Devices that allow you to see through walls. How to get through the wall? Can you walk through a wall? What helps everyone to penetrate through the walls

Tourism and rest 17.08.2019
Tourism and rest

In our universe at the level of atoms, in addition to surface tension, van der Waals forces and the bond between hydrogen particles, there are many unusual quantum effects. Naturally, in ordinary life we ​​are not given to see the principles of the work of quantum forces. However, this does not mean that these forces do not exist in nature at all. It has long been known that atoms mainly consist of emptiness, and all the material objects around us are created precisely from atoms, which means that with such a train of thought, a logical question arises as to why a person does not pass through a wall.

Quite simple: a nucleus consisting of neutrons and protons, and electron layers. However, the distance between these components is amazing. And it is not filled with anything, although it would be more accurate to say that it is filled with a vacuum. If an atom suddenly for some reason becomes the size of a small football arena, then the field at this location will be completely empty, and you will not find the core at all, since it will become no larger than the eye of a needle. Is it then possible to pass through the wall?

An example of a quantum effect

To verify the fact that atoms are mostly empty, a very simple experiment can be done. To do this, it is necessary to bring a particle of a radioactive element the size of a grain of salt to the human body and bring the counter closerGeigeron the other hand. You will be surprised, because some incredibly small particles pass through the body, as evidenced by the crackle of the counter. This could be explained by the fact that the object in front of the radioactive element is, by and large, simply empty. Despite our feelings and perceptions, this statement is fully consistent with reality.

Passing through solid objects in popular culture

If we end up being mostly just emptiness, how can we go through a wall? For example, in a film called "Ghost" the character of actor Patrickswayzewas killed by the antagonist and after that became an incorporeal spirit. Whenever he wanted to influence something tangible, such as his girlfriend, who was brilliantly played byDemiMoore, his hand went through her. The character realized that now he does not have a material component and simply floats in space, not interacting with solid objects in any way. At one point in the film, he sticks his head through the door of a train car that is in motion. Although the vehicle is moving, and the character's body is on the other side of the wall, he does not experience any sensations.

Pauli exclusion principle

Andall-stillhow to learn to pass through walls like a ghost and is it possible? The answer to this question can be obtained by observing one rather rare phenomenon. In physics, there is such a thing as the Pauli exclusion principle, its essence is as follows: in the same system of quanta, a pair of electrons can never be in the same quantum state. Exactly because of this reasonelectronswith the same charge do not approach each other. This principle explains why all material bodies seem solid to us, which in principle is a distortion of reality. The truth is that any substance is not more than half filled with anything.

The first way to get through the wall

When we sit down on a chair, it seems to us that we are in contact with its surface. In reality, we are a little higher, about a nanometer, than the atoms that make up the object, under the influence of quantum and electrical forces. Any of our interaction with objects never leads to full contact. The strength of atoms always leaves at least a small, but the distance between objects. How to get through the wall? To do this, it is enough just to cancel the fundamental Pauli principle.

The phenomenon of passing through the wall

History saved description amazing phenomenon when the person passed through the wall. This person's name was Januszkvalezek, and he was famous for always "escaping" from the prison cell, no matter how well it was protected.
This person claimed that he visualizes a "cloud of light", which allows him to pass through any material objects. When he first got into the punishment cell, he began to imagine his own cloud, evoking in his own body the power he described to overcome any obstacles.

This person is a good example-statement that someday you will have to pay a certain price for all your talents and deeds. Of course, he acquired an incredible ability, but throughout his life, Janusz was constantly arrested, confusing him with intruders.

In the archives of prisons you can find the following records: "Januszkvalezekwas arrested and placed in a punishment cell. Disappeared due to unclear circumstances. "The newspapers wrote about him as a man passing through a wall. Once, when he was again placed in a punishment cell, he met the physicist HeinrichShokolsky. The scientist began to study the abilities of Janusz. At that time, this character was considered an explorer of everythingparanormal. He argued that in moments of stress, a person is able to release huge energy reserves for use for his own purposes.

Janusz agreed to go through the wall again, and they agreed what, when Heinrich is released, they will meet at the appointed place. But this time it was necessary to pass not only through one wall, but also through two adjacent punishment cells. However, Janusz successfully coped with the task, and they again saw the physicist.

The experiments continued constantly, but once, when Janusz once again passed through the wall, he did not come back.

After this incident, a lot of scientific papers were written. A more or less reliable hypothesis is the assumption that Janusz used the astral body. Researchers studying teleportation said that this case is incredibly rare and is possible only with the transformation of parts of the body into an elementary particle.

Instructions for passing through walls

However, when reading the article, you probably wondered how to pass through walls at home. We will describe the answer in detail in this part of our story. The method really exists, only it lies in the plane of dreams.

Sleep plays a significant role in our lives. It occupies almost a third of our entire existence. The plane of dreams is still an unexplored and mysterious part of the world, despite all the efforts made by scientists in the study of this issue. There is an interesting phenomenon called lucid dreaming.

What is lucid dreaming and why can it help you get through the wall?

First of all, a lucid dream is a state of consciousness when an individual understands that he is in a dream, but at the same time has the ability to control the structure of sleep and all objects in it.

If you, for example, in an ordinary dream you are a follower, you cannot control the script and plot of the dream, the dream you are watching is exclusively your "movie". Here you can act both as the main actor and director.

When you gain the ability to be aware of yourself in a dream, you begin to go through situations that are impossible in a normal dream. Everyday life. This list includes such amazing and impossible things for the layman as flight, "communication with Monica Bellucci", telekinesis, teleportation and so on. Thus, the answer to the question "how to learn to pass through walls" the answer will be "learn

Possibilities in Lucid Dreaming

In addition to all the above advantages of this phenomenon, the main of which is the ability to pass through the wall, there are many others. positive sides this phenomenon:

    you don't waste time and live full life, even at night;

    you can travel anywhere in the world;

    you have the opportunity to realize all your desires;

    you experience those emotions that you didn’t even think about before;

    any conversations with anyone become a reality;

And many more others! It all depends on your ability to control a lucid dream.

The display of the device displays various information - the location of the object, the direction of movement, as well as its speed. According to the authors of the work, the device itself does not emit any waves, and therefore it is impossible to detect its work.

Kevin Chetty and Carl Woodbridge from University College London have invented a special device that allows you to detect moving objects through walls (stationary objects are invisible to the device).

A prototype has now been unveiled that only works if there is a Wi-Fi access point nearby, and the technology is called See Through The Wall (STTW).

In their work, British scientists applied the Doppler effect (by which, by the way, most of the exoplanets were discovered) to wireless access points to the Network and found out that in this way you can literally see through walls - recognize objects behind opaque barriers.

As you know, when reflected from moving objects, radio waves slightly change their length (Wi-Fi radio waves are concentrated in the region of 2.4 GHz), which prompted scientists to develop an appropriate detector that registers these changes. It consists of a pair of antennas and one signal processing device. Its dimensions are approximately equal to an ordinary diplomat, and it can even detect the movement of a person behind a wall 30 centimeters thick.

The display of the device displays various information - the location of the object, the direction of movement, as well as its speed.
According to the authors of the work, the device itself does not emit any waves, and therefore it is impossible to detect its work. Chetty and Woodbridge hope that their invention can be used for military purposes, and law enforcement agencies will also be able to find application for it. At present, the developers note, the British Ministry of Defense has already become interested in the device, which is considering its use in urban combat.

Photo from the site

Recall that passive radars have been known for quite a long time and are a special case of diversity radars (RRS) - a radar system in which the transmitting and receiving-coordinate devices are spaced apart in space by a distance (base) that significantly exceeds the range error.

Their main advantage is that they work exclusively as receivers and use third-party radio waves (for example, TV signal repeaters, cell towers, etc.). Also, such radars can detect stealth aircraft and other objects that have means of anti-radar masking. At the same time, passive radars themselves will remain invisible (they do not need their own emitter).

If we take into account how developed cellular, Wi-Fi and so on, it is safe to say that such radar emitters will be enough.


Teleportation - instantaneous movement from one place to another. The term was coined by American writer and paranormal researcher Charles Fort. According to his observations, most people immediately before moving experienced discomfort - weakness, dizziness, nausea, after which they lost consciousness. And only one person felt great both before and after teleportation - the Pole Janusz Kwalezhek.

ball game

Janusz was born in 1880 in Warsaw. His father worked in a mine, and his mother raised four children. Janusz did not give his parents much trouble. Everything changed when the boy was 10 years old. He was playing ball with friends near the railroad, when suddenly the ball flew off to the side and rolled onto the rails. Janusz ran after the ball and found himself in front of a locomotive flying right at him. The driver braked desperately and honked. And Janusz was so confused that he froze right on the rails. Friends shouted to him: "Run, Janusz!" And the guy seemed to be paralyzed, he could not move his arm or leg. The boys mentally said goodbye to him, and he was already enveloped in a cloud of steam and smoke, when suddenly he took a step forward and ... disappeared. In the next second, Janusz was in the shop, which was kept by the old Jew Chaim. The boys ran to him for tasty toffees once a month, when the miners' fathers received a salary. Chaim stood behind the desk and counted on large wooden abacus. When Janusz unexpectedly appeared before him, the shopkeeper looked up, straightened his pince-nez and asked: “Well, son, did Pan Tadeusz give the folder a salary a week earlier?”

old closet

At the age of 12, Janusz excelled again. On weekends, my father liked to sit with a fishing rod on the banks of the Vistula. Early on Sunday morning, he called Janusz and asked menacingly: “Where are my fishing rods? Confess in a good way! Waking up, the boy did not understand anything: he did not take fishing rods. The father did not believe and punished his son - he locked him in a closet for the whole day. Janusz was furious, this injustice hurt him the most. He walked up and down the closet and imagined how the boys were gathering in a crowd near the old oak, as had been agreed the day before, to go to the Vistula to bathe. And today Schesni promised to show his grandfather's gift - a new penknife. Janusz so wanted to see this miracle! Grandfather Schesni came from distant America, where he went to work and from where he brought gifts to his relatives, including a knife to his beloved grandson. The parents allowed Schesney to show the boys the knife once.

Oh what a dream! The day is gone, Janusz decided. He remembered his favorite book, "David of Sasun," in which a certain Megr the Younger went through a rock in a fit of anger. This was followed by a memory from the recent past, when two years ago he himself inexplicably escaped death on railway. And then the teenager decided to repeat his “feat”. He exerted all his strength and threw himself against the wall. The blow was such that the boy for a moment forgot himself, and when he woke up, the Vistula calmly rolled its blue waters in front of him.

disappeared inexplicably

At the beginning of the 20th century, Poland was unsettled. The global industrial and financial crisis of 1901-1903 hit the poorest sections of the population hardest. In response to widespread cuts, rising unemployment and declining wages began mass demonstrations of the workers of Lodz, Czestochowa, Warsaw. In the autumn of 1904, the Poles rose up against the mobilization into the army announced by the government in connection with the Russo-Japanese War.

Janusz Kwalezhek already worked, like his father, at the mine. And when in 1905 the Poles organized a general strike that engulfed enterprises and universities, Janusz joined it. The authorities did not stand on ceremony with the rebels, and Janusz Kwalezhek ended up behind bars. There he found himself in the same cell with students who went on a hunger strike against the actions of the authorities. Janusz joined the starving. The result is a punishment cell. And suddenly a strange entry appeared in the prison reports: “For bad behavior, Janusz Kwalezhek was taken to a punishment cell. disappeared inexplicably." The police quickly found young man who had no intention of hiding. Janusz again ended up in prison and again immediately in a punishment cell - for trying to escape. But soon the jailers were forced to state: "Janusz Kwalezhek is gone."

Reporters heard about the Kvalezek phenomenon, and many newspapers came out with headlines: "Penetrating through walls." So for Kvalezek this nickname stuck.

Fateful meeting

Prison played a big role in Kvalezek's life. Thanks to her, he became famous throughout the country, and also met a man who became interested in his unusual talent. Polish theoretical physicist and university lecturer Heinrich Shokolsky ended up behind bars for participating in student unrest. Our hero, Janusz Kwalezhek, became his cellmate. Shokolsky was called "an eccentric of science": he was interested not only in physics, but in everything that science could not explain. He has long tried to understand the nature of paranormal phenomena, such as poltergeist, transmigration of souls, telekinesis, and so on. Janusz Kwalezhek became a gift of fate for Shokolsky.

Watching Janusz, Shokolsky theorized that when stressed, Kwalezhek released a large supply of energy, which allowed him to penetrate walls. According to the physicist, approximately the same thing happens with other people caught in extreme situation. That is why a person can jump over a tall fence, lift a multi-ton truck, walk on burning coals. But theory is one thing and practice is another. Janusz Kwalezhek and Heinrich Shokolsky decide to experiment right in prison. The pair immediately agree that as soon as Shokolsky is free, they will meet at the agreed place and continue communication. At that time, it turned out to be much more difficult for Janusz to demonstrate his abilities than usual: the cell in which the prisoners were located did not border on the outer wall. Janusz already knew from experience that it would be more difficult to leave such a room, because he had to go through two adjacent cells. However, the experiment was successful. Shokolsky carefully recorded everything he observed.

ahead of time

Janusz Kwalezhek and Heinrich Shokolsky continued their cooperation, as agreed. The scientist kept a kind of diary, displaying the parameters of the “ward: body temperature (it increased slightly at the moments of passage through the walls), heart rate (changed). Otherwise, Kvalezhek remained in the same physical form, as usual, only experienced extreme excitement and sweated profusely. Shokolsky tried with the help of special devices to catch electromagnetic waves emanating from the subject, but he did not succeed. But the physicist managed to find fingerprints on the wall through which Kvalezhek passed.

At some point, Shokolsky attracted his laboratory assistant Adam Stankevich to conduct experiments. Either something went wrong with the experimenters, or for another reason, but one day Janusz Kwalezhek passed through the wall and ... disappeared forever.

This experiment cost scientists dearly. Adam Stankevich lost his place at the university, and Shokolsky ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Subsequently, Stankevich wrote in his memoirs: “Heinrich Shokolsky was the last one who spoke with Janusz. Nothing foreshadowed the loss, and what happened is beyond all understanding. Perhaps Janusz stumbled (naturally, in his own way), stumbling in the “portal” on the edge between the worlds, which he only knows, and remains on the other side of both our world and our understanding ... "

About a hundred years have passed since that time. AT new Age humanity has entered with many mysteries, one of them is still teleportation. Although, I must say, scientists are very close to unraveling this phenomenon. So, in the USA, serious tests are being carried out on the teleportation of complex molecules. After that, it will take several more decades to develop a method for teleporting DNA. An American physicist of Japanese origin Michio Kaku is sure: “There are also no fundamental objections to human teleportation - just like in science fiction films, but technical problems that must be overcome on the way to such an achievement are amazing.”


February 26

13:09 2016


Those who watched the popular film "Katala" in the 90s will surely remember with what effect main character used a device that allows you to see reverse side kart. And he probably thought that such “lenses” were an invention of filmmakers.

Meanwhile, the development of devices that see through walls, fences, and other obstacles has been going on for a long time. And it is possible that already in this decade there will be devices that will really make the game of cards meaningless. Or they will force gamblers to migrate from tables covered with green cloth to virtual Internet resources of the gaming industry.


In principle, through thin barriers it allows you to "see" an ordinary one, acting on the basis of receiving and recognizing infrared radiation. "Translucent" scanners are also known, which are used at airports to search for objects hidden under clothing. But, say, for the conditions of hostilities, something more “sighted” is needed: capable of recognizing an enemy at a great distance, hiding not behind a plywood screen or fabric canopy, but behind brick walls, panel slabs, etc.

It is not surprising that information about the achievements of Simferopol scientists, published at the end of last year 2015, aroused great interest. Employees of the EMIIA enterprise managed to create a device capable of "seeing" through almost any materials used in residential and industrial construction.

And at a distance of up to 50 m.

PHOTO 2 "All-seeing lenses for the player"

So far, it is only known that the action of a scientific discovery is based on the Doppler effect - that is, on a change in the frequency of a signal reflected from a moving object.

Needless to say, what significance this development has in the light of the President's calls to strengthen the defense capability of our country. Moreover, “our partners” already have such projects. Back in August 2015, an installation was presented in London that also uses the Doppler effect and allows you to fix objects behind a quarter-meter-thick concrete layer.

But for systems whose operation is based on the Doppler effect, one question remains: what do they actually record? Until now, devices of this kind have recorded the movement of an object, but what is the object itself? Is it a person? Or wiping floors?


The development of scientists from the University of Maryland (USA) also looks promising. They scan the space behind the barrier using radio waves in the terahertz range (3 1011-3 1012 Hz) - the so-called "T-rays".

In principle, devices using radiation of this frequency are already used in medicine: unlike X-rays, T-rays are completely harmless to biological objects. But the complexity of their use lies in the fact that the application has so far been possible only at temperatures close to absolute zero.

The second problem is the visualization of the image obtained by the “T-ray” reflected from the object. In medicine, this problem was solved with the help of graphene plates - a modification of carbon with increased electron mobility in the crystal lattice. Thanks to this property, the T-beam gets the opportunity to "heat" and "knock out" these electrons from the graphene plate. As a result, a positive potential appears on the plate, which helps to register and visualize the object under study.

But how did American scientists manage to bring such sophisticated equipment to a size at which it can be used in a real combat situation? Or was it just a laboratory sample that demonstrated the fundamental suitability of the method?


So far, we have been talking about devices operating according to the radar scheme: "radiation - reflection of radiation by the object under study - registration of reflected radiation by a scanning device." The fatal drawback of this method is that any radiation is attenuated or scattered, distorted by an obstacle standing between the scanner and the object under study.

Is it possible to detect a person behind a wall in any other way? Are there physical fields for which there are no barriers?

So far, two of them are known: gravitational and torsion. Moreover, the existence of the second is under great doubt. However, it is also the most promising in terms of experiments to detect hidden objects. It is no coincidence that in Soviet time studies of torsion fields (in order not to confuse academic science, some called these phenomena "vortex technologies") was carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense and the KGB. But the employees of these departments are not lovers of wasting time!

PHOTO 3 "Woe to the enemy of that soldier who sees through walls!"

Any person is a source of a whole range of torsion fields. This phenomenon can be generated, for example, by blood circulation in circulatory system biological object.

The whole problem lies in the registration of the torsion fields themselves. And according to their distortion in the presence of a biological object.

So far, the assumptions that torsion fields lead to:

* to a change in the spin of electrons in atomic orbits of a number of chemical elements;
* cause superconductivity in some materials.

If the latter assumption is correct, then by measuring the current in a conductor made of a certain composite, it is possible to detect the presence of a biological object behind any obstacle - both a sheet of plywood and tank armor.

The rest (determining the shape of an object, the speed of its movement, etc.) is a matter of technology.

It remains to be hoped that the studies that were carried out in the USSR from 1980 to 1989 were not forgotten and continue to this day. And soon into service Russian army there will be such devices in front of which the “catala lenses” from the film of the same name are a mouse squeak compared to a tiger’s roar ...

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