Hypocrisy word meaning. What does hypocrisy mean

Helpful Hints 30.09.2019
Helpful Hints

Sometimes we misperceive the people around us and try our best to take care of them, even though we don't get the same in return. There are times when we see those traits that are not really in people, or we hope for more than they can give us. Life is a series of moments and incidents, mistakes, trials and failures.

Every time we have a new experience or underestimate other people and their actions, we learn from this situation. But sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is happening when you are in this situation. Of course, we can try to look at the signs, but sometimes it is difficult enough. So try to pay attention to patterns of behavior and identify people who may not be as good as they pretend to be. There will always be hypocrites in our lives, but you must try to get rid of them.

They want to appear caring, but...

Soon their personal interests emerge, and it becomes quite obvious what exactly such people want. The hypocrites are not your friends. They pursue their own goals, and they are not interested in you as a person. These "friends" show interest in you only to gain your trust, and then they identify their own needs, wanting something specific from you.

Be careful with such people, but trust your intuition! Some people only pursue their own goals, but that doesn't mean you can't be open to making new friends. From time to time you can trust the wrong people. But that speaks badly about them, not about you. Just cut off this communication as soon as possible when it becomes obvious that they are not really interested in you.

They seem defenseless, but...

The hypocrites want your sympathy and compassion all the time, and in this way they manipulate you. And before you know it, they will ask you to donate your needs to help them. These people know how to take away, but give nothing in return. Perhaps they will offer you some semblance of friendship, but it will not be genuine. You should be alert that such people will not take your advice. Initially, it will seem that they are very grateful for what you say, but you will soon realize that hypocrites do not get tired of repeating the same negative patterns behavior. And they want you to do it with them.

They keep saying what's good for you even if...

You have already told them many times that you know what is good for you and what is bad for you. But they don't really care about what you need and what you want. They would like to gain control, because they are sure that in this case they will be able to feel better. They may say that they are listening to you, when in fact they are not. This is a fast track to a bad relationship. No one knows better than you what you really need. Friends are there to support and discuss your choices, not to decide what's best for you.

They seem interested in you, but...

They are there only from time to time, and only when they need it. Other times you may never find them. In other words, they choose when to see or communicate with you, and you have no control over what happens. When you think rationally about this kind of friendship, you will realize that this is not the person who will take care of you. He doesn't need to be in that situation. Most likely, he will even feel bad in it.
And real friends should always make you feel better, not worse. It's really very simple. So get rid of the haters and surround yourself with friends that make you smile. It might be difficult to do so. But when you succeed, hold on tight to them. Such people will remain your friends for life.

AT modern language There are many words that originally had a different meaning. And few people remember what meaning people put into this or that statement before. In this section, we will analyze who a hypocrite is in the modern sense, and what this word meant in the old days.

The word for hypocrisy first appeared in Ancient Rome. This was the name of the actors who performed in masks depicting joyful, sad or angry grimaces. It was assumed that such a person is able to "change face" depending on the circumstances.

In Russian, in addition to the word “hypocrite”, which literally means “trying on faces”, another form was also used in relation to actors - “actors”. This name reflected the ability to portray the necessary emotions, namely "make a face" depending on the circumstances.

A slightly different meaning began to be invested in this word during the Middle Ages. It is to this time that famous picture- it depicts hypocrisy in the form of a poorly dressed woman who begs. Despite the fact that her expression is humble and gracious, wolf paws are visible from under her skirt.

talking in simple words, we can conclude that at that distant time the original meaning of the word had already undergone changes, and so they called people who were able to pretend and deceive, pursuing their own, not at all good, goals. In Russian, there is another definition for such personalities, often used by the people, - "a wolf in sheep's clothing."

In the modern sense, the word "hypocrite" is a characteristic for an insincere person who is capable of flattery and sycophancy in order to make the best impression.

Who is a hypocrite, we tell in simple words

Nowadays, the answer to the question of what “hypocrite” means is more likely to be given by a professional psychologist than a philologist. This quality is classified as a negative personality trait, and the reasons for the deficiency lie in emotional state and psychological characteristics person.

Such people try to appear better than they are. Often, under the mask of a benevolent and friendly person, pettiness, envy and anger are hidden. Such a person can smile and compliment the interlocutor, and then "sling mud" and do meanness for his own benefit. For him, there are no special moral restrictions, the hypocrite is sure that all means are good to achieve the goal, and does not shun slander, treachery and other unseemly acts.

It costs nothing for such people to promise to do something for another person, but at the last moment to refuse him assistance. At the same time, he will always invent an excuse for himself, hiding behind “slogans” and lofty motives.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recognize a hypocrite right away. The true essence of such people is hidden behind imaginary kindness and nobility.

Understanding what they really represent comes, in most cases, after the hypocrite has deceived the trust and forced to experience bitter disappointment.

Actions that characterize hypocrisy in a person

To understand at first glance that a hypocritical person has met on the way is rather difficult, but still possible.

There are characteristic features of this type of personality:

  1. Deceit. Such people are regularly caught in deceptions, both in serious matters and in small things.
  2. Unwillingness to keep one's word. The hypocrite is capable of making promises left and right without intending to keep them.
  3. Perfidy. In another way, such actions can be called betrayal, when a person deliberately deceives others.
  4. fawning. Such people try to please those who are stronger than them or occupy a higher position. They demonstrate respect in every possible way to the point of worshiping superiors and other "significant" people.
  5. Love for gossip. In conversation, hypocrites often condemn others, and they do it only behind their backs, not stinting on criticism and rarely embarrassed in expressions.

It is possible to suspect a hypocrite in practically stranger, often they are given out by trifles.

As a rule, such individuals have an unnatural smile, make long pauses in conversation and often stutter, as if choosing the most convenient expressions.

How to get rid of a negative character trait

If a person is able to notice his shortcomings and is ready to deal with them, you first need to deal with the reasons.

As for hypocrisy, they can be:

  1. Fear, when a person is afraid to be himself, and forced to pretend.
  2. The desire to appear better, often due to complexes.
  3. Lack of vital foundations, when not yet formed own views to life, and the person hides it behind a mask.

Having dealt with the reasons, it will be much easier to deal with negative trait character.

To become a winner, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • recognize the problem and recognize your shortcoming;
  • understand that being yourself is not ashamed, each person is unique and has the right to it;
  • work on improving self-esteem;
  • monitor your actions and try not to allow words to disagree with deeds;
  • be honest with yourself when evaluating your own actions.

Any psychologist will tell you that the most precious victory is the victory over yourself, and you should not expect that it will be easy to cope with a shortcoming. But if you set a goal and move in the right direction, sooner or later your efforts will be crowned with success.

Attitudes towards hypocrisy in religion

Hypocrisy and duplicity are condemned not only by people, but also by religions. And if most disciplines do not rank such a trait as such among the mortal sins, then the actions that are characteristic of hypocrites can be found in this list. These include, for the most part, treachery and betrayal, and the hypocrite betrays not only others, but also betrays his own soul.

Orthodoxy equates hypocrites with liars, and in Islam such behavior is tantamount to adultery.

Among the Jews, acts committed with evil intent and for their own benefit are considered a terrible sin. The person who did this is subject to anathema, that is, excommunication from prayers and religious rites.

In conclusion, we can say that hypocrisy is unacceptable not only for believers. People who live by deceit and lies will not be able to take their rightful place in society and earn the respect of others. They will not “take root” in any team and are unlikely to make friends.

hypocrisy in ethics

Hypocrisy is a negative moral quality, consisting in the fact that deliberately immoral acts (performed for the sake of selfish interests, for base motives and in the name of inhumane goals) are attributed pseudomoral meaning, lofty motives and philanthropic goals. This concept characterizes the mode of action, from the point of view of the ratio of its actual social and moral meaning and the meaning that they are trying to give it. Hypocrisy is the opposite of honesty, directness, sincerity - qualities in which a person's awareness and open expression of the true meaning of his actions are manifested. Hypocrisy is often understood as slander and negative statements against a subject who is absent at the time of the discussion.

cultural hypocrisy

Study of hypocrisy

The feeling of inconvenience, discomfort and anxiety that people experience when their true and declared emotions do not match formed the basis of the theory of cognitive dissonance developed by the American psychologist Leon Festinger based on psychological experiments. The book of the same name ("The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance" (Stanford, 1957) brought Festinger international fame. The law derived by Festinger in this book reads: two elements of thought are in a dissonant relationship if one of them leads to a contradiction to the other, and this induces a person to behave in a way that reduces dissonance. Ways to overcome dissonance are experimentally studied and described by Festinger in this book and in subsequent works: "Factors of restraint and reinforcement: the psychology of insufficient encouragement" (Stanford, 1962), "Conflicts, decision and dissonance" (Stanford, 1964).

Attitude towards hypocrisy in religions


Hypocrisy is a manifestation of people who want to appear before people in some form, but feignedly. For example, the giving of mercy can only be a "performance for the audience", i.e. a hypocrite person pretends to give alms in order to appropriate the status of a merciful person. (Gospel of Matthew 6:2)


Hypocrisy means an outward manifestation of adherence to Islam and goodness by a person who hides disbelief and evil inside himself, and such a person is called a hypocrite because he demonstrates adherence to Sharia under some circumstances and rejects it under others.

see also

  • Duplicity


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See what "Hypocrite" is in other dictionaries:

    Pustosvyat, saint, Pharisee, hypocrite; fox, actor, actor. Lisa Patrikeevna went to wag her tail. Lenten face (of the hypocrite). Wolf in a sheepskin coat (skin). Blessed is the husband in front, but staggering in the back. The palm is on the collar, and the devil is on the neck. .. Wed… Synonym dictionary

    See hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrite, flattery, flatter, flatterer... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    Ah, Ukrainian. hypocrite, art. glory. hypocrite (Supr.), Czech. licoměřiti to be hypocritical, Pol. licemierzyc. From *lice and * měnъ (see names), that is, face-changing, two-faced. Close to měra, měriti (see measure); cf. Bernecker 1, 719, Matzenauer 55; Rozvadovsky … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

    M. 1. open. reduced One who covers his duplicity, insincerity and malice with feigned virtue. 2. Used as a censure or abusive word. Dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite

A hypocrite is a cunning and insincere person.

He pretends to be kind and enjoys the trust of others.

Such a person is sincere with some people, but laughs evilly at others. Likes to gossip behind his back.

The ostentatious simplicity is a refined hypocrisy.
François de La Rochefoucauld

How to understand that you are a hypocrite?

No one likes to be deceived or taken advantage of. Therefore, we will figure out how to distinguish a hypocritical person from a sincere one. What points should you pay attention to?

Thus, a hypocrite is a person who:

  1. Gossips a lot about others. About the people around him, a hypocritical person says only bad things. He tries to condemn them in order to look better against this background. The hypocrites are stingy with praise, but generous and rich in criticism.
  2. Has an insincere smile. Even when a two-faced person smiles, his eyes remain glassy, ​​his facial muscles tense, his skin turns red.
  3. It can be given out by the timbre of the voice. Such people in conversation often stutter, stutter, make long pauses.
  4. They fawn over the mighty of the world this. To bosses, officials or teachers, hypocritical people will emphasize their respect. But behind their backs, they will actively criticize the actions of their authority.
  5. Often deceives. If a person has been caught lying several times, then you have a hypocrite in front of you. With such people, it is better to stay as far away as possible.
  6. He does not know how and does not want to keep his promises. They do this because of their duplicity or elementary laziness.
Two-faced people always strive to please everyone. They always agree with their interlocutor, nod their head approvingly. They try not to go into conflict, and if there was a breakdown, they try to hush everything up as soon as possible, attributing everything to a misunderstanding.

How to respond to a hypocritical person?

You should never condemn such a person, because everyone can remember a situation from his life when he tried to hide his sincere feelings from the interlocutor. After all, it is not in vain that they say that "the whole world is a theater and the people in it are actors."

Most of the time, people are hypocrites out of fear. They have low self-esteem, so they are afraid that they are not good enough, they do not know how to do something, they have not reached great heights. Therefore, they boast, ascribe to themselves various skills and abilities.

A person is hypocritical also because he does not feel safe. With such people, you just need to be careful, do not tell him the details of your personal life. On the contrary, try to bring him to a frank conversation, so you will understand why he does this.

In addition, unexpected questions can throw anyone off balance, so they are more likely to start acting naturally.

There are, of course, dangerous hypocrites who lie for profit. He puts himself in the best light, trying to achieve his goal. And sometimes people just don't life values, they themselves do not understand where their sincere "I" is, and where the mask is put on. With such people it is better to behave in their own ways. So a person sees himself from the outside, and this can discourage him from such behavior in the future.

If you feel insincerity from the side close relative, then analyze what gave him a reason to behave this way. Speaking insincerely, a person may be protecting you, trying to avoid a scandal, or at this moment he just needs your approval.

Always remember that most often lying is a defensive reaction. For this reason, do everything in such a way that close person was comfortable with you, change your actions towards him.

How to deal with hypocrisy within yourself?

And what if notes of hypocrisy were found within us? How to eradicate them? Let's pay attention to some aspects on which it is necessary to work:
  • It is worth recognizing your uniqueness and not "flexing" under the opinions of others. You need to have your own moral and spiritual guidelines, always follow them. Go in for sports, because the integrity of character is the basis physical health. Emerson remarked, "Every man is sincere in private; hypocrisy begins when someone else enters the room."
  • Take responsibility for your actions. Hypocrisy arises before the fear of the opinions of others. Do not be afraid to have your own point of view on a particular issue. And stop being afraid of failure.
    Remember: all people make mistakes, this is quite normal. There are no problems in the world that cannot be solved.
  • Engage in self-development. Constant development gives its values, helps to achieve internal self-control. In this way, unshakable principles will appear, which it will be unacceptable to betray.
  • Give yourself the right rating. Respect from others is easier to achieve for a person who respects himself. Therefore, you need to accept yourself as you are. Each person has their pros and cons. No need to be afraid to show your own "I". Hypocrites are afraid of public opinion, so they hide their essence.
Try to understand that hypocrisy has very serious flaws.
These include:
  • squeamish attitude from others;
  • the emergence of double standards;
  • destruction of personality and relationships with others;
  • complete moral "bankruptcy".

It is impossible to completely eradicate hypocrisy, from oneself or society. Sometimes "lie for good" is simply necessary.

Who is this hypocrite? The word speaks for itself. This is a man who constantly measures and changes faces, like masks. In doing so, he pursues his goals, pretending to be the way he thinks others would like him to be. Why is this behavior dangerous? What might be its consequences? About all this further.

Origin of the word

Who is this hypocrite? Often the answer is associated with the theater. The meaning of the word is related to the action that took place in it. In the ancient Greek theater, the actors during the performance expressed the feelings of the hero by putting on certain masks. This was done in order to evoke the desired emotions in the public.

The meaning of the word "hypocrite" in Russian is associated with two ancient Slavic words: "face" ("face") and "mena" ("men"). Literally, this combination can be interpreted as a change of face-masks. Later, the second component began to be pronounced as a measure. As a result, hypocrisy has acquired its modern sound and meaning.

Interpretation in dictionaries of the concept of "hypocrite"

The meaning of this term is interpreted by dictionaries. Here the authors are almost unanimous. They call a hypocrite a person who demonstrates benevolence, sincerity, cordiality, and hides his evil intentions in the depths of his soul. A hypocrite is always a pretender. The word itself suggests that such a person seems to be trying on faces - masks, hiding his true feelings under them, trying to please only in order to achieve his goals.

For whom does the hypocrite change his masks: the opinion of a psychologist

One can only guess how many masks he has. Who does he wear them for? What is it focused on? A hypocrite is always a psychologist, moreover, he subtly feels the changes in thoughts and mood of the interlocutor. He anticipates his condition and says in advance what a person would like to hear.

Being a hypocrite is a difficult task. You need to be able to adapt, to screw in a word in time, to become pleasing, irreplaceable. All this requires being on the wave of the interlocutor, feeling what worries him, and how you can please him, etc. Tell the virtuous how good he is. Discussing others to report new gossip. The only problem is that in this pursuit of masks pleasing to those around him, the hypocrite loses himself and sometimes he himself cannot determine where he is real. Perhaps the reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that since childhood a person has been deceived and humiliated. Desperate, he lost faith in people and turned into such a desperate manipulator who achieves his goal by any means.

Who is this hypocrite? Recognizing it is not so easy, but possible. It just takes a little observation. If he avoids making eye contact, then perhaps he wants to hide something. This is not always due only to malicious intent, but in any case it is an occasion to think. If the interlocutor is evasive in his answers, then this may also indicate that he wants to hide something or confuse someone.

Hypocrisy as a reflection of today

Who is a hypocrite - an unfortunate person, entangled in his own lies, or a scoundrel-pretender who uses others for his own purposes?

realities modern world, in which prestige, power, money and other so-called attributes of material happiness occupy leading positions, push a person to such behavior. Many try to be comfortable, obsequious, pleasant interlocutors. This is done for a variety of reasons:

  • get into a good company of wealthy comrades;
  • serve the boss, expecting bonuses from him;
  • give a compliment in the hope of a discount.

There are many reasons to do so. Getting used to receiving this or that benefit in this way, a person does not notice how firmly he falls into the trap of hypocrisy.

Z. Freud wrote that modern society too changeable and fickle. And it forces a person to be hypocritical, adapting to the ideals that are put before him. La Rochefoucauld, in turn, warns that, getting used to pretending in front of people, a person cannot stop. Then he begins to pretend to himself.

Reckoning the hypocrite

Such behavior, like any other, sooner or later bears fruit. The desire of a hypocrite to use people, pursuing his own interests and abusing their trust, will not lead him to anything good. Achieving goals by deceit, replacing true motives with false ones, manipulating, such a person can hardly become truly happy, since such fruits do not bring positive results.

Payment can be anything:

  • distrust of friends and relatives;
  • disappointment of loved ones;
  • cooling of relations with relatives;
  • superior suspicion.

The list is endless. But the most disturbing symptom is the loss of oneself. Then the hypocrite can no longer feel himself real, sincere, honest not only with people, but also with himself.

The sin of hypocrisy

How does religion answer the question? In different denominations one can find many warnings for those who are ill with this sin.

Who are the hypocrites? In Islam, this quality is considered most dangerous vice with which only the human heart can ache. Hypocrites in this religion are called hypocrites and they prophesy hell for them. After all, Allah does not forgive those who hide behind faith, but in reality only pursue their personal interests and goals. The souls of such people are dead, and their hearts are sealed for bad deeds.

Islam, answering the question of who a hypocrite is, cites three main qualities that, combined, make a person an obvious munafiq:

  1. If a hypocrite speaks, he will certainly lie.
  2. When he makes promises, he always breaks them.
  3. A hypocrite who provides any kind of guarantee always betrays.

When a person has only one of these qualities, the followers of Islam call for repentance. It is necessary to correct quickly so that this disease does not turn into a chronic one.

Christianity also opposes hypocrisy. Jesus Christ has always condemned such behavior. He warned that hypocrites would not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and escape the torment of hell. Jesus constantly rebukes the Pharisees, calling them hypocrites who do everything for show. They only demonstrate their righteousness to people, and their hearts remain alien to repentance and true faith.

The hypocrite is always deceitful and insincere. He only portrays humility and repentance, but in fact continues to live with sin.

The apostles in their teachings also try to warn Christians about the danger of hypocrisy, which has always been repugnant to the son of God. They call for sincere love, faith and life in Christ.

The hypocrite is:


Hypocrisy- behavior that covers insincerity, malice with feigned sincerity, virtue.

Hypocrisy- the quality, property and behavior of a hypocrite.

hypocrisy in ethics

Hypocrisy is a negative moral quality, consisting in the fact that deliberately immoral acts (performed for the sake of selfish interests, for base motives and in the name of inhumane goals) are attributed pseudo-moral meaning, lofty motives and philanthropic goals. This concept characterizes the mode of action, from the point of view of the ratio of its actual social and moral meaning and the meaning that they are trying to give it. Hypocrisy is the opposite of honesty, directness, sincerity - qualities in which a person's awareness and open expression of the true meaning of his actions are manifested. Hypocrisy is often understood as slander and negative statements against a subject who is absent at the time of the discussion.

cultural hypocrisy

According to Sigmund Freud, cultural hypocrisy is a special condition maintained by society because of its inherent sense of insecurity and the need to protect its apparent lability by prohibiting criticism and discussion. It arises due to the fact that society requires the implementation of a high ideal of morality from each of its members, not caring how difficult it is. At the same time, it is not so rich and organized as to be able to reward everyone to the extent of his refusal to satisfy his desires. So it leaves it to the individual himself to decide how he can obtain sufficient compensation for the sacrifice he has made in order to maintain peace of mind. In general, he is forced to live psychologically beyond his capabilities, because unsatisfied drives make him feel the demands of culture as a constant oppression.

Study of hypocrisy

The feeling of inconvenience, discomfort and anxiety that people experience when their true and declared emotions do not match formed the basis of the theory of cognitive dissonance developed by the American psychologist Leon Festinger based on psychological experiments. The book of the same name ("The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance" (Stanford, 1957) brought Festinger international fame. The law derived by Festinger in this book reads: two elements of thought are in a dissonant relationship if one of them leads to a contradiction to the other, and this induces a person to behave in a way that reduces dissonance. Ways to overcome dissonance are experimentally studied and described by Festinger in this book and in subsequent works: "Factors of restraint and reinforcement: the psychology of insufficient encouragement" (Stanford, 1962), "Conflicts, decision and dissonance" (Stanford, 1964).

Attitude towards hypocrisy in religions


Hypocrisy is a manifestation of people who want to appear before people in some form, but feignedly. For example, the giving of mercy can only be a "performance for the audience", i.e. a hypocrite person pretends to give alms in order to appropriate the status of a merciful person. (Gospel of Matthew 6:2)


Hypocrisy means an outward manifestation of adherence to Islam and goodness by a person who hides disbelief and evil inside himself, and such a person is called a hypocrite because he demonstrates adherence to Sharia under some circumstances and rejects it under others.

see also

  • bigotry
  • Doublethink
  • Double standarts
  • Duplicity
  • Splitting consciousness
  • Judas
  • George Ribbon


  1. S. I. Ozhegov"Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov". "Academic.RU" (2007).
  2. T. F. Efremova "New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and derivational. "GRAMOTA.RU" (2001–2002).
  3. Kon I."Ethics Dictionary". "National Philosophical Encyclopedia" (1981).
  4. Golovin S.Yu."Dictionary of practical psychologist". "National Psychological Encyclopedia" (1998).
  5. Hypocrisy: How to Calm Your Conscience (Festinger Experiments)
  6. Salih ibn Fawzan al-Fawzan"The Book of Unity".

hypocrisy is:

hypocrisy hypocrisy deceit, falseness; insincerity, tartuphism, jesuitry, duplicity, duality, jesuitism, flattery, hypocrisy, falseness, pharisaism, double-dealing, pretense, double-mindedness, hypocrisy, slyness, slyness, doublethink, hypocrisy, comedy, farce, masquerade, pretense, crookedness, duplicity, philistinism

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, insincerity, deceit, falsehood, falsehood, doublethink, double-mindedness, crookedness, duplicity, duplicity, duality, hypocrisy, hypocrisy; tartuphism, hypocrisy (book.) cm. also pretense

Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. - M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011.

Hypocrisy noun 1 . hypocrisy insincerity hypocrisy duplicity duplicity hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy pretense (of a person)) 2 . hypocrisy hypocrisy

Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 - Informatics. 2012.

Hypocrisy noun, number of synonyms: 42 acting (3) hypocresia (3) hypocrisis (4) hypocrisy (5) double-mindedness (19) doublethink (14) duality (27) duplicity (20) duplicity (21) double-dealing (5) devotion (2 ) game (318) Jesuitism (9) Jesuitism (12) hypocrisy (14) comedy (3) comedy (20) crookedness (24) flattery (16) deceit (20) hypocrisy (10) hypocrisy (19) hypocrisy (1) cunning (25) deceit (39) masquerade (12) insincerity (25) inconsistency of words with true feelings (2) falseness (5) pathos (30) pretense (17) pretense (35) empty holiness (2) holiness (2) tartuphism (14) tartuffe (2) falsehood (34) falseness (36) hypocrisy (16) farce (23) philistinism (7) hypocrisy (30)

ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013.

What does hypocrite mean?

A hypocrite is a person who is two-faced, bad, malicious, but pretending to be virtuous, kind, sincere.

HYPOMER is the word that best characterizes the restless soul of a person whose personality is split. The word is "hypocrite". A hypocrite is one who does not speak with his face, but hides behind a mask. Such a person covers his insincerity with a feigned sincerity that seems to be a virtue. For example, you think that a person loves and respects you, but he hates you in his soul, and you are nothing to him.

In Greek and Latin, the word "hypocrite" sounds like "hipokritas", that is, a man with a mask, a man-artist. The hypocrite puts on a mask to act out a scene, to deceive someone. A hypocrite is a terrible word for both a Russian person and a Greek ... Hypocrites are usually called vile, spiritually low people. In this state there is a person who has no moral principles. In hypocrisy, not only is deceit and betrayal hidden - you cannot trust such a person! When a person "changes" face, you no longer know who you are dealing with. Therefore, hypocrites are often called two-faced. Depending on the circumstances, a person puts on a mask, and you do not know who he really is.
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov

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