What is the year of the cat calendar? A woman born in the year of the Cat - characteristics

Diets 29.03.2024

Years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035

People born in Year of the Rabbit (Cat) according to the eastern horoscope, ambitious, modest, refined and virtuous. They make excellent diplomats and politicians, skillfully avoiding all sharp corners. They get along well with people, so they have a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. However, with all this, they are rather secretive individuals who love to be alone, engaged in scientific and intellectual activities.

Cats do not tolerate competition, become restless and lose their composure, so they try to avoid aggression, trying to lead the most calm and comfortable life possible. Even in their behavior they show calmness - their steps are measured, their movements are smooth, and their speech is gentle.

Rabbits have a conservative outlook on life - they, of course, will not point out their vices to others, but in their hearts they will definitely condemn them for their easy behavior, riotous lifestyle or rude statements. Cats love company, and it reciprocates. They love gossip, but they rarely allow themselves to slander, and even if they do, it is done with great caution and very subtly.

These people are very hospitable, they know how and love to receive guests - there are always delicious dishes on the table, and an atmosphere of peace and mutual understanding reigns in the house. They always make everyone feel comfortable. Although everyone understands that they should not abuse the hospitality of Rabbits, they quickly get tired of talking on their territory, become absent-minded and superficial. By the way, inattention is one of the main qualities of these people. They rarely listen attentively; during a conversation they can think about their own things, and then suddenly join the conversation and skillfully support it.

Cats are equanimity itself; they are difficult to unbalance. They rarely raise their voice, even when they should. When they are shouted at, Cats “close up” and move away from the conflict. During a family conflict, they are offended for a long time, but will never respond with aggression.

These people are sentimental, but not sensitive - they may react with tears to their failure, but will calmly react to the mass death of other people, for example, those killed in a plane crash. War and famine in the country will touch them only when it somehow touches them too. They may even die from such suffering. They simply hate anything that can disrupt their life or cause complications. For them, personal safety is most important, so they always weigh the pros and cons, and only then take any action. All their lives they work to strengthen their positions in life. They are considered the happiest people who live in a harmonious and prosperous world.

People of the Year of the Rabbit (Cat) in everyday life. Rabbits have exquisite taste: modern interiors and stylish clothes, expensive accessories, carefully selected. Their home is always in perfect order. This is the only way they feel comfortable and cozy. Also, their own corner is very important to them, even in their own home, in which they can sit and think or do what they love - among the Cats there are many jacks of all trades - knitting, sewing, woodworking and more.

The main thing is not to distract them at this moment - they can “scratch” them with a word or action. Although in a normal situation they easily switch from one topic to another. They never lose the thread of the conversation.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). These people are dexterous in business, so they are valued both as a leader, and as an organizer, and as a performer. A contract signed with them or with their help will always be beneficial. Rabbits can be called “speculators”, they simply have a flair for profit, so he needs to choose professions related to trade, the ideal option is the owner of an antique store. Their sense of taste cannot be used only for personal purposes.

They can also choose a job that involves communicating with people; in particular, a lawyer, lawyer or notary would be suitable for them. They will be able to peacefully resolve conflicts between several parties using natural diplomacy and achieve the desired goal, thanks to their ability to listen carefully, but not sympathize. Financially, Cats will have stability - they will always find a way to earn a decent living.

Love for those born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). Cats are loyal and romantic in love. They do not accept one-night stands, adventures on the side and intimacy without feelings. They never lose their heads, even in a fit of passion. If their feelings are not taken seriously, this greatly hurts the Rabbits. They are looking for a partner to be with him, as if behind a stone wall. After all, for them, relationships are a quiet haven where they can take a break from the raging sea of ​​life’s ups and downs. Cats are killed by quarrels and misunderstandings.

Rabbits are not amorous by nature, but they are very attached to their significant other, so they forgive a lot, except for betrayal. Quite often, these people ask to take a break in the relationship because they need solitude. The partner must understand this and give the Rabbit the opportunity to be alone without checking. Mistrust greatly offends these people.

A family of people born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). Cats cannot be called family people; they easily part with their family in favor of friends. They never feel responsible to their family and quite often treat children and loved ones worse than strangers. Their parental instinct is limited, but they are very good mothers and fathers - children trust them and value their advice.

Rabbits never get irritated, they remain calm even in the most difficult situations, therefore in the family they are considered the most reasonable, you can always turn to them for help, not only physical, but also moral. They get married in adulthood and live for a long time with the same partner, but in their old age they can suddenly realize that this is not their person, and find themselves a new marriage partner and leave their family to follow him.

Health of those born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). Cats strive to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - they do not overeat, drink little and rarely smoke. But there are breakdowns in their lives, because of which they can get into all kinds of bad things, including gastronomic ones. Overeating has a negative impact not only on appearance, but also on health - diseases associated with the intestines and heart begin to appear. Diabetes mellitus may develop.

Characteristics of the Water Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Water Cat are tactful and peaceful. They will never offend anyone, at least they try not to offend with words or hurt with actions. By the way, because of this quality of being good to everyone, they often suffer from depression. The only plus is that cats quickly come out of them.

U Water Cats– an excellent memory, they skillfully express their thoughts, and this applies to both written and oral speech. They quickly find a common language with colleagues and acquaintances. Although many believe that Rabbits are not ready to communicate due to their external inhibition. In fact, at such a moment these people are thinking about their plans for the future. In love relationships, they value calm and mutual understanding.

Characteristics of the Wooden Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Cat of the Wood element are diplomats by nature. They are sociable and very funny. They hate, unlike their brothers, loneliness. They work a lot and hard to achieve the desired result. Afterwards they give themselves a break and rush into battle again.

They get along with people easily, so they have many friends, but they trust Wooden Cats only for yourself. Although many will be happy to come to the aid of a pleasant Kitty. In the family they sometimes show despotic qualities, especially for children. However, children love and respect their strict parent very much, because Wood Rabbits know how to not only scold, but also praise in such a way that you want them to do it again and again. In old age, these Cats always live with their family, in which they are greatly loved and respected.

Characteristics of the Fire Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Cat of the Fire element have developed intuition, which they always trust. They are sensual and need the support of others. They love to be praised and petted. These are the people they choose as friends. Although they will come to the aid of even a stranger if he asks for it.

Fire Cats– excellent listeners, however, as long as they are interested in the topic. However, they are always attentive, responsive and selfless towards their true friends. Peace and mutual understanding reign in their family, but they resolve minor quarrels only by talking, without raising their voices. They are peaceful and easily get along with others, although not with everyone, but in whom they feel trust.

Characteristics of the Earth Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Cat of the Earth element are sober-minded and clearly know what they need from life. They always have a plan to which they go, no matter what. Earth Cats are able to work long and patiently. They are convincing in their speeches; colleagues, relatives, and friends always listen to their opinions, since they are always correct.

Developed intuition helps Earth Rabbits predict where and how best to earn money, so they have a stable financial income and respect in society. The only thing that can repel the Earth Cat is his manner of speaking - floridly, but he does this on purpose when he wants to ward off unpleasant people.

Characteristics of the Metal Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Metal Cat are reserved, which is why many consider them unsociable. They always try to stay in the shadows to see what mistakes others make and draw their own conclusions, which help them in financial, personal, and production matters.

Metal Cats They never set unrealistic goals for themselves, so they always achieve what they want. They are careful in love, they prefer to be chosen, and they either agree to continue the relationship or refuse, but they do it very correctly so as not to offend the person’s feelings. It is better for them to choose a profession related to trade and art.

You can find out online which year correlates with which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element on the page.

years of birth: 1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011

CAT belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the fourth sign of the Chinese horoscope and rules from 5 to 7 am. The season that brings him luck is spring, and the peak period is March. Fixed element - Wood. According to the European Zodiac, he corresponds to the sign of Pisces. The color that brings happiness and good fortune is white. Plants favorable for the Hare are meadowsweet and fig tree. The most favorable countries for the Hare to live are Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Wales, Canada, and Singapore.

A CAT is happy if it is born in the summer. Then his fate is calmer and he experiences less cold disappointment. The Hare's early childhood and adolescence pass without any major outbursts. Maturity is filled with expectations and knowledge of the outside world. Throughout his life, the Hare’s nature strives for one thing - to find peace. But this does not always work out, because in adulthood his life is replete with exceptional situations, dramatic turns and insurmountable obstacles. CAT is not created for struggle and competition, he is very frightened by instability, and no matter how much he avoids change, it haunts him until he is very old. And if he does not get rid of this complex, then by the age of thirty he may go crazy or abandon his principles, which will throw him to the bottom of society.

The Hare's old age requires special caution: it can pass in loneliness and sadness if at a certain point in his life he did not make the right choice. The Hare can have a quiet life if wars, revolutions and cataclysms do not happen. His fate depends on external circumstances, on the era and environment.


The first and main duality of the Hare’s characteristics is the elusive alternation of dependence and savagery. You need to live a long life with the Hare in complete bliss to notice that he bypasses all the enemy’s traps and snares. His behavior is unpredictable. They expect him to be brave, but he avoids, and when you think that he will run away, he will definitely stop. The CAT is a very sensitive creature, susceptible to climate, to sensations, he listens to his intuition and does not believe convincing explanations. Therefore, it is useless to speak with the Hare in the language of logic. Even if, due to his profession, he works with numbers and specific facts, his reaction still lies in the subjective area. At first glance, it is easy to tame and adapt. But in fact, he drives his discontent into the secret depths of his consciousness. One day, due to a combination of circumstances, these emotions spill out. People born under this sign are reserved and moderate. They always show subtlety, diplomacy and do everything to avoid clashes in conflicts and quarrels. They are very sensitive to harmony and require the preservation of a peaceful climate and a caring environment.

Cats are endowed with a sense of demanding strict morality, natural chastity, they are prudent and always thoughtful. They love comfort, tranquility and security. They work all their lives to strengthen structures.

Their world is, first and foremost, their immediate environment. And only after going around all their possessions, completely protecting themselves, do they risk moving on. Cats are careful and prudent, always on the alert. This is a wait-and-see attitude caused by internal fear that upsets the balance of life. This is not an aggressive or warlike sign at all. Its representatives do not rush into difficulties for their own pleasure if they can be circumvented. In difficult situations, Cats feel squeezed in the grip of circumstances. They only become dangerous in rare cases when backed into a corner. In other cases, they avoid any discussions and flee. It is very difficult to provoke the Hare, because he is a calm and sober pacifist. He is more sensitive than sentimental, but is very worried about his own problems, more than from world cataclysms. Wars, disasters, and famine are completely indifferent to him if they do not affect him personally. But as soon as some little thing affects him, he finds it unbearable and immediately wants to die. They cry easily and are quickly comforted. Sorrow and melancholy are the Hare's main weapons. Their weak point is indecision, cowardice and timidity. They don't want to act without knowing what awaits them. Cats are not designed for stressful situations, so they may miss their chance. Worried about the future, they often stand still. Their state of mind is of paramount importance to them, and they help others only if it does not disrupt their life routine. They come up with a thousand excuses to justify their refusal, but in reality this is just self-deception.

Hares are easy to live with because they have a peaceful and calm nature. They quickly agree, rarely get irritated, and always remain calm and cool. These are the most loyal, hospitable and warm people, they are very delicate and attentive to their friends. They are understanding and patient. Cats cannot stand vulgarity and are easily offended. They are very big conservatives, living by the principles of honor. They are silent and a little distrustful.

They consult. They explain many issues easily and naturally. Cats are well oriented in everyday life and do not adapt well to unexpected situations. If they don't know the outcome of events, they become very nervous because their happiness depends on many circumstances.

It's hard to imagine so many positive qualities. Under negative circumstances, they become superficial people.

Cats love company, and company loves them. They select people from different social strata as friends and know how to recognize them. They are often gossips and intriguers, but they always get out of situations tactfully. In essence, they never talk about unpleasant things. In essence, these are secular people, sometimes snobs, but without brilliance. They love to show off their intelligence and culture, especially if it was hastily acquired. Often they delve deeply into certain topics, but again, to show off their knowledge in society. But at the same time, they miss very important life events.

Financially, this is a lucky sign and therefore the CAT is a good businessman. Anyone who makes a deal with him will not regret it. The hare is lucky in trade, he can succeed in selling antiques, in which he shows good taste. He is a good diplomat and therefore can excel in jurisprudence. These factors allow him to live in prosperity.

Women of this sign are talented in their profession, demanding, have good taste and love shine. We can give the right advice to politicians so that they marry only a Hare woman, because they are cultured and disciplined, excellent housewives and know how to enhance the brilliance of their partner.

The CAT is affectionate and responsive, showers loved ones with love and attention, but despite everything, he is not created for a family. Sometimes he looks at his loved ones and children as strangers, preferring his friends. But Cat women scrupulously fulfill their duty; they are limited by maternal feelings.


Because of their fear of getting into unpleasant situations, Cats often prefer to be on the other side of the barricades. They always choose neutral positions so that their changes of views are not too noticeable. Because of their idealism, they try to support the weaker side. There is no need to judge them too much for their weaknesses; they themselves suffer from this, on the one hand, sincerely sympathizing with the victims, but not wanting to go with them to the end.

Cats are not selfish, but they know exactly how much they need to live, although they do not take into account unforeseen situations. They calculate everything down to the smallest detail, as they are thrifty and always have money. Sometimes their financial situation may be shaken because they are wasteful and unreasonable.

They decorate their life with various excesses, many outfits, lavish dinners and trips. Maybe that's why Cats are often people of average income. In his life, the CAT should be less wasteful and more stingy! In the end, CAT finds balance because he has a sense of foresight.


CAT is careful, diplomatic, and able to create harmonious relationships with others. Cats are capable of performing any job and any role, except for the role of a pioneer. Perhaps that is why they are not found in leadership positions. And there are many reasons for this. Thanks to their scrupulousness, accuracy and dependability, Cats are usually excellent employees, but they are always afraid to come to the fore. They leave this opportunity to the Dragon or the boastful Rooster, who reap the laurels of their labor, and the Rabbits have no complaints, they simply lack ambition.

First of all, they try to arrange their personal and emotional life. In addition, they do not know how to compromise, which does not allow them to reach social heights. Cats cannot stand combinations and do not want to get their hands dirty; only as a last resort can they force themselves to wash dirty laundry. They will never use repression in their lives; they will do everything with someone else’s hands and will consider it an inevitable evil. They always try to remain soft and aloof.

Cats are used to “permanent work, they love when they are happy with them, they are appreciated and feel very bad in low-paid work. Cats do not like innovation and starting from scratch. But they easily get used to changes. They work well in the field of financial and research activities, but give preference to administrative work and do not tolerate liberal professions.

Cats do not like arguments, squabbles, or gesticulations and are accustomed to an exclusive position in their work. At heart they are too sensitive and cannot stand criticism. It throws them off balance and robs them of confidence. Cats show abilities in the field of history, they have excellent memory.

They achieve particular success in the fields of philosophy, religion, and diplomacy. Cats are also wonderful fashion models, decorators, antique dealers, hotel administrators, store managers, publicists, actors, lawyers, notaries, stockbrokers and traders. They often make bureaucrats, politicians of all stripes, except provocateurs.


Cats are created for love and want to be loved. They know very well the principle that before you take, you must give in return. Therefore, they behave excellently with those they like. These are gallant gentlemen, endowed with extraordinary tenderness. They will never forget to give their partner flowers on his birthday, they always know the tastes of their loved ones.

When Cats find themselves in a soft environment of shared love, they blossom, spreading happiness around them. These people only need warm feelings, for them it is like life-giving air. Cats are very loyal by nature and always respect the loyalty of their partner. It is difficult for them to breathe in a storm of passions, because they cannot constantly control the situation. If the situation becomes too confrontational, they will not engage. in an argument, they will quickly give way and move away. If they are completely disappointed in their partner’s feelings, they will experience a very hard time and may even get sick,

There are also Cats who often change their partners and cannot settle on a specific choice. But they also cannot be called superficial; in fact, they cannot find in their partners the deep affection that they so need. If they consider their relationships with others not serious enough, then they try to develop them to the greatest possible depth and when this fails, they withdraw into themselves. Cats hate cheating and breakups. Therefore, sometimes they rush between two fires, which often leads to unnecessary emotions and intrigue.


Cats love the family hearth, affection and the pleasure of marriage, but cannot stand the role of parents. They make bad teachers. It cannot be said that they neglect their children; on the contrary, they are ready to do anything for them and therefore often spoil them. They adore children and are sincerely upset by the failures of their pets. As long as the children are infants and lie carefree in the cradle, they do not create any problems for the Rabbits. They surround their children with care and affection, but as they begin to grow up and play pranks at the same time, the situation in the house worsens significantly. Here the CAT simply gets lost, he doesn’t. knows how to behave - to punish a child or explain to him that he shouldn’t do that. Often such parents fail to cope with upbringing and become isolated in their own indifference.

The most energetic representatives of this sign try to instill in their offspring the need for discipline, but they are unsuccessful in this. -Hares find it easy to get along with children born in the year of the Ox, Hare, Snake, Dog and Boar. With Rats and Monkeys. it is difficult to find a common language, because such children drive them crazy, they are too cheeky. Dragons, Tigers and Horses have too independent a character, which greatly upsets parents.

Cats do not become slaves of the family because they attach great importance to social life. They try to do a lot to maintain harmony, but still they find greater happiness in everyday life.

Cat women pay great attention to their own home, they love to receive guests in the house and do it very elegantly. But when she hears the word divorce, the CAT woman becomes a real panther.


Cats are extremely sensitive. to the world around them and attach great importance to their daily lives. They adore everything beautiful and comfortable, their apartments are well furnished, they use exquisite things. Sometimes they lack good taste, but the order caused by their pedantry always remains impeccable. Housewives keep order in the house and are sensitive to the slightest troubles. Cats love to host parties, and their friends remember their hospitality for a long time. Cats try to please everyone, and often their homes become a permanent haven for guests.

Cats love fresh flowers and fireplaces in living rooms. They love to create a warm atmosphere in any setting. Everyone feels at home with them. When it comes to furniture, they prefer old, good, classic forms. They have a negative attitude towards modern furniture. Cats love beautiful objects, romantic paintings and various trinkets. They often line the walls with memorable photographs and gifts from friends.

Deep down at heart they are homebodies and do not like to move or change their environment. For them, change means a natural disaster.


Cats lead a multifaceted and rich sex life. They leave deep and unforgettable sensations with their partners. Cats conquer them, but do not allow them into their inner world. There is not a single person who knows the real appearance of these people. All contacts with Hares are remembered with trepidation, and their partners dream of falling into their arms again for a long time, but Cats forget everything and everyone and will always be busy only with themselves.

Hare partners should know that they never like to be deceived. They are very perceptive and quickly recognize falsehood. These are people who know how to combine their sexual fantasy with reality, which often leads them to group sex. It is possible that women of this sign can even become prostitutes, because they believe that by doing this they serve humanity.

Sometimes they dramatize events very much, but still know how to create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. Cats learn the intricacies of sex early and their tendency to please others does not allow them to respond negatively. They are very freedom-loving and prefer variety in erotic games. They are easily aroused and can be creative by reading a fashion magazine. Their natural penchant for theatricality helps increase their partner's appetite for love. Once they understand the tastes and needs of their lovers, they will be able to keep a tight rein on them.


Cats always think about the consequences, so it is difficult to find an approach to them. They will think a million times whether a partner is right for them or not, so they often have to be taken by storm. Cats are waiting for the first step towards. His partner should not be afraid of failure, CAT will help him complete his plan. And if you get seriously hurt, he will sympathize and be the first to extend his hand.

The CAT is waiting for its partner to pull it out of the house. And in order to keep someone who deserves attention, he will be patient. But sometimes he can lie. You don’t need to pay much attention to this, since deep down, Cats are deeply truthful. But if the CAT finds out about the deception, he will not create violent scenes, but will try to find out the details and only in this case will he reproach his partner.

Rabbits practically never get divorced, perhaps only if the partner turns out to be unsuitable. The second case is when the partner leaves the Hare, since the CAT will never dare to do this first.

If you need to give a gift to the Hare, you should choose a beautiful trinket with which he can decorate his room. You should not think about the usefulness of this thing. A hare can only be interested in a pleasant interior, in old bourgeois-style restaurants where quiet, pleasant music plays.


Prince Albert, Harry Belafonte, Ingrid Bergman, Fidel Castro, Confucius, Cary Grant, Whitney Houston, Garry Kasparov, Rogers Mayer, Frank Sinatra, Arturo Toscanini, Queen Victoria, Joseph Stalin, Catherine de Medici, Martin Luther, Marie Antoinette, Anne Boleyn, Giuseghgae Garibaldi, Albert Einstein, Henri Stendhal, Georges Simenon, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Jean Martin Charcot, Marie Curie, Fernand Fernandel, Nicolas Fouquet, Edvard Grieg, Louis XI, Queen Marie Louise, Jacques Offenbach, Edith Piaf, Sergei Prokofiev , Raphael Santi, Saint-Simon, Johann Friedrich Schiller, Walter Scott, Leon Trotsky, Matvey Blanter, Mario Del Monaco, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Mikhail Matusovsky, Arthur Miller, Georgy Milyutin, Evgeny Mravinsky, Ugarbe Pinochet, Yuliy Raizman, Svyatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostrapovich, Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Svetlov, Georgy Sviridov, Irving Stone, Georgy Tovstonogov.



Such partners can understand each other, as both strive for harmony. They will not argue with each other, preventing any friction. They get along great. Probably, this union rather lacks dynamism. They will live peacefully side by side, and perhaps for a very long time. But if one of them is too ambitious, then misunderstanding is possible. But, as a rule, in their life this couple is like an ideal family. Their home gives the impression that you are in a cozy, peaceful corner.

CAT and Rat

Cats can't stand tension. They are created for peace and security and do not tolerate extreme situations at all. The Rat believes that the CAT wants to outsmart it. But in this she is completely mistaken, since their powers are equal. Rather, they have deep internal contradictions. And the CAT does not see at all that the Rat is a doubting and unbalanced creature. This happens because the Rat is a wonderful actress and deep down laughs at the hapless Hare. Rats are made to take risks, and cats are afraid of losing their fur. Emotionally, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other, but in friendship they have no equal.

CAT and Ox

This is a perfect union. The Hare needs security and harmony, which only an alliance with the Ox can give him. CAT is a potential Don Juan, but if you look deeper, you can see in him the traits of a Family Man who loves his home. The ox knows how to show loyalty to this type of people, but he cannot abandon his suspicion. In any case, he will never spy in his life. Both are afraid of life changes, so they consider their home a fortress. It is better if Ox took the active side in this union, because he is more suitable for the role of a fighter. And CAT will show maximum diplomacy in order to smooth out all the rough edges of delicate situations. The only thing that Ox cannot like is the vagueness and veiled nature of the Hare’s answers. In this case, the CAT should be more decisive and self-confident. Vol will solve all other difficulties himself. This union is great for love, but not for business, because both do not like to take risks and they will need a third.

CAT and Tiger

These two signs have many similarities. Both signs love to make money. In all respects, these are excellent businessmen, but at the same time they want to maintain a sense of freedom. They both love to travel and then bask at the family hearth. These are two independent animals that do not need to be surrounded by four walls. But the CAT does not behave as risky as the Tiger, and thinks more about its own safety. In this alliance, it is better if KOT takes second position. The tiger must earn a living, and it is better for the CAT to organize comfort. In this case, the CAT should become a small deterrent for its reckless partner. The Tiger will certainly be annoyed by the cautiousness of the Hare, who will begin to control the Tiger. This may give rise to quarrels, but the diplomat still has the final say.

CAT and Dragon

An alliance between a Hare and a Dragon is possible if the head of the family is a CAT. CAT is a bit of a philosopher and capable of self-denial. But the Dragon is too temperamental, and therefore it is difficult for the Hare to endure a passionate partner for a long time. CAT cannot burn like a fire, so after small victories he will prefer a long rest. He is patient and willing to compromise, but he does not like to have his toes stepped on, and the Dragon is sure to irritate him. For some time, the CAT will stoically endure the hurricanes generated by the Dragon, but then it will begin to be indignant. One day he will express everything to the Dragon and the last word will remain with him. Perhaps this is the only case when CAT will show firmness.

Harmony in this union can only be achieved if the Dragon is away from home from time to time, and if everyone shows maximum patience with each other.

CAT and Snake

These partners really love peace, reliability and aesthetics. They attach great importance to the external environment, home and beautiful things. Together they get along perfectly and can spend hours decorating their own home and improving their everyday life. For complete peace of mind in this union, it is better to give the Snake the opportunity to think about the well-being of the home, since she is used to being the ruler and mistress. The more active principle belongs to her, even in the area of ​​feelings. But sometimes the Hare’s indecisiveness irritates the more flexible Snake. Their union is successful in two respects, both in friendship and in love. A patient CAT will be able to force the Snake to listen to the opinions of others. In turn, the Snake is not afraid of dangers - and quickly adapts to the situation; it will help the Hare become an even greater philosopher.

CAT and Horse

The union may work out, the CAT will fall completely in love with the Horse, and this love will make him softer. - According to the Horse, the CAT is sentimental and romantic, and her passion and warmth will seem irresistible to him. After all, the CAT often hesitates, he cannot flaunt his merits, so he will give the Horse the opportunity to take the first step. The Horse will charm the Hare, but future life will be complicated, because the Horse is prone to mood swings and can say a few harsh words in the heat of the moment. In such a situation, the CAT will feel guilty and will begin to curry favor with the Horse. In this case, the union is very useful for both, because the Horse calms down and gives dynamics to the Hare. He should not restrain his zealous girlfriend when she wants to frolic in freedom. A partner's sensible advice may seem like a prison to her.

CAT and Sheep

This is a very successful union, because both gravitate towards peace. A sheep can get used to anything, provided that it is left with freedom and sufficient space for external actions. The CAT is very sensitive, but not very jealous. He loves his home and can protect anyone who needs support. The Hare really likes the Sheep’s rich imagination; it will definitely help him go beyond the boundaries of everyday life, which sometimes interfere with him. The Hare's seriousness and perseverance in work will provide them with a joint living wage. The union can only be shaken if their family suffers misfortune, loss of money, or distrust of each other. As a result of these worries, the Sheep will begin to dramatize the situation, and this can lead to divorce.

CAT and Monkey

The Monkey is smart and cunning, knows how to deftly manage the situation, but likes to take a break from family ties from time to time, counting on the understanding of the Hare. Sometimes, in order to get out of a difficult situation, the CAT becomes cunning.

The Monkey should not advise the Hare to become more flexible and efficient, he absolutely does not need it. Their union can achieve incredible harmony and intimacy, in which there will be no room for others. These signs are very interested in each other, they have no desire to have a partner on the side. In business, misunderstandings may arise between them, because the CAT does not like to violate principles, and the Monkey is accustomed to cruel jokes and can cause a scandal with its irritability. Such actions will cause criticism from the Hare, which will lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

CAT and Rooster

This is a very strange and dangerous alliance that can end in a fight, be it love, friendship or work. Even a patient CAT cannot withstand the fidgety Rooster. At first he will be amused by the awkward actions of his motley partner, but then it becomes obsessive. Then the Hare's patience comes to an end and he begins to get angry. The Rooster can literally bring you to a white heat, then the CAT loses control and wants to pluck the Rooster’s feathers. The Rooster has absolutely no bad intentions and therefore will consider the Hare simply evil. And in this case he will be right. If the man is a CAT, then he will try to accustom the Rooster woman to the role of an obedient mistress. But she will not be able to play this role to the end. As soon as he leaves the threshold, she will definitely fly out the window. But if a man was born in the year of the Rooster, the CAT woman will simply bite him to pieces with her criticism.

Cat and dog

This union can become happy and permanent. It is necessary that these people get a little help from chance. According to classical traditions, this union is considered incompatible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, are deeply decent, jealously protect their property and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support each other in difficult times. Their life flows monotonously, without much shock. In case of misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome his fear and sacrifice his own ambition, because he is reasonable and knows how to see in his partner what he lacks. In turn, the CAT hates trouble and will prefer to follow a determined partner.

CAT and Boar

This is the best union of all combinations. They respect each other because they value positive qualities, of which they have more than enough. Sometimes the Pig wants to be alone, and the CAT will not make a tragedy out of this, he knows how to adapt and is used to pleasing his partner. KOT uses all his free time to improve his home. Both will try to avoid anything that could interfere with their family well-being. CAT will help Pig avoid rash actions. They will warn them in time. But in any union, disadvantages are possible. The Pig is too sensual, but the CAT is possessed and even in the most passionate situations does not throw off the veil of modesty, which will make the Pig laugh very much, and the CAT may not understand the reason for the laughter.

Years of birth:1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

Rabbits (Cats) are simply darlings of fate. They have, as they say, bread and shelter everywhere, in any situation.

Calm, flexible, they absolutely cannot stand loneliness, so they sincerely sympathize with those who are left alone with their problems. People born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) carefully protect their home and do not like to make drastic changes in it, because this can bring discomfort to their measured life. They love loved ones and are devoted to friends.

Calm, intelligent Rabbits (Cats) are cowardly and not decisive, so they try not to do rash actions and do not take on matters that require assertiveness and business acumen.

Rabbits (Cats) are generous, hospitable, hospitable, modest and charming. They practically have no enemies. But they don’t like it when friends are forced on them.

These universal favorites have one drawback, which, however, does not really spoil their life - this is limitedness.

Weaknesses of the Rabbit-Cat

Rabbits (Cats) are stubborn and indecisive, especially if they are persistently required to do something that they do not want to do. They are quite happy with life as it is; they don’t have the courage to improve it.

Good-natured Rabbits (Cats) successfully hide their cowardice and inertia under the guise of external gloss and charm. Although people born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) are lucky in life, they always remain in the middle stratum of business people, because they value peace of mind in life above all other benefits.

Combination of the year of the Rabbit (Cat) with the signs of the zodiac

RABBIT / CAT - ARIES- this is a wild “rabbit”.

RABBIT / CAT - TAURUS- this is a gentle and affectionate “rabbit” that purrs near the fireplace and almost never lets out its claws.

RABBIT / CAT - GEMINI- This is a house "rabbit", the calmest of all "rabbits", but may be subject to some risks.

RABBIT / CAT - CANCER- this is a “rabbit” on your knees. Charming and pampered, inaction does not weigh on him.

RABBIT / CAT - LION- this “rabbit” is already a tiger! Although quite docile and calm, he still passes his life’s journey with his claws extended.

RABBIT / CAT - VIRGO- this is a wise “rabbit”. He even knows how to pull chestnuts out of the fire (though sometimes with someone else's paws).

RABBIT / CAT - LIBRA- “bunny” is charming, melancholic, feminine, but everyone likes him.

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Chinese (Oriental) horoscope

"Rabbit (Cat)"

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) (1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011)

Represents: a calm person.

The cat always falls on his paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. Everyone knows this. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself. But in many advantages there is one drawback, although small, but no less important: the Cat is a superficial person and his best qualities are also superficial. He loves society and society loves him. She loves social gatherings and sometimes gossips, but she does it subtly, tactfully and carefully.

He loves to receive guests, and everything in his home is done with refined taste. He is a socialite, some would call him a snob. He's pedantic.

Catwoman displays her culture with gusto. she can study some subjects deeply for the sole purpose of shining, while she has no idea about other more important things.

The cat usually doesn't lose his balance. He is calm, unperturbed. There is more sentimentality in him than real sensitivity. A small personal trouble upsets him more than the great troubles of other people. War and hunger in the world affect him only when he personally suffers from it, but he suffers so much that he may not be able to stand it.

A cat may cry for a minor reason, but is quickly comforted. The melancholy of women of this sign is one of the main trump cards of their charm.

The cat is a conservative. He hates everything that can shake his life, everything that can cause complications. Most of all, he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without first weighing all the pros and cons. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

He will always be happy in his financial situation. He is smart in business, and whoever signs a contract with him will not go wrong. He will be successful in trading. Having good taste, he can be the owner of an antique store. Can be a lawyer (advocate, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not at risk.

A woman of this sign can shine in all types of activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. A man of politics should choose a wife born under the sign of the Cat - both secular and modest, who will bring a lot with her presence.

Affectionate and helpful to those he loves, the Cat easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He has no sense of responsibility to his family and often treats his family and children as strangers, preferring friends of his own choice to them. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited, but mothers always do their duty.

The cat takes good care of the Goat, in whom he appreciates artistic taste. He will bring her his own comfort, and her whims will not touch him. Everything will go well with the Dog and the meticulous Pig. But the Rooster infuriates him with his fanfare, and he must avoid the Rat like the plague.

With the Tiger, his relationship in love and business will be strained. A cat, less strong, can always do a pirouette and leave the game - they have a common breed and he is not afraid of the Tiger.

The Cat will have a restless existence during the three phases of life under one condition: if he does not encounter exceptional situations, dramatic events or insurmountable obstacles. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business; he doesn’t like being an opponent.

Asian peoples are distrustful of the Cat. They say that sorcerers turn into cats. In Europe they were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved. The Egyptians, for example, revered the cat as a god. God, sorcerer or man, there is something mystical in his gaze. His apparent weakness can develop into a dangerous strength!

He has a bright personality, is talented and ambitious. He is virtuous, reserved, and has impeccable taste. Causes general admiration and trust. The financial situation is developing well. These people love to gossip, but at the same time they are tactful and not angry. They are tender towards those they love, but are rarely attached to their closest relatives. They almost never lose their temper and have excellent business skills. They are conscientious and charming, although sometimes they are pedantic and show a tendency towards melancholy. They could make excellent players, but they rarely play, being conservative and prudent people.
a) Sheep, Boar, Dog.
b) Rat, Rabbit, Dragon.
c) Rooster.

Born in the year of the Rabbit: N. Beckendorf, J. Pilsudski, I. Stalin, B. Savinkov, W. Harriman, L. Dovator, I. Kurchatov, A. Einstein, R. Owen, A. Grechko, I. Erinburg, S. Vavilov, Y. Raizman, M. Svetlov, K. Simonov, V. Scott, V. Zhukovsky, Y. Fuchik, Epicurus.

Years of the Rabbit (Cat):

1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059, 2071, 2083, 2095, 2107

The Rabbit (Cat) always “falls on its feet.” The owner of a bright personality, he is gifted with talents, moderately ambitious, moderately modest, refined and virtuous, distinguished by good taste and understanding of beauty. Society loves him and he loves society. The rabbit is very friendly towards strangers and is able to treat them like family. He is a faithful friend and devoted comrade, gentle and affectionate towards those whom he loves and who he likes.

The distinctive qualities of the Rabbit are its intelligence and intelligence, lightning-fast reaction to stimuli, quick analysis and appropriate response. He moves towards his life goal persistently and persistently, well understanding that not everything he wants in life can be achieved right away. Here his optimism, hope and faith in the future always helps him.

The rabbit, as a rule, most of all loves his own home and his family, which he takes care of, protects and protects as much as possible. The Rabbit has both strong romantic feelings and a sentimental streak - a deep love for nature and animals.

One of the distinctive features of the Rabbit is the ability to tune in to other people, understand and help them, and work for the benefit of progress and happiness. In professional life, in leadership positions, they are distinguished by a strong sense of responsibility to their team and society.

The Rabbit has a calm, calm disposition, although at times he can be extremely emotional. He is often torn apart by strong internal contradictions. On the one hand, he can be cautious and does not undertake anything without weighing the pros and cons in advance, but on the other hand, he impulsively and recklessly undertakes any risky undertaking.

The rabbit is irritated by everything that could shake his peaceful, familiar daily way of life. He also cannot bear any reasons that cause any complications in his personal life. For successful and productive work, he requires not only comfort, but also safety.

Most Rabbits have excellent business qualities: they are enterprising, conscientious in their work, and have a strong sense of duty and responsibility. They are very careful in their work - to the point of pedantry; everything is important to them, even the most insignificant details.

Rabbits have a rich imagination and a lively, vivid imagination, which connects them with the world of arts and crafts. A small circle of like-minded bosom friends is much dearer and closer to them than the rest of the world combined. Authority, prestige, and reputation are gained by them only by qualities of character and acquired knowledge. In the field of their profession and hobbies, Rabbits are recognized specialists and experts, although, on the other hand, they may have absolutely no understanding of other industries.

The financial situation of Rabbits has developed very successfully over the years. Financially, they are also almost always successful; they are dexterous and enterprising in business and transactions. They have a special gift - to grab a happy opportunity right on the go and take advantage of it.

Rabbit women can shine in all types of activities that require special taste, understanding of beauty and hospitality. The melancholy characteristic of many Rabbit women is, in fact, one of the main reasons for their charm and charm, their attractive power.

The Rabbit's life will be calm only when he consciously avoids exceptional situations, dramatic events, and avoids obstacles. And wars and revolutions, natural disasters and catastrophes do not bother him until they affect him or his loved ones. He will offer the most ardent resistance to anything that can shake his calm.

Sociable Rabbits, pleasant and cute, polite and sincere, helping others get out of difficult situations, have good control over their feelings. The closed type of Rabbits, with a penchant for solitude and meditation, displays noticeable timidity and shyness when communicating. At the same time, they have deep feelings and sensations, and are often endowed with the gift of clairvoyance and divination.

Many eastern peoples see in the Rabbit the bearer of God's spark, who inherited the strength and skill of ancient priests, shamans, and sorcerers.

Compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) with other signs

RABBIT and RAT. The marriage union is unfavorable. The Rabbit is offended by the unscrupulousness and boasting of the Rat, and he has to spend a lot of energy trying to resist the temptation to destroy her. Friendship between them is unrealistic, because the Rabbit has special feelings for her - far from friendly. Business relationships are also unpromising, and even dangerous for the Rat.

RABBIT and BULL. Here everything depends on the behavior of the Ox. In a marriage union, only the Rabbit should command the parade, and the Ox’s job is to obey and, of course, work as hard as possible. Friendship is possible within the framework of good social relations. Business relationships are also possible, but the Rabbit can abuse the Ox’s patience, exploiting him until he sweats.

RABBIT and TIGER. This union is very problematic, although the Tiger really likes the peaceful and calm nature of the Rabbit, and the latter is impressed by the scope and many positive qualities of the Tiger. However, the relationship between them becomes strained after some time, followed by separation. Friendship here is always in question, because they lack mutual understanding in the full sense of the word. Business relationships are possible because both partners complement each other in many ways. The Rabbit's caution goes well with the Tiger's courage and audacity.

RABBIT and RABBIT. This union is not only possible, but under certain conditions it can become very happy. And this requires little - one of them must unquestioningly obey the will of the other. The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can give excellent results, especially if they have a joint office - a lawyer or notary, a psychological or medical clinic, etc.

RABBIT and DRAGON. The Dragon likes the Rabbit's compliance, his constant optimism and goodwill, although the Rabbit is embarrassed by the Dragon's thirst for power. If both partners come to a compromise, the marriage will be good and calm. The friendship between them is already quite problematic, if not worse. Business relations will go well if the Rabbit confines himself to the role of an adviser, and the Dragon himself will decide any issue.

RABBIT and SNAKE. A good marriage is possible. There is often a strong attraction between them at first sight, the first meeting. But so that this spontaneous sympathy does not turn into antipathy, they must control their feelings and emotions. The friendship between them takes the form of long and passionate conversations, where who outsmarts whom. Business relationships will simply flourish provided that both work.

RABBIT and HORSE. Marriage is possible because they have a lot in common. The Horse's cheerfulness and gaiety goes well with the Rabbit's philanthropy and always open soul. This is also facilitated by the Rabbit’s efforts to be an understanding partner. At the same time, they must avoid mutual irritation and minor skirmishes. The friendship between them will be strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can be like real sports spectacles, useful and beneficial to both.

RABBIT and GOAT. A good union. They are brought together by artistic taste, rich imagination and a bright, vivid imagination. They get along well with each other, while the Rabbit knows how to create comfort and coziness, not paying attention to the whims and quirks of his Goat. The friendship is strengthened by the love of both partners for the world of art. Business relationships will again be successful in cooperation and especially in liberal professions.

RABBIT and MONKEY. A successful marriage is possible. It doesn’t even bother them that they each look at the world from their own bell tower. The secret of their happy life together is that the Rabbit takes care of the Monkey, and she happily entertains him. The friendship between them is strong and lasting. Business relations, however, are unpromising.

RABBIT and ROOSTER. Unpromising marriage. The Rooster is the opposite of the Rabbit in both good and bad ways. The Rabbit cannot stand the Rooster in his house because of his eternal fanfare and performances staged on the home stage. Friendship between them does not work out: the Rooster is too noisy for the Rabbit, it often tires him. Business relationships can end very badly for the Rooster. Here the Rabbit is as secretive as his partner.

RABBIT and DOG. Favorable union. If they both remain faithful to each other, then they are guaranteed happiness in marriage. Friendship between them is also possible at the highest level. For a Dog, a Rabbit can become a reliable confidant, even if it is not always able to provide it with specific help and support. Business relationships are simply perfect! Here the Rabbit’s hard work and efficiency, his gentle character and calm disposition meet the Dog’s loyalty and devotion, as well as its realism and practical inclinations.

RABBIT and PIG. An alliance between them is possible, because the partners have a lot in common. Their life together will go without disputes and quarrels, without complications and discord, provided that the Pig is faithful. Friendship between them is also possible if only they avoid big society. Business relations are very promising. The Rabbit will contribute to this with its agility and dexterity, and the Pig will strengthen them with success. By working together they can make a fortune.

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