How to make a presentation about the golden mountains of Altai. Altai mountains

Fashion & Style 21.10.2019
Fashion & Style

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Altai mountains

Altai Mountains - represent a complex system of the highest ranges in Siberia, separated by deep river valleys and vast intra-mountain and intermountain basins.

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The mountain system is located where the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan converge. It is divided into Southern Altai (Southwestern), Southeastern Altai and Eastern Altai, Central Altai, Northern and Northeastern Altai, Northwestern Altai.

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Origin of name.

The origin of the name "Altai" is associated with the Turkic-Mongolian word "altyn", meaning "gold", "golden".

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There are three main types of relief in Altai: the surface of the residual ancient peneplain, alpine-type glacial high-mountain relief and mid-mountain relief.

The alpine relief in Altai rises above the surface of the ancient peneplain and occupies higher sections of the Katunsky, Chuisky, Kuraisky, Saylyugem, Chikhachev, Shapshalsky, Southern Altai, and Sarymsakty ranges. Alpine relief is less common than the surface of the ancient peneplain. Ridges with alpine landforms are their most elevated axial parts (up to 4000-4500 m), strongly dissected by erosion and frost weathering.

The ancient peneplain is a high mountain range with a wide development of leveling surfaces and steep, stepped slopes modified by regressive erosion.

The mid-mountain relief has heights from 800 to 1800-2000 m and occupies more than half of the territory of Altai. The upper limit of the distribution of the mid-mountain relief is limited by the plane of the ancient peneplain, but this boundary is not sharp. The relief here is characterized by smoothed, rounded forms of low ridges and their spurs, separated by river valleys.

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In the highlands there are also plateaus. The Ulagan plateau is an alpine plain with a wavy, slightly indented surface. The Ukok Plateau and the Chulyshman Plateau have a more dissected relief, formed as a result of glacial and partially erosional processes.

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Altai caves.

There are about 300 caves in Altai: there are many of them in the Charysh, Anui, Katun basins. One of the interesting caves is Bolshaya Pryamukhinskaya, 320 m long. It is located on the right bank of the Pryamukha spring, the left tributary of the Yarovka, which flows into the Inya. The entrance to the cave is through a shaft with a depth of 40 m. The longest cave in Altai - Museum, more than 700 m, is located near the village of Karakol, on the right bank of the Karakol, the left tributary of the Anui. The cave has two entrances through wells 17-20 m deep. In the Museum Cave there are various sinter forms - stalactites and stalagmites.

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The Altai Mountains are gradually destroyed under the influence of the forces of nature: heat and frost, snow and rain, wind and flowing waters crush and carry away the upper layers, exposing dense crystalline rocks - granites, porphyries, marble. The stone peaks are cracking into huge, disorderly heaped pieces. Scree, consisting of small detrital material, descends along the slopes of the mountains.

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Main characteristic

Region of the Russian Federation: Republic of Altai Constituent objects: Katunsky biosphere reserve, Altai Reserve, Belukha Mountain Natural Parks and Ukok Plateau Calm Zone Location: in the southeast Western Siberia in the Altai mountains Natural conditions: highlands Altitude: 434-4280 m Area: 1.64 million hectares Status: included in the World Heritage List in 1998 The nature of this territory located in the Altai Mountains at the junction of Central Asia and Siberia is distinguished by its bright originality. There are few places in the world with the same contrasting combinations of different landscapes in such a small space.

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The flora and fauna of the region are diverse and in many ways unique. In the basin of Lake Teletskoye, Altai cedar forests are still preserved - forests of Siberian cedar pine, which provide shelter and food for numerous representatives of the animal world. Here, the most significant subalpine and alpine meadows in terms of area in the mountains of Siberia. The color of the vegetation of the Southern Altai is also unique, where semi-deserts, steppes and tundra closely coexist.

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The diversity of landscapes contributed to the emergence and preservation of endemics in Altai, often occupying very small areas. About 60 species of mammals, 11 species of amphibians and reptiles, 20 species of fish live here. Among the rare species of mammals, the irbis, or snow leopard, should be highlighted - this is one of the most beautiful cats in the world fauna. Very few of these animals have survived in Altai.

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The geological history of the region is unique, "recorded" in the rocks of different ages that compose it and vividly imprinted in unusual landforms. Such, for example, are the high terraces of the Katun, striking in their grandeur. The grandiose Mount Belukha, the highest peak in Siberia (4506 m above sea level), crowned with glaciers and snowfields, rises almost 1000 m above the nearby ridges.

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The valleys of the Altai rivers, primarily the Katun and Chulyshman, are deep narrow canyons. The valley of Chulyshman is picturesque, the decoration of which is the numerous waterfalls of lateral tributaries. The true pearl of Altai is Lake Teletskoye. It is called Small Baikal because of the purest water, majestic mountain setting and rich wildlife.

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The exceptional diversity of nature has left its mark on the culture and religion of the indigenous population of this territory - the Altaians. The achievements of the Altai traditional medicine. As N.K. Roerich, "many peoples passed through Altai and left traces: Scythians, Huns, Turks". Outstanding scientists call Gorny Altai a "museum" under the open sky.

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Famous reserves

Altai Reserve (area 881.2 thousand hectares, established in 1932) Here you can see a wide variety of landscapes - from steppes and taiga to mountain tundra and glaciers, 1.5 thousand species have been noted here higher plants, of which 250 are Altai-Sayan endemics, 120 species are recognized as relics of the Paleogene-Neogene and Quaternary time, and 24 species are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Republic. On the northwestern outskirts of the reserve, surrounded by high cliffs, at an altitude of 434 m, lies the most picturesque Lake Teletskoye - the largest reservoir in the region (40 km3), which among Siberian lakes in terms of reserves fresh water second only to Baikal (it is often called “Altai Baikal”). The lake fills a narrow (no more than 5 km) and oblong (78 km) tectonic depression, its area is 22.4 thousand hectares, and its depth is up to 325 m. they even call it the “Siberian jungle”: here fir, cedar and aspen, and often spruce and birch grow in the middle of lush grassy vegetation, and cedars can be up to 600 years old. It is known that the Russian people first came to the shores of the lake in 1633, and since at that time the Altai tribe of Teles lived here, the pioneer Cossacks called the reservoir Telesky. Here, along the border of the reserve, such a picturesque and very popular river as Chulyshman flows.

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The water protection zone of Lake Teletskoye (93.7 thousand hectares), which is also the buffer zone of the reserve, preserves the unique taiga near Teletskoye on the western shore of the lake.

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Katun Biosphere Reserve (151.6 thousand ha, 1991). Here you can see areas of mountain taiga, and alpine meadows, and mountain steppes, and high-altitude tundra, however, the glacial landscape is predominant, because almost 50% of the area of ​​​​these highlands is the realm of ice, snow, rocks and stony placers, and only 14% is taiga. Here, on the Katun Ridge, immediately to the west of Mount Belukha, dozens of mountain glaciers are concentrated, this is the largest center of modern glaciation in Altai. One of these glaciers - Katunsky, on the southern slopes of Belukha - gives life to the river with the same name, and, thus, the glacial Katunsky waters eventually replenish the great Ob. In its upper reaches, the Katun, framed by high terraces, flows in a deeply incised channel, with many rapids, which attracts a lot of water athletes and rock climbers. Here you can admire the picturesque cascade of mountain glacial lakes with clear emerald water - Multinsky, located at an altitude of about 2 km.

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Rest zone Ukok, with the regime of a faunal reserve (252.9 thousand hectares, 1994). This wild alpine plateau, stretching at altitudes of 2000–3000 m, is unique in that here semi-deserts and dry steppes pass directly into mountain meadows and tundra, i.e. local nature "does" without a forest belt. This is the most interesting part of the property. world heritage from a historical and cultural point of view: rock paintings made by primitive artists and ancient burials lined with mossy stones were found here. The unique fauna of this heritage site deserves special mention: it was not for nothing that it was included in the UNESCO List precisely according to criterion iv (biodiversity and the presence of rare species). Among the approximately 70 species of mammals - Snow Leopard(irbis) and argali mountain sheep, listed in the International Red Book. This is a wild manul cat - the "inhabitant" of the Russian Red Book. There are also over 300 species of birds, including such rare birds as the Altai snowcock, black stork, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, bearded vulture, white-tailed and long-tailed eagles, saker falcon, imperial eagle, osprey. Among the 20 species of fish are grayling, taimen, lenok, osman.

In 1998, by decision of UNESCO, this territory at the junction of Central Asia and Siberia was declared a World Heritage Site.

The Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve and the buffer zone of Lake Teletskoye, the Katunsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve, the Ukok Quiet Zone Nature Park, and the Belukha Nature Park are located in this region. The total area of ​​the protected area is 1.64 million hectares.

Landscapes, flora and fauna of Altai

Geological history of the region represented by rocks different periods the formation of the Earth, reflected in unusual forms relief of these places.

These are the high terraces of the Katun, striking in their grandeur, and the highest peak of Siberia, Belukha (4506 m above sea level), crowned with glaciers and snowfields, and the deep narrow canyons of the Altai rivers.

There are few places in the world with the same contrasting combinations of different landscapes in such a small space. Here are all natural areas Central Asia: deserts, steppes, forest-steppes, mixed forests, mountain dark coniferous taiga, subalpine and alpine meadows. On the territory of the Ukok plateau, a tundra-steppe landscape has formed with rare plants and mosses, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The unique fauna of Altai deserves special attention: 70 species of mammals, over 300 species of birds, including such rare birds as the Altai snowcock, black stork, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, bearded vulture, sea eagles (white-tailed and long-tailed), saker falcon, imperial eagle, osprey. Among the 20 species of fish - grayling, taimen, lenok, osman.

The diverse landscape of the "Golden Mountains of Altai" contributed to the emergence and preservation of endemics here (plants and animals distributed only in certain areas). Among the rare mammals are the irbis, or snow leopard, and the Altai mountain sheep argali.

Lake Teletskoye is also unique - the most big lake Altai and one of the largest lakes in Russia, it is called the younger brother of Baikal. The maximum depth of the lake is about 330 m, more than 70 rivers and streams flow into it, and only one river, the Biya, flows out. According to an old legend, in ancient times there was a famine in Altai. One Altaian, who had a large gold ingot, wanted to exchange it for food, but, having gone around the whole Altai, he could not buy anything. Annoyed and hungry, the “rich” poor man threw his ingot into the lake and himself died in its waves. Since then, in the language of the Altaians, the lake has been called Altyn-Kol - "Golden Lake".

History of Altai

Interesting not only nature, but also the history of these places. It is believed that the first settlements appeared here almost a million years ago. Archaeologists have studied the valley of the Katun River best of all. Monuments of all eras have been found here - from Paleolithic sites ancient man to the ethnographic burials of the Altaians, and the Scythians who lived here left behind the stone pillars of menhirs, numerous petroglyphs, jewelry and weapons.

In 1993, on the Ukok plateau, located at an altitude of about 3 km above sea level and has long been considered a sacred territory, they found the mummy of a girl named "Altai Princess". In the burial chamber, they found six horses under saddles and with a harness, as well as a wooden block of larch, nailed down with bronze nails. According to Chinese mythology, such horses were called qilin (heavenly) and were supposed to lift a person to sky-high heights. The burial was in an ice lens, so it was well preserved.

In August 2014, the Council of Elders of the Altai Republic decided to bury the mummy. Many residents of the republic considered its removal from the mound to be the cause of natural disasters that hit Gorny Altai in last years including severe flooding. Currently, the remains of the “princess” are in a special climate-controlled sarcophagus at the National Republican Museum named after A.V. Anokhin. So far, the decision has not been made, since the study of the mummy is of great interest to science.

The uniqueness of Altai in geological, geographical, cultural terms makes scientists around the world seek to expand the protected area. In the near future, the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site "Golden Mountains of Altai" may become international, expanding to neighboring countries - China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.

The total area of ​​the protected zone is 16178 sq. km. It includes, in particular, such significant geographical objects as Mount Belukha and Lake Teletskoye. Within the buffer zone there are some places of discovery of Pazyryk burial grounds. The choice of these territories is due to the fact that they, in their totality, most fully represent the alternation of zones of alpine vegetation in Siberia: steppe, forest-steppe, mixed forests, subalpine and alpine belts. In addition, the significance of these areas for the conservation of populations of such rare animals as the irbis, the Siberian ibex and the Altai argali was taken into account. The World Conservation Union expresses concern that, despite the inclusion of these areas in the World Heritage List, which should guarantee them a special protected status, poaching continues to flourish here. Ecologists are also concerned about the construction of a gas pipeline and a high-speed highway from Kosh-Agach through Ukok to China.

The height of the Altai mountains ranges from 1500 to 1750 meters. The region of the Altai mountains is simply dotted with large and small lakes. Lakes are located both at the foot of the mountains and at a height. For example, Lake Uvs Nuur is located at a distance of 720 meters above sea level. In the northwest of the Altai Mountains, the elevations are steep and high. Here it is highest mountain in Russia - two-pointed Belukha. One peak of Mount Belukha is located at an altitude of 4506 meters, and the other at an altitude of 4440 meters.

The Katun River In the southwest of the Altai Mountains lies the valley of the Katun River. Katun, bending widely, descends from the Altai Mountains and flows into the Biya River. Here is one of the most beautiful places in Altai. Not far from the Katun there is Lake Kolyvan. The lake is surrounded by walls of rocks and mountains, covered with legends and is known for its inhabitants - masters of stone-cutting.

And in the northeast of Altai, there is a huge Teletskoye Lake, which is under the protection of UNESCO. Along the eastern shore of the lake there is a nature reserve, the rich nature of which amazes even an experienced tourist. There is rare species animals - snow leopard, or, for example, Altai argali.

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