Sergey tarmashev area die beautiful to read. Sergey tarmashev - die beautifully

Interesting 27.06.2019

The database contains data about other people named Rozanov Sergey Nikolaevich

  • Life dates: 24.09.1869-28.08.1937
  • Biography:

Orthodox. Received education in 3rd Moscow Cadet Corps. He entered the service on 09/03/1886. Graduated Mikhailovsky Artillery School(1889). Released in the 3rd res. art. brigade. Later he served in the 1st Grenada. art. brigade. Second lieutenant (art. 08/10/1889). Lieutenant (Art. 08/07/1891). Headquarters Captain (Art. 07/28/1896). Graduated Nicholas Academy of the General Staff (1897; 1st category). Captain (Art. 05/19/1897). Consisted with the Kiev Military District. Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the 11th cav. divisions (17.01.-06.05.1898). Chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Kyiv Military District (05/06/1898-10/24/1901). The census command of the company was serving in the 132nd infantry. Bendery regiment (10/25/1900-10/25/1901). Headquarters officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Kyiv Military District (10/24/1901-09/02/1903). Lieutenant Colonel (Art. 12/06/1901). Head of the clerk Headquarters (09/02/1903-10/12/1904). Member of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. Art. Adjutant of the Directorate General Quarter. 2nd Manchurian Army (10/12/1904-05/01/1906). Colonel (Art. 12/06/1905). Clerk of the GUGSH (05/01/1906-07/14/1910). He served as a licensed command of the battalion in the 6th East Siberian Str. Regiment (01.05.-01.09.1907). 07/14/1910 was appointed commander of the 178th Venden Infantry Regiment, with whom he entered the war as part of the 45th Infantry Division. For the battle 08/25-26/1914 near the village of Bystrzyce he was awarded the Order of St. George 4th class. (VP 02/03/1915). Major General (pr. 12/23/1914; art. 08/24/1914; for distinction in affairs ...). On September 30, 1914, he was placed at the head of the 2nd brigade of the 45th infantry division. For distinction, he was awarded the St. George weapon (VP 05/05/1915). On 01/19/1915, the chief of staff of the 3rd Caucasian Army. corps, the closest employee of the corps commander gen. V.A. Irmanova. Commander of the 162nd Infantry Division (since February 18, 1917). Lieutenant General (pr. 08/25/1917; Art. 42, Book VIII SVP; for distinction) with the appointment of commander of the 41st Army Corps. During the speech, Gen. L.G. Kornilov proved his loyalty to the Provisional Government, and on 09/02/1917 the commissar of the 7th Army even asked Petrograd to appoint R. as army commander instead of the compromised gene. IN AND. Selivachev. He entered the service in the Red Army, was appointed to the management of the All-Russian General Staff, but on 09.1918 in the Volga region he went over to the side of the anti-Bolshevik Samara government. 09.25.-11.18.1918 ID Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of All Armed Forces KOMUCH (Ufa Directory). After the arrival of Admiral A.V. Kolchak was dismissed to power on sick leave. 12/22/1918 enrolled in the reserve ranks at the headquarters of the Omsk military district. 03/04/1919 appointed at the disposal of the Supreme Ruler and Supreme Commander. On March 13, 1919, he arrived at the disposal of the commander of the troops of the Irkutsk Military District, and “all forces operating to suppress unrest in the Yenisei province and Nizhneudinsk district of the Irkutsk province (the area west of the Uda river and the city of Nizhneudinsk with its environs)” were subordinated to him commander of a separate corps. Commissioner for the preservation of state order and public peace in the Yenisei province (18.03.-07.1919). In 03.1919 he defeated the centers of the Bolshevik uprising in the Yenisei province. Especially famous was his order on 03/27/1919 on the execution of every tenth rebel. Awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd class. with swords (07/24/1919). Chief Commander of the Amur Territory and Commander of the Amur Military District (07/30/1919-01/31/1920). Led the suppression of the Social Revolutionary uprising with the participation of General R. Gaida in Vladivostok (11.1919). In exile he lived in Beijing (China), worked as an accountant for the book firm "The Booksellers", from 11.1920 he lived in France. Died in Meudon.

  • Ranks:
on January 1, 1909 - Main Directorate of the General Staff, Office of the Quartermaster General of the GUGSH, Colonel, Clerk
  • Awards:
St. Stanislaus 3rd Art. (1901) St. Stanislaus 2nd class. with swords (1906) St. Vladimir 4th class. with swords and a bow (1906) St. Anne 2nd class. with swords (1907) St. Vladimir 3rd class. (1908) St. George 4th class. (VP 02/03/1915) St. George's weapon (VP 05/05/1915) St. Stanislav 1st class. with swords (10/22/1915) St. Anne 1st class. with swords (VP ​​04/19/1916) The highest favor (VP 12/20/1916; for excellence in deeds ...).
  • Additional Information:
-Search for a full name in the "Card file of the Bureau for Recording Losses on the Fronts of the First World War 1914-1918." in RGVIA -Links to this person from other pages of the site "RIA Officers"
  • Sources:
(information from
  1. Gorlitskaya operation. Collection of documents of the world imperialist war on the Russian front (1914-1917). M., 1941.
  2. Zalessky K.A. Who was who in the First World War. M., 2003.
  3. E.V. Volkov, N.D. Egorov, I.V. Kuptsov White generals Eastern Front civil war. M. Russian way, 2003
  4. "Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Bio-Bibliographic Reference" RGVIA, M., 2004.
  5. List of senior military commanders, chiefs of staff: districts, corps and divisions and commanders of individual combat units. St. Petersburg. Military Typography. 1913.
  6. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 06/01/1914. Petrograd, 1914
  7. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 01/01/1916. Petrograd, 1916
  8. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 01/03/1917. Petrograd, 1917
  9. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 03/01/1918./Ganin A.V. Corps of officers of the General Staff during the Civil War 1917-1922. M., 2010.
  10. PAF 08/25/1917.
  11. Russian Disabled. No. 248, 1915 / Information provided by Yuri Vedeneev
  12. VP 1916. Information was provided by Vokhmyanin Valery Konstantinovich (Kharkov)
  13. VP for the military department / Scout No. 1287, 07/07/1915

Area - 6

area, Green Zone, sector of the "Mercenaries" grouping, Blueki plantations, 6 kilometers 5 meters from the border with the Neutral Territory, April 27, 2012, the second day of "non-flying weather", 14 hours 35 minutes, local time.

The raging flock of birds again went on the attack, trying to bypass the air defense firing points at a height inaccessible to shotgun charges, and a heavyset middle-aged man in camouflage with colonel's shoulder straps touched the headset of a portable radio station:

- I am Lyman! All air defense crews - the maximum density of fire! Flamethrowers for battle, now the beast will trample again! Mortar battery, prepare for barrage fire!

The Colonel raised his binoculars to his eyes and for several seconds looked at the screeching flock of at least three hundred individuals, teeming with crooked beaks and hardened claws. A living cloud of mutated birds, covered with chitinous scales mixed with tufts of feathers sticking out from under it, seething with rage, rushed ahead to the plantations, not paying attention to losses. Almost three dozen shooters armed with long-barreled shotguns continuously emptied magazines, sending hundreds of shots into the flock, and lead streams gnawed half a meter holes in the screeching cloud, throwing bloody carcasses beating in death convulsions to the ground. The Colonel winced. What is going on with this beast today? From the very morning they have been racing to certain death, we are already repulsing the sixth attack! Absolutely uncharacteristic for "non-flying weather" ...

He shifted his gaze to the bulging edge of vegetation in the distance, starting seven hundred meters from the trench line. The space lying between greenery and covered fortifications was plowed up with red-hot metal a good meter deep and densely dotted with funnels. Fighting on the outskirts of the plantations breaks out constantly, as soon as the personnel of the Separation Complex begins to collect Blue. As soon as the collectors accumulate in one place more than fifty kilograms of this cyanotic muck, an animal angry with the whole world begins to climb from the depths of the Area. And the more Blue is collected, the more violent and numerous the attacks become. For six months of continuous fighting, the untouched surface of the earth has remained here only in the places where anomalies occur, and now you can easily walk there without a UIP, islands of undamaged soil are visible from afar. Only personally he would not recommend anyone to do this. There, in the plowed land, there are so many unexploded mortar mines, grenades and shells that there are not enough explosives experts. It's best to just not go there.

The edge of the bushes trembled, and crowds of mutated beasts poured out of it. Ugly creatures, gleaming in the sun with a poisonous toxin that impregnates powerful claws, rushed to the plantations in a continuous stream, rapidly filling the surface of the earth plowed with metal. In any other place, with such an intensity of attacks, all the beasts would have ended cleanly long ago, but not here. This rubbish in the Area breeds at an incredible rate, and no one, as usual, knows where, how and why. The Colonel touched the headset again.

- Mortar battery - fire! He clung to the binoculars, waiting for the first series of explosions.

The sounds of mortar shots almost did not make their way through the thick concrete walls of the command post, the battery was securely dug into the ground, as everything in the Area that wants to survive the Ejection was dug into the ground. Trenches, firing points and communication passages were originally covered covered. In the right places, they were equipped with wide hatches, the covers of which were folded up and back for the convenience of firing at flying targets or ventilation. The Colonel smiled wryly. Living in this fucking Area like earthworms, we crawl out to the surface after the Ejection, as after rain, and at the slightest doubt in horror we crawl back.

In the distance, a wall of explosions shot up, throwing the beast torn to pieces in all directions, and after a couple of seconds the wind carried the roar of exploding mines to the bunker.

Current page: 1 (total book has 23 pages) [available reading excerpt: 13 pages]

Sergey Tarmashev

Area, Green Zone, sector of the "Mercenaries" group, Blue Plantation, 6 kilometers 5 meters from the border with the Neutral Territory, April 27, 2012, the second day of "non-flying weather", 14 hours 35 minutes, local time.

The raging flock of birds again went on the attack, trying to bypass the air defense firing points at a height inaccessible to shotgun charges, and a heavyset middle-aged man in camouflage with colonel's shoulder straps touched the headset of a portable radio station:

- I am Lyman! All air defense calculations - the maximum density of fire! Flamethrowers for battle, now the beast will trample again! Mortar battery, prepare for barrage fire!

The Colonel raised his binoculars to his eyes and for several seconds looked at the screeching flock of at least three hundred individuals, teeming with crooked beaks and hardened claws. A living cloud of mutated birds, covered with chitinous scales mixed with tufts of feathers sticking out from under it, seething with rage, rushed ahead to the plantations, not paying attention to losses. Almost three dozen shooters armed with long-barreled shotguns continuously emptied magazines, sending hundreds of shots into the flock, and lead streams gnawed half a meter holes in the screeching cloud, throwing bloody carcasses beating in death convulsions to the ground. The Colonel winced. What is going on with this beast today? From the very morning they have been racing to certain death, we are already repulsing the sixth attack! Absolutely uncharacteristic for "non-flying weather" ...

He shifted his gaze to the bulging edge of vegetation in the distance, starting seven hundred meters from the trench line. The space lying between greenery and covered fortifications was plowed up with red-hot metal a good meter deep and densely dotted with funnels. Fighting on the outskirts of the plantations breaks out constantly, as soon as the personnel of the Separation Complex begins to collect Blue. As soon as the collectors accumulate in one place more than fifty kilograms of this cyanotic muck, an animal angry with the whole world begins to climb from the depths of the Area. And the more Blue is collected, the more violent and numerous the attacks become. For six months of continuous fighting, the untouched surface of the earth has remained here only in the places where anomalies occur, and now you can easily walk there without a UIP, islands of undamaged soil are visible from afar. Only personally he would not recommend anyone to do this. There, in the plowed land, there are so many unexploded mortar mines, grenades and shells that there are not enough explosives experts. It's best to just not go there.

The edge of the bushes trembled, and crowds of mutated beasts poured out of it. Ugly creatures, gleaming in the sun with a poisonous toxin that impregnates powerful claws, rushed to the plantations in a continuous stream, rapidly filling the surface of the earth plowed with metal. In any other place, with such an intensity of attacks, all the beasts would have ended cleanly long ago, but not here. This rubbish in the Area breeds at an incredible rate, and no one, as usual, knows where, how and why. The Colonel touched the headset again.

- Mortar battery - fire! He clung to the binoculars, waiting for the first series of explosions.

The sounds of mortar shots almost did not make their way through the thick concrete walls of the command post, the battery was securely dug into the ground, as everything in the Area that wants to survive the Ejection was dug into the ground. Trenches, firing points and communication passages were originally covered covered. In the right places, they were equipped with wide hatches, the covers of which were folded up and back for the convenience of firing at flying targets or ventilation. The Colonel smiled wryly. We live in this fucking Area, like earthworms, we crawl to the surface after the Ejection, as after rain, and at the slightest doubt in horror we crawl back.

In the distance, a wall of explosions shot up, throwing the beast torn to pieces in all directions, and after a couple of seconds the wind carried the roar of exploding mines to the bunker. The mortars worked well, thinning out the attacking stream of monsters by a third in a few seconds. Actions to repel such attacks have long been polished to automatism, and the colonel watched with satisfaction as mortar battery, having worked on the distant approaches, she quickly moved the fire two hundred meters closer, after which she stopped firing. Now machine-gun nests will be occupied by mutants squealing from the thirst for human blood that overwhelms them, and flamethrowers will burn out what remains of the furious animal stream. The next attack will be repulsed, and in anticipation of the next attack, the crews will urgently start reloading their weapons and replenishing their ammunition. But the shooting at the defensive lines will not subside for a long time - snipers will finish off wounded animals that are within sight distance. It was not enough to bring Unk here again, God forbid.

The colonel involuntarily crossed himself. He had commanded the defenses of the plantations for almost eight months, and had assumed that position exactly five minutes after another successfully repulsed attack had ended with Unk's last appearance. How observers overlooked it is still a mystery. Thermal imagers, "Filins", night vision devices, as it turned out, they simply do not notice him, since he is cold. The little undead turned out to be so fast, nimble and flexible that they noticed this terrible monster only when it was too late. The monstrous monster climbed into the command post right through the open hatch, into which at that moment an observation periscope was exposed. Ten people, including his predecessor, lost their lives in a second. Command post I had to cover it with mortar fire, only then Unk escaped, and personally he, Liman, is still absolutely sure that it was a great success. If this terrible creature had taken it into his head to rush not to the forest, but to the other side, to the plantations, the victims could number in dozens, as happened a month and a half later.

On that day, a mutated bear suddenly appeared from the thickets along with the usual stream of animals, although not a single individual had been seen in the surrounding forests for a long time. Where he came from is not clear, but there was nothing to stop him. The enraged monster broke through both defensive lines and quickly reached the plantations, where he arranged a real meat grinder. Everyone hid in all directions, and while the Military Council urgently begged for air support from the RAO, an angry bear pulled up almost fifty people. After that, a gloomy joke roamed throughout the sector, saying that whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault ... The satellite sent a turntable with ATGMs only an hour later, but the helicopter pilots could not kill the monster. Thank you, at least drove back into the forest. After that incident, the command urgently purchased three anti-tank guns from the RAO, which have since then been standing here, on the second line of defensive lines, in specially built caponiers. They had never had to shoot, and the colonel was incredibly happy about this.

The remnants of the bestial attack, thickly spattered with the blood of their relatives torn by mortar and machine-gun fire, reached the first line of trenches and drowned in streams of blazing napalm, turning into quickly extinguished smoky bonfires. The area does not particularly favor fire, a large flame goes out quickly, and it remains to be glad that this time is enough to kill angry creatures. Although many of them, having lost their combat effectiveness, still do not have time to fry to death, and they have to be finished off, and preferably as soon as possible, due to the reasons stated above. The Colonel grimaced. We don't know a damn thing about our adversary, and so we fight the effect, not the cause. With such a simple approach, you can fight forever. Whatever you touch, there is only one answer: “who knows.” Why do mutants breed faster than cockroaches, where are their burrows, lairs or masonry, I don’t care what it’s called, the main thing is where to strike in order to stop all this in the bud, or at least stop it? Why does collecting Blue provoke a fierce frenzy in the beast, why did itching appear and how to get rid of it, how to fight off Unk? Why ATGMs no longer take a bear, why medical preparations dramatically lost their effectiveness, and what else to expect from the Area ... Why, why, why.

Lots of questions, no answers. This CIAP RAO does nothing for this very "study of anomalous manifestations." The Mercenary War Council is seriously considering whether to create their own Research Center maybe that would be of some use. It has always been believed that such research costs unimaginable funds and only the state can pull this off. But there, OVOP somehow managed to achieve serious results without any help. Their meds work wonders compared to the standard ones, not to mention that they set up a Blow Alert. There is no price for this at all. And how well OSOP organized it! For more than a month, the intelligence services of all groups without exception have been unable not only to find, but even to detect their transmitter. How the people of the Bear find out about the impending Ejection in advance is generally a mystery of mysteries. So the question is whether it is time for us to fork out for something scientific. Too bad not everyone understands this. If it comes to fundraising, many departments will refuse to take part in funding, it's like drinking water. And the Military Council will not aggravate the situation within the group, which is understandable.

“Comrade Colonel, the attack has been repulsed, the snipers are clearing the area,” one of the officers approached him. - Something today the beast is absolutely mad, rushing straight at the trunks, like a kamikaze. Maybe some kind of epidemic? Still, today is the second day of "non-flying weather"!

“Maybe it’s an epidemic,” agreed the Colonel. - Six attacks, and at least one creature turned back! I don't remember that. What about assemblers? When we start the main headache?

“Just got word—the formation of a caravan is starting in an hour!” he replied.

- In one hour? The Colonel looked at his watch. "So we'll have thirty minutes to rest." Firing points reload and report readiness. Armored group to start advancing to the trucks, all movable containers must be distributed among the military equipment even before the start of loading! Keep in touch with the spinner, it should be ready to take off immediately, so let them get it out of the hangar. Do it!

The officer saluted and left the concrete box of the command post. The colonel followed him, and the guards of the command post began to close hatches and loopholes with armored shutters. No one wanted Unk's second visit, no one had to be forced to take seriously the instructions for fighting for damage in the Area.

Leaving the command post dugout, the colonel walked about a dozen meters along a soundly open communication passage, blocked by an old ceiling slab, and reached the nearest exit to the surface. The sentry at the stairs opened the hatch cover for the authorities, and the officer cheerfully climbed up the steps. Yes, the Areal is not a place that relaxes, he chuckled to himself, you will inevitably be in shape! But a couple of years ago, subordinates noticed his belly long before the rest of the colonel's body entered the room. Addiction has changed everything, in an instant turning a familiar life into hell. But he only went seven steps inside the Areal when he was inspecting his battalion, seconded to guard the rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergencies. At that moment, no one knew about Addiction ...

Okay, to hell with him, what happened, he can’t be returned. The Colonel did not like to remember the past life, here the new one does not let you get bored. Then I had to push around a lot, which I didn’t have a chance to endure: tedious and ineffective treatment, the eternal Poltergeist that haunts you everywhere, a divorce, fear-filled eyes of a family in a hurry to get away from you, persecution that quickly turned into genocide, and an all-consuming Itching that increases with each Ejection ... As a result, he, like twenty thousand other poor fellows, again ended up in the Area, in horrific beggarly conditions, when he had to fight not only for a piece of bread and a sip of water, but even for a hole dug almost with his hands, serving you at the same time as a bed , and a home, and a refuge from the Surge. But the colonel was not used to giving up and eventually gathered those of his former subordinates who were still alive, and put together his own detachment from them. By trial and error, they managed to get weapons in the warehouses of the military unit that died under the Cataclysm, and then things slowly went uphill. The colonel brought order to a single hectare of the Green Zone, the prisoners dug up dugouts, later dug dugouts, created some kind of life. Later, he established contact with groups located in the surrounding area. Half of them turned out to be openly bandit armed formations, and things quickly came to bloody skirmishes. The colonel won several victories and earned himself a certain reputation. Just about that moment, the state revived RAO "Areal", and the Green Zone was surrounded by Reception Points, which for the first time in several months had established an unlimited supply of water and food.

But the prices for all this stuff turned out to be akin to cosmic ones. In order to feed themselves, the inhabitants of the Area had to devote themselves entirely to the production of "X", and what kind of military oilman ?! In general, issues of survival quickly forced the former military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Troops and the Ministry of Defense to unite, and soon the disparate units founded a single group with their own laws. Salaries, food cards, underground apartments and other promises of the Satellite did not attract everyone, many considered it legalized slavery, and soon the newly created force, nicknamed the “Mercenaries” by the stalkers, began to establish their lives according to the “help yourself” principle. The divisions entered into contracts with everyone for protection, defense or attack, and these types of services turned out to be more than in demand on the local market.

The group quickly grew stronger and turned into a serious force that everyone had to reckon with, from criminal gangs to the pro-government Satellite. Two factors played a significant role in this: The mercenaries did not take on civilians, working only with professionals in their field, and always fulfilled the obligations stipulated by the contract, even if it turned into the death of the entire unit. And the professionalism and unbreakable reputation in a place like Areal speaks volumes. Smart people quickly realized that it is better to overpay, but to get skilled and trained specialists as business partners who are guaranteed to save your life or take the life of your enemy, rather than save money and get a bullet in case "something went wrong." In general, the colonel, along with his unit, was one of the first to join the group and since then he has never regretted it.

- Comrade Colonel! - his bodyguards were already on the surface, waiting for their commander near an old BTR-50 standing nearby, which the colonel adapted as his KShM. 1
Command vehicle (Hereinafter, the author's note).

- On the armor, the engine is acting up again! Barely launched!

- Tell the driver, let him go to the workshop! the colonel ordered. – We will reach the caravan on foot, there is an armored group, there will be enough space for everyone. So that tomorrow my KShM will be on the move, otherwise I will personally exchange the mechanic for a new engine!

- Who will take it? - grinned a strong tall fighter with the insignia of an ensign, who led the colonel's guards. - We have him, like the elusive Joe, in FIG no one needs!

Five soldiers armed to the teeth burst out laughing, and the colonel fixed a menacing look at the driver, cautiously peering out of the armored personnel carrier. He understood everything and hastily disappeared inside, so as not to anger the high authorities. The armor, sneezing with the engine, drove off towards the workshop, and the colonel nodded to the guards. The fighters surrounded their commander, and the group went to the rear of the defensive structures, beyond which the plantations stretched. From time to time, the person in front checked with the UIP, doing it almost automatically. All anomalies on the plantations were discovered and staked out by the evening of the first day after the Surge, but caution would not hurt. The area never gives guarantees, and the need to check every step with the device mounted on the forearm quickly becomes a reflex.

It was about a kilometer to go, and the colonel decided to move straight, along the shortest distance, heading for the people swarming in the distance. Several hectares of land in this area have been carefully cleared of trees and shrubs and covered with thick grass. On this square was the main treasure of the Mercenaries - almost sixty colonies of Blue Blue, a small, nasty and very blood-sucking insect, which is a blue flat plaque that loves to gnaw out a tiny piece of skin from the skin of a person who has been bitten, which is why the wound does not heal for a long time ... And also this petty muck is the main component of the Vanilla project, it does not breed in captivity, and almost half of the entire domestic defense industry and not only depends on its regular supplies. Now one liter of "X" goes to a liter of collected Blue at the rate of two to one, and prices continue to rise. It would be a gold mine for every inhabitant of the Range, if not for one "but".

Collected for processing, Blue attracts a mutated beast worse than a million dollars scattered on the asphalt in small bills would attract people walking down the street, on which an unsuspecting cleaning equipment is approaching. While Blue is being collected with special vacuum cleaners with ten-liter containers, all right, the surrounding mutants are visibly nervous, but do not attack. But it is worth starting to fill transport cylinders with it, as the beast becomes rabid and rushes to attack from everywhere. And the more Blue is concentrated in one place, the more violent the onslaught of mutants. By experience, which cost a lot of blood, it was possible to determine that the maximum amount of biological material collected in one container that does not cause an immediate attack is fifty liters of Blue. Since then, fifty-liter containers specially made outside the Area have been used for these purposes.

This decision made it possible to significantly reduce the frequency of conflicts and the number of losses, but the main problem did not go away: when it came time to load the containers filled with Blue to the transport for export to the Neutral Territory, all this collected cyanotic muck ended up in one place, and the bloodthirsty rage of the mutants went off scale . In the end, the War Council managed to find a compromise between all the divisions of the group, resulting in the appearance of official plantations and their defensive lines. At first, this idea almost led to a serious split in the group - Blue's first large-scale gathering ended in a massive attack of furious mutants and instantly turned into a bloody meat grinder. Losses amounted to two companies killed and wounded, absolutely all containers with Blue, which was then poured into ordinary tankers, were destroyed by animals, biological material broke free.

For a long time no one wanted to take on the second operation to collect Blue Blue, the commanders of the units refused to destroy their people and, accordingly, their own power and capabilities. The Military Council lost its fragile unity, and the units focused on work on private contracts - an occupation familiar and understandable to everyone. That's when one of the field commanders, the radio call sign "Rubin", contacted the colonel and made a very daring proposal. The middle-aged Rubin before Addiction was a lieutenant colonel of the Federal Penitentiary Service, who retired shortly before the Cataclysm. For the last ten years he served in the immediate vicinity of Ukhta, in the special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service, was responsible for suppressing riots in the colonies and the urgent interception of fugitive prisoners, and unlike many others, he had quite extensive knowledge about the nature of the Area, as well as some connections among local residents. The unit that Rubin assembled after the Addiction drove him back to the Range quickly became one of the largest in the group, and Colonel Lyman thought it wise to take his suggestion very seriously. Moreover, Rubin proposed, nothing less than nothing, to resume the operation of Blue's plantations with the forces of only their two divisions.

“We have enough people,” Rubin said confidently at the time of the initial negotiations. - You just need to approach this matter with your mind! We will package Blue in small containers, then collect them in small groups and immediately take them to Neutralka under heavy guard. The local beast acutely feels the strength and number of trunks, so their aggression can be neutralized at least partially. There will still be problems, I think, at the stage of transportation, so we will prepare in advance. I heard you have some mortars?

“Three, one is defective,” Liman hid the truth from his interlocutor, just in case. - But the ammunition is tight, for all three barrels there is one box with mines.

“According to the reports of my operas, you have five mortars, and a box of mines per barrel,” Rubin looked searchingly at the colonel. - I have only two mortars, but mines - half a car. If we correctly maneuver our fire, we can cut the wave of the attacking beasts into pieces and thin them out well before they even reach the trench line. We need flamethrowers and competent machine gunners. I take on flamethrowers, but I have a problem with good machine gunners. Those that I have are not enough stars from heaven.

“There are machine gunners,” Liman nodded. - I will find a dozen, along with machine guns, people fired at, all passed through the Caucasus. There are other good specialists, but in general personnel I have a little. Are you sure that our people will be enough for defense, and for collection, and especially for transportation?

"I'm sure," Rubin said decisively. – We need to turn everything clean and beautiful just once. As soon as the Military Council learns about the profits we have received, we will have enough supporters, we will even form an armored group to accompany us. In addition, we ourselves will not collect Blueprint, the prisoners will do it. Tomorrow, in the morning, my guys will attack several settlements, so there will be a manpower. We will promise the prisoners freedom, food and a liter of water per day of work, and they will plow, they will not go anywhere. There will be no problems with this, you know, these are very mild conditions. We need them only for two days of "non-flying weather", after strangers on the plantation no one will want to let them in.

- Are there assembly units? Lyman said. - All the “vacuum cleaners” at that time were smashed into the trash by the beast.

“I bought everything I needed at my own expense, including water and food for everyone,” Rubin emphatically emphasized “at my own expense”. - The distribution channel for the goods is also mine, the person on Neutralka is ready to give favorable price, if the supply is really large, now several very serious state-owned enterprises are stalling from a lack of Vanilla. In general, everything is organized, I will give you a detailed plan. Therefore, we divide the profit seventy by thirty in my favor. Your word, Lyman?

“I need to see the operation plan,” he replied. - First of all, I agree. There is only one condition: if my losses exceed ten percent of the personnel, we divide the profit by sixty by forty. I will need funds to pay for the loyalty of the disgruntled. And their number after the slaughter always increases.

"Good," Rubin didn't argue. - I understand you. I think you don't need to explain about the secrecy mode. I will wait for your answer, you have time before the Ejection, right after it one of my operas will come to you.

Liman spent two days over Rubin's plan. The idea was more than risky, but the colonel quickly realized that Rubin was right - if everything is done wisely, then the chances of success are great. He did not hesitate to agree, although it was not easy to convince his people to go for this operation. Ultimately, Rubin's and Liman's units went into action. At first, everything went very well: the combined mortar battery was dug into the ground, the firing points of the defensive lines were restored, the anomalies were surrounded in advance with flags, the prisoners operating the “vacuum cleaners” were covered by well-armed groups in cars. The assembled Blue was poured into various small-volume canisters, which were immediately taken out on ATVs to Neutralka, where they were reloaded into the customer's bio-tanks. Then difficulties began: two dozen ATVs could not cope with the transportation of canisters by the piece. The transportation was too slow, there were not enough canisters, the “vacuum cleaners” began to stand idle, and Blue herself was a perishable commodity.

I had to take a risk and bring in a couple of armored personnel carriers - this is all the equipment that Liman and Rubin had at that time. The boxes went through the plantations, and the prisoners put the filled canisters directly into the landing bays. That's when the beast attacked. Mutants rushed out of the forest in a continuous stream, and if it were not for mortars and flamethrowers, then this whole operation would repeat the fate of the previous one. The first attack was repelled without much loss, but when the armored personnel carriers were packed to capacity by Blue, the beasts surged again. This time, most of the attacking mutants were frenzied bird flocks, and almost immediately it became clear that there was nothing special to deter the threat from the air - flamethrowers were not available everywhere, and machine-gun fire on hundreds of sparrows disfigured by mutations, spraying poisonous toxin, turned out to be ineffective. The flocks broke through the barrage, and, despite the fact that shelters had been dug in advance along all the plantations, not all the prisoners managed to take refuge in them. Both Boxes crawled to the very border of the Range, surrounded by a huge cloud of frenzied birds, furiously diving on steel vehicles, and a heart-rending screech and continuous noise from the blows of many curved beaks on the armor drowned out the sounds of running engines.

In general, in two days of "non-flying weather" I had to shoot in a way that had not happened in two months. But the result obtained exceeded all expectations. For Sinka managed to bail out not just very good money. Customer enterprises were ready to make a huge advance payment, just to get Blueprint - multi-million dollar contracts for the supply of weapons included in the list of products for the Vanilla project were frustrated. As soon as the profits received by Rubin and Liman became known to the rest of the members of the Military Council and their units, the attitude towards the development of plantations changed dramatically. Since then, collecting Bluekie has been a monopoly of the Mercenaries, and the faction has been pretty successful in this business. The defense of the plantations is carefully thought out and tested in practice, Blue's transportation to Neutralka is carried out under the protection of two reinforced armored groups, and almost always it is possible to avoid casualties.

Especially pleasant was the fact that Liman and Rubin had a very good percentage of income. Much larger than any other member of the Military Council, because the most difficult times for the development of plantations fell to the lot of their units. The colonel made such a fortune on Sinka that he did not even dream of during that past life. And after Rubin tragically died as a result of Unk's attack, Liman's position strengthened even more. Rubin's division on general council decided not to elect a new leader, but in full force to go under the command of Liman, as an officer who has proven himself to be a competent military leader and leader. As a result, the number of Liman's personnel tripled, the material base increased, incomes and authority increased significantly. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the fact that the colonel prudently took care, first of all, to distribute a solid part of Rubin's share that he inherited among his subordinates as an additional paycheck. Money is a gain, greed is not The best way gain prestige among the staff. Yes, he lost a certain income, but now he enjoys considerable respect among the fighters, no one disputes his right to command the defense of the plantations, and Liman's vote at the Military Council is far from the last.

However, now the cohesion of the Military Council is falling again. Many, almost with maniacal enthusiasm, took this secret proposal of the RAO about vaccinations that allow a short time take a break from the itch. Mostly young people fell for this bait, middle-aged officers like him reacted to the promises of the Satellite with great caution. Of course, anyone wants to be among civilization again, and even without a circular saw that rips open the brain. But dependency doesn't go away. The itching returns in a month, the Poltergeists do not stop at all, and with them the human fear and hatred. In a month you can get used to it again normal life, especially with such and such money, like members of the Military Council, and then what? Again in the Area, in anguish and sadness? Life from vaccination to vaccination, like a drug addict? And every time the term of freedom is less and less. It will expire quickly, you won’t have time to blink an eye, a comfortable life flies unnoticed, the colonel understood this very well. So, what is next? Eternal longing and hopelessness? Especially if a new serum is later invented that could give you a much greater respite from addiction, but you have already exhausted all the reserves of your needle-riddled brain. In a word, opinions are divided, and everyone does as he wishes. There's nothing good about that, that's for sure. It is better to maintain business relations with RAO on an equal footing than to become dependent on them. And without that, there are too many dependencies in the Area.

- Liman, Liman, answer the dispatcher! The hiss of the radio brought the Colonel out of his thoughts.

- Keep in touch! he replied. - Is the spinner ready?

- Yes sir! dispatcher confirmed. "Just took off, you'll be there in ten minutes." The armored groups are on the way, the trucks should already be in place!

- I see trucks, - Liman peered at the trio of KamAZ flatbed trucks stopping at the far edge of the plantations, surrounded by several security ATVs. - Control room to wait for my instructions. End of connection.

Now the most difficult phase is ahead - the loading of the extracted biological material and its transportation outside the Area. Three trucks will be filled to capacity with Blue, and thirty thousand liters of this bluish stuff will provoke the final attack of the mutants. And it will be truly terrible if you do not take action. Therefore, the loading of the fifty-liter containers scattered over all the plantations will be carried out only after the consolidated armored group arrives. Trucks will be placed between combat armor after one, after they will be closed with equipment on the right and left, a turntable will walk in the air, and only then the support battalion will start loading filled containers into car bodies. The armored group, bristling in all directions with the barrels of guns, machine guns and flamethrowers, will reduce the aggressive mood of local mutants by an order of magnitude, who feel every cartridge in a weapon directed in their direction. But even taking this into account, the attack of the creatures will be the most violent of the day. Beat it off - and you can breathe easy. The next headache will begin tomorrow at the same time, and then peace and grace will come to the plantation sector.

Sergey Tarmashev


Area, Green Zone, sector of the "Mercenaries" group, Blue Plantation, 6 kilometers 5 meters from the border with the Neutral Territory, April 27, 2012, the second day of "non-flying weather", 14 hours 35 minutes, local time.

The raging flock of birds again went on the attack, trying to bypass the air defense firing points at a height inaccessible to shotgun charges, and a heavyset middle-aged man in camouflage with colonel's shoulder straps touched the headset of a portable radio station:

I am Lyman! All air defense calculations - the maximum density of fire! Flamethrowers for battle, now the beast will trample again! Mortar battery, prepare for barrage fire!

The Colonel raised his binoculars to his eyes and for several seconds looked at the screeching flock of at least three hundred individuals, teeming with crooked beaks and hardened claws. A living cloud of mutated birds, covered with chitinous scales mixed with tufts of feathers sticking out from under it, seething with rage, rushed ahead to the plantations, not paying attention to losses. Almost three dozen shooters armed with long-barreled shotguns continuously emptied magazines, sending hundreds of shots into the flock, and lead streams gnawed half a meter holes in the screeching cloud, throwing bloody carcasses beating in death convulsions to the ground. The Colonel winced. What is going on with this beast today? From the very morning they have been racing to certain death, we are already repulsing the sixth attack! Absolutely uncharacteristic for "non-flying weather" ...

He shifted his gaze to the bulging edge of vegetation in the distance, starting seven hundred meters from the trench line. The space lying between greenery and covered fortifications was plowed up with red-hot metal a good meter deep and densely dotted with funnels. Fighting on the outskirts of the plantations breaks out constantly, as soon as the personnel of the Separation Complex begins to collect Blue. As soon as the collectors accumulate in one place more than fifty kilograms of this cyanotic muck, an animal angry with the whole world begins to climb from the depths of the Area. And the more Blue is collected, the more violent and numerous the attacks become. For six months of continuous fighting, the untouched surface of the earth has remained here only in the places where anomalies occur, and now you can easily walk there without a UIP, islands of undamaged soil are visible from afar. Only personally he would not recommend anyone to do this. There, in the plowed land, there are so many unexploded mortar mines, grenades and shells that there are not enough explosives experts. It's best to just not go there.

The edge of the bushes trembled, and crowds of mutated beasts poured out of it. Ugly creatures, gleaming in the sun with a poisonous toxin that impregnates powerful claws, rushed to the plantations in a continuous stream, rapidly filling the surface of the earth plowed with metal. In any other place, with such an intensity of attacks, all the beasts would have ended cleanly long ago, but not here. This rubbish in the Area breeds at an incredible rate, and no one, as usual, knows where, how and why. The Colonel touched the headset again.

Mortar battery - fire! He clung to the binoculars, waiting for the first series of explosions.

The sounds of mortar shots almost did not make their way through the thick concrete walls of the command post, the battery was securely dug into the ground, as everything in the Area that wants to survive the Ejection was dug into the ground. Trenches, firing points and communication passages were originally covered covered. In the right places, they were equipped with wide hatches, the covers of which were folded up and back for the convenience of firing at flying targets or ventilation. The Colonel smiled wryly. We live in this fucking Area, like earthworms, we crawl to the surface after the Ejection, as after rain, and at the slightest doubt in horror we crawl back.

In the distance, a wall of explosions shot up, throwing the beast torn to pieces in all directions, and after a couple of seconds the wind carried the roar of exploding mines to the bunker. The mortars worked well, thinning out the attacking stream of monsters by a third in a few seconds. Actions to repel such attacks have long been polished to automatism, and the colonel watched with satisfaction as the mortar battery, having worked on the distant approaches, promptly shifted the fire two hundred meters closer, after which it stopped firing. Now machine-gun nests will be occupied by mutants squealing from the thirst for human blood that overwhelms them, and flamethrowers will burn out what remains of the furious animal stream. The next attack will be repulsed, and in anticipation of the next attack, the crews will urgently start reloading their weapons and replenishing their ammunition. But the shooting at the defensive lines will not subside for a long time - snipers will finish off wounded animals that are within sight distance. It was not enough to bring Unk here again, God forbid.

The colonel involuntarily crossed himself. He had commanded the defenses of the plantations for almost eight months, and had assumed that position exactly five minutes after another successfully repulsed attack had ended with Unk's last appearance. How observers overlooked it is still a mystery. Thermal imagers, "Filins", night vision devices, as it turned out, they simply do not notice him, since he is cold. The little undead turned out to be so fast, nimble and flexible that they noticed this terrible monster only when it was too late. The monstrous monster climbed into the command post right through the open hatch, into which at that moment an observation periscope was exposed. Ten people, including his predecessor, lost their lives in a second. The command post had to be covered with mortar fire, only then Unk escaped, and personally he, Liman, is still absolutely sure that it was a great success. If this terrible creature had taken it into his head to rush not to the forest, but to the other side, to the plantations, the victims could number in dozens, as happened a month and a half later.

On that day, a mutated bear suddenly appeared from the thickets along with the usual stream of animals, although not a single individual had been seen in the surrounding forests for a long time. Where he came from is not clear, but there was nothing to stop him. The enraged monster broke through both defensive lines and quickly reached the plantations, where he arranged a real meat grinder. Everyone hid in all directions, and while the Military Council urgently begged for air support from the RAO, an angry bear pulled up almost fifty people. After that, a gloomy joke roamed throughout the sector, saying that whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault ... The satellite sent a turntable with ATGMs only an hour later, but the helicopter pilots could not kill the monster. Thank you, at least drove back into the forest. After that incident, the command urgently purchased three anti-tank guns from the RAO, which have since then been standing here, on the second line of defensive lines, in specially built caponiers. They had never had to shoot, and the colonel was incredibly happy about this.

The remnants of the bestial attack, thickly spattered with the blood of their relatives torn by mortar and machine-gun fire, reached the first line of trenches and drowned in streams of blazing napalm, turning into quickly extinguished smoky bonfires. The area does not particularly favor fire, a large flame goes out quickly, and it remains to be glad that this time is enough to kill angry creatures. Although many of them, having lost their combat effectiveness, still do not have time to fry to death, and they have to be finished off, and preferably as soon as possible, due to the reasons stated above. The Colonel grimaced. We don't know a damn thing about our adversary, and so we fight the effect, not the cause. With such a simple approach, you can fight forever. Whatever you touch, there is only one answer: “who knows.” Why do mutants breed faster than cockroaches, where are their burrows, lairs or masonry, I don’t care what it’s called, the main thing is where to strike in order to stop all this in the bud, or at least stop it? Why does collecting Blue provoke a fierce frenzy in the beast, why did itching appear and how to get rid of it, how to fight off Unk? Why ATGMs no longer take the bear, why medicines have lost their effectiveness, and what else to expect from Area... Why, why, why.

Lots of questions, no answers. This CIAP RAO does nothing for this very "study of anomalous manifestations." The Mercenary War Council is seriously considering setting up their own research center, maybe that will be of some use. It has always been believed that such research costs unimaginable funds and only the state can pull this off. But there, OVOP somehow managed to achieve serious results without any help. Their meds work wonders compared to the standard ones, not to mention that they set up a Blow Alert. There is no price for this at all. And how well OSOP organized it! For more than a month, the intelligence services of all groups without exception have been unable not only to find, but even to detect their transmitter. How the people of the Bear find out about the impending Ejection in advance is generally a mystery of mysteries. So the question is whether it is time for us to fork out for something scientific. Too bad not everyone understands this. If it comes to fundraising, many departments will refuse to take part in funding, it's like drinking water. And the Military Council will not aggravate the situation within the group, which is understandable.

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