Celestial eye or astrologer. celestial eye celestial eye fish

Family and relationships 18.09.2019
Family and relationships

Stargazer (Carassius gibelio forma auratus)- a kind of goldfish, which, due to the characteristic structure of the eyes, was nicknamed heavenly eye, this is an artificially derived form. The body of the stargazer fish is ovoid, rounded, with smooth outlines of the back. Her eyes are very remarkable in her appearance - they have a telescopic shape and are directed upwards. Because of this feature, stargazers cannot be kept with fast and predatory fish.

photo: Goldfish stargazer or heavenly eye

The Stargazer goldfish does not have a dorsal fin, but the anal and caudal fins are slightly forked and short. There is also a veil form, although some breeders believe that this is a deviation. The main color of the body of the stargazer is orange-gold, against the background of dark soil, these fish look just fine. Representatives of this species grow up to 15 centimeters.

It is recommended to keep fish in flocks of 6-8 individuals in an aquarium of 50 liters or more, equipped with aeration and filtration. A 15 liter aquarium can accommodate one or two adult fish. It is better to choose a large soil - pebbles or sand, since individuals love to dig in it. It is better to choose plants with a powerful root system - these are elodea, vallisneria, sagittaria.

a photo: A stargazer or celestial eye goldfish grows up to 15 cm.

The temperature in the aquarium can be 20-25 degrees, the hardness is up to 23, stargazers tolerate salt water, weekly you need to change up to a quarter of the water. Stargazers can be fed with both plant and live food; specialized food is also sold. These fish are quite gluttonous, so give them food, wait 15-20 minutes and remove the leftovers. Stargazers spawn in an aquarium of 20-30 liters, plant one female and a couple of males, before that they are kept separately and fed abundantly. The female can throw up to 10,000 eggs, but, of course, not all fry will survive. After 4-5 days, the larvae turn into fish and begin to swim, they are fed with “live dust”.

a photo: Stargazer or celestial eye goldfish can live up to 15 years

  • Adults without damage to health can starve for about a week;
  • In captivity, stargazers can live up to 15 years, they are centenarians of the aquarium world;
  • It is very difficult to breed an ideal stargazer, out of hundreds of fish, only 10-15 will meet all the characteristics;
  • It is believed that this breed of fish was bred in a Buddhist monastery, and the eyes that are directed upwards gave the astrologer the opportunity to contemplate God.

Goldfish Stargazer or heavenly eye- aquarium fishCarp family (Cyprinidae) .


Gold fish - heavenly eye or astrologer - selectively bred form Goldfish (CARASSIUS AURATUS).

Appearance and gender differences

At astrologer rounded, ovoid body with a low back, the profiles of the head and back joining smoothly. Telescopic eyes are directed slightly forward and upward. The dorsal fin is missing, the caudal and anal fins are bifurcated. All fins are short. The edge of the upper lobe of show fish should not be lower than the line of the back. There is a veil form heavenly eye. Although this is considered a departure from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. Stargazers are often orange-gold in color. Stargazer up to 15 cm long.

Conditions of detention

Contain goldfish - stargazers you need a volume of at least 50 liters per one fish, it is better if it is an aquarium of at least 100 liters, in which a couple of fish will be placed. With an increase in the size of the aquarium, the population density can be slightly increased, so 3-4 fish can be placed in a 150-liter aquarium, and 5-6 in a 200-liter aquarium, etc. But with an increase in population density, attention should be paid to good aeration of the water. These aquarium fish they love to dig in the ground, so it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as it, then fish it won't be easy to throw it away. Myself aquarium desirable specific and spacious, in which you need to place large-leaved aquarium plants. However, stargazers quickly spoil delicate plants, or the surface of the leaves is polluted by sedimentation of particles of garbage suspended in water. To avoid this, plant aquarium plants with strong root systems hard leaves. Plants such as capsule , vallisneria, sagittaria, or Elodea as the most durable. Goldfish - heavenly eye contain in one aquarium along with calm types of aquarium fish. AT aquarium provide natural light and good filtration. All varieties of this species prefer good aeration. To the parameters of the water in the aquarium fish not particularly sensitive. For example, allowable temperature fluctuations can be from 18 to 30 °C. However, the optimum temperature in spring and summer is 18 - 23 °C, and in winter - 15 - 18 °C. Water hardness should be 8 - 25 °, with an acidity of 6-8. If your fish began to feel bad, then you can add 5-7 g of salt per liter of water to the water, as they tolerate well the salinity of water up to 12-15%. Part of the water in aquarium preferably replaced regularly. In food stargazers unpretentious, they eat everything and in large quantities. Their diet should contain both live and plant foods. They require less protein than tropical fish of this species, and more carbohydrates. Therefore, many firms specifically for feeding these fish produce a special diet in the form of granules and flakes. If you use them regularly, you can get good results, because in addition to the necessary nutrients containing a high percentage of carbohydrates, these foods are balanced and contain natural additives that help improve the yellow, red and orange color small fish. It is very important to know that dry food should be given in small portions several times during the day. Otherwise, getting into the esophagus in a humid environment fish, food swells and greatly increases in size, causing constipation and other disturbances in normal functioning digestive system fish. As a result, she may die. You can preliminarily hold the food in water for 10 seconds - if it is flakes, and 20-30 seconds - if it is granules, and only after that give it fish. Despite the gluttony goldfish they should not be overfed. The amount of food they consume daily should be approximately 3% of their weight. fish. Feed adults fish followed twice a day - the first time early in the morning, and the second - in the evening. The amount of feed is calculated for 10-20 minutes of feeding, then the remains of uneaten food from aquarium are removed. adults fish who receive proper nutrition, can endure a long week-long hunger strike without harm to their health. Goldfish - stargazers live for about 15 years.


All goldfish - heavenly eye can spawn in a capacity of 20 - 30 liters. It is necessary to place sandy soil in it and plant small-leaved plants. For spawning, it is customary to plant one female for two or three two-year-old males. Before spawning, they should be kept separate for 2-3 weeks. In spawning aquarium it is recommended to maintain the temperature at 24 - 26 °C. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to gradually heat the water until its temperature rises by 5-10 °C. At the same time, males begin to quickly rush and chase females, who lose their eggs, scattering them around the entire perimeter. aquarium, mainly found on plants. In total, the female spawns about 10,000 eggs. As soon as spawning is over, producers must be removed from aquarium. The initial food for hatched fry will be " living dust". They can also be given special foods, which are now commercially available in abundance, designed to feed fry. goldfish eg Sera Mikron.

Stargazer fish or celestial eye (cho-tengan) is a short-bodied breed of goldfish. It became known to Europeans only at the beginning of the last century. Although Chinese vases depicting these living wonders came to Europe much earlier. Stargazer fish is difficult to keep, not only for a beginner, but also for many experienced hobbyists. However, the point here is not so much in experience as in the need for separate content. At home, the variety was kept by Buddhist monks outside the walls of their temples in flat, low pools. The variety is perhaps one of the most unusual, therefore it requires great attention. As we see a variety for a very big fan or a Buddhist monk.


This variety is considered a stable variety of the telescope. The celestial eye is a short-bodied form. The length of her body can reach 15 centimeters. The main features of this variety are

pupils directed to the sky

her eyes. The eyes are convex with pupils directed upwards. This feature of the fish is captured by one of the legends of Buddhist monks, which says that such an arrangement of the eyes allows them to see God. Hence one of the names - "Heavenly Eye", another name is not so exalted, but also quite eloquently describing the features of the variety - "Astrologer".

The eyes should be the same size, and the pupils should be directed in the same direction. Also, this subspecies should not even have a hint of a dorsal fin. Even a small scar on the back greatly devalues ​​the specimen. The tail should be spade-shaped and should not exceed the length of the body. The rest of the fins should be as short and rounded as possible. All deviations from the above described greatly devalue the individual. Also, specimens with orange, white or white with orange color are considered more valuable. They become sexually mature at one year of age.

Gender differences:

Males differ from females in the same way as in other subspecies of Gold fish, namely, in the male, small whitish plaques resembling semolina form on the gill covers after puberty.

heavenly eye- a breed of goldfish, far removed from the natural form. The location of her eyes makes it impossible for her to have a full view of the side panorama and the bottom. This can make it difficult to feed, and also makes this already clumsy creature even more vulnerable. Tibetan monks keep this variety in ponds or pools. Under our latitudes, you can keep it in greenhouse pools. But in winter they should either be heated or transferred to aquarium maintenance, since at low temperatures stargazer fish are prone to bacterial diseases. Also, when keeping ponds, proper measures should be taken to protect them from cats. It is best to keep them separate from other fish. Apparently, the species cannot be called easy to maintain.

Aquarium volume

top looks very original

A pair of adult fish can populate a container of about one hundred liters. By increasing the volume, you can increase the number of individuals per unit volume. So a two-hundred-liter reservoir can be populated with six copies.

For soil, it is best to use river sand or fine, well-rounded pebbles. No stones with sharp edges or snags with sharp knots can be laid on the bottom.


Like all goldfish, the celestial eye loves thickets of plants. Along the rear and side windows, you can arrange thickets of spiral vallisneria, spruce pinistolium, and Canadian elodea will also feel good in a cold-water aquarium.

Water parameters

fish stargazer more thermophilic than other breeds of goldfish, but still the heat is also difficult to tolerate. Optimum temperature for it can be considered 18 - 22 degrees Celsius. The hardness of the water is not significant. When using tap water, additional hardness correction is not necessary. pH - 7.


The celestial eye loves light and looks better in bright light. If the breed is kept in a pond or greenhouse pool in the spring-summer-autumn period, then natural light is sufficient. In winter, when aquarium maintenance additional lighting should be provided with fluorescent lamps with a total power of 0.5 W / l.

fish stargazer loves a large amount of dissolved oxygen, and if your pond is still overpopulated, then additional artificial aeration should be turned on around the clock.


The same goes for artificial filtration. heavenly eye loves clean water, therefore it is necessary to provide at least a mechanical filter to filter the turbidity. Biological filter equipment would also be desirable. If this is not possible, then a weekly replacement of one third of the water with fresh settled water is necessary.


Compatibility, one might say, no. These good-natured, clumsy buffoons themselves will not harm anyone, but

even many peaceful representatives of the underwater kingdom can harm them. Even harmless guppies can leave them without lunch. And an aggressive macropod can deprive them of their sight. Hooligan…

So if you decide to acquire such an outlandish fish, then you will have to work hard to create normal living conditions for it and a separate content in this case not a luxury, but a necessity.

It is better to feed live food. Bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia are eaten with constant appetite. It is only necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the astrologer's vision and give them a bloodworm through the feeder, so that it does not all immediately fall to the bottom and your pets have time to pick it up. Dry food is also eaten with pleasure, although with some disdain. Plant-based nutrition is essential. Shredded, scalded lettuce, cabbage, spinach, dandelion, oatmeal. Plant foods should make up one quarter of the daily diet. Otherwise, when only scraps remain of your hornwort, blame yourself for this. There was nothing to save on salad ...


dorsal fin must be missing

Breeding is not difficult and is no different from other breeds of goldfish. The difficulty here is different. It is very difficult to get a Heavenly Eye that meets all breed standards. Such individuals are obtained only two per hundred. The rest have certain flaws that devalue them to one degree or another. Therefore, stargazer fish that fully meets all the requirements of the breed to this day is a rarity and is expensive. Plus, it is possible to determine how much a given instance meets all the requirements only when it reaches one year of age.

Stargazer fish, like no other breed of goldfish, requires constant attention and care. But nevertheless, if you master all the intricacies of caring for her, you can safely say that you are the owner of a real curiosity called " heavenly eye". Indeed, despite the fact that the species has been known to Europeans for more than a hundred years, it still remains a curiosity, however, not only in our country, but also in our homeland.

Today I will tell you about an unusual pet - this is an astrologer fish or a heavenly eye fish.

Why did I choose these goldfish?

Goldfish are very beautiful. In addition, I was sure that stargazers are quite unpretentious creatures. Next, I will dispel this myth.

Place of purchase: Bird Market. Let me tell you right now that this is not the best place to buy fish. You will be told all sorts of nonsense about the contents and poured into a bag of fish that are on the edge of the grave.


Of course I was drawn to them. appearance. Huge, protruding eyes, turned to the sky. Beautiful golden backs shimmer in the sun.

You know, these fish would look equally good at the scene of an emergency.

The astrologer fish has two states - it is either wide-open eyes and a gaping mouth, as if it sees a nuclear explosion every minute.

Or the same bulging eyes and pursed lips. Then it seems that she was very offended.

The eyes of the fish are bulging, the pupils look up. Because of this, it seems that she is looking at you all the time. If there are a lot of them, then you may get the feeling that you are being watched. They follow and judge.

Pay attention to the ground. There should be no sharp shells or pebbles. The structure of the eyes of the astrologer fish does not allow it to fully observe surrounding reality, therefore, without noticing the sharp edge of a driftwood or a pebble, it can get hurt in literally beat yourself up. The eye is partially deflated.


These goldfish are very voracious. But don't overfeed them!

Feed should be given in small portions so that it does not clog the aquarium. I am not an experienced aquarist. My last goldfish fed flies caught on the window, so I just gave them dry food recommended by the seller. Flies, you know, are not the same anymore.

But this is wrong! You need to alternate dry food with wet food!


There were rumors that fish could develop strabismus from round aquariums, but the celestial eye is no longer scary for a fish.

The volume of the aquarium for a pair of such fish should be 100 liters. This is a lot.

To clarify for my most inquisitive little readers, I did not settle the fish in glasses and glasses, I did not use them as an additive to martinis. They are so looking forward to transplanting into a clean aquarium.


Oxygen must be turned on around the clock. I had the simplest system.

If you decide to start a fish, it is better to first be puzzled by buying an aquarium, soil and aeration system, and then get yourself pets.


Stargazers are extremely harmless creatures, but very clumsy and unable to defend themselves. Therefore, it is risky to place them with other fish. They can easily suffer from aggressive neighbors or remain hungry if the neighbor turns out to be more gluttonous. I kept them with telescopes. They didn't fight.

When the fish grow up, their puffy eyes will become even larger. And these strange creatures will present an even more amusing sight.

My fish never waited large aquarium. They were killed by the heat of 2010.

That hot summer, I had to put ice bottles in the aquarium to keep the water cool. But that didn't help either. The fish died unable to withstand this suffocating heat.

Fish are quiet creatures, very beautiful and very gentle. Remember that any pet is a big responsibility. It is always very disappointing to lose pets, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to get electronic ones.

When you hear about a fish with such a name, the following picture may certainly appear in your head: a beautiful, mysterious fish admires the stars, looking out of the water ... however, in reality this is completely different.

Stargazer fish, European stargazer, seabug, common stargazer - this is the name of a fish from the stargazer family that lives deep at the bottom of the seas and oceans. In total, there are about 50 species and about 10 genera.

What does a stargazer fish look like?

Despite such a loud and promising name, the astrologer fish does not shine with beauty and intelligent appearance, to say the least, and it does not count the stars in the sky.

Beautiful name- not a guarantee of a beautiful appearance: it's just about the astrologer.

The fish got its name due to the fact that with the help of its huge, bulging eyes, it follows everything that happens around, raising them clearly up. The eyes are located close to each other on the very top of the head, the mouth is slightly open and equipped with appendages of teeth that resemble a small, wooden country fence.

The teeth serve as a filter, preventing underwater debris from entering the mouth. The lower jaw is slightly longer than the upper one, it is raised up and forward, due to which the fish always has some kind of discontented sad expression.

In fact, the stargazer fish looks ugly, and even intimidating. But she herself does not care deeply about this, partly because she spends almost all her time buried in the ground, leaving only her mouth and eyes on the surface.

Seabug is a bottom fish.

The color of the fish resembles the ground itself, the color is light brown with gray tints and indistinct stripes on the back, the belly is light. The fish itself is small, up to 30 centimeters in length. The stargazer fish got its name not only because of the flattened muzzle, but also because of two small skin outgrowths, similar to horns, located on the head.

Where does the stargazer fish live

You can meet the stargazer in the coastal zones of almost all oceans, along the shores of the Black and mediterranean sea, on a sandy or muddy bottom, in which it is almost completely buried with its entire body.

Stargazer is a marine predator.

What does an underwater stargazer eat and how does it behave

The stargazer hunts for worms, mollusks, small fish, crabs. The fish lures its prey by throwing out a tongue resembling a red worm from its mouth. The prey rushes to the bait, where the astrologer, without leaving his place, swallows it in a matter of seconds.

In general, the stargazer rarely gets out of the ground, only in case of danger. He does this abruptly, raising clouds of sand with him to blind the enemy.

The seabug is one of the most poisonous fish.


Stargazers reach puberty by the age of 3, and then they begin to breed, from about the end of spring to the beginning of autumn. Male stargazers are slightly larger than females.

The stargazer lays eggs in several steps, dispersing up to 130 thousand eggs in the water column, which gradually sink to the bottom, turning into fry.

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