Tarmashev die beautiful to read in full. Sergey tarmashev die beautiful

the beauty 27.06.2019

Rozanov Sergey Nikolaevich(September 24, 1869 - August 28, 1937, Meudon) - lieutenant general, leader of the White movement.


Educated at the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. Released in the 3rd res. artillery brigade. Later he served in the 1st Grenadier Artillery Brigade. Second lieutenant (art. 08/10/1889). Lieutenant (Art. 08/07/1891). Headquarters Captain (Art. 07/28/1896)

In 1897 he graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff in the first category.

From May 6, 1898 - chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Kyiv military district. He served as a licensed company commander in the 132nd Bendery Infantry Regiment (October 25, 1900 - October 25, 1901). Since October 25, 1901 - a staff officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Kyiv military district. Since September 2, 1903 - head of the General Staff.

Member of the Russo-Japanese War: from 10/12/1904 Senior Adjutant of the Quartermaster General of the 2nd Manchurian Army. Since May 1, 1906 - the clerk of the GUGSH.

World War I

With the regiment entered the first world war. In September 1914 he was put in charge of the 2nd brigade of the 45th infantry division.

From January 19, 1915 - Chief of Staff of the 3rd Caucasian Army Corps (corps commander V. A. Irmanov). Major General (1916).

In 1917, Rozanov's career took a big leap: on February 18, he became commander of the 162nd Infantry Division, and on August 25, of the 41st Army Corps. During Kornilov's speech, Rozanov proved his loyalty to the Provisional Government, and on September 2, the Commissar of the 7th Army even asked Petrograd to appoint Rozanov as commander of the army instead of the compromised General V. I. Selivachev.

Civil War

In 1918 he joined the Red Army, was appointed to the administration of the All-Glavshtab, but in September 1918 in the Volga region he went over to the side of the anti-Bolshevik Samara government. From September 25 to November 18, 1918 - I.d. Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the KOMUCH (Ufa Directory), General Boldyrev.

In November 1918 - in Omsk. He was a supporter of the military dictatorship, but of the available candidates for the role of dictator, he preferred General Boldyrev. After Admiral A. V. Kolchak came to power, he was dismissed on leave "due to illness." December 22, 1918 enlisted in the reserve ranks at the headquarters of the Omsk military district.

March 13, 1919 arrived at the disposal of the commander of the Irkutsk military district. On March 31, he was appointed Governor-General of the Yenisei Governorate and Special Commissioner for the Protection of State Order and Public Peace in the Yenisei Governorate. He defeated the main centers of the partisan movement in Eastern Siberia.

From July 18, 1919 to January 31, 1920 - chief of the Amur region. On September 26, Rozanov in Vladivostok received from the Inter-Allied Committee of Military Representatives a demand to withdraw Russian detachments from Vladivostok, accompanied by a threat to use military force. Rozanov requested Omsk by telegraph and received an order from Kolchak to leave the troops in Vladivostok, which he did. Rozanov legalized the ataman administration, appointing Semyonov and Kalmykov as commissioners for the protection of public order with the rights of governors-general.

In October 1919, Rozanov reported to Kolchak about the growth of opposition to the Omsk government in the region and about the upcoming speech against the government with Gaida at the head. On November 17-18, 1919, when the uprising of Gaida and his supporters (Socialist-Revolutionaries and Czechs) in Vladivostok nevertheless took place, Rozanov stepped aside from suppressing the uprising and, contrary to Kolchak's order, released the rebel Gaida from the city.

During the anti-Kolchak coup in Irkutsk, the manifesto of the Political Center declared Rozanov an enemy of the people.

After the uprising in Vladivostok on January 31, 1920, he left for Japan. Later he lived in Beijing, and then in France. He died in Meudon in 1937.

Sergei Nikolaevich Rozanov
Date of Birth September 24 (1869-09-24 )
Date of death August 28 (1937-08-28 ) (67 years old)
A place of death Meudon(department Hauts de Seine), France
Affiliation Russian empire Russian empire Russian State
Type of army infantry
Rank Lieutenant General
Battles/wars Russo-Japanese War
World War I
Civil War
Awards and prizes


World War I

With the regiment entered the First World War. In September 1914 he was put in charge of the 2nd brigade of the 45th infantry division.

From January 19, 1915 - Chief of Staff 3rd Caucasian Army Corps(corps commander V. A. Irmanov). Major General (1916).

In 1917, Rozanov's career took a big leap: on February 18, he became commander of the 162nd Infantry Division, and on August 25, of the 41st Army Corps. During Kornilov's speeches Rozanov proved his loyalty to the Provisional Government, and on September 2 the commissar 7th Army even asked Petrograd to appoint Rozanov as commander of the army instead of the compromised General V. I. Selivachev.

Civil War

In 1918 he entered the service of the Red Army, was appointed to the All Headquarters, but in September 1918 in the Volga region he went over to the side of the anti-Bolshevik Samara government. From September 25 to November 18, 1918 - I.d. Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander of All Armed Forces KOMUCH(Ufa directory) General Boldyrev.

In November 1918 - in Omsk. He was a supporter of the military dictatorship, but of the available candidates for the role of dictator, he preferred the general Boldyrev. After coming to power admiral A. V. Kolchak was taken on sick leave. December 22, 1918 enlisted in the reserve ranks at the headquarters of the Omsk military district.

March 13, 1919 arrived at the disposal of the commander of the troops Irkutsk military district. March 31 appointed Governor General Yenisei province and Special Commissioner for the Protection of State Order and Public Peace in the Yenisei Governorate. He defeated the main centers of the partisan movement in Eastern Siberia.

From July 18, 1919 to January 31, 1920 - chief Amur region. On September 26, Rozanov in Vladivostok received from the Inter-Allied Committee of Military Representatives a demand to withdraw Russian detachments from Vladivostok, accompanied by a threat of the use of military force. Rozanov requested Omsk by telegraph and received an order from Kolchak to leave the troops in Vladivostok, which he did. Rozanov legalized the ataman administration by appointing Semyonov and Kalmykov commissioners for the protection of public order with the rights of governors-general.

In October 1919, Rozanov reported to Kolchak about the growth of opposition to the Omsk government in the region and about the upcoming speech against the government with Gaida at the head. November 17-18, 1919, when the uprising Guides and his supporters (Socialist-Revolutionaries and Czechs) in Vladivostok nevertheless happened, Rozanov stepped aside from suppressing the uprising and, contrary to Kolchak's order, released the rebel Gaida from the city.

During the anti-Kolchak coup in Irkutsk, a manifesto political center Rozanov was declared an enemy of the people.

After the uprising in Vladivostok on January 31 1920 left for Japan. Later he lived in Beijing and then in France. Died in Meudon in 1937.

Rozanov's order

The order of General S. N. Rozanov from March 27 1919, which is considered one of the evidence of the White Terror. . This order acted for three months and the result of it was the execution of 8,000 people in the Yenisei province alone. The March order was carried out for more than three months and was canceled by Rozanov himself much later by his own order No. 215 of June 24, 1919, when massacres were already committed against the red partisan villages of Stepnoy Badzha and Taseevo. (Free Siberia. 1919 June 26).

To the chiefs of military detachments operating in the area of ​​the uprising:

1. When occupying villages previously captured by robbers, demand the extradition of their leaders and leaders; if this does not happen, and there is reliable information about the existence of such, then shoot the tenth.

2. Villages, the population of which will meet government troops with weapons, burn; to shoot the adult male population without exception; property, horses, carts, bread, and so on, to be taken away in favor of the treasury. Note. Everything selected must be carried out by order of the detachment.

3. If, when passing through the village, the inhabitants, on their own initiative, do not notify the government troops of the presence of the enemy in the given village, and there was a possibility of notification, to impose monetary contributions on the population for mutual guarantee. Contributions must be exacted mercilessly. Note Any indemnity must be made by order, moreover, by detachment. The amounts are subsequently handed over to the treasury.

4. During the occupation of the villages, upon examination of the case, steadily impose indemnities on all those persons who contributed to the robbers, at least indirectly, by binding them with mutual responsibility.

5. To announce to the population that for the voluntary supply of robbers not only with weapons and ammunition, but also with food, clothing and other things, the guilty villages will be burned, and the property will be taken away in favor of the treasury. The population is obliged to take away their property or destroy it in all cases when they can be used by robbers. For the property destroyed in this way, the population will be paid the full cost in money or reimbursed from the requisitioned property of the robbers.

6. Take hostages among the population, in case of action by fellow villagers directed against government troops, shoot hostages mercilessly.

7. As a general guide to remember: the population, openly or secretly helping the robbers, should be looked upon as enemies and dealt with mercilessly, and their property should compensate for the losses caused by the military actions of that part of the population that is on the side of the government.

AST. // Project "Russian Army in the Great War".

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