French mustard recipe at home. French mustard at home

the beauty 27.02.2021
the beauty

Mustard is one of the most common spices in the world. And although there are quite a few varieties of this seasoning in the world, two of its varieties are most famous: Russian and French mustard. Today we will look at how French mustard is prepared at home, and learn about some of the intricacies of its preparation.

From our vigorous mustard, French, or Dijon (from the name of the city of Dijon in France) differs, first of all, in softness of taste. It is sweeter and not spicy at all. The types of plants from which the seasoning is made also differ. Russian is made from the seeds of white fine mustard, while French is made from the seeds of the black mustard plant. Seeds are used both ground and whole. Wine vinegar, white wine and spices - salt, sugar, pepper, herbs are also added to French mustard.

French mustard at home

Use this seasoning as the basis of various sauces and marinades. Mustard is used in cooking meat and fish dishes. It is an excellent emulsifier and antiseptic - it kills everything in meat. harmful bacteria keeps it soft and juicy.

Although French mustard is sold in almost every store, it is quite easy to make your own.



It's no secret that in any recipe there are always little tricks that will make the cooking process much easier and more enjoyable. The recipe for making French mustard at home is no exception.

Kuhoman to help

If you recently opened a jar of canned vegetables, then know that marinade or brine makes excellent French mustard.

Add some cumin and a couple of carnation flowers to the mustard mixture for a touch of sophistication.

You can add honey instead of sugar. Dark is best - buckwheat, chestnut, etc.

To preserve the maximum taste and aroma of mustard, fill it with hot water, but not boiling water. Optimum temperature 95-96 degrees.

The most delicious mustard the one that has been infused for more than three days, so do not rush to eat it right away.

Wine is better to take from Chardonnay or Riesling grapes - they will give the most harmonious taste.

Repetition, the mother of learning.

To make French mustard at home quite similar to its French counterpart, we do the following.

Before cooking, make sure that there are no lumps in the mustard powder. We sift. Dilute it with water and bring to a creamy state. Add black mustard seeds (can be large white) and mix everything well. Pour the mixture with hot water and set to infuse (30-40 minutes). After insisting, carefully drain the water and add the remaining ingredients - wine, vinegar, oil and spices. Mix everything thoroughly. We give mustard, how it should be soaked with the tastes of wine and spices, it will take at least a day. Now you can safely open the jar and treat yourself.

By learning how to cook mustard on your own, you can enrich your menu with new, amazingly delicious meals. French mustard belongs to cold sauces, eat fish, poultry, eggs and cheese with it, it helps to digest fatty foods and gives it its own special taste.

Mustard is an annual plant from the Cabbage family. The seasoning of the same name is prepared from its seeds.

Mustard, which is made in France, differs from Russian mustard in that black mustard seeds are used for it. They are not as spicy and have a pleasant taste.

There are about 20 different types of this product, which are prepared according to different recipes. Some are not very sharp, others are strong, vigorous.

The basic recipe was created several centuries ago. It includes brown and black mustard in equal proportions. They can be ground into dust or added as whole grains. The acidifier is white wine, sour grape juice or grape vinegar. Butter and sugar are almost never used in the main recipe.

Benefit and harm to the body

French mustard is very useful. It helps to cure diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism.

This product increases appetite, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, mustard:

  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • affects metabolism;
  • helps break down fats and digest heavy foods;
  • improves the condition of hair and skin.

It is necessary to refrain from the use of mustard for people with gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, stomach ulcers, enterocolitis.

How to make french mustard at home

French mustard is popular and can be easily bought at the store. But the product prepared at home on your own will be tastier. To get real French mustard, you need to use mustard black seeds. They are ground in a mortar or with an electric coffee grinder to a powder state. Such mustard powder, unlike store-bought, contains mustard oil. It's not as spicy and smells different.

To prepare mustard, 10 g of salt, 20 g of sugar, 5 g of turmeric for color and 5 g of herbs are added to the obtained mustard powder (100 g).

Pour the mustard powder with cold water, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or good quality wine vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Everything is mixed and tasted. When the mustard is infused in the refrigerator, it will be even tastier.

There are other cooking options.

For example, we offer a recipe for French honey mustard:

  • mustard powder - 100 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mustard powder is poured with ice water (burning enzymes are ineffective in it).
  2. The composition is mixed, honey is added.

Mustard with a pleasant, sweet taste is ready.

To execute the recipe for French grainy mustard at home, you will need the following products:

  • black mustard seeds - 100 g;
  • white mustard seeds - 100 g;
  • boiling water - 400 ml;
  • salt - 1/2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • high-quality wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix the seeds of two types of mustard.
  2. Pour in half and chop.
  3. Mix whole and crushed grains and pour into a jar.
  4. Pour in boiling water.
  5. Cover the jar with a lid and wrap with a towel. Leave the mixture like this for 3-4 hours.
  6. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and oil to the mustard. Mix.

The resulting product can immediately be used as a seasoning for various dishes. Keep refrigerated.

The use of French mustard in grains in cooking

When it comes to using mustard in cooking, it turns out that not everyone knows how to do it right. The most common recipe for meat marinated with mustard and baked in the oven or on the grill. But there are also recipes delicious salads, snacks and other options for cooking meat using it.

Salad with French mustard and Chinese cabbage

A salad dressing based on French mustard is suitable for any leaf lettuce. Thanks to its thick texture, rich taste and aroma, it will make an ordinary dish unique.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 kg;
  • natural yogurt - 125 ml;
  • French mustard - 1 tsp with top;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • salt and pepper;
  • juice of 1/2 lemon.


  1. washed leaves Chinese cabbage tear apart with your hands.
  2. Prepare a salad dressing using the ingredients listed in the recipe.
  3. Arrange the leaves on a platter and drizzle the sweet and sour mustard sauce over the top.

It is not necessary to mix the finished salad when serving.

Meat baked with granular mustard

Mustard has a great taste that is quickly absorbed into the meat. It allows you to create unique marinades, but is never used on its own.


  • pork or beef;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • grainy mustard;
  • paprika;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Meat with French mustard is prepared as follows:

  1. The meat is cut into thin pieces, heavily beaten.
  2. Then pickled in a mixture of vinegar, oil and mustard. If vinegar is simply poured over the meat, it will get an acid burn, and will not be juicy and tasty. Therefore, the oil in the marinade should be twice as much as the vinegar.
  3. Mustard should make up about a quarter of the total marinade, for taste, add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  4. The marinade is whipped with a whisk, put paprika and a little salt.
  5. Leave the meat in the marinade for 20-25 minutes.
  6. After 25 minutes, the meat is ready for frying. Cook it over high heat in a frying pan or on the grill for 1.5 - 2 minutes. from each side.

chicken recipe


  • chicken;
  • vegetable oil;
  • french mustard;
  • dried rosemary;
  • salt.

Preparation description:

  1. For grilled chicken, thighs are more suitable. They are pickled without vinegar.
  2. For the marinade, take 1 part of honey and 2 parts of vegetable oil.
  3. Combine them thanks to mustard, which will need as much as honey.
  4. As spices, add 1 tsp. rosemary and some salt.
  5. Chicken marinade almost does not absorb, so it makes no sense to keep it in it for a day. You can fry the blanks immediately after dipping into the prepared marinade. Cook the product on moderate heat for 5-6 minutes. from each side.

The thighs are very juicy and flavorful.

French mustard dressing for salad

Mustard salad dressing is quite popular. It will help to make an original snack from the usual salted herring and fresh onions.

For refueling you will need:

  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • green dill - 2 sprigs.


  1. Mustard is mixed with vinegar, oil and chopped dill.
  2. All beat up and get a delicious homogeneous dressing for fish.

Pieces of slightly salted Norwegian herring without bones are laid out on a plate, put in the center onion, cut into rings, and pour mustard dressing over it. Sprinkle the top with chopped dill.

The same principle is used in the preparation of other dressings for salads and cold appetizers. Mustard helps to mix the oil component with other components into a homogeneous emulsion.

What is the difference between Dijon and French mustard?

Dijon mustard is made in France in the city of Dijon. This is one of the varieties of French mustard. Its recipe has its own characteristics, and manufacturing traditions go back to the distant Middle Ages.

French mustard is also known as the black-seeded plant from which Dijon mustard is made.

It belongs to the Cabbage family, grown and used in European countries. In Russia, they prefer to cultivate and use in cooking more spicy, Sarepta mustard.

Nowadays, we can find more than one type of mustard in stores. However, French is in great demand.

Many people want to cook it at home on their own. it right choice, since "own" mustard, with strict observance of the recipe, is the most delicious.

By making it, you will be able to give the taste you expect and as much spice and spiciness as you want.

Belongs to a plant of the cabbage family. It is considered quite a valuable culture. Many people use mustard powder to make a sauce. This powder is prepared by roasting the pomace of the plant.

In areas where mustard grows, there are almost no diseases of viruses and infections. There are three types of mustard: black, English and dry.

Useful properties of mustard

Mustard is considered not only tasty, but also a very useful plant. It facilitates expectoration when coughing, can increase appetite, and helps digestion.

AT traditional medicine there are many mustard recipes that treat pain in the teeth, high pressure, gastric disorders and pneumonia.

Mustard powders contain warming substances that affect blood circulation.

They make breathing easier for chronic colds. To overcome the development of bronchitis and pneumonia, many use mustard plasters. However, those who suffer from ulcers, colitis, are advised not to use this plant.

Many housewives prefer to cook mustard with their own hands. To do this, it is easier to take mustard powder, which gives different tastes depending on the addition of spices with spices and other additives.

Sometimes nuts with chestnuts are added to the mustard. Alas, the instructions with recipes are not always on the powder packages. When preparing mustard, keep in mind that it should be consumed immediately.

Do not choose coarse powder with impurities or husks. However, if you find such substances, then reseed the powder with a sieve.

Preparing mustard at home is not difficult, but it is advised to do it in small quantities. After all, freshly prepared sauce is more pungent and pleasant, and during long-term storage it will lose such properties.

French mustard is considered the most unique because it has many recipes. To prepare mustard from powder, you will need only 25 g. Pour a spoonful of boiled liquid into the powder and rub until a test consistency is obtained.

Then add another tablespoon of liquid. So you can remove the resulting lumps and the mass will turn out homogeneous. Boiling water will help remove excess bitterness.

Now let the mixture stand for a quarter of an hour, after which the mustard will evaporate essential oils.

Add 25 g each of sugar and vegetable fat and 5 g of salt. After cooking, add 9% vinegar (or lemon juice).

At the very end, thoroughly rub the resulting solution.

Consider the fact that similar proportions are suitable for all types of mustard. Also different type french mustard can be with different ratios of ingredients. For example, honey or beer is often added to mustard.

To prepare mustard, be patient and time. The result should surprise both you and your guests.

The most common mustard on the table is made from powder. Take 200 g of this product and sift with a sieve. Then, stirring well, pour in boiling water. The mixture should be in the form of a thick dough.

Now add boiling water and let stand for about 20 hours. After that, drain the liquid and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Pour in about 2 tablespoons of sugar and a small spoonful of salt, more cinnamon and cloves.

The second stage of preparation requires frying the onion (100 g), rubbing it and adding it to the resulting consistency will be the next step.

French Mustard Recipes

Recipe 1

Mustard with grains. You need to prepare mustard seeds with powder. Then you need to pour the powder into a bowl and pour boiling water in a thin stream until a plastic mass is formed. Smooth and slowly pour boiling water over a spoon.

Wait for cooling. Drain the liquid carefully and add sugar with salt and pepper to taste. Add seeds and add vinegar. Next, mix thoroughly and, stirring, add oil.

Recipe 2

Take 230 g of dry powder and mix well. Pour only the removed boiling water, and do not stop stirring until a thick dough is obtained.

Having achieved an excellent result, pour boiled liquid and leave in a warm place for 18 hours.

Drain the water and dilute the dough in wine vinegar (75 g). Next, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt (8 g), cinnamon and cloves (gram each).

While the mixture will accumulate taste qualities, taking 100 g of onion, and frying in oil, wipe on a sieve and add to the dough. Mix and eat.

Recipe 3

Mix a spoonful of cold water with 25 g of dry and ¾ cup of granular mustard. Let it rest for half an hour.

Taking another bowl, stir a spoonful of dry light wine with a spoonful of 5% vinegar, brown sugar (½ cup), onion, cinnamon, salt and turmeric (10 g each). Wait until boiling, then continue to boil for 15 minutes without covering with a lid.

Combine all the ingredients by adding two yolks with a strained vinegar mixture. Now simmer until it thickens and wait for bubbles to appear. Then, removing from the stove, place the container in a very cold liquid.

Continue stirring for 2 minutes to get a homogeneous mass. After the final disappearance of the bubbles, remove the container from the ice. Store the resulting mass in the refrigerator.

Only stir before each use, heating on the stove.

Recipe 4

Prepare mustard powder and grains (50 g each), 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and real vinegar or lemon juice, 75 g of sugar, 10 g of salt, freshly ground colored pepper, cloves, nuts, cucumber pickle.

Pour mustard powder into any convenient dish, pour hot liquid in a thin stream and mix until a plastic mass is formed.

Evenly level and carefully pour boiling water over a spoon.

Leave to cool and carefully drain the liquid. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, then the seeds will absorb everything superfluous. Now add sugar and salt, add vinegar, grate the pepper and mix it all with the seeds.

Transfer the sauce to a glass jar, screw on the lid tightly and leave it on any table overnight. If it turns out to be too thick in the morning, you can add wine vinegar and cucumber pickle or plain water.

This mustard is very pleasant with its sourness, burning and crunchy grains..

Mustard is often used to improve appetite.

17th century mustard recipe

A similar recipe has been preserved, which has come to us since the 17th century. It turns out to be pleasant in taste, does not irritate the taste buds and is in demand by almost everyone.

The French like to make spicy savory with the addition of glucose and vinegar.

You will need 30 g of mustard powder and 70 g of grains, Art. a spoon apple cider vinegar, 75 g sugar, 5 g salt, 80 g water and 10 g vegetable oil.

Pour the powder with salt and sugar into a large bowl. Mix everything and add liquid (40 C).

The consistency should be denser than any seasoning. After stirring well, leave to stand for about 30 minutes. After the powder has absorbed all this, add grains and add vinegar.

Now pour in the oil and put it in a jar, let it brew for 12 hours. Only then serve on the table and store in the cold. To enhance the taste, add horseradish to the sauce, and it will turn out sharper.

To do this, mix 125 g of mustard powder with spices, add warm liquid and let it sit for a while. After that, mix everything again and add 20 g of grated horseradish with 10 g of oil.

Let stand in a warm place for a day, then move to the cold.

We hope that our recipes will be useful to you and will appeal to all relatives and friends.

On the shelves of stores you can find jars of grains in sauce. This is French mustard. Strange, since we are used to a mustard-colored, uniform paste. Here, all attention is focused on grains. It is this variety that is most popular in cooking.

Despite belonging to the Cabbage, according to appearance the plant is very similar to other mustards. The length of the stem of the plant reaches a meter. There are spreading branched leaves. It blooms with the dissolution of bright yellow flowers collected in inflorescences. After flowering, pods are formed, filled with shiny black oval-shaped seeds.

French mustard seeds (photo attached) found wide application. So, allyl mustard and essential oils are made from it. The latter is an important ingredient for table mustard. The French cook from it, used to prepare many dishes.

By the way, oddly enough, mustard is a honey plant. A fairly large amount of honey is obtained from it, which is not only tasty, but also healthy.


Mustard seeds include a lot of useful components. So, French mustard contains vitamins D, A, E. amino acids, ash, essential oils, fiber, fatty acid, such mineral components as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, sodium.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of the product is quite high, so it is not recommended to use it uncontrollably. Otherwise, it will negatively affect health.

Application in cooking

Black mustard is otherwise called real, French, sometimes Indian. The grains have a medium bitterness, strong pungency and a bright, but somewhat pungent aroma.

The use of French mustard in grains is great. Most often, French mustard is used in the preparation of vegetable and meat dishes. Any meat is marinated in it, since mustard has the property of “locking” moisture. As a result, the meat is very juicy.

Pure grains of French mustard, both ground and whole, are used for meat, mushrooms, fish, sausages, added to marinades necessary for canning or pickling mushrooms, vegetables, and various dressings.

French mustard at home

French mustard is the most popular in cooking compared to other varieties. No wonder so many people are eager to learn how to make French mustard at home.

Think French mustard is hard to make? Not at all. The prepared sauce can be used in many dishes due to its versatility. You will need mustard seeds in two shades (white and black), 40 g each. Mustard powder is also used in the amount of 40 g. Additionally, you need 2 garlic cloves, 0.18 kg of turnip and 0.4 l of wine (white, dry varieties). According to the recipe for the preparation of French mustard, you should also take honey in the amount of 2 tbsp. l, salt (2 tsp) and 1 tbsp. l olive oil.

Cooking process:

Quick french mustard

French mustard has some difference from what we are used to - it contains whole seeds. Moreover, their shade can be different. This mustard is a little weaker than ours.

If you prefer a spicier version, you can mix two types of mustard at once - French and ours.

The proposed recipe for making French mustard at home involves the use of 0.1 kg of mustard seeds, 3 tbsp. honey and 50 ml of any fruit juice and . Salt will help bring the taste to perfection.

Cooking process:

Now you know how French mustard is made at home. Using it as an ingredient in salad dressings, you will add sophistication to the dish and emphasize the flavor notes.

Video recipe for making grainy mustard

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