Literary and musical drawing room "flowers of love, spring and friendship". Literary drawing room: "Spring in poetry, music, art" Literary drawing room on the theme of spring

Fashion & Style 08.07.2019
Fashion & Style

Tatiana Kirilenko

Target: Development of the spiritual and moral potential of pupils


1. To consolidate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature.

3. Arouse children's interest in Russian poetry and music to popular culture.

4. Activate and expand vocabulary.

5. Cultivate an aesthetic attitude to life.

move holiday:


Good afternoon girls and boys, dear parents!

We welcome you to musical and literary living room"To us spring is marching» .

I would like to invite you to open our living room a riddle:

She comes with kindness

And with my own story.

Waving a magic wand

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.


The winter is long, cold, not easy, so I want you to rest a little and your souls are filled with joy and hope. How rapidly the streams run, how merrily the drops ring, how everyone around rejoices in the spring sun! Nature wakes up after a long winter sleep, and this awakening leaves no one indifferent! Today in our literary living room we will read poems about beauty spring.

The first poem about in the spring, Dima V will read to us.

« Spring» (I. Tokmakova)

To us spring is marching

fast steps,

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches

visible in the fields.

Looks like very warm feet spring.

The next poem will be read by Deinika Margarita Vladimirovna.

"The days are fine" (Mikhail Plyatskovsky).

The days are fine

Similar to holidays

And in the sky - the sun is warm,

Cheerful and kind.

All the rivers overflow

All buds open

The winter has gone with cold,

The snowdrifts became puddles.

Leaving the countries of the south,

The birds have returned.

On each branch of the starling

They sit and clean their feathers.

Spring time has come

It's time for flowering.

And so the mood

All people have spring!


- spring The weather varies from cold to warm to cloudy to sunny. Lada V. will tell us about this.

"March" (G. Lagzdyn)

We got up early today.

We can't sleep tonight!

They say the starlings are back!

They say they came Spring!

And it's cold outside.

The snow is flying prickly,

And crawl through the clouds

Clouds in white coats.

We wait, Spring. A long time ago,

And you wander somewhere!

It won't come without you

Sunny summer!

This poem will be read by Kolya D.

« Spring is coming» (A. Barto)

It was sunny in the morning

And quite warm.

The lake is wide

Flowed through the yard.

Freezing at noon

Winter has come again

The lake dragged on

Glass crust.

I split the thin

sound glass,

The lake is wide

It leaked again.

Passers-by say:

Here Spring is coming! -

And this is me working

Breaking ice.


Guys, what spring months do you know?


And now you will hear a poem about three spring months. Read by Andrew D.

"Spring Months" (V. Orlov)

At fun start of spring -

March is on the doorstep.

Fun ringing drops -

April is already upon us.

May quickly catches up with them,

He greets everyone with flowers.

Light, full of joy

All three months spring.


Guys, what are the signs spring you know?

(children's answers)

Now we will listen to a poem about spring signs.

Read a poem by Dasha W.

"If the snow melts everywhere" (E. Karganova)

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream is ringing,

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the wind gets warmer

So, she came to us Spring.


Now let's play a game "Choose the correct answer".

1. After what season does it come Spring? (summer, winter, autumn).

2. Who only cries spring? (children, adults, icicles).

3. What does snow turn into in the sun? (Into melt water, stooping water).

4. What happens to the ice on the river spring? (ice jumper, ice run, ice drift).

5. What birds arrive spring? (sparrows, nightingales, bullfinches).

6. What appears in the fields when the snow melts? (Thaw, thaw, thaw).

Well done! Correctly.

spring many birds return from warm countries. And we hear the joyful chirping of birds, from which it becomes fun and easy on the soul. A poem about a swallow will be read by Anya G.

"Martin" (B. Zakhoder)

The swallow flew away

For distant lands.

Come back, Swallow!

April is outside.

Come back, Swallow!

Just not alone:

Let with you, Swallow,

will arrive Spring!

The next poem will be read by Igor B.

"Sparrow" (Ivan Emelyanov)

sparrow ruffled

Alive, healthy

And unharmed.

Catches March


With every feather


With the onset spring changes are taking place in the life of animals and insects. And Ruban Natalia Sergeevna will tell us about it.

"How the bear woke up"(S. Severny)

Sucks bear in a dark lair

Furry paw.

Sleeping clubfoot,

He does not hear the spring alarm.

Can't hear the rushing streams

And they call

What spring guests - rooks -

Arrived, - shout, -

Bear can't hear: sleeping.

Time-time flies.

sun rays,


We got to the bear's lair,

The bear is tickled on the nose,

Over the bear over the sleepy laugh.

scarlet ray

The bear is worried

The bear can't sleep anymore

Turned on its side,

Tossed and turned for a long time, groaned for a long time,

Crunched with brittle brushwood -

And woke up.

Wandering through the forest -

Can't find winter

Gloomy from sleep.

Yes, made me laugh Spring,

Yes, the rooks laughed

Let the streams run

Let the rays caress -

Teddy bear heavy

Wandering cheerful.

Far from winter sleep -

Pleases the bear Spring.

The next poem will be read by Artem D.

"On the spring thaw" (Tatyana Gusarova)

There is a bug on the thaw

He warmed a barrel in the sun,

Soon the worm came out

And behind him is a spider.

The sun hid behind the mountain

And went home

And a bug, and a worm,

And, of course, a spider.

On the thaw again

Tomorrow will be sunbathing

Beetle, worm and spider ...

Will heat another barrel.

Tagaeva Lyubov Viktorovna will read a poem

"Cold Winds Still Blow" (A. S. Pushkin)

Cold winds still blow

And bring the morning frost

Just on the thawed spring

Early flowers appeared;

As from a wonderful kingdom of wax,

From a fragrant honey cell

The first bee flew out

Flew through the early flowers

About red spring to explore,

Will it be soon dear guest,

Will the meadows turn green soon

Soon at the curly birch

Sticky leaves will unravel

Fragrant bird cherry blossoms.


Children listen to the sounds of nature (background sounds).

I suggest you play the game "What did I hear in the forest?".

The game "What I heard in the forest"

1. What I heard in the forest

I won't tell, I'll show you.

2. Blizzards and blizzards have died down

The sun got hotter (maracas)

3. And in the ravines the streams sang

Wake up, stop, stop sleeping (bells)

4. The birds sang merrily

Trills rang loudly (whistles)

5. A scary owl screams here

He guards the prey (flute)

6. Cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree

Squirrel's house caulked (sticks)

7. Someone's legs ran through

And the bitches crackled (ruble)

8. What we heard in the forest

You've been told about everything (orchestra)


- spring buds swell on the trees and the first green leaves appear from them. Taras E. will tell about it.

"Leaves wake up" (Vladimir Danko)

Leaves woke up

Got out of the kidneys

The first leaves

Rejoice in the sun

They will not understand from sleep:

Is this…

Is it summer?

No, it's not summer yet

But already - Spring!

The next poem will be read by Sergei R.

"By buds swollen in spring» (Zakhoder B.)

By buds swollen in spring

By buds swollen in spring,

And the leaves have hatched.

Look at the branches of the maple:

How many green spouts!

This poem about spring grass will be read by Liliya Petrovna Uvarova.

"Hello, spring first grass!" (Sergey Gorodetsky)

Hello, spring first grass!

How did it dissolve? Are you happy with the warmth?

I know you have fun and crush there,

They work together in every corner.

Stick out a leaf or a blue flower

Everyone hurry young root

Earlier than willow from tender buds

The first one will show a green leaf.


The next poem is called a snowdrop, a small flower that reaches for the sun and encourages us to reach for the bright and believe in the future.

The poem will be read by Yaroslav V.

"Snowdrop Looked Out" (Elena Serova.)

Snowdrop peeked out

In the semi-darkness of the forest -

little scout,

Sent spring;

Let more over the forest

The snows rule

Let them lie under the snow

Sleepy meadows;

Let on the sleeping river

Ice is still,

When the scout came

And spring will come!


Spring is a special mood. Nature comes alive in spring. Let's listen to these poems.

Maxim S. will read this poem.

"Salute spring» (Z. Aleksandrova)

Thunder struck twelve times

And stood aside.

Nature has given orders

Salute spring.

The order for the bird cherry to bloom,

Nettles should not be evil.

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious

All birds sing louder

And the sun come out from behind the clouds

And more fun to warm up.

Efimova Natalya Sergeevna will read a poem.

« Spring, Spring! how clean the air is... (Eugene Baratynsky)

Spring, Spring! how clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

His azure alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, Spring! how high

On the wings of the wind

caressing the sunbeams,

Clouds are flying!

Noisy streams! glittering streams!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she lifted!

More trees are bare

But in the grove there is a decrepit leaf,

As before, under my foot

And noisy and fragrant.

Under the sun most soared

And in the bright sky

The invisible lark sings

Congratulatory anthem spring.

The following poem will be read by Daniel T.

"I came Spring» (M. Pozharova)

The forests are noisy, the earth is blooming,

The brook sings:

"I came Spring, came Spring -

In clothes made of rays!

Children's hearts rejoice

Aiming for the expanse of meadows:

"I came Spring, came Spring

In a garland of flowers!

Spring is a generous season. Admire the beauty, listen to the birds singing and enjoy the wonderful smells spring. We thank everyone who came today to our literary living room and shared with everyone the joy of meeting the Beauty - Springs! We wish you all good and spring mood!

And now we invite everyone to the round dance ( « Spring is red» )

Scenario of the literary and musical composition “Spring! Spring! And she's happy!"
(Music sounds. “Spring Waters” by S. Rachmaninov.)
Spring, long delayed by the cold, suddenly began in all its glory, and life began to play everywhere. And everyone was going to take a closer look at each other. Suddenly the earth was populated, forests and meadows woke up. The frosts have passed, the drops have rang. Nature has awakened. The first flowers appeared. Spring has come - the morning of the year!
Chased by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped by muddy streams
To flooded meadows
(Music. Antonio Vivaldi "Spring" Concert No. 1 in E major "Spring", RV 269 No. 1 in E major "Spring", RV 269).
The spring that everyone has been waiting for has come. The sun now rises earlier and sets later, and every day it heats up more and more. The birds, which have not been heard for so long, sing louder.
The dark forest glowed in the sun,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.
(Music. Glinka. Puppeteer's poems "The Lark").
Spring is new life, this is a bright holiday of nature. The buds on the trees are blooming and timid green grass appears in the field. Beetles, butterflies, flies crawl out of the cracks and bask in the sun, slightly waving their weak wings. From the den, shaking off, a bear, emaciated over the winter, crawls out. All living and still weak population of forests, rivers, lakes, fields, barely moving, reaches for the warmth of the sun.

Pigeon, clean
snowdrop flower
And near see-through
The last snow...
Sunny bunnies joyfully jump between the trees waking up from their winter sleep. And the first spring flowers are already appearing on the thawed patches. These are snowdrops. In some places, the ground is covered with melted dark snow, and these small and delicate blue flowers are already making their way to the light and warmth, pleasing to the eye. bright colors. They stubbornly reach for the sun even through last year's snow. Snowdrops appear in the glades so amicably that it seems as if a piece of blue spring sky lies on the ground. You don't want to pick such flowers, you can only admire them.
(P. Tchaikovsky "April. Snowdrop." from the piano cycle "The Seasons"). Host
The sun has barely warmed up, as the first thawed patches appear on the ground. Listen to the song of spring, peer into its colors and you seem to drink a magic drink and understand what the birds are chirping about, the stream is murmuring, or what the newly born leaves are quietly whispering about. Listen and watch spring!
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Spring" "Song of the Lark", "Snowdrop", "White Nights").
An agile stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountain_
Everything echoes merrily thunders!
The air in spring is getting warmer and fresher every day. This is especially felt after rain or sudden warming. And if you stand under a blossoming tree, you can enjoy the aroma of its flowering. Also, the smell of spring is well felt in parks, squares, fields, outside the city in forest plantations or in the forest.
Again, in the spring, my window smelled, And I breathe more joyfully and freely ... In my chest, the oppressive longing fell asleep, A swarm of bright thoughts is replacing it.
The sun splashes, the sun warms. The sky is a cornflower. A warm breeze quietly blows through the birch trees.
The buds blossomed, the forest stirred, It was all golden with bright rays. On its outskirts, from the fragrant grass, a silver lily of the valley looked out into the sun, And meekly from the caress of spring Sweet forget-me-not blue eyes opened.
The branches of the trees swayed in the fresh wind and whispered their spring song almost audibly. Chocolate flakes burst as if they were shooting, and green tails are shown. Both the forest and the garden smell in a special way - greenery, thawed earth, something fresh. These are the kidneys different trees resonate with different scents. You sniff a bird cherry bud - the bitter-tasting smell reminds you of the white tassels of its flowers. And birch has its own special aroma, gentle and light.
Smells fill the whole forest. AT spring forest breathe easily and freely. And a short, but such a gentle and joyful song of a robin has already begun to ring. If you listen to it, you can make out the familiar words: “Glory, glory all around!” The young, verdant forest whistles, shimmers in every way. It is joyful, young both in heaven and on earth, and in the heart of man.
(Astor Piazzolla "Spring" Primavera Porteña Allegro).
A small reed is making a noise, A merry maple is making a noise... They make a new noise, In a new way, spring... There is a hum, Green Noise, Green Noise, spring noise!
The greenery of the fields, the groves babble, The lark trembles in the sky, The warm rain, the sparkle of the waters, - Having named you, what to add? How else to glorify you, Soul life, spring coming?
Spring - great time awakening nature after winter sleep. At this time, the air really smells of spring, the sun smiles at us more and more often, and together with nature, our feelings “come to life”. It is not surprising that in the spring you especially want to create. Artists - to draw amazing landscapes, poets - to write amazing poems about spring.
Spring, spring, the time of love, How hard it is for me to see your appearance, What a languid excitement In my soul, in my blood... How alien to the heart is pleasure... Everything that rejoices and glitters Brings boredom and languor. Give me a snowstorm and a blizzard And winter long dark nights
Oh, spring without end and without edge - Without end and without edge dream! I recognize you, life! I accept! And I greet with the ringing of the shield!
(A. Vivaldi "Spring" part 1 from the concert "The Seasons" (fragment) Reader
The songs of the larks again Rang in the sky. "Dear guest, great!" - They say to the spring.
The poor grief will be forgotten, The old man's soul will flourish... In every heart, in every glance, Joy will flare up even for a moment.
A plowman will come out onto the road, He will look cheerfully around; Having prayed earnestly to God, Cheerfully will take up the plow.
With a meek heart, with strong faith, He will give himself over to labors, - And the Lord will send a plentiful Harvest to his fields!
The first rays of the spring sun say that a long and difficult winter has passed, there will be no more bitter frosts, snowstorms and snow drifts, a new amazing and joyful time has come. The breath of spring is felt in everything. It awakens still sleeping nature to a new life. The sun is warm, the snow is melting, drops are ringing, fast streams are running. Everything around rejoices and sings, rejoicing at the arrival of spring. I especially like to listen to the spring chapel choir. This is amazing and incomparable music, created by nature, tired of the long winter.
A spring flower in the new grass Squints a gentle eye. A goldfinch sat on a maple Greening knot.
Like a yellow-breasted bird: The height is in a clear brilliance, The sun is shining, joy is everywhere, Hello, dear spring!
Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilyevich wrote: “April is coming to an end. Spring was early. The snow has fallen from the fields. Winters are green. How good it is in the field! The air is filled with the songs of the lark. Fresh juice moves in branches and stems. The sun warms the thicket and fields. Remains of snow melt in the forest and ravine. Beetles are buzzing. The river has entered its banks. This is a wonderful time - spring!
(E. Grieg "Morning" from the symphonic suite "Peer Gynt").

Regional state educational state institution for orphans and children left without parental care, a special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities,VIIIspecies No. 28 of Tulun.

Literary Lounge:

Prepared by a reading teacher: N.V. Dmitrieva

"Spring in poetry, music, art"

Music sounds, presenters appear: a boy and a girl

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Host 2: We are glad to see your smiling faces in this hall.

Presenter 1: Now spring is in the yard. It correlates with such words as love, charm, life, beauty.

Host 2: And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our “Literary Drawing Room”.

Leading 1 : We read poetry, listen to the music of famous composers, get acquainted with the paintings of artists who wrote the spring, so sit back and have fun.

Host 2: I so want you to rest a little and your souls are filled with joy and hope. And we will talk with you about flowers, spring and of course love sung by poets.

1 - Reader (Alexandra Belkovskaya) (Soluyanov Yura)

Spring, sung by a poet,

You are a beautiful young wife

Impetuous, quivering, tender,

The braid is crowned with bright flowers.

Swift, calling with him,

Radiant with radiant beauty.

Inconstancy, coldness is not uncommon,

In character meet yours.

And we are in a hurry to meet Spring,

Full of hopes and thoughts and hearts.

Spring is a beauty, sung by a poet,

So long-awaited, so loved and kind!

Leading 1: People have different attitudes to spring: some consider it the most beautiful time of the year, others do not like it. Among poets, Fyodor Tyutchev probably sang spring best of all.

Listen to the poem "Spring Waters".

2-Reader (Fyodor Tyutchev) (Vasiliev Yura)

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the waters are already rustling in the spring -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run, and shine, and speak.

They say all over the place:

"Spring is coming, spring is coming,

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, bright round dance

Crowds merrily behind her"

Host 2: I won’t list the charms of spring after the great poet, but why do we love spring?

Leading 1: Spring is a lot of sun, light and flowers.

Host 2: According to one ancient legend, snowdrops were the first flowers on earth. When God drove Adam and Eve out of paradise, it was winter on earth and it was snowing. Eva froze and began to cry. The snowflakes took pity on her and several of them turned into flowers. Eva was very happy about this. She had hope for forgiveness, and flowers - snowdrops - have since become a symbol of hope.

3- Reader (M. Isakovsky “Snowdrop”). (Khamitov Vitya)

I will be very gentle today.
And, leaning my head against you,
I'll tell you about the blue snowdrops,
Smiling on the pavement.
We lived here and did not know at all
That spring blossomed on the field, -
Little girl in sandals
She brought it to us in a basket.
Ah, April, blue-eyed April -
He won't let us sleep at night
Though his spring stories
Only echoes sound ...

Presenter 1: The sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, and he gave his heart to the favorite of the fields and forests, Lyubava. The saddened princess came ashore and began to cry. And where the tears of the princess fell, lilies of the valley grew - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.

4-Reader (reads a poem by S. Marshak “Lily of the valley”) (Butovchenko Nastya)

The forest turns black, awakened with warmth,
Embraced by spring dampness.
And on the strings of pearls
Everyone trembles from the wind.
Buds round bells
Still closed and tight
But the sun opens the corollas
At the bluebells of spring.
Nature carefully swaddled,
Wrapped up in a wide leaf
A flower grows in the wilderness untouched,
Cool, fragile and fragrant.
The forest languishes in early spring,
And all the happy longing
And all your fragrance
He gave to the bitter flower.

Host 2: At The ability, in a word, to draw pictures of nature in spring became the strongest side of the poetic talent of the great Russian people.

Song "Under the window, the bird cherry sways"performed by teachers

Presenter 1: . There is nothing more beautiful than flowers
Came to the palisades and dwellings.

They came from ancient times.
To make life more sublime and purer.

Host 2: But in fairness, I want to note that not only Spring. This wonderful time of the year inspires poets and musicians, but also divine gift nature flowers. Flowers are given as a sign of respect, appreciation, gratitude and of course love.

5-Reader "I will love you" (Misha Kozlov)

I will love you

When it rains

And when it falls

autumn leaves

I will love you

In ice

And when the frost

The sky is clear

I will love you

When spring

Snow melted in streams

I will love you

When it falls

Thousand Stars

In a summer night

I will love you

While the sun is rising

And its rays warm

I will love you

well, what about you

If you fall in love - be silent

Do not say

that you don't love me

Because I

While the earth is spinning

I will love you

Presenter 1: Spring, poetry and love. These concepts can hardly be separated from each other. The lines of love are eternal, like life itself, there is no end to them, as long as a person is alive on Earth. A thousand times Gorky is right when he said that "love is the desire to live."

6-Reader (Pushkin's poem "I loved you ...") (Zapryagaev Dmitry)

I loved you; love still, maybe

In my soul it has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to sadden you with anything.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Either timidity or jealousy languish;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God forbid you loved to be different.

Host 2: It often happens in life

In the spring, when the snow melts

On the way to life meets

With a man a man...

This is what happens when you fall in love

In a person a person ...

Presenter 1 : Let me return to the thought again: we learn to love fromgreat , with true lovers, for they are fighting the battle for ascension. And they win even when they die. Love is not always joy. This is pain. The pain of loss, the pain of separation. But what a happiness it is to love.

7- Reader (poem by Tsvetaeva to the music of A. Rybnikov from the opera Juno and Avos) (Elantsev Viktor)

I can not live without you!

Me and rain without you - dry.

I'm in the heat without you - chill.

Without you, Moscow is a wilderness for me.

Without you, every hour is a year for me,

If it were time to grind fractions!

I even have a blue sky

Seems like stone without you.

I don't want to know anything

loyalty of friends

Poverty of enemies.

I don't want to wait

Except yours

precious steps.

Lead 2 : And allthe first poet of love among uswas Pushkin. Of course, love was written before him, and then by other poets.

8- Reader Thank you for being you (A. Dementiev)(Samokhvalov Igor)

Thank you for being there,For the fact that your voice is spring,Comes like good newsIn moments of resentment and doubtThanks for the honest look.Whatever I ask you,Your pain hurts in meYour strength is accumulating in me.Thank you for being there,Through all the breakups and deadlines,Some hidden currentsSuddenly they will remind you again - you are here.You are here on earth and everywhereI hear your voice and laughterI enter our friendship like a miracle,And I rejoice in a miracle for everyone

Presenter 1: Since spring has become the topic of our meeting today, then spring is, of course, a woman. You can talk a lot about a woman, for a long time, and still something remains. But, probably, one cannot say better and more beautiful than Igor Severyanin:

9-Reader (Igor Severyanin) (Rychkov Sergey)

A woman must have a lunar character!
And so that spring always shines in it,
Inviting her to ride a yacht -
Swings of salty green sleep…
And her jealousy should be weightless,
And her loyalty should be like granite.
Oh, to the affectionate, sensitive, attracted-attractive
A man will always retain interest.
For femininity will love
For the yellow, blue suns of the eyes,
Oh, is it possible to leave such a woman,
Which makes you happy?

10-Reader(Popov Vanya)

Being a woman - what does it mean?
What secret to own?
Here is a woman - but you are not sighted,
You can't see her.
Here is a woman - but you are blind,
Not guilty of anything, blind.
And the woman will appoint herself
The doctor will prescribe as a medicine.
And if a woman comes
Only true to myself
She comes - how does she go
Plague, blockade and war.
And if a woman comes
And talking about himself
She conducts electricity like a wire,
To light up the light above you.
And if a woman comes
To get you out of business
She brings you to you
Oh how you wanted it!
But if a woman comes
Carrying a beaten head
It still takes away
Everything and everyone irrevocably.
And you, the true one, the best one,
You are there too, in that far
Clamped like a useless key
In her sad fist.
She hides her tears in a smile
Turn the truth into a lie
It's good that you're blind
And that you don't understand the loss.

Host 2:Spring is a time of dreams, dreams, hopes. I want everything around to be beautiful, give flowers and compliments, dedicate poems and sing serenades, because Spring.

10-Reader(Kozlova Masha)

For a long time I could not submit to spring,

I didn't want to hear from her for a long time.
In vain she smiled at me
And she called, and shone, and sang.
Spring said: "Listen, look -
Everything obeys my will:
The forest has long forgotten about the cold days,
And the field is strewn with flowers.
Let your dark heart come to life
And will respond to my song.
Everything that lives responds to it,
But your heart is still beating!
But I whisper stubbornly: “I don’t believe in spring!”
Only vain disbelief was -
Tears arose, and songs in me ...
O spring! You defeated me!

Presenter 1:May spring, peace, harmony, beauty, hope always be in your hearts! A beautiful, exciting, charming and gentle waltz sounds for you. Dance with us.
(Couples perform a waltz, invite guests to dance.

Harmony, beauty… after all, how we sometimes lack this.
The frantic rhythm of life carries us away in its rapid flow of days that turn into years, months! And rarely can we stop to enjoy a beautiful sunny day and fresh greenery, or enchanting music.The floor is given to the students of the school in the village of Tselinnye Zemlya.

Today we listened to the works of great poets and composers about spring. But the picture of the representation of spring will not be complete without a mention of our great artists and their works. The word is given to students of school number 3

So our literary evening came to an end. We have touched only the smallest part literary works poets. Much remains unsaid. Poems of many poets remained unread. But we hope we have awakened your interest in poetry. And we are sure that every year there will be more and more fans of poetry.

We sincerely hope that this day and our meeting will remain in your memory as a good and happy day spent with friends. All the best to you! See you soon!

Open source development extracurricular activities

teachers primary school MBOU "Urozhainovskaya secondary school"

Filatkina G. M.

Event: Literary lounge.

Grade: 3-4

Theme: Spring, Spring……

Target : to introduce the children to the four stages of spring, to landscape painters and their paintings about spring; repeat proverbs, sayings and poems about spring; develop memory Creative skills and acting skills, the ability to independently select the necessary material for the performance; to cultivate love for the native language, the need to use its literary wealth.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, recording of thunder and rain, basket, exhibition of drawings about spring, reproductions of paintings,

Event progress.


Teacher- Hello guys! We are holding a meeting of the Literary Lounge. It is dedicated to spring. But first, let's welcome our dear guests. And one more secret: today you will be the jury. Listen and remember which of the guys is better at reading poetry.


Thunder struck twelve times, so that every bush was melodious,

And stood aside. All birds sing louder!

Nature gave the order And the sun to come out from behind the clouds

Salute the spring! And more fun to warm up!

Order - bird cherry blossom,

Nettles to be kind

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom!

People were looking forward to spring, they sang songs, chants, stoneflies.


Sounds like a recording of thunder and the sound of rain

3 girls come out performing "Vesnyanka".


Barkers: Spring, spring, spring red

Come, spring, yes with joy - ah-ah-ah-ah!

With silk grass, with a clear sun - ah-ah-ah-ah!

Bring, spring, warm rain,

Dawn, spring, our native land - ah-ah!

There is a knock

in the door. Spring enters, brushing raindrops from her umbrella.


Spring - Hello my dear! They called me?

I wanted to bring you flowers as a gift, but the mischievous rain prevented!

Teacher - Nothing, spring is red, you sit down, dry off, and the guys themselves to you

gifts have been prepared.

( Children say a proverb or saying and give Spring their flower in the basket.)


"Spring is red with flowers, and summer with fruits."

"Red spring, but hungry"

"In April the earth dies"

"Spring day feeds the year"

Spring - Thank you! I see now you know a lot about me. But hardly any of you know that in one season we meet four springs!









SPRING LIGHT: Isaac Ilyich Levitan "March" 1895 .

The beginning of the whole spring is the Spring of Light. From mid-March, from the first thawed patches, we notice its appearance. It seems to be as always, everything is the same: snow, trees. Here are just the sun - unbearably bright, yellow to whiteness, to pain in the eyes. The air in early spring is transparent, clean, frosty. White clouds float across the bright blue sky like ice floes. The sky ice has begun. More and more daylight hours. A true celebration of light! With the flowering of alder and hazel, the spring of light ends ....

Artists are very fond of this spring time ...... ...


….. and poets.

F. I. Tyutchev

V. A. Zhukovsky

The dark forest glowed in the sun,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.

And the SPRING OF WATER begins.I.I. Levitan "Big Water".

Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin "Early Spring" 1898

The ground shows through the snow in spots and stripes. There is a heavy snowmelt. Rivers overflow their banks - there is a flood. Puddles everywhere. Black, yellow, red, white and blue streams glisten in the sun. But with the northerly winds, the cold returns in April. The April weather is restless: the heat fights furiously with the cold and wins. The grass turns green, bumblebees fly out, frogs jump. Streams of water carry away all the dirt, clearing the ground for SPRING GREEN.

S. Marshak

Poems about spring

Snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.

Clouds run faster
The sky got higher
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.

Run away, brooks!
Spread out, puddles!
Get out, ants!
After the winter cold!

Bear sneaks
Through the forest deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

F. I. Tyutchev

spring waters

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
Run and shine and say -

They say all over the place:
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead."

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds fun for her!



Little by little at first
Put out a green leg
And quietly asked:
Tell me, is it really spring?


In early May, as soon as the birch turns green, Spring of Greenery comes. The days are getting hotter, the nights are getting warmer. All shades of green are blooming leaves on the trees. Birds sing incessantly. With bird cherry blossoms, everything around becomes cheerful, joyful, unusual from the abundance of white and pink flowers. Blooming dandelion covers the lawns with a continuous carpet. AT dark alleys parks white lily of the valley flowers delight the eye. Even the May thunderstorm amuses and pleases.

K.A. Korovin " early spring» 1870s.

Isaac Levitan “Blossoming apple trees”

G. Ladonshchikov

In the April forest

Good in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy rot
Different birds sing
Nests are built on trees;
In the glades of the lungwort
Strives to reach the sun
Between herbs morels
Raise caps;
Bud branches swell
leaves break through,
Start an ant
Fix your palaces.

S. Yesenin

bird cherry

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

E. Serova

FOREIGN With the flowering of lilacs, the last period of spring begins - the prelude. The petals fly from the trees, the shade of the foliage changes. The spring migration of birds is coming to an end. The oak is the last of the trees to open a leaf. The frog croaking and the bird's hubbub ceases. The colors of nature change every day. More and more flowers bloom in gardens and parks. Spring ends with the flowering of wild rose.


This concludes our journey into the world of poetry.

Did you like it?

If YES, draw a funny smiley on the pieces of paper. And on the same pieces of paper write which of the guys you like best.

Spring collects leaves in a basket.

F. I. Tyutchev

Winter is not without reason angry: its time has passed -

Spring knocks on the window and drives from the yard.

And everything fussed, everything drives the winter out, -

And the larks in the sky have already raised the ringing.

Winter is still busy and grumbling for spring.

She laughs in her eyes and only makes more noise

The evil witch went berserk and, capturing the snow,

She let go, running away, into a beautiful child ...

Spring and grief is not enough: washed in the snow

And only became more beautiful, in defiance of the enemy.

V. A. Zhukovsky

The dark forest glowed in the sun,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.

S. Marshak

Poems about spring

Snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.

Clouds run faster
The sky got higher
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.

Run away, brooks!
Spread out, puddles!
Get out, ants!
After the winter cold!

Bear sneaks
Through the forest deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

F. I. Tyutchev

spring waters

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
Run and shine and say -

They say all over the place:
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead."

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds fun for her!



In the garden, where the birch trees crowded,
A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.
Little by little at first
Put out a green leg
Then he reached out with all his little strength
And quietly asked:
“I see the weather is warm and clear;
Tell me, is it really spring?

G. Ladonshchikov

In the April forest

Good in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy rot
Different birds sing
Nests are built on trees;
In the glades of the lungwort
Strives to reach the sun
Between herbs morels
Raise caps;
Bud branches swell
leaves break through,
Start an ant
Fix your palaces.

S. Yesenin

bird cherry

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

E. Serova

The lily of the valley was born on a May day, and the forest keeps it.

It seems to me that he is behind him, he will ring softly.

And suddenly birds and flowers will hear this ringing ...

Let's listen, what if you and I hear?

Here the lilac blossomed, how fresh and beautiful!
Lilac light pours through the dark bushes.
I can not breathe on the blue wonder
Fragrant branch bowing to the lips.

Here the lilac blossomed, how fresh and beautiful!
Lilac light pours through the dark bushes.
I can not breathe on the blue wonder
Fragrant branch bowing to the lips.

"Spring is red with flowers, and summer with fruits"

"March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers"

"In March, the pike breaks the ice with its tail"

"May is cold - the year is hungry"

"Red spring, but hungry"

"May frost will not squeeze out tears"

“I saw a rook - meet spring”

"Spring - light the snow, play the ravines"

"In April the earth dies"

"Spring day feeds the year"

"Spring and autumn - eight days of weather"

"May grass will feed the hungry"

“In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud, and in autumn a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud”

"March is dry, but wet May - there will be porridge and loaf"

"Spring is red, and summer is miserable"

“In the spring, the shafts overgrow with grass in one night”

"Like rain in May, so will rye"


I open the kidneys, into green leaves.
I dress the trees, I water the crops,
The movement is full, they call me (spring)

She comes with affection
And with my own story.
magic wand wave,
Snowdrop in the forestbloom (spring)

Furiously the river roars
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? (April)

white polka dots
On a green leg (lily of the valley)

LITERARY"Spring in the window



Kovrigina Yulia Anatolievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU Kindergarten"Polyanka"
Locality: village Tyret, Salt mine
Material name: Methodical development
Topic:"Musical and Literary Lounge "Spring-Veselinka"
Publication date: 07.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU kindergarten "Polyanka" combined type

Developed by: Teacher Kovrigina Yulia Anatolyevna

Methodical development ( middle group) on the topic:

Musical and Literary Lounge "Spring-Veselinka"

(Phonogram - Solar drops No. 3)
Good afternoon girls and boys, dear parents! I want to offer you to open a musical and literary living room
: If a small snowdrop stood on a thaw, So, she came to us - The long-awaited ...…………… (Spring) Yes.
Today we have a musical and literary living room "Spring -

Name what signs about spring you know: (children's answers). Well done, you know how many will take about spring. In spring, the sun shines brightly, sending a lot of heat to the earth. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. From the spring warmth, the snow melted, the soil thawed. Melt water escaped in small streams and turbulent streams. She watered the soil and, together with the spring warmth, woke the plants from a long winter sleep. The first spring flowers bloomed on the thawed patches. Buds swelled on the trees, the grass turned green. Animals and insects wake up after hibernation. Listen to the birds sing in spring.
(Sounds of nature - backing track No. 5)

The game "What I heard in the forest"
1. What I heard in the forest I won't tell, but I'll show. 2. The blizzards and blizzards subsided. The sun began to warm up more (maracas) 3. And in the ravines the streams sang. flute) 6. On a pine tree, a cheerful woodpecker Squirrel caulked the house (sticks) 7. Someone's legs ran And the knots crackled (ruble)
8. What we heard in the forest About everything you were told (orchestra) Many poems have been written about spring.
Poems about spring:
March - Polina, April - Arseny, May - Arina, Lera R., Capel - Boris, Walk - Dima.
Round dance "Spring" (phonogram No. 8)
Do you know how many months spring lasts? (3). Correctly. I suggest you play
game "Tell me a word".
The winter has passed and everyone is happy. Spring is in a hurry, And the month ... (March!) Behind him another knocks on the door, It is called ... (April!) And remember the third month, What is its name? … (May!) name
proverbs about spring
(children's answers)  February is strong with a blizzard, and March is a drop. (Katya)  Rooks on the mountain - spring is in the yard. (Sasha)  Water flowed, brought spring. (Andrey)  Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies. (Leram Sh.) Well done! Now let's play
game "Choose the correct answer".
1. After what season does spring come? (summer, winter, autumn). 2. Who only cries in spring? (children, adults, icicles). 3. What does snow turn into in the sun? (In melt water, stooped water). 4. What happens to the ice on the river in spring? (ice jump, ice run, ice drift). 5. What birds arrive in spring? (sparrows, nightingales, bullfinches). 6. What appears in the fields when the snow melts? (Thaw, thaw, thaw). Well done! Correctly. I suggest reading poems about spring: Elena Anatolyevna, Tatyana, Anna. Guys, guess
He jumped, he jumped on the grass And he did not touch the boogers But trouble happened to him The frog ate the jumper.
Who is it? (grasshopper). Correctly. The insects wake up in the spring. Let's dance
dance "Grasshopper".
Look how beautiful it has become around! The trees and the meadow are already green. A cheerful guest came to us - spring, And everything woke up from a winter sleep. Spring is a generous season. Admire the beauty, listen to the birds singing and enjoy the wonderful smells.
(spring drops - №1)
We invite you to an exhibition of children's works.

We recommend reading
