Portfolio of teacher Ronshina O.A. Portfolio “My pedagogical activity Electronic portfolio of a special school teacher of type 8

Useful tips 25.03.2024
Useful tips

General information

Murzanaeva Rimma Yurievna

Date of Birth

Educational organization

State budgetary educational institution of the Republic of Mari

El "Kosolapovskaya special (correctional) general education

boarding school for students and pupils with disabilities

health opportunities of the VIII type" in Mari-Turek region.

Position (indicating the subject, discipline, direction) that is subject to certification


Date of establishment of the qualification category (order number, date)

Validity period of the existing category

What qualification category does the teacher apply for?


Having an academic degree


Awards, titles



The level of education


Educational institution (studying, graduated)

Mari State Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya

Specialty/direction and diploma profile

“Pedagogy and methods of primary education”

Diploma qualification

Primary school teacher

Year of graduation


Work experience

Total work experience (full years)

21 years old

Teaching experience

21 years old

Work experience in this organization

21 years old

Work experience in the position for which certification is being carried out

14 years

Contact phone: home/cell phone 89278712496

SECTION 1. Results of the teacher’s activities based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization

Information on the level of psychological comfort of students based on the results of monitoring conducted by an educational organization

Table 1

Psychological comfort at school is the most important condition for the effectiveness of training and education, self-development and self-realization of everyone who crosses the threshold of an educational institution, be it an adult or a child.

A person is like a plant - it grows in one climate and withers in another. Therefore, now more than ever, attention is being paid to creating favorable conditions in the team for human development, his growth, and the disclosure of his potential.

For the most effective formation and maintenance of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the classroom, I, as a teacher,

  • I organize joint activities for children
  • I create conditions for increasing the comfort of well-being;
  • I encourage activity and initiative;
  • I try to find common interests; maintain stable positive relationships between teachers and students;
  • developing a communicative culture;

In order to determine the state of psychological comfort in the class, I conducted a survey.

During the survey, the following tasks were solved:

To identify the relationship between the positive and negative emotional background of schoolchildren in the process of learning, upbringing and the influence of the educational load on their health.

12 students from the class took part in the survey.


Determining the state of the psychological climate in the classroom

Instructions: In order to study the psychological climate in your class, we ask you to answer a series of questions. Circle the answer that expresses your opinion.

  1. What mood do you usually have when you go to school?
    • 5. always in a good mood;
    • 4 with good more often than with bad;
    • 3. with indifference;
    • 2. with the bad more often than with the good;
    • 1. always in a bad mood.
  2. Do you like people who study with you?
    • 5. yes, I like it;
    • 4. many people like it, some don’t;
    • 3. indifferent;
    • 2. some like it, but many don’t;
    • 1. I don't like anyone.
  3. Do you ever have a desire to move to another class?
    • 5. never happens;
    • 4. rarely happens;
    • 3. I don’t care where to study;
    • 2. happens often;
    • 1. I think about it constantly;
  4. Are you satisfied with your studies at school?
    • 5. I am quite satisfied with my studies;
    • 4. rather satisfied than dissatisfied;
    • 3. studying is indifferent to me;
    • 2. rather dissatisfied than satisfied;
    • 1. completely dissatisfied with my studies.
  5. How do you think your class teacher treats you?
    • 5. very good;
    • 4. good;
    • 3. indifferent;
    • 2. rather dissatisfied;
    • 1. very bad.
  6. In what form do educators most often contact you?
    • 5. convince, advise, politely ask;
    • 4. often in a polite manner, sometimes rudely;
    • 3. I don't care;
    • 2. often in a rude manner, sometimes politely;
    • 1. in a rude, degrading manner.

Processing the results . For answering each question on the questionnaire, the student receives as many points as the answer number he chose. The scores for all questions are summed up.

6 - 12 points- the student assesses the psychological climate in the class as very bad.

13 - 18 points- the student is rather indifferent to the psychological climate of the class; he probably has another group where communication is significant for him.

19 - 30 points- the student highly evaluates the psychological climate in the class. He likes the people he studies with.

Table 1

Determining the state of the psychological climate in the classroom -

The results of the questionnaire indicate that in the sixth grade, for the majority of students, the psychological climate was largely indifferent. In the seventh, students began to evaluate the psychological climate in the class more highly (the children became more united). Eighth grade has a favorable psychological climate. Thus, from the above it follows that according to the results of the questionnaire, there is a good indicator of psychological comfort in the class. Children enjoy studying at this school and in this class. Children respect the teachers who work with them.

SECTION 2. Identification and development of students’ abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical education and sports activities, * as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions

2.1. Development of students' abilities for scientific, creative, physical education and sports activities

table 2

Information about clubs, sections, electives, elective courses,taught by the teacher

Name of the circle, section, etc., led by the teacher

Developed and certified program and methodological documentation (PMD)

(program, CMM, etc.)

Date and number of the protocol for approval of program and methodological documentation

Columns are filled in if the teacher participated in the development of PMD or developed it independently

"Macrame - magic knots"

2.2. Availability of developed and implemented individual educational programs for students

Table 3

Information on support for the preparation and implementation of individual educational programs for students

*2.3. Results of students’ participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions.

Table 4.

Results of student participation in competitions, festivals, competitions, etc.


event title

Event status

(international, all-Russian, interregional, republican, municipal, etc.)

Number of participants




“Winter sorceress is coming”


2015 "My little homeland" All-Russian 1


"New Year's Miracles"



"Family Cauldron"



"My dream house - 2015"



"Rights - a step into the future"



"Fire is no fun"


SECTION 3. Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and educational methods * and productive use of new educational technologies*, broadcasting the experience of practical results of their professional activities to teaching teams, * including experimental and innovative

3.1. Improving teaching and educational methods and productive use of new educational technologies

Table 5.

The use of educational technologies by teachers

Educational technology

Formed competencies


Provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health and increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Educational-cognitive, value-semantic, general cultural competencies


general interest in the material being studied;

Prevention of fatigue;

Correctional and developmental

Correction of deficiencies in the physical and mental development of children with disabilities.

Correcting or making adjustments to personality development, consolidating positive and overcoming negative qualities

Personality-oriented technology

th education

Organization of the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics, capabilities and abilities of students.

Communication, general cultural,

Forms adaptive, socially active traits of students, feelings of mutual understanding, cooperation, self-confidence, and responsibility for their choices.

Gaming technologies

Develops the following skills in students: the ability to work in a group, in pairs; express your personal opinion, listen to the opinions of your comrades, create a favorable psychological climate, an atmosphere of mutual assistance and tolerance.

Communication, general cultural competencies

Promotes the emergence of active cognitive interest, develops the ability to work in a group, overcoming shyness and indecisiveness, and lack of faith in one’s abilities.

Art therapy

Mobilizes the child's creative potential, which corresponds to his emotional state, creates conditions for interpersonal communication.

Communicative, holistic - semantic competencies

Correction of disorders of psychosomatic, psychoemotional processes and deviations in personal development.

Differentiation technologies

tion and individualization of learning

Implementation of an individual approach to students in the process of training, education, correction.

Educational and cognitive competencies

Communication competencies

The level of learning motivation in strong groups increases;
. favorable conditions are created for the weak;
. the teacher has the opportunity to help the weak and pay attention to the strong;


Formation of a morally rich, harmoniously developed personality, capable of creativity and self-determination.

Information, educational and cognitive competencies

Revitalizes the learning process, knowledge is acquired through different channels (visual perception, auditory); promotes socialization, development of motivation, assistant in learning new things

Technology of moral education

Develops a tolerant attitude in students towards other people.

Social and value-semantic competencies

Promotes the formation of personality, development and education of a noble person in a child, develops self-education

Technologies of collective creative education

Organization of joint activities between adults and children, in which everyone participates in collective creativity.

Educational-cognitive, communicative, social competencies

Children participate in collective creativity, develop the ability to work in a group, overcome shyness and indecisiveness, lack of confidence in their abilities,

3.2. The use of information and communication technologies in teaching activities

Table 6.

Development and application of ICT in teaching activities

Type, name and address (if available) of the resource

Degree of independence in resource development

Purpose of using the resource

Effects, efficiency of resource use

Personal website infourok: on one's own

Improving the quality of education

Sharing your experience, collaborating and borrowing with teachers throughout Russia

Slide film:

on one's own

Formation and development of a personality with the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland.

Allows students to examine concepts and definitions in a bright, interesting way, and see lesson objects in videos and photographs.

Multimedia presentations:

on one's own

Used as teaching aids, it makes it possible, through interactive interaction, to select information blocks of interest at the moment, and increases the efficiency of information perception

Helps to consolidate the material in an interesting form, which contributes to a clear perception of the material on a particular topic; the effectiveness of training and the quality of knowledge increases.

3.3. The use of health-saving technologies in teaching activities

Table 7.

Health-saving technologies used by teachers in educational activities

Educational technology

Purpose of using educational technology

Formed competencies

Effects, effectiveness of using educational technology

Formation of an idea of ​​health as a value, motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Educational and cognitive competencies

The child’s conscious attitude towards his health and the development of skills to support and maintain it.

Fostering a culture of health and personal qualities in students that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.

Educational-cognitive, value-semantic competencies

Disease prevention and health promotion

Forms stable motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.

Educational-cognitive, value-semantic competencies

Relieve tension, control emotions.

3.4. Results of broadcasting teaching experience

3.4.1. Conducting open events reflecting the introduction of educational technologies

Table 8

Open events

3.4.2. Speeches at pedagogical councils, seminars, conferences, etc.

Table 9

Results dissemination of teaching experience



Name of the event (meeting of the methodological association, teachers' council, seminar, conference, etc.)

indicating the status

(international, all-Russian, regional, municipal, etc.)

Participation form

(speaker, presenter of an event, section, etc.)

Topic of speech

Document confirming participation:

protocol, diploma, certificate, certificate, event program

August, 2015

Municipal August NPC of teaching staff “Modern education: new realities and solutions”



February 2014

Meeting of the methodological association (general education level)


“Formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents”

3.4.3. Availability of publications

Table 10


Type of printed work

(article, methodological development, manual, etc.)

Type of publication with source data (Internet address,

magazine, collection, etc.)

Title of the printed work


(NGO, municipal, republican, interregional, etc.)

Class hour: "Conflicts in my life"


Methodological development on infourok.ru Work program: "Macrame" All-Russian
Methodological development on infourok.ru http://infourok.ru/slayd - film - mi-patrioti-rossii435471.html

Slide - film: "We are patriots of Russia"

Methodological development on infourok.ru Presentation "Craftswoman" All-Russian

*3.5. Participation in innovative and/or experimental activities

Table 11

Participation in the activities of an innovation/experimental site

Opening hours of the innovation platform

Direction of innovation activity

(Name of innovation site)


(NGO, municipal, republican, Russian)

Source data of orders

(about the opening of an innovation platform, about the composition of the working group)

Role of the assessee in the work group

(leader, participant)

Table 12

Participation in innovation activities


Direction of experimental activities


(or intended result)

Results presentation level

(NGO, municipal, republican, interregional, Russian)

Supporting documents for submitting results





SECTION 4. Active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support for the educational process,

4.1. Participation in the work of methodological associations

4.2. Participation in the development of software and methodological support for the educational process

Table 13

Software and methodological documentation rocky


(full-time, part-time)


Course organizer (educational organization, association, etc.)

Volume in hours

Name and number of the supporting document

28.09 - 17.10.2015


“Formation of a model of inclusive education for children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” Program: “Technologies and methods of special (correctional) pedagogy and psychology”

ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Further Professional Education"

108 hours

5.2.Information about self-education

Teacher self-education plan

Murzanaeva Rimma Yurievna

GBOU "Kosolapovskaya boarding school" p. Kosolapovo

for 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic years. years.

Self-education topic:“Socialization of adolescents with intellectual disabilities in a correctional boarding school”

Plan for the 2013-2014 school year - 6th grade


1 quarter

2nd quarter

3 quarter

4th quarter

1. Educational and methodological work

Drawing up a plan for educational work in 6th grade for the 2nd half of the year

Selection of methodological literature for drawing up a plan.

Selection and study of methodological literature

1. General information

Full Name : Chirkov Sergey Valerievich

Place of work:

State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Mari El "Kosolapovskaya Special (Correctional) General Education Boarding School for Students and Pupils with Type VIII Disabilities"

Position held: teacher

25 hours

Education (university, faculty, specialty, year of graduation):


In the course of planning and organizing educational work, I study and apply the experience of colleagues in correctional pedagogy, published in the journals: “Defectology”, “Education of Schoolchildren”, “Education and Education of Children with Developmental Disabilities”, “Pedagogical Council”, “Teacher's Newspaper”.

Methodological topic:

“Labor education and professional self-determination of children with disabilities.”

The question “Who should I be?” - one of the most important for every young man. A correctly chosen profession contributes to the achievement of the highest performance in labor and social activities, and satisfaction with the work process and its results allows for maximum manifestation of creativity, a better emotional state, and a more complete implementation of all life plans of both one person and society as a whole.

The entire future life of a person depends on this decision. A profession, in a person’s mind, is often associated with fate, with life’s purpose. Currently, a large number of children with disabilities who have graduated from one or another educational institution do not work in their specialty.

The topic was not chosen by chance, since the class is already graduating, the problem of professional self-determination is relevant. The point of career guidance work is to help children with disabilities and their parents navigate the world of modern professions correctly and in a timely manner and not make a mistake in choosing their future.

Working on this topic, I set myself the following goal: to familiarize students with the world of professions, to provide assistance in choosing a profession. Objectives: to familiarize with the types and characteristics of professions; conduct diagnostic studies of children in order to identify characteristics, inclinations, and interests of the individual; develop professional and personal qualities;

These tasks are set by every teacher and educator. They are, of course, designed for a fairly long period of time. Or more precisely, the entire duration of a child’s schooling.

The problem of professional self-determination goes deep into childhood... An example for us can be the role-playing games that children love to play, when the child unconsciously takes on the role of an adult and tries to live up to this role.

From primary school we get acquainted with the world of professions. First, these are the professions that surround us in everyday life: the professions of our parents, relatives and acquaintances. This is supported by various excursions, class meetings with students’ parents, production workers, etc. The role of labor technology lessons is also great, in which children practically consolidate the knowledge and skills they have already acquired.

In the middle classes, children's ideas about the world of professions expand. Since career guidance implies not only the choice of profession, but also certain skills and readiness of the student (professional suitability is taken into account), the importance of practical activity is great. This is the work of pupils in assigned territories, participation in the implementation of mini-projects ("Live the spring, live!"), in labor landings and in subbotniks, providing patronage assistance to veterans and home front workers, participation in various events ("House for Birds"), etc. .d. The attendance of various clubs and sections by class pupils plays a great role in professional self-determination. If we said that career guidance is carried out throughout the entire period of a child’s schooling, then starting from the middle grades it has a strict focus.

To identify the level of self-determination, in the 8th grade I conducted a survey about the preliminary choice of a profession. The results were not very good. Only 50% of the class had previously chosen the profession they would like to obtain; 30% had some idea about the chosen profession. Therefore, in order to increase these indicators and professional self-determination in general, I conducted a career guidance course “My Professional Intentions,” which was supposed to help in solving these problems. In the second lesson there was an introduction to the typology of professions, which allowed us to reveal the inclinations of students (according to Klimova) towards certain types of profession. But often inclinations are not the main criterion when choosing a profession. Temperament should also be taken into account. (for example: it is not always necessary to choose the profession of embroiderer for a child with a choleric type of temperament, even if the type of profession “person is an artistic image” coincides). Therefore, in the fourth lesson we carried out diagnostics using the Eysenck questionnaire. Also, in order to expand the understanding of the interests of the students in the class, an Interest Map was filled out. Taking into account the inclinations, interests and temperament of the pupils, a course of introductory conversations was held on professions (embroiderer, mason, lacemaker, finishing work master, cook, mistress of the estate, shoe collector, builder, plasterer) and educational institutions where pupils with disabilities can study after graduating from specialized educational institutions.

But statistics and the work experience of practicing teachers indicate that pupils of correctional schools have the following difficulties when choosing professions: - taking into account the psychological characteristics of our children, this is an overestimated or, on the contrary, underestimated self-esteem (they overestimate or underestimate their capabilities); - when choosing professions, they are guided by the principle of “collectivism” and the consequence of this is the reluctance to work in the acquired specialty; - the choice of a child’s profession is the choice of the parents; - lack of demand for the chosen profession; etc. To solve problems of professional self-determination, an open event was held using ICT.

In order to find out what motives are pursued when choosing professions and to what extent the professional self-determination of class pupils is formed, control diagnostics “Professional intentions” and “Motives for choosing professions” were carried out. Thus, we can fully say that 9th grade pupils have professionally self-determined. Which corresponds to the purpose of my methodological topic.

2. Achievements in professional activities

2.1. Characteristics (abstract) of methodological materials developed during the inter-certification period, the level of their presentation.

Every year, thematic planning of educational work is developed, goals and objectives are planned, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the students in the class;

Participation in the development of school-wide events;

Development of notes for extracurricular educational activities;

Work in the methodological association of middle and senior level educators (2009-2013);

Conducting open educational events at the methodological association of middle and senior level educators (2009-2013);

1. Presentations at the methodological association of middle and senior educators on the topics:

2.2. Analysis of participation in open events during the inter-certification period, location and level of events, effectiveness.

1. Preparation and holding of open events using ICT technologies on the topics: “Kindness and true and false kindness”, 2009,

games to develop communication skills

The goal of correctional and educational work with children with disabilities is ultimately their social adaptation, employment and further adaptation to life, including in conditions where they are not excluded from the surrounding social environment. It is necessary, using all the cognitive capabilities of children, to develop in them vital skills so that, when they become adults, they can take care of themselves, perform simple work in everyday life and special production workshops, and live, if possible, in a family and in a work community. The success of preparing them for independent life in society depends not only on the acquisition of certain knowledge in general education subjects and professional work activities, but also on the level of development of communication skills.

The task of correctional and educational work is moral education, the formation of correct behavior. The psychological climate at the emotional level reflects the relationships that have developed in the team, the nature of mutual cooperation, and attitudes towards significant life phenomena. The psychological climate is formed due to the “psychological atmosphere” - also the group emotional state.

Conclusion: as a result of the study using the above methods, it was revealed that in the 9th grade there is a favorable emotional and psychological climate, and most teenagers consider their team to be highly prosperous. This is primarily due to the fact that interpersonal communication with peers begins to become significant; the importance of communication with adults changes to communication with peers. In their team, children feel equal to each other.

Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples. In the 21st century it becomes paramount. Working towards "Protecting the life and health of pupils. Physical education" I carry out activities for the physical development of pupils, developing knowledge about healthy lifestyles, and promoting the health of pupils.

4. Certificate of Fedorova to Daria, a 9th grade student who took 1st place in the reading competition dedicated to Mother’s Day

5. Certificate of Fedorova to Daria, a 9th grade student who took second place in the reading competition “My Feathered Friends”

6. Certificate to Egorov Timur, who took first place in the competition of masters and craftswomen "Echuk and Pampalche"

ICT mastery level

I actively use information and communication technologies in my work. For children with disabilities, ICT is an assistant in learning new things, developing motivation, and is one of the ways of socialization. This is because:

The possibility of observing the basic principles of correctional education is expanding: from intact to impaired, multiple repetitions, performing actions according to a model, correction of psychological functions;

In correctional training and education, visual teaching methods are of great importance, which is well implemented using ICT;

There is a real opportunity to technologize the process of individualization and differentiation of learning;

I am proficient in computer technologies: working with the word processor Word, the OfficePublisher publication creation program, the PowerPoint presentation creation program, the Excel table and graph creation program, and I use Internet sources in everyday activities.

Using ICT, I have compiled presentations for extracurricular, school-wide and open events, for presentations at both the school and interregional levels,

My achievements:

Diploma of participation in the competition for the prevention of tobacco smoking and drug addiction "Live Healthy" as part of the festival of literary creativity "Healthy childhood - it's me and you",

Moscow, 2012

Certificate for active participation in the III regional festival "Light of the Christmas Star" in the category "Artistic Creativity",

p.Mari Turek, 2012 G.

Gratitude for the preparation of school students who became finalists in the Children's Art Competition "My Dream House 2010" held as part of the 11th Interregional Construction Exhibition,

Yoshkar-Ola, 2010

Certificate of participation in the August scientific and practical conference of teaching staff

Marie Turek, 2012

Certificate for creating your own personal website on a social network of educators


Certificate of publication of class notes in electronic media


Certificate of successful completion of training within the framework of the All-Russian literacy "Your Course"


Diploma for 2nd place in the municipal poster competition "I love you, life!" Marie Turek, 2012

Finalist diploma of the children's creativity competition "My Dream House - 2011"

Yoshkar-Ola, February, 2011.

Certificate for 1st place in the regional children's creativity competition "My Dream House" in the nomination "Best Craft" in the village of Mari-Turek, February 2013.

Certificate of participation in the interregional scientific and practical conference with international participation XII Glushkov Readings in the village of Orshanka 04/03/2013.

The results of a survey of parents showed a high rating of the teacher. Results of the questionnaire

A little from the life of the class:

Christmas tree Concert dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland Egorov Timur participant of the competition of masters and craftswomen "Echuk and Pampalche"

Morning exercises are the key to vigor and health Interregional seminar Review of formations and songs

Protection of posters for Forest Day Mothers Day

Concert "Rveze ulynamyat kertyna"

Scene on the New Year's tree. Trade union New Year tree Autumn Ball

Relay race "The best dad teacher" A student presenting his or her crafts to the class Competition dedicated to Valentine's Day

We do wood burning We do wood carving We love to eat

International conference Our creativity Exhibition "Miracles with your own hands"

Socially useful work Oral magazine "For a healthy lifestyle" Self-preparation

Excursion to the winter forest Extracurricular activity Crafts from vegetables and natural materials

Zucchini craft Craft made from natural material "Lesovichok" "Snow Maiden"
  • Throughout the week, students made computer collages dedicated to physics, mathematics, and computer science and drew thematic drawings. At the end of the week, following the results of the competition for the best drawing, the winner was 8A class student Marina Babkina, who was awarded a diploma for the best thematic drawing. Computer science collage. Collage on mathematics. Physics collage....
  • ...
  • Goal: to introduce children to a variety of fruits and vegetables - the main sources of vitamins and minerals; their significance for the body; to form a conscious attitude of children towards healthy food....
  • ...
  • Currently, many new facts have emerged about the harmful substances contained in tobacco. At the last assembly of the World Health Organization, it was emphasized that the harm that smoking causes to people's health remains a major problem in many countries. Every year on the third Thursday of November, most countries around the world celebrate International No Smoking Day (this year on November 15)... .
  • Dramatization “How the Hare received his passport” (instant performance) Characters: Wolf-passportist - “With receipt of your passport. You looked terrible in the photo." Bear - "I'm first! I won’t miss anyone!” Boar - “Well, when?” Beaver - “Wow, guys, you got it!” Fox - “What are you talking about, it’s not me!” Hare - “What to do? Who will help? ...
  • Open lesson in physical education in grades 3-4. The lesson was conducted by Irina Vladimirovna Skorobogatova, taking into account the latest equipment. Children enjoy physical education and develop their mental strength....
  • The project was completed by Viktor Lakienko, a 1st grade student. Purpose of the study: to develop a methodology for organizing project activities of junior schoolchildren that will contribute to the development of skills that are formed in the course of working on projects. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a computer science program in extracurricular activities dedicated to the organization of project activities. Theoretical...
  • On November 18, 7th grade completed a creative task: drawing a cat. Lebedeva Alina, Mineeva Rada, Shcherba Natasha, Panova Vika showed active activity. Also, 9th grade students helped seventh graders: Chalykh Sasha and Burykin Kolya....

    professional activity

    Firsova Svetlana Gennadievna-

    boarding school teacher

    My motto: “The teacher himself must be what he wants his pupils to be” (V. Dahl)Pedagogical credo: “If you start a job, see it through to the end,” “Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie,” “It’s better to do something good once than several times bad,” “Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.”

    Professional and personal qualities:

    I value kindness, decency, honesty, and responsiveness in people. I believe that I possess these qualities and strive to cultivate these qualities in the children with whom I work.

    Personal values: sociability, friendliness, responsiveness, hard work, desire for self-improvement.


    Higher education

    Barnaul State Pedagogical Institute 07/04/1988

    Specialty: German

    Qualification: secondary school German teacher

    Total work experience: 31 years

    Teaching experience: 22 years

    As a teacher: 6 years

    In this educational institution: 5 years

    Name of institution:

    comprehensive boarding school

    Institution address:

    Altai Territory, Aleysk, st. Oleshko 70.


    I use modern educational technologies in my work:

    1. Information and communication

    2. Correctional and developmental

    3. Health-saving

    4. Gaming

    5. Personality-oriented

    6. Portfolio technology


    1. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Pedagogical Academy"»

    Subject: “Comprehensive support for children and adolescents with special educational needs” - 72 hours


    2. Branch of JSC VO “Moscow Psychological and Social University”, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

    Subject: “Organization and content of correctional and developmental support of the educational process in the conditions of modern education” - 108 hours



    Subject: “Methods of prevention and correction of deviant behavior of pupils in a correctional school”

    Work period: 01.09.2014-01.09.2019

    Main events:

    1. Study of literature, selection of materials on the topic being studied.

    2. Studying the work experience of advanced teachers.

    3. Creation of a personal website, use of Internet resources in your work and dissemination of your work experience.

    4. Self-analysis of your professional activities.

    5. Analysis of questionnaires, testing and diagnostics of pupils.

    6. Holding open events.

    7. Participation in competitions, seminars, in the work of pedagogical councils, meetings, educational organizations of teachers.

    8. Participation in the “Source of Knowledge” project of the Internet portal


    9. Report on work on the topic.


    1.Open events:

    Legal hour “In defense of childhood.” 2011-2012 academic year year

    Folklore festival “Mischievous Gatherings”.

    2012-2013 academic year

    Health holiday “I will save my health - I will help myself!” 2013-2014 academic year year

    New Year's holiday "Hello, New Year!"

    2013-2014 academic year year

    Oral humor magazine "Spring Mosaic"

    2014-2015 academic year year

    Graduation evening “Farewell to school!” 2014-2015 academic year year

    2.Open performances:

    - “Creation of a correctional, developmental, educational and social environment in a correctional institution.”

    2012-2013 academic year year (MO)

    - “Children with mental retardation and intellectual disability.”

    2013-2014 academic year year (MO)

    - “From the experience of teachers on the social adaptation of pupils” 2014-2015 academic year (teachers council)

    3. Publication of your teaching materials on your personal website infourok.

    4. Participation in the pedagogical online community “My Education”.


    1. Certificate of honor from the school administration

    “For great design work in the German language classroom” 1993

    2. Certificate of honor from the school administration “For achievements in the educational process” 1994.

    3. Diploma of the Alei public organization of the trade union of education and science workers “For the efforts made to unite the team and defend its social guarantees and interests” 1999.

    4. Certificate of honor from the education department of the Aleysky District Administration “For conscientious work in the education and upbringing of students” 1996.

    5. Certificate of honor from the Education Committee of the Administration of the Altai Territory “For conscientious creative work, successful work in teaching and educating students” 1999.

    6. Certificate of a labor veteran of the Altai Territory, 2011.

    7. Diploma of the school administration “For conscientious work, creative attitude to the education of the younger generation” 2014.

    8. Diploma of the school administration “For many years of work, dedication to their work, aimed at solving pressing problems of educating the new generation” 2014.

    9. Gratitude to the school administration “For a creative approach to educational activities” 2013

    10. Certificates of the Internet portalProSchool.ru“For participation in the “Source of Knowledge” project with rating indicators. (2)

    11. Bronze diploma “For achieving level 1 in the rating of popularity and activity of participants in the pedagogical community “My Education” 2015.

    12. Diploma for winning the All-Russian competition “Voprosita”

    Blitz Olympiad: “Methods of educational work” 2015

    13. Certificate confirming the creation of your personal website in the educational network “Teacher Site” of the “Infour Lesson” project.

    14. Evidence of publication on the site.(11)


    2012-2013 academic year

    1. Certificate of honor from the school administration for second place in the bedroom competition.

    2. Certificate from the school administration for third place in the competition “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

    2013-2014 academic year

    1. Certificate for first place in the school group corner competition.

    2. Certificate from the school administration for second place in the “New Year’s Souvenir” competition.

    3. Certificate for second place in the school-wide competition “We Draw”


    4. Certificate for second place in the school-wide exhibition “Wonders of Nature.”

    5. Certificate for second place in the school-wide competition “New Year’s


    6. Certificate of honor for third place in the school-wide competition “Autumn Landscapes.”

    7. Certificate of honor for second place in the school-wide competition “New Year’s Poster”.

    2014-2015 academic year

    1. Certificate for second place in the municipal competition “Glorify Russia”.

    2. Certificate for second place in the municipal competition “We are drawing a fairy tale”

    2015-2016 academic year

    1. Diploma of the Winner (3rd place) of the All-Russian creative competition “Rassudariki” in the “Wall Newspaper” nomination.



    in the group of boys (6-9 grades int.)

    2015-2016 academic year:September

    Monitoring objectives:

    1. Specify the goals of educational work for a differentiated approach to students of different levels of education.

    2. Explain the individual approach to the personality of each child.

    3. Justify the choice of content and methods of educational work.

    4. Correlate the initial result (September) of the level of education with the final result (May) and develop recommendations for the education of students for the new school year.

    12 people took part in monitoring the level of education. The study was carried out in the following stages:

    1. Filling out the form by students and teachers

    2. Processing of results

    3. Analysis of results


    1. Curiosity

    High level - 0

    9 people have an average level of curiosity development:

    Vitkin S., Moiseev D., Iost Yu., Volobuev S., Leneshmidt E., Pytenko A., Morozov D.,

    Volovoy V., Kartashov A.

    Vitkin S. has the highest score (3.7b.)

    Low level - 3 people:

    Annenkov A., Afonkin A., Shchenev S. (2.9b.)

    2. Attitude to school (society)

    High level - 1 Volobuev S. (4.1b)

    11 people have an average level of development:

    Yost Y., Vitkin S., Moiseev D., Leneshmidt E.

    Shchenev S. has the highest score (3.9b.)

    Low level - 0

    3. Attitude to work

    High - 0

    11 people have an average level of development of labor skills:

    Kartashov A., Shchenev S., Volovoy V., Morozov D., Pytenko A., Annenkov A., Afonkin A.,

    Iost Yu., Vitkin S., Moiseev D., Volobuev S.

    The highest score is given to: Volobuev S., Pytenko A., Vitkin S. (3.8b.)

    Low level - 1 Leneshmidt E. (2.8b.)

    4. Attitude to nature

    High level - 11 people:

    Afonkin A., Leneshmidt E., Volobuev S., Shchenev S., Morozov D., Iost Yu., Pytenko A.,

    Vitkin S., Moiseev D., Annenkov A., Kartashov A. (4-5b.)

    The highest score is given to: Vitkin S., Afonkin A. (4.8b.)

    Average level - 1 Volovoy V. (3.8b.)

    Low level - 0

    5. Aesthetic taste

    High level - 3 people:

    Kartashov A., Volobuev S., Afonkin A.

    Afonkin A. has the highest score (4.4b.)

    Average level - 8 people:

    Volovoy V., Pytenko A., Iost Yu., Moiseev D., Leneshmidt E., Shchenev S., Annenkov A., Vitkin S.

    Moiseev D. has the highest score (3.9b.)

    Low level - 1 Morozov D. (3.2b.)

    6. Attitude towards yourself

    High level - 5 people:

    Kartashov A., Volobuev S., Shchenev S., Morozov D., Vitkin S.

    Volobuev S. has the highest score (4.4b.)

    Average level - 6 people:

    Volovoy V., Pytenko A., Afonkin A., Iost Yu., Moiseev D., Leneshmidt E.

    Afonkin A. has the highest score (3.9b.)

    Low level - 1 Annenkov A. (2.8b.)

    As a result of the diagnostics it was established:

    - the average level of education of children prevails in the group (3-4b.);

    - the best indicators of the level of education have:

    Volobuev S. (24.5b.), Vitkin S. (24b.), Afonkin A. (23.5b.)

    The following have a low level of education:

    Volovoy V. (20.2b.), Leneshmidt E. (20.1b.), Annenkov A. (19.8b.)

    Annenkov A. has the lowest level of education (19.8b.)

    The highest level of education is formed according to the following indicators: the ability to take care of the environment, protect and love the flora and fauna;

    An idea of ​​the norms and rules of human life, enshrined in the school’s Charter, the rules of conduct at school, the level of curiosity, aesthetic taste, and hard work; the ability to manage one’s behavior is developed at an average level;

    The lowest indicator of the formation of cognitive activity of pupils.

    Based on the results of diagnosing the level of education of children, it is necessary during the school year:

    1. Foster a positive attitude towards work, respect for blue-collar professions.

    2. To activate and stimulate the cognitive and educational activities of pupils.

    3. Develop the ability for objective self-esteem and self-realization in behavior, cultivating self-esteem, and social adaptation.


    Oral humor magazine “Spring Mosaic” (2015)

    Health holiday “I will save my health - I will help myself”

    year 2013

    Graduation evening “Farewell to school!” (2015)


    Asphalt drawing competition (2015)

    "The Great Victory is 70 years old"

    Pershaeva K. Morozova Yu .

    Excursion to the city park “Seasonal changes with the arrival of autumn” (2015)

    Excursion to the boarding house for the elderly and disabled “People of Hard Fate”


    My students take an active part in decorating their bedrooms to feel cozy and comfortable.


    This is where we spend our free time, relax, and do our homework.

    Decor walls "Starlight Night"


    Vitkin Sasha Volobuev Sergey Leneshmidt Egor Pytenko Alyosha


    “Our right” “Towards the 70th anniversary of the Victory!” “Take care of nature” “New Year’s holiday”

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