Snail pagoda content. Aquarium pagoda snails and pokemon

Fashion & Style 18.09.2019
Fashion & Style

The habitat of the pagoda snail (Brotia pagodula) is the freshwater reservoirs of Myanmar, the snail is endemic.

The snail cannot be confused with other species, since its shell is very reminiscent of a pagoda (a tower with a multi-level structure), hence the name.

This mollusk was first described in 1847 by the British naturalist John Gould.

Snail shell painted in dark brown color with pronounced ribs. Her body is mother-of-pearl with a gray tint, in a dark speck.

Pagoda snails are very peaceful and get along well with all the inhabitants of the aquarium. At the same time, they need some time to adapt, getting used to the new environment, the snails crawl out of the shelter in search of various growths and algae.

There is an opinion that these snails lead a social lifestyle, they like to take care of their relatives, for this reason there should be at least 5-7 individuals in the aquarium.

Snails are quite active - they crawl along the decorations and the walls of the aquarium, they are able to burrow into the ground and stir it up. Like any hydrobionts - these snails require water changes, aeration and filtration of the aquarium, they do not tolerate high concentrations - poisons:.

For obvious reasons, snails should not be kept with, and other fish that are not averse to eating them.

Pagoda snail does not need individual feeding. It feeds on algae and fish food residues. You can feed with food from our table: spinach, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini or fish food tablets such as Tetra Tablets TabiMin or Tetra Pleco Tablets.

Pagodas are heterosexual and viviparous snails. The female bears an egg with a baby under the shell, a month later a fully formed small snail is born.

Breeding them in a home aquarium is difficult, they give abundant offspring, which, however, quickly dies.

All of the above is just the result of observing this hydrobiont and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also lively emotions, allowing you to more fully and subtly feel the world of aquarism. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and firsthand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share your successes and joys with us, share experience and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every realization of a mistake that makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us, the more pure and transparent droplets of goodness in the life and life of our seven billionth society.

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Every aquarist strives to make his home pond interesting and different from others. Someone decorates it in an original way, someone picks it up interesting plants or fish. And there are those who bring zest, using mollusks, of course, not simple pond snails or snails, but rare and unusual ones. And in this article we will talk about two such creatures: pagoda aquarium snails and pokemon. But first things first.

The birthplace of this unusual snail is the Moei River, which separates Thailand and Burma (Myanmar), and its tributaries. Brotia pagodula lives only in this limited area, preferring fresh, very clean, flowing and oxygenated water. Stones in rivers and waterfalls swift current- these are their favorite habitats, but they avoid lakes. They eat algae and plankton.

What does a pagoda look like?

Brotia pagodula has a cone-shaped shell, consisting of five to eight whorls, with large protrusions in the form of hollow spikes located along it. This whole structure resembles a multi-level pagoda (tower), hence the name of the clam.

Sink. The outside of the sink can be painted in various colors ranging from yellow to dark or reddish brown. On the inside, it is grayish or creamy with thin brownish stripes.

Body light yellow or dark gray with orange flecks. It also has a pearl finish.

Head clearly visible, it has eyes and tentacles - the organs of touch.

Leg, but, in fact, a muscular organ with a mouth and a digestive tract. And, of course, the body with internal organs.

Among Brotia pagodula there are representatives of both sexes, but to distinguish between females and males by outward signs impossible.

It is known that the largest pagoda has a size of 5.5 cm, but the average individuals do not grow more than 3-4 cm. The life expectancy of a snail in captivity is from 2 to 5 years.

Brotia Pagodula Character and Compatibility

These snails are very peaceful creatures. They are ideal for keeping in a social aquarium: fish will not be offended, plants will also be gnawed. It is better to settle them in a company of 5-7 pieces. This is very caring parents, as well as friends, because they help each other clean sinks in hard-to-reach places.

Aggressive and too active fish, such as, and cichlids, are dangerous for them. But the ideal neighbors will be other varieties of mollusks (Brotia, Neritina, Planorbidea), and fish such as haracins, tetras, catfish and other peaceful ones.

It will take time for the pagoda to get used to the new habitat. At first, she will hide almost all the time in her shell or dig in the sand, but then she will willingly go out, crawl around the neighborhood and feast on algae. Moreover, young individuals are much more active than adults.

These snails also love to stick to various surfaces (stones or aquarium glass). You need to tear them off very carefully, otherwise you can damage them.

How to create conditions for a pagoda?

This is not difficult. The main requirements are:

Aquarium volume for five to seven snails should be at least 45-50 liters.

Water should have a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, acidity of 7.0 to 8.5 pH and hardness of 6 to 22ºdH. The last point should be taken into account Special attention: The hardness should be high enough, as soft water will destroy the shell of the snails.

Regular changes portions of water are a must, as pagodas only do well in well-maintained aquariums. Good aeration and filtration, which enriches the water with oxygen and creates an active current, should not be neglected either.

Important! In an aquarium that has been recently launched and does not yet have algal growths on the plants or walls that these snails need, the pagoda cannot be launched, since this is its main food. Without it, the mollusk will die of starvation.

How and what to feed the pagoda?

Different sources contain different information. Some authors say that Brotia pagodula is omnivorous, but it is better to focus on plant foods, that these mollusks eat fouling from algae (lower plants) and pick up food left over from fish. Others claim that the pagoda is pure vegetarian.

It is worth remembering that algae alone will not be enough for the full growth and development of the mollusk. It is recommended to supplement the diet and give tablets for bottom fish species rich in spirulina, spinach, green beans, broccoli, carrot, cucumber.

You need to feed daily. It is better to chop the food beforehand, as large pieces of the snail will not be eaten.

It is easy to determine whether your pets are full or hungry: if they start eating leaves of aquarium higher plants, then there is not enough food.

With regard to Brotia pagodula, there is a pattern: the better the food, the faster the growth.

How to get offspring from a pagoda?

Since the sex cannot be determined, it is better to populate more snails. This will increase the likelihood of females and males, and hence reproduction.

The procedure is rather difficult. Obtaining offspring is difficult due to the high mortality of juveniles, although initially it is quite plentiful (50 children).

They are viviparous beings. The female gives birth only once a year. Eggs hatch under their own shell for a month.

A mollusk at birth is a small copy of an adult, measuring from 3.5 to 5.5 mm. Pagodas are very caring parents, and mutual assistance is a common thing for them.

That, perhaps, is all about the snail pagoda. And now let's talk about another unusual shellfish with an amazing name Pokemon.

pokemon in nature

The birthplace of Pokemon is considered to be Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, the island of Borneo, where it inhabits both various reservoirs and swamps. Otherwise, it is also called Radix rubiginosa, radix and tropical small-speckled pond snail. It is a relative of the pond snails, which are widespread in domestic reservoirs.

What does a pokemon look like?

Color. The color of the snail is directly affected by the conditions of detention. It can vary from beige or bright yellow to gray-brown. The whole body is covered with bright sequins.

Sink transparent, consisting of five turns, very thin and fragile, can easily break even from light pressure. Its maximum size does not exceed one and a half to two centimeters.

sole of the body wide, can be painted in yellow or gray tones with white specks.

Interesting fact! If the lighting is very intense, then the Pokémon will have white stripes on their bodies. And sometimes they can even completely brighten.

Why were these mollusks named after famous Japanese cartoon characters? The fact is that the thick tentacles of the snail look like the ears of the Pokemon Pikachu, and the yellow shades of color only increase the similarity.

Life expectancy in domestic waters is about a year.

The nature and compatibility of Pokemon

These snails are active, relatively fast moving and pretty interesting habits(although they are inferior to ampullars in terms of intelligence).

They don't damage plants. They prefer to spend most of their time at the surface of the water, where they breathe and find food for themselves.

If something edible is found at the bottom, the Pokemon will first rise to take a sip of air, then headlong down for food and rise to the surface again, and only there it will begin to grind food.

Radiks can take a lot of air into their lungs, and therefore they are very buoyant. Often you can see snails suspended near the water surface. And in the mating season, even whole bunches of them.

If such an individual is disturbed, then it will instantly release an air bubble from the respiratory hole and fall to the bottom like a stone.

Pokémon can run away from the aquarium. The main reasons for this are:

  • lack of food;
  • poor quality or aging of water when it becomes waterlogged;
  • overgrowing of the shell with algae and others.

Therefore, it is better to close the top of the aquarium with a lid or glass.

Transportation is well tolerated.

Barbs and cichlids are absolutely not suitable as neighbors for radixes, since these fish constantly pinch mollusks by the body and strive to extract them from the shell. A good neighborhood can be obtained with viviparous and characin inhabitants of the aquarium.

How to keep Pokémon?

These tropical snails are surprisingly unpretentious. They can survive in water with a wide temperature range from 5 to 35 degrees, and therefore they are settled in both tropical and cold water aquariums. Optimum temperature is 25 degrees.

How and what to feed the radix?

Surprisingly, unlike their counterparts, they do not disdain even blue-green algae. This is an excellent biological remedy for combating all such unwanted aquarium guests.

Important! Pokemon are a kind of indicators of the well-being of the entire system as a whole. They are able to recognize an increase in dissolved organic matter in water.

An outbreak of snail breeding, together with a film on the surface of the water, indicates its overabundance and that it is time to take urgent measures to strengthen the care of your home pond.

About Pokémon Breeding

Unlike the previous representative of the world of molluscs, this process does not cause difficulties. Snails are hermaphrodites, which means that when they mate, they mutually fertilize each other or self-fertilize. Reproduction is slow but constant. Masonry is done only in heat. It is typical for all coils. Little snails grow up very quickly.

Now you know how to distinguish and how to care for pagoda and pokemon aquarium snails. In conclusion, I would like to say that, ideally, the mollusk should not only not harm aquarium plants, but also benefit the reservoir. These requirements are fully met by these snails. And the bonus is interesting shape their shells and colors make them a great addition to any decorative aquarium.

The unusual bizarre tower-shaped appearance, beautiful body shape and shell color, as well as the benefits that the Pagoda Snail brings to its owner, have helped this mollusk gain popularity with many breeders around the world. It's about this small miracle and will be discussed today in our article.

AT natural environment snail habitat can be found in stormy freshwater rivers Thailand with clean running water. Usually the Pagoda likes to bask on the rocks, most often found on rocky areas of soil near waterfalls. It is almost impossible to meet this mollusk in calm rivers and lakes.

Description of the species

The snail pagoda got its name because of unusual look shell, which resembles a multi-level tower (pagoda). Usually the shell of a snail consists of 5-8 layers, each of which has spikes. The color of the snail's shell can be of various shades, from gray or yellow color to brown and even black.

The body itself has similar colors to the shell and can be yellow, gray, or similar colors interspersed with other colors. snail pagoda has not much large sizes, usually they range from 3 to 6 cm. The tentacles are located on the head of the snail, thanks to which the mollusk learns the world. The Pagoda looks really amazing, aquarium lovers can admire this mollusk for hours. With the right content in the aquarium, the Pagoda lives for five years.

In their natural habitat, snails of this species live in populations, therefore they are classified as social animals, and it is recommended to keep at least five individuals in a home environment. In this case, your pets will be able to take care of each other, for example, clean their friend's shell from plaque.

If you plan to keep only snails in the aquarium, then use the rule of one snail for about 10 liters of the aquarium. Thus, if you start 5 snails, you will need an aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters.

The pagoda snail will get along well in an aquarium with other non-aggressive inhabitants, although some crustaceans and aggressive species aquarium fish can cause a lot of trouble to the mollusk.

  • medium size or fine gravel,
  • pebble,
  • small smooth stones.

You can also use coarse sand if other inhabitants of the aquarium show loyalty to it.

  • The optimum aquarium temperature should be between 21 and 26 C, which is quite suitable for keeping most types of aquarium fish.
  • The pH level in the aquarium must be maintained within 7.0-8.5.
  • The overall degree of hardness should be between 6 and 22 dGH.

It is mandatory to have a filter in the water, as well as its replacement at least twice a month.

If conditions permit, make a constantly maintained aquarium in the aquarium. rapid current water, the Pagoda will thank you for it.

Note! Snails should be launched only in the aquarium in which there are algae planted at least 2-3 weeks ago. If there is no natural food in the aquarium, the pagoda snail may die!


pagoda snail prefers food plant origin. In the natural habitat, algae usually act as such food, but at home, the diet can be somewhat expanded.

As with other types of snails, it is best to use pressed catfish tablets as additional food, as well as vegetables. The best vegetables are:

  • zucchini,
  • cucumber,
  • lettuce and spinach,
  • small pieces of apple or pear.

Snails should be fed once a day, and uneaten food should be removed from the aquarium in order to avoid water pollution. You should also pay attention to whether the food you give to the Pagoda is enough. If the snail feels hungry, all aquarium plants will be used. This technique should be used if you need to thin out the thickets in the aquarium. Also note that the more food a mollusk receives, the faster it grows.


The pagoda snail is a viviparous animal. After mating, the female carries future offspring under her shell for one month. After a month, small snails are born that are able to lead a completely independent lifestyle. At home, the breeding of pagoda snails is hampered by the high mortality of newborn molluscs.

Experienced breeders do not recommend getting offspring from one female more than once a year in order to minimize neonatal mortality. To increase the population of snails, it is recommended to have a larger number of individuals for mating and not allow births more than once a year.

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  • Water: fresh
  • Water temperature: number°C
  • Acidity Ph: 7,2-8
  • Water hardness °dH: 7-27°

In an aquarium with snails, you need to create a fairly fast current. The water must be clean and oxygenated. from a lack of calcium, soft water, the shell of snails quickly collapses.

Aquarium device

  • The size and arrangement of the aquarium: The size of the aquarium doesn't matter.
  • Aquarium setup: Sand is best as a substrate, and snails also need a few flat stones, which they sometimes climb on.
  • Plants: plants in an aquarium with snails are essential. If they do not have enough food, plants can serve as a good supplement for these snails.

Pagoda snails should not be settled in a new, just launched aquarium. To live, snails need fouling on rocks and aquarium decorations.

Behavior and lifestyle of snails Pagoda

  • Aggressiveness: peaceful
  • Behavior: calm/

When moving to another aquarium, Pagoda snails may not come out of their shells for several days. There is a danger that they may die in doing so. Turning off the light in the aquarium for the first time and a rather strong flow of water helps them get used to it faster.

  • Compatibility: Pagoda snails can be kept with any peaceful species that does not feed on snails.

Pagoda snails are best kept in quantities of 4 or more, because they get along well with each other and have a pronounced social behavior .

  • Layers of water: all layers


Diet: herbivores

Snails can be fed high spirulina catfish tablets. It is necessary to feed vegetables. The basis of the diet is lower algae. Pagodas readily eat fouling in the aquarium, incl. black beard.

Snails are fed daily. If the snails begin to eat higher plants, this is a signal that the snails are hungry.

Peculiarities: These snails do not collect the remains of fish food, because. are exclusively herbivores.

In nature, the Pagoda snail lives in freshwater reservoirs in Myanmar. They prefer flowing, oxygen-enriched water of rivers; this species is extremely rare in lakes.

Outwardly, Brotia pagodula cannot be confused with other types of snails, since its shell is very similar to a pagoda (a tower with a multi-level structure), hence the name.

The shell is painted red-brown with pronounced ribs. Her body is mother-of-pearl with a gray tint, in a dark speck.

Pagoda snails are very peaceful and get along well with all the inhabitants of the aquarium. At the same time, they need some time to adapt, getting used to the new environment, the snails crawl out of the shelter in search of various growths and algae.

There is an opinion that these snails lead a social lifestyle, they like to take care of their relatives, for this reason there should be at least 5-7 individuals in the aquarium.

It is not recommended to plant a snail in a new, recently launched aquarium, it does not yet have the usual food for snails in the form of various fouling. In an aquarium for snails, it is necessary to organize an active flow, for example, from a filter. The Pagoda snail prefers water with a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C, pH 7.2 - 8.0.

In nutrition, the snail is very picky and eats only plant foods (mostly lower plants), if the snails began to eat higher plants, then this indicates that they do not have enough food. You can feed Brotia pagodula with carrots, green beans, pears, cucumbers, and catfish food tablets.

The size of snails directly depends on their nutrition - the better the food, the faster the snails grow.


Pagoda snails are heterosexual and viviparous. The female bears an egg with a baby under the shell, after about a month a fully formed small snail is born.

Breeding them in a home aquarium is difficult, they give abundant offspring, which, however, quickly dies. But still, there are cases of growing small snails at home, but not more than once a year.

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