Spartak Mishulin son Timur true or not. Timur Eremeev, the son of Spartak Mishulin, about the result of the DNA test: latest news

Family and relationships 13.07.2019
Family and relationships

Spartak Mishulin is one of the legendary actors of Soviet and Russian cinema. He became famous for his roles in such cult films as " White sun desert”, “Carnival”, and from 1966 to 1980 appeared in entertainment program"Zucchini" 13 chairs ". The famous artist passed away at the age of 78 in 2005. The cause of death was heart failure. The actor, beloved by millions of viewers, has a daughter, 38-year-old Karina and widow Valentina Konstantinovna. StarHit tells the whole story of the conflict between relatives.

In the spring of this year, in an interview, 34-year-old artist Timur Yeremeev revealed the secret that he kept all his life - he called himself the illegitimate son of Spartak Vasilyevich.

This publication caused outrage in Karina. She sued to teach the impostor a lesson and protect her father's good name. Only from the studio of the “Let them talk” program did the alleged relatives meet face to face for the first time. Timur understood his sister's indignation and hastened to apologize for the fact that his statement hurt her family. She did not understand why the man made this public, and did not personally contact her in order to avoid hype and unnecessary attention. Illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin.

The aspiring artist was not afraid to tell the whole country about his father // Photo: Program frame

“I do not refuse any of my words, I am ready to answer for all my words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all, ”the aspiring artist was perplexed.

Timur was ready to go to the end and defend his innocence. The Let Them Talk program turned to the laboratory to conduct a DNA test. Experts obtained the biomaterial from a hat that belonged to Spartak Vasilyevich. However, the laboratory concluded that the results were controversial. The alleged son of Spartak Mishulin received the results of a DNA test

Karina Mishulina flatly refused to hand over her biomaterial in order to analyze and compare her DNA with her alleged brother.

“We are suckers or something. We need to take blood from a vein, don’t make suckers out of us, I’ll get up and leave now, ”said Mishulina.

Many netizens were outraged by the behavior of the daughter of the famous actor. They shared their impressions and condemned her for such statements and a negative reaction towards Timur, who wants to achieve the truth. Many found an obvious similarity in the appearance of the alleged son and father, and also admired the restraint that he showed. However, Karina herself believed that she was a victim of bullying. In her opinion, the comments appear from fake accounts, and therefore she suspects that the “brother” himself is involved in this. Karina Mishulina: “It seems that Timur is some kind of sadist. We've been living in hell for these two months."

A little later, Mishulina announced the amount that she plans to sue from the offenders. She insisted that her father had been slandered. The daughter of Spartak Mishulin plans to sue a million for libel about his illegitimate son.

Spartak Mishulin and Timur Eremeev

“This is a classic claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The plaintiff asks for a refutation of the widespread information, as well as to stop the dissemination in the media, for example, on the Internet, where there are still articles stating that Yeremeev is an illegitimate son. Karina also demands compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Currently, she claims the amount of one million rubles from the defendants, ”the plaintiff’s lawyer told StarHit.

In one of the episodes, Karina told that some time ago she was offered to launch a similar “duck” with a story about her alleged brother in order to increase her popularity as an actress. However, Karina assured that she flatly refused to exploit the name of her late father for the sake of PR. Many assumed that Timur wanted to receive a share of the inheritance. The young actor denied such conjectures and assured: he wants his daughter to know about her grandfather, because she did not have a chance to see him in person.

Publication from #TimurEremeev (@timureremeev) Dec 4 2017 at 10:56 PST

A little later, Karina made a statement and revealed family secret- the fact is that after her birth, Spartak Vasilyevich could not have children. Mishulin's daughter revealed the sensational truth about why he could not have an illegitimate son

After some time, Mishulina nevertheless decided to do a DNA test in order to put an end to allegations and assumptions. She found Carlson's costume, in which her father performed at the theater. Laboratory assistants were able to find samples suitable for examination. The media spread the unexpected statement of the lawyer illegitimate son Spartak Mishulin

“Moreover, on the suit they found my father’s Y chromosome (the sex chromosome that contains the gene that determines the male sex). The Y chromosome is passed down through the male line. For father and son, this chromosome should be the same, ”Karina explained.

For a long time, Timur's mother Tatyana Eremeeva refused to show her face and come to the studio of the Let They Talk program. Nevertheless, her photograph was shown to the widow and daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich - they recognized her as a concierge who had worked in their house for two years. Karina expressed the opinion that her father would definitely have arranged a beloved woman for a more prestigious job. The alleged son of Spartak Mishulin provided evidence of kinship

Also, the widow and daughter came to the conclusion that Timur and his mother did not know Mishulin at all. They noticed that the alleged relatives get confused in the details, talking about the famous father. As it turned out, Spartak Vasilyevich had other illegitimate children. Karina is personally acquainted with some and does not dislike them. The family of Spartak Mishulin found out about his new intended children

Tatyana Anatolyevna told that Spartak Vasilyevich always communicated with his son and helped them financially. According to the woman, the famous actor did not skimp on presents for the child. Mom Timur Eremeev declassified expensive gifts from Spartak Mishulin

Almost a month later, the results of the examination of the DNA test were announced in the “Let them talk” program. The alleged son of Spartak Mishulin learned the truth about his relationship

“An answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich. The probability that he is a biological son is 99.9999%, ”said TV presenter Dmitry Borisov.

Many were sure that Timur was actually the son of Spartak Vasilyevich. However, Karina doubts the reliability of the result and intends to continue to defend her position. Timur Eremeev stood up for his sister Karina Mishulina.

“The announced results of the DNA test, from which it follows that Spartak Mishulin is my dad, did not come as a big surprise to me. Of course, there was excitement simply because the cost of someone's mistake was extremely high. But unconditional trust in the laboratory, which, by the way, was chosen by my sister, and world-class specialists led by Pavel Leonidovich Ivanov were allowed to be sure that the examination would confirm my words about my relationship with Mishulin, ”Eremeev told StarHit.

Tatyana Eremeeva // Photo: Program frame

Timur Eremeev's lawyer Victoria Krylova gave exclusive interview website with comments on the scandalous lawsuit between the actor and the daughter of Spartak Mishulin Karina. During a conversation with a representative of Timur, for the first time, answers were received to questions of concern to the public: why did the actor’s son not declare his relationship during the life of the alleged famous dad and is there at least one witness who can confirm Eremeev’s story about his childhood?

As it turned out, Eremeeva's lawyer had already found relatives of Spartak Vasilyevich, who were ready to confirm that Timur was his illegitimate son. “No child is to blame for the fact that he was born. The parents are responsible. The kingdom of heaven to Spartak Vasilyevich, but these issues had to be resolved during his lifetime, especially since he recognized his son. He himself grew up without a father. And Timur grew up with his father. But they did not advertise it, it happened, such were the times. Tatyana - Timur's mother - did not want to spoil Mishulin's career, but this would have happened if she had declared that the artist had a connection on the side and a child was growing. And then, apparently, it already happened - everyone lives nearby, communicates, there was no such need - to run away and register paternity.

But Timur never hid the fact that he was Mishulin's son. Why am I talking about this with such confidence? Firstly, I communicate with Timur and his mother. I will not get ahead of myself, but there are people who authentically confirm everything stated by Timur. They were close with Spartak Vasilyevich and observed all these events. We will present all the evidence to the court, just now we have no right to disclose it ahead of time!” - shared Victoria Krylova.

Of course, in order to confirm the relationship between Eremeev and Mishulin,. On the eve it became known that biomaterial was collected from Carlson's costume, in which Spartak Vasilyevich performed, which turned out to be suitable for identifying, in particular, the Y chromosome, which is transmitted from father to son. According to Karina, she has already passed a blood test, allegedly confirming that she is Mishulin's biological daughter. Now it's Timur's turn to take the test, but he put forward his own requirements for the procedure, which Karina does not agree to yet. Mishulina insists that the study be conducted by the “luminary” of genetics Pavel Ivanov and does not accept testing in other medical institutions.

“Timur declares everywhere that he agrees to absolutely any examination. At least tie your feet to the ceiling, upside down, take any tests. But he asks that it be an objective examination made in three different institutions. And not only with Karina, but also with personal belongings of Spartak Vasilyevich (specialists have already isolated the DNA chromosome), and with Mishulin's relatives, whose relationship with him cannot be questioned. Let there be three independent laboratories. As a lawyer, I support this. If we conduct several reliable and objective studies, we will have accurate answers to all the questions posed and exclude any accidents! - Krylova explains the position of her ward.

By the way, during the interview, Victoria emphasized that Timur does not claim the actor's inheritance and does not intend to change his last name. All he wants is to establish the truth so that his little daughter will be proud of her grandfather.

Another sensation stirred up the Russian media space, after the program “Let them talk” with a new presenter - Dmitry Borisov. The subject of the special was the young actor's statement that his biological father- legend Soviet cinema Spartak Mishulin.

Thoughtful PR or childish grievances

Timur Eremeev, an aspiring film theater artist, became popular by starring in the serial film "Kitchen" and. Real passions flared up around his person, after candid interview glossy edition of Caravan of Stories.

The guy admitted that his real father's name is Spartak Mishulin. He also shared childhood memories of the first meeting with his father, fun joint walks.

For the first time, Timur saw an eminent relative, Spartak Mishulin, at the age of five. This happened after another production at the Theater of Satire, where his mother Tatyana Yeremeeva brought him. The woman herself claims that since 1971 she had a romantic relationship with Spartak.

In her free time, she went on tour with him, to rehearsals, brought hot food to the dressing room. Eremeev's mother is completely sure that her Timur - native son Mishulin.

An article with sensational material went on sale on August 25, and on September 17, Mishulin's legal daughter, Karina, sued Yeremeev for libel and for the word "son", which was repeatedly mentioned in his interview. For more than a month, both "injured" parties corresponded in in social networks trying to find a way out of this tangled story.

Scandalous releases of "Let them talk"

Upon learning of the presence of a "brother", Karina and Valentina Mishulins were perplexed, they considered the words of the newly-made relative to be absurd. Wife People's Artist The RSFSR began to have health problems against the backdrop of such an unexpected event. In order to somehow get through to Timur Eremeev, Karina agreed to participate in the popular project "Let them talk."

In the Internet space, they note that in the photo collages you can easily see the similarity between the famous Soviet artist Spartak Mishulin and actor Timur Yeremeev.

In addition to Mishulin's daughter, her husband and lawyer Maya, Spartak's stage colleagues, cultural figures, as well as experts: physiognomists and psychoanalysts were present in the studio.

The audience was very skeptical towards Karina. Dmitry Borisov opened the live broadcast with the words: “Son or impostor?”.

She was the first to enter the studio with a package of documents, which she submitted to the court for further proceedings. She told those present in the hall that she had been playing in the Satire Theater since the age of 4. The famous father brought her there and that's it. working time they spent together, including a segment from the house to the stage.

The girl had two exciting questions that haunted her: “Why didn’t Timur come to Spartacus 12 years ago while he was still alive” and “For what purpose does he allow himself to claim blood relationship with her father throughout the country?” .

Most studio viewers pounced on Karina, considering her claims inappropriate. Because in the photographs the similarity of the two men was noticeable to the naked eye.

At the same time, the similarity is observed only in pictures taken in adolescence, and in children's and adult photos, “father” and “son” are absolutely not similar. Here the opinions of the physiognomists differed. Mishulina deliberately picked up her father's personal diaries from the archive in order to find some information about a possible relative, but there was no mention of him in them.

Interesting Notes:

Timur's statement that he keeps the original copy turned out to be contradictory. last scenario Spartak, which he allegedly got just before the death of the actor. Karina's husband brought to the transfer the same document with notes and phone numbers of the artists who were involved in the production.

Eremeev's uncertain exit

After the side of the accusers spoke, Timur Yeremeev, who considers himself the son of Spartak Mishulin, entered the studio. The actor immediately said that he would not argue with anyone, make excuses, he has his own truth, in which he believes.

He also continued to say that his mother introduced him to the eminent artist and they often talked. Moreover, he is sure that Karina and her mother Valentina knew about his existence.

Timur's mother supported him online via Skype. The woman's face was not shown at her request. Tatyana calmly answered all the questions of the guests of the studio, tried to ignore the barbs.

On the second broadcast of the talk show “Let them talk,” Eremeev brought an impressive stack of telegrams from Spartak, which indicated the time to contact him. After a thorough analysis, the experts managed to find out that the dates of the telegrams completely coincided with the artist's tour.

Solving the problem - DNA test

After lengthy persuasion, Mishulina agreed to a DNA test. For this, a hat was taken - the theatrical props of Spartak and Yeremeev's saliva. The result of the DNA study showed inaccurate information, the coincidence of the biological material was 50%. For Timur, such an answer was encouraging, but Karina was furious.

After a long ordeal, the girl came to the diagnostic center with her father's concert costume, from which new microparticles were taken. She also donated blood from a finger to obtain more accurate data.

In the third issue of “Let them talk”, specialized experts who have already participated in such proceedings gathered to analyze in detail all the subtleties of the genetic test.

While they were waiting for the announcement of the results of the research, Eremeev's lawyers provided one more piece of evidence - a joint photograph of Timur and Spartak dressed in a Carlson suit. It was she who hung over Mishulin's dressing table and repeatedly flashed in the video interview.

Toward the close of the third issue of “Let them talk,” Karina Mishulina came out, who continued to stand her ground - she claimed that Timur was an impostor. She was followed by a handwriting specialist who will have to compare the signatures in the Spartacus scripts that both sides have.

The long-awaited denouement

The result of a story that dragged on for several months was a DNA examination. Karina Mishulina, daughter famous artist, provided the theatrical costume of Spartak Vasilyevich for examination.

According to the results of the DNA examination, the probability that the actor Timur Yeremeev is the biological son of Spartak Mishulin was 99.9%.

Right in the studio of the “Let them talk” program, host Dmitry Borisov unfolded the long-awaited envelope with DNA test data.

The denouement of the story, which worried all of Russia for more than one month, became happy for Timur Eremeev. However, the actor said that he did not need the inheritance of a star father, he just wanted to prove to everyone that he really was the son of Spartak Mishulin.

Is it true that Timur Yeremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin? November 19th, 2017

Yes true. Answer from the master of the portrait doll.

The discussion that unfolded on Channel One is in full swing - is the actor Timur Yeremeev really the son of Spartak Mishulin? Everyone is waiting for the result of the DNA analysis, which will be made public in a couple of days on the air of the program "Let them talk."

In the release of the program that I watched, which ended with a promise in the next program to tell what the analyzes showed, among the invited experts there was a certain physiognomist who made his conclusions. Moreover, he did not say anything specific. And I was very surprised that, for example, the master of a portrait doll was not invited to comment on this.

After all, a good portrait puppeteer, who, in the process of working on a portrait puppet, constantly deals with the process of “similar-not similar”, immediately determines the so-called “similarity” by a number of signs.
I decided to draw my own conclusions, and, having collected photographs of both heroes of this noisy story, the alleged father and son, I worked with them a little.

My conclusion: yes, Timur Yeremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin. Either way, they are related.

And now let's go...

According to data from the forensic library (, when establishing kinship on the basis of appearance, the signs of the nasal part of the face (the contour of the lower edges of the wings of the nose, the degree opening of the nasal septum, the contour of the nasal tip, the profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the base of the nose, the relative width of the nose). Let's compare the noses of our heroes. But!

Timur's nose is asymmetric in some photographs, some kind of curvature is visible on the right side. If these are not Photoshop games, then a curvature is possible - a consequence of some kind of injury, a baby can get some minor changes in the cartilage of the nose even before birth.

Therefore, some changes in cartilage are acceptable. Genetics, if any, this case, may well be "corrected" by life circumstances. Humps grow in people, the width of the tip of the nose changes, and other changes occur. The nose is a rather soft part of the face, and one cannot count on the fact that the nose will forever remain the way nature intended it to be.
The alleged father of Timur Eremeev, Spartak Mishulin, also shows "intervention of external circumstances" in the shape of his nose, and precisely - close to the tip of the nose, on the right. In all his photographs it is clearly seen that on the right there is some kind of education. Perhaps it is also a consequence of some kind of injury.

Therefore, we will leave the topic of the tip of the nose, which is transmitted genetically, and take the main data for analysis: the profile of the back of the nose, the position of the base of the nose, the height and width of the bridge of the nose, the relative width and length of the nose. We look at the photo.

Answer; Yes! These are very similar noses! In any case, in the opinion of the master of the portrait doll, these noses are practically the same except for small details. The width and height of the bridge of the nose and the length of the nose are identical and may well be the noses of the son and father.

Also, according to the same forensic library, when establishing kinship on the basis of appearance, the signs of the oro-chin part are also very informative - the contour of the chin, the protrusion of the lips, the degree of protrusion of the chin, the contour and severity of the filter, the relative thickness of the lips, the contour borders of the lower lip, the ratio of the width of the borders of the lips, the contour of the oral fissure, the contour of the border of the upper lip, the position of the corners of the mouth.

Here I, as a master of a portrait doll, can say with all responsibility. In "similarity" there is nothing more important than the lower part of the face. This is - indeed - the chin, mouth, lower part of the face. You can copy the eyes and nose as much as you like, but if you don't "hit the spot" with the mouth and chin, you won't achieve similarity. So, the mouths of our heroes.

The lips of Spartak Mishulin are very beautiful, well-defined. He inherited such lips from his mother, according to the old photo. On the top photo of the collage - Spartak Mishulin with his mother.

My conclusion regarding the lower part of Timur Eremeev's face is, of course, YES. He and Spartak Mishulin have almost the same mouths.

According to the same medical library, the fronto-orbital part of the face is less informative in establishing relationship than the nose and mouth. But it is also taken as the basis for establishing family ties by external signs.

The signs, in descending order, are arranged as follows: features of the hair, the nature of the overhang of the fixed part of the upper eyelid, the contour of the palpebral fissure, the contour of the eyebrows, the opening of the palpebral fissure, the direction and position of the eyebrows.

What is the same, almost the same, or very similar in Timur and his alleged father in this segment of our analysis? Yes all!

Places of hair growth, the size of the forehead, eyebrows, the contour of the palpebral fissure and even the position of the iris. In both, the lower part of the iris of the eye is practically not covered by the lower eyelid. That is, the entire pupil (as the people call the iris) is visible.

Let's focus on the eyes. Both have eyes different shapes eyelids. Moreover, both, Spartak Mishulin and Timur Eremeev, have a very small eyelid in the right eye, and the upper eyelid in the left eye is much larger than the right one. Different eyelids in front of people are not uncommon, but for this feature to be copied from the alleged father and son - this is already interesting fact, most likely speaking of kinship. We look at the photo carefully.

And now the ears. The source I mentioned claims that the contour of the earlobe, the size and shape of the auricle can speak of kinship. The ears of our heroes are almost identical.

My opinion in the end - yes, they are father and son.

What prevents the majority from recognizing these people as relatives? Let's not talk about the reaction of the official family of Spartak Mishulin, in general, the situation is shocking, their reaction is understandable and explainable. I'm talking about something else. Why is the similarity between Timur Eremeev and Spartak Mishulin not obvious to many at first glance? Yes, because people change very much with age in the face. I'm talking about the alleged father of Timur - Spartak Mishulin. Timur is still young, he is not overweight, for some time he will look like he looks now, maybe for a long time. His alleged father, Spartak Mishulin, lived in a different era, and his photographs, which we can see on the Internet today, are a photo of a rather mature man who has changed significantly in appearance when compared with him, young.

I, as a master of a portrait doll, often come across the fact that I am ordered to make a portrait doll of an elderly person, overweight, with a whole set of bad habits on his face, and I can’t immediately see the real facial features of the person who needs to be embodied in the doll. And I often ask for "young photos". When I receive them, sometimes I am amazed at how much a person has changed.

What changes in a person with age, sometimes beyond recognition
Eyes, eyelids
Oval face and cheek shape

The popularly beloved actor Spartak Mishulin was in excellent shape for a long time, but there are practically no photographs of him as he was in his youth on the Internet, so it is difficult to judge his resemblance to the young Timur Yeremeev. It would be much easier to compare these people, photographed at about the same age. But with a detailed analysis, even using the photos that we have today, we can draw conclusions about a possible relationship. I made my conclusions, this is father and son. Because there are too many coincidences.

At the beginning of autumn, the public was stirred up by the news that the artist Spartak Mishulin, popular in the USSR, has bastard. The son of a Soviet movie star is Timur Yeremeev, as the young actor said. He decided to prove his relationship with Spartak Mishulin through a DNA test.

It all started with the fact that the guy gave an interview in the magazine "Caravan of stories", and told the story of his birth, saying that he spoke with his father when he was still alive. The daughter of Spartak, Karina Mishulina, who was born in a legal marriage, reacted very negatively to this news.

She sued young man for libel and public insults. Eremeev had to prove his truth on the program "Let them talk." On the air of the program, all viewers and guests of the program learned the result of the DNA test. You will learn more about this from the article.

Spartak Mishulin and his son

For the first time Timur saw his dad at the age of five. Then the boy's mother took him to a fairy tale at the Theater of Satire. The boy liked the performance then. He remembers that he enthusiastically applauded the artists.

And after the performance ended, Tatyana and her son went backstage. There, in the dressing room, sat an unremarkable, at first glance, man. He asked Timur if he liked the performance. The boy replied: "Yes, very much." Then he did not yet know that his father was in front of him. Upon returning home, he found out the truth.

Timur Eremeev is very similar to Spartak Mishulin in his youth

After Timur Yeremeev, who, through a DNA test, wanted to prove that he was the son of Spartak Mishulin, went to his father's performances many more times and talked with him in the dressing room after the performance.

Mom told Timur little about the story of her acquaintance with Mishulin. This happened in her hometown - Vologda. Now the boy's grandparents still live there. The artist then came to the province to shoot the film "Property of the Republic". It so happened that in this city he had an affair with Tatyana, and only after thirteen years of relationship Timur was born. At the time of meeting with Mishulin, Tatyana Eremeeva was seventeen. The artist called her to marry, but she was still a schoolgirl. But Mishulin was already over forty.

Never married, Eremeeva and Mishulin continued to meet periodically. This happened during the actor's trips to Vologda with concerts or performances. They had quite warm relationship. The girl baked cabbage pies for her lover, and once even painted his portrait on a cigarette pack. When she became pregnant, she left the child without hesitation. On the birth certificate, she recorded the boy's father as "Sergei Yeremeev". Apparently, there were reasons for that.

Timur with his mother Tatyana Eremeeva

When Timur met his own father, he became a fan of his work. I could not tear myself away from what was happening on stage, I watched performances many times. The most favorite was "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." Here Spartak Vasilievich played Carlson and he played this role for thirty years. And the boy was proud of his dad.

Tatyana Eremeeva also always admired Mishulin's acting. She claimed that such artists no longer exist.

Every time she went to the theater, she dressed up as if for a holiday. And went there with good mood. She had an excellent relationship with Mishulin - they always hugged when they met and were interested in each other's affairs. Never quarreled in front of the child. Then the actor was already married. He had a daughter. But Eremeeva did not seem to suffer because of this. She always spoke of her son's father with tenderness.

Spartak Mishulin with his daughter Karina

And, I must say, the theater workers always recognized them and let them into the artist's dressing room without any problems. And then, and now Timur did not hide - whose son he is. The relationship of the guy with Spartak Mishulin had to be proved by doing a DNA test. But Eremeev claims that he always honestly answered questions about his father. He was not instilled with shame for the history of his birth. Therefore, he did not experience any discomfort.

But Eremeeva's sister reacted extremely negatively to the revealed truth. Karina Mishulina explained her position by the fact that at the time of her boyfriend's birth, her father was barren. So, in her opinion, the aspiring actor decided to earn fame at the expense of the famous family.

I must say that Mishulina herself is associated with acting. She played one of the main roles in the popular sitcom Fizruk. Therefore, the girl decided to regain her good name through the court and unleashed an information war. In the press, Eremeev was accused of lying.

DNA test results

The young man, without hesitation, agreed to confirm his words with a DNA test, and the test results were announced on the show “Let them talk” with Borisov. Karina and Timur donated blood in the presence of experts. Biological traces that remained on the costume of the legendary artist were also involved. As a result of the DNA test, it turned out that Timur Yeremeev is the blood son of Spartak Mishulin with a probability of 99.9%.

The results of the DNA test were announced by Dmitry Borisov in live programs "Let them talk"

Not surprisingly, Karina remained, shocked by the results. She apologized for her behavior, and expressed regret that Yeremeev did not come to her and her mother earlier to resolve this issue in family circle. Due to the fact that the case received such a wide public outcry, the girl's mother became ill.

Of course, Spartak Mishulin wanted to hide the presence of his illegitimate son. But twelve years have passed since his death, and during this time Eremeev did not find an opportunity to meet his sister personally. Now it is very ugly, according to the girl, to stir up the personal life of a deceased actor.

Karina Mishulina still does not believe that Timur is her half-brother

The actress explained her behavior in the studio by the fact that she was not ready to talk about a difficult topic for her. But now she calmed down and was able to apologize to her brother. Even after the delicate details of Spartak's personal life came to light, Karina still loves and respects her father. Her attitude towards native person, of course, has not changed.

Despite the fact that initially Mishulina doubted the DNA results, the expert Pavel Ivanov tried to convince her that the fake test was out of the question. The examination was carried out in a laboratory of federal significance, and the law provides for criminal liability for giving knowingly false results.

Many viewers expressed doubt that Karina and her mother had no idea that Mishulin had an illegitimate child, but the actress swore that she really was not in the know.

Timur also apologized to his sister for making the story public. He said in the studio that he does not hold a grudge against his sister and does not mind hugging her.

Spartak Mishulin became a bone of contention for his children

Also interesting are the details that lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky revealed to those present. He said that the editors of the program "Let them talk" got in touch with a neighbor of the ballerina Maya Evtukhina, who gave birth to a child from Soviet actor. Despite the fact that Maya tried to hide the fact of an affair with a famous actor, it was hard not to notice the similarity between Spartak Vasilyevich and the ballerina's daughter. So far, the information has not been officially confirmed.

It is noteworthy that Eremeeva's mother, after graduation, asked for forgiveness from Karina Mishulina and her mother for giving them unpleasant moments. Perhaps this will be another step towards reconciliation of families and strengthening communication between relatives.

Biography of Timur Eremeev

Communication with famous father could not but affect the life of Timur Eremeev. Recall that the DNA test confirmed that he is indeed the son of the artist Spartak Mishulin. From the 10th grade, the boy was closely engaged in theatrical art. He was a student of the theater class at the Shchepkin School. Then he continued his studies at the theater university.

Timur Eremeev in childhood with his mother

Served in the army together with artists of the Central Academic Theater Russian Army. After serving in the army, he remained to work in this theater. Played in many performances.

Since 2004, the actor has been acting in films. The first film with his participation is "Unequal Marriage". In 2007, he participated in the film "Nostalgia for the Future" and in the series "Matchmaker". Later there were roles in the projects “The house that the housing office built”, “Moscow. Three stations”, “Great feelings”, “Farewell, my love!”.

Actor at the premiere of the series "Hotel Eleon"

In 2015, he played one of the main roles in the comedy series on the STS channel - "Kitchen". In 2016-2017, he took part in the filming of the Eleon Hotel series. There he played a porter named Yegor, who was an authority among the rest of the workers. However, almost no one knew his secret - in his youth, the guy served a prison term.

Timur Eremeev with his wife and daughter

In 2017, Eremeev starred in the series "Unknown" and the comedy film "Call DiCaprio!".

The artist's career is now on the rise, and he certainly has a lot ahead of him. He is also successful in his personal life. Timur is married and has a one-year-old daughter, Nika.

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