Comic riddles for children or riddles with a trick for ingenuity. Cool riddles Riddles for children cool

Tourism and rest 05.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Riddles for younger students with answers

1. Where are the swamps of green mud,

The ballerina appeared.

On one leg she

Stayed until dark. (Heron.)

2. He plays on the chimney,

Wires serve as a harp,

Everyone knows the musician

Though I've never seen it. (Wind.)

3. Tourists are floating on the river

Or they walk.

They always have in their backpack

Comfortable light house. (Tent.)

4. Not a tailor, but always

Walks with needles. (Hedgehog.)

5. Without wings, it flies through the sky,

It breaks down and disappears. (Cloud.)

6. Our hats are like rings,

Like waves on a river.

Russula we are girlfriends,

Our name is mushrooms ... (Volnushka.)

7. Under the fallen leaves

Mushrooms hid together.

very smart sisters

These yellow ... (chanterelles.)

8. He is not used to bows,

Fat, important ... (Borovik.)

9. Huddled in a flock, like chickens,

There are mushrooms near us ... (Agaric mushrooms.)

10. She does not sit still,

Carrying news on its tail. (Magpie.)

11. He is decorated with a tuft

And lives in a dry hollow.

Knows all the forest people:

This bird's name is ... (Hoopoe.)

12. Lives in a swamp,

He sings with soul

Legs like knitting needles

And he is small. (Sandpiper.)

13. Not a hillock

There is a girl in a scarf.

But autumn will come

She will throw off her dress. (Birch.)

14. Gray feather -

Golden neck. (Nightingale.)

15. I'm not afraid of anyone -

I'll stick with anyone. (Repe.)

16. He was yellow, he became white,

Only the breeze blows -

He will boldly fly up to the clouds,

He is a flying flower. (Dandelion.)

17. This yellow fruit is growing

Where summer is all year round.

He's like the edge of the moon

All of you should know it. (Banana.)

18. This horse has striped clothes,

Her clothes look like a sailor suit. (Zebra.)

19. Forest fells,

Not a lumberjack

Building dams,

Not a hydraulic engineer. (Beaver.)

20. Along the paths, along the lowlands

The invisible walks through the forest,

repeating after me

All words in the silence of the forest. (Echo.)

21. What is this arrow

Burnt the black sky?

The black sky lit up -

It sank into the ground with a thud. (Lightning.)

22. How to name needles

At the pine and the Christmas tree? (Needles.)

23. The sheep's brother is formidable and horned. (Ram.)

24. She flows, flows, flows.

Winter will come - she will fall asleep. (River.)

25. Along the yellow river Limpopo

Floating green log.

Suddenly, silt rose in the river,

And it turns out ... (Crocodile.)

26. Walks on the sea,

The seagull overtakes

And it will reach the shore

This is where it will disappear. (Wave.)

27. We will find cities, seas,

Mountains, parts of the world -

fit on it

Whole planet. (The globe.)

28. A flower flies over a flower

And flutters, and flutters. (Butterfly.)

29. Although he has four legs,

He won't run down the road. (Chair or table.)

30. What water at once

Can't take a look? (Sea.)

31. Who lives in the water all the time,

And he does not drink the water itself:

Neither lake nor river

Not any other? (Fish.)

32. Where is the water from year to year

Doesn't run or run

Doesn't sing or murmur

And always a pillar stands. (In the well.)

33. When he is not there, everyone calls: “Here!”

And as soon as he comes, they run in all directions. (Rain.)

34. In heaven, a blacksmith forges a crown. (Thunder.)

35. Now white, then red.

Either love or dangerous. (Fire.)

36. Leggy skater

I've scribbled the notebook!

Whatever dance is a circle,

What's his name, friend? (Compass.)

37. He weaves a net, not a hammock,

Although he is not a fisherman at all.

And puts nets not in the river,

And in the corner, on the ceiling. (Spider.)

38. He goes out in the hot summer

Dressed in a white down jacket.

But the wind will blow - instantly

The down jacket flies. (Dandelion.)

39. Look at the baby -

He takes it out slowly

neat, clean,

Letters and numbers.

One-two! One-two!

Weaves words from letters.

And crumbling in your hand

Lost on the board. (Chalk.)

40. It goes, it runs,

And it drags on.

But overtake, stop

He is not destined. (Time.)

41. I warned him

To wake me up.

Until the morning he worried

Everyone walked, walked, walked! (Alarm.)

42. Nimble sixty sisters

One brother!

But if there is no one sister.

Then there is no him. (Hour and minutes.)

43. Exactly one year

Twelve will pass.

Line up in a row

And they go through. (12 months.)

44. Passing this shift

For centuries unchanged.

From cold to heat goes

Well, then vice versa. (Seasons.)

45. If you make friends with me -

You won't get lost on the hike. (Compass.)

46. ​​First - find a consonant,

And then look at the face.

While you are struggling with the question -

The answer is digging the ground with its nose. (Mole.)

47. The beginning of a word is a measure of weight,

And the end is from the forest.

You can solve the problem

Guessing the breed of a dog. (Poodle.)

48. Mom has a sister,

You won't find better!

I'm very proud

After all, she is mine ... (aunt.)

49. At least read from the beginning,

At least from the end.

And the answer will be -

Part of the face. (Eye.)

50. Someone in the morning, slowly,

Blows up a red balloon

And how to get out of hand -

It will suddenly become light around. (Sun.)

51. I love it when the sea is quiet,

And I don't like bad weather.

Always persistent and dashing

I wink at the ship. (Lighthouse.)

52. He is the thinnest of all,

But still it happens

That once every four years

He gets better in a day. (February.)

53. Look east in the morning -

You will see a red bun.

And in heaven he is not lazy

Leaning west all day. (Sun.)

54. There is a back, four legs,

Not a dog or a cat. (Chair.)

55. The first syllable is a pronoun,

The second syllable is frog singing,

Well, the word itself is in nature,

Does it grow in the garden, in the garden. (Pumpkin.)

56. Joy in the eyes,

Surprise in the eyes

In our family today

Another addition!

In our house

A girl has appeared!

Now I'm her brother

And she told me ... (sister.)

57. He has four legs,

Paws - tsap-scratches,

A pair of sharp ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (Cat.)

58. She speaks silently,

It's understandable and not boring.

You talk more often with her -

You will become 10 times smarter. (Book.)

59. Has three different eyes,

But it won't open right away.

If the eye opens red -

Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

Yellow eye - wait,

And green - come on! (Traffic light.)

60. Wooden sisters,

Two little sisters

pounded on the sides,

I answered: "Tram-there-there." (Drum.)

61. Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Building a house with one window. (Woodpecker.)

62. There is a commotion in the yard,

Peas are falling from the sky

Nina ate six peas,

She now has angina. (deg.)

63. The sun ordered - stop,

The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!

The cloud hid the light of the sun -

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow.)

64. Guess, guys,

What is an acrobat number?

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three will be less. (Nine.)

65. Black, tailed,

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite

And from class to class

Doesn't let. (Deuce.)

66. She will fluff up her sides,

Your four corners

And you, as the night falls,

It will still draw you in. (Pillow.)

67. Four blue suns

Grandma's in the kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and faded.

Shchi is ripe, pancakes hiss.

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed. (Gas stove.)

68. On a stepladder

Lambs are hung.

Click yes click - five yes five -

69. Five steps - ladder,

On the steps - a song. (Notes.)

70. House without windows and doors,

Like a green box.

It has six round children

It is called - ... (pod.)

71. Eight legs, like eight arms,

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master in silk knows a lot

Buy, flies, silk! (Spider.)

72. Kind of like a comma

Crocheted tail, and it's no secret:

She loves all lazy people

And her lazy - no. (Deuce.)

73. I eat coal, I drink water,

When I'm drunk, I'll speed up.

I'm driving a convoy on a hundred wheels

And I am called ... (locomotive.)

74. Mathematical relations:

The more you take from it

The more she gets. (Pit.)

75. Canvas, not a track,

Horse, not horse - centipede

It crawls along that path,

The whole convoy is one lucky. (Train.)

76. I puff, puff, puff,

I haul a hundred wagons. (Locomotive.)

77. On the arm, and on the wall,

And on the tower above

Walk with a fight and without a fight,

Everyone needs - and we are with you. (Watch.)

78. I'm so sweet, I'm so round,

I am made up of two circles.

How glad I am that I found

Yourself like you, my friends. (Eight.)

79. He is old, but that's okay,

He is no better.

He is my dad's dad

And for me, he ... (grandfather)

80. Units of magnitude:

A mole climbed into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.

A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,

If the mole opens its mouth. (Excavator.)

81. Thirty-three native sisters -

written beauties,

Live on the same page

And they are famous everywhere! (Letters.)

82. I am stronger than ten horses.

Where in the fields I will pass in the spring,

In summer, bread will become a wall. (Tractor.)

83. In a clearing near the Christmas trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

It has a million residents. (Anthill.)

84. He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

85. What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each flock,

They fly in a string,

They don't turn back. (Days of the week.)

86. Guess, guys,

What is an acrobat number?

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three more will be. (Six.)

87. Three brothers heat stoves,

Three - plow near the river,

Three brothers mow together

Three people bring mushrooms into the house. (Twelve months.)

88. Twelve brothers

They walk one after another

They don't bypass each other. (Months.)

Rhyming exercises (Riddles for a collective answer)

There is no end to the line

Where are the three dots.

Who will come up with the end

He will be ... (well done.)

She buzzes, buzzes,

Above the flower circles, circles,

She sat down, took the juice from the flower,

Honey is preparing for us ... (bee.)

Helps us in the household

And willingly settles

Wooden palace

Dark bronze ... (starling.)

We are in the forest and in the swamp,

You can always find us everywhere:

In the meadow, on the edge,

We are green ... (frogs.)

Instead of a nose - a patch,

I am cheerful ... (pig.)

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? (Skates.)

On the icy platform cry,

A student rushes to the gate.

Everyone screams:

"Washer! Hockey stick! Bey! -

A fun game ... (hockey.)

There are a lot of them in the summer

And in winter they all die.

Jumping, buzzing over the ear,

What are they called? (Flies.)

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

I am in any bad weather

I have a lot of respect for water.

I stay away from dirt

Clean gray ... (goose.)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This animal is a forest ... (bear.)

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill!

The sport became dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis.)

I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails

I stuffed planks on the bars.

Give me snow! Ready ... (sled.)

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms

I do not fly to a warm land,

Here, I live under the roof.

Chick-chirp, don't be shy!

I am experienced ... (sparrow.)

“Ha, cool!”, “Listen, great!”, “Actually, cool!”. Do you know how to make your friends, colleagues, acquaintances tell you this in response? Just ask them funny riddles. Let them think, guess, and then tell them the answer. Relax for a few minutes and have fun. You yourself know that one minute of laughter prolongs life by fifteen minutes ... conditionally :-)

Why does Santa Claus deliver gifts alone, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden?
Answer: Santa Claus will get home after the New Year's Eve, and Santa Claus must be dragged by someone
Mikhail Bagdanov, Moscow

Where can you relax New Year for 100 rubles?
Answer: in 1975
Mikhail Bagdanov, Moscow

How long until the New Year?
Answer: 500 rubles
Mikhail Bagdanov, Moscow

When is a person a tree?
Answer: Pine
Astakhova Vika, St. Petersburg

Why do students usually get kicked out of class?
Answer: Out the door
Kharitonov Maxim, Moscow

What happens when you combine Microsoft and iPhone?
Answer: microphone

Two women - nothing. Woman and man - somehow. Two men - anyway.
Answer: toilet

Sober at the New Year's banquet is only ...?
Answer: Christmas tree

Muzzle stuck in the lawn?
Answer: Know it was OMON

What should be done to make a blonde's eyes light up?
Answer: Shine a blonde in the ear

What should you do if you get into the car and your feet don't reach the pedals?
Answer: Move to the driver's seat

What should you do if you sit in the driver's seat, and your feet still do not reach the pedals?
Answer: Turn around to face the steering wheel

What is behind the military unit?
Answer: Military fully

What does a woman do with her mouth and do men love it so much?
Answer: Eating
Lahmanova Anya, Peter

The very first semiconductor in the world?
Answer: Ivan Susanin

What is cleanliness?
Answer: Pure mass divided by pure volume, ept

What is the name of the shadow from the horseradish plant?
Answer: Crap

Name a 5-letter word containing the letters: p, z, d, a.
Answer: West

A sparrow can eat a handful of grain, but a horse cannot. Why?
Answer: The sparrow is too small to eat a horse.
Vika, Novosibirsk

What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his head?
Answer: Asleep
ageeva veronica, p.Petrovsky

Why didn't Koshchei the Deathless have children?
Answer: Because he has only one egg, and that is far away.
Vadyara, Specific

Lights up but doesn't heat up.
Answer: 15 years of strict regime
anonymous, Saransk

What is the difference between an elephant and a piano?
Answer: You can lean against an elephant, but you cannot lean against a piano.

Am I with a roll on the balcony or at home?
Answer: I shit in the toilet

What will happen to the young people who will be drafted into the army in 2012?
Answer: Will serve until the end of the world

Where else, besides the Christmas tree, do children shout “Santa Claus, come out!”?
Answer: Near the toilet

There are three kinds of people. 1) People who believe in Santa Claus. 2) People who don't believe in Santa Claus. 3) What is the third option?
Answer: Santa Claus himself

What is the fear of Santa Claus called?
Answer: claustrophobia

In autumn, on a rainy gray day, who ran through the city?
Answer: Dumpling (made from deer)
foxgor arthur

Why do goats have sad eyes?
Answer: Because the husband is a goat
Kopturova Saniya, Omsk

How to catch a tiger in a cage?
Answer: There is no tiger in a cage, a tiger in a strip.

Millions of people do this every night.
Answer: Go online
salaxova elmira

What lengthens when it is picked up, passed between the breasts and thrust into the hole?
Answer: Safety belt
Doll Katya, Taganrog

Riddles can be designed not only for knowledge, but also for ingenuity. And to make the question interesting, it is presented in a fun, non-standard form. Cool riddles with answers for children and adults, they are attracted by the fact that they teach resourcefulness, intelligence, original reasoning, developing in children individuality, the ability to express and defend their own opinion. Through such communication, parents notice enthusiasm, activity, and a desire to show off their minds in their children. Below are funny riddles for adults and children on topics:

  • human and nature;
  • about animals;
  • school;
  • geography;
  • road theme;
  • about food;
  • different;
  • with a trick.

Human and nature

What is the name of the shadow from the horseradish plant?


Where you can see cities, but without houses; rivers, but without water; forests completely without a single tree?

(On the geographical map)

About animals

Why sparrows can eat some grain, but a horse can't.

(The sparrow will not eat the horse, it is small)

What is the best way to catch a tiger in a cage?

(Tiger striped, not plaid)

On what animal do people walk and cars drive?

(Across the zebra)

For the heron it is in front, and for the hare it is behind.

(Letter "c")


Why is a student exposed during a lesson?

(Out the door)

road theme

What to do if you are sitting in a car, but you can’t reach the pedals?

(Change to the driver's seat)


Which city is made up of male name and one side of the world?


What is the name of the river that "sits" in the mouth?


The name of which country consists of two pronouns and a small horse between them?


About food

What is not eaten either raw or boiled?

What is the name of the product of 2 notes?



What was the first semiconductor?

(Ivan Susanin)

How is an elephant different from a piano?

(It will be possible to lean against an elephant, but not to get attached to the piano)

Thief and tree. What unites them?

(They are planted)

When is a person called a tree?


When will the foal be a horse?

(Never a child will be a horse)

What is the name of the first woman to own a flying device?

What letter has the "roof gone"?

(Was "B", became "b")

What unites a policeman, a grandmother and a persimmon?

(They all knit)

Around the water, and in the middle - the law.

(The prosecutor is bathing)

It goes both uphill and downhill, but always in place.


Riddles with a trick

Intricate and fun puzzles for parents encourage adults to willingly participate in games, because moms and dads also want to feel a little like children. Funny, witty and funny answers captivate both small and large.

How do day and night usually end?

(soft sign)

Whiskers, noisy and big, does not like hares.


Why is the dog running?

(On the ground)

The hare hid in the rain. Under what bush?

(under wet)

How to see through a wall?

(Through the window)

The headless man is in the room. When does it happen?

(When he sticks his head out of an open window)

The fire engulfed rich and poor house. Which one will the police put out?

(Police - none, firefighters do it)

What kind of cork will not stop up a single bottle?


You can tie it, you can't untie it. What's this?


To whom even the president takes off his hat?

(In front of the hairdresser)

2 liters of milk fit in liter jar? How is this possible?

(Milk turned into cottage cheese)

How to write the word "duck" in 2 cells?

(The letter "u" is in one cell, the punctuation mark "dot" is in another)

Which weapon contains the number and years?


How many digits does the number 100 have?

(Out of 2: 1 and 0)

A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none at all. What's this?

(letter "o")

What is the difference between the Volga River and the Pope?

(Pop is a father, and Volga is a mother)

Playing riddles with a child, adults thereby expand the child's horizons and have a beneficial effect on the comprehensive development of a small person. Children are especially fascinated by cool, funny riddles. In childhood, people have their first contact with humor, which in later life often comes to the rescue in difficult times.

Riddles enter the life of children from the first years. Simple and unpretentious funny questions make kids look closely at the world around them, notice the features of objects and phenomena, pay attention to signs, relationships, sequence. Children especially like cool funny riddles with a catch. These are peculiar questions - jokes in which a spontaneous answer in rhyme is always wrong. It is the absurdity of the answer that gives the guys different years greatest pleasure.

Related materials

  • You and I, and we are with you. How many of us have become? (Two)
  • Elizabeth, Lisey, Betsy and Bess went to the forest with a basket in the spring. In a nest on a birch, where there were no birds, they found five pinkish eggs. All four of them got testicles, and yet 4 remained in place. (Elizabeth, Lisey, Betsy and Bess are one girl)
  • 40 wolves ran. How many tails do they have? (Neck tails do not grow)
  • There was a woman with dough, fell in a soft spot. What do you think? (Head, of course)
  • What does the watchman want when a sparrow sits on his hat? (asleep)
  • A grandmother was going to Moscow, three old men were meeting her. The old people have a bag, and in each bag there is a cat. How many went to Moscow? (One grandmother)
  • She does not live in the sea, she lives in the river, she will not fit in a barn, she will enter two baskets. (Letter "K")
  • There are 4 hollows on 4 birches, 4 branches above each hollow, 4 apples on each branch, how many apples are there in total? (Apples do not grow on a birch)
  • How to write the word mousetrap with five letters? (Cat)
  • Why is the cow lying down? (Because he can't sit down)
  • When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)
  • A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (Letter "O")
  • A flock of birds flew into the grove. They sat down two by two on a tree - one tree remained; sat down one at a time - one did not get. How many birds flew, and how many trees were in the grove? (3 trees, 4 birds)
  • Thirty-two warriors have one commander. (Teeth and tongue)
  • Twelve brothers roam one after another, do not bypass each other. (months)
  • He wanders importantly across the meadow, comes out of the water dry, wears red shoes, gives soft featherbeds. (Goose)
  • I have a hedgehog in my room for a year. If the floor is waxed, he will polish it to a shine. Answer (Polyter)
  • They knock, they knock - they don't tell you to be bored. They go, they go, and everything is right there. (Watch)
  • Fan tail, crown on head. There is no bird more beautiful than ... (not a crow, but a peacock)
  • He likes to rush along the branches, a light red fox (squirrel).
  • Not afraid, but trembling. (aspic)
  • The crow sits, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)
  • How many peas can go into one glass? (None. Peas don't walk by themselves!)
  • Who speaks all languages? (echo)
  • Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same)
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One - the second will no longer be on an empty stomach)
  • What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin)
  • Which tree does a bird land on during a heavy downpour? (on wet)
  • Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
  • What fabric can not be used to sew shirts? (From the railway)
  • Why is the dog barking? (Can't speak)
  • Can I bring water in a sieve? (You can - a piece of ice)
  • Which woman's name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna, Alla)
  • What is between the window and the door? (Letter "I")
  • Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are worth)
  • Are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)
  • The more of them, the less weight. What's this? (holes)
  • What mathematicians, drummers and even hunters cannot do without? (No fraction)
  • A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (letter "o")
  • My father's son, not my brother. Who is it? (I myself)
  • Which fields do not grow grass? (On the brim of the hat.)
  • When a horse is bought, what is it like? (wet)
  • What ribbon cannot be woven into a pigtail? (machine gun)
  • Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)
  • What dishes can not eat anything? (From empty)
  • Which car wheel does not rotate while driving? (Spare)
  • What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess)

Answer is correct and incorrect

Riddles reflect real life, life, habits, signs. Personal attitude to life is directly reflected in the search for an answer. Comic riddles with the answers they break stereotypes, make them creatively approach the solution. An unexpected answer always entertains and amuses children. The unexpectedness and originality of the solution surprises. We are interested in the destruction of stereotyped reasoning: we are looking for an answer by building a logical chain, an associative series, a system of interconnected transitions, and the answer was on the surface, although not obvious.

As a rule, comic riddles are designed for the first reaction to give a rhymed answer. It is these answers that are not only wrong, but also funny and awkward. So comic riddles turn into a means of learning and development with entertainment.

Build a sense of humor

A sense of humor is one of the best human qualities. Healthy cheerful laughter helps a person throughout his life. Physicians note amazing healing properties laughter. For children, a sense of humor gives emotional emancipation, helps to more easily adapt to a new team. Such children, as a rule, have stronger immunity, they are less prone to stress and depression.

However, a sense of humor is not innate. From the first years of life, children imitate adults, learn what situations make their parents laugh, and repeat after their elders. From 4-5 years old, the child begins to laugh at obvious inconsistencies. It is during this period that children's funny riddles can be offered - pictures. Children will be attracted by the bright image, and adults will help to restore the correspondence. Often, by analogy, kids themselves begin to come up with funny riddles with inconsistencies.

It is important for parents to gradually form a sense of tact and teach them to distinguish funny funny jokes from vulgarity and obscenity. The best remedy parenting is the reaction of parents. Cheerful laughter of adults informs children that comic riddles are cool and really funny. The restrained reaction of adults and the remark about the inappropriateness and rudeness of the statement will form a certain stamp in the child, which in the future will not allow him to cross the line of decency.

Choosing riddles

For fairytale heroes riddles have always been a test of wisdom, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Riddles with a trick were considered especially difficult. Listening to fairy tales, children think along with their favorite characters, admire the amazing and often funny answers. But this is a school for solving riddles for children. Reflecting on the correct answers, comparing with their versions, kids from the first years of life join folk wisdom and develop themselves.

When choosing children's funny riddles, parents should take into account the age of the child, the subject, time and place of solving. After all, this is an exciting game that should be in harmony with the surrounding situation. Comic riddles about food and dishes will be timely when you set the table together, or clean the dishes, or bake delicious cookies. But about bugs - spiders, animals and plants, it is better to guess riddles on a walk, on a picnic, during outdoor recreation.

Sometimes funny riddles with answers help to amuse children, distract them from whims and tears. Cool riddles will switch the attention of the child, help to establish contact.

Children's creativity

How older child, the more insistent he is in self-affirmation: he wants to do everything himself. And I also like to invent riddles myself. Such children's impulses are worthy of encouragement. After all, making up funny riddles with answers, the baby shows observation, logic, and the ability to analyze. For children, no matter how old they are, composing riddles is associated with the development of speech and memory, with the improvement of word skills, its direct and figurative meaning. In this process, it expands vocabulary, the foundations of a creative attitude to the world around are formed. Encourage children to try to make riddles on their own from an early age.

Funny children's riddles with answers are great helpers for adults in the development and formation of children from the first years of their lives. They diversify holidays, decorate family evenings, complement walks, help establish contact and relieve psychological stress. Choose thematic riddles and compose yourself. Develop memory and speech, improve logical thinking and sense of humor.

Video riddles

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