Acceleration technique in running or what does running with acceleration give? How to speed up your reading technique on your own Choosing quality shoes for running with acceleration.

Auto 26.08.2020

Reading slowly? Left behind peers? Do you find it impossible to catch up and overtake your more successful colleagues? Speed ​​Reading Help! Read the special offer for you at the end of the article.

Many people wonder how to learn to read quickly? This issue is especially of concern to those who, by the nature of their occupations, have to process a large amount of information in a short time.

In our time, there are many new developments, methods for the development of speed reading. In many cities courses on speed reading are held. Also, a lot of information on this topic can be found on the Internet.

The speed of reading for each person is individual and it depends on many factors: the activity and nature of the neuropsychic processes, the characteristics of thinking, the ability to concentrate, etc. Quick reading is a continuous reading of the text, which provides not only complete but also high-quality assimilation of what has been read. Quick reading is far from superficial "diagonal" reading, but an active process, as a result of which the reader analyzes facts, judgments, laying the foundation for new knowledge.

To speed up the reading technique, you need to perform certain exercises, the techniques that are described in the books are conducted in speed reading courses. You can learn speed reading not only in special courses, but also on your own.

About PhotoReading and Speed ​​Reading

During PhotoReading, the subconscious mind photographs the contents of the book in memory.

PhotoReading is more than just flipping through books. Most PhotoReading videos on the internet involve only one step in the PhotoReading process, page turning. The teacher then says that this is PhotoReading.

Please note that after PhotoReading, you need to form an attitude to what you have read, as well as reread some points from the text.

Pay special attention to the fact that before PhotoReading you need to prepare in a way. Clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. Fully focus on the job. The more extraneous thoughts are spinning in the head, the weaker the subconscious is included in the work.

Real fast reading means swinging on a swing - the subconscious mind chooses an object for attention - and the consciousness reads the information received in depth. Needless to say, if the subconscious is turned off, then there will be no question of any complete control of it. PhotoReading Technique Improvements:

  • I also recommend not only viewing the text, but also reading fragments with the necessary keywords. This way of reading allows you to better tune in to the content of the book and enter the creative mode.
  • I, like many photo-reading teachers, suggest viewing the book several times, and not once, as recommended in the classic version. Challenges for PhotoReaders:
  • Correct speed reading is not about reading the text faster (this goal pleases the reader's ego), but about making it easier to find the answer to the right question. If you rush when reading, the reader misses a lot of information.
  • The reader is fascinated by the speed of reading, not by the search for meaning. The reader is in a hurry. The reader does not have a clear purpose of reading.
  • Usually, beginners cannot understand how you can scan text to get bits of information from it.

How to speed up your reading technique

PhotoReading is the next evolutionary step in the development of speed reading. PhotoReading includes the stages of speed reading, but this type of reading also includes other points that allow you to better understand the text, as well as understand the benefits to be derived from the book.

The sequence of actions for photo-reading:

  • Training- (it is necessary to relax and enter a special state, Clear the brain of obsessive thoughts, take a comfortable position).
  • Preview and Clarify the Purpose of Photo-Reading. It is necessary to present the structure of the book. At this stage, it is necessary to read the conclusion of the book, the table of contents, the first page of the book.
  • "photoreading". The book is viewed at a speed of 1 second per turn.
  • Quick reading. At this stage, the reader looks in depth at the most interesting points in the book. The reader makes an understanding about the book read, as well as formulate questions to the author and the book as a whole.

Review of a person with the skill of speed reading

When reading, you should slow down the speed of perception of the text in difficult areas, difficult words. I'm good at memorizing numbers and lines. And work with the text is not very good. Especially with keywords. I'm just not able to extract the meaning from the text and it drives me to despair. I practice daily according to the Schulte table. I can’t boast yet, but it’s already clear that training can achieve good results. The main thing is to read smoothly, without breaking, without losing your slowness.

In addition, training "by individual letters" does not correspond to what you need to get as a result. And as a result, you need to be able to type coherent text! Therefore, it is better to train this skill right away.

Remember what happened to the centipede when she wondered how she manages to control all her legs?

Train your speed reading skills so that they work as well as the legs of an insect!

The ability to restore text directly depends on the speed of brain processes. We see what we want to see. And political scientists use it. They showed a smile, and the man painted his face. Training. Each partner has his own piece of text or a separate text - a chapter, a paragraph or just a part ... If there is only one textbook or summary, then they often do it simply - they tear it apart. The number of participants for pair work - the more, the better!

Today, the most popular operating system is Windows 7. But even the most reliable and popular system loses its speed over time. And this directly affects the performance of the computer. Fortunately, the problem can be solved in several ways at once. You can speed up the technique by optimizing the operation of the Windows OS. The second way, which will help increase the speed of your computer, involves the use of special software.

Disabling visual effects

Windows 7 has a nice design, it is clear that real experts worked on it. But all this abundance of animations and other effects puts a load on the system and reduces the speed of the computer.

You need to turn off the effects in the following way:

  • Open the "Performance counters and tools" menu. (You can get to this section through Start and Control Panel);
  • Select the "Settings of visual effects" window;
  • Remove checkmarks next to unnecessary animations.

Of course, many will ask, what exactly to delete?

There are several effects that can be turned off to speed up your computer. You can turn off window opening animations, animations in the start and control panels, window shadows and tooltip effects. At the end, click on the "Apply" button.

Cleanup autostart

Most of the users are angry about the long loading operating system, because not everyone wants to sit for a few minutes and wait until the computer starts working. Such a problem appears due to programs that have decided that they should be launched after each turn on of the equipment. It even happens that the utility, which was used only a few times, firmly settled in autorun and has a bad effect on the speed of the computer.

Almost every program asks for permission to settle in autorun in a small and inconspicuous font, therefore, along with the launch of Windows, the applications that the user needs are not opened at all. Therefore, you need to independently check and remove programs.

The autorun menu opens through the key combination Win + R. You can also go to the autorun menu through Start, where you need to enter the word “msconfig” in the “Run” menu. The system configuration will open, where there is also a startup menu. By removing unnecessary programs, it will turn out to speed up Windows a little.

Cleaning the hard drive

The performance of the computer directly depends on the hard drive on which Windows 7 is installed. There should always be a lot of free space on the system drive (about 90%), if it is much less, then the system starts to “slow down” a lot. Also, before installing Windows, you need to consider that the C drive must be much smaller than its "brothers", because too much memory will not help speed up the computer.

A program such as a media player or any game should not be on the system drive. Therefore, you need to delete all non-system files or allocate space for them to work on another disk. Most of these harmful files can be found in the Downloads folder. It contains audio recordings, photos, and even games weighing several gigabytes. You also need to remember that speeding up your computer should not hurt. If an unknown program caught your eye, then it is better not to touch it, perhaps this is a utility utility of Windows OS.

The analysis of the disk for errors and their correction will also help to increase the efficiency of work. This is done like this:

When the analysis starts, the program will ask you a question about disabling the volume, which you need to answer with the "Cancel" button. Then click on "Schedule disk check". This procedure can take up to an hour, but it really helps to speed up the system.

Cleaning up junk with CCleaner

While working, a lot of unnecessary files accumulate on the computer. It creates big problems, if we are talking about the system disk, because its memory is used not only for storage, but also for running files.

In order to get rid of such garbage, the CCleaner program was created. It is able to delete temporary files and clean up little-used registry branches that have a bad effect on speed.

This procedure should be done at least once a month. This is far from the main way that will help increase efficiency, but it also brings a lot of benefits and is easy to use.

First, CCleaner is launched, where the “Analysis” icon is pressed in the “Cleanup” menu. The program finds all unnecessary files, shows their names and the space that the files occupy on the disk. There are cases when, after such cleaning, it is possible to increase the amount of memory by 20 gigabytes. If one of the files that CCleaner wrote down as unnecessary is still needed by the user, then simply uncheck the box next to it.

Similarly, you can clean the Windows registry. In the second line of the program there is a tab with the same name. In it you need to click on "Search for problems", and when CCleaner finds them, click on the "Fix" button.

Working with the CCleaner program takes a little time, but it helps to significantly increase the efficiency of Windows.


Speeding up your computer is pretty easy. This does not require special knowledge and skills. If the above methods did not help, then you can try to clean the system unit from dust. If the equipment still “slows down” after that, then you should contact the service center.

Faktrum publishes a review of the principles of the "PX Project" technique - a three-hour cognitive experiment that allows you to increase your reading speed by an average of 386%.

It was conducted with native speakers of five languages, and even dyslexics were able to read at speed. more than 3,000 words per minute, or 10 pages per minute. Or one page in six seconds. By comparison, the average reading speed in the US is 200–300 words per minute (from half a page to a page per minute), with only 1% of the population reading more than 400 words per minute.

If you learn a few basic principles of how the human visual system works, you can eliminate inefficiencies and increase your reading speed while improving your memory.

To perform the exercises below and see the result you will need: a book (more than 200 pages) that should lie open, a pen and a timer (a stopwatch with a signal or a kitchen timer will also work). You must complete 20 minutes of exercise at a time.

But first, a few notes regarding the specifics of the reading process:

BUT) Minimize the number and duration of stops per line to increase speed

You are not reading in whole lines, but rather in spasmodic movements (jumps). Each of these jumps ends with a pause or a temporary "snapshot" of the text in the area you are focusing on (approximately 20 cm² of the page surface).

Each pause for a beginner lasts from ¼ to ½ second. To feel this, close one eye, press the eyelid with your fingertip, and then read the line with the other eye - you will clearly feel these jumps and stops.

b) Get rid of returns and unconscious jumps back

For a beginner, returning (conscious rereading) and jumping back (unconscious rereading with shifting stops) takes up to 30% of the total reading time.

c) Do concentration exercises to increase your peripheral vision and the number of words you see per stop

A beginner uses central vision while reading, rather than peripheral vision, missing up to 50% of words in one stop, that is, the number of words that can be perceived and read in one jump and “captured” in one stop.

Now you can go directly to the exercises. You will learn the very technique of speed reading, the application of this technique with increasing speed, and then you can test yourself by reading for understanding.

To get used to the sequence of exercises, do them separately. Don't worry about text comprehension if you're learning to speed up, for example. The sequence of exercises is as follows: for technique, for technique with increasing speed, checking for understanding the text.

As a general rule, you should train your technique at three times the reading speed you want to achieve. So if you are currently reading 300 wpm and want to read 900 wpm, you need to practice your technique at 1800 wpm, or six pages per minute (10 seconds per page).

1. Determining the initial speed

To determine your current reading speed, take your practice book (which should lie on your desk open) and count the number of words in five lines. Divide this number by five and you get the average number of words per line. Example: 62 words / 5 lines = 12.4 which you round up to 12 words per line.

Then count the number of lines on five pages and divide by five to determine the average number of lines per page. Multiply this number by the average number of words per line and you get the average number of words per page. Example: 154 lines / 5 pages = 30.8, rounded up to 31 lines per page. 31 x 12 words per line = 372 words per page.

Mark your first line and read with a timer for exactly one minute, while reading, paying attention to the meaning of the text, and not faster than usual. After one minute of reading, multiply the number of lines read by the average number of words per line to determine your reading speed.

2. Landmark and pace

Returns, jumps, and stop times can be kept to a minimum if you use a landmark. Did you use a pen or finger when counting the number of words or lines in previous calculations? If yes, you had a visual aid, a guideline for efficient and accurate calculations. In speed reading, like nowhere else, the landmark has great importance to increase speed.

Use the pen to reach your goal. Hold it in your dominant hand and underline each line (with the cap closed), paying attention to what is above the tip of the pen. This will not only serve as a guide, but also set the pace to maintain a constant speed and reduce the duration of stops.

Exercise 1: technique (two minutes)

Practice using the pen as a guide and setting the pace. Underline each line by focusing on the tip of the pen. Don't worry about understanding the text. Read each line for no longer than one second, increase the speed on each subsequent page. Nothing should keep you on one line for more than one second.

Exercise 2: speed (three minutes)

Repeat the previous exercise, but linger on each line for no more than half a second (two lines per second). There is a high probability that you will not understand the meaning of the text, but now the main thing is to maintain speed and technique - this is how you train your perceptual reflexes. Focus on the tip of the pen and concentrate on technique and speed. Concentrate on the exercise and don't get distracted.

3. Third - expansion of perception

If your eyes are focused on the computer screen, you can still perceive the sides of the screen as well. By training your peripheral vision to be more efficient, you can increase your reading speed by more than 300%. Untrained readers devote up to half of their peripheral vision to the fields, moving from the first word to the last and spending 25–50% of their time “reading” the empty fields.

For example, let's take the line "Once upon a time there were students who enjoyed reading for four hours a day." If you are able to start your reading with the word "were" and end the line with the word "four", you have perceived four out of ten words in your peripheral vision, increasing your reading speed.

Exercise 1: technique (one minute)

Use the pen as a guide and use it to set the tempo at a constant speed of one line per second. Start with the first word on the line and end with the last. Don't worry about understanding the text. Read each line for no longer than one second, increase the speed on each subsequent page.

Exercise 2: technique (one minute)

Use the pen as a guide and use it to set the tempo at a constant speed of one line per second. Start with the second word on the line and end with the second word from the end of the line.

Exercise 3: speed (three minutes)

Start with at least the third word from the beginning of the line and end with the third word from the end of the line. Repeat the technique exercise, lingering on each line for no more than half a second.

4. Calculate your new reading speed

Mark the first line and read for exactly one minute, while reading as fast as you can. Multiply the number of lines read by the average number of words per line and you get your new reading speed.

Congratulations, you have completed a short course on a technique that can accelerate your cognitive abilities.

Final advice: if you use this technique for study, it's best not to read three different texts in the time it would take you to read one. It is better to read one text, but three times, to improve perception and memorization, depending on the type of testing.

Enjoy reading!

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Before starting the main cross training, you need to let the body prepare, that is, to carry out. Its essence is that you will need to run several kilometers at a lower speed than in the main workout.

It is also effective to use variable and tempo cross. Variable cross involves the use of different speeds. That is, a sharp acceleration in running alternates with a slowdown, and so on. During the tempo cross you need to move as fast as in the competition. As a rule, the second half of the distance is run with even greater acceleration than the first.

At first, 3 lessons per week will be enough. After you feel that you have enough time to, you can move on to lesson 5.

Choosing quality running shoes

In sports, shoes must be chosen very carefully, as your safety and success in overcoming your goals can depend on their choice. The outsole of athletic shoes should be soft have relief elements that will not allow you to slide on the surface.

At the same time, often designers of well-known manufacturers of sports shoes, thinking about how to speed up the run, do not follow these rules, inventing various sophisticated models, making a bias in favor of marketing, not safety.

Video. Acceleration. Work on the development of speed

Learn how to increase your speed, examples of exercises and training methods.

Everyone knows that running speed depends on genetic predisposition and there is some truth in this, for example, look at some people who are not fond of sports, but their powerful legs are not full, but with a large share muscle mass, but there are, on the contrary, as thin as matches and quickly tired of physical exertion.

But even if genetics has played into your hands, nothing will work if you do not develop your potential, because it is not for nothing that they say success is 1% of talent and 99% of labor, only after that you can achieve maximum explosive strength and frenzied acceleration.

Remember, to become faster you need to be patient and train from month to month, adding and improving every year, if you want to become, for example, a lightning-fast football player and an explosive sprinter, then plow and make training your way of life. By the way, for those who have problems with gaining muscle mass on their legs, running at short sprint distances will help wake up sleeping muscles and make them grow due to the inclusion of muscle fibers that sleep during normal strength training in the gym.

How to increase running speed

There are 3 most proven and simple ways to increase running speed:

1) STRENGTH TRAINING - this is special exercises in the gym for, the only exception would be to work at a faster pace in the effort phase, for example, when performing a rise, you need to quickly, let the rise be outwardly slow, but the acceleration set at the beginning of the lift, the muscles and the body will feel that it will include additional stimulation in the work to increase strength .

2) BIOMECHANICS- it is worth improving the running technique so that the movements are more harmonious, coordinated, the whole body should work as a single mechanism. What happens in most cases - many run at random, then their arms dangle, then their legs are in different sides, they generally look like drunks.

3) STRETCHING- this is a very important way to influence the strength of the legs, remember that in the process strength training, the muscles thicken and decrease in length, the constant stretching of the legs allows you to maintain the original length of the muscle fibers, and therefore maintain a greater range of motion and strength, respectively.

Since school bench known formula:

a = v / t,

where a- acceleration,

v- speed

t- time

To develop speed, it is necessary to use all 3 methods in a complex way to increase running speed, only a runner without strength training will always lose to someone who works according to the + scheme.

Running Speed ​​Exercises

1) MAHI HAND- a variety of hand movements develop the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which improves coordination of movements and contributes to the coordinated work of the body while running. While running, make sure that the angle in the elbows is 90 0, if it is higher, then the frequency of steps during the run decreases, which slows down the running speed.

2) MOVEMENT TECHNIQUE- it is very important that the steps are wide and frequent, which is why long-legged athletes have a head start over others. The width of the step is perfectly developed by running in the forest or on other rough terrain, where you have to jump over obstacles or, on the contrary, jump further to overcome the obstacle. Don't forget about fast runs up the slope for 20-30 meters, this perfectly stimulates the body to take a step as wide as possible in order to cover the distance faster.

3) STEPS- this exercise can be performed in any weather, which makes it very accessible and simple. The explosive power will be higher, the stronger the repulsion with the back leg will be, make sure that the leg is fully extended at the knee joint, and the arms bent at the elbows under 90 0 work in unison with the whole body.

Run up the stairs at a maximum pace of 30-35 steps, and then calmly go down with an easy jog or on foot, this will be the rest time, then immediately run up. Instead of a ladder, you can find a hill 10-15 degrees high in nature.

Do not try to quickly run down the slope, the probability of plowing the ground with your nose is very high.

Before such hard runs, remember to do a light stretch at the beginning to improve blood circulation and warm up the muscles, and then do a more complex leg cooldown to speed up the recovery of tired muscles. Also remember that they play an important role in running.

4) PARACHUTE OR TIRES- very effective remedy, increased air resistance makes the legs work at full capacity, but if this is not possible and you live on a plain without hills, do not be discouraged - a pair of car tires attached to your belt with a cable is excellent resistance and an active load on the muscles of the legs.

Train using 4 exercises at the very beginning for two to three months doing 3 workouts weekly, then increase the number to 5 workouts per week. Follow the intensity of the work and the number of repetitions yourself, the state of the body will prompt the right decision, but each time you will be able to run faster, push harder, and the time to overcome the distance will gradually decrease.

I wish everyone good luck in developing the speed of the cheetah, the main thing is not to be lazy and the results will exceed all expectations!

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