What the stars looked like at high school graduations. Graduation and school photos of stars (21 photos)

Interesting 18.08.2019

Graduation balls died down, the guys entered adulthood. And probably every person remembered himself at graduation. Champagne, dawn, bitter parting. Themselves, trying to seem mature and independent. And it doesn’t matter who it was, a future star or an ordinary graduate, in principle, everyone looks somehow confused and upset.

Below is a photo of Russian celebrities, some of which are unrecognizable.

Zemfira Ramazanova

Irina Bilyk prepared for the holiday for a long time and got a unique outfit. “I was preparing for graduation like a wedding - I wanted to be the most beautiful! - said Irina. - But since then there was no place to buy a normal outfit and shoes, my mother, through a big pull through friends, overpaid 80 rubles, bought me white suit. It was brought from Japan - with a flounced skirt, embroidered with small flowers - a feast for the eyes!

Lera Kudryavtseva

Anastasia Volochkova. Instead of an elegant dress, she had to wear a tutu - at the graduation she danced Odette and Odile from Swan Lake.

In this black and white photo, Nastya Volochkova is 17 years old. Graduate Volochkova in class at the Academy of Russian Ballet.

Ruslana Lyzhychko is depicted in her graduation photo with her mother Nina Arkadyevna and cousin Svetlana. Ruslana's prom dress is hard to see in a black and white photo. But it is noticeable that since that time not only the style of the singer has changed, Ruslana has lost weight, grown long hair, only her radiant smile remained unchanged.

Timur Rodriguez graduated from Penza School No. 67

Vera Brezhneva

Alena Apina graduated high school early 80s

Irina Dubtsova, Prokhor Chaliapin. Classmates, they played together in a play at the prom.

Ivanushka, Andrey Grigoriev-Apolonov

Vitya Bilan, who later became Dima

Lolita Milyavskaya, a graduate of Lviv School No. 35

"At school, I liked to wear round glasses and long hair, like John Lennon, for which I was often scolded by teachers"

Maxim Galkin, a graduate of one of the Moscow schools

Lenya Agutin

Vladimir Vladimirovich studied at school No. 281 (a special school with a chemical bias based on the Institute of Technology)

Ani Lorak, a graduate of secondary school No. 37 in Astrakhan

June 24, 2017

Celebrities walked with the heirs at the last school evening

Graduation balls were held in the capital. This year, several celebrity heirs said goodbye to school at once.

The daughter of the singer Slava graduated from the Lomonosov school with a "gold" medal. Now Alexandra enters the theater school, where, as you know, the results of the exam are not important: in these higher educational institutions, in the first place Creative skills applicants.

For prom The girl chose a bright red outfit. As you know, the graduate's heart is busy - the eldest heiress of the singer Slava lives with her boyfriend, and this does not prevent her from studying "excellently".

A post shared by SLAVA (@nastya_slava) on Jun 24, 2017 at 8:07am PDT

Stefania Malikova chose a short fitted dress for the prom, emphasizing her slim figure. The girl enters MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism, so for her greater value had USE result In Russian.

“I congratulate the graduates on the most wonderful holiday of youth! Hooray! this is just the beginning! Today the whole world is open to us. Further more! In the meantime, I am happy with 91 points in Russian, I want to tell all the spiteful critics that I gave everything honestly. I can send my essay and test to those especially “smart” people who say that everything is bought, - she turned to her subscribers in in social networks the heiress of Dmitry Malikov, - I passed for such a high score only because I prepared diligently and practiced every day. Nobody in my family bought anything and I have no guarantee that I will go where I want. But! I really hope that everything will work out and be good.”


A post shared by @steshamalikova on Jun 23, 2017 at 1:05pm PDT

The daughter of Tina Kandelaki at the graduation was in an elegant black dress, with cutouts on the back. Melania made two bright accents in her image - a red bag and burgundy shoes. The girl's mother Tina Kandelaki picked up a dress for her daughter's prom in the same style.

Melania Kondrakhina is going to become a student of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Ekaterina Starshova (Buttons from daddy's daughters) had a graduation from the 9th grade. The girl changes educational institution. The girl’s certificate is red, all subjects are “excellent”.


15-year-old Katya and her mother chose outfits of the same color for the ball - blue dresses.

I don't know what they usually say at this moment. Well, I'm talking about the one when you get a red certificate and understand that you studied all these 9 years for good reason, - the girl shared her emotions.

Katya entered the Lyceum.

A post shared by Katya Starshova (@ekaterina_starshova) on Jun 23, 2017 at 10:11am PDT

The son of Igor Vernik will enter the theater school, since the competition this year is 200 people per place, the guy applied to several schools at once.

What do you need to be at school to become a famous TV presenter, fashion designer, journalist, oligarch? Looking at these photos of young talents, the editors of Time-for-rest learned a little about how future celebrities looked in those years. The main thing is that everyone grew up talented successful people, which means that the hours at the desk were not in vain for them.

Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Gorelik) —was born in Transcarpathia. She spent her childhood and youth in Kyiv, where she graduated from high school. From the age of sixteen she worked as a backing vocalist for the then popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya. This photo was sent to Lolita by her classmate about 10 years ago, which now stands in her dacha - "to intimidate robbers."

Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov —popular singer, actor, UN Goodwill Ambassador. He studied at school number 24 in Tula. According to the artist himself, he did not study very well at school, he was constantly late, for which Alexei's parents were often called to school. But Alexei always went to school in a suit and tie, and the nickname "Advisor to the President" stuck to him!

Dima Bilan ( Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) is a popular Russian singer. Until the ninth grade, he studied at the second school in the city of Maisky, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, but completes his school education at school No. 14. He takes first place in the Young Voices of the Caucasus competition.

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Lazarev — popular singer, theater and film actor. From the fifth grade he studied at Moscow school No. 1061, where a museum dedicated to him was subsequently created!!!

Vera Viktorovna Kiperman (Galushka) pseudo. Brezhnev -singer, actress and TV presenter. Vera graduated from secondary school No. 41 in Dneprodzerzhinsk and dreamed of entering the Faculty of Law. But fate decreed otherwise, which Vera does not regret at all.

Timur Rodriguez (Timur Mikailovich Kerimov)- Russian singer, actor, presenter. Father is Azerbaijani, mother is Jewish. Graduated from high school №67. I attended several clubs, including a knitting circle.

Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov (Cord) is a popular Russian musician, composer, artist, leader of the Leningrad group. About Sergey Shnurov filmed documentary with the telling title "He swears", and the German-Russian painting "The Man Who Sings". He studied at school number 266 in the city of Leningrad. He was a bully and regularly participated in various school and street fights, mastered profanity to perfection and was registered in the children's room of the police.

Ani Lorak (Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek)is a popular Ukrainian singer. When the girl was six years old, her mother sent her to the Sadgorsk boarding school No. 4 in Chernivtsi, where the girl, along with her brothers, was brought up to the 7th grade. AniLorak - Carolina in reverse reading.

Kristina Edmundovna Orbakaite —Russian pop singer, actress. Daughter of Alla Pugacheva. Studied at 55 Moscow school. According to her class teacher, Christina was modest, studied well and tried not to stand out in any way. At graduation, Christina had mother Alla Borisovna with her then-husband Evgeny Boldin and her young man Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

Andrei Genrikhovich Grigoriev-Appolonov (redhead from Ivanushki)- studied at a regular Sochi school. Andrei at school was a regular participant theatrical productions and amateur art competitions. Andrey's graduation was in the 9th grade, and then the future singer entered the pedagogical school.

Leonid Nikolaevich Agutin- studied at secondary school No. 863 in Moscow. Simultaneously with studies in general education school studied at the Moscow jazz school at the House of Culture "Moskvorechye" in piano.

Sergei Anatolievich Zverev- the future stylist of "All Russia" dressed quite simply for his school graduation - a black suit and trousers were slightly narrowed to the bottom. Well, then everything is according to the canons of the classics: a white shirt with a black bow tie, which Sergey replaced with a tie towards the end of the holiday, of the same color.

NatalieNatalya Anatolyevna Rudina before marriage Minyaev.She studied at secondary school No. 37 of the city of Dzerzhinsk. As you can see, the years did not change Natalia at all, on the contrary ... At the age of 17, Natalie had to prepare two dresses at once: one for graduation, and the other for a wedding.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiev- Graduated from school No. 79 in the city of Leningrad. At school, Dmitry studied well and had excellent mathematical abilities. And even without devoting too much time to study, he managed to finish school well and easily enter the Electrotechnical Institute.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin- Changed many schools, since his father was a military man. Maxim Galkin completed his secondary education in Moscow, graduating from gymnasium No. 1543.

Graduation Alla Borisovna Pugacheva took place in 1964. At school, she was mostly friends with boys. And for her hooligan disposition, she was called "sergeant major." Behavior scores her were bad.

On the last call Prokhor Chaliapin(Andrei Andreevich Zakharenkov) sang the songs of Nadezhda Kadysheva. At the graduation in the 9th grade, they played a school play together with Irochka Dubtsova.

Lera Kudryavtseva (Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva) -came to graduation in a floor-length white chiffon dress tailored to fit her figure, in which elder sister got married.

Yana Rudkovskayaschool years spent in Barnaul. Leadership skills originated at school. Yana was actively involved in figure skating and music, she read a lot. She graduated from school with a silver medal. The only four was in physics.

Alena Apina (Elena Evgenievna Apina),last name at birthLyovochkin -graduated music school in piano class. Then the Saratov Musical College.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin- studied at eight-year school No. 193, then entered secondary school No. 281 (a special school with a chemical bias based on the Institute of Technology, which he graduated in 1970.

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