Tarzan and the Queen are children. A handsome son was raised by Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan! Now fans are wondering who he looks like! New work of Natasha Koroleva

Career and finance 24.06.2019
Career and finance

AT Russian show business for many years there has been a tradition according to which those who most surprise and discourage the public become famous. How this will happen does not matter, the main thing is to shoot and be remembered. We have already outlived Boris Moiseev, Vitas, Glucose, Dzhigurda, Tatu and many other stars, who are more famous for their outrageous behavior than creativity. Among the artists of this series, one more remarkable character can be distinguished under the loud pseudonym Tarzan.


Perhaps Sergey Glushko, and this is the real name of the most popular Russian stripper, remained only a sought-after Moscow dancer, if not for a significant meeting with a cheerful, pretty singer. After all, the husband had more chances to become a famous and recognizable person than an artist of the erotic genre.

It is hard to imagine, but this very cheeky young man was born in a military family and brought up in great severity. His father served at the Plesetsk military space base and from childhood attended various sports clubs, including bodybuilding classes. Later, this hobby grew into something more and became a way for the young man to find a place in life, as well as a source of good income.

When the romance of Tarzan and the famous Russian singer began, many fans talked about the big age difference between the lovers and wondered how old Tarzan, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, was. In fact, Sergey Glushko is almost four years older than his wife, he was born in 1970 in 2000. Tarzan became a real sex symbol of Russia, and he still maintains this image.

Military career

The young man has been striving for creative recognition since childhood, and at the age of 16, together with his friends, he organized musical group"Fortune", where he performed as a vocalist and frontman. The young team became quite successful in the Arkhangelsk region, the guys traveled around the cities with concerts, and their song "City of White Nights and Snowy Springs" even received the audience award at the Spring Voices competition for young talents, which was held in Mirny. For some time, the composition sounded on local radio stations.

According to family tradition, after graduating from school, Sergei enters the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. The training of recruits was tough, the guys were sent to dig trenches, run long crosses, and all this along with a serious training base. Later, Sergey will say that the time at the academy helped him survive the authority of his father, whom his son always wanted to be like.

After graduation, a young man with the rank of lieutenant continued to serve as an energy engineer at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. His duties included a rather serious task of preparing launch pads for launching missiles. But soon the future Husband of Natasha Koroleva realized that a military career was not for him, and, despite the fact that he already had a beautiful wife in the army, Sergey Glushko breaks the contract and goes to Moscow.

Conquest of the capital

Like most limiters who come to this city from different regions our country, Sergei Glushko had no clear plan of action. According to the artist himself, he left for Moscow on an impulse every minute, because there, in Mirny, everything was stuck and tired. Once in the capital, Tarzan, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, was forced to work anywhere, just to find money for food and an apartment. He sold furniture, worked as a security guard, and also participated in the advertising business, but did not forget his original goal - to achieve success and recognition.

And here his youthful passion for bodybuilding helped him a lot, in the evening, after work, Sergey went to gym, where he created his own, now such an advertised body. Very soon, his efforts were rewarded, with a smug and masculine appearance, the young man attracted attention, especially women. Therefore, very soon Sergey Glushko began to receive invitations from modeling agencies with offers to star in commercials or clips famous performers. For example, he starred in the video of the White Eagle group “Because you can’t be so beautiful in the world”, and was also among the models participating in the show when she came to Moscow.

Birth of Tarzan

A new round in his career happened after a meeting with producer Olga Subbotina, she invited him to one of her productions. After the play "Public Opening", the future husband of Natasha Koroleva took the high-profile pseudonym Tarzan. Now Sergey Glushko is a sought-after artist who is invited to their shows by the most famous stars. In parallel with performances on the theater stage in productions of The Witches of Eastwick, Testament of a Chaste Womanizer, Love Without Rules, etc. Tarzan graduated from Russian Academy theatrical art.

The artist is often asked about how and why he began to dance striptease. Natasha Koroleva’s husband usually replies that he didn’t plan the first such exit at all and, after undressing in public, felt insecure, but subsequently reconciled and even got involved in an invented image. Moreover, he immediately became recognizable and megapopular.

Meeting with Natasha Koroleva

Tarzan not only became a welcome guest at private women's parties, but is also in demand as a participant in concert performances of various Russian stars. During one of these works, he met the black-haired laughter and favorite of the public - Natasha Koroleva. At that time, the singer was experiencing creative and personal failures, after a divorce from Igor Nikolaev, she lost both her husband and producer. But despite the fact that ex-husband Natasha Koroleva no longer wrote hit songs for her, the artist continued to creative activity already with other composers.

According to acquaintances, the romance of Tarzan and the Ukrainian girl developed very rapidly. At first, no one believed in the duration of such a passionate relationship, but the couple surprised everyone with a statement about the imminent wedding and pregnancy of the singer. The marriage went off in a big way. In her first marriage, Natasha Koroleva never received a white dress and pigeons in the sky, so they arranged a real holiday with Sergey.

Creative activity

Despite how old Natasha Koroleva's husband is, and on March 8 he turned 47, Sergey still looks stunning. And even though it was his body that brought the first glory, he did not stop only at such an expression of his artistic talent. Although for several years now his own Tarzan Show has been working with undiminished success. A team of professional strippers is in great demand in Moscow and even abroad.

Sergey continues to practice as a musical performer, together with Natasha Koroleva he recorded several songs, the composition “Do You Believe Me or Not” became especially popular, the video for which was in the top ten in the Muz-TV rating for several weeks.

Filming in cinema

Tarzan, husband of Natasha Koroleva, became a frequent guest on the set. For the first time, Glushko tried to try on acting fate for himself back in 1999 in the film by Gregory of Constantinople "Eight and a half dollars", however, the film was released only twelve years later. Sergei already had significant experience in filming commercials and clips, but all these were roles purely in the image of Tarzan, no one expected another game from him.

He starred in the famous Russian sitcom "Balzac age, or All men are theirs ...", as well as "My Fair Nanny", "Happy Together", "Univer" others. Despite the episodic nature of the roles, Sergei continues to receive invitations and gladly accepts them. No glory can be superfluous.

Personal life

The artist met his first wife Elena Perevedentseva while serving at the cosmodrome in Plesetsk. The beauty in uniform singled out the young lieutenant among other colleagues, which, according to Sergei, surprised even him. But the marriage soon broke up, the young people realized that they were not suitable for each other, especially since Glushko was already in a creative search and did not want to stay in the army.

The second marriage turned out to be more successful, the famous pop singer Natasha Koroleva became his wife. Despite the fact that during their marriage there were more than once reports in the press about Tarzan's betrayals or the unbridled jealousy of his soulmate, they have been together for more than fifteen years. Natasha Koroleva's husband Sergei Glushko turned out to be a wonderful father and head of the family, they almost always appear together in public, and their son Arkhip is already sixteen years old.

Loud fame accompanies this star couple and, perhaps, is the result of their own initiatives to warm up public interest. Whether this is true or not, it is difficult to judge, but back in the early 2000s, photographs of the pregnant Queen began to appear in almost all yellow publications with the same question: who is the father? The singer herself answered evasively, so before the birth of the child and the announcement of the wedding with Tarzan, the fans were tormented by the unknown.

After few years celebrity couple was again in the spotlight, their joint photos got into the Network intimate nature. Both Koroleva and Glushko claimed that all this was the planned actions of intruders who stole Sergei's phone, and later demanded a ransom from him so that the pictures were not published. Be that as it may, they started talking about the duet again and with a vengeance, especially since the scandal coincided with the release of the singer's new disc.

Naturally, the fans were also interested in the first husband of Natasha Koroleva and their relationship - who left whom, who cheated on whom, etc. Nevertheless, all this remained in the past.

Image of Tarzan

Sergei Glushko has come a long way to fame, he has chosen The right way to please the viewer - through beautiful body and well-groomed appearance. The meeting with Natasha Koroleva only strengthened his position in show business, but the main merit still belongs to him. The image of Tarzan turned out to be very successful for Russia, the golden-haired muscular giant was so unlike ordinary Russian men.

Glushko, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, created for himself an exceptional role on the Russian stage - a handsome and macho man. The image was immediately picked up by the entire public, it was parodied in humorous shows, invited to KVN and even composed jokes about it, which is highest point popularity in our country.

And so it happened with a new photo, in which Arkhip was photographed in the company of his mother. Now the family is vacationing in Miami, so the pictures are summery and a little relaxed. However, among the fans of the singer, this photo caused a lot of the most conflicting feelings.

Natasha has already been criticized for the fact that her almost adult son visits places with his mother that are not quite suitable for him. This criticism was caused by photos from the bath, published by the singer in new year holidays, on them the company of Arkhip and Natasha was made up of her half-dressed friends.


And now, not everyone liked the picture of mother and son. And it's all about the pose in which the fans saw the singer and her son. In their opinion, this position is more suitable for lovers, and not for a mother and her child. Fortunately, these people were in the minority. The rest of the singer's fans were glad to see the matured Arkhip and noted that the son was growing up just handsome and very similar to his father.

“How time flies, I remember quite recently they said that the Queen son was born and he's already grown into a handsome man."

"Sinulka is just class! Gentle, caring"

"The wrong plot for a mother and son."

"I agree, he stands next to her as if not a son, but her man"

"And the son turned out to be handsome. Hold on, girls!"

"Well done Natalia, you look like brother and sister"

"A copy of dad! Wow, how he grew up! I wish my daughter had a beauty!"

"Photo..super...goes off scale...beautiful Mom, beautiful son, life is beautiful!"

"This is how Nature worships. Mom and Son. How young and beautiful"

"As if Natasha and her boyfriend, or rather a young guy with his girlfriend"

There were several other people who once again advised Natasha to think about the birth of a second child. These exclamations sounded after the Queen showed tender photos from the birthday of her godson, who was just one year old.


Natalya Koroleva, thanks to her video on her personal Instagram page, was again in the spotlight of the public. The singer addressed congratulations to the male half of the country on Defender of the Fatherland Day and ended it with words about sensuality and hidden desires. In the meantime, the video is gaining popularity and hundreds of comments, let's remember how Natasha went to fame.

Harmonious family

The girl was lucky enough to be born in the family of the Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila and the choirmaster of the academic choir Vladimir Poryvay. Natasha was born on May 31, 1973 and will celebrate her 44th birthday in the spring of 2017.

Natalia took her first steps in her creative work at the age of 3, as a member of the Ukrainian radio and TV choir. However, fame came to the young performer at the age of 12, when she sang a song at one of the congresses, and then recorded several compositions with the participation of Vladimir Bystryakov.

In beams of glory

In 1987, on the set of the Wider Circle program, the girl was noticed by television editor M. Mogilevskaya.

In 1989, Natasha auditioned for Igor Nikolaev for his new project. The composer chooses her from three applicants and gives her a chance to become famous. Nikolaev writes the song “Yellow Tulips” for her, and the performer is no longer left without attention either in Russia or abroad.

Cooperation with the composer Nikolaev, begun in 1990, continues. Natasha tours in Russia, Israel, USA, Germany. "The Dolphin and the Mermaid" is sung all over the world. The creative partnership has grown into a real feeling. In 1991, Igor and Natalya became spouses. The marriage lasted 10 years, in 2001 the couple broke up. Igor, born on January 17, 1960, turned 57 years old in the winter of 2017.

Bright Romance

Soon after breaking up with Nikolaev, Natasha began to attribute an affair with a stripper Tarzan. Everyone considered the hobby temporary, except for the singer and Sergey Glushko (Tarzan's real name). Tarzan was born on March 8, 1970 and in 2017 he will be 47 years old.

In 2002, they became the parents of a boy, who was named Arkhip. The young man, born on February 19, already celebrated his 15th birthday in America in 2017, where he studies at school.

In the summer of 2003, Sergei and Natalya registered their relationship and are still happy together.

Secrets of private life and public scandal

In 2015, intimate videos and photos of the singer were leaked to the Internet. The performer stated that they were on a smartphone stolen from her. The couple also explained that they received an “offer” to buy the materials before they were published, but Koroleva and Glushko refused to pay. In retaliation, the blackmailers posted evidence of the personal lives of Natalia and Sergey on the Web. The singer does not consider records and photos discrediting her, since they were stolen from her, and intimate moments are an integral part of everyone's life.

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Arkhip Glushko became interested in the Japanese language and Japanese culture.

Serious changes took place in the life of Natasha Koroleva, her 15-year-old son Arkhip found a Japanese mother. The guy has already flown to new relatives in Tokyo. Natasha Koroleva has always been proud of her son. Two years ago, she sent Arkhip to study in America. She insisted that the guy study abroad famous mom Luda, seeing that her grandson cannot speak English fluently.

During his studies, the son of Koroleva achieved good success. " Of course, it was not easy for me to let my child go to study in America.- says Natasha Koroleva. - But I understood that it would be better for him in the first place. We were in constant contact: we talked on the Internet, called up several times a day. I'll tell you: when children are born, any mother has a constant fear. I want the child to be well».

Now the singer's worries have increased. Her Arkhip unexpectedly found a Japanese family for himself. He has already flown to new relatives in Tokyo. " Yes, now my child is in Japan- admitted the Queen - There he had a local family, a Japanese mother. I don’t know her personally: I’ve seen great people, and I’m very happy about it».

In Japan, Arkhip does not waste time in vain. He attends a local school where he actively learns Japanese. It is possible that in the near future he will leave for Tokyo forever. " The son flew away for the first time in his life Natasha continues. - It's his choice! We didn't insist on anything. He likes it there: he got excited about the idea of ​​learning Japanese perfectly. Goes to school by subway! Arkhip has been interested in Japanese culture for several years now. Last year, even we went to the Land of the Rising Sun for reconnaissance. And my son loved it there.».

Arkhip will stay in a Japanese family for three weeks. He will return to Moscow in August, but not for long. " I just can not understand: where does he get such a love for Japan? the Queen continues. - She even asked her husband more than once: “Seryozha, how could a Belarusian with a khokhlushka make a child who loves Japan?»

While the son is in Japan, his star parents went to Ibiza. However, Koroleva does not lose contact with Arkhip and keeps her finger on the pulse. The singer admitted more than once: for her son, she is the best friend who will explain and advise everything. She encourages her son to do more good deeds because then life would be easier. " Boomerang exists, and everything you do in your life will surely come back, - says the singer. - Sometimes we do some wrong things that bring pain and suffering to other people. Then they will definitely come back to you. I have also made mistakes in my life. And paid for it in full. But I don't regret anything».

At one time, the birth of a son by Natasha Koroleva made a lot of noise in the media space. The press, along with ordinary people, wondered who the father of the star child was: ex-husband and colleague Igor Nikolaev or new love singers stripper Sergei Glushko, aka Tarzan.

The intrigue was resolved very quickly. Believe it or not, 15 years have passed since then. Accordingly, Arkhip, the son of Koroleva and Glushko, recently turned 15. All children have such a feature - they somehow imperceptibly grow up and at some elusive moment become girls from girls, boys from boys.

Here is a picture of the matured Arkhip pleasantly surprised the fans of the singer. She herself admits that time is so fleeting. For constant concerts, filming, tours, travels, she did not notice how her son began to acquire courageous features.

But the birthday was a worthy occasion for the family to get together for a short time. True, the meeting place was Miami, where Arkhip now lives with his grandmother.

Natalia is going through a hard forced separation from the heir. But his move overseas proved to be a necessity. We, if our children do not study well, read morality to them or simply sit down and do our homework ourselves. It’s more difficult with class and control ones, but somehow the whole “collective farm”, in alliance with loyal teachers, is slowly bringing our “mitrofanushki” of the Next-IT generation to a certificate.

The stars have other methods. Arkhip, who was somewhat behind his classmates at school in his homeland, was simply sent to an American one. And there he immediately became one of the strongest students in the class. Didn't you believe that our education system is an order of magnitude better than the Western one?

However, without any irony, one can only congratulate the star couple. The main thing is indeed that the child was happy. And methods are already a matter of principles, opportunities, situations. The guy communicates with his family on the Web, now it's very simple.

And parents want to give him a sister or brother, at least by IVF. They've already tried to no avail. But do not lose hope. Moreover, both are in excellent condition. physical form, they look great, they are energetic, they work hard and successfully.

And raised a handsome son. Now fans are wondering who he looks more like - Natalya or Sergei?

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