Katie Topuria is Olivia's daughter. Fans of Katie Topuria condemned the singer for a new picture of her daughter Olivia

Family and relationships 17.07.2019
Family and relationships

: the soloist of the group "A'Studio" for the first time became a mother, giving her husband a charming baby. The girl was born in the best clinic in Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai, where such celebrities as Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears and Alsu gave birth. By the way, the latter came to personally congratulate the young mother and became one of Katie's few colleagues who were the first to see the baby.

Happy Katie Topuria first showed her newborn daughter, whom they decided to call Olivia. The young mother affectionately calls the baby Livy. The girl is only a few days old, but she has already become a real star: Katie is happy to publish photos of the girl, who became the first child of the couple.

The pregnancy of the star was easy

Recall that Katie Topuria gave birth to a daughter on Monday June 15. Future mom flew to Los Angeles, being already in the ninth month of pregnancy. The star went to give birth overseas with her husband, Russian banker Levon Geykhman. It was here that the couple spent the last weeks of pregnancy, enjoying the hot sun, wonderful climate and the absence of annoying paparazzi.

Katy and Leo in Hollywood

The expectant mother did not deny herself pleasures

Unfortunately, the birthday of Katie Topuria's daughter coincided with a tragic event - who died in her house near Moscow on Monday evening. The fact that the singer is no longer in the world, said her father Vladimir Borisovich. The star died after a long battle with a brain tumor, which she was diagnosed with two years ago. Yesterday Zhanna Friske was buried in Moscow, the farewell ceremony was attended by the closest (including civil husband singer Dmitry Shepelev), friends, colleagues and fans.

Young mother with baby and Alsu

Some celebrities thanked Katie Topuria for delighting them with life-affirming news by announcing the birth of her daughter. Right now, when the whole country is mourning the death of Zhanna Friske, the soloist of A'Studio instilled hope that life goes on and that some people are replaced by others. The first weeks after giving birth, Katie and her husband, along with baby Olivia, will spend in the States. Perhaps the happy family will stay here for a longer period, but so far the young parents do not comment on this.

Happy father with daughter

The singer has long dreamed of children

We once again congratulate Kathy and her husband on the birth of their daughter!

Most "star" mothers do not bring their children out immediately. Here is a business woman, and part-time soloist of A-Studio Katie Topuria for a year tried to protect her daughter Olivia from prying eyes. The public was initially presented with only the small legs of a newborn. But recent pictures on the singer's Instagram delighted fans and showed the fact that the baby is gradually becoming a public figure.

The photo shows that summer rest on the sea coast, the singer and her daughter succeeded with a bang. Little curly brunette Olivia seems to genuinely enjoy being outdoors. And, at first glance, not much different from their peers.

However, all children can collect pebbles, build sand castles, catch waves and catch up with the wind. But not every child is ready to demonstrate a stylish and original beach outfit. And little Livy, as her family calls her, can. And this is not surprising. After all, her mother is not only a singer, but also a fashion designer. It was thanks to her daughter Katie Topuria that she decided to try her hand at designing a children's clothing collection.

But for now, the singer, like any mother, wants her child to be not only healthy and happy, but also beautiful in any situation. So Katie for beach holiday beloved daughter, chose exclusively original clothes.

The girl's beach suits instantly made her a star not only of the sea coasts, but also of Instagram. By the way, in this social network Olivia already has her own account, which has thousands of followers.

But the main admirer of the young fashionista has always been and remains her father, businessman Lev Geykhman. And even though their relationship with Katie did not work out (the couple not so long ago officially announced their separation after four years of marriage), Olivia will always connect the former spouses.

True, Katie complains that baby Livi's dad does not spend as much time with her as she would like. But Leo himself declares that he uses every minute free from business to communicate with his daughter.

Katie Topuria herself, according to rumors, was having a hard time breaking up with her husband. But, despite life's troubles, she tries to match the stellar image. Photos of the singer never go unnoticed. Subscribers of the singer now and then admire her perfect tanned figure.

In general, both mother Katie and daughter Olivia are now in the spotlight. Their touching pictures collect thousands of likes and dozens of positive comments with wishes of good luck and happiness.

The fans were thrilled touching video with a baby. Now the heiress of Keti Topuria Olivia is one and a half years old. Followers admire the girl and do not skimp on compliments addressed to her.

Keti Topuria with her daughter Olivia // Photo: Instagram

In June 2015, the lead singer of the A'Studio group, Keti Topuria, became a mother for the first time. Immediately after the birth of the girl, the singer happily shared with the followers the footage of the child. Fans enjoy watching little Olivia grow. Recently, a video of a baby appeared on the Web, which, with some surprise and immediacy, looks into the camera. The followers were surprised at how quickly the girl is growing - in just a couple of months she will be two years old. Also, fans are touched by Olivia's chic curls, which make the baby even more charming. Fans of the artist did not stint on kind words addressed to the girl.

“The doll is beautiful, such a lapatula”, “What a doll she is!”, “So sweet,” the singer’s devoted fans wrote.

Despite being constantly busy, Keti tries to spend as much time as possible with her adored child. Topuria devotes every free minute to the baby and does everything not to part with her for a long time. Keti Topuria brings up her daughter with special methods

Fans admire the incredible resemblance of Katie and her heiress. Somehow Topuria sorted out her archive of photographs and found a picture where she was captured at the same age as her child. She compared two frames, and it turned out that mother and daughter are like two drops of water.

Keti does not hide the fact that she dreams of having another child, but at the moment she is forced to work. Moreover, now the artist's husband Lev Geykhman mostly lives in the United States. Fans noticed that recent times in the soloist's microblog musical group photos with her husband began to flicker less and less. They are worried about what is happening in the family of the artist. As it turned out, the man has to not see his relatives for a long time because of work, but every few months he always flies to visit his relatives. Keti herself is not going to change her place of residence, and therefore she has no choice but to put up with separation. Nevertheless, the singer's mother is worried about her daughter's marriage.

“Of course Leo is coming. For example, in December I was, I spent all the New Year holidays with Keti and my daughter and left, - said Natalya Topuria. “He usually spends two or three months in America and then goes to Russia.”

Six weeks ago, the lead singer of the A'Studio group, Katie Topuria, became a mother for the first time. The singer shared this wonderful news with her subscribers on official page in the social network in a couple of hours (readers of the site immediately learned about this) ...

“15.06.15. Livi #olivia"

And from that moment she started a crazy online marathon, daily delighting subscribers with new photos of her daughter Olivia.

"Liv & Lev" - Olivia with dad Lev Geykhman

"Aunt Alsu, thank you for the gifts!"

After the birth of her daughter, and Katie for this important point chose one of the most prestigious clinics - Cedars-Sinai medical Center (Los Angeles, USA), happy parents decided to stay longer in the City of Angels.

In the meantime, the 28-year-old singer filled the photo album with cute and touching shots - “Livy with mom”, “Livy for a walk”, “Livy sleeps in dad's arms” ...

And what Katie did not expect at all - that another photo of baby Olivia could quarrel readers and cause a flurry of anger and criticism. As it turned out, such negative reviews deserved a frame in which Katie Topuria captured one and a half month old Olivia in ... sunglasses and high heels!

"My woman" - signed photo of Katie Topuria.

Outrage knew no bounds! Subscribers immediately divided into two camps and tried to find out whether such behavior with a child can be described as irresponsible or whether it is still worth treating such frames with humor.

“I was disappointed in you!”, “Well, what kind of parents are you?” or “It’s better not to show at all than to mock a child like that” as opposed to “Mamzel”, “Fashionable like a mother” and “Krasotulya”.

And which side will you take?

0 April 14, 2017, 13:12

Keti Topuria with her daughter Olivia

Keti Topuria leads an active life in social networks, where she shares news with followers and, of course, publishes pictures from her personal archive, in particular photos of her daughter Olivia (on June 15, the girl will turn two years old). The latter, by the way, yesterday got her own personal account inInstagram. Now all the singer's fans will be able to subscribe to the baby and periodically watch the pictures that the girl's mother will publish. In just a few hours, Olivia already has more than five thousand followers, but so far the artist has not published a single photo.

The singer often pampers subscribers with pictures with her daughter. They always collect a large number of likes and cause a strong reaction among netizens. Followers leave Katie hundreds of comments in which they compliment the little beauty. Probably, Topuria thought that it would be more interesting for subscribers to watch the girl through another account, so the artist decided to follow the example of many Russian and Western stars who have personal pages for their children (remember, at least the son of Yana Rudkovskaya). We just have to subscribe to Olivia and get a new portion of cuteness every day!

How small is she! My life. Now she has her own page

Topuria wrote in her microblog.

Olivia's Instagram account

Keti Topuria with her daughter

Keti Topuria gave birth to daughter Olivia from Lev Geykhman in June 2015. For a long time, the girl's mother tried to hide the baby's face and not show the girl. general public. In fact, this is exactly what many celebrities do because they do not want to draw too much attention to their children. However, already in August 2016, the singer finally showed what her daughter looks like, and since then she has been constantly posting both amateur and professional photos from joint photo shoots on Instagram. Olivia has already become the face of several glossy publications.

Instagram photo

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