement.

Finishing off a defeated opponent during an attack is one of the first rules of street fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Do not let the bandit who attacked you get up. Kick him in the most vulnerable points - in the face, stomach, groin. Hit until he stops trying to get up. Beat, even if you have not touched a single person in your entire life. Then the more hit. In a similar situation, as in a battle - either you or you. I only conjure you - hit with full force, because if he gets up, you will no longer be able to count on pity. You will be killed already. Bandits don't like passion when they get hurt.

One or two with the maximum application of impact forces - and a quick retreat or finishing off an enemy who has not come to his senses. The middle, that is, the expectation when he comes to his senses, is equal to defeat. Beat. Without fear of hurting your opponent. Remember that the Criminal Code gives you the right to self-defense. Up to the killing of the attacking side when attacking you. There is a case when a farmer killed three racketeers who came to receive “tribute” from him from a double-barreled shotgun and was released in peace. Remember that under the law, the attacker will be found guilty even if he suffers more than the victim. Even if it's crippled.

Necessary self-defense when attacked.

But only when attacked. And if it only threatens, and you respond to abuse and demonstration of fists with a crippling blow, then the Criminal Code no longer protects you, but your victim. And you turn from a victim into a criminal. This is the facet of legislation that you need to know about so as not to suddenly end up on prison bunk beds. A citizen has the right to self-defense in the event of an attack only in situations that clearly threaten his life and the lives of his loved ones. In all other cases, he cannot count on the softness of the law.

As well as in cases where not random bricks, stakes, penknives and kitchen knives were used as a weapon of retaliation, but firearms and edged weapons prohibited by law, as well as grenades, grenade launchers, poisonous substances, tanks and artillery of large calibers. What I must warn the reader about. However, when meeting in a dark alley with a group of bandits, I recommend not remembering this law. In order not to weaken the force of impact. Because the law, even in the worst case scenario, can send an unwitting killer to places not so distant only for a decade and a half. And the bandits - to the next world for the rest of their lives.

And now, I will tell you about one more, but this time a tragic case. The French champion in karate, the owner of many belts, medals, etc., sports and combat distinctions, was killed by a juvenile teenage hooligan with an awl in the back. This I mean that you can not consider your skill as a panacea for all possible ills. You can also lose.

In conclusion, I will give a really wise rule of the ancient Eastern fighters: the battle won is the one that did not take place! And in addition, let me remind you of our domestic, perhaps not so sophisticated, but essentially accurate sentence: there is no reception against scrap! So try to win the fight without starting it. By following them, you will be better protected from surprises than even having a black belt in karate.

Based on the materials of the book "School of Survival in the Conditions of the Economic Crisis".
Andrei Ilyichev.

On the human body, it can be useful not only for guys who are engaged in some kind of wrestling. At certain points in life, it can help women protect themselves.

About places

On the body of each person there are certain places, upon impact, in which he will experience the most severe pain. This knowledge is definitely taught to everyone who attends self-defense courses or masters some kind of wrestling. But it is worth noting that many wrestlers are forbidden to use painful holds, because then it is simply not interesting to continue the fight, because. the enemy is very quickly out of action. But before mastering the art of attack, you need to learn how to protect your pain points.


You can study pain points on the human body from top to bottom down the body. So where are they located on the face? First of all, it's the eyes. Even the slightest blow or a simple poking of a finger into a given part of the body can take a person out of an active state for a certain period. And at this time, you can either run away from the attacker, or hit him. It is worth noting that a blow to the eyes will cause a person to instinctively lean away, and this will open up most of his body. There it is already possible to deliver the next, stronger blows to disarm the enemy. Apart from the eyes, pretty vulnerable spot is the nose. A blow to this part of the body can also take the enemy out of the active state for a long time, causing him considerable harm.


When studying pain points on the human body, one should not miss such a place as the throat. In this part of the body there are many nerve cells that pass Airways. A blow to the throat will cause great pain to a person. And if you apply a lot of force to the blow, you can even kill the enemy. There are also a couple of points behind the ears, by clicking on which, you can make it very painful.

Solar plexus

If you look at the pain points on the human body (diagram on the right), you can see the familiar solar plexus, which is a very vulnerable place. It is located a little below the chest in a small depression that can be felt. However, pumped up abdominal muscles can perfectly protect it, so you should not rely too much on this pain point.


There are also pain points on the arm, namely on the wrist. This part of the body consists of eight small bones and is called the sliding joint. And such a technique as striking at the joints is taught in almost all martial arts. Properly twisting the wrist of the enemy, you can deprive him of his weapon or make him feel pain.

One of the most painful pain points is in the groin. And do not think that only for men, for women, a blow to the groin will bring about the same pain as for the stronger sex. A strong blow to the groin can even kill the attacker.


There is also a special pain point on the leg - the patella. Due to its fragility, it breaks very easily and incapacitates the enemy. But it is worth remembering that the desired result will bring only a blow from top to bottom.


There are other pain points on the human body. Their scheme is quite large and has a huge number of places to defeat. However, the article lists exactly those that even an inexperienced fighter can get into.

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