Cause déjà vu effect. See what "Deja Vu" is in other dictionaries. Manifestations of deja vu and causes of the phenomenon

Helpful Hints 24.09.2018

The deja vu effect is still not fully understood. Doctors, psychologists, esotericists, magicians and sorcerers, religious scholars are trying to explain this phenomenon. The increased interest of people of various professions has led to the birth of several hypotheses. Why does the deja vu effect occur?

Can you use it to your advantage? Can it be controlled?

The results, however, are another step into the future in which we know why we remember things we may not have experienced at all. Since this woman does not remember the past, she writes her diary every day. Because she doesn't remember the last 15 months - and tomorrow she will forget today. Thus, a person lives without short-term memory.

Deja vu: how the brain plays on us

Maybe even with my articles. My topic today is Memory, also known as Deja-woo. It comes from French and means as before. You can have deja vu in different situations. Then the scene froze before my inner eye. You have to say that it was very late and we got a little drunk.

What is deja vu?

Many people have experienced this feeling. Some sources call the figure 97%. It is not surprising that there are a lot of myths and assumptions around the phenomenon.

The word "déjà vu" came to us from French. True, there it is written separately. In dictionaries and encyclopedias, the term is explained as follows:

“Deja vu (from the French “already seen”) is a psychological state of a person in which he feels that he has already been in a similar situation, been in this place, seen certain objects.”

This is perhaps also a bad example of the memory illusion. But there are also typical Deja-vu phenomena. In the evening you sit on the couch. A woman sits next to one and asks: “What are you thinking about?” And everyone thinks, "She asked you the other day." Then you turn on the TV and think, "You've seen this before."

Deja vu: fragments of the past

So public television. Did you know, for example, that there are about 30 theories about this phenomenon? Numerous scientific studies are presented in the articles. For example, French authors Marc Tadi and his brother Jean-Yves. One of them is the director of the University Institute of Neurosurgery, the other is a professor of literature. In it, they say that Deja-vu is characterized by the fact that at some point you can be sure that the situation has been tested.

Imagine: You arrive or arrive in a completely unfamiliar place. But! You are haunted by the feeling that you have been here before. You've seen it, you've smelled it, you've talked to these people. Some can even tell exactly what is behind them. Or what is behind the door on the left.

All this knowledge appears at the level of sensations. Memory does not tell when this situation has already happened. When you arrived at this place. Moreover, such a situation may never have happened. But the feeling of "acquaintance" does not leave. When it passes, only confusion remains.

But you don't remember the time. First, the author suspects that the feeling of Deja-vu is caused by a neurochemical process in the brain: the superspector is playing a trick. One is in a situation and feels ridiculous. The gray cells then appropriate the feeling of the old memory. Zach - you mistakenly recognize them as something you've already experienced.

Deja vu: every second

Psychologists say, but it could also be that Deja Vu only resembles one fragment that wasn't fully captured the first time. This is how they remember fragments from the past that are incorrectly connected with the present and thus are repeated. More educated people are reported to be more likely.

Feeling of "familiarity", a talent for foresight and a memory disorder.

Do not confuse deja vu with simple forgetfulness or painful memory disorders. FROM deja vu man encounters regardless of circumstances, time and place. It is impossible to establish periods, to notice any regularity.

Forgetfulness haunts a person for a certain period. It manifests itself not only in the sensations of something familiar, but also in other everyday trifles. We don’t remember where they put the keys, glasses, turned off the stove, and so on.

However, psychiatric patients Then some people experience an endless cycle of countless repetitions. Absolutely no third programs on TV. However, these perceptions are less common with age. Speak demographers, we are dying. Of course, now you think you've heard it before. It's just a lousy point.

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The best of us by mail - every Saturday. Sign up for free news bulletin. He now advises companies on content strategy, blogging, and coaching editorial teams. Someone who only wants to make fun of, make suggestions and keep their knowledge to themselves is not the case here. Our moderators will review comments accordingly and delete them if necessary. Anyone who repeatedly violates these rules will be permanently banned. Those who criticize can, of course, be equally criticized. . It happens that sometimes we spend moments that we feel we have lived before, this feeling is called “Dejava”, it is a kind of paramnesia that gives your subconscious the idea to experience something, even if it is a new experience.

Serious memory problems are the domain of psychotherapists and neurologists. Sometimes in the mind of a person there is a past and present. Sometimes a whole period of life falls out altogether. It's already amnesia.

Foresight, premonition is the recognition of a future event in advance. At the level of intuition, consciousness. Some see clear visual images of things to come. For others, the near and distant future comes in dreams. For still others, knowledge appears in the form of a simple instinctive reaction. The event did not happen, but the person felt or saw it.

The question is, why does Deja Vu happen? What is behind this neurological phenomenon that affects over 60% of the world's population? First of all, it is important to make a historical note before making it public; the term was coined by the French philosopher and psychic Émile Boyrac, giving "Déjà vu" the meaning of "I have already seen" in the titled "The Future of the Psychic Sciences", where he attempted to speculate between the relationship of the Already Living with paranormal and parapsychological phenomena.

Cleary, of the University of Colorado, has two processes for recognizing things: “recovery” and “acquaintance.” In the first, the brain identifies that the situation is repeating itself. For example, we saw a person on a bus, and then we saw her on the street, we recovered the memory. In the second case, "familiarity" is where we find more "Déjà Vu" relevance, as we don't know exactly why something seems familiar to us. For example, we believe that something has happened to us, but we do not know when.

With deja vu, it’s different: something happened, and the person felt something familiar. He "recognized" a place, phenomenon, conversation, etc., new to his memory.

From ancient times to the present.

For the first time the term "déjà vu" is found in the works of the French psychologist Emile Buarak. He worked at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Émile Boirac used this word to denote the feeling of the unreality of what is happening. A strange feeling was accompanied by anxiety, a perception of oneself as if from the outside.

The phenomenon that gives rise to the fact that the situation is perceived as already lived, although it was not

Then Deja Vu, also called paramnesia, usually appears in the minds of people, accompanied by a combination of sensations, on the one hand, familiarity, and, on the other hand, strangeness. Scientists of the same attribute as to different questions on the one hand, and to experience something new for the previous dream in which the person was.

Our brain has different types memory, immediate, lasting a few seconds; a short term that perceives real facts and lasts several hours; and long-term memory, which perceives past events and can last for years. Meanwhile, in Deja Vu, the brain stores events that occur in long-term memory instead of immediate type, and therefore there is a feeling that the event in question has previously lived.

Almost simultaneously, other phenomena were discovered:

déjà vécu (if deja vu is the visual perception of information, then déjà vécu is at the level of feelings and emotions; “already experienced”);
déjà entendu (auditory perception, "already heard");
déjà baisée (moving, sensual, "already tried");
déjà lu (imposition of images perceived through reading, "already read");
déjà eprouvé (emotional perception, "already experienced").

It should be noted that in some cases, the belief that the situation has developed is that it is believed that this is indeed the case. This brain disorder that affects memory usually does not cause problems, this is normal because more than 70% of the world has happened, for example, not a problem of the few, and also does not interfere with the daily rhythm of life in any way.

When treatment is needed

However, if your pattern repeats, you should see a specialist like a neurologist or psychiatrist for treatment. The most effective of paramnesia is medical interrogation, in which the physician can know the frequency with which the disorder is experienced.

The opposite term for deja vu is jamevu. Its literal translation is "never seen". Being in a familiar, well-known environment next to familiar people, a person feels novelty. As if he had not been here, he did not know these people.

All these phenomena were discovered already at the end of the nineteenth century. And they did not meet in isolated cases. The events were massive. But it is very difficult to study them in detail, to apply scientific methods. The main reason is the unpredictability of manifestations of phenomena.

Once the doctor confirms the diagnosis, you will be given anticonvulsant medication to treat the memory disorder. While there is no specific cause that develops this disorder, it is speculated that it is the result of being affected by the mother, as a result of which it affects her son, a severe blow to the head, umbilical cord tangle.

On the one hand, deja vu has three types of deja vu, on the one hand, deja felt and finally visited deja. According to the statistics made in this regard, at least 70% of people confirm that they have ever experienced Deja Vu. However, it is very difficult to recreate this experience in the laboratory, so there is not much experimental research on this issue.

It is impossible to know exactly when women started to shave their legs and when the feeling of "fame" in an unknown place will appear. Since it became impossible to explain the occurrence of deja vu with the help of science, various hypotheses and assumptions were built. Some of them are highly dubious. Although... Who knows where the seed of truth is buried.

Hypotheses regarding the occurrence of deja vu:

Some scientists argue that it is absolutely impossible to create deja vu through hypnosis. First, Deja Vu consists of the failure of the mental system, and in the second case, Deja Vu is the key to deciphering the crime. The term is a French language expression that means, literally, already seen.

It is known that our memory can sometimes fail; it is not always possible to distinguish between what is new and what is already known. However, these doubts are not accompanied by a sense of strangeness, which is necessary for true déjà vu. There is nothing strange about not remembering a book you have read or a movie you have watched; It's weird to feel like a scene that looks familiar shouldn't be.

1) Multiple transmigration of souls.

From time immemorial (namely, from ancient times) people believed in "past lives". Each nation even had its own traditions of burial of the dead. All rituals and actions are aimed at achieving one single goal: to allow the soul of the deceased to leave the body, and then return to earth in a new guise, in a new physical body.

One has a strange feeling when you go through some past experience knowing that it's impossible that it ever happened. But the most intriguing thing about this issue is the fact that a person can, under these circumstances, have this strange feeling that he has already experienced what is happening to him, and also be able to tell what will be the next events that will manifest themselves in this experience. However, it is known that usage can change the meaning of words, either expand it or limit it.

While some of these changes may be regrettable, this process of semantic mutation must be seen as an extremely useful and enriching factor in language. Putting it in very concrete terms: dictionaries are condensed not only with new words entering the lexicon, but also with new meanings that are added to existing entries. It may seem ironic, but the expression that technical language associates with strangeness has passed in ordinary language to indicate familiarity. It seems that the semantic expression of the expression has not yet stabilized: there are already those who use the expression to simply describe the situation that occurs a second time: "I was not embarrassed by the scene, because for me it was already déjà vu."

According to this theory, deja vu is nothing more than remembering a fragment from a previous life. Echoes of the hypothesis can be found in the writings of Pythagoras. Plato went even further. Believing in the immortality of the soul, he argued that before entering the physical body, the spiritual principle contemplates the world, phenomena, people, places.

The soul not only sees and hears everything, it also analyzes, evaluates, draws conclusions. Already in the body, the soul "remembers its past thoughts." This is how the process of cognition of reality takes place. It is not surprising that a person feels "familiar" at certain points in his life.

In The Matrix, Keanu Reeves sees, at a minimum interval, a cat walking through a door twice, and describes this fact as déjà vu - here in the work even further from the primitive, as it denotes the fact that he actually saw the thing happen twice. With this current undefined value, it is recommended to surround the use of this expression with all possible precautions, since nothing guarantees that readers will understand it in the same way as the one who wrote it.

It is known that the brain has several types of memory, such as immediate memory, responsible, for example, for the ability to immediately repeat the phone number that is given, and then forget about them; short-term memory, which lasts a few hours or days, but which can be consolidated; and long-term memory, which lasts for months or even years, is exemplified by language learning.

Carl Gustav Jung adhered to the theory of the transmigration of souls in his writings. A famous Swiss psychologist active in the early twentieth century believed that he himself worked as a physician in the eighteenth century.

The hypothesis is, of course, interesting and very simple. There is no confusion about feeling famous in a new place. But ... If deja vu appeared at the time when you visited a trendy club. Or while working on the computer. Or during a conversation with a friend in sunglasses and ripped jeans. Were there the same places and the same things a hundred years ago? Don't the objects around us change from century to century?

Déjà vu happens when, due to a deficiency in the brain, the facts that occur are stored directly in the memory for long or medium periods without passing directly through the memory. This gives us the feeling that this fact has already happened. Déjà vu is a French term meaning "already seen". The term describes the feeling a person experiences when they think he or she has previously experienced a fact that is actually new.

Deja vu, also known as paramnesia, makes the subject feel like they are living something familiar, but at the same time it is strange. In general, despite people's belief, supposed previous experiences are associated with dream creations. In general, deja vu is divided into two classes: deja vu and deja senti.

2) Prophetic dreams.

For the first time, Arthur Allin, an American psychologist of the late 19th century, spoke about the connection between the phenomenon of deja vu and prophetic dreams. Since then, this theory has only supporters. Opponents are stopped by the unprovability of the opposite. Indeed, it is very difficult to refute the connection between deja vu and a prophetic dream. But not everyone sees upcoming events and meetings in their dreams.

3) Subconscious fantasies.

When we are talking about the conscious and the unconscious (subconscious), one involuntarily recalls Sigmund Freud. And before him, ideas about the unconscious arose in philosophical minds. But experimentally, these concepts were developed precisely by an Austrian psychologist.

He and his supporters explained deja vu as follows: in the subconscious there are certain fantasies, images, ideas; when they coincide with ongoing events, there is a sense of recognition.

Modern theories:

AT modern world there is also a scatter of opinions and hypotheses regarding this phenomenon.

1) Violation of such perception processes as memorization and recall.

Normally, these two processes should work together. But sometimes one of them "turns off". The other in his absence is activated independently.

How does a person perceive new information? The brain tries to correlate the impressions it receives with similar familiar ones. That is, those who this moment are in a person's memory. This is a remembrance. At the same time, the brain remembers the received information.

If there is no recall? The brain cannot find similar information. There is a false sense of recall. The brain passes off the new as the familiar.

One more moment. Memorization always follows perception. They saw, touched, smelled, tasted, heard - remembered. If a temporary failure occurs, then these processes are superimposed. There is an illusion of remembering the new, deja vu.

2) “Incorrect” information transfer rate.

Neurophysiologists believe that deja vu appears when the perceiving organ transmits the received information faster, and the brain processes it faster. As a result, the new is perceived as well known. This can happen after a good rest.

3) Visual data transfer failure.

We have two eyes. Accordingly, there are two ways of delivering visual information to the brain. It is delivered almost at the same time. If one signal is delayed by milliseconds, then it will not be new for the brain.

4) The source of information has been forgotten.

Every day, every hour and every minute, our brain perceives a lot of information. He does not always consider it necessary to connect consciousness. We simply “smeared” the subject with our eye, accidentally heard a snippet of a phrase, and the brain has already received this information, processed and stored it. We don't even notice how it all happens. These impressions “ignored” by consciousness are the basis of deja vu.

Typical examples.

We were visiting, looking at photos of the hosts. Family, friendly. There were faces in the background. And then we get acquainted with these randomly captured faces. And we can’t remember in any way: where have I seen him before?

In some book read a description of a medieval castle. The action of a movie took place on a certain street of a certain city. Only individual details are visible, elements that are completely unimportant for understanding the plot. Let's get to that place real life- there is deja vu.

5) Recognition of a familiar object.

In a new environment, we can see a familiar object, smell a familiar smell, hear a familiar sound. Consciousness may not notice this. But the brain speeds up the processing of new information. And the consciousness is not able to isolate the stimulus for this. There is deja vu.

6) Time offset.

This is an esoteric hypothesis. No time. This concept is vague and relative. If we easily remember the past. Why can't we remember the future in the same way?! What will happen in a few seconds. The flow of time is one. Perhaps there is access to it from both ends?!

There is another, very beautiful explanation of the deja vu phenomenon. Everyone from birth has his own destiny, his own line of life. For each specific person, certain circumstances, certain people, work, meetings, places are ideal.

This ideal life line is known to our subconscious. When deja vu appears, our life path intersects with someone else's ideal trajectory for us. Therefore, we are on the right track.

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Have you ever had a situation when you are walking in an unfamiliar city and suddenly feel that you have been here before.
Perhaps you have already experienced this feeling more than once?

Many, having experienced this feeling for the first time, are in confusion, cannot explain to themselves why they suddenly do not need to ask for directions in an unfamiliar place. A person is at a loss, and some citizens even experience mystical horror.
Do not be afraid of this, this is a fairly common phenomenon, which our ancestors called "Deja Vu".

The first version of the appearance of the term "Deja Vu"

According to medical professionals working in psychiatry, this strange phenomenon has several characteristic features of a disease such as epilepsy.

It is these feelings that people with epilepsy and schizophrenia experience. This feeling also arises in citizens who have a disturbed perception of time.
A similar effect has long been studied by specialists and they concluded that the "Deja Vu" effect is caused by special processes occurring in the brain that protect the human psyche if it falls into unfamiliar terrain or a situation.

Biologists have their own view on the feeling of "Déjà vu". They suggested that the work of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is disrupted in the brain. It is she who allows a human being to distinguish between the future, the present and the past.
For example, you looked at some landscape for a few seconds and it remained in your memory center.
At the same time, the hippocampus sends this picture to the brain upon request, thus generating a "memory", which seems to the individual to be a fact.
According to experts, such a state of the brain can be caused by severe depression, stress and some other influences.

There is another version of the origin of the phenomenon of "Deja Vu"

People who study metaphysics and related sciences are sure that such an effect occurs due to disruptions in time and space.

Because the modern theories cannot explain everything, then people begin to think that the "Deja Vu" effect has a mystical and metaphysical basis. Other citizens suggest that these feelings are caused by previous lives, that is, "Deja Vu" are memories of a past life. In their opinion, a person is an immortal being and comes to Earth time after time to gain the necessary experience. Therefore, the situation when a person first arrives in an unfamiliar area suddenly sees landscapes that are quite familiar to him, explains this by past lives.

What is Deja Vu, decide for yourself, because no one will tell you for sure. There are only a few theories about this.

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