Riddles about the new year 8 years. Christian Resources

Recipes 06.07.2019

The New Year is coming soon, which means it's time to prepare funny riddles with a trick for children and adults for New Year's holiday. Again I will surprise you with cool and original tricks in verses that are suitable for family celebrations, kindergarten and school. All categories are very interesting.

New Year is a holiday of miracles, everyone is waiting for magic, especially children. To diversify a little new year's eve, I suggest that children and adults arrange a quiz with riddles. As an incentive, you can prepare symbolic prizes or tasks.

These tricky riddles are suitable for the New Year's scenario, corporate events, school competitions.

New Year's riddles with a trick with answers funny for the New Year

In this new collection, you can pick up puzzles for the New Year for children, including grade 5. I suggest downloading more complex ones for high school students, they are not only funny, but also interesting.

Santa Claus has arrived. I brought my young granddaughter.

Children are waiting for her gift - This girl -

Snow Maiden (not Mermaid)

Who is Santa's Helper? Who has a carrot instead of a nose?

Who is all white, clean, fresh? Who is made of snow? -

Snowman (not goblin)

On the table we have

And sometimes he trembles

And it literally melts in your mouth

Who can guess the dish?


It only happens in winter

It hangs from the roofs of houses.

If you kiss her

That in the cold does not come off.


And in the cold it’s not up to embellishment.

In them I will be just right:

So warm, comfortable and leg free.

For big and small

Sew in Russia...

(Felt boots)

If you crush it a little, it will become hard, like a potato.


Christmas trees and crackers everywhere

colorful toys,

Well, a holiday - a feast for the eyes!

He is called...

(New Year)

I love to skate on ice.

Hooray! Winter is getting closer!

I'm going to the skating rink with my friends

And I'll put on...

(Not skis, but skates)

He is in an old coat

Both summer and winter.

And surprise everyone

With my beard.

(Not Santa Claus, but a bum)

Such little New Year's riddles are suitable not only for 2019, but for all subsequent ones.

New Year's riddles for adults with a trick

These funny riddles can be made sitting at the table, they will fit perfectly into any scenario for adults.

In the New Year we need to include

Don't Forget the TV

We will all watch together

What? (Irony of fate)

“What is the most wonderful gift a woman dreams of receiving for the New Year? There is a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm and its width is 7cm.” Guess the wish of your beloved! (Hundred dollar bill).

Baba is about forty years old - but he jumps like a fool.

Give the correct answer. - Who is she?

(Snow Maiden)

What at the festive banquet jumped, jumped,

And under the very beat of the clock, it fell under the Christmas tree!

(Father Frost)

Stands pale, full to the brim. Whoever loves her, she destroys.

(A bottle of vodka)

Always dressed in winter, but she herself does not care about it.

(Herring under a Fur Coat)

A cloud tried, a bunch was piled up.


How to make a man just pissed off in bed?

(Pick up the TV remote)

It is always on the table.

The whole country loves him.

Sometimes they even sleep in it.

All guests want it!

(Russian salad)

Red hat, red nose

But not Santa Claus.

He came to us without gifts,

Well at least I found the door.

(Husband returned from a corporate party)

Put everyone on their knees

Make people dance

Everyone will walk quietly

Because it's very slippery.


The balls are swaying

unparalleled beauty,

Beckon, hurt, burn,

And attract with a mystery

And the riddles are not the same

When you look in ... (Decollete)

These New Year's riddles with answers will be a great addition for cheerful company who gathered at the table.

New Year's riddles with a trick for children

Children's New Year's riddles with a trick, it's a lot of fun, especially if they are guessed in a big company, for example, in kindergarten or school. I suggest looking at the options.

An expensive ribbon lay on the Christmas tree.

The lights flash in different colors.

They are connected by a miracle - wiring.

Light bulbs are powered by electricity.


She is a beautiful queen.

green and young

And sparkles on the crown

Star of Bethlehem.

(Christmas tree)

Look, whose footprints are in the snow?

Never understand them to the enemy.

Confused, confused paths.

Even the wolf can't find him quickly.


He is eared, cross-eyed. You recognize him immediately.

He knows a lot about carrots. Who it? Of course

hare (not wolf)

He is a big naughty and comedian. He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant. And his name is

Carlson (not Dunno)

What a wonder? What a miracle

Smoke and roar from everywhere.

The roof of the house was torn off

Mom fainted.

Suddenly it flies up beautifully

New Year…


It is packaged and selected.

It is changed and desired.

And if you do not guess with him,

Then he will make you cry.

And on New Year's Eve they put it in a bag.

They will find him under the tree.


Here she is, beauty

Everything is overflowing!

They brought her from the cold,

Is this tree a birch?

(Christmas tree)

Come join us for a ball!

So that no one recognizes you

Let your mothers sew for you

Carnival ... pajamas?


To brighten up the night

We need to help Grandpa.

All the children say on holiday

In chorus: “Christmas tree, ... turn off?”

(Light up!)

Riddles for the New Year 2019 about the symbol of the year

The symbol of 2019 is the Pig (Piggy, Boar, Piglet), if you wish, you can download your favorite riddle with an answer and a joke.

Nose - like a cake,

hooves on legs,

round belly,

Tail like shavings.


I have a question for you -

Who got their mouth and nose dirty?

Who sits in a puddle all day?

Grunting, he looks at you.

Tell me friends

What is her name?


What a fabulous pet

What a dirty stranger

Very pink at times

Cute and not evil at all!

Likes to eat everything

And gives birth to piglets!

It's time for us to answer everyone

That it is…


She got not shiny,

Iridescent icon.

She has a real

Unchangeable patch.

It's a pity only: for him

Don't buy her anything.


I'm dressed in gold

I decorate every home.

I am the symbol of the year, friends!

Who am I? Correctly! (Pig!)

Happy New Year, friends. These puzzles are for you and your children, maybe they are easy, or maybe difficult, but they are all suitable for feasts and children's parties. For adults at the table, I created a separate category, do not confuse it with children. All the best to you in the New Year.

Sincerely, Nina Kuzmenko.

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday? ...
(New Year)

Who is never late for anything?
(New Year)

Christmas tree on New Year's holiday
Calling adults and children.
Invite all people
On New Year's ... (round dance).

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?

Messed up the paths
Decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And she rode on a sled.

Everywhere on this holiday there is a roar!
An explosion followed by merry laughter!
Very noisy toy
New Year's ... (clapperboard.)

Christmas balls -
The best gift for kids.
Fragile, fabulous and bright
This festive ... (gift).

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are shorter than all days,
All nights are longer than nights.
To fields and meadows
Until spring, snow fell.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.
(month of December)

Pinches ears, pinches nose,
Frost creeps into boots.
You splash water - it will fall
Not water already, but ice.
Not even a bird flies
The bird freezes from the cold.
The sun turned to summer.
What, say, for a month is this?
(month of January)

Snow falls in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts from the house.
That snowstorms and snowstorms
They attacked the village.
The frost is strong at night
During the day, a drop is heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably.
Well, so what month is it?
(month of February)

He paints on glass
palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
and naughty like a little one.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

The horse is running
And the skin lies.
(river under ice)

He flies off in a white flock
And sparkles in flight.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth.

Warm in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in summer
Comes alive in autumn.

I look out the window
Lies a white cloth.
Lies all winter
And in the spring he will run away.

He is fluffy, silver,
But do not touch him with your hand:
Become a little clean
How to catch in the palm of your hand.

To the trees, to the bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
white, fluffy,
Just not fragrant.

He's busy all the time
He cannot go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything he sees along the way.

Walking but no legs
Lies, but there is no bed,
Lightweight, and breaks roofs.

What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut,
Will you take water in your hand?

I am snowy, I am white
The guys made me
During the day they are always with me,
In the evening they go home.
Well, at night under the moon
It's very sad for me alone.
(snow woman)

They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.
Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.
Eyes - coals, hands - knots.
Cold, big, who am I?
(snow woman)

They fly faster than the wind,
And I'm flying with them for three meters.
Here is my flight completed. Clap!
Landing soft in a snowdrift.

And not snow, and not ice,
And he will remove the trees with silver.

Pure and clear like a diamond
There are no roads
He was born from his mother
And the mother gives birth.

White grandfather, no whiter.
old, hunchbacked,
Lies next to the house.
It lies all winter - no one will lift it.
Spring will come, he will leave.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ... (Frost)

Under my feet
Wooden friends.
I'm flying at them with an arrow,
But not in summer, but in winter.

We looked out the window
Well, I can't believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ... (Snowstorm)

Hedgehog looks like her
Leaves are not to be found.
Like a beauty, slim,
And for the New Year - it is important.
(Christmas tree)

In winter, in the hours of fun
I hang on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a gun
My name is... (Clapperboard)

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward
Only the ice creaks
Let the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me? ...(Skates)

Barely breathed in winter -
They are always with me.
Warm two sisters
Their name is ... (mittens)

It stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
And will come to us
Under the New Year -
The guys will be happy.
The hassle of the merry
Full mouth:
Get her clothes ready.
(Christmas tree)

The men are resting
They have white hats on.
Not sewn, not knitted.
(trees in the snow)

Two sisters, two braids
From sheep's wool thin.
How to walk - so put on,
So that five and five do not freeze.

They are shaken, rolled,
And they carry it in the winter.
(Felt boots)

The stripes are running
Pull up your socks.

Run along the path
Boards and legs.

In the round window the glass is broken during the day,
Inserted by evening.

There was a blanket
soft, white,
The earth was warm.
The wind blew
The blanket bent.
The sun is hot,
The blanket is leaking.

She sparkles in the sky
Decorates our Christmas tree.
Will never fade
On New Year's Day ... (star).

Santa Claus for the New Year
Bring the Christmas tree to the children.
And it's like a fire
Red blazes ... (ball).

In the New Year we are not sad,
We are sitting under the tree
And to each other with expression
We say ... (congratulations).

We bought them for the Christmas tree
They gave it to her on New Year's Eve.
Like fairy buds
They shine in the branches ... (lights).

Santa Claus big bag
Behind his back carries
Calls all the people
For a merry ... (New Year).

Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow-white guest.
He called her daughter.
This girl ... (Snow Maiden).

He will come to us in the New Year,
He will bring gifts
Who is he? We ask a question.
This is grandfather ... (Frost).

Riddles are not a genre for children. In ancient times, they played an important role in human life. The riddle of logic is a kind of test of intelligence. Guess - you will go from fools to princes, you will get a princess and half the kingdom, as usual, in addition! And today, at a matinee for a child and at a holiday for a parent, at any walk, New Year's riddles will come to the court.

We have something for every taste: serious and comic, simple and complex, for children and adults, with and without answers. All of them are about the New Year 2019 and its symbol - a pig. Entertaining and instructive, with and without rhyme, a little sad and funny. Enjoy your holiday with our creative puzzles!

Riddles about the New Year (question-answer)

It's time to prepare a festive dinner. What does every housewife throw into the pan first?

What kind of fashionista comes to every house and sits like a guest at the table?
She is dressed in a warm fur coat, a dark red special color.
(Herring under a fur coat)

How many boiled eggs can you eat on an empty stomach on the first of January?
(One egg because the rest will not be eaten on an empty stomach)

The pig, a symbol of the coming year, is a kind, patient, intelligent creature. And the question is this: can she call herself an animal?
(No, because pigs can't talk)

About the symbol of 2019 - the pig

We celebrate the New Year of the Pig. No one remembers the old New Year. The symbol of 2019 is also an economic mother of many children, a well-fed, smooth pig in a yellow dress, and a slender charming pig in a golden outfit, and an economical piggy bank. Riddles about different pigs and piglets are waiting for you!

It's funny and sad to the point of tears!

She got not shiny,
Iridescent icon.
She has a real
Unchangeable patch.
It's a pity only: for him
Don't buy her anything.

Who got drunk on New Year's Eve?
Who, grunting, climbed dressed in the shower?
Didn't guess, not a pig,
And like a pig (husband)!

But the riddle about the pig is not from the gastronomic side, but from the astronomical side.

I'm dressed in gold
I decorate every home.
I am the symbol of the year, friends!
Who am I? Correctly! (Pig!)

The spree guest asked the piglet:
So tell me: Are you a reasonable pig?
Can you sparkle in a thin conversation
So how can I do this?
And the pig thought: what's the point?
You're lying under the tree all night!
And the only one who listens to you
Delicious baked (pig...)

Pink ears, slender hooves,
How can you not fall in love with such a pig?
Piglet graceful nature gave her.
Here it is, a real, cool symbol of the year!

Funny with a trick (for adults)

When adults are alone at home, despite their age, they also like to play pranks. They arrange a banquet for themselves, come up with and guess riddles for the new year. All sorts of tricky questions and puzzles are especially popular. They are suitable for corporate parties, and for the usual fun company. Joke to good health! All of our jokes are free!

Question:“What is the most wonderful gift a woman dreams of receiving for the New Year? There is a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm and its width is 7cm.” Guess the wish of your beloved!

Answer: hundred dollar bill.

Someone danced on the table yesterday.
Someone filmed and uploaded to YouTube.
Someone overslept the New Year in Olivier.
Let's say "Thank you" for this (pig.)

Question: “Who is the warmest dressed in this room?”

Who is not afraid to freeze
At minus thirty to the bone?
Maybe a fox coat
Someone hid from the guests?

Look at each other
And answer me now:
Where is this coat?
What is invisible to the eye?

(herring under a fur coat on the table)

Question:“Have you ever wondered why a snowman, like a real man, has a bucket on his head, and not a hat?”

The answers might be: it can be assumed that such a headdress is very practical - it does not get wet, it does not fly off from the wind, it suits the snowman. Or maybe such a family tradition, and the bucket is passed down from generation to generation. Of course, anything is possible!

But it really was...
Once, on New Year's Eve, the wife asked her husband to take out the garbage. Reluctantly, he looked up from the TV, which showed an old funny comedy, dressed and went out into the yard ... Two weeks passed. On the night of the old new year, the doorbell rang. The wife opened - on the threshold stood an unshaven, lost husband. He handed his wife an empty bucket. She appreciated the joke, took a bucket and with great pleasure put it on her beloved husband's head ... This is such an unusual story for the whole family.

Why is this happening? Another funny poem:

If at night your doors
The animals opened without a key
They began to eat salad with peas,
Brazenly demand potatoes
Loudly slurp and laugh,
Don't reflect in mirrors
And tap with a hoof,
And in the eyes slightly double,

Look at the calendar:
It's not winter in the yard!
Don't delay, come on
Call urgently!

New Year's riddles for children

Children believe in miracles! Not only kids 3-4 years old and preschoolers, but also quite adult senior students. They believe in a fabulous grandfather who will certainly come and give a miracle. Just like that, he will open the bag and give away the most valuable thing he has for free (that is, for free)! Let the childish naive faith in a miracle stay longer! The New Year lives in our mysteries. Each of them not only funny entertainment among friends, but good lesson.

In verse:

Light bulbs are powered by electricity.

Around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve
There is a round dance at the school.
What is where friends?
I don't see anyone.

I notice that under the mask
Smiling pig!
I'm glad to see my friends.
What is this? (Masquerade)

On the palm of a warm melts quickly
Lace little ice.
It is a pity that there are no repetitions.
Each is unique (snowflake.)

An expensive ribbon lay on the Christmas tree.
The lights flash in different colors.
They are connected by a miracle - postings.
Light bulbs are powered by electricity

She is a beautiful queen.
green and young
And sparkles on the crown
Star of Bethlehem.
(Christmas tree)

Who is from a fairy tale, who is from a miracle
Did he come to us from nowhere?
With a beard so fluffy
And a childishly pure soul?
Who brought gifts?
Let's shout out loud: (Santa Claus!)

And when the guests arrive
And pour champagne
Pull her tail
There will be fireworks!

About what winter holiday they say?

This holiday is friends with the Christmas tree,
Hanging the lights in a row
He is a green needle
He embroiders an outfit for her.

Children are not given
They repeat their verse.
Dads are laughing
Fallen snow is falling.

Moms in the kitchen cut
A full basin of Olivier.
Answer me who knows
What kind of holiday is in the yard?

(New Year)

Look, whose footprints are in the snow?
Never understand them to the enemy.
Confused, confused paths.
Even the wolf can't find him quickly.

And here are the tracks of a predator.
Run away so that there is no trouble!
Don't mess with this beast
A hare can immediately swallow.

Someone covered their tracks with their tail.
So that the hunter does not enter the house
Predators of unprecedented beauty
Sly Patrikeevna (foxes.)

Who sleeps in the lair and does not hear us?
That's right guys, this is (Misha!)

Game "Cool". Finish the rhyme

Good luck and success await you
If you eat from the Christmas tree (nut.)

You will travel the world
If you take off the Christmas tree (candy.)

You will become unrealistically smart.
If you can find (lemon)

You can study "excellently"
If you gobble up a jar (mustard.)

Suddenly a sausage will be found on the tree,
Do not share with anyone, but eat (yourself!)

I hope your sense of humor is ok?
Did you like cool riddles?

You can guess very quickly.
This famous artist.
News will show, a film,
Even the president's address.
And while the clock chimes strike,
He will show (holiday fireworks!)

Good old new year coming soon!
Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden will come.
Guess what's in the bag
Will grandpa bring it this time?
And don't just wrinkle your nose!
This is a rhetorical question!

Man has always been attracted by everything interesting, mysterious. In riddles collected drop by drop folk wisdom, salt of the earth. For many years she improved, honed rhymes, deepened the idea, polished like a diamond. How many mysteries are there? How many Christmas decorations or how many stars are in the sky? There is an answer, but it is not given unambiguously. It's like printing the same picture and expecting a different result.

Try to compose yourself! First short riddles. Look for answers in poetry or prose. Try writing simple childish or cool adult quiz writing. This is a great exercise for the mind.

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