What were the names of the heroes of the dark alleys. Bunin dark alleys

Recipes 19.09.2020

A cycle of stories called "Dark Alleys" is dedicated to the eternal theme of any kind of art - love. They say about "Dark Alleys" as a kind of encyclopedia of love, which contains the most diverse and incredible stories about this great and often contradictory feeling.

And the stories that were included in Bunin's collection amaze with their diverse plots and extraordinary style, they are the main assistants of Bunin, who wants to portray love at the peak of feelings, tragic love, but from this - and perfect.

Feature of the cycle "Dark Alleys"

The phrase itself, which served as the name for the collection, was taken by the writer from the poem "An Ordinary Tale" by N. Ogaryov, which is dedicated to first love, which did not have the expected continuation.

In the collection itself there is a story with that name, but this does not mean that this story is the main one, no, this expression is the personification of the mood of all stories and stories, a common elusive meaning, a transparent, almost invisible thread connecting the stories with each other.

A feature of the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" can be called moments when the love of two heroes, for some reason, can no longer continue. Often the executioner of the passionate feelings of Bunin's heroes is death, sometimes unforeseen circumstances or misfortunes, but most importantly, love is never given to come true.

This is the key concept of Bunin's idea of ​​earthly love between two. He wants to show love at the peak of its heyday, he wants to emphasize its real wealth and highest value, that it does not need to turn into life circumstances, like a wedding, marriage, life together ...

Female images of "Dark Alleys"

Particular attention should be paid to unusual female portraits, which are so rich in "Dark Alleys". Ivan Alekseevich writes out images of women with such grace and originality that the female portrait of each story becomes unforgettable and truly intriguing.

Bunin's skill consists in several precise expressions and metaphors that instantly draw in the reader's mind the picture described by the author with many colors, shades and nuances.

The stories "Rus", "Antigone", "Galya Ganskaya" are an exemplary example of various, but vivid images Russian woman. The girls whose stories are created by the talented Bunin are somewhat reminiscent of the love stories they experience.

We can say that the key attention of the writer is directed precisely to these two elements of the cycle of stories: women and love. And love stories are just as rich, unique, sometimes fatal and masterful, sometimes so original and incredible that it’s hard to believe in them.

Male images in "Dark Alleys" are weak-willed and insincere, and this also determines the fatal course of all love stories.

Feature of love in "Dark Alleys"

The stories of "Dark Alleys" reveal not only the theme of love, they reveal the depths of the human personality and soul, and the very concept of "love" is presented as the basis of this difficult and not always happy life.

And love does not have to be mutual in order to bring unforgettable impressions, love does not have to turn into something eternal and relentlessly ongoing in order to please and make a person happy.

Bunin shrewdly and subtly shows only "moments" of love, for the sake of which it is worth experiencing everything else, for the sake of which it is worth living.

"Clean Monday" story

The story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and not fully understood love story. Bunin describes a pair of young lovers who, it would seem, look perfect for each other, but the catch is that they inner worlds have nothing in common.

Image young man simple and logical, and the image of his beloved is inaccessible and complex, striking her chosen one with its inconsistency. One day she says that she would like to go to a monastery, and this causes complete bewilderment and misunderstanding for the hero.

And the end of this love is as complex and incomprehensible as the heroine herself. After intimacy with a young man, she silently leaves him, then asks him not to ask anything, and soon he learns that she has gone to the monastery.

She made the decision on Clean Monday, when there was an intimacy between lovers, and the symbol of this holiday is a symbol of her purity and torment, from which she wants to get rid of.

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Immediately after the revolution of 1917, Bunin created a number of journalistic articles, where he opposed the Bolsheviks. In 1918, he moved from Moscow to Odessa, and in early 1920 he left Russia forever.

The Bunins settled in Paris, where life began "on other shores" - in a state of mental decline, with the bitterness of a break with their homeland. The writer's works were published in the newspapers Vozrozhdenie and Rus. Bunin headed the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists.

In exile, the writer creates stories mainly about Russian life - full of deep psychology and subtle lyrics, develops the genre of philosophical and psychological short stories ("Dark Alleys"). He combined his stories into the collections Mitina's Love (1925), Sunstroke (1927), Bird's Shadow (1931).

Bunin's prose continues the traditions of I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharova and L.N. Tolstoy. The economical and efficient use of artistic means, visual imagery and psychological insight - these are the features of Bunin's style. Some of his stories, thanks to the perfection of form, belong to the best works of world short stories. K.G. Paustovsky wrote that everything is heard in Bunin's language: "... from ringing copper solemnity to the transparency of flowing spring water, from measured chasing to intonations of amazing softness, from a light melody to slow peals of thunder."

Bunin expressed his understanding of the world and his place in it in a characteristic record dating back to that time: “And days go by days - and the secret pain of their steady loss does not leave them - steady and meaningless, because they go in inaction, everything is only in anticipation of action and what - something else ... And the days and nights go by, and this pain, and all the vague feelings and thoughts, and the vague consciousness of myself and everything around me is my life, which I do not understand. And further: “We live by what we live, only to the extent that we comprehend the price of what we live. Usually this price is very small: it rises only in moments of delight - the delight of happiness or unhappiness, a vivid consciousness of gain or loss; more - in moments of poetic transformation of the past in memory. Such a “poetic transformation of the past in memory” is Bunin’s work of the emigrant period, in which the writer seeks salvation from the boundless feeling of loneliness.

Painfully experiencing what happened to Russia and his rejection from her, he tries to find an explanation and solace in referring to the events of world history that could be correlated with Russian ones: the death of powerful ancient civilizations, kingdoms (“City of the King of Kings”). And now, away from Russia, painfully thinking about it, "fiercely", as he said, tormented, Bunin turns to memory, highlighting it among spiritual values: "We live by everything that we live, only to the extent that we understand the value of what we live. Usually this price is very small: it rises only in moments of ecstasy of happiness or unhappiness, a vivid consciousness of gain or loss; yet - in moments of poetic transformation of the past in memory.

In his memory, the image of Russia arose in its long-gone times, the recent past and the present.. Such a combination of plans at different times was salutary for him. It allowed Bunin, still not accepting Russian modernity, to find that native, bright, eternal that gave him hope: a birch forest in the Oryol region, songs sung by mowers ("Mowers", 1921), Chekhov ("Penguins", 1929 ). Memory allowed him to connect modern Russia, where "the end has come, the limit of God's forgiveness", with timeless, eternal values. In addition to eternal nature, love remained such an eternal value for Bunin, which he sang in the story "Sunstroke" (1925), the story "Mitya's Love" (1925), the book of stories "Dark Alleys" (1943), love is always tragic, "beautiful and doomed. All these themes - life, death, nature, love - by the end of the 20s. formed the basis of his stories about Russia, how he remembered it and how dear he was to his blood.

In 1927, Bunin began to write the novel "The Life of Arseniev", which has become another artistic autobiography from the life of the Russian nobility, along with such classic works as “Family Chronicle” and “Childhood of Bagrov-grandson” by S. Aksakov, “Childhood”, “Boyhood”, “Youth” by L. Tolstoy. The events of childhood, adolescence, life in the village, studying at the gymnasium (80-90s of the XIX century) are seen in him with double vision: through the eyes of the schoolboy Alexei Arsenyev and through the eyes of Bunin, who created the novel in the 20s-30s. 20th century Speaking of Russia, "which perished before our eyes in such a magically short time," Bunin overcomes the thought of the end and death with the entire artistic structure of his novel. Such overcoming is in Bunin's landscapes, in that love for Russia and its culture, which is felt in every episode and situation of the novel: Bunin even called the hero's father Alexander Sergeevich. The horror of the end and death is overcome by the author's lyrical confession, from which it becomes clear how the formation of one of the greatest writers of the 20th century took place. And, of course, the fifth, last chapter of Arseniev's Life, which is called Lika, and in which Bunin recalls how back in 1889, when he was working in the Orlovsky Vestnik, he was "smitten by unfortunately, a long love." And this love was not destroyed by time...

The power of love, overcoming the darkness and chaos of life, became the main content of the book "Dark Alleys", written during the Second World War. All 38 short stories that made it up are about love, most often unrequited and tragic. Bunin's understanding of love was reflected here: "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided." The book "Dark Alleys" also includes the story "Clean Monday", which Bunin considered the best of all that he had written. “I thank God,” he said, “that he gave me the opportunity to write Clean Monday.”

Behind the simple plot of the story, the presence of some kind of hidden significance is felt. It turned out to be an allegorical, symbolically expressed idea about the historical path of Russia. Therefore, the heroine of the story is so mysterious, embodying not the idea of ​​​​love-passion, but longing for a moral ideal, the combination of eastern and western principles is so significant in her as a reflection of this combination in the life of Russia. Her unexpected, at first glance, departure to the monastery symbolizes the "third way" that Bunin chose for Russia. He prefers the path of humility, curbing the elements, and sees this as an opportunity to go beyond the bounds of Western and Eastern doom, the path of great suffering, in which Russia will atone for its sin and go on its own path.

A cycle of stories called "Dark Alleys" is dedicated to the eternal theme of any kind of art - love. They say about "Dark Alleys" as a kind of encyclopedia of love, which contains the most diverse and incredible stories about this great and often contradictory feeling.

And the stories that were included in Bunin's collection amaze with their diverse plots and extraordinary style, they are the main assistants of Bunin, who wants to portray love at the peak of feelings, tragic love, but from this - and perfect.

Feature of the cycle "Dark Alleys"

The phrase itself, which served as the name for the collection, was taken by the writer from the poem "An Ordinary Tale" by N. Ogaryov, which is dedicated to first love, which did not have the expected continuation.

In the collection itself there is a story with that name, but this does not mean that this story is the main one, no, this expression is the personification of the mood of all stories and stories, a common elusive meaning, a transparent, almost invisible thread connecting the stories with each other.

A feature of the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" can be called moments when the love of two heroes for some reason can no longer continue. Often the executioner of the passionate feelings of Bunin's heroes is death, sometimes unforeseen circumstances or misfortunes, but most importantly, love is never given to come true.

This is the key concept of Bunin's idea of ​​earthly love between two. He wants to show love at the peak of its heyday, he wants to emphasize its real wealth and highest value, that it does not need to turn into life circumstances, like a wedding, marriage, life together ...

Female images of "Dark Alleys"

Particular attention should be paid to unusual female portraits, which are so rich in "Dark Alleys". Ivan Alekseevich writes out images of women with such grace and originality that the female portrait of each story becomes unforgettable and truly intriguing.

Bunin's skill consists in several precise expressions and metaphors that instantly draw in the reader's mind the picture described by the author with many colors, shades and nuances.

The stories "Rus", "Antigone", "Galya Ganskaya" are an exemplary example of various, but vivid images of a Russian woman. The girls whose stories are created by the talented Bunin are somewhat reminiscent of the love stories they experience.

We can say that the key attention of the writer is directed precisely to these two elements of the cycle of stories: women and love. And love stories are just as rich, unique, sometimes fatal and masterful, sometimes so original and incredible that it’s hard to believe in them.

Male images in "Dark Alleys""Weak-willed and insincere, and this also causes the fatal course of all love stories.

Feature of love in "Dark Alleys"

The stories of "Dark Alleys" reveal not only the theme of love, they reveal the depths of the human personality and soul, and the very concept of "love" is presented as the basis of this difficult and not always happy life.

And love does not have to be mutual in order to bring unforgettable impressions, love does not have to turn into something eternal and relentlessly ongoing in order to please and make a person happy.

Bunin shrewdly and subtly shows only "moments" of love, for the sake of which it is worth experiencing everything else, for the sake of which it is worth living.

"Clean Monday" story

The story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and not fully understood love story. Bunin describes a pair of young lovers who seem to be perfect for each other on the outside, but the catch is that their inner worlds have nothing in common.

The image of a young man is simple and logical, while the image of his beloved is inaccessible and complex, striking her chosen one with its inconsistency. One day she says that she would like to go to a monastery, and this causes complete bewilderment and misunderstanding for the hero.

And the end of this love is as complex and incomprehensible as the heroine herself. After intimacy with a young man, she silently leaves him, then asks him not to ask anything, and soon he learns that she has gone to the monastery.

She made the decision on Clean Monday, when there was an intimacy between lovers, and the symbol of this holiday is a symbol of her purity and torment, from which she wants to get rid of.

The story "Dark alleys" gave the name to the entire collection of the same name by I. A. Bunin. It was written in 1938. All the novels of the cycle are connected by one theme - love. The tragic and even catastrophic nature of love is revealed by the author. Love is a gift. She is beyond human control. It would seem a banal story about a meeting of elderly people who in their youth passionately loved each other. A simple plot of the story - a rich young handsome landowner seduces and then leaves the maid. But it is Bunin who manages to tell with the help of this uncomplicated artistic move about simple things in an exciting and impressive way. A short work - an instant flash of memory of bygone youth and love.

There are only three compositional parts of the story:

Parking at the inn of a gray-haired military man,

A sudden meeting with an ex-lover,

Reflections of the military on the way a few minutes after the meeting.

Pictures of dull everyday life and everyday life appear at the beginning of the story. But in the hostess of the inn, Nikolai Alekseevich recognizes the beautiful maid Nadezhda, whom he betrayed thirty years ago: “he quickly straightened up, opened his eyes and blushed.” Since then, a whole life has passed, and everyone has their own. And it turns out that both main characters are lonely. Nikolai Alekseevich has social weight and well-being, but is unhappy: his wife "changed, left me even more insultingly than I did you," and his son grew up a scoundrel "without a heart, without honor, without a conscience." Nadezhda turned from a former serf into the owner of a “private room” at the post office “mind chamber. And everyone, they say, is getting richer, cool ... ”, but she never got married.

And yet, if the hero is tired of life, then she is still beautiful and light, full of vitality his former lover. He once refused love and spent the rest of his life without it, and therefore without happiness. Nadezhda, all her life, loves him alone, to whom she gave "her beauty, her fever", whom she once called "Nikolenka". As before, love lives in her heart, but she does not forgive Nikolai Alekseevich. Although it does not descend to accusations and tears.

Analysis of the story "Easy breathing"

The theme of love occupies one of the leading places in the writer's work. In mature prose, there are noticeable trends in understanding the eternal categories of being - death, love, happiness, nature. Often he describes "moments of love", which have a fatal character, a tragic coloring. great attention he devotes to female characters, mysterious and incomprehensible.

The beginning of the novel "Easy Breath" creates a feeling of sadness and sadness. The author prepares the reader in advance for the fact that the tragedy of human life will unfold on the following pages.

The main character of the novel Olga Meshcherskaya, a high school girl, stands out among her classmates with a cheerful disposition and a clear love of life, she is not at all afraid of other people's opinions, and openly challenges society.

In the last winter, many changes took place in the girl's life. At this time, Olga Meshcherskaya was in the full bloom of her beauty. There were rumors about her that she could not live without admirers, but at the same time she treated them very cruelly. In her last winter, Olya completely devoted herself to the joys of life, she went to balls and went to the skating rink every evening.

Olya always tried to look good, she wore expensive shoes, expensive combs, perhaps she would have dressed in the latest fashion if all the gymnasium girls did not wear uniforms. The headmistress of the gymnasium made a remark to Olga about her appearance, that such jewelry and shoes should be worn by an adult woman, and not by a simple student. To which Meshcherskaya openly declared that she has the right to dress like a woman, because she is her, and none other than the director's brother Alexei Mikhailovich Malyutin is to blame for this. Olga's answer can be fully regarded as a challenge to the society of that time. A young girl without a shadow of modesty puts on things that are not for her age, behaves like a mature woman and at the same time openly argues her behavior with rather intimate things.

Olga's transformation into a woman took place in the summer at the dacha. When the parents were not at home, Alexei Mikhailovich Malyutin, a friend of their family, came to visit them at the dacha. Despite the fact that he did not find Olya's father, Malyutin nevertheless stayed at a party, explaining that he wanted it to dry out properly after the rain. In relation to Olya, Alexei Mikhailovich behaved like a gentleman, although the difference in their age was huge, he was 56, she was 15. Malyutin confessed his love to Olya, said all kinds of compliments. During tea drinking, Olga felt bad and lay down on the couch, Alexei Mikhailovich began to kiss her hands, talk about how he was in love, and then kissed her on the lips. Well, what happened next happened. We can say that on the part of Olga it was nothing more than an interest in mystery, the desire to become an adult.

After that there was tragedy. Malyutin shot Olga at the train station and explained this by saying that he was in a state of passion, because she showed him her diary, which described everything that happened, and then Olgino's attitude to the situation. She wrote that she was disgusted with her boyfriend.

Malyutin acted so cruelly because his pride was hurt. He was no longer a young officer, and even a bachelor, it was natural for him to amuse himself with the fact that a young girl expressed her sympathy for him. But when he found out that she felt nothing for him but disgust, it was like a bolt from the blue. He himself used to push women away, and then they pushed him away. The society was on the side of Malyutin, he justified himself by the fact that Olga herself allegedly seduced him, promised to become his wife, and then left him. Since Olya had a reputation as a heartbreaker, no one doubted his words.

The story ends with the fact that the classy lady Olga Meshcherskaya, a dreamy lady living in her fictional ideal world, comes to Olya's grave every holiday and watches her silently for several hours. For the lady Olya is the ideal of femininity and beauty.

Here, “easy breathing” is an easy attitude to life, sensuality and impulsiveness that were inherent in Olya Meshcherskaya.

Bunin's attitude to the theme of love was somewhat peculiar, if at the beginning of the work we see a couple in love, then at the end they invariably part or one of them dies tragically. According to the writer, love is a candle that sooner or later will go out anyway.

The protagonist of the story "Dark Alleys", Nikolai Alekseevich, a general of the Russian army, according to the plot, comes to his hometown, where he meets his old love Nadezhda. The woman always remembered Nikolai, love is still stored in her heart, once she even wanted to commit suicide because of unrequited love. Nikolai Alekseevich feels guilty for leaving the heroine alone, so he decides to ask her for forgiveness. Any feelings, in his opinion, pass.

Nikolai's life is difficult, he had a beloved wife who cheated on him, he also has a son, who, unfortunately, grew up a bad person. Leaving the city, the general realizes that Nadezhda is the only bright ray in his life. And he greatly regrets that the connection between them was interrupted.

Hope kept feelings for many years, but, alas, this did not help her in creating a family, she was left alone. She does not want to forgive Nikolai, the pain of parting is strong even after many years. And Nikolai turns out to be a weak person who was afraid to leave the family. He is afraid of contempt from society.

We see the sad story of two people whose fate could not develop in the right direction. The heroes were afraid to resist the foundations and morals of society, so their life is unenviable. But do not think that love left only bad things for the characters, no, this great feeling left a deep mark in their lives that will never be erased.

Many of Bunin's works, one way or another, talk about love. "Dark Alleys" is also no exception. The author, through the story, shows the reader the importance of love. Yet Bunin does not give his characters a chance for happiness. Perhaps Nikolai Alekseevich should stop being afraid of the opinions of others, spit on society and start fighting for his love. Memories of happy days with Nadezhda warm his soul, but for some reason he does not even want to think that everything could have been arranged differently. But he was not ready for change. If the general had dared to leave his negligent wife, then one could put an end to the career of a military man. A lot of things would change, a lot would have to be abandoned.

Each of us has our own secrets, and it often happens that they come out the most in an unusual way. Love is not the result of random coincidences. It requires tireless work, determination and self-confidence. For the sake of love, your happiness, you need to fight, bite your teeth, not pay attention to pitfalls, and then, perhaps, fate will smile at us.

Analysis 2

Bunin's "Dark Alleys" is a small collection of stories about true and sincere love. The remarkable thing about these little love stories is the tragic love relationships. Each story in this series has a sad ending. Blok always believed that love and disappointment are inextricably linked with each other. For him, love is a bright fiery spark that quickly ignites and quickly goes out. This is what he wrote about in many of his works.

The main plot of the story "Dark Alleys" revolves around the meeting of elderly people who were once in love with each other. Many years ago, when they were young, they passionately loved each other. The story is divided into three main parts - the arrival of General Nikolai Alekseevich, his meeting with his past love, and the sad memories and thoughts of an elderly man after he left the inn.

The first part of the love story reveals to the reader the beauty of nature, the environment, external characteristics heroes, their moral and social image. In the second part, which is the main one, the author describes the meeting of a man and a woman, betrays how strong the emotions and feelings were when the two former lovers met. At this moment, at the moment of meeting their views and communication, it is no longer important which of them is higher in social status. Hope, although she could not forgive her beloved betrayal, remained faithful and devoted to him until the end of her days. Nikolai Alekseevich, although he has become an adult and accomplished man, at a meeting with Nadezhda is lost, begins to make excuses like a boy and at the same time suppress the pangs of conscience. As soon as he looked at the woman he once loved, he immediately realized how empty and monotonous his real life was.

The third, final part describes the events that took place after the general's departure from the inn. He is completely immersed in his thoughts and constantly talks about how his life would turn if he married Nadezhda? What kind of hostess would she be in his house? But at the same time, the difference in social status affects him more than love, he becomes ashamed of falling in love and passionate feelings for a woman who does not suit him in status.

In the love cycle "Dark Alleys" Bunin reveals to the reader the moral and social side of a person. It also shows that a man and a woman love differently. Hope was and will remain true to him, no matter what, she sincerely loved and loves this man. And he, in turn, acts like a traitor, the opinion of society and social principles are more important to him than happy life next to your loved one. Everyone understands and experiences this feeling in their own way, but not everyone can keep it.

The story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Dark Alleys" was written in 1938 and was included in the collection of short stories "Dark Alleys" dedicated to the theme of love. The work was first published in 1943 in the New York edition of Novaya Zemlya. The story "Dark Alleys" is written in the traditions of the literary direction of neorealism.

main characters

Nikolai Alekseevich- a tall, thin man of sixty years old, a military man. In his youth, he loved Nadezhda, but abandoned her. He was married and has a son.

Hope- a woman of forty-eight years, the mistress of the inn. All her life she loved Nikolai Alekseevich, which is why she never married.

Klim- the coachman of Nikolai Alekseevich.

“In the cold autumn bad weather” a “cart with a half-raised top” driven up to a long hut located on one of the roads of Tula. The hut was divided into two halves - a post station and a private room (inn), where travelers could stop, rest, and spend the night.

The tarantass was ruled by a “strong man”, a “serious and dark-faced” coachman, “resembling an old robber”, while in the tarantass itself sat a tall and “slender old military man”, outwardly similar to Alexander II with an inquiring, strict and tired look.

When the coachman stopped the chariot, the military man went into the upper room. Inside it was “warm, dry and tidy”, in the left corner there was a “new golden image”, in the right corner there was a whitewashed stove, from behind the damper of which came the sweet smell of cabbage soup. The visitor took off his outer clothing and called out to the hosts.

Immediately, a “dark-haired”, “black-browed”, “beautiful woman beyond her age, resembling an elderly gypsy” entered the room. The hostess offered the visitor something to eat. The man agreed to drink tea, asking to put the samovar. Questioning the woman, the visitor learns that she is not married and runs the household herself. Unexpectedly, the hostess calls the man by his name - Nikolai Alekseevich. “He quickly straightened up, opened his eyes and blushed,” recognizing in his interlocutor his old love - Nadezhda.

Excited, Nikolai Alekseevich begins to remember how long they had not seen each other - “for thirty-five years?” . Hope corrects him - "Thirty, Nikolai Alekseevich". The man knew nothing of her fate since then. Nadezhda said that soon after they parted, the gentlemen gave her freedom, and she never married, because she loved him too much. Flushing, the man muttered, “Everything passes, my friend.<…>Love, youth - everything, everything. But the woman did not agree with him: “Youth passes for everyone, but love is another matter.” Nadezhda says that she could not forget him, "she lived all alone", recalls that he left her "very heartlessly" - she even wanted to commit suicide more than once, that she called him Nikolenka, and he read poetry to her about "all sorts" dark alleys"" .

Delving into his memories, Nikolai Alekseevich concludes: “Everything passes. Everything is forgotten”, to which Nadezhda replied: “Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten”. Shedding tears, the man asks for horses, saying: “If only God would forgive me. And you seem to have forgiven." However, the woman did not forgive and could not forgive: "just as I had nothing more precious than you in the world at that time, so then it was not."

Nikolai Alekseevich asks the woman for forgiveness and says that he was also unhappy. He was madly in love with his wife, but she cheated and left him even more insultingly than he did Nadezhda. He adored his son, “but a scoundrel, a wast, an insolent man, without a heart, without honor, without a conscience, came out.” “I think that I also lost in you the most precious thing that I had in my life.” In parting, Nadezhda kisses his hand, and he kisses hers. After the coachman, Klim recalled that the hostess looked after them from the window.

Already on the road, Nikolai Alekseevich becomes ashamed that he kissed Nadezhda's hand, and then ashamed of this shame. The man recalls the past - “All around the scarlet rose hips bloomed, there were alleys of dark lindens ...”. He thinks about what would have happened if he had not abandoned her, and was “this very Nadezhda not the keeper of the inn, but my wife, the mistress of my St. Petersburg house, the mother of my children?” And, closing his eyes, he shook his head.


I. A. Bunin called the story "Dark Alleys" the most successful work of the entire collection, his best creation. In it, the author reflects on questions of love, on whether the true feeling is subject to the passage of time - is it capable of real love live for decades, or it remains only in our memories, and everything else is “a vulgar, ordinary story.”

A brief retelling of "Dark Alleys" will be useful in preparing for the lesson or when familiarizing yourself with the plot of the work.

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The creation of the story "Dark Alleys" dates back to the 38th year of the last century. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin later decided to name the whole collection of stories with the name of this story, although the author initially preferred a different name.

All the stories that were included in this collection were united by one theme - love! And although each story is a separate work, they are all connected by invisible threads of relations between a man and a woman.

It should be noted that the collection could only be printed five years later, and the New York publishing house, well-known at that time, took up this work. New Earth". It completed the task and replicated a huge number of copies.

The main style used in the story "Dark Alleys" is neorealism. Ivan Alekseevich was able to convey it in the most interesting way. The story is full of intriguing moments that attract from the first lines. And although the simplest plot is taken as the basis - the meeting of former lovers from different social strata - the author was able to present it in the most interesting way.

Who is the main character in the story?

It is easy to single out the most key characters, whose lives will be described in the work:

Nikolay Alekseevich. This image is represented by a tall and thin man who is sixty years old. He is military. In ancient times, when he was still young, he loved Nadezhda very much, but due to the circumstances, he had to leave the woman. After that, he was married and has one son.

Hope. A tall woman who is forty-eight full years. She is the mistress of the inn. All your hope hard life she loved Nikolai, which is why she never married. On the this moment lonely.

Klim. This is the coachman of the main character - Nikolai Alekseevich. This character also contributes to the full disclosure of the images of the main characters.

What is interesting about the content of the story "Dark Alleys"?

The action begins in the cold autumn, when nature is gradually preparing for a long winter. The reader is described a long hut, which is located not far from one of the central roads in the direction to Tula. A tarantass drives up here, which is pelted with mud from all sides. It was immediately obvious that he came from afar.

The hut is given special attention. It consists of two completely different halves. In the first part there is a post station, and in the second part there is an inn in the form of a private chamber. It is here that travelers can stop for the night, have a bite to eat, and also relax after a hard journey.

Drives the transport that drove up to the hut, a simple and stocky man with a serious expression on his face. He looks like an old robber in a certain way.

Inside the tarantass sits a tall and neat man in military uniform, which somehow looks like the ruler of Alexander II. He has a stern, especially road-weary look on his face.

The tarantass stops almost at the very entrance. The coachman remains in the transport, and a tall and prominent man enters the room. Here Special attention given to interior decoration. The author notes warmth and dryness, which are very pleasant for a tired traveler. In the left corner of the room there is some kind of golden image, and in the right corner there is a snow-white stove, which is covered with chalk. There is a pleasant smell of cooked cabbage soup throughout the room. The visiting traveler takes off his outer clothing and begins to call the owners of the house.

Further, the image of the hostess appears before the reader. She is represented by a woman with dark hair, black eyebrows, who is quite beautiful and somewhat looks like a gypsy. The hostess first of all offers the traveler to taste treats.

The man, in turn, agrees only to tea and asks to put the samovar on to heat up. While the water is being heated, the man begins to question the hostess and finds out that the woman is not married and is in charge of all this household herself.

And now, after non-committal speeches, the woman pronounces his name - Nikolai Alekseevich. The man straightens up in astonishment and begins to blush. He only now recognized in this woman his longtime lover named Nadezhda, whom he remembered all his life.

This situation begins to greatly excite the main character. He, almost with a trembling voice, begins to remember how much time has passed since their last meeting and asks the woman a question - “Has it been 35 years?” Nadezhda corrects him and says that a little less - thirty.

Throughout his life, Nikolai very often thought about Nadezhda and did not know how her fate had developed. He learns that after they parted, the gentlemen released her and gave her "freedom". After that, the woman has never been married, she has no children, and she still loves Nikolai very much and thinks about him every day.

The man, after what he heard, blushes even more and begins to mutter that over time everything passes and is forgotten. The woman disagrees with the thoughts of the protagonist and says that youth can leave, but true and sincere love remains forever in the heart.

Nadezhda continues to tell that she could not forget Nikolai and thought about him constantly. She began to recall the case when he cruelly and heartlessly abandoned her, after which she even wanted to commit suicide, but could not. The woman recalls how the man looked after her and read beautiful poems about "Dark Alleys" to her.

This situation caused tears in the military and he changed a lot in his face. Nikolai asks for horses to be brought in and thanks Nadezhda for forgiving him. But in fact, the woman did not forgive Nikolai and will never be able to forgive him for his act. She replies that nothing in the world is more precious to her than he himself - both in ancient times and now.

After such a recognition, Nikolai Alekseevich himself tells the story own life and how unhappy he was.

He married, being madly in love with his wife, who later began to cheat on him with another person and left Nikolai, but did it much tougher than he once did with Nadezhda.

Nikolai said that he has a son whom he adored as a child. As a result, an insolent and scoundrel grew out of him, having neither conscience nor honor. He notes that, just like once Nadezhda, he also lost everything dear to him in life.

The main characters of the story say goodbye and Nadezhda kisses Nikolai's hand, and he kisses her hand. The traveler sets off on a further journey, and the coachman notes that the woman looked after them from the window of her house for a very long time.

Along the way, Nikolai Alekseevich realizes how ashamed he really is for his actions that he has committed in life. He becomes ashamed of the behavior that he allowed himself while communicating with a woman, he is even ashamed that he kissed her hand goodbye and ashamed that he is now ashamed.

On the road before the eyes of the traveler emerge key points life. He begins to think about what would have happened in reality if he had not left her earlier, how would his further fate? Nikolai presented Nadezhda not as a maid, as was the case during their meetings, but as his bride, and later his wife, who would raise his children. The man frowned, closed his eyes and shook his head…

In the prescription to his collection, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin writes that it is the story "Dark Alleys" that is the most successful work ever created by a prose writer and poet. This story reveals the issues of love relationships, describes his personal thoughts and gives an answer to the question - "Is time subject to change a person's feelings that have arisen earlier?" Bunin is trying to show the reader that love can be eternal and last for a long time, even decades are not able to make a loving heart forget the chosen person. The author notes that only this idea in the work is the key, and everything else is vulgarity and ordinary life.

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