Famous childfree: stars who do not want children. Famous childfree: stars who do not want to have children Actors childfree

Pregnancy and children 18.08.2019
Pregnancy and children

The famous Oprah is not a bit shy about saying that she does not want to have children. When the future TV presenter was a very young girl, she became pregnant, but the baby died immediately after birth. Since then, she decided - no children and relationships with men who want them. She lives for work.

Rene Zellwegger

According to the actress, motherhood is not at all what she dreams of. Children appear to Rene as little tyrants who completely subjugate the lives of their parents. She still agrees to sit with her nieces, her brother's children, but categorically refuses to start her own.

Jacqueline Bisset

The star of the film "Wild Orchid" never regretted the absence of heirs. Jacqueline - godmother Angelina Jolie and she had enough of this role. In general, Bisset always says that she lived exactly the life she wanted.

Mylene Farmer

“I am my own beloved daughter,” the French singer says when asked if she is going to have children. Mylene Farmer prefers to take care of herself rather than children, believing that motherhood is not her life task.

Cameron Diaz

Diaz explains his success in life and on the screen precisely by the absence of children. The actress believes that women are afraid to speak directly about the reluctance of motherhood just because they are afraid of public condemnation. And she is not afraid! Although, according to rumors, it is no longer averse to becoming a mother.

Christopher Walken

“My wife has enough worries with me,” says the actor and adds that he is too selfish to share his life with children.

Haruki Murakami

Murakami is all in his work and despite his considerable age, he is still thinking when he grows up. The kids seem to get in the way of this.

Lev Tolstoy

It is strange to see Leo Tolstoy, who had 13 children, on the list of childfree, isn't it? However, judging by the attitude of the offspring, the writer liked the process itself, and not the result. “In St. Petersburg, children did not interfere with the lives of their fathers. Children were brought up in institutions, and there was no such wild notion spreading in Moscow that children have all the luxury of life, and parents have only work and worries. Here they understood that a person is obliged to live for himself, as an educated person should live,” Tolstoy wrote. So, if contraceptives were widespread then, as they are now, the writer would definitely use them, as it seems to us.

AT Soviet time women who refused to bear children were pitied and called childless. It was believed that children could not be only because of health problems, although representatives of creative professions often refused the opportunity to have children themselves. It was a conscious choice of a person that he made in favor of his favorite profession. They were ready to pay the notorious tax on childlessness all their lives and be happy at the same time.

Maya Plisetskaya

The famous Soviet ballerina could not even imagine a situation where she would have to leave the stage for for a long time. That is why Maya Mikhailovna honestly warned her second husband Rodion Shchedrin about her attitude towards children. The composer, according to Plisetskaya, accepted her words without much enthusiasm. However, he loved his wife too much and himself defended at all levels her right to self-determination in all spheres of life.

Maya Plisetskaya chose the stage instead of raising children and never regretted it. She happily lived in marriage with Rodion Shchedrin for more than half a century and did not get tired of repeating: the secret of her happiness lies in the wisdom of a man. Rodion Konstantinovich was never jealous of his wife for fame and did not put her in a framework that would suppress her. He calmly put up with whims and did everything to make Maya Plisetskaya feel comfortable.

In the late 1990s, a trial took place in Moscow, where Maya Plisetskaya acted as the plaintiff, and the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper was the defendant. The subject of the initiation of the case was an article about a daughter of a ballerina secretly born and adopted by another family. The court satisfied the claim of Maya Plisetskaya on the basis of the proven fact that the ballerina had no children.

Lyubov Orlova

One of the most popular actresses of the Soviet era lived with her husband, director Grigory Alexandrov, for more than 40 years. However, they did not have children. The famous couple never talked about the reasons for their lack of joint children. But it is worth remembering how the actress treated her own appearance, and you can understand: the children were not included in her plans at all.

Lyubov Orlova always devoted herself to her roles without reserve, she starred a lot and successfully, she was one of the leading actresses of the Mossovet Theater. It is unlikely that in her busy creative schedule there could be a place for pregnancy and then raising children.

Until the end of her days, she took care of her beauty and could not imagine life without cinema. Shortly before her death, she starred in the film Starling and Lyra, where she played a 25-year-old girl. True, the film was never released. Allegedly, Lyubov Petrovna herself asked not to show the picture, because all the signs of the actress's real age were too noticeable on the screen.

Natalia Gundareva

Known Soviet actress she was married three times, experienced several vivid novels, but she had no children. Natalya Gundareva did not like to talk about her family. In one of the interviews, commenting on her divorce from the famous director Leonid Kheifets, the actress noted that at the peak of her popularity she had to be torn between family responsibilities and professional demand. In another, she frankly said: the theater completely replaced her children.

At the age of 40, the actress had a close friend Irina Degteva, whom Mikhail Filippov, Gundareva's husband, even called his adopted daughter, although by the time they met the girl was already 30 years old. According to Irina, the actress never worried about the absence of children, finding many reasons to be happy in life and in the profession.

Ludmila Zykina

The unusually talented singer has always been liked by men. She had four marriages, but in none of them she was in a hurry to have children. Lyudmila Zykina could not imagine herself outside the stage, and therefore she constantly traveled with concerts throughout the country. In such a rhythm of life, by her own admission, there was simply no time to raise a baby.

Lyudmila Georgievna believed: the child needs the attention and care of his mother, only then he will grow up happy. She, due to employment, simply did not have the opportunity to take care of children. But she also considered it wrong to shift these chores to nannies, so she completely abandoned the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving children.

Tatyana Doronina

The actress could have had children if not for the jealousy that destroyed her first family. Then Tatyana Doronina's husband was Oleg Basilashvili, and she believed the rumors about his romance with one of the actresses on tour. After parting with her husband, Tatyana Vasilievna got rid of pregnancy.

There were no children in the following marriages of the actress. However, her greatest passion was theater. She gave him all her strength, feelings and emotions, which could hardly be enough for children. If the actress and President of the Moscow Art Theatre. M. Gorky about something, so it's about those twins, whom she did not dare to give birth because of jealousy and fear of being left alone with them.

Laima Vaikule

At one time, Laima Vaikule was too preoccupied with her career to give birth, so she had an abortion in her youth. Later, her actual husband Andrei Latkovsky considered the issue of children untimely. The singer believes that her lover had no desire to have children at all. However, if it appeared later, then the time had already been lost, and later the health problems of Laima Vaikule herself made the birth of children impossible.

Faina Ranevskaya

Probably the most famous and loneliest woman in the artistic environment is the incomparable Faina Ranevskaya. She never married and never talked about children. But she reasonably noted: loneliness is an invariable companion of talent.

Each person chooses how to build his life. Many give up the opportunity to have children because of a career or a simple unwillingness to change anything in their comfortable life.

Celebrity Childfree November 18th, 2011

A lot has already been said about childfree. Voluntary refusal from procreation and the joy of raising a little person is a rather contradictory position in life, but, whatever one may say, the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to choose, and having children or abandoning them is the right of any person. And if the refusal of the childbearing of Masha's neighbor will only cause the whispering of grandmothers on the bench, then celebrities who have decided not to have children are a completely different case. They are always in sight, and every wrong step can shake their authority. Nevertheless, quite a lot of modern figures, for one reason or another, choose loneliness.

Today I would like to talk about ten public people who voluntarily refused to have children, as well as what they themselves say about their choice. For this top ten, I deliberately did not choose one-day stars who declare their refusal to have children for the sake of naked outrageousness. Today we will talk about those who, without having children, risk their reputation in many ways, but still do not give up their beliefs. Choosing those who will enter today's top, I was based not only on the degree of importance of the star on the world stage, but also on the variety of arguments, because how many people, so many opinions, albeit such controversial ones as abandoning children.

1. Oprah Winfrey

I don’t know if Winfrey childfree can be fully considered, because, as a teenager, she still gave birth to a child who, unfortunately, was destined to die immediately after birth, but now this woman is one of the ten most influential representatives of the fair sex , does not even think about children.

“I was not taken care of as a child, and I myself do not know how to do it ... Once I had to look after a 4-year-old child all day. I was so tired and it was so stressful for me, I felt real happiness when the baby's mother arrived. It was then that I finally decided that I would not have children.
Indeed, Winfrey's childhood could well have instilled in her a burning hatred for the very institution of the family, and everything is quite clear with care. Having not received it in childhood, she is unlikely to learn to share warmth now.

2. René Zellweger

Although Zellweger's childhood was unparalleled than Oprah's, she also doesn't want to have children. True, for completely different reasons. Rene speaks quite sharply about children, so that it immediately becomes clear that she is unlikely to have a dialogue about how wonderful it is to be a mother. Children, in the understanding of Zellweger, are capable of ruining her career. Naturally, she does not feel antipathy for the kids, but she does not have much love for them either.

“Children are voluntary slavery. No, of course I can babysit my nephews. But the role of Aunt Rene is good because I can return these little tomboys to their parents at any time. And my brother - he can’t even take a shower in peace until the children let him. They are real tyrants. And I can honestly say that I never thought about becoming a mother. Motherhood is not what I dream of at the moment.”

3. Christopher Walken

A handsome man, Christopher Walken, in a nutshell explains his unwillingness to have children with his own selfishness, and, obviously, infantilism, since, in his words: “I am too selfish to have children. Besides, my wife has enough worries with me.”

4. Robert Smith

The band's vocalist decided that he didn't want to have children while he was a child himself. Moreover, he immediately voiced this position to his parents. In the birth of children, he does not see the point, and the reason for this is some of the nuances of his worldview, including because he does not consider himself capable of becoming good father. The wife supports Smith in his beliefs - they discussed the issue of childbearing almost on the first day they met.

5. Helen Clark

It would be foolish, when compiling a list of the most famous childfree, to ignore politicians. Helena Clark is a married woman, the prime minister of New Zealand, on duty, does not allow harsh statements about why she does not want children. And this is quite understandable, because such a statement can easily undermine e1's authority. Helena is not just another star, she is at the helm of the state, which means she has no right to make a mistake.

“I believe in the sanity of the Kiwis (nickname of the New Zealanders) and I think that today any of them will say: “What the hell, people have the right to make choices about own life! Helen made that choice and that's okay." Am I not a real woman because I have no children? It sounds weird, and I hope most people don't think so."

6 Haruki Murakami

Continuing the conversation about childfree celebrities, it is impossible to ignore the writers. Although they are not as public as actors or politicians, their opinion still has weight. As, for example, the opinion of the famous Japanese Haruki Murakami. He honestly admits that he is not ripe for procreation and does not consider himself old enough to become a father.

“My current age… is the time of hardening, when ordinary people everything comes to a stable state: a good position appears, a family, children ... But I don’t serve anywhere, I don’t have children ... I started writing when I was 29 years old, and kept thinking: when will I mature? I still think about it.”

7. Helen Mirren

This famous actress is a vivid example of how childhood trauma can affect a person's entire subsequent life.

“I never wanted to become a mother, I suffered a severe psychological trauma from which, I swear, I still cannot recover. I don't have and never will have children. The very thought of children disgusts me. I remember how at school we were gathered in a shabby school foyer, talking about the fact that now we will watch an educational film. When it was turned on, we saw how the woman was writhing in pain, and as soon as it was over, the teacher said that “the birth of a child is the most beautiful thing in the world,” to be honest, I was shocked and overwhelmed.

8. Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino is generally difficult to imagine the father of the family. In addition, all his thoughts are absorbed in creativity.
What kind of children are there? "Now is the time to make movies, not kids," he says.

9. Kim Cattrall

Kim Kettrol values ​​his peace of mind and his quiet life so much that he doesn’t even want to think about children. True, the fact that most of those around her are negatively tuned upsets her. Well, making such a controversial choice, you should be prepared for anything.

“The only thing that annoys me is feeling like an outcast from society. Understand, finally, I do not regret at all that I did not become a mother. I am a good aunt and I have many friends with children. But after work, I want to go home and rest.”

10. George Clooney

An avid bachelor, one of the most enviable Hollywood suitors, George Clooney simply does not want children. Apparently, for the same reason as most other childfree - he simply does not want unnecessary problems, and has every right to do so.

“Even one child running around my villa makes me nervous, so I am definitely not the father of the year! If suddenly I have a need to surround myself with kids and feel like a family, I just call Brad and Angie and invite them to my place, just to remind myself that I am happy without children.

Actress Jennifer Aniston about childlessness, Lenta.ru decided to collect statements from other stars who, according to them, live well without heirs.

It would seem: who should acquire numerous offspring, if not rich, famous and beautiful? But no: many stars do not want to be fruitful and multiply at all. Some of them knew that they were unsuitable for this role almost from childhood, others came to this conclusion after hard reflection. Each of the well-known childfree has its own reason. An essay by 47-year-old Aniston, who, by her own admission, has had enough of publishing about her “long-awaited pregnancies” over the past quarter century, revived the discussion about the right healthy person refuse to reproduce their own kind.

Jennifer Aniston, 47 years old

“If I ever become a mother, you will know about it from me. But I do not aspire to motherhood in order to feel "full". I hate it when people take pictures of me from some weird angle and conclude that I'm either fat or pregnant. Let's decide for ourselves and for the young women who take our example: you don't have to get married or have children to be complete," the movie star wrote in her For The Record column for the Huffington Post. Aniston's patience ran out after another publication dedicated to the life of the rich and famous informed readers about her "pregnancy", citing a photo of the "plump" actress as evidence.

However, she has previously stated in various interviews that she does not consider motherhood an end in itself and does not know herself whether she needs it.

René Zellweger, 47

The star of Bridget Jones's Diary, like Aniston, does not like to talk about his personal life. Only once, in an interview with London Times in 2008, the actress explained that motherhood is not among her priorities in life. “I don’t think about it at all,” Zellweger admitted. Neither marriage to singer Kenny Chesney, nor novels with Jim Carrey and Bradley Cooper stirred up her maternal instinct.

Jon Hamm, 45

The American actor, best known for his role as Don Draper in the television series Mad Men, in an interview with US Weekly put it succinctly: "I would be a terrible father!" And he added that friends with many children arouse his ardent sympathy. Since 1997, the artist has been married to actress and screenwriter Jennifer Westfeldt.

Kim Cattrall, 59

Like her character, Samantha from the television series Sex and the City, Cattrall is a committed childfree. “When I was five years old, I dreamed of a hundred children and a hundred dogs. But then I realized that this idea came to me from outside and that I was not ready to become a biological mother, ”she said in an interview with The Oprah Magazine. She was married three times, met with the former Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau, but she did not change her point of view on motherhood.

Margaret Cho, 47

The American actress and comedian is an open bisexual, but she still chose a man for marriage - the artist Al Raidnur, with whom she lived for 12 years. She filed for divorce in 2015. Why didn't they have children? “My fear of motherhood comes from the fact that, frankly, I just don’t want to love anyone that much,” Margaret admitted on her blog in 2012.

Condoleezza Rice, 62

The former US Secretary of State somehow had no time to have children. In an interview with Ladies Home Journal in 2010, the American said that she definitely didn’t want and didn’t want children, but she probably would have married (she had never been married). Condoleezza is very religious and believes that everything should happen according to the will of God. In her opinion, you just need to enjoy the life that you have.

George Clooney, 55

One of the first beauties of Hollywood stubbornly does not want to continue his race. “I always knew that parenthood was not for me. This is a great calling that should be a priority. My priority is my work. That's why I'm never getting married again," Clooney confided in 2011. But, as everyone knows, he already made one of his promises, having married in 2014 with lawyer Amal Alamuddin.

Ellen DeGeneres, 58

Actress and TV presenter, open lesbian. He is married to actress Portia de Rossi. When asked why the ladies do not want to have offspring, Ellen replied: “We might have become excellent parents. But this creature and if you're not sure you have great parenting skills and drive for all of this, and an awareness of the amount of work and responsibility ahead - I wouldn't try. We [with Portia] have our favorite animals.”

Helen Mirren, 70

"The main lady of Hollywood" is Russian by father, but patriarchal values ​​are alien to her. In 1997, she married American director Taylor Hackford, whom she had dated since the 1980s, but she never gave birth. “It's just not destiny. I expected it to happen, but it didn't, and I didn't care what people said. As soon as they started, “What? No kids? You better hurry, old lady,” I was like, “No! Fuck off!” Mirren recalls.

Oprah Winfrey, 62

The famous TV presenter actually once gave birth - she was then only 14, and the child soon died. But she herself never mentions this, considering herself childless. “I didn’t have children, and I never thought that I would have them. And now I have 152 daughters, next year there will be 75 more,” Oprah said in 2007 at the opening of her school for girls, Africa’s Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, referring to the students.

Cameron Diaz, 43

The star of The Mask is one of the most determined childfree in Hollywood. Neither their own magnificent natural data, nor an impressive list of contenders for the role of a father (boyfriends Matt Dillon, Jared Leto, Justin Timberlake, and now husband Benji Madden), did not inspire Cameron to motherhood.

Diaz willingly speaks out on this topic. For example, in an interview with Esquire in 2014: “It is a huge job to raise children. Responsible for someone else's life other than your own. The kid is for every day, for 18 years. I love taking care of people, but I never imagined myself as a mother. I didn't sign up for it and it made my life easier, but the decision wasn't easy. This does not mean that life never seems difficult to me. But I remained myself, and now everything is fine with me. I've done a lot. And I don't give a damn anymore."

Actress Jennifer Aniston about childlessness, Lenta.ru decided to collect statements from other stars who, according to them, live well without heirs.

It would seem: who should acquire numerous offspring, if not rich, famous and beautiful? But no: many stars do not want to be fruitful and multiply at all. Some of them knew that they were unsuitable for this role almost from childhood, others came to this conclusion after hard reflection. Each of the well-known childfree has its own reason. An essay by 47-year-old Aniston, who, by her own admission, has had enough of publishing her “long-awaited pregnancies over the past quarter century,” revived the discussion about the right of a healthy person to refuse to reproduce their own kind.

Jennifer Aniston, 47 years old

“If I ever become a mother, you will know about it from me. But I do not aspire to motherhood in order to feel "full". I hate it when people take pictures of me from some weird angle and conclude that I'm either fat or pregnant. Let's decide for ourselves and for the young women who take our example: you don't have to get married or have children to be complete," the movie star wrote in her For The Record column for the Huffington Post. Aniston's patience ran out after another publication dedicated to the life of the rich and famous informed readers about her "pregnancy", citing a photo of the "plump" actress as evidence.

However, she has previously stated in various interviews that she does not consider motherhood an end in itself and does not know herself whether she needs it.

René Zellweger, 47

The star of Bridget Jones's Diary, like Aniston, does not like to talk about his personal life. Only once, in an interview with London Times in 2008, the actress explained that motherhood is not among her priorities in life. “I don’t think about it at all,” Zellweger admitted. Neither marriage to singer Kenny Chesney, nor novels with Jim Carrey and Bradley Cooper stirred up her maternal instinct.

Jon Hamm, 45

The American actor, best known for his role as Don Draper in the television series Mad Men, in an interview with US Weekly put it succinctly: "I would be a terrible father!" And he added that friends with many children arouse his ardent sympathy. Since 1997, the artist has been married to actress and screenwriter Jennifer Westfeldt.

Kim Cattrall, 59

Like her character, Samantha from the television series Sex and the City, Cattrall is a committed childfree. “When I was five years old, I dreamed of a hundred children and a hundred dogs. But then I realized that this idea came to me from outside and that I was not ready to become a biological mother, ”she said in an interview with The Oprah Magazine. She was married three times, met with the former Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau, but she did not change her point of view on motherhood.

Margaret Cho, 47

The American actress and comedian is an open bisexual, but she still chose a man for marriage - the artist Al Raidnur, with whom she lived for 12 years. She filed for divorce in 2015. Why didn't they have children? “My fear of motherhood comes from the fact that, frankly, I just don’t want to love anyone that much,” Margaret admitted on her blog in 2012.

Condoleezza Rice, 62

The former US Secretary of State somehow had no time to have children. In an interview with Ladies Home Journal in 2010, the American said that she definitely didn’t want and didn’t want children, but she probably would have married (she had never been married). Condoleezza is very religious and believes that everything should happen according to the will of God. In her opinion, you just need to enjoy the life that you have.

George Clooney, 55

One of the first beauties of Hollywood stubbornly does not want to continue his race. “I always knew that parenthood was not for me. This is a great calling that should be a priority. My priority is my work. That's why I'm never getting married again," Clooney confided in 2011. But, as everyone knows, he already made one of his promises, having married in 2014 with lawyer Amal Alamuddin.

Ellen DeGeneres, 58

Actress and TV presenter, open lesbian. He is married to actress Portia de Rossi. When asked why the ladies do not want to have offspring, Ellen replied: “We might have become excellent parents. But it's a living thing, and if you're not sure you have the great parenting skills and drive to do it all, and the awareness of the amount of work and responsibility ahead, I wouldn't try. We [with Portia] have our favorite animals.”

Helen Mirren, 70

"The main lady of Hollywood" is Russian by father, but patriarchal values ​​are alien to her. In 1997, she married American director Taylor Hackford, whom she had dated since the 1980s, but she never gave birth. “It's just not destiny. I expected it to happen, but it didn't, and I didn't care what people said. As soon as they started, “What? No kids? You better hurry, old lady,” I was like, “No! Fuck off!” Mirren recalls.

Oprah Winfrey, 62

The famous TV presenter actually once gave birth - she was then only 14, and the child soon died. But she herself never mentions this, considering herself childless. “I didn’t have children, and I never thought that I would have them. And now I have 152 daughters, next year there will be 75 more,” Oprah said in 2007 at the opening of her school for girls, Africa’s Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, referring to the students.

Cameron Diaz, 43

The star of The Mask is one of the most determined childfree in Hollywood. Neither their own magnificent natural data, nor an impressive list of contenders for the role of a father (boyfriends Matt Dillon, Jared Leto, Justin Timberlake, and now husband Benji Madden), did not inspire Cameron to motherhood.

Diaz willingly speaks out on this topic. For example, in an interview with Esquire in 2014: “It is a huge job to raise children. Responsible for someone else's life other than your own. The kid is for every day, for 18 years. I love taking care of people, but I never imagined myself as a mother. I didn't sign up for it and it made my life easier, but the decision wasn't easy. This does not mean that life never seems difficult to me. But I remained myself, and now everything is fine with me. I've done a lot. And I don't give a damn anymore."

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