Parsley is medicinal. Parsley seeds - therapeutic effects and contraindications

Pregnancy and children 24.03.2024
Pregnancy and children

Health 02/25/2015

Dear readers, today we will talk about our beloved and familiar parsley, its beneficial properties and contraindications. We add it to salads, soups, and various meat dishes; it gives food a special piquant taste. Parsley can be eaten all year round, since it can be eaten not only fresh, it can be frozen, dried, pickled, but in any form parsley is good as a seasoning.

Personally, I love parsley, I can eat it just like that, without other products, it’s good that you can buy it at almost any time of the year. It is especially useful to eat parsley and add it to a dish in the spring, when the body lacks vitamins and minerals.

And for everyone who values ​​health, they can grow their own greens at home all year round. If you don’t know how to do this, then I invite you to read my article. It should be noted that parsley not only has unique taste, its medicinal properties allow it to be used as a medicinal plant. All parts of the plant have beneficial properties - leaves, juice, roots, seeds.

Parsley. Useful and medicinal properties. Benefits of parsley

Parsley can be safely classified as a medicinal plant; all parts of this herb contain essential oils, which give it such an aroma, bioflavonoids, ascorbic and folic acid, vitamins B, A, K, PP, carotene, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium , lithium, phosphorus, zinc.

Parsley improves digestion, regulates metabolism in the body, strengthens blood vessels, removes excess fluid, salts and toxins, and has a positive effect on the psyche and central nervous system.

Parsley helps fight cancer.

Has a beneficial effect on the state of the hematopoietic system.

Has disinfectant properties. Everyone probably knows that by chewing fresh parsley, we get rid of the smell and disinfect the oral cavity.

And it also has anti-aging properties to maintain our beauty.

The medicinal properties of parsley have been known since ancient times and are used in the treatment of various diseases.

I also suggest watching a video about the beneficial properties of parsley. There you will also find recommendations on how to select, store and dry parsley in order to optimally preserve all the beneficial and medicinal properties of parsley.

When we eat fresh parsley, we not only enjoy our food, but also improve our health. But, unfortunately, not everyone has access to fresh herbs in winter, so they can be dried and medicinal decoctions and infusions can be prepared all year round. And in some cases, it is even better to resort to traditional decoctions and infusions of parsley leaves or roots, and now we will look at ways to use them in specific cases.

Parsley decoction use

Parsley decoctions have been used to treat various diseases since very ancient times, but they are still successfully used in folk medicine and are traditionally prescribed

  • for functional disorders of the genital area in women
  • with irregular menstrual cycle
  • with uterine bleeding
  • with flatulence
  • with dropsy
  • for cystitis
  • as a diuretic
  • for rinsing for infections in the oral cavity
  • for washing eyes for conjunctivitis

How to prepare parsley decoction

For medicinal purposes, pour a tablespoon of chopped parsley into 1/2 liter of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cool, filter and take the decoction one tablespoon four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Parsley for weight loss

Since parsley decoctions are able to remove excess fluid from the body, they are prescribed in combination with other methods to combat excess weight.

A decoction of parsley for weight loss is prepared in this way: first chop a tablespoon of greens, then rub a little so that it releases the maximum amount of juice, pour in one and a half glasses of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes or keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool the resulting broth at room temperature, filter and take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. The course lasts two weeks.

Parsley decoction reduces appetite, reduces swelling, and as a result, weight gradually decreases. It is worth paying attention to your diet during this period, reducing the calorie content of food, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits.

You can also prepare an infusion for weight loss from parsley; to do this, add a glass of boiling water to two teaspoons of finely chopped herbs, cover with a lid and leave to infuse. Take 1/3 cup in the morning on an empty stomach for two to three weeks.

Parsley decoction for face

Parsley is indispensable for the face if you need to whiten your skin or lighten freckles; in addition, its anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to successfully fight acne.

To combat freckles All you need is a tablespoon of fresh parsley and a glass of boiling water and keep it on the fire for one minute. The broth is infused, filtered and wiped on the face several times a day.

To lighten freckles You can also use parsley root; you need to prepare a decoction of two tablespoons of crushed root and a glass of water, add the juice of one lemon to it and wipe your face twice a day.

For dry skin A decoction of parsley is also very useful, fresh leaves are crushed, 1/3 cup of parsley is added to a glass of boiling water, heated over low heat for 10 minutes, cooled and this decoction is used to wipe the skin or apply to the face in the form of applications, moistening a gauze cloth in the decoction .

If your facial skin is oily , parsley decoction is mixed with whipped chicken protein and a small amount of oatmeal. The resulting mixture is applied as a mask to the skin of the face.

Parsley juice

Fresh parsley juice is also used for medicinal purposes, usually mixed with carrot juice or fresh cucumber juice. To improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, 30 grams of parsley juice per day is enough, to which other juices are added, and several sips are drunk throughout the day. Please note that 30 ml of parsley juice per day is the recommended dose. The juice is considered very potent. We must always remember this.

Diluted parsley juice is also used for respiratory diseases, inflammation of the prostate gland, and eye diseases.

Parsley root medicinal properties, uses

Parsley root is used in cooking due to its taste, but the roots contain not only the usual microelements, but also microelements rarely found in other foods, such as molybdenum, aluminum, lithium, selenium, but very necessary for our body.

Parsley roots are used for medicinal purposes both fresh and dried; they have a pronounced diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect; decoctions of the roots are prescribed for intestinal colic, flatulence, inflammation of the prostate gland, and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. You can add just a little grated root to salads, simply chew it before meals, or prepare decoctions and infusions from it to improve your well-being.

  • For gastritis with high acidity, intestinal colic, and flatulence, a decoction of parsley roots will help. Place two tablespoons of dry or fresh crushed roots in a bowl, pour one and a half cups of boiling water, keep on low heat for a couple of minutes, then wrap and leave to infuse. The strained broth is taken one tablespoon several times a day before meals.
  • You can prepare an infusion from the roots in a thermos; in this case, it is infused for about eight hours, then drained and drunk two spoons 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • When treating the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, use fresh parsley root; the best choice is a large, fleshy root, which needs to be grated and pour boiling water, half a glass of water per spoon of grated root. It’s better to do this in a thermos, but you can just do it in a saucepan, just cover the dishes until the infusion cools down. Take a spoonful 3-4 times a day before meals.

How to brew parsley root

Different recipes give different recommendations for brewing parsley root, it depends on the disease, its stage, and whether you use dry or fresh roots. Traditionally, you need to take a teaspoon of crushed roots for half a glass of boiling water, hold for a few minutes on low heat, leave, strain and drink the resulting decoction in three doses in one day.

Parsley seeds

Even the seeds of parsley have unique medicinal properties; an infusion of the seeds is prescribed for lack of appetite and poor digestion, for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, for chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, and for flatulence.

For the decoction, you need to pour a spoonful of dried parsley seeds with a glass of boiling water, keep it on the fire for one minute, cover with a lid and leave for 30 - 40 minutes. Take one spoonful of the decoction several times a day before meals.

Parsley. Harm. Contraindications

No matter how good this herb is, there are still contraindications to its use. Parsley should not be consumed or taken as a decoction:

  • pregnant women,
  • patients with epilepsy
  • people with serious calcium metabolism disorders in the body.

I hope the information was useful to you.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of parsley have long been studied. Many people understand its insignificant effect on the body, others hope to improve their health with the help of 2-3 branches, and still others simply eat parsley and have no idea about its properties.

Parsley - beneficial properties and vitamins

Parsley belongs to the umbrella-type plants of the vegetable family. A perennial plant in the description of a biological journal is often classified as an umbelliferous plant. They are very useful in folk medicine and are often used in cooking if the varieties are not related to wild fruits. Parsley can be found in the form of dried leaves. This type is often used for seasonings to make it convenient to store for several months.

Leaves and roots, dried and fresh, are used to create a spicy floral aroma, as well as in the canning industry. The fruits of the plant allow you to extract essential oil from it, which can envelop the product without requiring the additional use of harmful additives. This is the main benefit of using parsley. Regarding medicine, earlier in the 17th century parsley was a source of medicine:

  1. It was used to reduce inflammatory processes.
  2. It helped relieve fever and chills.
  3. It was often given as a diuretic.
  4. She helped heal wounds.
  5. It was given to children to strengthen gums and teeth, vision and immunity.

Adults often used parsley as a medicine for the kidneys and liver, for neuralgia and malaria. And in the 19th century, it was already proven that the seeds provide a special extract for the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Doctors then developed different concepts for use, and it was at that moment that a medicine was discovered in Europe and officially registered. Later it began to be used in our time.

However, some parts of parsley still cannot be used in cooking and medicine. Since 2011, the essential oil of the curly plant has been prohibited for use, as dietary supplements containing poisons were used during processing.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of parsley

If we talk about the chemical composition, parsley contains substances such as:

  • Bergapten and apiin glycoside;
  • Furocoumarin and flavonoid;
  • Fatty oils of petroselinic and oleic acids;
  • Linoleic and palmitic acids;
  • Quercetin and kaempferol in parsley flowers;
  • Apigenin and mucilage are in the roots.

This combination of just one sprout is very impressive, since there is no other huge amount of acids, although they are barely noticeable on the palate. But regarding fruits and vegetables, parsley is superior to them due to the presence of:

  • Ascorbic acid – up to 3%;
  • Carotene and thiamine – up to 0.5%;
  • Riboflavin and retinol – up to 0.1%.

It also contains salts of iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Lots of proteins and carbohydrates, a rich set of minerals. There are no fats or fatty acids, but simple acids promote metabolism. The nutritional value of parsley is determined by:

The composition of fats includes the following components:

Carbohydrates include:

Proteins include:

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh product is 36 kcal.

Parsley leaves, roots and seeds - beneficial properties and contraindications However, all parts of the plant have the same spicy taste with a slight aftertaste of oil. Within 4-6% of the oil remains on the surface, the remaining parts are difficult to obtain. Therefore, parsley is not prohibited for sale, but is excluded from dietary supplements due to poison.

Different parts of the plant have their own pros and cons, and each can have a specific effect on the human body. All greens can be mixed, for example, to be added to soups or main courses. Rarely, parsley is used in France for desserts. They love greens very much and use them in all convenient cases. Parsley is least liked in the USA and Europe, at least in fresh form. Dried herbs predominate there, which are convenient to store for several weeks. This is understandable; many stores, for example in Norway, are open until 3-4 pm. And from Thursday to Monday no one will be able to buy groceries because the centers are closed. The only way out is to go to the nearest Sweden and in two hours you will have the food.

Diverging into the background, why it is impossible to purchase fresh produce is due to the foreign policy of countries, especially Scandinavian ones. However, it is common for ordinary people in the post-Soviet space to consume such seasonings in fresh and dry form.

*on mobile, scroll right to left to view the entire table

Leaves Flowers
Useful for hypotonic and hypokinetic dyskinesias of the gallbladderHave a diuretic effect, remove salts from the bodyStrengthens blood vessels
Normalize the functioning of the duodenumExtracts reduce sweatingNormalizes the function of the adrenal cortex
Good for the heart musclesMedicinal preparations based on the leaves are indicated for kidney and liver diseases.Positively influences the secretion of bile and cleanses the organs
Smoothes the muscles of the uterus and intestinesAtherosclerosis is also a cause of consumption of parsley leavesFor cystitis and edema it is used as a tincture
Muscle tone during uterine spasms normalizes and reduces the risk of miscarriagePositively affects the adrenal glands and thyroid glandIn case of inflammation of the prostate gland, they help relieve pain and spasms

So we see that parsley is very useful for the human body as a whole, but it is enough to consume at least one thing from the entire plant. Roots and leaves are more useful than flowers, but they also have a number of factors that affect human health.

Beneficial properties of parsley for women

Parsley is very important for women as it helps normalize lipid balance especially after giving birth. When all the cells of the body have practically “fallen asleep” and stopped working, resting for an indefinite amount of time, muscle activity begins to wake up, the work of which has been limited recently. It is also beneficial for vision and skin - it normalizes the balance of the dermis and epidermis, and helps cleanse the skin from the inside.

Parsley during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, parsley helps relieve constipation and intestinal obstruction. If we consider its effect on the fetus, then it receives much more vitamins than the mother. In the process of formation and development of the body, parsley helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the child, as well as visual motor skills. By 7 months he will already be able to see perfectly and open his eyes. By the time of birth, bursting capillaries at the time of expulsion of the fetus can be avoided.

When the baby is born, it is especially useful for the mother to consume fresh herbs and parsley, in particular. This will help her recover and provide the child with proper nutrition, since he cannot yet choose his own diet - consuming all the products in a row through milk, he absorbs everything at once.

Parsley in cosmetology - for face and hair

Not so long ago, greens began to be used as face and scalp care products, against wrinkles and to strengthen hair. However, parsley particles were used not as a simple plant, but in the form of cosmetic extracts in creams and masks. But the ladies are so enterprising that they began to use fresh leaves and roots of plants for masks and treatment complexes at home.

Parsley face mask

This mask not only nourishes the skin but also leaves an even complexion. The mask is also well used against facial and age wrinkles, for the skin around the eyes and décolleté. There are professional products that are aimed at moisturizing the skin. You can also prepare the decoction yourself.

Parsley decoction - benefits and harms

The decoction will help normalize the balance of the skin. It will restore the dermis and epidermis, help relieve redness and remove the causes of its occurrence. To prepare the decoction you will need:

  1. Skim cheese;
  2. Parsley seeds and leaves;
  3. Boiling water;
  4. Spoon for mixing the mass.

As you guessed, cottage cheese is mixed with plant components and filled with water. After which it is brought to a boil and used as a facial skin care product. You need to apply the mask while warm, then all its properties will remain with it. Then, after 20-30 minutes, the mask is removed and the residue is washed off with water.

Parsley decoction helps facial skin recover, especially in winter. Also, since parsley is a female plant, it cleanses pores well even after salon peeling procedures. Parsley and its decoction contain components that help remove moisture. You can also drink this decoction, but without using cottage cheese. It cleanses the circulatory system, treats nephritis and cystitis. The water balance is regulated, the woman relieves stress and normalizes the cycle. By the way, during menopause, many people replace antidepressants and sedatives.

Parsley for hair – is it a mask or a balm?

In the form of masks there are a large number of products that help restore the cells and structure of the hair. However, for some reason women prefer to buy balms - they are more liquid in consistency, soft and easier to wash off. They last only 2-3 minutes, and masks last up to 20-30 minutes each time. This is not very convenient, since masks run out faster, but balms can be combined with shampoos. By the way, balms are more difficult to prepare yourself, but you can try to achieve the desired consistency. So, using sugaring paste, many girls make hair balms with parsley.

For this you need the root and a little sugar paste. The second is brought to a boil and thickened, the root is finely chopped and placed in a container with the paste. It turns out to be sugary greens, like a vegetable with a little syrup. This decoction can be applied to the hair or taken with food to cleanse the body. The roots in the composition are very useful for men, but the sweet taste is not for everyone.

How to use parsley root?

Since we are talking about the root, we cannot help but note its beneficial properties in cooking. It is most often used as a seasoning, but only for first courses - for zama. You can also put coriander and various dry spices there. If you remember, earlier sour zama was prepared, since there was no kvass and starter cultures for first courses on sale. For this we used dried parsley roots, but dried them ourselves rather than buying them ready-made. However, at that time there were no ready ones.

In cooking, parsley root can be used as an aromatic addition, since the root is useful for creating odors and aromatic moods.

How to store parsley in the refrigerator?

What is not included in soups or seasonings is sent for storage. But how to store greens so that they remain fresh and beautiful by winter or summer? We often saw how a twig bought a week ago dies and rots just a few days later. And by the end of the second week you can find a wet bundle. This is due to incorrect temperature and humidity. On store shelves, parsley is most often stored in an open place - warm air comes from there. The refrigerators are more powerful and the products remain good for almost a month.

This does not mean that it is sprayed or canned. At home there is a lot of food in the refrigerator that needs moisture. In industrial chambers, humidity is controlled. Therefore, parsley should never be stored with meat or cheese. The milk is kept separately, as are the sausages. The only way to preserve the product is to put it in the freezer, wrapping it in cling film in advance. This way it preserves both properties and moisture.

Parsley and lemon for weight loss - calorie content of the dish

Since the calorie content of parsley is only 36 kcal, and its properties are diuretic and salt-removing, it is used to stimulate the burning of cells. It is worth noting that parsley helps in other diets. If you just snack on it occasionally:

  1. It suppresses appetite, and before meals, people often eat 2-3 branches, and after 10-15 minutes they sit down at the table. Afterwards, you practically don’t feel like eating, and the person eats as much as he is supposed to. Appetite can lie about quantity - having eaten enough, the body does not have time to react to satiety. Therefore, you still need to eat in a quiet environment, without distracting broadcasts.
  2. Liquid output. Parsley helps remove not just fluid and salts, but also excess lipid components that form subcutaneous fat. When the water leaves, the mass is lost from 3-9 kg, depending on the initial weight. It takes at least 2-3 months to lose fat.
  3. Metabolism increases due to the penetration of parsley substances into the fatty layers of the tissue. By removing old cells, a person loses cellulite.
  4. Restores metabolism, and when it works correctly, the body does not store fat deposits under normal stress.

Losing weight is very easy, even without following strict diets. We also recommend taking parsley with lemon. This decoction will help reduce the entry of acids and waste into the blood, which will help stabilize weight.

  1. Take 1.5 liters of water and boil it.
  2. Finely chop the parsley – leaves, flowers and roots. ½ cup will be enough. Anything will do.
  3. Grate or finely chop the lemon. 1 slice is enough.

Stir the entire mixture and bring to a boil over low heat. After turning off, let the parsley steep and then strain the liquid. Take 1 glass (200 ml) half an hour before meals. You can also drink tea from these ingredients, adding honey at the end. it should be taken three times a day, it is useful for acute respiratory viral infections and colds.

The benefits of parsley for men - the effect on prostatitis

Parsley and its components are very useful for men. The more often he eats greens, the better things will be with potency and men's health. When diagnosing prostatitis, parsley is indicated first. Take it along with medications and other herbs. The active substance is apigenin, which affects the production of hormones and the speed of reaction. It also interferes with the production of female estrogen, which is found in the thyroid gland and not in the ovaries like progesterone. Men have organs too. Those responsible for the production of hormones, however, are less in demand in females, so helpers are needed for anti-stimulation. Otherwise the balance will be upset.

Parsley for kidneys and liver

As mentioned above, parsley is a diuretic and has a positive effect on the liver, cleansing it of excess bile. If the kidneys suffer from inflammation, then it is better to influence the adrenal glands to increase the production of protective material. This will help reduce the risk of complications that will help cope with the consequences.

Parsley for diabetics

Parsley reduces glucose levels in the blood and urine, which cannot go unnoticed by diabetics. This is a very useful and simple recipe that helps to stop the surges in hormonal imbalance and sugar levels. Since parsley drives fluid, it is impossible to talk about complete healing - this is a defect in the functioning of the pancreas. It is impossible to force her to produce insulin, this is not the same case as with the ovaries and the hormonal cycle - in women it is like this from birth. For stimulation, you can use parsley decoctions, which have a stronger effect. Due to the water balance, all substances will be supplied faster, and the liquid will be removed from the body faster. And the greens themselves contribute to this. Thus, the rapid transfer of liquid and the delivery of substances and microelements to the organs is the work of the plant.

Parsley for pancreatitis and gastrointestinal diseases

Parsley, having essential oils inside the roots that are safe for a healthy person, can negatively affect a sick gastrointestinal tract. Protein synthesis will occur in the department of pancreatic enzymes, which are produced 3-4 times more. This affects the breakdown of fiber and parsley, and also exacerbates the destructive balance of the inflammatory process. As a result, the patient was taken to the emergency room with an exacerbation of the mucous membrane in the pancreas area.

Ascorbic acid in its pure form without a medical coating will double the daily requirement of acids, which affect the gastric mucosa in the same way as the components of parsley. As a result, if the patient spends 2-3 weeks in the hospital, this is the best decision for him.

But when the disease enters the chronic stage with remission. Parsley is simply necessary for a person:

  1. It removes harmful substances.
  2. Fills enzymes with antioxidants, which is safe for the mucous membranes when in contact with parsley.
  3. The exchange of sucrose and glucose improves.
  4. Apiol and chlorophyll normalize the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, and this is very important for human life.
  5. In case of oxalate urolithiasis, it relieves acute kidney pain, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

As you can see, a person is not always allowed and cannot do the same things as with other diseases. One day this will become his salvation, it will neutralize the influence of other products and substances, and then it will simply kill him from the inside, slowly leading to pain and spasms that will be impossible to get rid of.

Therefore, find out in advance about the composition of the product, its benefits and useful features. Some influence may be beneficial for a healthy person, but either not or twice as beneficial for a sick person. There may be some correlation between products. Parsley has a good effect on metabolism, which means a good figure and a healthy body.

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It is difficult to overestimate the importance of parsley in human nutrition. This is a small pharmacy where most of the vitamin E is found, which is especially needed by pregnant women and athletes. It is widely used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetic purposes. So, let's figure out what medicinal properties and contraindications of parsley.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of parsley

Parsley has its own unique and rich composition:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin A, C;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B12;
  • folic acid;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • fatty acid. Read more:

In terms of the amount of carotene in its composition, it is practically no different from fresh carrots. Vitamin C is found equally in lemon and black currant.

Due to its composition, parsley has a number of healing properties:

  1. Improves the functioning of the kidneys, genitourinary system, and thyroid gland.
  2. Normalizes metabolism.
  3. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic agent.
  4. Helps enrich the brain with oxygen.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and duodenum.
  6. Improves vision.
  7. Increases appetite, gives more energy and strength.

The root vegetable can be eaten in various forms.

The benefits of parsley are great for both men, women and children.

Let's look at the benefits of parsley for men:

  1. Eating greens daily helps prevent prostate adenoma.
  2. Potency improves due to blood circulation. Daily consumption of parsley helps with male infertility.
  3. Parsley juice helps with detoxification, alcohol and nicotine poisoning.
  4. Removes toxins and salts from the body, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Strengthens the heart muscle, prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Benefits for women:

  1. The juice helps relieve severe pain during menstruation and normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  2. Greens are useful during pregnancy, for the formation of a healthy fetus, and also promotes rapid conception.
  3. The juice of the plant is used in cosmetology as a bleaching agent.
  4. The seeds are useful against hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Effective for the treatment of cellulite.

The benefits of the plant also extend to children's bodies. It consists in:

  1. Improving bowel function,
  2. Strengthening the central nervous system.
  3. The juice improves vision, relieves bloating, and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. Helps with cuts, bruises, and skin wounds.
  5. Increases immunity, protects against viral and infectious diseases.

Before adding the plant to your baby’s food, you should consult a doctor so as not to harm the child’s body. Many children may be hypersensitive to the plant, causing allergic reactions.

Seeds - medicinal properties

Parsley seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They contain a rich composition, due to which they have a beneficial effect on human health.

The main composition of the seeds consists of:

  • essential oils;
  • inulin;
  • carotene;
  • glycoside;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins

The seeds of the plant, and preparations made from them, help treat various problems:

  1. Helps with intestinal spasms and gas formation.
  2. They increase appetite, help with nervous breakdowns and psychological disorders.
  3. Relieves inflammation of the bladder, ovaries, appendages.
  4. The seeds are effective for gallstone disease.
  5. For the treatment of kidney pathology, pyelonephritis.

For effective treatment with a decoction of parsley seeds, it is necessary to use only ripened seeds. You can prepare them yourself at the end of summer.

Parsley root is an aromatic root vegetable that adds a special aroma and taste to dishes.

Due to its rich vitamin composition, the root may have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic;
  • wound healing.

Eating the root vegetable is beneficial for the female and male body, for the treatment of the genitourinary system.

In folk medicine, decoctions, juices, and infusions are made from the root vegetable.

They are useful for treating ailments:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, gastritis, ulcers;
  • loss of appetite, stomach upset;
  • pain and disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • heart disease, heart failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, bronchitis, asthma;
  • inflammation of the oral gums;
  • diseases and pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Beneficial properties of parsley juice

Due to the diuretic properties of parsley juice, its use is useful for treating the genitourinary system and relieving edema.

Its use is useful:

  • for indigestion, gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • high and low stomach acidity;
  • in diabetes mellitus, it lowers blood sugar levels.

When combined with beet juice, you get a green smoothie; its consumption is good for the eyes, and also relieves pain and cramps during painful and heavy menstruation.

Drinking the juice daily helps remove and dissolve stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder. For treatment with plant juice, it is important not to exceed the dosage. The optimal dose is one tablespoon per day.

Traditional medicine recipes

All parts of the plant are used to treat various ailments. Let's look at recipes that are used in folk medicine, made from parsley.

  1. For swelling and inflammation of the genitourinary system. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of seeds and leave for 1 hour. Take 1 glass per day, dividing it into 3 doses.
  2. From diseases and pathologies of the kidneys, as well as urolithiasis. Pour 2 tablespoons of seeds into 1 liter of clean cold water and leave for 24 hours. Then strain the water and place it in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons every day 5-6 times a day. The course of treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. Do not consume the infusion for more than 2 months.
  3. To cleanse the skin, remove age spots. Grate the root of the plant on a coarse grater, add a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Afterwards, strain the broth and apply for cosmetic purposes, wiping your face.
  4. For diabetes mellitus. Pass fresh herbs through a juicer. You can make a vegetable smoothie from parsley and cucumber. Drink fresh juice, diluted with water, no more than 1 tablespoon daily. To improve the taste, it can be diluted with carrot and beet juice.

The root vegetable is used in cosmetology to lighten facial skin tone. At home, you can make your own masks, lotions and decoctions from the green root vegetables to help with problem skin.

Folk remedies help:

  • refresh and whiten facial skin;
  • relieve swelling and eliminate dark circles under the eyes;
  • remove age spots, get rid of freckles;
  • fight acne;
  • reduce the formation of wrinkles;
  • strengthen hair, promoting its rapid growth;
  • strengthen the nail plate;
  • for abrasions, cuts, insect bites.

To prepare folk remedies, you can use herbs, roots and plant seeds. Ice cubes can be made from a decoction of the plant. Wipe the skin of the face daily, which will help give the skin shine, elasticity, and eliminate fine wrinkles.

The juice is used to whiten the skin; it is recommended to wipe the epidermis of the face daily, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Rinse your hair with a decoction of parsley after washing, it will help get rid of dandruff and give shine and strength to your hair.

Curd masks made from parsley help remove freckles and age spots. You can make masks from sour cream mixed with herbs or plant juice.

Parsley for weight loss

Parsley has great health benefits and also helps fight excess weight. It is added to salads and other dishes; it contains the fewest calories. Its use helps remove waste and toxins from the body, and also normalizes fat metabolism. Due to its properties, doctors recommend its use for weight loss.

To maintain the diet, decoctions, infusions, juices and drinks of the plant are used. A good result will be obtained in its complex use along with an active lifestyle and a balanced diet.

To prepare the decoction you will need root vegetables. Finely chop the stems and leaves, add water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of chopped herb per 200 ml of water. Place on low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. The course of treatment should not exceed 21 days. Use daily in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Parsley infusion helps you lose extra pounds and brighten your facial skin. To prepare it, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water.

Leave for 3 hours, then strain. You can steam the herbs in a thermos. Use 2 times a day before meals. The course lasts 1 month, after which you need to take a 2-week break and repeat the course.

Tea made from seeds or dried root vegetables will be effective for weight loss. Pour 1 tablespoon of the ingredient into a glass of boiling water. Take three times a day, dividing 1 glass into all doses. The duration of treatment is no more than 2-3 months.

In order not to cause harm to the body, it is necessary to use the herbal remedy in optimal measures. Along with the benefits of its use, there are also contraindications.

Do not eat or use for cosmetic purposes in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children up to 3 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • if there are inflammatory processes in acute forms.

In order not to cause harm, it is necessary to adhere to the correct dosage of folk remedies made from all parts of parsley. Eating a few twigs daily will benefit not only adults, but also children.

Parsley for the face, benefits and properties

The versatility of parsley as a cosmetic product is explained by its rich and healthy composition, it is represented by a variety of vitamins, microelements, there are many phytoncides and other active ingredients in the greens, which in tandem provide an amazing effect to the skin.

As a result of using parsley in masks and decoctions, the face is literally transformed, saturated with the most important substances for health, pigmented areas disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out and fine lines are “erased”, and in general the skin is tightened, its former smoothness and elasticity return.

The presence of carotene in parsley makes it the number one product against ultraviolet healing, and thiamine and pectin substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate healing and recovery processes.

Regular application of parsley masks to the face has a positive effect on blood circulation in tissues, improves nutrition in cells, accelerates cellular renewal processes, leads to cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face, and overall rejuvenation.

Parsley is not fussy, it grows in any garden, and it costs a penny. Therefore, cosmetic products based on it can be prepared and used on the face all year round without harming the family budget.

Indications for the use of homemade parsley cosmetics for the face

  1. Owners of aging skin with obvious signs of aging.
  2. Excessive sebum production in oily skin types.
  3. Dry skin.
  4. Expression and deep wrinkles.
  5. Age spots and freckles.
  6. Tired skin and gray complexion.
  7. Dry skin.
  8. Puffiness, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Contraindications to using parsley for the face

  1. Individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Allergic reactions.

Before using parsley-based products on your face, it is recommended to test the composition on your wrist. Within an hour it will be clear whether the product is suitable for you or not.

Infusion of parsley leaves

  • Boiling water – 1 glass.


Brew the greens with boiling water, leave under the lid and a thick towel until completely cooled. Strain the finished infusion. Use as a daily face wash in the morning and evening, as a tonic twice a day, prepare masks based on it, make compresses twice a week (moisten a two-layer gauze cloth with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth in the infusion and apply to the face for 10 minutes ).

Decoction of parsley leaves

  • Chopped parsley leaves – 50 g.
  • Boiling water – 400 ml.


Pour water over the crushed green mass, boil and simmer for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Use on the face in the same way as parsley infusion.

Parsley root decoction

  • Chopped root - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water – 200 ml.


Pour boiling water over the powder, bring to a boil and let cool, wrapping it well in a towel. At the end, strain the broth and use it as part of whitening masks or for daily washes.

Facial lotions with parsley

Make two small gauze bags (no larger than the size of your eye sockets), fill them with chopped parsley, put them in boiling water for a minute, let them cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to your eyes. This procedure can be used to remove red spots from the skin.

Cosmetic ice based on parsley

Parsley infusion or decoction is poured into an ice tray and frozen. Use ready-made ice cubes to wipe your skin morning and evening. This procedure will increase skin elasticity and get rid of dark circles and red spots.

For the same purpose, you can use freshly squeezed parsley juice, after diluting it with pure or still mineral water in a 1:1 ratio.

Cosmetic ice with chamomile, black tea and parsley


Gives a light tan, disinfects, tones, rejuvenates, vitaminizes.

  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Chamomile - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Black tea - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh parsley - medium bunch.


Mix the ingredients, put on the fire and boil, cook for 15 minutes, then let sit for 15 minutes. Strain the warm broth and squeeze out the herbs. Pour the finished infusion into molds and freeze. Rub face in circular motions twice daily after cleansing.

Whitening facial lotion against age spots

  • Compound
  • Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mineral (still) or filtered water – 200 ml.
  • Dry white wine – 50 g.


Parsley for the face, mask recipes

Eye mask


Refreshes, eliminates dark circles, relieves puffiness, smoothes out wrinkles.

  • Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Strongly brewed black tea – 1 tsp.


Mash the parsley until the juice releases, mix the mixture with tea. Place the mixture in two gauze “bags” and apply to the eyes for 15-30 minutes.

Few people know that decoction and infusion of parsley has medicinal properties, which are widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. To get a healing drink, you need to know how to prepare it correctly, its benefits and contraindications for use.

Parsley infusion has beneficial properties. Thanks to its composition rich in vitamins and minerals, parsley drink is considered very valuable.

Plant composition

Parsley has a rich composition:

  • vitamins of group A, B, C, E, K, H;
  • microelements – potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, iodine;
  • cellulose;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

Parsley (infusion, decoction) helps normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver, strengthens tooth enamel, gums, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Parsley drink is an effective bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic.

With its help, you can eliminate thyroid problems, improve the functioning of the adrenal glands, and strengthen blood vessels and capillaries.

Parsley decoctions and infusions are widely used in cosmetology. Thanks to its rich set of vitamins A, parsley is used to improve facial skin. The decoction can eliminate acne, inflammation, smooth out wrinkles, normalize complexion, and easily get rid of swelling and bags under the eyes.

Using decoctions and infusions of parsley for the face

It is necessary to use parsley infusion for the face for the following indications:

  • wrinkles;
  • old skin;
  • oily skin type;
  • dry skin;
  • freckles, age spots;
  • gray complexion;
  • black bags under the eyes;
  • swelling of the facial skin.

For facial care, you can use both fresh and dry parsley. Compresses, masks, and cleansing balm are prepared from it. Before using the infusion, you should thoroughly steam the skin so that the parsley remedy is as effective as possible. It is not recommended to store parsley infusions for the face for a long time; it is better to use them fresh once.

Infusion of parsley leaves


  • 1 tbsp. l. leaves;
  • 1 glass of water.


  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Pour in the parsley.
  3. Infuse in a closed container until the infusion reaches room temperature.
  4. Strain.
  5. Apply to wash morning and evening.

Leaf decoction


  • fresh chopped parsley leaves - 0.05 kg;
  • clean drinking water – 0.4 l.


  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Add parsley to boiling water.
  3. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain, cool.
  5. Use as a lotion for evening and morning washes.

Root decoction for washing


  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated parsley root;
  • 0.2 liters of boiling water.


  1. Pour boiling water over the parsley.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave for no more than an hour.
  4. Strain.
  5. Use as a balm for daily washes.

Eliminating redness on the face with parsley:


  • 200 g parsley;
  • gauze;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  1. Heat the water.
  2. Pour into two different glasses.
  3. Divide the parsley into two parts.
  4. Place each bunch in a gauze bag.
  5. Place the bags in a glass of boiling water.
  6. Leave for 1 hour.
  7. Cool to room temperature.
  8. Apply the bags to problem areas of the skin, on the eyes.

Relieving swelling with parsley drinks

An infusion of roots for edema is prepared as follows:


  • 20 g chopped parsley roots;
  • 1 glass of clean water.


  1. To boil water.
  2. Pour in the crushed raw materials.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain, cool to room temperature.
  5. Take 1 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day.

Parsley infusion for swelling of the lower eyelids:


  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh leaves;
  • 3 glasses of water.


  1. Heat the water.
  2. Chop the parsley.
  3. Add to a container with warm water.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Leave in a closed container for 1 hour.
  6. Strain, cool.
  7. Take 0.25 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Parsley for menstruation

If a representative of the fair sex experiences a delay in the menstrual cycle, then an infusion of parsley for menstruation can help her. However, before use, you should definitely consult your doctor.


  • 50 g fresh parsley;
  • 1 cup boiling water.


  1. Chop the parsley.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink warm, 0.5 cups 2 times a day.
  6. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 days.

If a missed period is caused by pregnancy, then using parsley decoction is not recommended. A large amount of drink from this plant can negatively affect the development of the unborn child.

Losing weight with parsley infusions

To get rid of excess weight, nutritionists recommend eating more vegetables, fruits, and herbs, because these foods are rich in vitamins and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Parsley infusion for weight loss - method 1


  • parsley - 1 bunch or 2 tbsp. l. chopped plant;
  • boiling water – 0.5 cups.


  1. Pour boiling water over the plant.
  2. Close the container and place in a warm place for 2 hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Take on an empty stomach.

Parsley infusion for weight loss - method 2


  • chopped fresh parsley – 100 g;
  • boiling water – 1 l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • iodine – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Pour boiling water over the parsley.
  2. Leave for 1 hour.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add lemon juice with iodine.
  5. Use when you feel very hungry.
  6. After consumption, eat 1 orange.

If you follow this diet, you can lose 5 kg in a week.

Cocktail for weight loss


  • 100 g fresh parsley;
  • 300 ml kefir;
  • cucumber – 100 g.


  1. Grind the cucumber with parsley until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  2. Mix kefir with green porridge.
  3. Use for fasting days.

The product helps cleanse the intestines of waste, toxins, and removes excess fluid from the body.


The benefits and harms to the body from parsley infusion are great enough to avoid causing serious damage to health; you need to be aware of the contraindications. It is not recommended to take parsley decoctions during pregnancy, because the plant stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.

If acute forms of inflammatory processes are observed in the body, then the infusion should be abandoned. Parsley is contraindicated for people with kidney stones. Individual intolerance (allergy) is also a serious contraindication. Doctors do not recommend abusing the drink from this plant, but even if you are allergic to it, you can eat 2-3 branches without harming the body.

Although parsley infusion has contraindications, it is still considered an effective and affordable means of combating various diseases.

The use of decoctions and infusions of parsley should be carried out only after consultation with your doctor. The plant has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account so as not to harm the body. In general, prepared parsley drinks are considered very useful, because they can eliminate many diseases.

Medicinal properties of parsley

Parsley contains a huge number of useful substances, including it is rich in B vitamins, saturated with vitamin C, as well as PP and K. In addition, parsley contains many minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body. Iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium - this is not a complete list of what you can get by consuming a small amount of parsley daily. It should be noted that parsley also contains essential oils and bioflavonoids. And more recently, folic acid was found in it, which keeps human blood vessels in good condition. Parsley also contains the pigment chlorophyll, which is a participant in oxidative reactions occurring in the body. Parsley is now included in many dietary supplements due to its composition and properties.

Pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs and parsley roots into 400 ml. water, put on fire and boil for minutes, then cool the broth and strain. The decoction obtained in this way should be wiped twice a day on the skin of the face and neck.

Take a tablespoon of chopped parsley leaves and pour 200 ml. water, put on fire for 20 minutes, then cool and strain the resulting broth. Add a glass of white wine to it. The resulting product can be used as a lotion, wipe the skin of the face and neck with it.

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Parsley - medicinal properties and contraindications

The bright taste and unforgettable aroma of this plant have been familiar to us since childhood. Parsley has been grown for many centuries. Tender, juicy herb with an attractive smell and aromatic taste. Belongs to a small genus of biennial plants of the Apiaceae family, widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Let's look at the medicinal properties and contraindications of parsley.

For treatment with this plant, leaves, root system and seeds are used. The largest amount of substances needed by the body is contained in the external organs of the plant and the root of parsley. The substances contained in it bring medicinal benefits to the body:

  • selenium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • rich, huge amount of vitamin C. Its content in the herb is 4 times higher than in lemon, rose hips;
  • retinol, thiamine and riboflavin;
  • vitamins PP and E;
  • the extract contains salts Ca, Mg, Fe, P.

Parsley for men

The beneficial properties of parsley are irreplaceable for the treatment of male diseases. For adenoma, prostatitis, and impaired potency, 100 g of parsley per day is enough. They will restore lost male strength. Eating parsley increases the production of male sex hormones in the adrenal glands. Its use will reduce pain due to inflammation of the prostate gland.

Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland is carried out in the following way:

  • the underground vegetative organ of the plant is ground;
  • 1 tbsp. l. the masses are poured with 100 g of boiled water, insulated, and an extract is obtained after an hour;
  • then filtered and squeezed.

Use 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals.

For women

The benefits of parsley are as follows: strengthens the body, stops spasms, reduces pain, keeps the muscles of the uterus in good shape, improves the function of the genital organs, hormonal levels, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and normalizes blood flow.

An infusion of parsley seeds helps to establish the female cycle: 4 tsp. raw materials are poured with 200 g of boiled water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, filter, take 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day

Pain during menstruation, uterine bleeding, root and leaf extract will reduce:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed underground vegetative organ of the plant is poured with 400 g of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Filter, take 1-2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day, for 30 minutes. before meals;
  • take 3 times a day, 2 tsp. the juice of the underground vegetative organ of the plant, diluted with water, will help with heavy menstruation.

Carefully! Breastfeeding women are prohibited from eating parsley. The essential oils contained in it can affect the baby through mother's milk. Oils can cause increased excitability and aggression in a child. During pregnancy, a large amount of the plant consumed leads to miscarriage (read about the use of parsley during pregnancy).

Parsley root - medicine

Leaf, curly and root parsley are grown in garden plots and dachas. The underground vegetative organ of parsley, the root, has many coarse fibers and is fleshy and branched in appearance. Its taste is similar to carrots. Contains 4 times more ascorbic acid than lemon. A lot of vitamin K, which works in blood clotting, blocks the action of osteoclasts.

For edema

For diseases of the cardiovascular system that cause swelling, you can get rid of them with a decoction:

  • take 1 tbsp. l. underground vegetative organ;
  • heat treatment in water, cook for 10 minutes. in 200 g of water.

Take four times a day. Contraindication for use: kidney nephritis.

For diarrhea

For a child suffering from diarrhea and difficulty urinating, prepare a decoction:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. chopped underground vegetative organ is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 3 hours, filter. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Treatment of measles

The underground vegetative organ of parsley is used to brew tea and treat measles:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. chopped root per 200 g of boiling water.
  2. Leave and insulate for 6-8 hours. Filtered.
  3. Drink 1 tbsp. l. in 40 minutes before meals, 3-4 times a day.

The decoction is good for lowering body temperature.

Gastrointestinal diseases

For excessive accumulation of gases, spasms of the intestinal canal, inflammation of the mucous layer of the stomach with high acidity, use the extract of “curly parsley”, from the underground vegetative organ of parsley:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Finely grated product is poured into 100 g of boiling water, left for 4-6 hours in an airtight container, squeezed out, and coarse impurities are removed.
  2. Consume 4 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l. in 30 min. before eating.

From toxins

To remove toxins from the body, use the following recipe:

  • They take freshly picked parsley, peel its root, chop the greens, and grate the underground vegetative organ on a fine grater (to a paste) and mix everything.
  • 200 g of the resulting mixture, pour 400 g of boiling water, prepare the extract in an airtight container.

Use the tincture for 12 days, take a break for 2 days, repeat the procedure for another 10 days. The body is cleansed of harmful salts, blood vessels are cleaned, their walls are strengthened, and toxins are removed from the liver.

If you urinate frequently, proceed as follows: take 2 tbsp. l. chopped mass from the underground vegetative organ of parsley, infused in 200 g of boiled water for 8-12 hours. Use 4-5 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Prostate treatment

To treat inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland: finely grate parsley root.

  1. To 1 tbsp. l. add 100 g of boiling water to the mass, insulate it for an hour, and let it sit for 2-3 hours. Then filter and squeeze.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals.

Seed - medicinal properties

An extract of parsley seeds in water is a drink that induces a feeling of hunger. It helps digest food, regulates the menstrual cycle, treats kidney and bladder diseases. Crushed seeds, when rubbed into the skin, prevent baldness.

Women's diseases

If the menstrual cycle is disrupted, prepare an infusion: 400 g of cold, boiled water, pour ½ tsp. parsley seeds, prepare the extract for 8-10 hours, filter. Take 2-3 tbsp every 2 hours. l.

For bleeding from the uterus, pain during menstruation, use an extract from grass and plant roots:

  1. In 2 tbsp. l. of the crushed collection, add 400 g of boiled water, leave for 4 hours, filter.
  2. Apply 2 hours before meals, 4 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l.

In the absence of hunger, insufficient digestion of food, liver disease, gall bladder, flatulence, chronic cystitis, you can use the following recipe:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. treat the seed with 200 g of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.
  2. The decoction is consumed 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

Benefits for hair - lice remedy

Parsley seeds are used to remove lice and as a cure for baldness. Prepare the ointment:

  1. Boil 2 tbsp. l. seeds with 200 ml of water to a paste.
  2. Strain and mix with 2 tbsp. l. butter or lard.

The ointment is rubbed into the roots of the hair before bed for those who suffer from pathological hair loss.

Dried parsley leaves are used to prepare an extract, used as a diuretic, to reduce human body weight, to remove harmful substances from the liver and kidneys. Extracts and extracts treat gums, lower blood pressure, cleanse the vessels of the circulatory system, and get rid of menstrual irregularities.

For diabetes

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with parsley has several directions:

  • normalization of blood glucose levels, inducing a diuretic effect;
  • getting rid of puffiness, removing excess salts from the body.

Preparation of parsley extract for diabetes mellitus is as follows:

  • 150 g of underground vegetative organ is poured into 1 liter of boiled water. Let it soak for a minute and filter. Take 200 g as a diuretic to get rid of swelling. Treatment lasts 14 days.
  • The axial part of the plant shoot is crushed. 1 tbsp. l. the prepared mass is poured with 200 g of hot water, boiled for 2-4 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes, filter. Use 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

For weight loss

A decoction will help you lose extra pounds and lose weight:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. The greens are finely chopped, wiped a little, and pour in one and a half glasses of water.
  2. Cook for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, filter, take 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.
  3. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Medicinal juice

Parsley juice is necessary for the human stomach; it stimulates the production of digestive elements and improves the wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls. Take it for diarrhea, indigestion, poor appetite, gastritis, when the acidity of gastric juice decreases.

The medicinal properties of the food product obtained as a result of pressing are taken as:

  • diuretic;
  • With dosed consumption of juice, it is possible to dissolve stones and sand in the kidneys, gall bladder, and bladder.

You can prepare a food product by squeezing parsley by following simple rules:

Carefully! Vegetable juice obtained by squeezing parts of the plant has a strong effect, has a high concentration, and must be mixed with water.

Drink fresh juice immediately after preparation, do not add salt or sugar. The consumption rate for a food product prepared by pressing is 1 tbsp. l. in a day. Combinations with carrot, cucumber, celery, and spinach juice are useful.

In cosmetology

Parsley is a high-quality cosmetic product. Creams based on it rejuvenate the skin, strengthen hair roots, smooth out wrinkles, and prolong youth.

Essential oils, phytoncides, biostimulants support and activate metabolic processes of the skin. Using the ointment will improve the condition of your facial skin. Pigment spots and freckles appear on the skin after exposure to the sun. Parsley whitens and cleanses the face. Rinse with infused extracts daily.

This recipe will help you protect yourself from chapping:

  1. Mix dill and parsley leaves in equal proportions, pour boiling water over them, and allow to settle.
  2. Soak a napkin and apply it to your face for 30 minutes.

You can get rid of circles under the eyes by placing chopped greens around the eyes.

Mixing parsley with sour cream will help relieve irritation from dry, sensitive skin; apply the mixture to dry areas. For inflammation, severe itching, after insect, bee, or mosquito bites, apply parsley to the area of ​​irritation.

For oily skin and freckles

For oily facial skin, the following recipes apply:

  • 1 tbsp. l. grated parsley leaves, pour 500 g of boiled water, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, allow to cool, filter, apply as a compress;
  • The decoction of the leaves is mixed with gelatin and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal The prepared ointment is applied as a mask to the face.

You can lighten freckles with a decoction: 2 tbsp. l. grated root in 200 g of water, leave for 12 hours, add the juice of 7 lemons, wipe your face 2 times a day

Contraindications of the plant

Everyone uses it and almost always, especially in spring, parsley normalizes digestion, improves immunity, and replenishes the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body. Don’t forget about parsley all year round, introduce it into your diet, your body will thank you very much.

But, despite the many medicinal properties, parsley is contraindicated if there is an individual intolerance to the body, an allergic reaction. It is worth remembering that in large quantities it can be harmful during pregnancy. It is not recommended for people who are obese, as parsley causes even greater appetite.

In other cases, it is a universal medicinal plant for many diseases. It is enough to go to your summer cottage or to the market, and not spend money on expensive medicines. It is added to salads, soups, and meat dishes; it will add a piquant taste to food.

Planting parsley in the ground and growing a useful plant is not difficult. To prepare it, it can be placed, compacted in a bag and frozen, salted, dried, in any form it is good as a seasoning.

Among herbs, parsley is highly valued. It gives dishes not only a pleasant taste, but also an aroma. Her qualities don't end there. The plant is not.

Parsley is a tasty and aromatic herb that is used as a seasoning or salad ingredient. In addition to its pleasant taste and aroma, it has many beneficial properties.

It is impossible to imagine many dishes without fragrant parsley. It is especially good in winter - it supplies the body with vitamins and gives a feeling of summer. But to enjoy the taste and smell.

Parsley is a common seasoning and medicinal plant used in folk medicine. This plant is widely used all over the world, and there are many culinary and medicinal recipes for it.

Nowadays, few people think about the benefits of the familiar parsley. A person perceives it as an additive to food, salads and meat. However, in ancient times.

© 2017 Treatment with folk remedies - the best recipes

The information is provided for informational purposes.

Medicinal properties of parsley root and its use in folk medicine, drug recipes, contraindications

In the article we discuss parsley root - medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant. You will learn how to use parsley root in cooking and cosmetology. We will tell you about the use of parsley root in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and genitourinary systems.

Chemical composition of parsley root

Parsley root is a part of the plant that resembles a white carrot in shape and taste. Root vegetables contain the same amount of carotene, and the vitamin C content of parsley root is higher than that of lemon.

Appearance (photo) of parsley roots

Parsley root contains:

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, parsley root is beneficial for the body. Let's talk about the medicinal properties of parsley root.

Medicinal properties of parsley root

The benefits and harms of parsley root lie in its chemical composition. Selenium, which is part of the root vegetable, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Vitamin A strengthens vision, vitamin C stimulates the body's defenses. Let's tell you more about the beneficial properties of parsley roots.

Actions that parsley root has on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the acidity of gastric juice;
  • cleanses the liver, removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • regulates the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.

You have learned the benefits of parsley root. Now let's talk about the use of parsley root in folk medicine.

The use of parsley roots in folk medicine

Parsley roots are used in folk medicine

Treatment with parsley root is widely used in folk medicine. Both fresh and dried root vegetables are used for medicinal purposes. The fresh vegetable is eaten and juice is made from it. Decoctions and infusions are made from dried parsley root. Let's take a closer look at the options for using root vegetables.

Infusion for the stomach

Parsley root reduces the acidity of gastric juice. When consumed regularly, the root vegetable normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract.

  1. Parsley root - 40 gr.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to prepare: Peel the parsley root, cut into small pieces or grind in a blender. Pour boiling water over the root vegetable, cover with a lid and let it brew for half an hour. Strain the finished drink using a strainer.

How to use: Take 80 ml of infusion 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Result: The drink improves digestion, promotes the production of enzymes and better absorption of food.

Parsley juice for the heart

Parsley root contains large amounts of selenium, which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The juice of this root vegetable is taken to treat and prevent heart defects and strengthen blood vessels.

  1. Parsley root - 200 gr.
  2. Parsley leaves - 100 gr.

How to prepare: Wash, peel and chop the roots and parsley. Place the ingredients in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. To prepare the drink, it is better to use a mechanical production method. This way, more nutrients will be preserved.

How to use: Drink 15 ml of juice diluted in 100 ml of water 20 minutes before each meal, but no more than 4 times a day.

Result: The product lowers blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels and normalizes heart rate.

Infusion for the liver

An infusion of parsley root is used to cleanse the liver. The vegetable helps remove waste, toxins and salts from the body.

How to prepare: Boil and cool water, pour chopped parsley root into it and leave the product for at least 14 hours. Strain the finished drink.

How to use: Take ¼ glass before meals no more than 3 times a day.

Result: The infusion cleanses the liver of waste and toxins, normalizes metabolism and speeds up metabolism.

Decoction for swelling

Parsley root produces a powerful diuretic effect. It removes excess fluid from the body and eliminates swelling.

How to prepare: Peel and chop the parsley roots, pour boiling water over them and place on the stove over medium heat. Brew the drink for 7-10 minutes.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals up to 4 times a day.

Result: The drink effectively eliminates swelling and cleanses the body of waste products. The decoction removes salts that contribute to the accumulation of fluid.

Tea for urolithiasis

The healing properties of parsley root are effective for inflammation of the bladder and urolithiasis. The product increases urination, destroys kidney stones and promotes their removal from the body.

How to prepare: Pour boiling water over the chopped parsley root, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel and let steep for 15 minutes.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons up to 4 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 120 ml.

Result: Tea eliminates inflammation and pain due to urolithiasis. When taken regularly, the stones are destroyed and gently removed from the body.

Infusion for menstrual irregularities

An infusion of parsley root normalizes the menstrual cycle and stops uterine bleeding. When consumed systematically, the drink eliminates mood swings during menopause and pain during menstruation.

  1. Dried parsley roots - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to prepare: Pour boiling water over the parsley roots, cover the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.

How to use: Take ½ cup up to 4 times a day.

Result: The infusion normalizes the production of hormones, eliminates discomfort during menstruation and normalizes the cycle.

Drink for cystitis

Parsley root has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. The root vegetable is useful for cystitis and pyelonephritis.

  1. Parsley root - 30 gr.
  2. Apples - ½ pcs.
  3. Celery root - 15 gr.
  4. Water - 250 ml.

How to prepare: Cut the apple, parsley and celery roots into pieces. Place the ingredients in a blender, add water and blend at medium speed until smooth.

How to use: Drink the drink in small sips. The daily norm is 1 glass.

Result: The drink eliminates inflammation and pain due to cystitis. When taken regularly, the product normalizes urine output in 3-4 days.

Tincture for prostatitis

Parsley root tincture is taken for prostatitis. The product relieves inflammation of the prostate gland and normalizes hormonal levels, increasing potency.

How to prepare: Wash, peel and chop the parsley root. Pour vodka over the root vegetable, close the container with a lid and put it in a dark and cool place for 3 weeks. Shake the tincture bottle daily.

How to use: Take 15 ml of the product on an empty stomach. Before use, dilute the tincture in half a glass of water.

Result: The tincture normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs, eliminates inflammation and pain due to prostatitis.

You will learn more about parsley root in the video:

The use of parsley roots in cosmetology

Parsley roots are used in home cosmetology to care for facial skin and hair. For a lasting cosmetic effect, it is recommended to make masks with root vegetables at least 2 times a week. The course of application is from 1 to 1.5 months. If repeated use is necessary, take a break for 2 weeks.

Before the procedures, you need to do an allergy test. Apply the resulting mixture to the inner bend of your elbow for 20 minutes. If there is no discomfort or redness at the application site, then the product is suitable for use.

Mask for the face

Parsley root is used to prepare face masks and lotions for the skin around the eyes. These products smooth, tighten and nourish the epidermis.

  1. Parsley root - 10 gr.
  2. Yolk - 1 pc.
  3. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

How to prepare: Grate the parsley root on a fine grater, mix it with the yolk and butter until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Result: The mask tightens the skin and makes it softer. With regular use, the product eliminates age spots and freckles.

Hair rinses

Infusions and decoctions of parsley root are used for hair care. To enhance the beneficial effect, they are combined with freshly squeezed parsley juice.

How to prepare: Chop the parsley roots, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the greens and mix it with the infusion.

How to use: Use the resulting liquid to rinse your hair after washing your hair.

Result: Parsley root stops hair loss and gives shine.

For weight loss

Parsley root is used in dietetics to get rid of excess weight. The vegetable is easily absorbed by the body, while cleansing it. The white root vegetable normalizes metabolism, removes excess fluid and promotes weight loss.

Parsley root for children

Parsley root is included in children's diets to strengthen the immune system and treat various diseases. For example, with measles and scarlet fever, an infusion of root vegetables helps in the following dosage - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

A decoction of parsley roots is used for chickenpox. The product eliminates discomfort, increases the body's defenses and helps to recover faster from illness.

Use of parsley roots in cooking

Parsley root is used in cooking for preparing salads, soups and main dishes. The root vegetable has a sweetish taste and delicate aroma.

Parsley root is used in cooking both fresh and dried. It is combined with meat, fish, potatoes, apples and celery.

How to prepare parsley roots for the winter

Parsley root is dried at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. To do this, use special vegetable dryers or ovens. The shelf life of dried root vegetables is up to 2 years.

Pickled parsley is another way to prepare root vegetables for the winter. Let's look at a simple recipe.

  • parsley roots - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • water - 500 ml.
  1. Wash, peel and grate the parsley roots.
  2. Prepare the marinade - dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water, add vinegar.
  3. Pour the hot marinade over the parsley roots, add the garlic and bay leaf.
  4. Roll up the jars and place them in a cool, dark place for 6-8 hours.

Calorie content 100 gr. pickled parsley roots 70 kcal.

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications to the use of parsley root:

  • individual intolerance;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers, cystitis, nephritis;
  • epilepsy;
  • disorders of calcium metabolism.

Do not overuse parsley root. Overeating causes headaches, nausea, and general weakness of the body.

You have learned the beneficial properties and contraindications of parsley root. Let's summarize.

What to remember

  1. Parsley root is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.
  2. The medicinal properties of parsley root lie in its chemical composition, which contains a complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.
  3. The root vegetable has a number of contraindications for consumption.
  4. Overeating parsley root leads to headaches, nausea and general weakness.

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Seasonings and spices

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The aromatic herb, without which it is difficult to imagine any meal, especially in the summer, has long become familiar in our diet. Parsley is considered a universal leafy green that perfectly complements almost any dish and adds a special piquancy to food. In addition to its excellent taste, the plant is famous for its amazing composition. The properties of parsley allow it to be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine, and it is important to use all parts of parsley - leaves, stems, and roots.

Composition of parsley

This healing plant is an amazing source of the following biologically active substances: beta-carotene (just 100 grams of greens satisfies 114% of the body’s daily needs), retinol (vitamin A - about 105%), ascorbic acid (vitamin C - about 167%), vitamin K (1367%), potassium (32%), calcium (about 25%), magnesium (21%), copper (15%).

In addition, parsley contains vitamins: PP, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, tocopherol, biotin, choline; trace elements: iron, manganese, zinc, selenium; macroelements: sodium, phosphorus; proteins, fiber, organic acids, essential oils, unsaturated fatty acids, ash, water.

Medicinal properties of parsley

Fresh (dried, frozen) greens, root vegetables and plant-based preparations have the following characteristics:

  • strengthening blood vessels and capillaries;
  • stimulation of the production of digestive enzymes, which leads to better processing of food with the absorption of all necessary nutrients;
  • normalization of the digestive system, increased appetite;
  • harmonization of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial, choleretic, antispasmodic effect;
  • ensuring oxygen exchange and optimal brain performance;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • strengthening gums;
  • activation of metabolism thanks to the contained inulin;
  • restoration of performance;
  • support of body tone;
  • help with nervous system disorders, in particular depression;
  • effectiveness in diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney diseases (nephritis).

For what diseases is parsley used?

The use of greens and plant-based preparations is advisable in the treatment of inflammation of the gastric mucosa (only with low acidity), prostatitis, impotence, convulsions, cardiac edema, anemia, hypertension, menstrual irregularities and various bleeding. Parsley increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Due to the presence of apiol in the plant, a substance structurally reminiscent of the female hormone (estrogen), parsley has an anti-menopausal effect, relieving hot flashes, tension, irritability and unmotivated mood swings. The same substance significantly alleviates the condition of women suffering from premenstrual syndrome.

Parsley root effectively improves immunity, strengthens bone tissue and helps in the fight against diseases of the intestines, bronchi and lungs. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the root vegetable, and it is also added to many culinary dishes, for example, to broth.

Preparation for the winter

It is now possible to buy fresh herbs and parsley roots almost all year round. Many people try to grow this healing herb on their own: in the summer - on a personal plot or balcony (loggia), in winter - on a windowsill. This grass is very easy to care for and even a schoolchild can master agronomic techniques for its cultivation.

In the summer, you can harvest parsley by drying it or freezing it. Pre-washed greens should be dried in a draft or in a well-ventilated place, away from sunlight. Dried herbs are perfectly preserved in glass jars with a lid or in paper bags.

When frozen, parsley only slightly loses its beneficial properties. Try to harvest the herbs in small portions so that when defrosting, you can use all the greens immediately. Frozen herbs can be stored for up to 8 months.

Parsley roots are dug up in the fall and then either stored in the cellar, preserved, or dried.

Folk recipes

Decoction of leaves (dry or fresh)

Helps control hunger. Two dessert spoons of the crushed plant should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for 20 minutes (the dose is calculated for a day), and then strain. Drink half a glass 10 minutes before main meals.

Infusion of fresh herbs

Helps with painful menstruation. 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk in small sips. To improve the healing effect, add a spoonful of natural honey to the resulting liquid.

Fresh parsley juice

It improves the condition of the visual organs and also renews brain cells, positively affecting its cognitive functions (memory, perceptual acuity, clarity of thinking, speed of assimilation of information, etc.). For the best effect, parsley juice is consumed together with carrot juice in a 1:3 ratio. A single dose of juice should not exceed 25 ml (tablespoon). Apply 3 times a day.

One or two drops of fresh plant juice dripped into each nostril will effectively and safely help relieve nasal congestion.

A compress with parsley juice is effective for sprains, bruises and contusions.

Parsley juice lightens age spots and freckles, and washing with the decoction is useful for acne and for improving complexion.

Crushed parsley leaves

Apply to the site of insect bites (wasps and bees).


It is recommended to exclude all parts of the plant from the diet of pregnant women (due to the possible risk of miscarriage, especially in the first trimester) and nursing mothers, since the essential oils in parsley, transmitted through mother's milk, can negatively affect the state of the baby's nervous system.

Everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t go too heavy on aromatic greens. An overdose of the plant can lead to cramps and muscle pain, nausea, migraines, bloody stool and uncontrolled weight loss.

Patients suffering from urolithiasis and bladder inflammation should be consumed with caution, let alone treated with this plant.

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