Scenario of the Literary and Musical Lounge “Spring! Spring! And she's happy! Literary drawing room "spring drops" About the literary drawing room spring.

Tourism and rest 08.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Video “Shrovetide”

Children (2 people).

Shrovetide has passed, but nothing reminds that spring.

Let's help spring!

Standing at the bottom of the stage!

Agniya Barto

Helping Spring

That's nice guys
Drive the winter away
We rake with a shovel,
sweep with a broom.

Everyone works with us
Where can you sit here
We're shooting down snowballs
Ice floes are ringing from the roofs.

Creek behind the gate
I couldn't get through myself.
Boiled work
Good luck, brook!

Watering cans, rakes got
Stored the seeds
Sleepy fly said:
- Wake up, spring!

Games stacked in a corner
The doll sleeps aside
We are now not up to dolls -
Helping Spring! G. Ladonshchikov.

Video “Tyutchev. Snow is still whitening in the fields”

Has spring come?

Well, how can Marina find out
Has spring arrived?
Could post a summary
For everyone to see
But the picture is not clear!

Marina is looking in the book -
When to take hoes
When, from which date
Is the earth warm enough?

Let her be told exactly
When the soil thaws.

No, the picture is not clear
Has spring come?

You run to one girlfriend -
She already has freckles
And another girlfriend
There are no freckles.

Again, the picture is unclear.
Has spring come?

She runs to her neighbor
Then to the neighbor's daughter ...
I would look at the branches -
There were buds. Agniya Barto

1 "B"

The advent of spring

Spring sends greetings with a smile
awakened nature;
Everything after winter storms and troubles
Breathe free.
Powerlessly angry and grumbling,
Winter, wicked old woman,
Runs from the hot beam
Burning under the sun. L.N. Modzalevsky

Poems about spring

Igor Maznin

Why is it everywhere
Such fun
Such -
From dawn to dawn -
What do they celebrate
Starlings housewarming...

And just everything?
And only everything!
What is rushing
Along the river that came to life
brave ship,
And the waves and the wind
They rock it...
And just everything?
And only everything!

And only everything
What, as before, is red,
Spring has returned!

Video “Symphony of Spring”

Cheerfully backed
Spring from the forest
The bear responded to her
Rumbling from sleep.
Bunnies jumped to her
A rook flew to her;
The hedgehog rolled after
Like a prickly ball.
The squirrel got excited
Looking out of the hollow, -
Fluffy waited
Light and warmth!
Proudly drew himself up
Brightened boron;
On the branches of brown
The bird choir boomed. L.Agracheva

Yunna Moritz

Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is that gentle sound?
This is a snowdrop
Smiling through sleep!

This is whose fluffy beam
So it tickles because of the clouds,
Forcing the little ones
Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
In the city!

Here it turns out
What does not fit
On one page
Smile boundless, -
How pleasant!
This is the length
That's the width!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around the city!

Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova
Spring Maevna Chereshnikova!

Video “March. The month of blue snows and blue shadows” (up to 2.55 minutes!)

Warmer… Hooray! You can undress a little.

Standing at the bottom of the stage!

What are you? March is in the yard! You need to dress warmer! There is even such a saying: "March has come - put on a hundred trousers."

Guys, why do they say that, what do you think?

That frost
Those puddles are blue
That blizzard
Those are sunny days.
On the hills
Snow spots
Hiding from the sun
In the shadow.
Over the ground -
goose chain,
On the ground -
Brook woke up
And winter shows
Naughty, green

And what is special about it?

Guys, do you know what kind of day March 20 is? (day spring equinox- these days in all countries the day is almost equals night). On the day of the spring equinox begins New Year many peoples: Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan.

Video "Spring Equinox Day".

The evil blizzard has vanished,
The night has become shorter than the day
A warm wind blows from the south
Drops fall ringing.
The sun warming the earth
Drives ice from our hill.
Snow woman is melting
And sheds tears in streams.

L. Akim

For a long time the spring passed secretly
from winds and cold,
And today straight
splashing through the puddles,
Drives melted snow
with hubbub and ringing,
To pave the meadows
green velvet.
“Soon, soon to be warm!” -
this news first
drumming on glass
willow with a gray paw.
Soon thousands of starlings
make friends with the house,
Many chicks coming soon
look outside.
Clouds will pass across the sky
and you for the first time
fall on the palm

Children take off their warm fur coats, put on jackets. Standing at the bottom of the stage!

April is also an insidious month, you can’t completely undress. “In the month of April, keep your clothes close to your body (there are still colds).”

bird friends

Take an ax and a hammer
Hacksaw and planer.
We will find dry boards with you -
For business early in the morning.

Let's start hewing, sawing, planing,
We like work.
Do not be late for the arrival of the birds -
We have one concern.

Return in early spring
Through the seas, valleys
Feathered singers home -
Home from abroad.

And they will become aside native
Sing loudly and skillfully ...
We have done with you today
Dude, big deal. V. Kremnev.

Video “April. Bird's Nests".

I just arrived - and met
Cold, snow, prickly wind!
Linden branches covered with ice
Even my voice is hoarse.

Spring life is not easy
You won't find a worm either.
I was in a hurry, of course.
I was in a hurry, that there is strength, -

I so wanted to see you again
Everything in the world is native:
This yard, This house
And squash under the window.


It's warm already. And sometimes
A loud cry is heard from the garden.
So there are a crowd of sparrows
They shout on the branches: chirp-chirp!
Satisfied birds that from the clouds
The sun will peek out for them for a moment;
They meet this beam
Cheerful cry: chirp-chirp!
That ray whispers to them that the earth
Everything will soon become like a flower garden,
Drown in the greenery of the field...
And louder you hear: chirp-chirp! (1886) I.I. Kosyakov

spring arithmetic

Emma Moshkovskaya

From all streams and rivers
Subtract both ice and snow.
If you subtract snow and ice,
There will be a bird flight!
Let's combine the sun with the rain...
And let's wait a bit...
And we'll get herbs.
Are we not right?


On clay slopes, in ravines,
Along the roads
The first yellow light appeared


In the forest, where the birches crowded in a crowd,
A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.
Little by little at first
Put out a green leg
Then he stretched with all his scarlet strength,
And quietly asked:
"I see the weather is warm and clear,
Tell me, is it really spring? P.S.Solovyova

All year round. May

Samuil Marshak

Lily of the valley blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.
May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.

1 "B"

Salute to spring

Z. Alexandrova

Thunder struck twelve times
And stood aside.
Nature has given orders
Salute the spring.

Thunderclap recording.

Order - bird cherry blossom,
Nettles should not be evil
Sweep the paths for the rain
Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,
All birds sing louder
And the sun come out from behind the clouds
And more fun to warm up!

Video “Spring song”

Children take off their coats. On the stage!

The days are fine

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

The days are fine
Similar to holidays
And in the sky - the sun is warm,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers overflow
All buds open
The winter has gone with cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.
Leaving the countries of the south,
The birds have returned.
On each branch of the starling
They sit and clean their feathers.
Spring time has come
It's time for flowering.
And so the mood
All people have spring!

To the music, children run out with rackets, a ball, a rope, a board and crayons, soap bubbles, children who just dance.

Music Bravo "In this world there is the same spring."

The images of spring in our Sulina poets often resemble landscape painting. They are described in excellent epithets. The transformation of nature is organically combined with inner world poet.
Natalia Voronina personifies spring with a Woman:

A woman has a smile on her face
And in the hands of a woman is spring,
And lips with a mysterious curve
The novelty of life lurks
Leaves on the branches of a tree
Wet ground underfoot
And in the soul - exciting lines
And confessions of warm depth.
On the shoulders of a woman of worries,
Lightweight scarf with the smell of perfume,
Awakening of the heart and nature,
The click of funny heels.
On the cheeks from the freshness of a blush,
And there are lights in the eyes.
Invite her spring to dance
And don't get lost, help me!

Voronina, N. Spring and woman

The nature of spring by N. Voronina, connected with feelings, experiences,
makes us understand the age condition of a woman. As, for example, in the poem "Live!":

And nature's renewal
And warmth in the heart
subdued doubts,
And habits mayat.
colorful days -
White, grey, blue;
bursting buds,
Unattained peace

Voronina, N. We live!

N. Kireev, a poet of the older generation, has a philosophical understanding of this season:

Flowers sing and evil retreats
even for a moment, but still recedes,
from their songs it becomes light,
flowers sing, and the darkness of the earth melts.
Flowers sing, spring flowers,
native land - magical creations,
and the best dreams come alive
under this ageless singing.

Kireev, N. Flowers sing.

The spring poetry of Olga Romanenko is seen as an appeal to earthly nature. The sun, the moon, the stars... Everything is filled with romance:

Nature lived in anticipation of May.
Pink sunset on the horizon
Painted the world exquisitely - casually,
Herbs of spring aroma flowed,
The brook murmured thoughtfully and gently.
I admired the colors of spring
I breathed clean air...
Whispered softly pines by the stream,
The night fell, lighting the stars.
A warm spring breeze blew
He carelessly touched my hair.
In the radiance of the stars, a sparkling stream
Murmured in silence thoughtfully
and gently…

Romanenko, O. Brother of the wolf: a poem

Vyacheslav Dutov's spring is a kaleidoscope of unique images, this is his style. The lines are permeated with the joy of life. As in the poem "Beauty":

I sing beauty
She is related to spring and summer.
Apple tree in bloom in spring
Dressed in a white veil
Washed by the dews of dawn.

Dutov, V. Beauty

Love for native places, for a woman spills out at Dutov in sounds and colors:

Do you love apple blossom...
It's April now
The kidneys swelled.
Petals will appear in May
And the trill will ring in the blossoms.
Do you love apple blossom...

Dutov, V. I water the trees

You, spring are in a hurry somewhere
So you go - you almost run,
Both boys and girls
Life is equal to you.
Looked into the Easter holiday
You say: "Christ is risen!"
From your warmth and affection
Blooms all around.
Everything that your eyes touch
Gets two wings:
christen with the sun
The willow breaks from the stake.
You hurry, Spring, you wave
A motley brush on the run.
Laugh - daisies
Will scatter from scarlet lips.

Dutov, V. Spring Girl.

I won't break, I won't grow old, I won't fall asleep:
The Motherland has dressed up in spring!
A boiling crown lay on the trees,
The starling went crazy in the branches from singing.
Our spring river and pond
The vines were ringed in emerald,
Clouds, foaming in a row over the edge of the sky
White apple trees continue.

Dutov, V. I will not break, I will not grow old, I will not fall asleep

Our local landscape is the spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, many hills, ravines, small streams. What are they like in spring? - let's see:

I'm going up the hill already dry,
And snow is hidden in the beam.
Words are formed into verses
About the sun, about spring;
That spring is green
Decorate the dullness of days
That a kiss is more precious than sleep
At least sleep is sweeter.
And that love with a wave of wings
Sweeps the intellect
And that when you love, you radiate light.

Dutov, V. I'm going up the hill already dry

Spring lyrics make everyone who feels like a person worry.

Bouquet of words:
Spring, love and sun
And blue in the eyes
And music in my chest
And inspiration
Like a spring in a well
And bright hope ahead.

Dutov, V. Bouquet of words


  • Voronina, N. Spring and a woman: [poem] / N. Ya. Voronina // Necklace of feelings: poems / N. Ya. Voronin. - Rostov n / D: Litera-D, 1997. - S. 16-17.
  • Voronina, N. We live!: [poem] / N. Ya. Voronina // Necklace of feelings: poems / N.Ya. Voronin. - Rostov n / D: Litera-D, 1997. - S. 8.
  • Dutov, V. Beauty: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Diamond: literary and poetic collection / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2006. - P.144.
  • Dutov, V. I water the trees: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.38.
  • Dutov, V. Spring girl: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.50.
  • Dutov, V. I won’t break, I won’t grow old, I won’t fall asleep: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.53.
  • Dutov, V. I’m walking on a dry hill: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.54.
  • Dutov, V. A bouquet of words: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.88.
  • Kireev, N. Flowers sing: [song] / N.P. Kireev // Moment of eternity: poems / N.P. Kireev. - Rostov-n / D .: Omega - Print, 2001. - S. 187.
  • Romanenko, O. Brother of the wolf: a poem / O. V. Romanenko // Dream dressed in azure ...: poems and poems / O.V. Romanenko. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2010. - P. 74.

Open source development extracurricular activities

teachers primary school MBOU "Urozhainovskaya secondary school"

Filatkina G. M.

Event: Literary lounge.

Grade: 3-4

Theme: Spring, Spring……

Target : to introduce the children to the four stages of spring, to landscape painters and their paintings about spring; repeat proverbs, sayings and poems about spring; develop memory Creative skills and acting skills, the ability to independently select the necessary material for the performance; to cultivate love for the native language, the need to use its literary wealth.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, recording of thunder and rain, basket, exhibition of drawings about spring, reproductions of paintings,

Event progress.


Teacher- Hello guys! We are holding a meeting of the Literary Lounge. It is dedicated to spring. But first, let's welcome our dear guests. And one more secret: today you will be the jury. Listen and remember which of the guys is better at reading poetry.


Thunder struck twelve times, so that every bush was melodious,

And stood aside. All birds sing louder!

Nature gave the order And the sun to come out from behind the clouds

Salute the spring! And more fun to warm up!

Order - bird cherry blossom,

Nettles to be kind

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom!

People were looking forward to spring, they sang songs, chants, stoneflies.


Sounds like a recording of thunder and the sound of rain

3 girls come out performing "Vesnyanka".


Barkers: Spring, spring, spring red

Come, spring, yes with joy - ah-ah-ah-ah!

With silk grass, with a clear sun - ah-ah-ah-ah!

Bring, spring, warm rain,

Dawn, spring, our native land - ah-ah!

There is a knock

in the door. Spring enters, brushing raindrops from her umbrella.


Spring - Hello my dear! They called me?

I wanted to bring you flowers as a gift, but the mischievous rain prevented!

Teacher - Nothing, spring is red, you sit down, dry off, and the guys themselves to you

gifts have been prepared.

( Children say a proverb or saying and give Spring their flower in the basket.)


"Spring is red with flowers, and summer with fruits."

"Red spring, but hungry"

"In April the earth dies"

"Spring day feeds the year"

Spring - Thank you! I see now you know a lot about me. But hardly any of you know that in one season we meet four springs!









SPRING LIGHT: Isaac Ilyich Levitan "March" 1895 .

The beginning of the whole spring is the Spring of Light. From mid-March, from the first thawed patches, we notice its appearance. It seems to be as always, everything is the same: snow, trees. Here are just the sun - unbearably bright, yellow to whiteness, to pain in the eyes. The air in early spring is transparent, clean, frosty. White clouds float across the bright blue sky like ice floes. The sky ice has begun. More and more daylight hours. A true celebration of light! With the flowering of alder and hazel, the spring of light ends ....

Artists are very fond of this spring time ...... ...


….. and poets.

F. I. Tyutchev

V. A. Zhukovsky

The dark forest glowed in the sun,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.

And the SPRING OF WATER begins.I.I. Levitan "Big Water".

Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin "Early Spring" 1898

The ground shows through the snow in spots and stripes. There is a heavy snowmelt. Rivers overflow their banks - there is a flood. Puddles everywhere. Black, yellow, red, white and blue streams glisten in the sun. But with the northerly winds, the cold returns in April. The April weather is restless: the heat fights furiously with the cold and wins. The grass turns green, bumblebees fly out, frogs jump. Streams of water carry away all the dirt, clearing the ground for SPRING GREEN.

S. Marshak

Poems about spring

Snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.

Clouds run faster
The sky got higher
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.

Run away, brooks!
Spread out, puddles!
Get out, ants!
After the winter cold!

Bear sneaking
Through the forest deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

F. I. Tyutchev

spring waters

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
Run and shine and say -

They say all over the place:
"Spring is coming, Spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead."

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds fun for her!



Little by little at first
Put out a green leg
And quietly asked:
Tell me, is it really spring?


In early May, as soon as the birch turns green, Spring of Greenery comes. The days are getting hotter, the nights are getting warmer. All shades of green are blooming leaves on the trees. Birds sing incessantly. With bird cherry blossoms, everything around becomes cheerful, joyful, unusual from the abundance of white and pink flowers. Blooming dandelion covers the lawns with a continuous carpet. AT dark alleys parks white lily of the valley flowers delight the eye. Even the May thunderstorm amuses and pleases.

K.A. Korovin " early spring» 1870s.

Isaac Levitan “Blossoming apple trees”

G. Ladonshchikov

In the April forest

Good in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy rot
Different birds sing
Nests are built on trees;
In the glades of the lungwort
Strives to reach the sun
Between herbs morels
Raise caps;
Bud branches swell
leaves break through,
Start an ant
Fix your palaces.

S. Yesenin

bird cherry

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

E. Serova

FOREIGN With the flowering of lilacs, the last period of spring begins - the prelude. The petals fly from the trees, the shade of the foliage changes. The spring migration of birds is coming to an end. The oak is the last of the trees to open a leaf. The frog croaking and the bird's hubbub ceases. The colors of nature change every day. More and more flowers bloom in gardens and parks. Spring ends with the flowering of wild rose.


This concludes our journey into the world of poetry.

Did you like it?

If YES, draw a funny smiley on the pieces of paper. And on the same pieces of paper write which of the guys you like best.

Spring collects leaves in a basket.

F. I. Tyutchev

Winter is not without reason angry: its time has passed -

Spring knocks on the window and drives from the yard.

And everything fussed, everything drives the winter out, -

And the larks in the sky have already raised the ringing.

Winter is still busy and grumbling for spring.

She laughs in her eyes and only makes more noise

The evil witch went berserk and, capturing the snow,

She let go, running away, into a beautiful child ...

Spring and grief is not enough: washed in the snow

And only became more beautiful, in defiance of the enemy.

V. A. Zhukovsky

The dark forest glowed in the sun,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.

S. Marshak

Poems about spring

Snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.

Clouds run faster
The sky got higher
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.

Run away, brooks!
Spread out, puddles!
Get out, ants!
After the winter cold!

Bear sneaking
Through the forest deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

F. I. Tyutchev

spring waters

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
Run and shine and say -

They say all over the place:
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead."

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds fun for her!



In the garden, where the birch trees crowded,
A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.
Little by little at first
Put out a green leg
Then he reached out with all his little strength
And quietly asked:
“I see the weather is warm and clear;
Tell me, is it really spring?

G. Ladonshchikov

In the April forest

Good in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy rot
Different birds sing
Nests are built on trees;
In the glades of the lungwort
Strives to reach the sun
Between herbs morels
Raise caps;
Bud branches swell
leaves break through,
Start an ant
Fix your palaces.

S. Yesenin

bird cherry

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

E. Serova

The lily of the valley was born on a May day, and the forest keeps it.

It seems to me that he is behind him, he will ring softly.

And suddenly birds and flowers will hear this ringing ...

Let's listen, what if you and I hear?

Here the lilac blossomed, how fresh and beautiful!
Lilac light pours through the dark bushes.
I can not breathe on the blue wonder
Fragrant branch bowing to the mouth.

Here the lilac blossomed, how fresh and beautiful!
Lilac light pours through the dark bushes.
I can not breathe on the blue wonder
Fragrant branch bowing to the mouth.

"Spring is red with flowers, and summer with fruits"

"March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers"

"In March, the pike breaks the ice with its tail"

"May is cold - the year is hungry"

"Red spring, but hungry"

"May frost will not squeeze out tears"

“I saw a rook - meet spring”

"Spring - light the snow, play the ravines"

"In April the earth dies"

"Spring day feeds the year"

"Spring and autumn - eight days of weather"

"May grass will feed the hungry"

“In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud, and in autumn a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud”

"March is dry, but wet May - there will be porridge and loaf"

"Spring is red, and summer is miserable"

“In the spring, the shafts overgrow with grass in one night”

"Like rain in May, so will rye"


I open the kidneys, into green leaves.
I dress the trees, I water the crops,
The movement is full, they call me (spring)

She comes with affection
And with my own story.
magic wand wave,
Snowdrop in the forestbloom (spring)

Furiously the river roars
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? (April)

white polka dots
On a green leg (lily of the valley)

LITERARY"Spring in the window



Regional state educational state institution for orphans and children left without parental care, a special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities,VIIIspecies No. 28 of Tulun.

Literary Lounge:

Prepared by a reading teacher: N.V. Dmitrieva

"Spring in poetry, music, art"

Music sounds, presenters appear: a boy and a girl

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Host 2: We are glad to see your smiling faces in this hall.

Presenter 1: Now spring is in the yard. It correlates with such words as love, charm, life, beauty.

Host 2: And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our “Literary Drawing Room”.

Leading 1 : We read poetry, listen to the music of famous composers, get acquainted with the paintings of artists who wrote the spring, so sit back and have fun.

Host 2: I so want you to rest a little and your souls are filled with joy and hope. And we will talk with you about flowers, spring and of course love sung by poets.

1 - Reader (Alexandra Belkovskaya) (Soluyanov Yura)

Spring, sung by a poet,

You are a beautiful young wife

Impetuous, quivering, tender,

The braid is crowned with bright flowers.

Swift, calling with him,

Radiant with radiant beauty.

Inconstancy, coldness is not uncommon,

In character meet yours.

And we are in a hurry to meet Spring,

Full of hopes and thoughts and hearts.

Spring is a beauty, sung by a poet,

So long-awaited, so loved and kind!

Leading 1: People have different attitudes to spring: some consider it the most beautiful time of the year, others do not like it. Among poets, Fyodor Tyutchev probably sang spring best of all.

Listen to the poem "Spring Waters".

2-Reader (Fyodor Tyutchev) (Vasiliev Yura)

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the waters are already rustling in the spring -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run, and shine, and speak.

They say all over the place:

"Spring is coming, spring is coming,

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, bright round dance

Crowds merrily behind her"

Host 2: I won’t list the charms of spring after the great poet, but why do we love spring?

Leading 1: Spring is a lot of sun, light and flowers.

Host 2: According to one ancient legend, snowdrops were the first flowers on earth. When God drove Adam and Eve out of paradise, it was winter on earth and it was snowing. Eva froze and began to cry. The snowflakes took pity on her and several of them turned into flowers. Eva was very happy about this. She had hope for forgiveness, and flowers - snowdrops - have since become a symbol of hope.

3- Reader (M. Isakovsky “Snowdrop”). (Khamitov Vitya)

I will be very gentle today.
And, leaning my head against you,
I'll tell you about the blue snowdrops,
Smiling on the pavement.
We lived here and did not know at all
That spring blossomed on the field, -
Little girl in sandals
She brought it to us in a basket.
Ah, April, blue-eyed April -
He won't let us sleep at night
Though his spring stories
Only echoes sound ...

Presenter 1: The sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, and he gave his heart to the favorite of the fields and forests, Lyubava. The saddened princess came ashore and began to cry. And where the tears of the princess fell, lilies of the valley grew - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.

4-Reader (reads a poem by S. Marshak “Lily of the valley”) (Butovchenko Nastya)

The forest turns black, awakened with warmth,
Embraced by spring dampness.
And on the strings of pearls
Everyone trembles from the wind.
Buds round bells
Still closed and tight
But the sun opens the corollas
At the bluebells of spring.
Nature carefully swaddled,
Wrapped up in a wide leaf
A flower grows in the wilderness untouched,
Cool, fragile and fragrant.
The forest languishes in early spring,
And all the happy longing
And all your fragrance
He gave to the bitter flower.

Host 2: At the ability, in a word, to draw pictures of nature in the spring became the strongest side of the poetic talent of the great Russian people.

Song "Under the window, the bird cherry sways"performed by teachers

Presenter 1: . There is nothing more beautiful than flowers
Came to the palisades and dwellings.

They came from ancient times.
To make life more sublime and purer.

Host 2: But in fairness, I want to note that not only Spring. This wonderful time of the year inspires poets and musicians, but also divine gift nature flowers. Flowers are given as a sign of respect, appreciation, gratitude and of course love.

5-Reader "I will love you" (Misha Kozlov)

I will love you

When it rains

And when it falls

autumn leaves

I will love you

In ice

And when the frost

The sky is clear

I will love you

When spring

Snow melted in streams

I will love you

When it falls

Thousand Stars

In a summer night

I will love you

While the sun is rising

And its rays warm

I will love you

well, what about you

If you fall in love - be silent

Do not say

that you don't love me

Because I

While the earth is spinning

I will love you

Presenter 1: Spring, poetry and love. These concepts can hardly be separated from each other. The lines of love are eternal, like life itself, there is no end to them, as long as a person is alive on Earth. A thousand times Gorky is right when he said that "love is the desire to live."

6-Reader (Pushkin's poem "I loved you ...") (Zapryagaev Dmitry)

I loved you; love still, maybe

In my soul it has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to sadden you with anything.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Either timidity or jealousy languish;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God forbid you loved to be different.

Host 2: It often happens in life

In the spring, when the snow melts

On the way to life meets

With a man a man...

This is what happens when you fall in love

In a person a person ...

Presenter 1 : Let me return to the thought again: we learn to love fromgreat , with true lovers, for they are fighting the battle for ascension. And they win even when they die. Love is not always joy. This is pain. The pain of loss, the pain of separation. But what a happiness it is to love.

7- Reader (poem by Tsvetaeva to the music of A. Rybnikov from the opera Juno and Avos) (Elantsev Viktor)

I can not live without you!

Me and rain without you - dry.

I'm in the heat without you - chill.

Without you, Moscow is a wilderness for me.

Without you, every hour is a year for me,

If it were time to grind fractions!

I even have a blue sky

Seems like stone without you.

I don't want to know anything

loyalty of friends

Poverty of enemies.

I don't want to wait

Except yours

precious steps.

Lead 2 : And allthe first poet of love among uswas Pushkin. Of course, love was written before him, and then by other poets.

8- Reader Thank you for being you (A. Dementiev)(Samokhvalov Igor)

Thank you for being there,For the fact that your voice is spring,Comes like good newsIn moments of resentment and doubtThanks for the honest look.Whatever I ask you,Your pain hurts in meYour strength is accumulating in me.Thank you for being there,Through all the breakups and deadlines,Some hidden currentsSuddenly they will remind you again - you are here.You are here on earth and everywhereI hear your voice and laughterI enter our friendship like a miracle,And I rejoice in a miracle for everyone

Presenter 1: Since spring has become the topic of our meeting today, then spring is, of course, a woman. You can talk a lot about a woman, for a long time, and still something remains. But, probably, one cannot say better and more beautiful than Igor Severyanin:

9-Reader (Igor Severyanin) (Rychkov Sergey)

A woman must have a lunar character!
And so that spring always shines in it,
Inviting her to ride a yacht -
Swings of salty green sleep…
And her jealousy should be weightless,
And her loyalty should be like granite.
Oh, to the affectionate, sensitive, attracted-attractive
A man will always retain interest.
For femininity will love
For the yellow, blue suns of the eyes,
Oh, is it possible to leave such a woman,
Which makes you happy?

10-Reader(Popov Vanya)

Being a woman - what does it mean?
What secret to own?
Here is a woman - but you are not sighted,
You can't see her.
Here is a woman - but you are blind,
Not guilty of anything, blind.
And the woman will appoint herself
The doctor will prescribe as a medicine.
And if a woman comes
Only true to myself
She comes - how does she go
Plague, blockade and war.
And if a woman comes
And talking about himself
She conducts electricity like a wire,
To light up the light above you.
And if a woman comes
To get you out of business
She brings you to you
Oh how you wanted it!
But if a woman comes
Carrying a beaten head
It still takes away
Everything and everyone irrevocably.
And you, the true one, the best one,
You are there too, in that far
Clamped like a useless key
In her sad fist.
She hides her tears in a smile
Turn the truth into a lie
It's good that you're blind
And that you don't understand the loss.

Host 2:Spring is a time of dreams, dreams, hopes. I want everything around to be beautiful, give flowers and compliments, dedicate poems and sing serenades, because Spring.

10-Reader(Kozlova Masha)

For a long time I could not submit to spring,

I didn't want to hear from her for a long time.
In vain she smiled at me
And she called, and shone, and sang.
Spring said: "Listen, look -
Everything obeys my will:
The forest has long forgotten about the cold days,
And the field is strewn with flowers.
Let your dark heart come to life
And will respond to my song.
Everything that lives responds to it,
But your heart is still beating!
But I whisper stubbornly: “I don’t believe in spring!”
Only vain disbelief was -
Tears arose, and songs in me ...
O spring! You defeated me!

Presenter 1:May spring, peace, harmony, beauty, hope always be in your hearts! A beautiful, exciting, charming and gentle waltz sounds for you. Dance with us.
(Couples perform a waltz, invite guests to dance.

Harmony, beauty… after all, how we sometimes lack this.
The frantic rhythm of life carries us away in its rapid flow of days that turn into years, months! And rarely can we stop to enjoy a beautiful sunny day and fresh greenery, or enchanting music.The floor is given to the students of the school in the village of Tselinnye Zemlya.

Today we listened to the works of great poets and composers about spring. But the picture of the representation of spring will not be complete without a mention of our great artists and their works. The word is given to students of school number 3

So our literary evening came to an end. We have touched only the smallest part literary works poets. Much remains unsaid. Poems of many poets remained unread. But we hope we have awakened your interest in poetry. And we are sure that every year there will be more and more fans of poetry.

We sincerely hope that this day and our meeting will be remembered for all of you as a good and happy day spent with friends. All the best to you! See you soon!

Olga Vasilievna Remizova
Musical and literary living room "Spring, spring" in the senior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Ship" Volgodonsk

Entertainment in senior group

« Spring, Spring

caregiver: Remizova O. V.

Music and Literary Lounge« Spring, Spring

Target: Development of the spiritual and moral potential of pupils


1. To consolidate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature.

3. Arouse children's interest in Russian poetry and music to popular culture.

4. Activate and expand vocabulary.

5. Cultivate an aesthetic attitude to life.

Entertainment progress


I would like to invite you to open our living room a riddle:

She comes with kindness

And with my own story.

Waving a magic wand

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.


Nature wakes up after a long winter sleep, and this awakening leaves no one indifferent! Today in our literary living room we will read poems about beauty spring. - spring The weather varies from cold to warm to cloudy to sunny.

1st child

Snow is no longer the same -

It darkened in the field

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Clouds run faster

The sky got higher

Sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day

Stitches and paths

And on willows with silver

Earrings glow.

Run away, brooks!

Spread out, puddles!

Get out, ants!

After the winter cold!

Bear sneaking

Through the forest deadwood,

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

S. Marshak.

2 child

The forests are more visible in the distance,

blue skies,

More noticeable and blacker

On the arable land, a strip

Spring is on its way,

Isn't this Spring?

No, it's loud, thin

Waves ripple in the stream.

3rd child

Spring,Spring! Spring, Spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

His azure alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, Spring! how high

On the wings of the wind

caressing the sunbeams,

Clouds are flying!

Noisy streams! glittering streams!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she lifted! A. Maykov


Guys, what are the signs spring you know?

(children's answers)

4th child.

thawed patches

thawed patches, thawed patches -

Freckles in the snow!

They have a small snowdrop

will hatch: ku-ku!

And in the grove, beyond the outskirts,

The rooks will respond

The earth will be washed with water,

And the streams roar!

Winter is creeping up

And catches the silence

And the path breaks

tripping over spring!

It all started with thaws,

And everyone is happy with the sun.

Boots instead of boots

Horseshoes are knocking!

(M. Takhistova)

5th child

At lots of work in spring,

Help her rays:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,

Melt the snow, break the ice,

Warm everything around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

At spring has a lot of worries,

But things are looking up:

Emerald field became

And the gardens are in bloom.

(T. Shorygina)


Now let's play a game "Choose the correct answer".

1. After what season does it come Spring? (summer, winter, autumn).

2. Who only cries spring? (children, adults, icicles).

3. What does snow turn into in the sun? (Into melt water, stooping water).

4. What happens to the ice on the river spring? (ice jumper, ice run, ice drift).

5. What birds arrive spring? (sparrows, nightingales, bullfinches).

6. What appears in the fields when the snow melts? (Thaw, thaw, thaw).

Well done! Correctly.


spring many birds return from warm countries.

6th child


The dark forest glowed in the sun,

In the valley of steam, thin whitens,

And sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

- Spring came to us young

I'm here singing parish spring.

V. Zhukovsky 7th child

The singers return from the midday rays

A stream ran down from the mountain

And a small snowdrop

Grew up on a thaw.

Starlings return -

Workers and singers

Sparrows at the puddle

They circle in a noisy flock.

And the robin and the thrush

Engaged in the device of gneo zd:

Wear, wear in houses

Birds at straws.

G. Ladonshchikov.


With the onset spring changes are taking place in the life of animals and insects.

8th child

Spring backfired

Cheerfully backed

From the forest Spring,

The bear responded to her

Rumbling from sleep.

Bunnies jumped to her

A rook flew to her;

The hedgehog rolled after

Like a prickly ball.

The squirrel got excited

Looking out of the hollow -

Fluffy waited

Light and warmth!

Proudly drew himself up

Brightened boron;

On the branches of brown

The bird choir boomed.

L, Agrachev.


Children listen to the sounds of nature (background sounds).


- spring buds swell on the trees and the first green leaves appear from them.

9th child

"By buds swollen in spring» (Zakhoder B.)

By buds swollen in spring

By buds swollen in spring,

And the leaves have hatched

Look at the branches of the maple:

How many green spouts!

(Zakhoder B.)

Leading:spring first spring flowers bloom

10th child


Next to the pine snowdrop

Looks at the sky - light, gentle

What snowflake petals!

Do not stretch your hands to him -

Suddenly, the petals open up.

I, Emil'yanov


. spring nature comes to life and this awakening leaves no one indifferent!

11th child

"The days are fine"

The days are fine

Similar to holidays

And in the sky - the sun is warm,

Cheerful and kind.

All the rivers overflow

All buds open

The winter has gone with cold,

The snowdrifts became puddles.

Leaving the countries of the south,

The birds have returned.

On each branch of the starling

They sit and clean their feathers.

Spring time has come

It's time for flowering.

And so the mood

All people have spring


Spring- a beautiful time of the year. Hear the birds singing and admire the beauty of nature

And now we invite everyone to the round dance ( « Spring is red» )

We recommend reading
