Contact and communication with spirits. Spells to summon spirits

Recipes 23.03.2024

There is nothing terrible in communicating with spirits, since this is a continuation of our world, which goes into the subtle world.

Man is a triad: BodySoulSpirit.

Body- the visible physical shell of a person.

Soul- these are our emotions, desires, thoughts, consciousness, creativity, dreams, intentions, ... in general, everything that makes us a person.

Spirit- the immortal part of a person that reincarnates, putting on the veils of soul and body. Higher Self.

It turns out that contact occurs at the level of spirit. Spirit is the part that is connected with all other worlds. The soul is the bridge between the immortal spirit and the body. A body can only exist in dense matter.

We are not our body. We use it. We are not our soul, we possess it. But the Spirit is the essence of who we are. The theory and transmigration of souls is based on this. Having spent some time in another dimension, the spirit begins to look for a new body for its reincarnation. He is pushed by tasks, a mission that he must fulfill for his development.

If someone from another dimension wants us to know about something, he will find a way to make sure we know, don’t worry. Your relatives, loved ones, friends who have “gone before” continue their own journey and are moving with pleasure towards full understanding, and if they want to see how you live, or want to let you know that everything is fine for them, then you can be We're sure they'll do it. We need to monitor the “signals” and catch them. Don't dismiss them as figments of your imagination," wishful thinking" or a match. Monitor and accept messages.

If you want to tell them something and it seems to you that they will not hear you, then this is a delusion. As soon as you think about them, their consciousness rushes towards you. They immediately materialize next to you.

Our loved ones are never far from us, no further than our thoughts, and if we need them, they are always here, ready to give advice or comfort. If we are very worried about whether everything is okay with them, then they will send us a “message” in the form of a sign, a signal, in which they will say that everything is fine with them.

One of the first opportunities that opens up to them in their new existence is the opportunity to provide aid and comfort to those they love. And, if we are truly open to them, we will feel their comforting presence. They come to us in dreams, warning us of danger, difficulties and other troubles that may enter our lives.

Without any doubt. Someone may smell a loved one's perfume, or hear the subtle sounds of a song they loved to hum. Or, out of nowhere, some personal item of his may suddenly appear. Suddenly, “for no reason,” his handkerchief, wallet, button, or jewelry “reveals.”

We "find" them under a sofa cushion or under a stack of old magazines. They are right there. A drawing, a photograph that captures a special moment - just when you miss this person, think about him, feel sad about his death. None of this “just happens.” These things don't "just appear" at the "right moment" by chance. There are no coincidences in the Universe.

The man was very worried about the death of his best friend, who passed away very young because he led a completely unrighteous lifestyle (a wild rocker and a drug addict). And then one day, on his blog, he posted the text and video of a famous rock band. In response, a comment came from another blogger with the same first and last name as his deceased friend (!). The text of what was written also corresponded to the style of his statements. But the most interesting thing in this story is that the avatar had a photo of a winking boy and the inscription: " Do not worry about me. I am in heaven"After this incident, the man began to believe in the afterlife.

Is communication with Spirits dangerous?

If you have already “let go” of your loved one. You found out that he is happy there and you feel a feeling of regret, light sadness that he is no longer with you, then there is nothing dangerous here.

But if you cannot come to terms with the loss, experience painful attachment, and do not want to let him go, then the situation may already get out of control. Your energy and vitality will flow away to feed the phantom, which can exist in our world, rather in the border world, for only 40 days. Next, he needs your energy. The most interesting thing is that he also feels bad that you are so worried, that you are “killing yourself”, which is why such frightening phenomena as poltergeists appear. In fact, this is a signal for us to put our thoughts and feelings in order towards the deceased person. Otherwise, you will simply turn him into a ghost and suffer yourself, since this is dangerous for your life.

If the death was sudden and a person has unresolved problems, unfinished important things, people close to him who need his support, then his soul also cannot calm down. She needs to be helped, shown that everything is fine, that you can take care of yourself, you will decide everything and do what you need to do. Pray for his soul.

I would also like to say that under no circumstances should you specifically call upon spirits without having certain knowledge and training, this can be very dangerous. It turns out that a necrotic connection is formed. Through this channel, otherworldly entities can break into your real world and turn your life into a nightmare.

If you are not satisfied with the received signals or you do not notice them, then you can turn to professionals.

Psychics simply act as amplifiers of the "signal" you receive. Mediums have a good sense of a person and everything connected with him. They become, quite literally, “loudspeakers.”

A psychic simply sees the unmanifested subtle world, he does not need to call upon spirits, he already feels them and can communicate with them telepathically.

Psychics and mediums are the same ordinary people, only their abilities are slightly different from the abilities of other people, they are more developed. This is the same as someone is born with perfect pitch or a beautiful voice, someone develops such abilities throughout their life and they do it well, but someone is not interested in it at all or not at all." the bear stepped on my ear".

Spirits of the dead

Spirits of the Dead are a special class of Spirits that the Magician can interact with. Before diving into the heart of the matter, it is necessary to note the fact that this topic itself is not simple and needs some explanation. The difficulties in understanding the topic of interaction with the Spirits of the dead lie primarily in a misunderstanding of the theory of rebirth of the soul and in insufficient knowledge about the spiritual nature of man. Without going deeply into the details of these topics, let's say that after a person dies, his personality remains forever in the universe. It is possible to contact, consciously interact and evoke it; it is usually called the Spirit of the Dead. The other part, called the Metaspirit (the highest divine component), after the death of a person continues its cycle of rebirths. It is the Metaspirit that accumulates experience, each time creating an illusory free personality.

For the practice of interacting with the Spirits of the dead, it is the personality of the deceased that is of greater interest to the Magician, and not the Metaspirit, of which it is a part. Interaction with the Spirits of the dead can be very diverse, ranging from receiving any information from them, and ending with involving them in some kind of business in the form of guards or active forces.

There are two approaches to interacting with the Spirits of the dead:

  1. Interaction with the Spirits of the dead through entering a trance state. Such interaction is suitable for all cases in which it is necessary to obtain any information from the Spirits regarding the results of a case, a person’s condition, future or past events, and so on;
  2. Summoning the Spirit of the dead and manifesting it as an entity. This is done in the same way as calling any Spirit for the purpose of its materialization in our world. It is reasonable to practice such an approach only in cases where assistance in business or support is required, due to some complexity and energy consumption of the process.

A frequent case of manifestation of the Spirits of the dead in the form of independently materializing entities is ghosts . Although a ghost can be summoned intentionally, most of them are not summoned. For some reason, they either return to our world or do not leave this world after death. Most often, ghosts are people killed using cruelty or Magic. Ghosts can be interacted with and contacted just like any other Spirits of the Dead.

Despite the fact that, as a rule, the Spirits of the dead are not eager to stay in our world, they can occasionally return on their own if their loved ones experience strong emotions associated with them for a long time. They can fully or partially materialize and come into contact with the living.

It is possible that the Spirits of the dead may show aggression towards the living, including their loved ones. In these cases, it is necessary to carry out rituals to appease the Spirits of the dead or expel them from our world (in the case of interaction with the dead - only expulsion).

Who are the Ancestor Spirits and why communicate with them?

As the ancient wisdom says, respect for the living begins with respect for the dead.

Relationships with ancestors - Spirits of the dead of a kind and their support are of great importance in the life of any person and Magician. With strong support from ancestors, a person can achieve much greater success in life. The stronger the connection with the ancestors, the more actively they are able to manifest themselves in the life of a person and a Magician. And fulfilling its purpose and helping to protect the family in which the Spirits of the dead once lived, the Metaspirit, a manifestation of which is the personality of the ancestors, gets the opportunity to be born in this family again, but in more favorable conditions.

To maintain favorable relationships with the Spirits of the dead, with ancestors, it is necessary from time to time to carry out a ritual of feeding and honoring ancestors by offering them food, drinks and lighting fires in their honor.

Even in recent times, such rituals were widespread, but due to some change in worldview, the family began to be understood by modern people as a small community limited to a few people: it includes parents and children, with rare exceptions people who are cousins ​​consider themselves to be one family. This point of view is due to the spread of ideas inherent in some world religions, which, due to their views, draw a boundary between the world of the dead and the world of the living, and thus cut off from a person the understanding of the single root of their kind. But this is not the only problem that appears with such a view of life. A person who cuts himself off from his clan by adopting such a worldview position not only limits his self-awareness, but also deprives himself of the help of his ancestors. In this situation, ancestors turn into a kind of amorphous and, for many, absolutely incomprehensible phenomenon.

How to establish a connection with your ancestors?

The first and most important step for establishing relationships with ancestors is to expand the concept of family to a state where it can embrace two worlds at once - the world of the living (all relatives near and far) and the world of the dead (all ancestors). Without this step, any actions to improve relationships with your ancestors will be insufficient. A good indicator of the transformation of the idea of ​​family is the creation of an altar of ancestors in your home and regular offerings of food to them.

Meditation practice to maintain connection with ancestors

To strengthen the connection with the family, it is recommended to perform meditative practices aimed at establishing a connection with the ancestors. To do this, enter a meditative trance state using the techniques to which you are accustomed. Feel the connection with your parents - dad and mom, then with their parents - grandparents, and so on. Continue down the family tree until you reach its roots - the origins. At every stage, thank your ancestors and bless them. Having reached the origins of the family tree, take three deep breaths, visualize the entire family tree within yourself and feel how the wisdom of your ancestors fills you. Ask all your ancestors for guidance. One of your ancestors will definitely let you know about their consent, and he will accompany you throughout the near future, supporting you and helping you with advice. After receiving the sign of consent, thank the ancestors, take three deep breaths, and open your eyes.

Altar of Ancestors

Before you create an altar of your ancestors in your home, you need to start establishing connections and communicating with them.

For the altar of ancestors, you need to choose a place near the western wall of your home. The altar can look like a small table standing against the wall, or in the form of a wall shelf. The main thing is that the wall above the altar is free, since it is on it that photographs of ancestors are located. Of all the attributes of the ancestral altar, the most important are: a cup for offering food and an oil lamp. The cup with food is located closer to the northern edge of the altar, and the lamp is located closer to the southern edge. Candlesticks and an incense stand may also be present on the altar. If the Fire Magician actively practices communication with ancestors and spirits of the dead, then figurines of ancestors, parts of totem animals of the clan (teeth, claws, etc.) and quartz crystals may additionally be placed on the altar.

The rituals performed at the altar of the ancestors are fundamentally aimed at honoring the Spirits of the dead and establishing a favorable connection with them. However, rituals of feeding the Spirits of the dead and rituals of divination are carried out at the altar of the ancestors; in addition to those listed, there are many more rituals aimed at attracting the Spirits of the dead to participate in the affairs of the Magician.

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Do you really want to talk to a loved one who has died, or find out more about an ancient ancestor? Perhaps you want to communicate with a spirit that seems to be living in your home? People have been talking to the dead for thousands of years using a variety of methods. Read on to learn how to contact invisible spirits yourself or through external sources.


Part 1

Direct conversation with the dead

    Shift your attention to sharpen your sixth sense. If simply focusing on the image of a deceased loved one is not enough to create a connection, you can try a more structured method of shifting your attention to a higher world.

    • Be fully aware of yourself in the present moment. Note your location, time and sensations. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to return to your sense of self.
    • Gradually bring your senses into “soft focus,” a state in which you are less aware of the physical details around you.
    • When your consciousness of the physical decreases, focus on the energy in the room. Don't look for it, just open up to the forces present in the room. If you sense someone's presence, try asking questions. Keep in mind that the responses you receive may not only be verbal, but also in the form of images or emotions.
  1. Try to talk using the power of thought. Some paranormal experts believe that the ability to speak with the dead is not only possessed by professional mediums, but that this ability lies within any of us who can enhance our spiritual awareness. It will take time and practice before you can contact a deceased loved one, but according to this theory, it is still possible.

    Ask for answers to simple questions. This technique is not as useful for contacting a deceased loved one, but it is a common practice used by paranormal investigators when attempting to contact spirits in places they (possibly) inhabit. Go to the room where there is paranormal activity. Ask basic yes/no questions, and ask for a specific method of answering. The two most common response methods are tapping and flashlight.

    Part 2

    Bringing in outside help
    1. Work with a medium. Mediums are well versed in contacting the souls of the dead. You can usually contact a medium by searching online or in the phone book. If you want to speak with a deceased loved one, the medium may ask to meet at your home or ask you to come to their place of work.

      • If you want a medium to speak to a spirit that you believe is present in your home, the medium will have to come to your home. Not every medium will agree to perform this service, but most of them will provide the previous one.
      • Be careful with the medium you choose. Even those who are not skeptical about the practice of communicating with the dead are ready to admit that not all mediums are professionals. As in all other areas, there are scammers among them. Find out more about the medium before you make an appointment with him, and try to make sure that he is not a scammer. When meeting with a medium, pay attention to whether he misleads you with questions and forces you to answer the way he wants.
    2. Try FEG or EMR technology. EVO, or electronic voice phenomenon, occurs when a voice that is inaudible to the naked human ear is digitally recorded. EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, can only be captured using an electromagnetic pulse meter. To try these options, you need to go to a room where there is high spiritual energy and ask questions there.

      Conduct a séance. A séance is a gathering of people who communicate with the dead using their collective energy. To conduct such a session, you need at least three people who are open to such an experience. This practice can be used to communicate with deceased loved ones or contact wandering spirits.

      • Create the necessary atmosphere by dimming the lights and lighting candles. Use three candles or a multiple of three. You can even light incense.
      • Participants should stand around the table, holding candles in their hands, to form a circle. Chant the words, calling upon the spirits.
      • Alternatively, you can also try summoning spirits using a Ouija board.
      • Wait for a response, repeating the chant if necessary.
      • Once you have established a connection, calmly ask your questions.
      • Interrupt the seance by breaking the circle and lighting candles.

    Part 3

    Using prayer and other practices
    1. Pray. Not all religions have practices that can be used to pray to or for the dead. But in some they still exist. There are two forms of such prayers.

      • With the first, you pray for the deceased loved one to find peace and joy in the afterlife, rather than addressing them specifically. But you know that he hears your prayers.
      • In the second, you pray to a deceased loved one. You are not asking for salvation from the spirit, but asking your loved one to care for or pray for you from the other side. Some believe that, as part of the spiritual realm, the spirit of a person whose faith was strong in life will be able to make a stronger request or prayer for you to a deity from another world.
    2. Peer into the mirror. Some people use the mirror method to talk to deceased loved ones. It is similar to the method of contacting spirit with thoughts, but in this practice you use a mirror to establish a clearer connection.

      • Calm your thoughts. Go to a quiet room where you can be alone and stand in front of a mirror. Close your eyes and relieve yourself of anxiety, tense emotions and rambling thoughts.
      • Focus your thoughts on the person you want to talk to. Create an image of this person in your mind. Make the image as clear as possible until you can practically see the features of the deceased person.
      • Slowly open your eyes and look in the mirror. Imagine the image from your mind appearing in the mirror. Even if the image is blurry or superimposed on your own reflection, you will be able to see the image of your deceased loved one in the mirror.
      • Ask your questions. Don't force answers, but be open to them. Also remember that answers may come in the form of emotions or images rather than words.
    3. Contact the deceased through a personal item. Some believe that items that belonged to a deceased person may still be connected to their spirit. A personal item can give you the energy to call upon the spirit of that person and the opportunity to communicate with them. If you want to talk to a deceased loved one, find an item of clothing, a book, or a friend's personal item that the person used. Bring it with you to the place where the person lived. Hold the object and try to start a conversation.

      Talk without asking for an answer. If you are hesitant or skeptical about talking to your deceased loved one through paranormal or supernatural means, you can always talk to the dead person without expecting a response. For those who believe in the existence of spirits, it is also a common belief that these spirits can observe living loved ones. You can talk to your deceased loved one in any place, or you can choose one that has special meaning, such as a grave, or a place where you experienced something important together. Tell the person everything that's on your mind. You can ask questions, but since you are not looking for answers, there is no need to limit the number of questions.

    • If you have any items that belonged to the person whose spirit you want to contact, or items that were given to you at his/her funeral, try holding them in your hands when you try to talk to the spirit.
    • Combine skepticism with an open mind. For any of the above practices to work, you need to open your mind to the experience. At the same time, it's easy to get carried away and fake answers if you're desperate for the practice to work.
    • You must be extremely be careful when trying to contact the dead, especially if you are still grieving, as you are more vulnerable to evil spirits. There are bad or evil spirits, if you even faintly believe in communicating with the dead, believe in it. They can take over you for a short time in such a way that you won't even notice it. Believe this... be careful and, just in case, do not drive or pick up a weapon immediately after talking with the deceased!
    • Ask yourself why you want to talk to the deceased person. If the reason for this is just passing curiosity, you should reconsider it. This is not something to be taken lightly and should only be considered if you have a strong sense of the need to connect.
    • Ask yourself whether you believe that the way you have chosen to communicate with the dead is correct. Some religions prohibit talking to the dead, and for good reason. Ask yourself whether your own belief system, personal or organizational, allows for attempts to contact the deceased.


    • Use extreme caution if you decide to try to talk to the deceased. When using any method that requires "summoning" a spirit, you run the risk of summoning something evil and dangerous. Many people who believe in the ability to speak with the dead also believe that evil spirits can become attached to a person, haunt them, or even possess them.

Communication with spirits is quite exciting and dangerous. It should be exactly the work, and not its semblance. Mediums of their own free will come into contact with otherworldly forces, but these meetings do not always end well.

This is why training is necessary. This is the only way to protect yourself and others from the influence that such a practice brings. However, learning is a difficult and lengthy process. Full concentration of attention on what is happening is required.

All people have mediumship skills, regardless of gender, race or age. In some it is more developed, in others less. But these abilities must be developed and taken under strict control. If this is not done, the results will be unpredictable and dangerous for everyone.

Anything goes for preparation. This can be an ordinary piece of paper and a pencil. Usually, this is how they prepare for the session. A basket and a small board can also do, and the mentioned pencil is also added there. Primitive, but effective.

But when conducting experiments, you should avoid anything that could somehow lead to physical effects. Some experts suggest using a pen instead of a pencil. This is an old but interesting way to get in touch with another world. But this is exclusively for experienced mediums. Many spirits of former times would be pleased to be remembered in this way.

But it’s worth considering that using a pen is not always justified or convenient. And lower spirits may also try to spoil the paper in order to annoy the owner. You also need to be patient. Many novice mediums are eager to talk with long-dead, but very important people. It may happen that the summoned ghost does not have the opportunity or permission to appear.

This can also happen because the energy channel between the summoned spirit and the medium is poorly configured. Therefore, it is recommended to first practice on the first ghost you come across, and then move on to a more specific one.

You need constant practice and seeking help from your Guardian Angel. These conditions are mandatory because it is unknown what may appear from the outside and how it will be configured in relation to the caller. Also, experienced mediums believe that only swindlers can use certain mysterious formulas, because these same formulas mean nothing.

All calls are made in the name of God and from the heart. It is not necessary to read spells - you just need to ask the Lord for permission to release the good spirit for a while, and for your Guardian Angel to drive away the evil spirits and guide the good ones.

After reading the prayer and preparing everything necessary for the ritual, all that remains is to wait. His Guardian Angel may appear to the caller, or the summoned spirit may manifest itself. Or someone else will appear. In any case, the ghost that appears indicates its name.

However, you should be careful. A ghost can deceive, and therefore you need to take care to find out more about it. It is best if the medium starts by calling deceased relatives or good comrades.

Spiritualism board

The witch board can be purchased. Or you can create it yourself. Wood is best suited for this purpose. Cut out the necessary signs on it.

But you can use whatman paper on which to draw a circle. Inside this circle, write YES and No, as well as numbers around the circle from 1 to 9, and letters on the outside. It’s also worth buying a saucer in advance and painting an arrow on it. Along the way, go to a magic shop and buy wax candles. You can order in advance in the online store. Or buy them at a church store.

Get ready for a ritual to communicate with spirits. Turn off appliances, create a calm atmosphere, lock the animals in another room.

Place the board and saucer. All participants position themselves near the magical attribute. Light the candles. Warm a saucer from their fire and call upon the spirit. Then touch the saucer with your fingers and read out the questions, interpreting the answers by letters and numbers, as well as by yes and no answers.

After the session is over, thank the spirit and release it.

  1. Conduct at night, no light except that coming from candles.
  2. Serious intentions.
  3. No jewelry for participants in communication with spirits.
  4. Prepare questions in advance.
  5. In the presence of the spirit, do not communicate with each other.

Messages from spirits

People in all centuries have been interested in magic and attempts to penetrate the world of the dead. Moreover, there are a lot of people who are ready to talk about meeting the dead, be it deceased relatives or completely unfamiliar ghosts that wander through rooms or ruins. These meetings did not always end well for the living, but those who did experience these meetings gained impressions for the rest of their lives.

Mediums also advise not to be afraid of places where spirits frolic, because all they want is to scare someone. Even in the quietest houses there are ghosts, but there are those that cause trouble, and there are those that do not show themselves.

There are also ways to drive out restless ghosts, but largely, due to their own ignorance, people, on the contrary, do everything to attract them. The most reliable way to get rid of evil poltergeists is to attract good ones. It should also be recalled that it depends on the person what kind of ghosts will surround him. Everything will be measured by the deeds he does and the energies that a particular individual will attract.

There are also frequent cases when evil spirits cling to good people. Such cases are considered in the context that Heaven sends a test to a person in order to strengthen his willpower and virtue. They also often use various spells to drive out evil ghosts, but basically these spells are useless. In addition, ghosts are very amused if they are confused with Satan and feared.

Those souls who appeared without evil intentions make themselves known with noise and even become visible. But they never cause trouble or cause harm to the living. But in addition to the summoned spirits, those who need help, prayer or intercession from living people can also come. Spirits can also make noise to attract a person's attention.

If ghosts are playing pranks, there is no need to be afraid of them. On the contrary, a person should laugh at their jokes, because the spirits see that they are not afraid of them and are not angry with them, then they stop their tricks. It also happens that even evil spirits may not make themselves known and live in the house.

You can simply talk to some spirits; to get in touch with others, a spiritualistic session is necessary. Ghosts can not only answer questions asked of them, but also tell something that is related to a specific person or area. But don't forget that ghosts can lie. There are also categories of messages received from the dead:


Of a serious nature;

Instructive in nature.

The nature of the rude messages speaks for itself. It's mostly rudeness and foul language. Blasphemy may also be uttered - it all depends on the character of the ghost. Messages of a humorous nature are received from spirits who do not take their words seriously. You also need to be especially careful with them, because such ghosts often lie. Messages of a serious nature are free from foul language or jokes, but are practical and useful.

Messages of an instructive nature relate more to the sciences. Also, mediums advise that all messages, even those of a serious and instructive nature, should be carefully checked.

How to find out the character of a spirit by handwriting

Many people are concerned that the knowledge of the world is hidden from them. This thought gnaws at me and forces me to look for a way to fill the oppressive emptiness. Sometimes, having gone to extremes, people rush to enlist the support of other forces, giving away for next to nothing the most important thing that the Creator gave them - the soul. Indulging in evil and vices, they undermine the world order, sow chaos and destruction, not understanding the most important thing - Evil will not give them anything for their faithful service.

And it just so happened that, having been born and receiving gifts that they do not value, people forget not only about God, but also about their family. They start thinking about them only when everything turns out to be bad. But when everything gets better, individuals breathe a sigh of relief and, with a clear conscience, again forget about those they should thank.

But there are also those who are too greedy. Before knowledge, money, power and the like. Such people are looking for powerful patrons not only in this world, but also in parallel ones too. They make deals and get something in return. And there are also such individuals through whom the Lord seeks to give a sign to humanity, to teach it.

Such people become mediums. By learning to manage their abilities, they will be able to achieve great success in the future. By controlling their powers and abilities, people will be able to come into contact with Higher Powers and receive the knowledge they need. They will also gain experience and draw certain conclusions. But there are dangers in choosing assistants.

Spirits are very capricious and often want to mock a person. This is something to be expected and every possible vigilance to be exercised. If you do not adhere to these basic safety rules, you can get into big problems. Having learned the nature of the spirits, a decision is made whether to drive them away or not. If you drive away, the Intercessor Angel is again called to help, and the evil spirits are shown in every possible way that they did not succumb to their tricks.

It is also important to study the theoretical foundations before starting mediumship activities, so that in the future there will be fewer problems associated with inexperience. Evidence of the nature of spirits is provided not only by letter designations, but also by all kinds of drawings.

These could be signs, emblems that do not mean anything, or incomprehensible handwriting. But it doesn't mean anything if the handwriting is really bad. This may be due not so much to the spirit as to the medium. There are also mediums who deceive themselves so much that they begin to determine the development of the spirit by the size of the letters. And also special attention was paid to letters that looked like printed ones.

It is not known on what exactly the confidence of such people is based, but it is very difficult to convince them otherwise. It is extremely important not to succumb to evil ghosts against your will. But it is much more important not to give in to them voluntarily. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to get rid of a spirit by calling it once.

You can’t drive away a spirit so easily, especially if it’s evil. And it is even more undesirable to ask him for services, because no one will do anything for free, and the price for the assistance provided may turn out to be exorbitant.

Communication with spirits: the initial stage

Contacts with the other world are the most interesting activity for lovers of extreme sports and magic. Many are ready to do anything for the opportunity to once again see people dear to them, to learn the secrets of another world. We cannot blame them for these desires, but they are not always justified. Working as a medium is extremely troublesome and dangerous.

Experts repeat again and again that evil spirits or demons appear, often taking the form of relatives and friends of the caller, and push the latter to the most vile acts. Or they might even kill you.

Moreover, if the medium is a natural, he needs to learn to control his abilities as quickly as possible. Although people do not notice it, spirits surround them. Some are friendly and want to help, while others do harm in every possible way and incite evil. Perhaps this is precisely why there is a belief that at birth a person is given an angel protecting him and a tempting demon.

But what will happen to a person, especially if he is a medium, depends on which side he chooses and what forces he will call on. But if the spirit has already been summoned, it is necessary to establish its identity and make sure that it is exactly the one needed. Upon contact, the ghosts that appear give their name, but it may not be real. It is worth firmly remembering that all ghosts, intentionally or unintentionally, can deceive.

During the verification process, the soul who comes to the call is asked questions with monosyllabic answers, such as “yes” and “no.” They are needed to establish further relationships with the mentioned spirit. There is no need to resort to this precautionary method in the future.

Questions should also not be empty and stupid. They must express sympathy for the person being called and a willingness to accept it. A prerequisite is calm and concentration of thoughts on the object of the call. This also adds strength of will and character. In order for these qualities to develop, you need to look for secluded, quiet places. It is also necessary to move away from anything that might frighten or distract a person. And you still need to continue the exercises.

Don't be upset if the ghosts refuse to answer the call the first time. In order to become a full-fledged medium, some newcomers had to wait from several months to several years. But it also happens that ghosts make contact the first time.

In order not to waste time and energy, you can ask a more serious spirit through another medium whether these calls will be of any use. However, the most unusual thing is that if a ghost is asked whether a particular person is a medium, nine times out of ten they will answer in the affirmative, but the challenges may not be of any use.

Ghosts often answer affirmative questions to vague questions, but not always to more specific questions. However, when processing their response with your consciousness, you must always take into account the nature of the ghost. If he is rude or flighty, then the answers will be the same. Therefore, it is recommended to call upon serious and intelligent spirits who will not only willingly answer questions, but also try to help.

Tone of conversation with spirits

Having decided on the summoning of spirits and having learned more about their character, the medium must choose the tone of conversation with the chosen ghost. It is worth remembering that there are people whom the soothsayer respects during life, and after death these people also have the right to sympathy, respect and attention from the living.

But not all ghosts deserve the same respect from people. And even more so, even for the Highest Spirits, dignity and other benefits of the material world mean nothing. For them, only the purity of thoughts and spirituality of the caller matters. All flattery for such ghosts is not only undesirable, but also unpleasant.

But with lower souls everything is more complicated.

Benevolent ghosts, but frivolous and knowledgeable.

To treat them with the same respect that the High Ones deserve would be inappropriate and misguided. Such ghosts like it when they are addressed freely, without moral constraint or a feeling of awkwardness. These inhabitants of the afterlife willingly come into contact with the medium and answer all his questions. Another thing is that not all answers are true.

Human pity eases their suffering and opens the way to further self-improvement. Since the poor ghosts had no sympathy during life, they must receive it after death. And who knows, maybe the mediums themselves will need the same pity after death.

Cynics and unrepentant sinners.

Considering the vile nature of the mentioned category of dead, it is quite difficult to sympathize with them. Ghosts do nasty things, even deceive or insult seers and do other unpleasant things. However, they should be regretted, since this is the only way to shut up these spirits and show them your superiority.

Ghosts of this type only see their masters in people who are virtuous and more exalted than themselves. If people are no different from the deceased, then the souls enter into a struggle with them and often emerge victorious.

To everything it should be added that it is not good to treat spirits who are morally superior to humans as equals. It is also not good to give all ghosts the same degree of respect and attention. Therefore, you need to respect those who deserve this respect. Those who patronize the medium should also pay attention and every effort.

Once in the world of ghosts, a person learns its laws more fully and lives according to these laws. This knowledge should become the basis in the relationship between both the individual himself and the environment, and the medium with ghosts. And the only one who needs to erect altars is the Creator.

Messages from spirits are of great value, but the seer himself must find those from whom these messages can be received not only safely, but also with benefit to the soul. Therefore, the first and main goal for a medium is to learn to distinguish spirits, as well as to improve morally.

A written source of European origin, written at the end of the 19th century, has reached us. Its author is unknown, but this person precisely formulated what is needed for communication with the spirit to be correct and effective. The first condition is that the spirit must be disposed to communicate. Secondly, it is necessary that his condition and activities do not interfere with contact. The third condition is a suitable medium from a spiritual point of view. A person has the opportunity to have contacts with the spirits of relatives and friends, spirits of all degrees. Depending on the situation, the spirit may want to communicate, or it may appear with great reluctance. For spirits, it makes a difference whether they are called by a person whose main motive is idle curiosity, or by a person who thinks about them and with whom they sympathize. The unknown author is right: the presence of mutual sympathy is an important factor in successful contact. But the third condition is not necessary, because you can do without a medium at all, communicating with spirits directly, and in several ways.

There are simply a huge number of spells and formulas with which spirits are summoned. Even this fact alone is evidence that in order to invite spirits “to visit” there is no need to memorize any special exact phrases and focus on the verbal side. The main thing is to get into the right mood and, fully concentrating on your goal, imagine with all clarity how the invited spirit should look visually. And yet, even the most scrupulous preparation can be nullified if this or that order is not voiced. The formula with which a person calls a spirit can be regarded as a kind of call sign, a signal that the person is ready to communicate. Thanks to him, he says that here and now he strives for contact and is interested in it. There are, as mentioned above, a lot of specific verbal formulations, but they are all united by the presence of certain elements. This:-

1. Personal appeal of the person who calls the spirit. The pronoun “I” or a mundane or magical name may be used here. In some spells it may not be there at all.

2. Appeal to God, guardian angel, i.e. to any supreme being of the religion which man professes. It happens that some spiritualists, when calling a spirit, make a speech on behalf of a higher being or use spells of a higher order, with the help of which one can act on their behalf. Such tactics can be effective only in one case - when a person strictly observes the commandments offered by his religion, regularly prays and makes sacrifices, which ensures constant contact with the highest beings of this faith.

3. Request permission to establish contact with a specific spirit. He is called by name or some other characteristic. It happens that the caller, instead of a request, makes a categorical demand. It should be noted that, despite the greater external effect, contact is not established faster from this.

4. Words that indicate that the caller's intentions are pure. You can also pronounce, as individual magicians do, instead of this evidence the so-called. words of power that reflect the degree of their dedication.

5. Requesting a person to protect him from the negative consequences of contact. If a spirit is summoned by a black magician, he will usually instead speak words confirming his protection.

6. Words of gratitude to the highest being to whom the person first addressed, and his glorification. Black magic, as a rule, misses this element.

The listed components of summoning spirits can be listed in any order. As an example, here are two spells that contain all the elements. They are quite widespread.

Spell according to Alan Kardec: “I ask the Almighty Lord to allow a good spirit to communicate with me, not for my own self-interest, but for the sake of knowing the truth. I ask my guardian angel not to deprive me of help and remove evil spirits from me. For God’s world, and everything in it is God’s, and everything is God’s will. Amen".

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