Mark Schwartz family. Love and separation by Isaac Schwartz

Career and finance 07.09.2019
Career and finance

Vladimir Maksimovich Schwartz(1808-1872) - adjutant general, artillery general, member of the Military Council.


The son of Lieutenant Maxim Maksimovich Schwartz from his marriage with Elizaveta Osipovna Baranova, daughter of a state councilor and sister of the poet D. O. Baranov. Received education in Corps of Pages, from where he was released on April 13, 1825 as an ensign with enrollment in the horse artillery company No. 10, and some time later he was transferred to the guards horse artillery.

In 1828-1829, Schwartz took part in the campaign against the Turks, upon his return from which he joined the troops assigned to suppress the Polish uprising. Both of these campaigns provided an opportunity for Schwartz to distinguish himself. For the capture of Warsaw, he was awarded the Order of St. Anna of the 4th degree with the inscription "For Bravery" and the Polish badge for military merit of the 4th degree, since then he has been rapidly rising in the ranks.

In 1839, Schwartz was promoted to colonel and appointed commander of a battery battery of the Guards Horse Artillery, and three years later he was appointed commander of the Life Guards Horse Artillery. Granted on January 28, 1848, to the rank of adjutant wing, Schwartz the following year, on April 3, was promoted to major general and approved by the commander of the Life Guards Horse Artillery.

In 1851 he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir of the 3rd degree and on November 26, for an impeccable service of 25 years in officer ranks, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th degree (No. 8598 according to the cavalier list of Grigorovich - Stepanov).

Enrolled on December 6, 1852 in the retinue of His Imperial Majesty with the retention of his post, Schwartz in 1855 was the head of the artillery unit in Kronstadt. On August 30, 1857, he was promoted to lieutenant general and at the same time was appointed to be with the Feldzeugmeister General of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, under whom he spent three years - until his appointment in 1860 as chief of artillery of the Separate Guards Corps. He held this position for only two years, and in 1861 he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree.

In 1862, Schwartz was appointed to the post of chief of artillery in the Kingdom of Poland and on July 6 (according to G. A. Miloradovich - June 6) of the same year he was granted adjutant general. Occupying this position during the difficult time of the second Polish uprising, Schwartz, with his energy, experience and diligence, contributed a lot to the rapid and successful suppression of this uprising. For this, in 1864 he was renamed the chief of artillery of the Warsaw Military District and was awarded the Order of the White Eagle.

Appointed in 1865 as a member of the Military Council and inspector of troops, Schwartz returned to St. Petersburg, and since that time his activities have been concentrated in various commissions. In the same year, he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, and two years later was appointed a member of the commission on the crime of Karakozov. In the same 1867, he took the post of head of the Military Hospital Committee.

The following year, 1868, on May 20, Schwartz was promoted to general of artillery, with the rank of adjutant general and in all his positions, and with enrollment in the guards horse artillery. Following that, he was appointed chairman of a special commission to change the charter of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy.

In 1871, Schwartz was awarded diamond badges to the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

In addition to other awards, Schwartz had the Russian orders of St. Stanislav of the 1st degree (1854), St. Anna of the 1st degree (1856, the imperial crown was granted to this order in 1859).

V. M. Schwartz died in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1872, and was buried at the Volkov cemetery (A number of sources erroneously indicate a different date - October 7).

According to P.P. Kartsov, Vladimir Maksimovich Schwartz was a man of truth who did not change his honest beliefs and rules for any pleasing strong of the world this, not from worldly views and honors.

A family

Wife - Alexandra Alekseevna Tomilova(1815-1878), daughter and heiress of the famous collector and philanthropist Alexei Romanovich Tomilov (1779-1848) from his marriage to Varvara Andreevna Melgunova (1784-1823), niece of Senator A.P. Mlgunov. She was buried next to her husband at the Volkovo cemetery. Their daughters:

  • Elizabeth (1841-1882), married to State Councilor Vladimir Yulievich Giuliani.
  • Barbara (1843-1863)
  • Alexandra (1848-1926), since 1868 the maid of honor of the court, heiress of the Uspenskoye estate. Since 1874 she has been married to Vladimir Stepanovich Adamov (1838-1877). Having become a widower, in 1878 she remarried Evgeny Grigorievich Schwartz (1843-1932), her distant relative.


  • Volkov S. V. General Russian Empire. encyclopedic Dictionary generals and admirals from Peter I to Nicholas II. Volume II. L-Z. M., 2009
  • Miloradovich G. A. List of persons of the retinue of their majesties from the reign of Emperor Peter I to 1886. Kyiv, 1886
  • Pototsky P. A century of Russian horse artillery (1794-1894). SPb., 1894
  • Russian biographical dictionary: In 25 volumes / under the supervision of A. A. Polovtsov. 1896-1918.
  • List of generals by seniority. Corrected on August 1st. SPb., 1872
  • Stepanov V.S., Grigorovich P.I. In memory of the centenary of the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. (1769-1869). SPb., 1869
  • Freiman O. R. Pages for 183 years (1711-1984). Biographies of former pages with portraits. Friedrichshamn, 1894

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.
A family"!

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - a family.
(M. Schwartz)

2. Toast to the house

Does the blizzard make noise outside the window,
Does the lush foliage play -
Always us dear father's house
Receives with great cordiality.
And that's why we want
To never come
In the corners - troubles, in the hearts - winters,
And everything in him breathed joy.
Blossom and hello, good house,
We drink for you today!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

3. Family and home

Family and home are like light and bread.
Native hearth - earth and sky.
Given to you for salvation
no matter what worries you have.

Let life run hurriedly
wherever the road leads
in your changing fate
There is no better gift from God.

They always keep you
no matter how much you travel around the world,
like a guiding star
and there is no holy shrine this.

Your family is warm and light -
Here is the best consolation for the soul.
There is no other happiness in the world
no other happiness is needed.
(I. Afonskaya)

4. Song about our family (motive "Songs about bears")

Somewhere in the world our family lives,
He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly.
We read books together, we go to the movies together,
On a holiday we sing and dance, on weekdays we will find things!

Mom washes clothes, son sweeps the floor,
Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.
Work argues instantly, everyone is used to work.
And we know how to relax, fry barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la... We have a friendly family!

5. Family

It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
Gathered for dinner!
Will lay out the grandfather,
What I learned from the newspapers
adjusting glasses,
What dried
Sage bunches...
Father and mother -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, camping...
And about the control
Today's me...
Outside the windows, evening
And in the house - FAMILY!
(V. Drobiz)

6. My home

Starlings live in a birdhouse,
The glasses live in the eyeglass case,
The fox lives in his hole
Trees live on the mountain ...
And I have a house too
He is the best:
Mom is in it!
(M. Takhistova)

7. Family Day!

family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Glow with love!

May families be cheerful
The sound of children's laughter
kind and joyful
Holiday for everyone!

love flourishes
Around the Earth!
Peace to your home
And in every family!
(E. Morozova)

8. House

The house, as everyone knows for a long time, -
It's not a wall, it's not a window
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a house.

Home is where it's ready
You come back again and again
Furious, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait
Where do you forget about the bad, -
This is your home.
(E. Kumenko)

9. Family Day

Life is warmer and much more interesting
And it is more reliable to resist,
As you walk through this life together.
And so - keep it up!

To each other be a reliable support,
Kinder and more tolerant - triple ...
God bless you from evil and from strife...
May peace be eternal in your family!
(E. Grudanov)

10. About love

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not a resurrection
And outside the window - not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just what they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both easy and light.
me with dad and mom
So lucky!
(O. Bundur)

11. Family

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
Love is an inexhaustible spring.
Both in clear weather and in bad weather
The family keeps and appreciates the moment of life.

The family is the bulwark and strength of the state,
Keeping the traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A beam of light is like a beacon for sailors.

Rays grow, become brighter
And people eagerly reach for the light.
The soul of the family becomes richer
When love reigns in her and advice.

When understanding reigns
Then the whole world lies at your feet.
Love in the family is the basis of the Universe.
May God bless all our families!
(L. Gaikevich)

12. Good

It's good to wait at home
At the call they hurried to the door,
opened, kissed,
Keep your hands warm, right?

Good for tea
With pies and jam
Sorrows moved away
Good talk, right?

Good to see
It smelled of snow, sun, willow,
So that children everywhere know
There won't be a war, right?

It's good to be loved
Like the first snowdrop love
And then, then any
Not afraid of trouble, right?!
(M. Takhistova)

13. Family

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
I want my friends to talk about you
What a good family!

14. Toast to our roots

This toast to our roots:
What is a tree without roots?
Let them live more spaciously
May they love it more!
(I. Yavorovskaya)


15. The roof of your house

We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than that earth under heaven
Where is the roof of your house?

Any moment of grief
All will disappear,
Just remember the blue stars
Above the roof of your house.

And if suddenly you feel sad,
That sadness means nothing
When you know what's under the sun
There is a roof for your house.

The world is full of joy and happiness
But the native land is the sweetest mile of all ...
And it's so good to be back
Under the roof of your house!
(M. Plyatskovsky)

16. Fairy tale

Mom met dad
This is the beginning of fairy tales.

She gave birth to a son for dad -
This will be the middle.

There is no happier father!
The fairy tale has no end!
(O. Bundur)


17. Family

In Russia, this has long been honored,
What is in our, probably, blood:
For a woman to follow a man
In trials, in wanderings, in love.
So that, recognizing the beginning,
All worries hidden in yourself,
Nevertheless, the confession was remembered:
We are not just the two of us, we are a family.
To find wisdom in yourself
Straightening up in front of the son's face,
Repeat with maternal strength:
"Consult, son, with your father!"
To bear all the fears alone,
She spoke, exhausted, in the end:
“Hug your father, do you hear, daughter,
Something now our father is tired ... "
And I would look with obvious joy,
How warm is the beloved look,
When they sit at the table they are nearby,
As today, for example, they sit ...
We are united in love and faith
We are united by land and labor.
And open doors to friendship
To our solid, sustainable home.
(T. Kuzovleva)

18. Your support

Loved you for no particular reason
For being a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.
(V. Berestov)

19. Parental home

Parental home is a place from Paradise…
Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock...
And mom, with all my heart forgiving mistakes,
Give you warmth and love!

20. I dedicate to mom and dad

Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
Inside of me
From birth
Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
And cry with me
And they sing.

Mom lives in me
with a kind word,
And dad lives - mischievous,
And mom love
To elegant updates,
And dad - to tricks

I see in the mirror
I see in the mirror
Hello from mom and dad.
And here I go to them
Closer and closer
And you say they don't...

And mom and dad
And mom and dad
Inside of me
From birth
And mom and dad
And mom and dad
With me
This song
(N. Pikuleva)

21. What could be more precious than a family?

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!
Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And five of them are interesting.
The kid is like a pet for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything,
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.
Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land

22. My family

Who comes home late
Who looks at things menacingly?
Who changes light bulbs? -
Well, of course - daddy!

Who from morning to night is a squirrel,
Washes, cooks, cuts finely?
Who flies like a swallow? -
Well, of course - mommy!

Who is ready to build a house,
Run, jump, neigh like a horse?
Who is our fidget? -
Well, of course - grandfather!

Who will tell a bedtime story
About Princess Goldilocks
Bake pancakes? -
Well, of course - the grandmother!

Who will break what he built
Who will help me with my sister?
Who is the naughty boy? -
Here he is, bro!

Who is all in bows and dolls,
All in emotions and feelings?
Who sings like a bird? -
This is the sister!

Who, you ask me
Those lovely friends?
I will answer, not melting, -
It's all my FAMILY!
(V. Tunnikov)

23. Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my family.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My father
Learned to fly on it
And I could become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds blew.
And the leaves were chirping
like bells,
When I have
The chicks have arrived...
(G. Dyadina)

24. Anthem of the Family

And the house, consecrated by prayer,
It stands open to all winds,
And the grandmother teaches her granddaughter
Words: "fatherland", "mother", "temple".


Live in peace and harmony.

Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It has faith, righteousness and power.
The family is the backbone of the state,
My country, my Russia.

The family is the original source
Protected by heavenly angels.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrow -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times
Live in peace and harmony.
And let your life be sanctified
Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let it be repeated in generations
Blessed life days.
Save, Lord, the hearth of the family,
Protect your loved ones.
(I. Reznik)

25. Song of the holiday "Happy Moscow family"

When there is such cheerful air around,
Birds and chicks dance in the sky
And forgetting about his considerable age,
Mothers and fathers dance with us.

Happy Moscow family -
And there is no one friendlier in the world!
Dancing together Dad, Mom, Me -
And in the sky, dancing, the sun shines.

Smiles light up our faces
What a great father to be:
Sing and have fun with your children,
And to present flowers to their mother.

What else, tell me, do moms need,
To always say: "This is life!",
When husbands and children dance together:
Some are hip-hop, while others are a twist!
(S. Osiashvili)

26. And family is everything

And family is home
It's two and a third
And maybe the fourth
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines.
In the desired envelope
If separation waves
Sad wing.

And the family is the light
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates all life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where neither the last nor the first,
Where is joy and sorrow -
Always half.

And family is everything.
It gets cold without her
lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
Kinder in the world
Nothing no matter what you think
And no matter how brave...
(I. Yavorovskaya)

27. Who is whose

- Whose are you, whose forest stream?
- Nobody!
- But where are you stream from?
- From the keys!
Well, what are the keys?
– Draws!
- Whose birch is by the stream?
– Draw!
- Are you a cute girl?
- I am my mother, father and grandmother!
(O. Bedarev)

28. How did the word "family" come about?

Once upon a time, the earth did not hear about him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
Who will sew the dress, wash the linen.
Caress me, decorate the house?
Answer the question my friend..?
- "I, I, I" - Eve said - "I".
She said the famous seven "I".
And so the family was born.

29. Family

Grandma will tell me a story
And make a sweet cake
And give me some yarn
So that I can run with a cat!

And grandfather will give me a planer,
Will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing
Tell about the herbs of the forest ...
We are close, a little waddle
let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,
Sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And good dreams will call!

And the wind blows through the windows
I think I don't sleep for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!
(M. Takhistova)


30. Happiness

Oh good God
How right are you:
What happiness -
Husband and children;
Live without changing
To be happier
Everyone in the world!
(N. Samoniy)

31. Dedication to parents

The quiet city of our childhood
At night so often dreams:
Like a tired traveler
Beckons the house to bow.

Oh how delightful they were
These cloudless days!
Given to us by our parents
Happiness to live in the world ...

There are toy houses
Lurking in a sweet slumber,
Like fairytale gnomes
They look stealthily into the river.

In this gentle abode
Waiting for the children to arrive
aged parents,
Which is more precious than anything in the world.

The memory is painful -
We involuntarily hurt those close to us:
The harsh word breaks
And then a stone on the heart ...

Forgive me if you offended
Inattentive children!
We would give everything, parents,
If only you lived in the world ...

Lost in the thick of time
All earthly deeds
But in grandchildren they repeat
Your dashes are native:

Kind of your keepers
Let them walk the planet!
How happy we are, parents,
What are you in the world!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

32. Hunting is prohibited

I remind you friends
And suddenly someone did not hear,
From now on parents
Hunting is prohibited!
And hiding under the bed
And around the corner of the buffet,
It is impossible now in parents
To fire a gun!
It is forbidden to lie in wait
In the kitchen and in the living room
When they're at the watering hole
They walk along a long path.
Check your kindness
More rewarded -
Parents are alone
And they can come in handy!
Tamer Tips:
On the wild parent
No need to stomp and scream
And it is necessary to tame affection!
(M. Schwartz)

33. My family

My family was sent to me by fate.
She gives me warmth, participation.
It has a son and daughter, mother, brother and me,
And my sweet granddaughter is my ray of happiness.

I just can't live without them!
They are with me - the house sparkles with joy.
I will always love life for that,
What is my reward - their love is great!

34. Love! A family! Loyalty!

We grow up with love in our hearts
If the family is full of it.
We feed our feelings with loyalty,
If there are true friends nearby.

For the sake of our loved ones, we are ready for anything.
Above them we do not know love!
We are ready for any sacrifice!
If only they were happy!

In the life of a family, there are different
Unfortunately, it cannot be changed.
I believe those who want, have!
Among them are you, my friends!!!
(A. Maltsev)

Today, the problem of young people's choice of their future profession. Often, due to a lack of plans for the future, talents, hobbies, or because of ignorance of predisposition, school graduates enter the nearest university, the university to which their parents send, or to the same university that their friends go to. So that after 5 years of sitting in pairs of pants to go to work not in their specialty.

But is it really that bad? After all, there are examples in world history when, having studied in one specialty, a person achieved significant results in another field. Take, for example, Evgeny Schwartz...

Childhood and youth

The future Soviet writer and playwright was born on October 9, 1896. It happened in Kazan. Little Zhenya's parents were doctors: father Lev Borisovich was a surgeon, and mother Maria Fedorovna was a midwife. On the paternal side, the boy had Jewish roots, which he renounced at the age of seven, after baptism in Orthodox Church.

Evgeny Schwartz with his parents and brother

After the arrest of Lev Borisovich in 1898, on suspicion of secret revolutionary activities, the family was persecuted, because of which the Shvarts had to move from one place to another.

Having visited Dmitrov, Armavir, Ryazan (with the parents of Maria Fedorovna) and Akhtyr, the family stopped in Maikop (now the capital of the Republic of Adygea), where Zhenya spent his childhood and youth. In the same place, in 1902, his younger brother Valentin was born.

After school, the boy enters the local school. After graduating in 1913, Eugene went to enter the Moscow People's University named after Alfons Leonovich Shanyalavsky (now the Russian State University for the Humanities).

On the instructions of his parents, he enters the Faculty of Law, later transferred to the Faculty of Law of the Moscow state university name . At this time, his family moved to Yekaterinodar (now Krasnodar).

In the autumn draft of 1916, he entered the army, and in the spring of the following year he was sent from Tsaritsyno (now Volgograd) back to Moscow to study at a military school. In the same year, he first received the rank of cadet, and then - ensign.

In 1918 he came to his relatives in Yekaterinodar, where he later joined the Volunteer Army. In its composition, he participated in the first Kuban campaign under the leadership of Lieutenant General Viktor Leonidovich Pokrovsky, and also held the defense of Yekaterinodar in March of that year. He was shell-shocked, which, as a reminder of himself, left a slight hand tremor, which intensified in last years due to strong disturbances.

After recovery in a military hospital, Eugene was demobilized. Schwartz does not want to get a job in his specialty, so he enters Rostov University, working in parallel with the Theater Workshop, whose actress he marries in 1920.

Having not studied enough, in 1921 Schwartz, together with his wife and the theater troupe, moved to Petrograd (St. Petersburg). There, Eugene continues to play episodic roles in productions. In order to have something to live on, he gets a job first in a bookstore, and then as a personal literary secretary.


Schwartz begins to write independently only after two years. Under the pseudonym Grandfather Saray publishes feuilletons in the All-Russian Stoker. In the summer of the same year, the publishing house sends him to Bakhmut to undergo an internship at the publishing house of the literary supplement to the Kochegarka - the Zaboi newspaper.

Returning to Petrograd, Evgeny writes and publishes his first children's work, The Tale of an Old Balalaika (July issue of the almanac Sparrow for 1924). This story is noticed and in 1924 he invites the writer to work in the children's department of Gosizdat as an editor. Writers who happened to collaborate with Schwartz at this time spoke flatteringly about this experience, arguing that Yevgeny Lvovich made important remarks and gave valuable advice.

At the same time, one of the young writers invites Schwartz to join the OBERIU literary community, collaborating with children's magazines like Chizh and Hedgehog. In them, Evgeny Lvovich publishes his stories, fairy tales, as well as some poems.

In 1928 he wrote his first play, which he called "Underwood". A year later, it is already staged by the Leningrad Theater for Young Spectators. In the same year, the writer is born his only child- Natasha's daughter. When the girl is two months old, Eugene leaves the family to marry again.

From 1930 until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Schwartz worked very fruitfully. In 1931, he wrote the script for the film Commodity 717. The following year he publishes the play "Trifles". In 1934, the plays “The Princess and the Swineherd”, “The Naked King” and “The Treasure” were written one after another, as well as the script for the film “Wake Lenochka”. In addition, in 1934 Schwartz became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. 1936 - the play "Little Red Riding Hood" and the scripts "Helen and Grapes" and "On Vacation".

The following year, the tale "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots" appears in the magazine. In 1939, Schwartz wrote the plays The Snow Queen, which would be made into a film in 1966, and Doll City. The following year, Yevgeny Lvovich completed the play The Shadow, which became the second part of a trilogy of pamphlet plays, which also includes The Naked King (1934) and The Dragon (1942-1943). In 1971 and 1991, the film adaptations of the same name "Shadows" were released. In 1940, the writer's father dies.

Evgeny Schwartz at the rehearsal of the play "Shadow"

The last pre-war works of Schwartz are "The Tale of Lost Time", "Two Brothers" and the anti-fascist pamphlet play "Under the lime trees of Berlin". During the war, the author remains in besieged Leningrad, working at the radio center. In 1941 he was evacuated to Kirov, where he got a job at the local theater. In 1942, following the evacuated Leningrad Youth Theater, he moved to Stalinabad (now Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan). ;

There, Evgeny Lvovich wrote the plays "Far Land" and "One Night", dedicated to the evacuated children and the defenders of Leningrad, respectively. In the same 1942, his mother dies. Two years later, the writer moved to Moscow, where he published the play "Dragon" and resumed cooperation with theater and film directors. In 1945, the cartoon " winter fairy tale”, filmed according to his script, and the fairy tale “The Absent-minded Wizard” is printed.

In 1947, the cult film Cinderella was released, based on the play of the same name by Schwartz. The main roles in this film are played, and. The film production was a success both at home and abroad. In 1948, Schwartz's novel "First Grader" was published, which became the basis for the film of the same name.

In 1953 he dies, who in the thirties forbade the publication of Schwartz's works. Thanks to efforts, this ban is lifted. The first author's collections come into circulation.

In 1956, the writer received the title of Knight of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (before that, Schwartz was awarded the medals "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For Valiant Labor in the Second World War"). At the same time, he completed work on his most famous work, The Ordinary Miracle. A year later, a film adaptation of the play Don Quixote was released.

Performances based on the works of Yevgeny Schwartz could be seen in the Moscow and Leningrad Theaters of the Young Spectator, in the St. Petersburg Comedy Theater, in the Moscow Academic Youth Theater, in the Moscow State Film Actor Theater, in the Sovremennik and Free Theater theaters, in the St. Petersburg Rain Theater "And the Moscow Drama Theater named after. Screen versions of the author's works were released both during his lifetime and after Schwartz's death. In 1989, the "Diaries" of the writer were published.

Personal life

Evgeny Lvovich was married twice. The first wife was the actress Gayane Kholodova (1898-1983). Schwartz met her while working at the Rostov Theater Workshop. They got married in 1920.

Evgeny Schwartz and his first wife Gayane Kholodova

A year later, the couple moved to Petrograd, where in 1929 their daughter Natalya was born. In the same year, Schwartz leaves his family to marry another woman. For Gayane, this comes as a real surprise.

The second wife of Evgeny Schwartz is Ekaterina Ivanovna Obukh (1902-1988). The writer met her at one of the creative evenings of 1927, arranged in the house of a friend from OBERIU. In order to marry Schwartz, Catherine also leaves the family.

With Ekaterina Ivanovna, Evgeny Lvovich lives until his death, but it is difficult to call this marriage happy - Schwartz was jealous of his wife with or without reason, which negatively affected his health.


The writer and playwright died on January 15, 1958. The official reason is a heart attack, which was the result of heart failure, which tormented Schwartz in the last years of his life.

He was buried in Leningrad at the Bogoslavsky cemetery.


  • 1924 - "The story of the old balalaika"
  • 1928 - "Underwood"
  • 1931 - "Commodity 717"
  • 1932 - "Trifles"
  • 1934 - The Princess and the Swineherd
  • 1934 - "The Naked King"
  • 1936 - "On vacation"
  • 1938 - "Doctor Aibolit"
  • 1940 - "Shadow"
  • 1940 - "The Tale of Lost Time"
  • 1943 - "Dragon"
  • 1947 - "Cinderella"
  • 1956 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1957 - "Don Quixote"


As mentioned above, Cognitive Marriage Therapy evolved from the behavioral approach, first as an additional component of it, and then as a more complete and comprehensive system of intervention. The same thing happened with cognitive family therapy. Munson (1993) noted that there are at least eighteen different types cognitive therapy used by various practitioners. Therefore, we will limit our discussion to those approaches proposed by rational-emotive (Ellis, 1978, 1982; DiGiuseppe & Zeeve, 1985) and cognitive-behavioral theories (Beck, 1988; Wright &

Beck, 1993; Epstein, Schlesinger & Dryden, 1988; Dattilio, 1993, 1994, 1998; Teichman, 1984, 1992).

The rational-emotive approach to family therapy, as formulated by Albert Ellis (1978), focuses on individual perception and interpretation of family events. The Rational Emotive Therapist helps family members see how illogical beliefs and distortions are at the root of their emotional distress. Offered " theory A-B-C', according to which family members attribute their problems (C) to certain activating events in the family (A) and learn to look for irrational beliefs (B), which are then revised. The goal is to modify beliefs and expectations, placing them on a more rational basis (Ellis, 1978). The task of the therapist is to teach family members that emotional problems are caused by irrational beliefs and that by changing these self-defeating ideas, they can improve the overall quality of their family life.

When doing rational-emotive therapy, it is a bit difficult to separate the approach from the personality of its creator. Ellis not only challenged his clients' beliefs, but destroyed them with his powerful sarcasm. You don't have to imitate Ellis' edgy style to take advantage of his insights. However, to be fair, rational-emotive therapists are usually content to teach people the theory of general propositions rather than explore their more personal and firmly held underlying beliefs. There is almost no emphasis on uncovering "central circuits" (deeper positions) or deep understanding of family system dynamics.

A cognitive-behavioral approach that places equal emphasis on cognition and behavior becomes even broader and more comprehensive when it focuses more closely on patterns of family interaction and is consistent with elements taken from the systems approach (Epstein, Schlesinger & Dryden, 1988; Leslie, 1988) . Within this framework, family relationships, cognitions, emotions, and behaviors are seen as mutually influencing each other, so that cognitive inference can cause emotion and behavior, and these in turn affect cognition. Teichman (1992) describes in detail the reciprocal model of family relationships, suggesting that cognitions, feelings, behaviors, and environmental feedback are

Michael Nicolet, Richard Schwartz

live in constant interaction and sometimes serve to maintain the dysfunction of the family unit.

The cognitive-behavioral approach to the family is coherent and consistent with systems theory and includes the premise that family members both influence and are influenced by each other. Consequently, the behavior of one family member triggers behavior, cognition, and emotion in other family members, which in turn leads to recurrent cognition, behavior, and emotion in the family member (Epstein & Schlesinger, 1996). As this process completes, the volatility and inconsistency of the family dynamic increases, making the family vulnerable to negative spirals of conflict. If the number of family members involved increases, the complexity of the dynamics increases, giving rise to an escalation process. Epstein and Schlessinger (1991, 1996) provide four ways in which the cognitions, behaviors, and emotions of family members can interact and lead to a breaking point:

1. A person's own cognitions, behavior and emotions regarding family interaction (for example, a person himself notices that he is moving away from other family members)

2. The actions of individual family members in relation to him

3. Joint (and not necessarily consecutive) reactions to it by several family members

4. Characteristics of relationships between other family members (for example, two other family members usually support each other's opinions)

All of these serve as stimuli or combinations of stimuli during family interactions and are often rooted in family patterns and persistent interaction styles.

Cognitive therapy as expounded by Aaron Beck (1976) places a strong emphasis on schemas, or "basic beliefs" as it has been called (Beck, Rush, Shaw & Emery, 1979; DeRubeis & Beck, 1988). Therapeutic intervention targets the attitudes by which family members interpret and evaluate each other, and the emotions and behaviors developed in response to those attitudes. While CBT does not assume that all familial behavior is entirely driven by cognitive processes, it does emphasize that cognitive evaluation plays a significant role in

Classical schools of family therapy

relationships that exist between events, cognitions, emotions, and behaviors (Epstein et al., 1988). In the process of cognitive therapy, the reorganization of distorted representations is of primary importance for changing dysfunctional behavior.

The concept of schemas is also very important in applying CBT to families. Just as people maintain their basic beliefs about themselves, their world, and their future, they maintain beliefs about their family. Some cognitive-behavioral therapists place greater emphasis on elucidating cognitions between individual family members, as well as what might be called "family schemas" (Dattilio, 1993, 1998). These are joint ideas about the family, formed as a result of many years of joint interaction between the members of the family unit. Frank Dattilio suggests that individuals maintain two separate sets of schemas about their family: schemas related to the family of origin and schemas related to the family as a whole. Both types of schemas have a huge impact on how people think, feel, and behave in a family setting. Epstein, Schlessinger, and Dryden (1988) suggest that these schemas are "old and relatively stable assumptions that man has about the world and his place in it" (p. 13). Schwebel and Fine (1992) refined the term family schemes applied to the family model and defined it as follows:

These are all the cognitions that a person has regarding his own family life and family life in general. This set of cognitions includes schemas about family life, attitudes about why certain events occur in the family, ideas about the causes of these events and what should exist within the family unit (Baucom & Epstein, 1990). The family chart also contains ideas about what a marital relationship should be like, what problems should be expected in marriage and how they should be solved, how a good family should be built and maintained, what kind of responsibility each family member should have, what consequences should arise when feelings are weakened. responsibility and non-fulfillment of roles and what costs and rewards each should expect from his marriage (p. 80).

Michael Nicolet, Richard Schwartz

Dattilio argues that each partner's family of origin plays a key role in shaping the immediate family pattern. Representations, both conscious and unconscious, learned from the parental family, contribute to the creation general scheme, which in turn leads to the development of the scheme real family. This family pattern is transmitted and applied in the upbringing of children, and, mingling with personal thoughts and perceptions of the environment and life experience, undergoes further development. The family scheme undergoes changes when, during family life, important events(eg death, divorce, etc.) and it also continues to develop in the course of ordinary daily experience.

More recently, theorists such as Baucom (1981) and Epstein (1982) have extended the cognitive approach to married couples and the treatment of marital discord. These authors culminated in their research in Cognitive Behavioral Marriage Therapy (Baucom & Epstein, 1990). Around the same time, Dattilio (1989) and Dattilio & Padesky (1990) introduced a purely cognitive approach to marital therapy. Parallel to this, the work of Ellis and his collaborators (1989) appeared, which applied a rational-emotive approach to marital therapy. Beck (1988) described his cognitive therapeutic approach to working with couples in the popular book Love Is Never Enough, which introduced the cognitive approach to public opinion.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s The cognitive-behavioral approach has become more widely used in family therapy. Among the first works that directly addressed this issue were the books edited by Epstein, Schlessinger and Dryden (1988), and little work Huber and Barut (1989). This approach was developed further in a series of successive papers by Schwebel and Fine (1992c), Dattilio (1993c, 1994c, 1997) and Teichman (1992). More recently, Dattilio (1998) has produced a master casebook that discusses the combination of cognitive-behavioral strategies with other forms of family therapy for couples. This important work demonstrates the compatibility of cognitive behavioral therapy with a wide range of forms.

Cognitive Behavioral Family and Marriage Therapy is still in its infancy and needs to be re-engineered.

Classical schools of family therapy

successful studies that would confirm their effectiveness as specific forms of therapeutic treatment. However, they promise to become mainstream theoretical approaches.


Wolpe's (1958) introduction to the principle systematic desensitization contributed to significant progress in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. Wolpe argues that most sexual problems are the result of conditioned anxiety. Her therapy consists of educating couples as they go through a series of increasingly intimate encounters while avoiding thoughts of erections or orgasms. The second often effective behavioral approach was self confidence training(Lazarus, 1965; Wolpe, 1958). During this training, socially and sexually repressed individuals are encouraged to acknowledge and express their needs and feelings.

Although these behavioral tools were often beneficial, the real breakthrough in this area was the publication of the approach of Masters and Johnson (1970). It was followed by the work of those scientists who applied and extended their basic methodology (Lobitz & LoPiccolo, 1972; Kaplan, 1974, 1979).

While there is variation in the details, there is a general approach to treatment followed by most sex therapists. As with all behavioral methods, the first step is a thorough and rigorous evaluation. It includes a complete medical examination to rule out organic problems and detailed interviews to determine the nature of the dysfunction and establish treatment goals. In the absence of organic problems, cases where there is a lack of information, a lack of techniques and a lack of sexual communication are more amenable to therapy. Those who suffer from premature ejaculation, vaginismus, or lack of orgasm usually respond well to short-term treatments (five to twenty sessions); cases of inability to ejaculate, lack of erection, and prolonged lack of sexual desire are usually the most difficult to resolve (Heiman, LoPiccolo & LoPiccolo, 1981).

Following Masters and Johnson, therapists tended to lump sexual problems into one category—anxiety that

Michael Nicolet, Richard Schwartz

toraya interfered with the ability of couples to relax and experience arousal and orgasm. Helen Singer Kaplan (1979) pointed out that there are three stages of sexual response and therefore three types of problems: desire disorders, arousal disorders, and orgasmic disorders. Desire disorders range from "low sex drive" to sexual aversion. Treatment of these problems is often successful if clients are committed to treatment. The technique is to (a) compensate for anxiety and (b) help clients identify and suppress negative thoughts that interfere with sexual desire. Arousal disorders include decreased emotional arousal and difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection or the ability to expand and lubricate. For these issues, a combination of relaxation techniques and teaching the couple to focus on the physical sensations and caresses rather than worrying about what comes next often helps. Orgasmic disorders include disorders of regulation (eg, premature or delayed), saturation, and conditions of occurrence (eg, some orgasms only during masturbation). Orgasm problems can be either chronic or situational. Premature ejaculation usually responds well to treatment; therapy for lack of orgasm in women can give nice results, if at the same time a woman is taught to practice on her own and fantasize.

At the end of the assessment, clients are explained the role that conditioned anxiety plays in sexual problems and how it develops and persists in their sexual relationships. Thus, insight and attitude change are a major part of the therapy for this "behavior." Problems can arise not only because of the ignorance of the spouses, but also because of the incompatibility of their attitudes about sex with the goals of treatment. John Bancroft, who uses a behavioral approach to the treatment of sexual problems, observed (1975) that "attitude change is an important part of treatment that has unfortunately been neglected by behavioral therapists" (p. 149). Kaplan (1974) makes extensive use of psychodynamic theory and technique in dealing with attitude persistence. Attitudes can be changed by showing clients contradictions between their attitudes and reality; if skillfully

Classical schools of family therapy

encourage behavioral changes (sometimes feelings follow the body) and if promote cathartic expression of feelings.

Although therapy for sexual dysfunction must be tailored to specific problems, most treatments begin with focus on sensibility. In this phase, clients are taught how to relax and enjoy touching each other. They are instructed to come home and find a time when both of them will be quite calm and nothing will distract their attention, and then go to bed naked. Then they take turns caressing each other. The one receiving caresses should relax and focus on the feeling of being touched. Later, he must tell his partner which touches are pleasant to him and which are not. First, spouses are taught not to touch each other in sensitive areas of the chest and genitals in order to avoid excessive anxiety.

After they have learned to relax and exchange gentle and pleasant caresses, the spouses are encouraged to be more intimate, but to stop whenever the partner begins to feel anxious. Thus, the emphasis on sensuality becomes a form desensitization in vivo. Spouses who experience extreme anxiety and fear of "having sex" (sometimes reduced to a few hectic minutes of thrusting and rapid breathing) learn to overcome their fears by gradually making their mutual caresses more and more intimate. As anxiety subsides and desire rises, they are encouraged to move on to an exchange of increasingly intimate touch. In the process, spouses are also taught to communicate and talk about what they like and don't like. For example, a woman, instead of putting up with something unpleasant until she completely loses her temper and stops having sex, should learn to gently guide her partner: "No, not like that, but here's how." Sexologists also emphasize the need not to feel anxious about initiating or withdrawing sexual contact. Spouses are taught how to have sex while avoiding ambiguity and poor time management that lead to stiffness, anxiety, and ultimately fear.

After the sensitivity exercises have been successful, the therapist proceeds to techniques for working with specific problems. In women, the most common sexual anomaly is orgasmic difficulty (Kaplan, 1979).

Michael Nicolet, Richard Schwartz

These problems are often associated with a lack of information. It is possible that a woman and her partner expect her to have a stable orgasm during intercourse without additional clitoral stimulation. In men, the most common problem is premature ejaculation, which is treated with

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