Ideological and artistic originality of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Tales of Peter and Fevronia of Murom: the image and characteristics of Fevronia The author's attitude to Peter and Fevronia of Murom

the beauty 19.09.2020
the beauty

Spiritual values ​​and moral ideals

in "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Rybakova Elena Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Lomovskaya secondary school, Rybinsk district of the Yaroslavl region

Target: to show the patriotic pathos and instructive nature of the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia"


    Improve students' skills: analyze what they read: express their own judgment, reveal the author's attitude to characters and events

    Adoption of high moral ideals in the formation of moral values.

    To educate the moral qualities of schoolchildren: kindness, devotion in friendship and love, the ability to forgive.

    To form research skills in working on the root word meaning

Root Dictionary:

During the classes

Stage 1 of the lesson. teacher's word

The bell ringing "Counter" sounds.

What images have emerged? What appeared?

The ringing "Counter" sounded in Russia on holidays, especially on Candlemas, which means "meeting2. Today we also have to meet with a wonderful monument ancient Russian literature 16th century The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

MEETING in translation from Serbo-Croatian "happiness"

MEET - find, find. To meet is not only to see, but also to learn, to accept in any way, to show one's attitude. Let's try to learn as much as possible about the life of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of the family and marriage, whose love and marital fidelity are legendary.

Stage 2 of the lesson. Appeal to epigraphs lesson:

We should not forget about the soul,

We should be a little kinder ... V.M. Shukshin

How do you understand the epigraphs for today's lesson? What is the common word? (SOUL)

Can the attitude to the main truths in a person's life change over the centuries, or does it remain unchanged?

What spiritual values ​​are important to a person in different eras? (love, loyalty and devotion, wisdom, kindness, mercy, compassion, generosity, honesty, mutual understanding)

Stage 3 of the lesson. Individual task (2 students)

Teacher. Today we will plunge into the world of ancient Russian literature - calm, solemn, contemplative, wise. Fast forward to the 16th century...

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" is one of the masterpieces of ancient Russian literature, and the name of its author should be among the most prominent writers of the Russian Middle Ages.

Who wrote this work? What is his background? The word is given to our historians - the guys who prepared a story about the history of the creation of the story.

1 student.The 16th century is the time of the formation of a single Russian state with the capital city of Moscow. The unification of Russia was followed by the unification of Russian culture. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Macarius, an extensive - 12 huge volumes - collection of all that is being compiled, i.e. books read in Russia. This meeting was called "Great Cheti-Minei".

In the "Great Cheti-Minei", in the order of months and days, stories about the life of the saints of the Orthodox Church were presented. A Russian proverb says: "A city does not stand without a saint, a village without a righteous man." And Macarius instructs the priests to collect traditions from the Russian lands about the righteous people who became famous for their pious deeds. Priest Yermolai, a writer and publicist, was commissioned to write a life of Murom saints Peter and Fevronia.

Reading the work, we noticed that the author writes: “At one time they accepted monasticism and they put on monastic clothes. And in the monastic rank the blessed prince Peter David was named, and the Monk Fevronia in the monastic rank was called Euphrosyne.

2 student.Murom was famous for its legends. The most poetic of the Murom legends was the tale of a wise maiden who became a kind and fair princess. It served as the basis for the story. It is still unknown who can be called the prototypes of the heroes. But most often, as we found out, the prototype of the hero of the story, Prince Peter, is called Prince David Yuryevich, who ruled Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. He married a peasant woman Euphrosyne in gratitude for the fact that she cured him of an illness from which no one could cure. The marriage of the prince with a simple peasant woman caused malicious slander, but the couple lived happily until the end of their days. When they grew old, they both became monks and died in 1228.

The story became a true masterpiece of ancient Russian literature, it was written after the canonization, that is, the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Cathedral in 1547. She was read in the Moscow state, 150 lists of this work have survived to this day.

4th stage of the lesson.Annotated reading of the story.

Stage 5 of the lesson. Homework.

Answer the following questions in writing:

What impression did the story make?

Which character won your heart?

What is holiness?

Do you agree with the decision of the Orthodox Church to canonize Peter and Fevronia, i.e. count as saints?

The answers to the questions can serve as an introduction to your essay in the future.

Individual tasks: look up the meaning of words in dictionaries: love, the righteous, faithful, holiness, deceit, sacrament

Seekers of the "other kingdom"

Lesson in the development of speech. Preparation for an essay on "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Target: prepare for essay writing


    Collect material to reveal the character of the characters in the story

    Make an essay plan

    Remember how sentences are combined into a single text in order to avoid speech and logical errors.

Stage 1 of the lesson. Introduction and setting goals

Since 2008, July 8 has been declared All-Russian day of family, love and fidelity. It is symbolic that this holiday was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family. A lot of people on this day make a pilgrimage to Murom to thank Saints Peter and Fevronia for patronage in their family life or ask for the gift of family harmony and happiness.

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the content of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, and today we will turn to the work again in order to better understand the characters of the characters and be able to independently express our thoughts about them in the essay.

Peter and Fevronia are the most revered saints of the Russian land.

At home you studied dictionary entries, can you answer the question: what is holiness?

Stage 2 of the lesson. Working with the word HOLY keyword Topics.

Let's pay attention to the root image of the word:

ST -th, -be; holy, holy, holy. 1. In religious concepts: possessing divine grace. (sanctified). 2. Imbued with high feelings, sublime, ideal (high).Holy love for the Motherland. 3. True, majestic and exceptional in importance (high). 4. saint, -bgo,m. In Christianity and some other religions: a person who dedicated his life to the church and religion, and after death is recognized as a model of a righteous life and a bearer of miraculous power.

    lesson stage. Drawing up a plan for future writing.

one). Introduction ( there may be a story about the era, the history of the creation of the work, the features of the genre; the impression that the story made on you; your perception of the characters )

- Tell us what impression the story made on you, which of the characters won your heart. ( Students' statements)

How will we build the main part of the essay?

2). Main part.

a) Who are the main characters?

b) What spiritual values ​​are important to them?

C) The actions of the characters, revealing their characters. Whose life path more difficult than Peter or Fevronia?

3). Conclusion. The significance of the work.(Why were Peter and Fevronia canonized by the Russian Church?)

    lesson stage. Conversation and collecting material for writing.

Teacher questions:

Prince Peter

Virgin Fevronia

Why is Prince Peter destined to kill the serpent?

What character traits of the prince does the author highlight?

Who is Fevronia? She looks like a "wise maiden" from Russians folk tales?

After killing the serpent, the prince fell ill. Is it a disease of the body or of the soul too?

D.S. Likhachev speaks of the "extraordinary silence of the image" of Fevronia. What is the meaning of the word silence?

What temptations does Peter endure when he meets Fevronia? (TEMPTATION - temptation, seduction, desire for something forbidden)

What are the main spiritual values ​​for Fevronia?

- But did Peter always act according to his conscience? Didn't it provoke condemnation?

How does Fevronia test Peter? Why even without seeing it, demands it for itself?

What actions of the heroine reveal her moral ideals?

Did Peter love his wife? How did you convince yourself of her clairvoyance?

What is more important for him the princely throne or loyalty to his beloved?

How do you assess the decision of Peter and Fevronia to die on the same day?

Does Fevronia help Prince Peter to come to a righteous life?

Let's collect material about the characters of the characters in a special table:

(approximate student entry)

Prince Peter

Virgin Fevronia

The prince appears as a brave and strong warrior.

It is he who is destined to find Agrikov's sword and kill the snake. The sword itself has the shape of a cross and is its symbolic reflection, and the name Agrik, or Agirka, is worn by the serpent fighter

The wise maiden Fevronia resembles a fairy-tale heroine

She is wise, knows how to work miracles, guess other people's thoughts

After killing the snake, the prince fell ill, but not only his body was affected, but also his soul. He doubts people, he is ashamed of the origin of a simple maiden, who sets the condition - to marry her. Only having atoned for his sin, ashamed of his pride, Peter receives healing

Fevronia is not only wise and pious, she has the gift of clairvoyance - she knows her fate. She experiences spiritual love for Prince Peter.

Fevronia is modest, meek, she has no prudent thoughts. She loves the prince himself, not his title. fidelity, piety,

He didn’t marry Fevronia right away, he began to test her when the wives of the boyars began to slander her, for example, about the crumbs that she collects

Fevronia is able to heal the prince, but Peter's promise to marry her becomes her condition.

Using her gift, the heroine says that if the prince does not become her husband, then she should not treat him, because. does the will of God.

She becomes a faithful wife and a wise princess.

The main virtue for the bride and groom is meekness and humility, which are necessary to maintain harmony and peace in the family.

Fevronia, patiently endured all the trials of her husband, and dutifully awaited the fulfillment of the will of the Lord, gradually pushing Peter to spiritual development.

The prince and princess give others goodness, love, warmth and generosity of their souls.

The prince loves his wife, but according to the boyar slander, he doubted his wife. Seeing incense instead of crumbs in the palms of Fevronia, he was ashamed that he did not trust the honesty of his wife

When the boyars demanded that he renounce his wife, he preferred exile and remains a faithful husband.

Those who fall with faith to cancer with their relics generously receive healing.

Peter and Fevronia before their death accept monasticism under the name of David and Euphrosyne. They remained faithful to each other in secular and monastic life, not only "before the grave", but also "beyond the grave", having united after death.

Fevronia - saint, reverend, blessed.

Prince Peter for the writer is the embodiment of a just princely power: having told about the reign of Prince Peter, the author showed what this power should be like. But he also showed an example of married life, fidelity and faith.

The writer sang the wisdom of a simple peasant woman, prince, their loyalty, love, nobility, devotion.

    lesson stage. Summarizing.

Grace is the abundance and variety of the gifts of the Holy Spirit bestowed on us

God. In the theological sense, “grace” is the saving power of God, which gives the Christian the means to achieve an eternally blessed life) (Dictionary G. Dyachenko).

Then "pious" - faithful to God.

1. What words in the text also have the root “good”?:







2. How do you understand them?

Fragrant- God-guided

Blissful- close to God

gospel- the message of God or the message of God

Grace- given by God

Pious - worshiping God

The narrator ends the story with a prayer to Peter and Fevronia: “Rejoice, Peter, for God has given you the power to kill a flying ferocious serpent! Rejoice, Fevronia, for the wisdom of holy men was in your female head! .. Rejoice, honest leaders, for in your reign with humility, in prayers, doing alms, without ascending, you lived; for this, Christ overshadowed you with his grace, so that even after death your bodies lie inseparably in the same tomb, and in spirit you stand before the lord Christ! Rejoice, venerable and blessed ones, for even after death you invisibly heal those who come to you with faith!..”

This story is a kind of hymn to faith, love and fidelity.

Love for people, courage, humility, family values, fidelity, religiosity.

The triumph of faith, wisdom, reason, goodness and love is the main idea of ​​the story.


What do you remember about today's lesson?

How did the story of Peter and Fevronia enrich you?

What eternal topics did we talk about today?

    lesson stage.

Homework. Write an essay on the topic "Seekers of the "other kingdom"

Korneslovny dictionary

ST-th, -be; holy, holy, holy. 1. In religious concepts: possessing divine grace. S. old man. C. source. Holy water(sanctified). 2. Imbued with high feelings, sublime, ideal (high). Holy love for the Motherland. 3. True, majestic and exceptional in importance (high). Holy business. Holy obligation.4. saint,-bgo, m. In Christianity and some other religions: a person who dedicated his life to the church and religion, and after death is recognized as a model of a righteous life and a bearer of miraculous power. The cult of saints. Count as saints.

RIGHTEOUS -th, -th; -den, -bottom. 1. Pious, sinless, according to religious rules. Righteous life. 2. Based on truth (in 2 meanings), fair (outdated). P. court. P. judge.* From the works of the righteous you will not make chambers stone (colloquial) - Working honestly, it's hard to get rich, II existent,righteousness, and

EVIL -th, -th, -av. 1. Insidious, cunning. L. man. L. deed. 2. Playful, full of good-natured cunning. L. look. A sly smile. * The evil one beguiled (simple) - an expression of regret, remorse for an unsuccessful, reprehensible or incomprehensible action, deed. From the evil one (bookish) - about unnecessary sophistication, excessive complication of something. All these doubts are from the evil one.

LOVE - , love, those. love, w. 1. Deep emotional attraction, strong heart feeling.

Test work on the topic "Old Russian literature"

1. The main difference between literature and folklore:

B) more volume of the work;

C) the beauty of the word;

D) fabulous manner

2. Old Russian literature differs from folklore in that

A) is not created by one person;

C) more interesting plot;

D) it is writing

3. What genres belong to Old Russian literature?

A) epic;

B) life;

B) chronicle

D) fairy tale

4. What works are monuments of ancient Russian literature?

A) "The Tale of Bygone Years"

B) "Dubrovsky";

C) "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

D) "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

5. What canons were observed when creating the life?

A) idealization of the character;

B) love and worldly hobbies;

B) edification;

D) attention to household details.

6. Which of the proposed characters could be included in ancient Russian works?

A) Alexander Nevsky;

B) Vasilisa the Wise;

B) blacksmith Vakula

D) the first Russian martyrs, princes Boris and Gleb.

7. The main characters of Yermolai Erasmus' story are:

A) Prince Pavel;

B) the wise maiden Fevronia;

C) Prince Peter;

D) a snake.

8. ANTITHESIS is ...

A) reception of contrast;

B) figurative adjective;

B) fiction

D) an increase in the sign.

9. The antithesis is used in The Tale of Peter and Fevronia to ...

A) contrast Peter and Fevronia;

B) to prove that Peter is a victorious hero;

C) show the inconsistency of the character of Prince Peter;

D) select Fevronia from among all the heroes.

10. What definitions apply to Princess Fevronia?

A) doubtful

B) blessed

B) faithful;

D) commanding.

ANSWERS to the test: 1 - A; 2 - B; 3 - B, C; 4 - A, B; 5 - A, B; 6 - A, D; 7 - B, C; 8 - A; 9 - B; 10 - B, C.

This lesson is for 7th grade. Type of lesson - analysis of a work of art. In the process of analyzing the work, children get an idea of ​​the Christian understanding of marriage, of the spiritual values ​​on which the traditional Russian seed is based. They observe how these values ​​are realized in the relationship between Peter and Fevronia. The song "Peter and Fevronia" performed by the choir "Peresvet" contributes to the emotional mood.



Methodical development of a literature lesson on the topic: “The Tale

About Peter and Fevronia of Murom" as a reflection

Christian Understanding of Marriage"

Sinelnikova Svetlana Dmitrievna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Lesson type - analysis of a work of art.

Technological support of the lesson:

  • information technology, ICT;
  • personality-oriented technologies;
  • technology of education of spiritual culture;
  • technology of pedagogical cooperation.

Lesson Objectives:
1. Educational:

  • to help students understand the views, morality, morality of past centuries;
  • analyze how the “Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” reflects the Christian understanding of marriage, what spiritual values ​​the traditional Russian family is based on and how they are implemented in the text of the story;
  • identify the author's position;
  • reveal the author's attitude to the characters;
  • improve the skills of characterization of heroes.

2. Educational:

  • to realize the significance of ancient Russian literature, which gives a clear distinction between the concepts of good and evil, duty and honor, truth and conscience, man and the meaning of life - the highest universal moral and spiritual values.
  • to cultivate moral qualities: kindness, devotion, fidelity in friendship and in love, the ability to forgive;
  • show that moral ideals and covenants Ancient Russia valuable to this day.
  • cultivate respect for the culture of the native country and the native language.

3. Developing:

  • develop logical thinking, oral and written speech, communication skills (work in groups);
  • to develop the skill of analytical creative reading of ancient Russian literature, to understand the idea of ​​the work, the characters of the characters, the difference between their worldview and the heroes of modern literature; ability to quote.
  • develop research skills.

Lesson equipment:

Exhibition of reproductions of ancient Russian painting (icons).

Computer presentation for the lesson.

Audio recording of the song "Peter and Fevronia" performed by the choir "Peresvet".

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.Hello guys, sit down! I am glad to see your good mood for our today's lesson. Good discoveries to you
  1. Epigraph work.

Morality is the same in all ages and for all people. Reading about obsolete in detail, we can find a lot for ourselves.
D.S. Likhachev

slide 2

  1. The topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will touch the work of Ancient Russia - the pearl of ancient Russian literature. The full title of this work is “A Tale from the Lives of the New Saints of the Miracle Workers of Murom, the Blessed and Reverend and Most Praiseworthy Prince Peter, Named in the Monastic Order of David, and His Wife, Blessed and Rev. and Most Praiseworthy Princess Fevronia, Named in the Monastic Order of Euphrosyne”

slide 3

  1. Message about the purpose of the lesson.

The life of a married couple described in this story is the story of the relationship between a man and a woman who managed to overcome all the difficulties of a long and difficult earthly journey, revealing the ideal of a Christian family. In today's lesson, we will analyze how the Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom reflects the Christian understanding of marriage, what spiritual values ​​the traditional Russian family is based on, and how they are implemented in the text of the story. Analyzing this touching story, we will talk about relations between people, think about what human qualities were valued at that time in Russia, what moral ideals are still valuable today.

slide 4

To do this, we will turn to the Christian understanding of family and marriage, as laid down in the Bible, and consider what spiritual values ​​are at the heart of the Christian family.

The symbol of our lesson will be a candle. Fire is the personification of warmth, memory. Each person should know his history, his roots. And strong roots give a strong young generation.

slide 5

  1. Checking homework

In the history of Christianity there are the names of many people who became famous for their kindness, honesty, firmness in faith and courage in suffering. They began to be called saints and carefully cherished the memory of them. Events from their lives were recorded and compiled lives instructive stories about the labors, deeds and miracles of heroes.

With the help of etymological and explanatory dictionaries define the semantics of the word “saint” (slide 6).

  1. Everything that relates to the Divine, to the truths of faith, the object of highest reverence, worship (holy relics, holy gates, holy water).
  2. (transfer). Sublime, ideal, the most expensive (holy love for the motherland).
  3. Name of God: "Holy be you, for holy am I, the Lord your God."

slide 6

Saint - a person who dedicated his life to God. Doing good and hating evil, deserving from God for his love and faith special gifts, for example, the gift of miracles.(Recording the definition in a notebook).

Slide 7

– What is a life or hagiography?(Slide 3) (“Agios” - from the Greek “saint”, “graphos” - “I write” - a biography of holy people. Life is a spiritual genre, like all ancient Russian literature, therefore its goal is to glorify the saint).

– What are the canonical features of life?(“Canon” - from the Greek “norm, sample”. The life was compiled after the death of the saint. The narration is conducted from the 3rd person, it is distinguished by a leisurely presentation, calm intonation, with an abundance of Church Slavonicisms. The composition of the life is built according to a strict scheme. The hero is idealized, his inner world is not depicted in development, he is the chosen one from the moment of birth. Space and time in life conditionally).

Slide 8

As you know, Metropolitan Macarius did not include the life he ordered in the biblical collection "Great Readings - Menaions" (monthly readings). Why? We will try to answer this question through the compilation of a table.

Survey on the material covered

AT "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" is a folklore or literary work? Why?

Can this work be called life?

What does "story" mean? Why is this work called a story?

Slide 9

Message from pre-prepared students.

Fairy tale - a work of oral folk art about fictional events involving magical, fantastic forces.

In the story we find the following fairy tale features:

Fairy-tale beginning: “There is a city in the Russian land ... a prince named Pavel ruled in it”;

The exact time is not indicated, it is counted from the last event: “in a year”, “in a day”, “next morning”;

The first part of the "Tale ..." is similar to fairy tale about the snake-tempter, the second - about the tale of the wise maiden;

There are magical things: an agric sword;

Good conquers evil (Peter defeated the serpent);


Life features.

Life (translated from Church Slavonic - "life") - a description of the life of the saints, their deeds.

Lives had a certain structure. Introduction - an appeal to God (praise and prayer for help) Actually life - the birth of a saint, a righteous life, death and miracles. Conclusion - praise to the saint

The story is written in the form of a hagiography, but there is no construction of the work traditional for the hagiographic genre (the beginning does not correspond to the hagiographic beginning, trials,

through which Peter and Fevronia pass, it is not the devil who sends them, but creates the envy of people; only the final classic pattern lives). But still, there are features of life in the story.

Second, g heroes live according to the “commandments of God, in Hard time turn to God.

Thirdly, they perform miracles during life and after death (they prophetically predicted their death, died on the same day and hour, did not part after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious ailments).

Features of the story.

The story is a prose genre, gravitating

to a chronicle plot that reproduces the natural course of life

The authenticity of the "Tale ..." is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo).

The characters in the story are real people. (Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228).

In the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real trials.

The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of the boyars rushing to power, who killed each other in civil strife.

Slide 10

So what is the genre of this piece? Can this work be called life?

(A conclusion is made on the definition of the genre: in this work there are elements of fairy tales, and elements of life, and elements of a historical story.

6 , Notebook entry

it hagiographic talewith folk-tale elements).

So why was this work not included in the collection? (The unconventional nature of the hagiographic "Tale of Peter and Fevronia", folklore motifs, its laconicism, and the absence of etiquette features made it obviously unsuitable for the hagiographic canons of the 16th century.)

Into how many semantic parts can the work be divided?

(For three: the first part - approval of God's election of the brotherly-loving prince of the serpent fighter. Second is no longer dedicated to a military feat and a duel with an external force of evil, the main thing in it is a spiritual victory over one's sinfulness and a gradual, not physical, but spiritual healing. Third dedicated to the married life of Peter and Fevronia).

slide 11

  1. Core values ​​of the Christian family.

teacher's word

AT traditional system values Orthodox person family has always been prominent. The marriage union in the New Testament is raised to the level of a great mystery of God; it is he who is the image of the union of Christ with the Church. But the union of Christ with the Church is a union of grace, a true union; therefore, the marriage union must be considered full of grace, i.e. a union to which the grace of the Holy Spirit is sent from God and which is therefore a true union. The marriage union is concluded not only at the request of a man and a woman, but with the blessing of the Church. Marriage is a spiritual union, performed with the blessing of the Lord, a sacrament, a special sacrament that brings the grace of the Holy Spirit over a married couple.

slide 12

“Marriage not only does not impede a charitable life, but also greatly contributes to the taming of the ardent nature, not allowing the sea to wave, but constantly directing the boat to the pier,” says St. John Chrysostom.

Holy Scripture and Tradition pay attention to the values ​​of family life great attention. Already at the very beginning of the existence of the human race, these values ​​are affirmed by the Lord God Himself. When asked about the possibility of neglecting these values ​​(divorce), the Savior gives a very clear answer:Have you not read that He who created male and female in the beginning created them? And he said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. So what God has joined together, let no man separate.(Matthew 19:4-6)

slide 13

The Orthodox view of the family as a small church implies not only the God-established marriage relationship, but also their salvation. for“Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, always hopes, endures everything. (1 Corinthians 13:4) (Slide 140

Slide 14

Marriage must be indissoluble: “What God has joined together, let no man separate” (Matthew 19:6). Marriage is made and destroyed only by the will of God, and not by the desire of people. In today's society, among young people you can often hear phrases like this: "Let's get married, and if anything, we'll run away," - this is unthinkable for a Christian marriage, because your "half" is intended for you by God. A Christian who gets married in a church realizes that he is bound to his spouse until the end of his life, and must endure the trials that he will face in family life, including those related to the relationship of people in marriage.

Thus, we can say that Christian marriage is based on such spiritual values ​​as fidelity, patience, mutual assistance in physical and spiritual life, honesty and love between spouses, as well as their joint concern for the spiritual and material welfare of their family. Spouses, according to the canons of Christianity, are destined for each other by God and are responsible for their family, not only

The lofty images of pious married couples have found worthy imitators at all times. The Church venerates many saints who are united by marriage or who are representatives of the same family: being married has never been an obstacle to the fulfillment of Christian duty, on the contrary, it often revealed new facets of the service of God's saints. A vivid example is a married couple, whose memorial day in our time has becomeday of family, love and fidelity- these are the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia, miracle workers of Murom.

We will turn to the analysis of the text of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" and identify how the values ​​of Christian marriage are reflected in the text of the work.

So, before us is "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia

  1. Work on the text of the work

Analytical conversation.

Let's get in touch with the artistic world of the work.

How does it appear before us the author of the story? ( Modest, meek, deeply religious, humbly aware of his imperfection as a writer, but thanks God for the creative gift).

What kind writer's style you can note? (High style, many exclamatory sentences, praising not only heroes, but also God, many epithets characteristic of spiritual literature, many words used in spiritual religious literature).

A distinctive feature of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is that in the first parts of the work we observe the characters separately from each other, in the subsequent chapters they are inseparable, and act together. As a result of this, a common picture is created, in which there are no longer separate characters, but a couple of heroes undergoing joint tests.

Therefore, let us turn to the first two chapters of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, which tell the background of the marriage of the main characters. Although Peter and Fevronia in these parts of the story are not connected by marriage, it is in them that we can trace the formation of the relationship of the spouses, which has great importance in family formation.

Where does the story start?(With an indication of the place of action).

- Who and in what way is trying to prevent the prince from worldly service to God?

(The devil, who is trying to act through his wife. In the guise of Prince Paul, he sends a flying werewolf snake to her - for fornication).

- What would you call the relationship between Paul and his wife?

(Confidential, open, the trouble that happened is a common trouble, they are looking for ways to overcome it together).

The wife of the Murom prince had a choice: either she would hide everything that was happening, or she would confess to her husband, - the princess chose confession. Such an act is fully consistent with the canons of Christian marriage: the wife had nothing to be ashamed of in front of her husband, since the serpent committed violence against her, that is, betrayal of her husband was not a consequence of the woman’s sin, but the machinations of the devil. The family of Prince Pavel passed the test of life, preserving love and honor. On the other hand, the mutual confidence of the spouses in each other helped them get rid of the snake and defeat the intrigues of the Devil.

- With whom else did Paul have the same trusting relationship?(with his brother Peter)

A family is not only a husband and wife, but also relatives - brothers and sisters who also support each other in life, so Prince Pavel turns to his brother Peter for help, who without hesitation decides to help Pavel.

How can one evaluate the behavior of Peter, who learned from his older brother the story of the werewolf snake?(Peter acts selflessly)

- How does the sword fall into the hands of Peter? Why is he sent to him? Confirm your answer with text.

(Peter's piety helps him solve the second riddle of the serpent. He was a "prayer book" and loved solitary prayer in the suburban church of the Exaltation of the Cross Monastery. During his prayer, the Lord sends him a youth who tells him the location of Agrikov's sword).

- What does the author of the story mean by this?(The author conveys a feeling of deep faith, prayerfulness of the prince. Secluded in a quiet church, it is easier to offer up your fervent prayer, asking for help in a righteous deed. Help comes through his prayer and faith).

- It is significant that Prince Peter acquires the sword in the altar (a sacred place where access is open only to the elect!) of the Church of the Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross.

The sword itself has the shape of a cross and is its symbolic reflection, and the name Agrik, or Agirka, is worn by the serpent fighter. Thus, Peter appears as God's chosen one, who becomes the new serpent fighter, along with St. George and the fabulous Agrika.

We see in front of us an outstanding person, fulfilling the divine will, marked by higher powers.

What happened to Peter after defeating the serpent?(He is ill).

What was the reason for the acquaintance of Peter and Fevronia?

You know that riddles are a common technique in oral folk art.

Find the answer to the first riddle. On the second, on the third.

How does Peter feel when he hears a detailed story about an unusual girl?(He doesn't believe)

What decision does he make?(Deceive a girl, pay off with rich gifts).

From the story about Peter, Fevronia knows that he fought with a serpent. What does she heal Peter from?(God sends a disease to a person to humble pride, to cleanse from sins. Fevronia heals him from disobedience to the will of God).

Is the healing of the hero easy? When is he finally healed?(Peter repented, corrected his mistakes, he led a righteous life, was modest but firm in faith. Peter achieved the ideal of holiness in his life).

What has changed in the life of the hero after a full recovery?

(The main thing is the healing of Peter's soul).

vocabulary work

Continue the line:

Chastity is...

Healing a person is...

What do you find in common in these words? Give examples of other cognate words(whole, complete).

Chastity, that is, strict morality, purity, give Fevronia the gift of healing.

(Only one who shares life and all hardships with him, including the hardships of illness, can heal a person).

Why do you think the author chose a girl not of noble origin, but of peasant origin, as the main character? (He teaches to appreciate people not by origin, by their actions, he wanted to say that among the peasants there are wise, pure, faithful people).

Why does the author not draw portraits of the heroes of the story? (Not appearance, not beauty is the main thing for him, just as it is not the main thing for Peter and Fevronia. Peter was convinced of the mind, spiritual beauty of the girl. She did not accept his gifts, which means she is unselfish; she, “not at all angry with him, heals him,” which means she is merciful. After all, before Peter took Fevronia to Mur with great honors, they did not see each other and all communication was through servants).

Why is Fevronia capable of performing miracles, but Peter is not?

(She is pious, obedient to God, follows the commandments of Christ in life).

The third part of the story.

Undoubtedly, the main character of the story is Fevronia, since the main part of the story is devoted to describing precisely her deeds, however, the story is named after both spouses, and the name of her husband comes first. Thus, the author makes it clear that despite the chosenness of Fevronia, the main theme of the work is still not a separate female image, but namely family relationships heroes

We will analyze the images of Peter and Fevronia, and use their example to find out how the “roles” are distributed in a harmonious marriage, and what kind of relationship exists between husband and wife in a traditional Russian family

What caused the hostility of the boyars and their wives to the new princess?(Anger, envy, arrogance, swagger, self-interest - the reasons for the hatred of the boyars and their wives).

How and what request of the boyars did Fevronia fulfill?(Fevronia did not agree to exchange her husband for gifts, but she did not doubt that her husband would not exchange her for power. She fulfilled such a commandment of a Christian family as obedience to her husband. A woman in marriage obeys a man, and her decision depended only on the decision husband It was Peter who had to take responsibility for their fate).

How did Peter? (Peter was very grateful to God for such a wife, and when the boyars and the nobility offered him to choose between his wife and the throne, he chose her:
“Blessed Prince Peter did not want to violate God’s commandments

reign in this life, …  He acted according to the Gospel: he neglected his reign, so as not to violate the commandments of God.

For Peter, this is true. a difficult situation, since he is responsible to the city he rules, and cannot leave it, on the other hand, refusing Fevronia, he will violate the commandments of marriage - he himself will commit adultery, and push Fevronia to this. The prince chooses not “kingdom in this life”, but the Kingdom of the Lord, and remains with his wife, leaving the city in poverty.

In this situation, neither the husband nor the wife hesitated in choosing a solution. The prince made a decision also guided by Christian canons - he must take care of his wife, go through her life path with her, therefore marriage is above power for him.

What helps Peter and Fevronia to overcome all the troubles?(Life according to the laws of God Peter and Fevronia remembered the commandment that marriage is predetermined by the Lord, and only he can destroy it, but not the decision of any of the spouses).

The literary critic Gudziy sees in Fevronia "a gifted, strong-willed nature." Do you agree with this? Prove it.(In exile, when Peter is tormented by doubts: is it not in vain that he himself deprived himself of autocracy, Fevronia encourages him, strengthens his faith).

D.S. Likhachev noted: “The life-giving power of Fevronia’s love is so great that poles stuck in the ground bloom into trees with her blessing. The crumbs of bread in her palm turn into grains of sacred incense. She is so strong in spirit that she can decipher the thoughts of the people she meets. In the power of her love, in the wisdom, as if prompted to her by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her own. ideal husband- Prince Peter.

Why did Peter and Fevronia return to the city?(At the request of the boyars, Peter and Fevronia forgave them).

What human qualities were valued in ancient Russia.

(Wisdom, kindness, mercy, humility, the ability to forgive).

Analysis of the finale of "The Tale ..." (slide)

What is the highest expression of inexhaustible power mutual love Peter and Fevronia?(Both spouses, not thinking of the possibility of outliving each other, die on the same day and hour and are not separated even after death, in spite of those who tried to separate them).

Why is it important for an ancient Russian person that before their death the heroes take an important step - they accept monasticism (monasticism)?

(After their reign, the spouses become monks, that is, both of them fulfill the covenant of love for the Lord, they are united in their decision, and together they walk the path to spiritual growth. Life for the sake of Christ, and not for the sake of their happiness, only correlation with his life, with First gives meaning to personal forms of existence).

The story ends with a description of the death of Peter and Fevronia, but even in this episode we see the fulfillment of the commandments of marriage. Indicative in this regard is the very final episode of their earthly life. What is he?(Prince Peter, feeling his imminent death, calls Fevronia to him in order to end her life together. Fevronia is bound by the rite of obedience, and must embroider "air" - a special cover for the temple bowl, and asks the prince to wait. The prince has been waiting for her for two days, but on the third, he says that he can't wait any longer).

Fevronia-Ephrosinia was faced with a choice: to complete the work of obedience, or to fulfill the previously given word. She chooses the latter so as not to leave a debt unfulfilled. Someone else can complete her work, but only she herself can fulfill this word. The author emphasizes the priority of the word over the worldly deed, even if it is charitable.

Thus, Fevronia fulfills the covenant of a faithful Christian wife, she puts the will of her husband and her duty to him above her spiritual work, but at the same time she shows true spiritual greatness, because her husband is above her own soul. Spouses die on the same day, showing the unity of the family even by their very death.

What is the significance of the ending? “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day” - isn't this a fabulous ending?

(Peter and Fevronia are waiting for each other on the threshold of death in order to be together on the further path to eternity.

There is no tragedy at the end of the story, death is a stage on the further path to eternity, and not the destruction of what has been accumulated by life).

What miracle was repeatedly performed after their death?(They ended up in the same coffin).

The holy spouses were buried in the cathedral church of the city of Murom in honor of Christmas Holy Mother of God erected over their relics by vowIvan the Terrible in year, now they openly rest in the church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom .. In the same church there is another shrine - the icon of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia. She protects families from misfortune, is the patroness of love and marriage, and is revered by believers as a symbol of conjugal love and fidelity.

slide 15

Until now, with their prayers, Saints Peter and Fevronia bring down a heavenly blessing on married couples and their children.

slide 16

The story ends with praise to Peter and Fevronia, which reflects the semantic nodes of the work - the trials that the blessed spouses endured together, without violating the commandments of marriage. It is this obedience to God in marriage that is rewarded from above. Pyotr In The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, not only the marital relations of the main characters are shown; using the example of Paul and his wife, the author shows that not only Peter and Fevronia live in a “correct” marriage, that is, harmonious family relationships should exist not only among “blessed” people close to the Lord, such as Peter, who was chosen to defeat the serpent , or Fevronia, endowed with the gift to work miracles, but also among the laity. It is also indicative that it is the ruling spouses who keep the commandments of marriage; by their behavior they set an example for their subjects. According to Russian tradition, the state structure repeats the global order, therefore it is those in power who must be righteous, only then can they demand that their wards comply with Christian laws.

10. Summing up the lesson

How did the story of Peter and Fevronia enrich you?

What eternal values ​​made you think about today's lesson? (Life according to the commandments of God, the conscious desire of a person to do good, love and fidelity are values ​​that time has no power over.

Slide 17

Yermolai-Erasmus from the depths of centuries told us about the culture of relations between a man and a woman that existed seven centuries ago. Are these qualities valued in modern times?

Since 2008, July 8 has been declared in RussiaAll-Russian day of family, love and fidelity.

Slide 18

In some Russian cities, since 2008, they began to installmonuments to Peter and Fevronia .

Slide 19

Listening to the song "Peter and Fevronia"performed by the choir "Peresvet".

Slide 20

Why did Peter and Fevronia, saying modern language, again turned out to be in demand by society?

(Rich in upheavals of the twentieth century, the years of reforms have shaken many of the values ​​on which the viability, physical and moral health of society and man are based. Including such an important pillar as has always been a strong family. The consequences of its destruction turned out to be grave: a reduction in the birth rate, hundreds of thousands of homeless and neglected children, the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, selfishness and cynicism. It is necessary to stop the cynical destruction of the family and marriage by globalization!

Return to the epigraph of the lesson.

Did the epigraph answer the idea of ​​our lesson? (Yes, Russian antiquity is dear to us, more expensive than some people think. We try to understand it clearly and simply... We study it in a living connection with reality, with our present and our future, which is not at all so divorced from our past).

11. Homework.

Composition-miniature “How did the “Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” change me?


  1. Zolotareva I.V., Anikina S.M. Pourochnye developments in literature. Grade 7. - M.: VAKO, 2005
  2. Krupina N.L. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. IX class ⁄⁄ Literature at school.-2000.-№5.-p.78-82
  3. Malyukova V.F. Lesson on "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" Grade VII ⁄⁄ Literature at school.-2008.- No. 9.-p.37-39

    This work tells about the great love of the Russian prince and a simple, village girl, whose love later became the anthem of a strong, marital relationship. The story of the Murom saints fell in love with the Russian people. After all, it is no coincidence that the work of Yermolai-Erasmus is considered one of the best in ancient Russian literature. The image and characteristics of Fevronia will help to understand what a rich, inner world the main character had, who managed, against all odds, to become a princess and right hand husband.

    social status

    Fevronia is a girl from the people. Her father is an ordinary peasant, whose occupation is a tree climber. She lived with her father in the village of Laskovo, which is located on Ryazan land.

    Appearance. The image of Fevronia

    The author kept silent about the appearance of Fevronia, trying to focus on the beauty of the inner. The image of a girl is the embodiment of an ideal Russian maiden. A living mind, feelings, will and strength of character intertwined in her image. Although she is not prone to expressing emotions, anyone can envy her inner strength. Absolutely conflict-free. This girl is the personification of righteousness. It is impossible to win as well as to incline to the side of evil.

    Character traits

    Among the main character traits of the main character are the following:

    • industriousness. The girl works tirelessly day and night. Even in her free time, she does not sit idle, but weaves clothes for her father and brothers;
    • Persistent, purposeful. She managed to get the prince to marry her, although not on the first attempt;
    • careful, economical. Appreciates the work of others, knowing full well how hard it is for the peasants to get a loaf of bread. He will never allow himself to throw crumbs off the table, preferring to eat everything to the last;
    • Likes animals. Even wild animals were not afraid of Fevronia. She will caress and feed everyone;
    • Wisdom. The girl is wise beyond her years. Worldly wisdom allows her to foresee many events. Knowing and understanding the nature of other people, Fevronya is able to predict their actions, which more than once allowed her to get out of difficult situations without consequences;
    • perspicacious with a highly developed intuition;
    • devoted, faithful;
    • With self-respect;
    • Clever. pious;
    • religious.

    First meeting with the prince

    The first meeting of the girl and the prince was accidental. The prince needed help and was looking for a healer who could cure him of an unknown illness. Fevronia had the gift of healing, never refusing to help those who needed it. She takes up treatment, but with one condition. The prince must marry her. Peter liked not so much her external beauty as her inner beauty. It was the healing of the prince that became the link in their later life. Peter still had to fulfill this promise, which he subsequently never regretted.

    Love in the life of Fevronia

    After marriage, Fevronia was faithful and devoted to her husband all her life. She loved him with all her heart. The manifestation of a sincere feeling of affection and loyalty can be seen in the example when the boyars began to drive the girl out of the city for the reason that she was from the common people and did not suit the prince. She was ordered to take with her the most expensive. She did just that, taking Peter with her.

    In love and harmony, the couple lived until old age. They dreamed of dying at the same time, so that in the next world they would not part for a minute. Even during their lifetime, they prepared for themselves a coffin, one for two, divided by a partition. God heard the prayers of the lovers and took their lives in one day, as they asked.

    Three hundred years later, Prince Peter of Murom and his wife Fevronia were equated with saints. Orthodox Church announces them to the patrons of the family hearth.

    Most people know the names of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. These saints are the guardians hearth, patrons of lovers and families. An unsurpassed work of ancient Russian literature, The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, was dedicated to Muromsky.

    This story made a deep impression on me. The amazing wisdom of St. Fevronia fascinated me. Her speech is full of riddles but so deeply connected invisible thread with the speeches of folk sages who are able to cope with the task of absolutely any complexity. Fevronia is just that. She is able to predict the behavior of Paul, but was not able to cure him completely the first time. For a saint, the ability to keep her word is very important, but Peter could not keep it, and from that he fell ill again. Wise Fevronia can and knows how to forgive. The main thing is that she loves, which means she is ready to forgive all insults. Her efforts were rewarded - Prince Peter takes her into a legal marriage. However, after becoming a princess,

    Fevronia is changing - she becomes arrogant and arrogant.

    She remains the same simple girl, but when Peter opened her hand and saw grains of incense instead of crumbs, her simplicity rose to greatness.
    Prince Peter is definitely admired. Although his noble arrogance initially takes over, he does not keep this word, but a repeated illness makes him look at what is happening from the other side. The prince marries a simple peasant woman and does not regret it.
    Fevronia conquers him with her selfless love. The prince prefers to leave his throne when the boyars force him to free their wives from the dominion of Fevronia, but only to be with his beloved.

    I was touched by the power of love between Peter and Fevronia, they are able to keep love throughout their lives no matter what, even death. Even envious and evil boyars are unable to separate their loving hearts after death and are forced to bury them in one coffin.

    1) The history of the creation of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom".

    During the time of Ivan the Terrible, Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow instructed to collect traditions from Russian cities about righteous people who became famous for their pious deeds. Subsequently, the church council proclaims them saints. Priest Yermolai was commissioned to write an essay about the saints of Murom - Prince Peter and his wife Princess Fevronia. Ermolai-Erasmus wrote "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", which were canonized at the cathedral in 1547, that is, they were declared "new wonderworkers", saints.

    2) Features of the plot of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom".

    Plot sources. The source of the plot for the Tale of Yermolai-Erasmus was a local legend about a wise peasant girl who became a princess (the village of Laskovo, five kilometers from the village of Solotchi and the former Solotchinsky Monastery, where Fevronia was from, still exists today). Folk tradition had such a strong influence on Yermolai-Erasmus that he created a work that was not connected with the canons of the hagiographical genre: we have before us a fascinating plot narrative, not much resembling a story about the feat of the saints for the glory of the church. Both in the plot, and in the content of individual episodes, and in guessing and solving riddles, folklore motives are noticeably manifested. It is indicative in this respect that the story of Yermolai-Erasmus about Peter and Fevronius, recognized by the church as saints, was not included in the Great Menaion-Chetii, which, along with other texts, contained numerous lives of Russian saints.

    The main stages of the plot. Exposure. “This is a city in the Rustey of the earth, called Moore” - the story begins so simply. In this city, as they say, the narrator says, the noble prince Pavel reigned. And the rapist serpent began to fly to his wife. To outsiders, he took the form of Paul. Pavel's wife told her husband about her misfortunes, and both began to think about how to get rid of the rapist. Once, when the serpent again flew to Paul's wife, she asked the serpent "with reverence": "You know a lot, do you know your end: what will it be and from what?" Seduced by the "good seduction" of Paul's wife, the serpent replied: "My death is from Peter's shoulder, from Agrikov's sword." Paul's brother, Peter, decides to kill the serpent, but does not know where he can get Agric's sword. He finds this sword on one of his trips for solitary prayer in a country temple in the altar between the "ceramides", that is, the ceramic tiles that usually covered the burials. Having made sure that it was not Paul who was sitting in the temple of Paul's wife, but a serpent that had taken the form of Paul, Peter struck him with the Agric sword. His true appearance returns to the serpent, and he “tremblingly” dies, splashing Peter with his blood. From this blood, Peter is covered with scabs. His illness cannot be cured.

    Plot action. The terrible illness of Peter serves as the plot of the second part of the story, where the wise maiden Fevronia appears, curing the prince. Fevronia is the "wise maiden" of fairy tales. The outward manifestations of her great inner strength are stingy. She is ready for the feat of self-denial, she has conquered her passions. Her love for Prince Peter is therefore invincible outwardly because she is defeated internally, by herself, is subject to the mind. At the same time, her wisdom is not only a property of her mind, but to the same extent - her feelings and will. There is no conflict between her feeling, mind and will: hence the extraordinary "silence" of her image.

    Interchange. The life-giving power of Fevronia's love is so great that poles stuck in the ground blossom into trees with her blessing. She is so strong in spirit that she can decipher the thoughts of the people she meets. In the power of love, in the wisdom prompted by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her ideal husband, Prince Peter. Death itself cannot separate them. When Peter and Fevronia felt the approach of death, they began to ask God to die at the same time, and prepared for themselves a common fob. After that, they took monastic vows in various monasteries. And so, when Fevronia was embroidering “air” for the holy chalice for the temple of the Virgin, Peter sent her to say that he was dying, and asked her to die with him. But Fevronia asks to give her time to finish the veil. Peter sent a second message to her, commanding her to say: “I will not wait for you for a long time.” Finally, sending r a third time, Peter tells her: “I already want to die and do not wait for you.” Then Fevronia, who had only to finish the saint's robe, stuck a needle into the bedspread, wrapped a thread around it and sent to tell Peter that she was ready to die with him.

    Epilogue. After the death of Peter and Fevronia, people put their bodies in separate coffins, but the next day their bodies ended up in a common coffin that they had prepared in advance. People for the second time tried to separate Peter and Fevronia, but again the bodies were together, and after that they no longer dared to separate.

    What forces are at work at the beginning of the story? (the evil serpent is the devil)

    What is Agric's sword? (Agrik is a fabulous hero. It was said that he defeated giants and monsters. He collected a myriad treasury of weapons, among which was a treasure sword.)

    Why was Peter's body covered with scabs and sores? (“... Peter, firmly convinced that this was not a brother, but a crafty serpent, hit him with a sword. The serpent turned into its natural form and fell dead in convulsions, spattering Prince Peter with his blood. From that enemy blood, Peter’s body was covered with scabs and Sores opened up, and a serious illness attacked him.")

    3) Artistic Features The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

    "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" is a combination of two folklore stories: one about a seductive snake and the other about a wise maiden. These stories in the "Tale ..." are connected and dated to Murom, and the whole story claims to be historical authenticity.

    The charm of "The Tale ..." lies in the simplicity and clarity of presentation, in the sedate slowness of the story, in the narrator's ability not to be surprised by the surprising, in the simplicity and malice of the characters, in harmony with the calmness of the narrator.

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