Auto coloring expert. The dealership had my windshield replaced. How do you know if it's branded or not? Is it possible to determine if real Swarovski crystals are used to decorate the buttons on the jacket

Auto 11.11.2017

Examination of substances and materials is one of the most common classes of examinations assigned in cases related to the commission of road accidents.

The objects of examination are solid, liquid and gaseous substances, as well as materials and carrier objects with traces, attached to the case in the manner prescribed by law and carrying evidentiary information about the circumstances included in the subject of proof and established on the basis of special knowledge. The diagnostic tasks resolved by the examination of substances and materials include: detection of substances and materials (if, for example, they are present in trace amounts and cannot be detected without the use of special knowledge), establishing their nature, origin, purpose.

We carry out forensic examinations. Accreditation in courts, experience.
Cost from 25 thousand, term from 2 days

Expertise paintwork materials and coatings are produced in order to:

detection of their particles, determination of the nature, composition, type and purpose of these substances and materials;
identifying painted objects by traces, establishing the whole in parts, determining genus or group affiliation;
establishing a single source of origin, the fact of contact interaction on mutually passing paints and varnishes.

The diagnostic issues of this examination include:

1) whether the substance is a paint or coating;
2) whether there are layers of paints and varnishes on the clothes (objects) submitted for examination;
3) what is the type of this paint and varnish material or coating;
4) whether the object was repainted; what kind of paint (lacquer, enamel) was the object covered before repainting;
5) what is the method of applying paint and varnish material on this item (factory or handicraft); under what conditions the object with a painted surface was used;
6) what is the mechanism of formation of traces of paint and varnish material or coating particles on the subject-carrier;
7) whether these objects were in contact interaction.

The objects of this kind of examination are paint and varnish coatings of painted objects, particles of paint and varnish coatings, volumes of paint and varnish materials, their components (pigments, fillers, binders, solvents, etc.), painted objects and carrier objects on which it is supposed to detect particles of paint and varnish materials and coatings, tools used for the production of works with paints and varnishes.

Here is a typical An example of this type of examination:

Late in the evening, at about 11 p.m., at a pedestrian crossing across Dolgorukovskaya Street in Moscow, an unidentified car hit Kh., who died in the hospital from serious bodily injuries. When examining his clothes, microparticles of a substance were found in the places of tears, which, possibly, were delaminations. paintwork car. In the case was appointed forensic examination paints and varnishes and coatings, which addressed the following questions:

1. Are the particles found on X's clothes the car's paint chips?
2. Does this paintwork apply to standard car paintwork?
3. What color, type, brand was the car (based on peel analysis)? Was it repainted in the factory or artisanal conditions?
4. What is the mechanism for the formation of paint particles on the clothes of the victim?

The last issue was resolved jointly with an expert tracer, who also had to establish the direction of the car and other circumstances of the incident. The examination found that the peelings found on X.'s clothes were particles of the factory-applied paint and varnish coating of the VAZ-2109 car, manufactured in 1992, of the ruby ​​color. On the basis of these data and the results of the trace evidence examination, E., the owner of the VAZ-2109 car, was suspected of having run over.

A comprehensive forensic examination was carried out: a) trace analysis, comparing the tears in clothing and injuries on the body, as well as marks on the car; b) fibers - a comparison of the fibers found on the bumper of the car, and the fibers of clothing; c) paint coatings - comparison of microparticles from clothing and car coatings. The experts came to the categorical conclusion that X. had been hit by E.'s car and reconstructed the accident mechanism.

This type of examination is not as common as others. However, there are situations when the examination of the quality of paint and varnish coatings is not only desirable, but simply necessary. Let us give examples of such situations.

When is an LPC Expertise Required?

Imagine you are buying a new car from a dealership. At first glance, the car, as they say, is only off the assembly line and does not have any defects. But after a short time, you notice that on some parts of the machine the paint is slightly different, or perhaps corrosion appears. Why is this happening? Perhaps, during transportation to a car dealership, your future car received minor damage, such as scratches or small dents on body parts. The seller tried to fix these damages so that you did not notice them. To prove that the paint at the site of damage really differs from the factory paint, as well as the fact that this part has undergone minor repair effects, an examination of the quality of paint and varnish coatings will help.

Also, such an examination will help buyers of used cars if the buyer wants to find out exactly which parts of the car were painted, and therefore, most likely, repair or replace due to any damage.

Examination of paint and varnish coatings is useful not only for those who are going to buy a used or new car. Very often, giving his car for painting, especially if not full body painting is required, but partial painting of several parts, the owner is dissatisfied with the result. Painted parts are subtly, if not quite distinct, differ in color. However, the paint master claims that the color of the applied paint is fully consistent with the required one. In this case, it is the examination of the quality of paint and varnish coatings that will help determine who, the owner or repairman, is right.

What is the examination of paint and varnish coatings? For such an examination, with the consent of the owner, the car is inspected, possibly with the presence of an expert tracer to determine the presence of mechanical damage to the studied body parts. Then samples of paint and varnish coatings are taken and the actual examination is performed. As a result, the customer will receive an answer to the required questions. So in the course of such an examination, you can determine the brand, color, chemical composition paints; check this color for compliance with the reference. Also, an examination of the quality of paintwork will show how the paint was applied - factory or not, whether the paint of the part under study differs from the paintwork of the rest of the car. In addition, it is possible to determine the presence of defects in the paintwork, their location, nature and cause of occurrence - a manufacturing defect or the result of a violation of the rules of operation. Examination of the quality of paint and varnish coatings will give an accurate answer to the question of whether the part under study has been repainted and, if so, what initial color.

Examination of paintwork - not only for the car!

Thus, this examination answers the whole range of questions that may arise during the purchase or painting vehicle. Of course, the situations requiring such an examination are not limited to those listed. Examination of the quality of paint coatings may be required in relation to any product with a paint coating or traces of it, and even just particles of paint that has fallen off. So it can be safes, various tools, equipment, doors, windows and more. Most often, this examination is carried out at the request of the court, but it is possible to conduct it on a contractual basis at the request of the customer.

Examination of paints and varnishes and coatings belongs to the field of chemical examinations. It is carried out to identify and determine the properties of paint and varnish coatings and materials. Similar studies are carried out in the course of investigation and judicial proceedings in cases where painted surfaces appear in the circumstances of the incident, one way or another. Or, if particles of paint (other paint coatings) were found at the crime scene, and it is required to establish their properties and possible belonging to a particular object. The analysis determines the chemical composition of paints and varnishes or coatings, their scope, type. Examination of paint and varnish materials and coatings is used in the investigation of criminal cases, as well as civil ones - for example, defects in the paintwork of a car can be studied in order to establish their genesis: whether they are a manufacturing defect or caused by an improper method of operation. Often, a study is carried out to substantiate the fact of compliance or non-compliance of the production process of paints and varnishes and coatings with the requirements for production by technical standards.

Paints and coatings are special class substances. Due to their multi-component nature, they retain their properties under the influence of external factors and environmental conditions after drying or curing. This makes it possible to determine the properties of the coating with a high degree of accuracy when analyzing its smallest particles. Paint and varnish materials and coatings consist of three basic components - a film-forming base, pigment fillers and a solvent that helps to achieve the required viscosity. To obtain special properties, special substances are added to varnishes and paints - plasticizers for elasticity, desiccants to speed up the drying process, surfactants to improve emulsification ability.

Examination of paintwork materials and coatings is carried out by order of the investigating authorities or the court. In addition, research can be conducted at the request of a private individual.

The subject of research during the examination is the actual data on the analyzed objects, which are established by trained specialists with deep professional knowledge in the field of the chemistry of dyes. The obtained expert data play an important role in the course of the investigation of criminal cases and are included in the evidence base of the parties during the trial.

Research can include:

  • paint examination,
  • lacquer examination,
  • primer examination,
  • examination of the quality of coating,
  • coating age,
  • compliance of materials and work performed with GOST and TU, etc.

What materials should be provided for the examination of paints and varnishes and coatings

The following objects are provided for the examination of paintwork materials and coatings:

  • Painted items, particles of paintwork that are thought to have come loose from those items. As well as the objects to which the particles under study were transferred.
  • Volumes of liquid or bulk paints and varnishes, their parts and objects on which they were found.
  • Separate chemical constituents that may have been used in the manufacture of the provided volume of paints and varnishes and coatings.

If possible, it is better to provide the entire object for examination, rather than scrapings of paints and varnishes and coatings. This is due to the fact that the procedure for removing scrapings entails the destruction of the painted surface, which makes it impossible to conduct other types of research, for example, trace examination. Particles of paint and varnish materials and coatings are removed from the surface of the object to which they were transferred only in special situations. For example, if they crumble easily and can be lost during transportation. In this case, before the withdrawal, it is necessary to describe them as accurately as possible, to add localization to the description, appearance particles, particle sizes or layers. Special requirements are also imposed on the packaging of items to be analyzed. They must be packed in such a way that no mixing or damage of the specimens occurs during transport.

To obtain the most accurate and reliable expert conclusions, the specialist conducting the study must also provide the following information:

  • Date of coloring of the studied object. In the case of examination of cars, the date of painting can be considered the date of production.
  • The method of manufacturing and coloring (repainting) of an object - in production conditions or by artisanal methods.
  • Data on the operation of the object provided for analysis with a surface covered with paint and varnish material and coating. If this is a car, then it must be reported whether it was used to transport special substances that pollute the surface layer - chemicals, wood, lime, bitumen, etc.
  • Data on the storage conditions of an object with a painted surface. For example, if the item was stored in the same room with chemicals.
  • Data on the alleged contact at the time of the incident of the investigated painted object and other objects.
  • Conditions for detection, seizure, transportation of objects.

Methods for the examination of paints and varnishes and coatings

There are four groups of methods for studying paintwork materials and coatings. Classification is carried out according to the principle of preserving the safety of the object under study. The use of one or another method for the examination of paints and varnishes and coatings is determined by the tasks assigned to the specialist.

  1. The first group includes research methods that do not affect the properties of the object - its chemical composition, internal structure or appearance. The group includes the application of modern computer technology, photographic techniques, and all varieties of optical microscopy.
  2. The second group consists of methods that do not affect the appearance of the object under study, but can change the internal features - the properties of a substance or materials. It includes the following methods: neutron activation analysis, luminescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence methods. These analysis methods can accelerate the wear of paints and coatings, cause discoloration or deterioration in performance.
  3. The third group includes methods that ultimately lead to the destruction of the form or integrity of the object provided for analysis. However, the amount of the substance in the case of applying these methods does not change and can be subjected to subsequent research. This group includes: thin-layer or high-performance liquid chromatography, spectral analysis in various spectral regions (infrared, normal, ultraviolet), etc.
  4. The fourth group consists of methods, the use of which leads to the complete destruction of the studied material evidence. The following research methods belong to this group: gas-liquid chromatography, chemical methods of analysis, atomic spectral analysis.

Legal basis for the production of expertise of paints and varnishes and coatings

According to Article 41 of the Federal Law regulating state expert activities, forensic examination can be carried out by non-state expert organizations and / or experts who have special knowledge in the area in question and at the same time are not state experts.

Article 25 of the same Law describes the procedure for the formation and content of an expert opinion, which is the result of the implementation of expert activities in each individual case.

The procedure for the examination of paints and varnishes and coatings is regulated by the Rules for the implementation of examinations of physical evidence in the forensic chemical departments of laboratories of forensic medical expert bureaus. (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 407 of December 10, 1996, as amended on March 5, 1997).

Questions that are put before a specialist in the production of examination of paints and varnishes and coatings:

  1. Are there particles of paint and varnish materials and coatings on the surface of the objects provided for analysis?
  2. Are the particles being tested paints or coatings?
  3. How could the detected particles be transferred to the object provided for analysis?
  4. What is the mechanism of damage to the paintwork on the object under study?
  5. How can you determine the scope of paints and varnishes and coatings, the particles of which were provided for research?
  6. What type of paints and varnishes and coatings do the detected particles belong to?
  7. What method or technology was used to apply paint and varnish materials and coatings to the object under study?
  8. Has the object provided for analysis been restained?
  9. What was the original color of the object under study (before repainting)?
  10. What is the chemical composition of the paint and varnish material and coating, the particles of which were investigated?
  11. Was the object provided for analysis painted in an industrial or artisanal way?
  12. Was the test substance used in the production of this volume of paints or coatings?
  13. Is the paintwork of a certain part of the car body identical to the paintwork of the rest of its parts?

The list of suggested questions is not exhaustive. If other questions arise, it is advisable to seek advice from an expert before appointing an examination.

Cost and terms

  • Forensic examination

    Judicial examination is carried out according to the decision of the court. In order to appoint an examination to our organization, it is necessary to submit an application for the appointment of an examination and attach an information letter to it indicating the details of the organization, the possibility of performing an examination on the issues raised, the cost and duration of the study, as well as the candidates for experts, indicating their education and work experience. This letter must be certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of its head.

    Our specialists prepare an information letter within one working day, after which we send a scanned copy of it to e-mail. Also, if necessary, the original letter can be picked up at the office of our organization. As a rule, the court does not require the original information letter, it is enough to present a copy of it.

    Information letter writing service is provided is free.

  • Out-of-court research

    Out-of-court research is carried out on the basis of an agreement for 100% prepayment. The contract can be concluded both with a legal entity and with an individual. To conclude an agreement, it is not necessary to be present at the office of our organization, in this case, the transfer of all documents, including an expert opinion, will be carried out using the services of postal operators (Dimex, DHL, PonyExpress), which will take no more than 2-4 business days.

  • Reviewing the expert opinion

    A review is necessary in cases where it is necessary to challenge the conclusions of the examination, in order to then re-examine. The conditions for concluding a contract for peer review are exactly the same as for an extrajudicial study.

  • Obtaining written expert advice (reference)

    The certificate is not a conclusion, it is informational in nature and contains answers to questions that do not require full study, but allow assessing the feasibility of a full-fledged examination.

    The conditions for concluding a contract for a certificate are exactly the same as for an extrajudicial investigation.

  • Obtaining preliminary expert advice

    Our specialists are ready to answer any of your questions regarding the conduct of forensic and out-of-court examinations, assess the feasibility of conducting an examination, assist in formulating questions for a study, inform you about the possibility of conducting a particular analysis, and much more.

    The consultation is carried out on the basis of a written request.

    To do this, you must fill out an online application form (or send us a request by e-mail), where you should describe the circumstances of the case in as much detail as possible, formulate the goals that you want to achieve with the help of an examination, preliminary questions, if possible, attach all possible documents and descriptions of objects.

    The more detailed you are about the circumstances of the case, the more productive the help of an expert will be.

  • Additional services

    Reducing the time for the production of expertise by half

    30% to the cost

    Departure of an expert within the city of Moscow to inspect objects, take samples for research, participate in a court session or other events requiring the presence of an expert

    Departure of an expert within the Moscow region

    Departure of an expert to other regions of Russia

    Transport and travel expenses

    Preparation of an additional copy of the expert opinion

    Legal advice on issues not related to the conduct and appointment of examinations

    from 5 000 rub.

    Drafting a claim



  • Why did the bright elements of the dress shed on the light fabric after washing?

    If the product was washed with the correct temperature regime, as well as other conditions indicated on the label, then the reason may be in high-quality fabric dyes. The compliance of the fabric with the quality requirements of GOSTs is determined using a comprehensive chemical and commodity examination.

  • Is it possible to determine what kind of insecticide the apartment has been treated with and is it safe for humans and pets?

    To determine the type of insecticide used in the treatment of residential premises, it is necessary to take a sample of the air and the surface on which the substance was applied. In the chemical laboratory, experts will establish the formula of the poisonous substance and give explanations on its safety for humans, as well as children and pets. The accuracy and reliability of the results obtained in this case directly depends on the time that has passed from the moment of processing to the moment of sampling. Therefore, this type of analysis must be carried out immediately after processing, if there are any doubts about the quality of the work performed.

  • Why does my head hurt when I'm in a room with new furniture?

    Often, when installing new furniture, manufacturers recommend airing the room for several hours and only then use the furniture. This is due to the fact that the paint coating of some parts in a warm room can emit an unpleasant odor. However, this odor should dissipate quickly with effective ventilation. When using low-quality materials in the manufacture of furniture, an unpleasant odor can persist for several months. Being in a room with such furniture for a long time causes headaches and dizziness. A chemical analysis of the air will help establish the safety of using new furniture.

  • How can you tell if the red spots on your shirt are traces of wine or some other liquid of the same color?

    To answer the question, the expert must make a number of chemical analyzes during which the product will be damaged or partially destroyed. However, it will be possible to determine not only the liquid that left this stain, but also the approximate time of its occurrence.

  • How to determine what is the reason for the stains on clothes in the bleach used in cleaning?

    If a bleach was used for cleaning, the description of which allows it to be used for fabrics of this type, then it is necessary to involve experts to establish the quality of not only the bleach, but also the quality of the dyes and the fabric from which the product is made. Only such a comprehensive examination can establish the true cause of defects.

  • Is it possible to determine if this car has been repainted?

    To answer this question, the expert has a number of non-destructive analysis methods at his disposal, such as a thickness gauge and paint color comparison, the combination of which will unambiguously identify overpainted areas on a car body.

  • What is the reason for the peeling of fire protection paint from metal structures in a shopping center?

    Protective paint can settle if the technological process of its application was violated, poor-quality material was used, or the priming of metal structures was not performed properly. Examination by an expert of damaged surfaces, as well as analysis of paint and primer, will determine the cause of defects.

  • Is it possible to determine why the paint on the facade of the house darkened after the rain?

    There are two reasons why a change in the performance of a paintwork could occur: technological process staining or the use of low-quality material. Submission of liquid paint for chemical examination, as well as examination of the painted surface by an expert, will establish the true cause of the discoloration of the coating.

  • Is it possible to determine whether gold was used in the manufacture of this ring?

    In the chemical examination of jewelry, there are a number of non-destructive methods of analysis that allow you to determine the metal sample and the type of alloy according to the classification established by the relevant GOST.

  • Is it possible to determine if a family gem in a pendant is a fake?

    With the help of special spectral analysis methods, it is possible to establish the authenticity precious stones in the product without compromising its integrity.

  • Is it possible to determine what is in the lighter fluid?

    Lighter fluid is a product that is not subject to mandatory certification, therefore, unscrupulous manufacturers, in addition to volatile and highly flammable components, can add heavy hydrocarbons, the combustion products of which pose a danger to human health and environment. Examination of this product will determine whether it is safe to use.

  • Is it possible to determine if water is added to gasoline at a gas station?

    Water does not mix with gasoline, so to increase the volume of gasoline, unscrupulous suppliers often add other cheap additives to it, which significantly reduce the quality of such fuel. Compliance of fuel with the declared quality requirements specified in the regulatory documents for this product can be determined using the chemical examination of petroleum products and fuels and lubricants.

  • Can you tell if a car window cleaner contains methyl alcohol?

    Manufacturers who care about the quality of their products certify products in accordance with safety requirements. However, homemade washing liquids may contain methyl alcohol, which is extremely toxic to humans, because it is cheaper than other solvents. Therefore, goods purchased from a dubious supplier must be subjected to expert evaluation.

  • After the wedding, many complained of stomach poisoning. Was there methanol in the vodka?

    Poisoning with strong alcoholic beverages may be associated with their excessive use. Methanol is the strongest poison, even in small doses it can lead to serious health problems. But a chemical examination will make it possible to establish even trace amounts of methanol in alcoholic beverages and its concentration. Also, in the conclusion of the specialist, conclusions will be drawn about the quality of the analyzed object and its compliance with the general safety requirements of GOST and other regulatory documents.

  • Is it possible to determine that draft beer in a store is diluted with water?

    When submitting alcohol-containing liquids of a sample of beer from the specified store for examination, the specialist will determine whether this sample meets the requirements of GOST for low-alcohol drinks and special regulatory documentation. In particular, the volume content of ethyl alcohol is established, and the resulting value is compared with the corresponding paragraph of GOST.

  • A child drinks a drink from a Coca-Cola bottle and gets drunk! Does he put alcohol in the bottle?

    Chemical examination can establish the volumetric content of ethyl alcohol in the analyzed volume, and then classify the test sample and classify it as non-alcoholic, low-alcohol or strong alcoholic beverages. Based on these data, it can be concluded whether alcohol-containing liquids were mixed into the original drink contained in the Coca-Cola labeled bottle.

  • Is it true that mineral water contains all the minerals listed on the label?

    Examination of bottled water from a particular manufacturer can establish whether the content of minerals and trace elements in the sample really corresponds to the information indicated on the label. This will also establish the total mineralization, acidity and heavy metal content. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the compliance of this water with the requirements of SanPiN and other regulatory documents, as well as determine how useful this water is for the body.

  • Is it possible to grow fruit and berry crops on my new site?

    Examination of the soil will give you an answer to the question of the safety of using this land for growing vegetables and fruits. The study will determine the content of heavy metals, as well as the general mineralization of the soil. The data obtained will help to establish the fundamental possibility of using this land as a garden or vegetable garden, but they cannot accurately predict the yield of certain crops.

  • After moving to a private house, stomach problems became more frequent in our family. Could water be the cause?

    A chemical examination of water from a well that you use for domestic and food purposes will determine the compliance of this water with the standards imposed by SanPiN. In particular, when conducting a chemical study, microbiological indicators are tested, the content of heavy metals, as well as the determination of the main physical and chemical characteristics of water and its background radiation. A joint analysis of these characteristics will determine the safety of using water from a given well.

  • Why does the sole of the boots crack in the cold, although it is stated that it is made of frost-resistant material?

    Most likely, the reason is that the manufacturer used lower quality rubber in the manufacture of boot soles. A chemical examination will determine whether the material of the soles of the boots corresponds to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. In case of discrepancy in any parameters, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the operating conditions of this product.

  • The child develops an allergy after playing with a new ball. Could this be related to the quality of the rubber of the ball?

    To polymer materials, from which children's toys are made, impose increased safety requirements. A chemical examination of the rubber of the ball will determine the compliance of this product with these requirements. Having the results of a chemical study, we can draw conclusions about the possibility of safe use of toys from this manufacturer in the future.

  • There is a suspicion that during the repair, the builders bought cheaper plastic panels. Can it be proven?

    When conducting a chemical examination, it will be established whether the quality of the plastic used for repair work corresponds to the declared plastic standards of this manufacturer. Analysis of physico-chemical and physico-mechanical characteristics will allow you to compare performance properties this plastic and evaluate the possibility of its use by the consumer.

  • Cloth sneakers should provide airing of the feet, and the feet will sweat. Is it possible to determine what kind of fabric was used in them?

    A chemical examination of the fabric surface of sneakers will determine whether it is made of natural fibers or whether synthetic fabrics were used for the production of these shoes, which cannot provide sufficient ventilation, have low air permeability. In addition, during the examination, the fact of the use of cheap fabrics based on rubbers and rubbers can be established.

  • Is it possible to determine why, when wearing a woolen sweater, an allergy appears on the neck and hands?

    During the examination of products of a fibrous nature, it will be established whether this sweater is really made of wool, and whether it contains fibers of synthetic fabrics that can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, dyes that were used in the manufacture of this product can cause allergies. Analysis of their quality will determine the possible cause.

  • Is it possible to determine why the brightly colored areas of branded clothing faded?

    Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that the clothes purchased in the company store and provided with company labels were made in a handicraft way and have nothing to do with the specified brand. Chemical examination of fabrics will allow you to verify the authenticity of the purchased item and its actual belonging to the manufacturer.

  • Is it safe to use a natural gas cylinder in a country house? How to make sure it's safe?

    In order to be sure of the safe operation of the cylinders high pressure with flammable natural gas, it is necessary to request from the manufacturer technical documentation confirming the compliance of the manufactured cylinders with the safety requirements regulated in the relevant GOSTs. In case of doubt, you can force the manufacturer to send a representative sample of cylinders from the same batch as your cylinder for chemical examination. As a result, you will receive an unambiguous answer about the safety of using this cylinder at home.

  • When operating a water barrel in a summer cottage, it begins to corrode. But the papers say it's made of stainless steel. Is it true?

    If there is regulatory documentation for the material from which this product is made, a chemical and metallurgical study can determine the compliance of the main physical and mechanical characteristics of the barrel metal with the requirements specified in the accompanying documents. If a discrepancy is found, the specialist can make an assumption about the type and type of alloy used in the manufacture of the barrel.

  • A silver spoon bought in a jewelry store bends even in the hands of a child! Is there silver in there?

    A chemical examination will allow you to establish whether this product is really made of silver, and also to determine its sample in case of a positive answer. In addition, the analysis of the chemical composition of the material from which the spoon is made will reveal other elements that make up the alloy.

  • The dealership had my windshield replaced. How do you know if it's branded or not?

    During the chemical examination of the windshield, a set of analytical methods is used to examine the internal structure, type and type of glass, as well as the method of its manufacture. An analysis of the physicochemical properties and chemical composition establishes the presence of additives that determine the properties of glass, as well as the main physical and chemical characteristics(brittleness, density, spectral and optical properties). Comparing these specifications with the manufacturer's specifications will determine if your vehicle's windshield matches the windshield supplied by the manufacturer.

  • What are the possibilities of water examination?

    Examination of water allows you to determine the presence of organic impurities in it, as well as its mineral composition. During the examination, experts evaluate the chemical composition of water, determine the content of chlorides, sulfates, salts of iron and manganese, comparing with the maximum allowable concentration of such substances in water in accordance with the standards in force in the territory Russian Federation, make a conclusion about the suitability of water for drinking.

  • Is it possible to determine if real Swarovski crystals are used to decorate the buttons on the jacket?

    Chemical examination unequivocally allows you to answer the question of authenticity glass products. In this case, using spectral non-destructive methods of analysis, it will be possible to establish whether expensive high-grade special Swarovski crystal or ordinary household glass was used to decorate the buttons of the jacket.

  • What documents must be submitted for chemical examination?

    At the first stage - the receipt of material evidence by the laboratory for the production of research - it is necessary that, together with the material evidence and the accompanying document, a decision of the bodies of inquiry or investigation on the appointment of a forensic chemical examination of material evidence or a court ruling be delivered to the laboratory . Without such a document, the forensic laboratory cannot accept physical evidence for examination. The decision, which sets out the circumstances of the case, lists the subjects to be investigated and clearly formulates the questions that need to be resolved, is the main document that guides the entire study, sets certain tasks for the expert chemist, and determines the plan of the entire analysis. Other accompanying documents also serve to guide the forensic chemical research. The protocol of inspection of the scene of the incident, the seizure of material evidence and other documents are important.

  • Do chameleon glasses really protect against harmful UV rays?

    During the chemical examination of sunglasses glasses, a detailed analysis of the glass is carried out according to the most important characteristics, including resistance to mechanical stress, light transmission and the percentage of passage of ultraviolet rays at different wavelengths. In the case of glasses that change color intensity depending on the illumination, the study is carried out at several degrees of glass darkening. The results obtained are compared with the norms established and approved by the Ministry of Health.

  • Is it safe for a car to use cloudy, bad-smelling car oil?

    In this case, the examination will determine the main physical and chemical characteristics of engine oil, such as viscosity, thermal stability, and corrosion properties. Comparison of the data obtained with the requirements for motor oils in the relevant regulatory documentation will allow us to conclude that this oil is safe to use for a car.

  • I always refuel at the same gas station, but recently the engine often breaks down. Could this be caused by a decrease in fuel quality?

    A chemical examination will help you determine whether the fuel from the gas station you use complies with GOST standards and norms for a given type of gasoline or diesel fuel. Also during the examination, the fuel is checked for the presence of various unregulated impurities, the presence of which can cause damage and breakdown of engines.

  • Can one expert start a chemical examination and another finish?

    A forensic chemical examination in one case is carried out from beginning to end by one expert chemist, who was entrusted with its implementation and for which he is responsible. At the same time, all the main operations related to the isolation of certain substances, qualitative detection and their quantitative determination, are carried out personally by an expert chemist.

  • The culprit of the accident fled the scene of the accident, but traces of his car's paint remained on the pavement. Can he be held accountable?

    In the event that a chemical examination confirms the identity of the paint found at the scene of the accident, the paintwork of the suspect car, this fact can be used as indisputable evidence of the participation of this vehicle in an accident.

  • The furniture company received a batch of paint from the supplier, but the color of the paint when dried was not the same as stated in the technical passport. Can the supplier be proven guilty?

    In this case, the chemical examination will establish the compliance of the indicated batch of paint with the technical conditions under which the goods were supplied. Among other physical and mechanical characteristics, color and drying time to the required degree of hardness are the main ones.

  • My garage was painted in the summer and in the fall the paint started peeling off. What reasons led to this?

    The reason for the peeling of the paintwork when the external operating conditions change can be either the use of low-quality paintwork material, whose characteristics do not provide for exposure to low temperatures or high humidity, or poor-quality surface preparation before painting and violation technological scheme process. Chemical examination can unambiguously determine the true cause of the malfunction.

  • What objects can be the subject of chemical examination?

    Chemical expertise can analyze almost any object that a person encounters. This type of examination allows you to explore the chemical composition, physico-chemical and physico-mechanical properties of a wide variety of materials and material evidence.

  • Who conducts chemical testing?

    Chemical expertise is carried out by expert chemists with a complex of special knowledge in various fields of chemical science, as well as skills in working and using modern technical equipment. In addition, the ever-expanding list of expert tasks requires the expert chemist to be well-trained in related fields such as ecology, biology, materials science, as well as jurisprudence.

  • Why do we need chemical expertise?

    Chemical expertise in combination with other types of expertise allows you to establish a picture of the events that have occurred, serves as the basis for making decisions in civil and arbitration cases, helps to establish objective truth, and also provides various search, diagnostic and evidentiary information. The results obtained during the chemical examination allow to establish the fact of falsification of goods, to identify and control the quality of goods industrial production and daily demand. With the help of chemical expertise, it is possible to assess the possibility of environmental pollution during the introduction of new technologies and the implementation of technical projects. This type of expertise is applicable for the study and analysis of many areas of human life.

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