Princess of Wales Diana in contact. Princess Diana

Helpful Hints 18.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Princess Diana was a member of the royal family, the wife of Prince Charles. She is also the mother of the young princes William and Charles. But it was not her titles that made her legendary, but sincerity and good nature, along with a sense of style and beauty. tragic sudden death shocked many fans of Lady Dee.

There were many undisclosed secrets in her life. She did not try to adapt to the requirements placed on her by the title. She didn't try to appease those around her. But the princess was a whole person - extraordinary, sincere. She evoked emotions because she was real, she was not afraid to show feelings in public.

Before her marriage, Diana Spencer worked as an ordinary kindergarten teacher for a small salary and left her job only after her engagement to Prince Charles.

In marriage, she refused the services of a nanny and took care of the children on her own. She planned for them training, recreation, excursions. She even took her sons to school when her busy schedule allowed her.

Undoubtedly, Princess Diana is one of the most famous women of her generation, which has achieved worldwide love and fame with outstanding human qualities. Not without reason, after the death of the princess, many even demanded her canonization.

Posing for the royal photographer, 1965

10-year-old Diana on a summer vacation in West Sussex, 1971

In my mother's homeland in Scotland with my favorite pony, 1974

First year of marriage. The Beginning of Turning In, 1981

Princess Diana watching her husband play polo, 1981

Surveillance from your car for the paparazzi. What a wonderful sweater!

Evening dress and tiara presented by Queen Elizabeth. Diana is gorgeous in this outfit, 1983

Diana with Harry and Charles torment the piano at Kensington Palace, 1984

Dance with beloved Charles, 1985

Visit to the Royal Military Academy in Surrey, 1987

Holidays in sunny Spain with little princes, 1987

Riding with younger son Harry on a pony at Sandringham, 1988

Practical attire for watching Prince Charles play polo, 1988

Vacation on Necker Island in the Caribbean, 1990

Fan paraphernalia suits her, 1994

Meeting at the British Embassy with Hillary Clinton, 1994

Conversation with a black girl who lost her leg in a mining accident, 1997

This will remain in our memory the legendary Princess Diana, or Lady Di, as they liked to call her during her lifetime.

Until now, the cause of her death has not been fully clarified. The official version says that the drunk driver Henri Paul lost control of the car while driving through the tunnel. However, it later turned out that the investigator mixed up the test tubes with tests, admitting that the driver was sober.

Supporters of various theories have come up with a lot of versions of the assassination of the princess, carefully planned by special services. Allegedly, her affair with the heir to the Egyptian rich man Dodi Al-Fayed could lead to the appearance of a stepfather of African origin in the heirs to the throne, as well as what the British monarchs could not allow.

But all these theories remain only the guesswork of those who cannot come to terms with the death of Princess Diana. And this once again proves her great influence on people.

What do you think of the life and death of the Princess of Wales?

What I actually knew about Princess Diana before today? The fact that she was and is the favorite of the English people, as well as Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and many other inhabitants of the planet, was unhappy in marriage with Prince Charles, in union with him gave birth to two sons, one of whom, probably very soon, can become king. She died while still very young. After the accident, the body of the son of Egyptian billionaire Dodi Al-Fayed, who was her alleged lover, was found in the tunnel next to her.

Here you go. First, I found as many photos of Princess Diana as possible. I looked at these photos and thought about how amazing and beautiful they are. On many of them, she seems to be shining with happiness, so all sunny, bright. But staged shots, as it turned out, are very often deceptive. It has long been no secret that when 19-year-old Diana Spencer married 33-year-old Prince Charles, she knew that he had been in a relationship with a married lady Camilla Parker-Bowles for eight years, she also knew that and after marriage, her husband will associate with this woman. Imagine the state of a girl who initially counted on some kind of fairy tale, they say the heir to the throne himself drew attention to her, she will become a princess, he will love her, idolize her, she is young and pretty, which means life will be beautiful. In addition to the fact that Charles was cold to his young wife, they were also separated by a huge gap in intellectual and spiritual development. Charles was interested in politics, philosophy, ecology, history, painting, architecture with early years, adored hunting and fishing, could not do without servants, but nevertheless he was ready to crawl on his knees all day, weeding his beds with organic vegetables. And Princess Diana barely finished school, no one was particularly involved in her upbringing, her parents divorced when she was six years old, when she turned 15, her father brought her into the house new wife, future princess was left to the nannies and to herself, she loved to read women's novels, played the piano well and adored ballet, she was not going to maintain intelligent conversations with Dee's husband, especially on her honeymoon. Perfectly two different person“Diana and Charles, they were never meant to be happy for a single day. I read the book "Princess Diana. Life Told by Herself”, in which our heroine tells almost everything about her life without concealment.

At first, Diana cherished the hope that she could outshine her husband's mistress Camilla, but very quickly realized that she would never win this battle. And depression began, attacks of bulimia and even attempts to injure herself, it is clear that freely or not, she wanted to attract her husband's attention to herself. In her book, Princess Diana writes a lot about her rival Camille, she literally pours mud on her, calling her a Rottweiler with a huge lower jaw, sagging breasts, calls her an untidy, foul-smelling slob. Diana talks on the topic: how could Prince Charles be so tightly attached to Camilla? Charles initially visited the bedroom of his legal wife once every three weeks, and after the birth of the heirs, he completely ceased to fulfill his marital duty. Naturally, the temperamental and freedom-loving Diana began to make lovers for herself. She was always ready for a divorce, she threw herself into each of her novels as if into a pool with her head. But all these guys, they did not love her, perhaps they were in love, they wanted her as a woman, they were delighted that the princess herself paid attention to them, nothing more. One of the lovers sold his revelations and Diana's letters for a very large sum of money. Just think - her lovers are divided into official and unofficial, the first five, the second eight. Do you think she's a whore? Or just a woman who yearned for love?

But ordinary people adored their princess, as soon as she appeared on an official visit in any place where the British dynasty rules, people flocked to her by rivers and waterfalls, be it Britain, Australia, New Zealand or Canada. Diana always looked fantastic, while she did not spend a penny on her outfits. All the fashion houses of the world were ready to send her their outfits for free, if only she put them on and appeared in front of the world like that.

Princess Diana died when she was 36 years old. A beautiful end to a bright and unusual story. Whatever one may say, but Diana remained the favorite of the people, the “queen of hearts”, she did not know how to hypocrite, but what can I say? Many girls in her place would simply turn a blind eye to the betrayal of an unloved husband, portray happiness and save the marriage at all costs, but Diana wanted something real. Unrestrained, sensitive, prone to depression and tantrums, this young woman was complete opposite mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II. Decades will pass from the day of her death, and the people will remember her. Charity, many good deeds, not only a pretty appearance won the love of the people of Diana.

Wedding photos of Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

Only after the divorce, Diana was able to afford to appear in public in jeans.

Before Diana, Prince Charles met with her sister Sarah, but something went wrong with them ...

In this photo, Diana and her rival Camilla.

Childhood photo of Princess Diana, though she was not a princess then :) Diana adored hamsters and guinea pigs, but did not like dogs.

A rare photo of Princess Diana, where she was without bangs, with an open forehead, she was very good!

And this is also Princess Diana! Ballet lover.

The paparazzi often photographed Princess Diana in swimsuits. Our heroine knew about this and willingly posed for the photographers who sat "in the bushes".

In this photo, a very young Princess Diana.

Pictured with billionaire Dodi Al-Fayed.

Ha! And that's her too!

Andrew Morton's acclaimed biography, Diana, will be released this week in the UK. Her True Story, which will be supplemented for the first time with a transcript of the audio recordings of the mother of Princes William and Harry. Excerpts from this book appeared on the network, in which Lady Di talks about her childhood and relationships with men. As the princess herself admits, as a child she was very unhappy: “Mom constantly cried. They often quarreled with my father, and once I even saw my father hit my mother in the face. It was terrible. My brother and sisters and I lived in constant fear because we didn’t know when the next scandal would break out.”

As a teenager, it was difficult for Diana to establish contact with other children: “At the age of 14, I realized that I did not have a single talent. And it was very difficult for me to communicate with boys, I didn’t know how to behave around them, so I was friends only with girls. Although, to be honest, I spent most of my free time from classes in the ballet class alone, practicing hour after hour at the barre. It was my way of escaping reality,” admitted the Princess of Wales.

After Diana's parents divorced and her father John Spencer married a second time to the daughter of the famous English writer Lady Barbara Cartland - Rhine, he almost completely stopped his communication with children from a previous marriage: "We did not find common language with stepmother. She is very Difficult person. In addition, after my father had a cerebral hemorrhage in 1978, she forbade the medical staff to let us see him. I don't know what he thought, maybe he thought we had abandoned him, but it wasn't! I suffered a lot because of this,” Diana said about one of the most difficult periods in her life.

Diana's father with his wife Raine

On the eve of the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, many fashion experts looked closely at the democratic outfits of the future duchess and predicted that she would become a destroyer of royal traditions. But actually in history british crown there was another freedom-loving nature who was not afraid of the wrath of Elizabeth for non-compliance with the protocol - Princess Diana.

Members of the royal family are required to comply not only with the rules of the dress code, but also to match the tastes of Elizabeth. In particular, for women, not only shoes and outfits are regulated, but even the color of nail polish. The Queen's favorite shade is pastel pink "Ballet Slippers", which is exactly what Meghan Markle and other women wear. By the way, Megan switched to this color even before the official engagement, so she wanted to give a sign to Her Majesty that she knows and appreciates the traditions of the family.

Lady Dee - that's who was really ready to show character. When her marriage to Prince Charles faltered, she made a point of using bright red nail polish. Before that, her choice had always been in favor of natural shades, but as soon as she felt that The Royal Family becomes in opposition to it, immediately began to look for such seemingly imperceptible, but significant, ways of resistance.

The night that Charles publicly announced his relationship with Camilla, Diana wore a skimpy little black dress to an evening at the Serpentine Gallery and covered her nails in red nail polish. Since then, when the news of the divorce has already become public, the color of Lady Dee's manicure has not changed. Diana was young, energetic, full life force, she wanted freedom, and she was not ready to live submissively at court. She applied beige varnish only in those cases when she was preparing for some public speaking, for example, in front of patients diagnosed with HIV.

Red nail polish has always been a sign of defiance, this is what gave Diana inner strength and self-confidence. Stylists and biographers express the idea that she always felt the power of style in a special way, and her appearance was a reflection of her emotions.

It was her first summer fully spent in the status of a divorced woman. A year has passed since their official breakup with Charles. A friend appeared next to Diana, on whom she could count, she had just returned from a joint vacation with her sons and was full of hope that life would finally change.

If this actually happened, the royal family would be in a terrible position.

Dreaming of a prince

Princess Diana was the youngest of three daughters of Viscount Althorp John Spencer and his wife Frances. All the family fortune and titles were inherited by their younger brother Charles, while the sisters were to be successfully married.

The lively and direct Diana turned out to be immune to the exact sciences and studying at school. In college, she lasted a year, paying much more attention to music, dancing and reading novels by Barbara Cartland (the book "The King's Bride" was her favorite).

When Diana turned 18, she suddenly turned into the heroine of such a novel herself.

The heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, has long been looking for a bride. The noble married lady Camilla Parker-Bowles, with whom he kissed at the races in front of everyone, did not suit the court in all respects: even if Camilla had left her husband, the heir could not marry a divorced woman.

Heeding the hard requests (if not orders) of his father, Charles agreed to Diana's candidacy as his wife. He was familiar with her older sister Sarah, visited the Spencer estate and it didn’t make much difference who to marry, if it was not Camilla, for him.


They had been talking for less than a year when Charles proposed to her, begging her to think carefully. Diana agreed with lightning speed: whether she really fell in love with Charles or convinced herself of this, so as not to spoil the fairy tale, is now difficult to say. On February 24, 1981, the engagement was officially announced.

Almost immediately, Charles went on a tour of Australia and New Zealand, leaving his bride in literally to be eaten by the paparazzi. Diana at that time lived in London in the same apartment with her friends and every day went to work in Kindergarten where she worked as an assistant teacher. Photographers rented an apartment opposite and guarded her every minute.

After moving to Kensington Palace, things didn't get any easier.

Before the wedding, it became clear that Charles and Diana had nothing in common - he was a "prince" to the marrow of his bones, who loved traditional royal entertainment (polo, hunting) and listened to Haydn in the evenings; Diana, on the other hand, was an ordinary young resident of London - despite her aristocratic origin. The thirteen-year age difference made the gulf between them even deeper.

... And two weeks before the wedding, Diana found out that Charles did not even think of ending his previous relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. In desperation, she sobbed into her sister's shoulder that she could not marry him!

"Bad luck Dutch (Diana's childhood nickname), your portraits are all over the tea napkins, so it's too late to back out," she heard back.

Due to shattered nerves, Diana began to have bulimic attacks.

The dressmakers who worked on the wedding dress of the princess had to sew it in at the waist several times. Stunning in beauty and scale, the wedding ceremony in St. Paul's Cathedral was watched by 750 thousand viewers, another 600 thousand people went out into the street to see everything live.

Britain was happy: before their eyes the wedding of the century was taking place. No one imagined what tragedy it would end in.

Diana vs. Court

A year after the wedding, she gave birth to Charles's son, and the country's heir to the throne. Relations in the marriage became even more tense: Diana fell into postpartum depression, and the confused Charles, at the slightest hint of a quarrel, simply left the house. Where he was going, Diana did not doubt for a second.

“Bad luck Dutch (Diana’s childhood nickname), your portraits are already on all the tea napkins, so it’s too late to retreat”

To some extent, they both just wanted to be loved, but did not know how to give love first. Charles spent most of his childhood away from his mother, who was solving important government issues, and from his father he heard more criticism than praise. Diana, on the other hand, was so upset by the divorce of her parents that even as an adult she did not stop judging her mother:

“She should have stayed with us! I would never, ever leave my children! I'd rather die!"

In matters of raising William and Harry, she was adamant and easily violated royal traditions: she chose the names herself, decided to give birth not in the palace, but in the hospital, and did not miss the opportunity to show her sons real, not royal life.

The queen was unnerved, but Elizabeth held on. Until the relationship between Diana and Charles turned into open hostility. Tired of constant deceit, Diana initiated the publication of a book in which she honestly described all the ins and outs of her marriage to Charles.

“On the table lay a letter on the stamped paper of Windsor Castle, written in such a recognizable clear handwriting of the Queen. It began with the words "Dear Diana ...", and ended, as usual: "With love, from mom."

Diana: Her True Story was published in May 1992. Since then, their family has actually ceased to exist - but officially the divorce occurred in 1996 at the initiative of the Queen. Giving an interview with the BBC, in which Diana openly admitted her own infidelities to Charles and accused Camilla of the collapse of their marriage, she left Elizabeth no other choice. These scandals had to be stopped at all costs.

“On the table lay a letter on the stamped paper of Windsor Castle, written in such a recognizable clear handwriting of the Queen. It began with the words "Dear Diana ...", and ended, as usual: "With love, from mom." The princess was very hurt by the mention contained in the letter that the queen consulted with the government and the church, ”recalled Diana’s butler Paul Burrell.

She was allowed to remain at Kensington Palace as the mother of the heirs to the throne. But then, with a shudder, they began to follow the new Diana - who had finally become a free woman.

In the year that has passed since the divorce, she managed to make friends with film producer Dodi Al-Fayed. Unlike Charles, he happily dedicated everything to Diana. free time and shared her hobbies in swimming, music, dancing ... During those holidays in July 1996, she introduced him to her sons.

What would happen if their friendship turned into something more? The Muslim stepfather of the heirs to the British throne - such a queen could not imagine in her worst dream. The death of Diana and Dodi in a car accident resolved this difficult conflict forever.

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