Fish astrologer or celestial eye. Stargazer - an amazing fish of the Black Sea Can a stargazer fish eat fish

Auto 18.09.2019

Astrologer or celestial eye gold fish (Carassius auratus auratus) is one of the most unusual varieties of goldfish, and you will not often see them for sale. The stargazer's eyes are located on top of the head and always look up. Unlike the common goldfish or shubunkin, the stargazer's body is more rounded and egg-shaped. Like lionheads and vesicles, sky-eyed fish do not have a dorsal fin.


It is believed that the sky-eyed goldfish appeared in the late 19th century, around 1870. Then the eyes of this variety were still quite mobile. Later, the Japanese took up the improvement of the variety, around the beginning of the 20th century, and with the help of selection, they ensured that the stargazer's eyes were fixed in a vertical position, and now they look exclusively up. In Japan, this variety is called Dem Ranch. This species is considered the most unusual among goldfish, and telescopes and bug eyes take second and third places.

Astronomer, sky-eyed knight, sky-eye, heavenly eye - this is just some list of names under which these aquarium fish are found, and they all speak of their amazing eyes looking into the sky.


The body of the sky-eyed goldfish is short and thick, resembling the shape of an egg. The caudal fin is long and forked; the anal fin is also forked. The dorsal fin is absent. Outwardly, they are very similar to lionheads, but without the characteristic fleshy growth on their heads. In length, stargazers usually grow up to 13 cm, although there are cases when they reached 15 cm. This is one of the smallest varieties of goldfish.

The main distinguishing feature of the species is the fixed, upward looking eyes on the sides of the head. Stargazers are born with normal eyes, but over time their eyes begin to protrude, and then inverted vision develops and the eyes are fixed in this position.

Stargazers are found in orange, white and black, as well as in their combinations and in a motley version. Sky-eyes live 10-15 years or more with good care.

heavenly eye one of the most delicate, delicate varieties of gold aquarium fish OK, do not start them for beginners. Unlike their flat relatives, stargazers are very sensitive to water pollution and prone to disease. Therefore, although they grow quite small in size, they need a lot of space. Also, because of their unusual eyes, these fish see quite poorly, or rather, their vision is limited, and because of the egg-shaped body, they swim very slowly. Therefore, aquarium neighbors must be selected very carefully.

Since the eyes of stargazers are prone to infection, make sure that the water in the aquarium is always crystal clear. Therefore, you can not do without a good, powerful filter.

The volume of water is calculated as a MINIMUM of 40 liters of water per small sky-eyed fish. An adult one fish needs a volume of water of 80-120 liters. For each additional adult fish, add another 40 liters of water.

Choose a long and wide aquarium, rectangular in shape - this way you are guaranteed to provide your pets with enough oxygen.

So that the fish feel comfortable, do not experience stress, be sure to cover the bottom of the aquarium with soil. It is better to use fine soil so that food particles do not fall down and do not spoil the water over time. Sky-eyed, like all golden ones, active diggers and scavengers, but due to poor eyesight, food remains can be missed.

Decorations should be used very carefully, only with smooth edges. Driftwood and sharp stones should be excluded - blind stargazers can damage their amazing eyes.

Aquarium care should be weekly, in the form of water changes. If the volume of water corresponds to the recommended one, it is enough to replace 1/4 or 1/3 of the water once a week, while thoroughly siphoning the soil. If the volume of water is small, or there are other fish in your aquarium, then you may need to change more often and in a larger volume.

Please note that if your stargazers have health problems, they are lethargic, there are any rashes and other signs of infection, you should not run for medicines and poison the fish in a hurry. In 90% of cases, diseases of aquarium fish occur due to dirty water in the aquarium, so the main cure for them is pure water. Do daily water changes in the aquarium, and for sure your fish will soon feel better.


Stargazers are very social, peaceful, sociable fish, but they are somewhat disabled, limited in their abilities, so they should choose the same disabled as their neighbors. Telescopes, Black Moors, Lionheads, and Bubbleeyes are all good choices - they are all slow and won't compete for food. But do not forget to take into account the volume of water to avoid overcrowding.

Feed and feeding

The heavenly eye is omnivorous, as are all goldfish. They will take all offered dry, live or frozen foods. Preference is given only to high-quality, proven feed. You must be sure that you do not introduce an infection with products.

Due to poor eyesight and slowness, stargazers will take a little longer to eat, take this into account when feeding.

The eyes of this fish are located on the crown of the head, and the mouth is usually ajar, so it seems that it is dreamily looking somewhere into the sky.

The flattened head of the astrologer is completely covered with tuberous horny plates. The eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets. The lower jaw is longer than the upper one, therefore it protrudes forward and upward, giving the fish's face a displeased expression. The large mouth is framed by lip appendages resembling a fringe: when the stargazer burrows into the ground, this “fringe” filters the water, preventing bottom debris from entering the mouth.

Lying at the bottom, the astrologer does not rest: his bulging eyes carefully observe the surrounding space. He not only hunts down, but also lures prey to him. As soon as a small fish or some invertebrate is in sight, the stargazer, together with the flow of water, throws out an appetizing red "worm" from its mouth - this is exactly what its mandibular respiratory membrane looks like. Tempted, the fish rushes to the bait - and the astrologer grabs it, leaving the victim no chance. The predator does not even leave its hiding place. Although, if necessary, it will instantly jump out, throwing up a cloud of sand. This is necessary if the prey is large and needs to be stunned.

Stargazer fish are sedentary creatures: they spend most of their time at the bottom of bays and lagoons. Almost completely buried in the ground, they expose only their eyes and mouth, so you can see underwater astrologer not easy. But if you carefully rake the sand or silt and take a closer look at this fish, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience. And it’s good if everything is limited to them.
The stargazer fish always has two types of weapons at the ready - poisonous spikes and an electric discharge.

Like the stingray, eel and some other fish, the stargazer has special electrical organs. They are located on the head behind the eyes.

Electric organs generate discharges that the astrologer uses according to circumstances - for defense or attack, for signaling relatives or for orientation under water. Each such organ consists of numerous electric plates, assembled in columns. These are flattened muscle cells whose membranes generate electricity. The plates in each column are connected in series, and the columns themselves are connected in parallel.

Each cell creates a voltage of less than 0.1 V, but the total charge of the stargazer can reach 50 V. This does not threaten electric fish in any way - an electric eel, for example, withstands a shock of 220 V without any harm to health. But for surrounding creatures, including human, electrical discharges from large fish can be hazardous.

But this is not all the armament of the stargazer fish. Above its pectoral fins, behind the gill covers, there is a pair of spines. They are associated with a gland that secretes poison. This fish lives along Atlantic coast southern Europe and northern Africa (from Portugal to Morocco), it is most common in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

In total, there are about a dozen genera and about 50 species of these fish. Length up to 55 cm, weigh up to 9 kg. More often there are fish 20-25 cm long. With its very modest size, the stargazer successfully copes with fairly large fish: sultans, gobies and gerbils. Some crustaceans - shrimp and hermit crabs - sometimes become its prey.

The first dorsal fin of the stargazer is short - with 3-4 spines, and the second is quite long, resembles the anal fin in shape and is located almost symmetrically to it. The caudal fin is rounded, the pectoral fins are large and wide, and small ventral fins are placed in front of them. The elongated body is covered with small scales located in oblique rows, the long lateral line is shifted upwards towards the dorsal fins.

The stargazer is modestly colored: the back, pectoral and caudal fins are dark, the sides are grayish-brown with two dark merging stripes above the middle of the side and one or two narrower stripes along the bases of the dorsal fins. Lighter grayish spots are scattered between the stripes. The belly, ventral and anal fins are light. The soft dorsal fin is grayish with grey-brown spots, while the spiny dorsal fin is intensely black.

Stargazer spawns from May to August or until mid-September in the coastal zone at depths from 16 to 800 meters. In two or three servings, females spawn from 18 to 125 thousand eggs per season. The caviar of the stargazer is floating, about 2 millimeters in diameter. Larvae and fry stay in the upper layers of the water. For the winter, fish migrate from the coastal zone to great depths.
The stargazer is edible, but has no commercial value. Known cases fatality after injections of this fish.


This is a fish, it is also called the Sea Dragon, since this subspecies belongs to the family of dragon fish. Her other name is sea cow. However, do not be deceived by a peaceful nickname - the astrologer is in the top five dangerous fish throughout the Black Sea basin. Of course, she is not a shark and will not eat a person. Its spikes located on the body are dangerous.


The color of the stargazer is most often spotted, which is why it is called so - Spotted. It is possible to meet him off the coast of the Caucasus or Crimea. Also from time to time Sea cow is found off the coast of the area mediterranean sea where places with a muddy bottom. There, the fish spends its time burrowing into the thickness of the sand completely, only the eyes are visible. The dragon spends the summer like this, in the winter it hides in the depths, between the stones. The peculiarity of the structure of the fish is vertically directed bulging eyes looking up, for which it was once called the "astrologer", as if it really studies the constellations of the night sky.

Menu, habits

The sea dragon feeds mostly on small fish. different types, cubs of other fishes. Usually attacks from ambush. First, the fish burrows, leaving only the eyes with a small, worm-like antennae. By moving it, the stargazer lures prey, and watches what is happening with his eyes. Barely gaping fish find themselves dangerously close, instantly disappearing into the mouth of a sea dragon.

Fish can eat marine worms, various crustaceans, most importantly small sizes. Everything fits. Sensing danger, the stargazer uses pectoral fins that look like shovels and quickly digs into the thickness of the sand or push off to swim away to safety.

The size of sea cows in the wild can reach 30 cm, in aquariums, of course, it is much more modest. The body of the stargazer is most similar to a spindle, only elongated, covered with small scales on top. Large pug-like head, but with a shell of rough, hard bony plates. The mouth is a vertical gap with small teeth. On the gill cover protection in the form of small spikes. Similar spines are visible on the dorsal fin. Also pointing upwards thoracic region on the shoulder part one can also see a sharp spike with poisonous glands.

The stargazer also has two oval pockets located behind the eyes. There are places for organs that produce electrical impulses. They serve both in search of prey and in protective properties, scaring away predators.

When viewed from above, the sea dragon is gray with a brown tint, which softens and brightens downwards. There are white spots here and there on the body. The first fin on the back is black, the pectoral fins are often light blue, and the caudal fin has a white border.

Stargazer fish or celestial eye

Comfortable water temperature: 20-23 C.

Ph: 5,0- 8,0.

Aggressiveness: non-aggressive.

Compatibility: with all peaceful fish (danios, thorns, speckled catfish, etc.), but it is better to keep them separately in a species aquarium.

Stargazer or celestial eye, one of the fish included in the "Goldfish" family. The stargazer has a round, ovoid body. A feature of the fish is its telescopic eyes directed slightly forward and upward. Although this is considered a departure from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. The color of the stargazers is orange-gold. The fish reaches a length of up to 15 cm.

It is interesting to know whatgolden fish was bred in China more than 1500 years ago, where it was bred in ponds and garden ponds on the estates of the nobility and wealthy people. Goldfish was first imported to Russia in the middle of the 18th century. It is interesting to know that in China, and in many other countries, the common name for all goldfish is "jiyu". So "goldfish" is only our associative Slavic and household name for this family of fish.

Currently, there are many breeds of goldfish, and they are all descendants. The full scientific name of the ancestor of goldfish was - CHINESE SILVER CARP, but in Latin - Carassius auratus japonicus. That is - JAPANESE GOLDEN CARP. Such a damn verbal confusion =) The crucian carp was a Chinese silver subspecies, and they called it the Japanese gold fish. Now, the new name of the goldfish is legalized - Carrassius gibelio forma auratus. This name eliminates confusion. Certainly you should not confuse the ancestor of scrofula with our Russian "golden carp" ( Carassius carassius) - which has nothing to do with goldfish at all.

So, silver carp turned out to be an excellent object for breeding work. As a result of long-term selection in China, Korea and Japan, several hundred species of this ornamental fish have been bred. In the domesticated state, they have lost the mobility characteristic of their wild ancestor, the body of most breeds has become shorter and wider. Changed the length and shape of the fins. Some breeds lack dorsal fins, while others have altered size and position of the eyes. There are fish with various growths on the head, with transparent scales. The variety of colors is especially great. There are several color variations: red, silver, black and others. The most varied combinations and modifications of these characteristics give an extraordinary variety of forms.

With that said, it would be correct to say that "species of goldfish" does not exist - they are all breeds and fixed mutations within one species (as in dogs). We kindly ask all readers to be literate and convey this information to others. There is a big difference between species, breeds and hybrids. View is a single original.breeds- these are selectively (artificially) fixed mutations within a species. And just mutations within a species (natural - by themselves) are subspecies.hybrids- these are mutations obtained as a result of crossing different species or morphs of species (for example, a swordtail with a platy).

There is a legend that all genetic deformities of crucian carp (growths on the head, double tails, lack of a dorsal fin, etc.) were initially fixed unintentionally (by selection), but for religious reasons. Almost all goldfish breeders in the 7th and 8th centuries were Buddhists. Buddhism does not allow killing animals. Therefore, all freaks from inbreeding were not destroyed, but settled in special "ponds of mercy" - where all these mutations as a result were fixed genetically on their own (freaks multiplied in these ponds)."

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Stargazers must be kept in an aquarium of at least 100 liters per pair. In a 200 liter aquarium, 5-6 individuals can be kept.

Comfortable water parameters for keeping are: 18 - 23 ° C, hardness 8 - 25 °, with acidity 6-8. Aeration filtration - MANDATORY.

Stargazers are compatible with all peaceful fish. You should not keep them with fish capable of aggression against them (barbs and even more so cichlids).

A feature of the fish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and specific, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, in an aquarium with goldfish, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system.

A feature of the fish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious from 50 liters per individual.

Fish in relation to food are unpretentious. They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed. Adult fish are fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Food is given as much as they can eat in about 3-5 minutes, and the remains of uneaten food should be removed.

Feeding aquarium fish must be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotus. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regimen for fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include food in its diet either with the highest protein content or vice versa with herbal ingredients.

Popular and popular food for fish, of course, are dry food. For example, all the time and everywhere you can find on the aquarium counters the food of the Tetra company - the leader of the Russian market, in fact, the range of food of this company is amazing. Tetra's "gastronomic arsenal" includes both individual food for a certain kind fish: for goldfish, cichlids, loricariids, guppies, labyrinths, arowans, discus, etc. Also, Tetra has developed specialized feeds, for example, to enhance color, fortified or for feeding fry. Detailed information You can find out about all Tetra feeds on the official website of the company -

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy feed by weight, and also store food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also lively emotions, allowing you to more fully and subtly feel the world of aquarism. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and firsthand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share your successes and joys with us, share experience and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every realization of a mistake that makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us, the more pure and transparent droplets of goodness in the life and life of our seven billionth society.

In the depths of the Black Sea you can meet unique animals. Observation of the life of some species shows how diverse life is sea ​​depths. In this article, we will tell you about a funny bottom fish, which they called the stargazer or seabug. What are the stars at the bottom you ask? The point is in the strange expression of the astrologer's face, namely in the eyes that are directed strictly upwards. In these eyes, the researchers saw the look of a learned astronomer counting the stars. There is another nickname, but more prosaic - this is a cow. The offensive nickname stuck to the stargazer, due to the presence of a large head and small horns. We will tell you about these funny and at the same time dangerous horns in this article.


Inexperienced lovers of the marine fauna of Anapa may confuse the astrologer with a goby, the ubiquitous master of shallow water. In terms of the shape of the head and body, our hero looks like a bull. Distinctive features astrologers are eyeballs located at the very top of the head, constantly directed to an imaginary night sky. Nearby is a mouth twisted into a stupid grin. On the sides of the head there are gill covers with small spikes in the form of horns. It should be noted that the horns of our cows are poisonous.
A large mouth is armed with small, but very sharp teeth. The lower lip protrudes forward and is larger than the lower jaw. The lower lip is equipped with a natural "fishing rod" to lure curious prey. A kind of bait is formed from skin protrusions.

Seabirds have two dorsal fins. The front fin is short and dark, consisting of 4 hard rays. Attention, the fin has poisonous glands, touching the spikes can bring pain. The posterior dorsal fin is three times the size of the anterior. The caudal fin is rounded, the pectoral fins are large and long, growing to the middle of the body.

The body color of the astrologer has great importance for camouflage, so the color is dominated by the colors of the ground in which it arrives. The body size of the astrologer, which can be found in Anapa, is about 30 centimeters.


The seabird leads a sedentary lifestyle. All free time, and there is more than enough free time, the fish sits buried in the sand or coastal silt. At this moment, only an attentive diver will notice the underwater inhabitant, only two eyes and a mouth stick out on the surface. If you linger for an hour at the ambush of the astrologer, you can watch how the hunt takes place. For successful fishing, the stargazer has a fishing rod, in the form of a long process on the lower lip and a net in the form of a large mouth. If the food itself does not go into the mouth, it can be lured with an artificial worm, when the unlucky victim approaches a distance convenient for jumping, the cow swallows the food. Stargazer's favorite food is small fish and crustaceans.

In the summer, the astrologer begins sexual activity. Females and males move to shallow water near Anapa for breeding. Caviar is deposited in the water column and drifts until maturation. When the larvae grow into fry, they burrow to the bottom and learn to use their natural fishing rod for food.

Our astrologer would be appropriately named - a marine electrician or a marine battery. The researchers noticed that the seabug has a unique ability to generate electricity. Between the eyes there are special "bags" between which electricity breaks through. This method helps to communicate with other marine batteries, and to feel the approach of prey.

There is no purposeful fishing for stargazer in Anapa. It happens that fishermen come across a seabug on the bottom gear, they are happy to eat such fish, but they get rid of poisonous thorns in advance.

Where to see in Anapa

Since the stargazer is not a commercial fish, the life of a marine animal can be observed in vivo or marine aquariums. There are about three large aquariums in Anapa, where tourists can see unique and rare fish Black Sea.

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