When will I be promoted? Growth prospects at current job

Design and interior 03.07.2020
Design and interior

Click the picture below to start fortune telling online for free. Think about the person you are guessing at. Hold down dice until it feels like it's time to throw.

Fortune telling online for free on the bones - Will there be a promotion this year? After completing this fortune-telling, you will know whether the promotion of the guessing (guessed) is expected this year. It will not be difficult for you to carry out this fortune-telling, as well as to interpret it. As the name of this fortune-telling implies, it is carried out very infrequently, namely, no more than once a year, all subsequent fortune-telling for the same person will not make sense.

Dice roll technique

In order to perform this divination, you will need two dice and a special glass for mixing them. If there is no such glass, then you can simply use a new one from which you have not drunk yet. The bones should also not be used for anything other than divination. Place two cubes in a glass, cover it with the palm of your hand and shake vigorously to mix the cubes. Then make a throw on a flat surface, tearing your palm away from the glass. Next, you just need to count the dropped number on the faces of the two dice and interpret this value. In order to make everything clear to you, you can perform fortune-telling with our help, for this, simply click on the cube located just below on the page.

We are all human, and nothing human is alien to us. It's hard to disagree with this. We work in order to live. The older generation pronounced this phrase a little differently, and they lived in order to work. But be that as it may, in both cases there is the word “work”, with which all hopes in our life are connected. We moan in the morning, jumping up at dawn, so as not to be late for the bus that will bring us to work. During the working day, we manage to redo a lot of different cases related to our direct duties (or not related). Again we rush to the bus to pick up on time from kindergarten child. And again we run to cook dinner and check the lessons of the older child. We prepare clothes for tomorrow and go to bed when there is so little time left before the morning alarm clock. We do not have enough time for anything, and at the same time no one remembers that there is a divination on Tarot cards.

How tarot career divination allows you to move up the corporate ladder

We complain about our lives and do not think about any promotion. The news that there will soon be a change in the head of the department, and one of us will have to take his place, takes us by surprise. Thoughts begin to work in a completely different direction. Will I be assigned to this position? Can I handle a promotion? And many other issues directly related to the change of status are of concern day and night. This is where fortune-telling on tarot cards about a career comes in handy. People often turn to him in moments of great excitement, when they no longer think about constant fatigue and want to mentally do the calculations of the salary of the head of the department.

“Correct” card layout is the key to your success

Fortune telling on Tarot cards about career advancement is done by laying out the cards for the situation you are interested in. AT this moment it will be a deal for a promotion. It is not difficult to make an analysis:

  1. To begin with, the cards will tell you what your chances of promotion are.
  2. Next, you will find out what will change in your professional activity if there is a promotion.
  3. You will be told about the circumstances under which your promotion may occur.
  4. The last cards of the spread will describe how your income will increase in the event of an increase.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards will give an answer to any of your questions. Perhaps not all interpretations of the cards will be clear to you, you can always draw another card to clarify the situation. There cannot be a direct guide to action here, i.e. the interpretation of the cards will never sound like this: go there, bring that. But a hint of where to go and what to bring will definitely sound!

Jan 10

Career divination. Alignment "Career Growth"

Career divination is on the agenda. The Career Growth spread is designed to find out if there is a promotion at your current job. What benefits and perks will the promotion bring? Or maybe it happens that the advantages in fact turn out to be so insignificant that it is better to remain in the same position?

Or you should think about finding a more promising place.

Divination for a career

You have a layout plan "Career", and position values. At positions 6 and 7, 2 cards are laid out. In total, there should be 9 cards in the layout.

An example of the interpretation of the alignment.

The situation was like this. The client wanted to tell fortunes about her husband's affair at work. To find out how serious it is. Is communication with one of the employees due to work necessity, or is it something more?

But the cards ignored this question and answered a completely different topic. Namely - that the husband does not need to start own business or go freelancing. He will earn more by working for hire. Own business, or freelancing is not his path.

To which the client replied with surprise that yes, her husband was offered a job in two other companies. And one of these companies just offers to organize a branch for him and, in fact, engage in freelancing. Such is the cunning scheme.

Therefore, the Solomonic decision was made to put aside questions about an affair and take up fortune-telling for a career. Because the future at work in terms of her husband's career is now very vague. This is what the tarot layout showed for the career of the client's husband.

Alignment "Career growth"

(Italicized in brackets short meanings kart)

1 Favorable or not favorable period for the increase now

4 Swords (Recovery; Loneliness; Recovery period; Do it yourself, alone)

To date, the circumstances for the increase are just beginning to take shape.

2 Growth prospects at current job

Page of Pentacles (Scheme; Student; Excessive rationality; Don't because you don't know)

But with the prospects for an increase in the questioner, everything is not clear. Probably, he does not take into account some circumstances, and this significantly reduces the likelihood that it is he who will go for the promotion.

3 Growth prospects at the new job

Ace of Cups (Holiday; Emotions over the edge; Intoxication)

Most likely, at a potential new job, they simply draw him a too beautiful, too rosy perspective. In fact, everything is much more modest.

4 The intentions of the authorities at the current place of work regarding the promotion of the questioner in the service

Lady of the Staves (Conflict; Double morality; Executive worker)

It is obvious that the management does not plan to promote the questioner. They do not openly say NO to him, but they are quite satisfied with the questioner in his current role. It is possible that they do not see him as a leader at all, but only as a good performer.

5 The questioner's own activity

2 Swords (Inability to act; External factors; Forced association or separation)

The questioner's own activity is very limited by external factors.

One of the external limiting factors is King Pentacles (Reliable; Fair; Bore)

Most likely this is one of the contenders for this position.

And another external limiting factor - 9 Cups (Anniversary, celebration; Life is good; Distant relationship)

It seems that the questioner keeps quite aloof from those people on whom his promotion depends. Or he is pushed back from rapprochement with these people. Those. he is not included in the "approximate" circle.

As Andrei Mironov said through the mouth of Ostap Bender: “Kitty, we are strangers at this celebration of life.”

6 Benefits of a raise

Justice (Law; Divorce; Operation)

Hanged (Sacrifice, loss; Fatigue; Difficulties)

It is difficult to say that the increase will give some advantages. We will have to act exclusively within the framework of the law, which significantly narrows the possibilities and creates additional difficulties and restrictions.

7 Downsides of promotion

Lady of Swords (Restraint; Strength; Loneliness; Solve multiple problems with one single action; Territory)

2 Pentacles (Easy changes; Frivolous attitude; Every coin has 2 sides)

At the time of fortune-telling, the work of the questioner is associated with frequent business trips around the globe. The Queen of Swords will significantly limit this possibility. You will have to work mostly on your territory.

General conclusion according to the layout

Currently, there is no need to rush up the career ladder. The situation is still being formed. And, besides, within the framework of work specifically in this organization, at present, promotion will not bring him any tangible benefits. Is it just a formal promotion. Those. the situation with the increase is such that the advantages of this increase are doubtful, and the disadvantages are obvious.

However, if promotion is important for a person, and the pros and cons do not matter, then promotion in this case over time is quite possible. To do this, you need to eliminate the factors that hinder the manifestation of his activity in this matter (bypass the King of Pentacles, and get closer to the team, get to that very “holiday of life”, become “one’s own” there).

Which is based on real story from a person's life.


For advice, with questions on training, and with questions about the layouts that are posted on my website write or call me on whatsapp. Or (your message will be sent to my mail immediately, it will not be published on the site). Just enter your valid email. address. Otherwise, my answer will go to “grandfather’s village and you won’t be able to read it.

With respect for your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

Finding a great job, but one that you like, is quite difficult, and staying on it is even more difficult. In the difficult modern times, hunters a good place enough, so conspiracies to work will come to the rescue in order to beat competitors, get an early promotion and avoid an unpleasant dismissal.

Spell for good luck at work

Conspiracy on Good work is very popular, effective way to get a good job.

Often, difficulties in a new office already begin in the first days after employment, it happens because of the hostility of the team or due to difficulties in the specifics of the work. So that after employment everything goes smoothly, and the team accepts you as one of its own, such a rite is used.

Every day immediately after leaving the house, you need three times

“I am dexterous and smart, I am a wolf among sheep that will look at me with fear and reverence. Let everyone love me alone, admire me, and call good people for positions. Amen".

The plot is read for about a month, while on new job there will be no rapprochement with the team and full familiarity with the duties.

Rite to get hired

In order to attract before the interview, you need to do the following. You will need a new handkerchief, get it with the growing moon, at the same time they read the words:

“From now on, let good luck be with me in everything, wherever I, the servant of God (name), go. Wherever I go for work, they will accept me everywhere. Amen".

A handkerchief should be carried in your pocket, and before the interview, lightly blot your face with it.

They say before entering the office for an interview to themselves three times and such a slander:

“I will become nice and comely for all people. Everyone likes me and pleases me, as soon as I start talking, everyone will look into my mouth, but agree on everything, no one will refuse. I will charm everyone and make myself respected. Amen".

The conspiracy is pronounced three times to oneself a couple of minutes before communicating with the employer.

Conspiracy not to be fired from work

You need to find green fabric to make a bag out of it. Carefully check all the corners in the house and collect exactly 30 of the smallest coins.

With the growing moon, a trifle is spoken:

“All 30 coins become my talisman, lure money and good luck, point the way to success. At work, let them notice me, wherever I go, everything will go smoothly for me everywhere, without refusal. Amen".

Half of the change is placed in a bag, tied and kept in a secret place. The other half is buried on the four cardinal points around the house, while using a compass to accurately determine north, south, and east and west.

The conspiracy will help to make sure that they are valued at work, consulted, and the team does not cherish the soul.

What words to read for promotion at work

If the office does not value the employee or for a long time there is no promotion, and, consequently, bonuses and salary increases, recite the following conspiracy.

For him, you need to get natural, namely homemade cream, the finished product will not work.

With the growing moon, they take a bowl and slowly pour the cream into it, while saying:

“Just as this cream is thick, so everything will stick with me in business, as this cream is appetizing, so everything will work out for me, as everyone wants to taste the cream, so everyone will need me, offer high positions, I will become rich Yes, noble, I will have prosperity in everything. Amen"

Cream is left on the windowsill, and in the morning they should be drunk in equal amounts by family members, especially those who work.

At the same time, it is important to think about a career and advancement in it, you can guess the desired position and imagine yourself in it.

There is another effective conspiracy. If there is a forest nearby, you need to look for two stumps in it in advance so that one is certainly larger than the other. They choose Friday evening to fall on the new moon, shortly before midnight they sit on a smaller stump and whisper:

“Here I was sitting on this stump, as well as in my position, but now I will change everything. As soon as I transfer to a larger stump, I will soon receive the desired position. This will happen without problems and effort. Amen".

At the words "sit down" they move to a large stump, trying to imagine a new appointment. They try to sit on it for several minutes, sitting comfortably. Then they get up and leave without looking back. Until the next working day, they do not communicate with anyone,

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