How to distinguish a shepherd puppy from a mongrel by appearance? There is no pedigree! Pedigree or mongrel

Family and relationships 27.02.2018
Family and relationships

“My puppy looks a bit like a bulldog and a great dane” or the pros and cons of mutts and mestizos. Many people get not only high-class dogs of elite breeds, but also for themselves, for the soul, a mongrel or mestizo. Some do not need exhibitions, prizes, medals, but they need a true friend or a "bell" for the court. Here the choice is huge: I liked a puppy on the street, we chose a puppy from a shelter, we took a half-breed from our friends.

What are the pros and cons of mestizos and mongrels? How is a mestizo different from a mongrel?

Mongrel and mestizo pluses.

puppy price.

Cheap! Most often mestizos are very cheap. Or even give these puppies for free. Since they are valued much less than their thoroughbred relatives. Also in the shelter they will give you a puppy under the contract, most likely already sterilized and vaccinated, checked by veterinarians for major diseases. How is a mestizo different from a mongrel? A mixed breed puppy is when the puppy's parents are more or less known. The mongrel is a dog from the street, and her ancestors are unknown, since a stray bitch in estrus can mate with several males.


A cur dog is usually endowed with better health than a purebred dog. They have more resistant immunity to adverse external conditions. If a dog is not assigned to any breed, this does not mean that it is not susceptible to disease, can eat anything and should not play and learn commands. The most important thing for a dog, of course, is that the owner takes care of it, but you can’t do without some cash costs for a pet. Therefore, you need to be ready for this.

Mongrel and mestizo cons.

Sizes of adult mutts.

It is very disappointing when you do not know what size the dog will grow. And what it will look like. I want to know what the future holds for you. Even if you know the puppy's parents, you cannot be sure that the puppy will be exactly like them. The best way assume the size of the puppies in the future - pay attention to the paws. The wide skeleton and large paws of a puppy may indicate that the dog will grow large, but not a fact! In the case of the cur, it's like a lottery!

Character and temperament.

When breeding a new breed, breeders always pay Special attention eradication of undesirable character traits in animals and hereditary defects. In breeding are not allowed sick individuals and with a defect that does not allow the dog to mate. And among mestizos and mongrels it is generally easy to get confused. It is not known what temper the puppy inherited from its ancestors.

Let's say a mixture of Labrador and. She got a very interesting name - “afador”. However, like the mixture itself. The owners can only guess whose temper the puppy will inherit. If we talk about mestizos of that terrier, then they are very often biting. They shouldn't be run at all. big families, since such dogs are fragile and insanely sensitive. The most negative version of the character of the mestizo toy terrier is a nervous, hysterical dog with great stubbornness and capriciousness. And if you take a positive option as an example, then you can get a dog that has an inexhaustible source of energy and joy. In general, as the card falls, so it will be. Let's say your pet is a mestizo of a hunting dog breed and a watchdog. For example, the East European Shepherd and Spaniel. You should be careful, because such a dog can make active attempts to dominate the family. To overcome such behavior will be quite difficult.

Regular blog readers know my opinion: A dog not intended for breeding should be . So that later such a mixture of “bulldog and rhinoceros” does not turn out. Okay, in terms of small miniature breeds, but with serious guard or fighting dogs, such breeding is unacceptable. This needs to be understood by the owner and prevent uncontrolled mating of their dogs.

Starting a mongrel from the street, here in general how lucky. It is generally accepted that a puppy aimed at a person who runs up to him, affectionate, will grow up kind and loving in the family. The puppy is shy and hiding from people, most likely a coward and will grow up. Puppies that avoid humans, show aggression, most likely are not intended for home living, freedom is more expensive for such dogs. However, to a greater extent, the nature of the pet depends on you and your upbringing. By showing love and patience to your pet, you will gain true friend and a wonderful companion.

All the best, see you soon friends!
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Choice in this case depends on what role you assign to the dog in your family. If you plan to exhibit, engage in hunting, then, of course, thoroughbred
becomes an important criterion. By purchasing a puppy with a pedigree, you get a guarantee that it is produced by purebred parents, whose data (exterior) meet the requirements of the standard. Such a dog can be exhibited at exhibitions and used in purebred breeding.

However, a pedigree is not a guarantee that your puppy will grow up to be an ideal dog, a future winner of all shows. This process is influenced by many factors: feeding, care, upbringing, etc.

If you decide to simply acquire and raise a friend, a cute and mischievous companion - the lack of a pedigree is not a hindrance, a mongrel dog or mestizo will make you no less happy. They may lose external data, but this is compensated by their vitality, openness, affection.

Many do not even consider the option of acquiring a mongrel, not knowing what the puppy will turn out to be in the future (size, appearance): it is unpredictable what a charming baby will grow into, even if you know what the mother looked like. Taking a puppy "from the street", you will have no idea about his parents.

Common arguments against:

  • poor health

It depends on how lucky you are with the puppy. However, the majority recognized that yard dogs are just healthier than thoroughbreds, they go through a kind of natural selection on the street, and the health of mestizos will be without specific breed diseases. When buying a puppy of a rare breed, a situation of close inbreeding (incest) is possible, which is the cause of diseases. By purchasing a cross, you are much less likely to be the owner of a nervous, sick animal than by buying a dog with eight champions in the pedigree.

  • mongrels are poorly attached to the owner, ready to follow another person or just run away. This is unlikely to happen if you are with early age You are raising a puppy rather than adopting a fairly mature dog. Probably, because of the independent disposition, the attachment of purebred dogs to the owner may be less pronounced, but they are still human-oriented. Many mongrels are good apartment guards (however, watchdog qualities are much inferior compared to service dogs), they are faithful bodyguards.
  • aggression

According to the results of surveys among dog owners, it turned out that most of the outbred dogs do not differ in pronounced aggressiveness towards their own kind, but they are more aggressive towards strangers than boxers, giant schnauzers, East European shepherds, Dobermans and collies. In terms of their ability to develop an aggressive attitude towards a person as a possible enemy, mongrels and mestizos are inferior to recognized service dogs, but they are ahead of boxers, collies and dobermans. If we understand the danger to others as unprovoked aggression, when, for example, on a walk, a dog suddenly rushes at a passerby, then outbred dogs are more dangerous than only collies and Dobermans.

The manifestation of aggressiveness towards children - according to the degree of its decrease in a comparative series of breeds, looks like this: the most aggressive are Caucasian shepherd dogs, then rottweilers, German shepherds, black terriers, mongrels and mestizos, East European Shepherds, Collies, Giant Schnauzers, Boxers and Dobermans.

  • do not miss a single garbage dumpFact. Haven't you heard complaints from the owners of purebred puppies that their curious puppies won't take a dip in the mud with pleasure, rummage through the landfill, in search of some filth?…


On the positive side, puppies with no pedigree, crossbreeding or unknown parents sell for much less than purebreds. And yes, they are cheaper to maintain.

Outbred dogs are well trained, and in terms of intelligence they are sometimes head and shoulders ahead of most thoroughbreds, they are sociable, cheerful, affectionate and playful. No worse than their fellows with a pedigree.

Hello! help me with advice on what to do, I can’t look at a dog without tears (((He lives all his life in the village, and a month ago it started like this: strongly bulging.

A mongrel, or as it is jokingly called a yard terrier or a nobleman, is a dog that does not have a clear definition of its breed. It is the result of a random crossing of several (two, or even more breeds) You can also apply for a dog passport for this dog, in which they will write that your dog is a mestizo. Mestizos, however, are a different story. In this case, the dog is the result of crossing two (possibly very high-bred) parents with well-defined breed qualities. Very many mestizos are no worse, if not better, than their thoroughbred ancestors.

Among the owners and breeders of purebred dogs, it is quite often customary to despise mongrels, which is wrong for many reasons. Firstly, the mutt is the ancestor of all breeds known today in the world. Initially, dogs in different geographic areas had different qualities - height, length and quality of wool, etc. physical parameters (exterior) and service qualities (hunter, guard, etc.) For example, a Scottish terrier is a descendant of a Scottish mongrel

For some reason, it is commonly believed that mongrels are cowardly, lack self-esteem and are ready to exchange their master for a piece of sausage. In general, stray dogs running around cities and villages justify this opinion, but this is largely due to the difficult conditions in which they are. Any purebred dog in similar conditions simply does not survive. Them physical health and the psyche will not withstand these difficult conditions of life.

How to choose a German Shepherd puppy

Perhaps right now in your life the very moment has come when you decided to get a puppy. german shepherd. And it doesn’t matter what prompted you to take this important step - a childhood dream of seeing a smart and faithful shaggy friend next to you or the need to finally get a reliable security guard for a country house. In any case, your main task now boils down to the following: to find an excellent, healthy, well-mannered dog with good heredity among thousands of offers. A four-legged pet will live with you for more than one year, therefore, when thinking about how to choose a German Shepherd puppy, it is extremely important to take into account all the nuances, for example, the characteristics of a particular breed, the dog’s temperament, its conditions of detention, and many more seemingly insignificant little things.

On a sofa or at an exhibition?

First of all, you should decide for what, in fact, the purpose of the acquisition of the dog. Do you need a devoted companion and friend with whom you can talk heart to heart and take leisurely walks? Do you want to get a great watchman and guard who perfectly fulfills the commands of the owner and is distrustful of strangers? Or maybe your goal is to hang all the walls in the room with medals and certificates obtained in a fair fight at ongoing exhibitions?

In any case, whether you plan to participate with your future pet in various competitions or not, we recommend that you pay attention only to offers from large kennels and responsible breeders who have already proven themselves in the "dog" world. In this case, you can guarantee with a high degree of certainty that you will get a healthy animal with a stable psyche.

how to identify a shepherd dog or a mongrel by newborn puppies. I gave birth to a dog and from whom it is not clear

MaViR Connoisseur (473) 5 years ago

Any chance the father is a shepherd?

Then initially look at the color (they are almost completely black).

Post a picture :-)

But if you personally didn’t take her with anyone, and the shepherd didn’t run nearby, then the answer is unequivocal - mongrels.

Has read through addition - Whence then doubts in thoroughbredness?

Another addition :-)

Once white spots, and different colors. means 100%, something is not right. (My shepherd gave birth twice, all puppies, in color, like one.)

Or she ran away from you to the left. then there is a chance that 1 puppy is from a shepherd, or one of the parents is not a purebred. The puppy himself was once born a spitting image of a sheepdog, and by blood he could be a mestizo.

Sorry. I would be very embarrassed.

BY THE WAY! such another nuance. We both mom and dad were bright black-backed color! therefore, the puppies are all black with red paw tips.

What color are your parents? There are after all shepherd dogs and light, European (it seems?).

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