Barley porridge is eaten. The benefits and harms of barley porridge for the body: does it help you lose weight? Participates in the functioning of the endocrine system

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Fashion & Style

Diets and healthy eating 13.02.2018

Dear readers, let's continue the conversation about simple, familiar and affordable cereals that we usually use to make porridge. One of these cereals is barley. Today we will talk about it, about the benefits and harms of barley porridge for our health, its energy value and composition. Like most cereals, barley has its own characteristics and advantages, which, quite possibly, not all of us know about.

Barley groats are made from barley. This cereal was cultivated by man a long time ago, back in Neolithic times. Barley was used to make porridge in ancient Egypt and the Middle East.

Pearl barley is made from barley grains, for which the grains are stripped of their outer shell and ground. Barley groats are made from sifted grains that are crushed. Thus, barley contains all the beneficial properties of whole grains. And that’s exactly what we get with barley porridge.

Composition of barley porridge and its calorie content

The composition of barley porridge is quite diverse. Most of all, it contains slow-digesting complex carbohydrates - 15.7 g/100 g, well-digestible proteins - 2.3 g for the same volume, fats - 1.3 g. This cereal contains about 6-7% fiber.

With barley porridge, our body receives a lot of useful components:

  • set of vitamins – A, E, B1, B2, B6, D, PP;
  • mineral elements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, manganese, silicon, chromium, selenium, etc.;
  • amino acids, including essential ones - arginine, valine, tryptophan, etc.;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • enzymes;
  • cellulose;
  • barley porridge will provide the daily requirement of iron - 12 mg/100 g;
  • Due to its composition, this dish does not cause allergies.

Calorie content

The calorie content of barley is about 300 kcal. Accordingly, porridge from yachka has a lower calorie content, which gives grounds to classify it as a dietary dish. The calorie content of barley porridge with water is the minimum - less than 100 kcal.

Table. Calorie content of barley porridge, kcal/100 g

The calorie content of barley porridge with milk, like other porridges, will vary depending on the fat content of the milk.

The benefits of barley porridge for the human body are varied. This is a dietary dish that is often recommended for weight loss. Porridge has an anti-inflammatory, mild diuretic, antispasmodic, enveloping effect.

Barley is a natural antibiotic, and this property is preserved in barley groats and porridge. The cell contains a natural compound with an antibacterial effect - hordecin. Thanks to it, you can get rid of a fungal infection (a special infusion is made for this).

The benefits of barley porridge for cleansing the body

Barley porridge helps cleanse the body, it removes toxins and waste. Its regular use maintains the normal functions of the digestive and excretory systems. It also reduces allergies.

For immunity

Barley porridge also has benefits for the immune system. With barley grains we can obtain high molecular weight protein beta-glucan. It is a natural immunomodulator that strengthens the body's defense system. With it, lymphocytes react more actively to the invasion of harmful substances. Eating barley porridge two to three times a week is beneficial for those with weakened immune systems.

For normal cholesterol levels

Barley porridge can lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This dish is recommended in various diets, for cardiovascular diseases, for weight loss, and for recovery after illness.

For vascular health

The beneficial properties of barley porridge also extend to the circulatory system. Rutin (vitamin P) in its composition is very useful for capillaries. It makes them strong and elastic, slowing down the aging process. Barley porridge allows you to maintain normal levels of hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for the growth of blood vessels.

For gastrointestinal health

Eating barley porridge is useful for gastrointestinal diseases. Dietary fiber cleanses the intestines and improves its functioning. Barley porridge is recommended for diarrhea and constipation. For gastritis and ulcers, porridge does not irritate the stomach and exhibits enveloping properties. Having an antispasmodic effect, it helps with pain and indigestion.

For diabetes

Another beneficial property of barley porridge is lowering blood sugar levels. Therefore, the product is recommended to be included in the diet of patients with diabetes.

For the endocrine system

Moderate consumption of barley porridge will have a positive effect on the endocrine system. The cell contains selenium, which is necessary for the thyroid gland. A small amount of selenium normalizes the synthesis of hormones, and barley porridge is one of those few products with which we can get this element. This porridge will also supply the body with iodine, which is important for the thyroid gland.

For joint health

Barley decoction and barley porridge are useful for arthritis. This is a good anti-inflammatory agent for joint diseases.

To relieve organ inflammation

Barley porridge is an anti-inflammatory agent for internal organs. It is useful for kidney diseases, weakening the functions of the gallbladder and bladder. At the same time, it exhibits a slight diuretic effect. This porridge also has a beneficial effect on the liver at the initial signs of inflammation.

For the brain and nervous system

It is impossible not to note the benefits of barley porridge for the brain and nervous system. Vitamin B is beneficial for the central nervous system, and magnesium will help cope with stress. In the diet, this porridge is useful for protecting against depression.

For vision

If you have barley porridge in your diet, it will support good eyesight. The organs of vision receive valuable phosphorus from barley.

For skin, hair, nails

The amino acid lysine in barley porridge promotes collagen production. This is very useful for maintaining healthy skin and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. The rich and balanced composition of barley makes it beneficial for hair and nails.

For children's health

Barley porridge is a dietary product and is suitable for baby food. Porridge can be introduced into the diet of children after one and a half years; it should be given infrequently. Its composition will be useful for the development of the brain, bones, good digestion and vision of the child. Lysine in porridge will protect the baby from viruses and infections.

For weight loss

Nutritionists recommend barley porridge for weight loss. This porridge is not too
high in calories, but at the same time gives a feeling of satiety, easily helps to cope with the feeling of hunger, and helps cleanse the body. Barley porridge also normalizes metabolism, so it is useful to eat if you are obese.

You can lose weight on barley porridge quite quickly. But for this you need to follow a certain diet. Almost all products are excluded, except for porridge itself, fruits, vegetables and light kefir. Instead of tea and juice, use a decoction of chamomile or rosehip. The weight loss course is designed for a week.

In the morning they eat porridge with a banana or apple and a glass of kefir. For lunch - the same porridge with vegetable salad. For an afternoon snack, you can indulge in fruits, berries, and carrots. Dinner – porridge and light kefir.

The daily dose of porridge is cooked from a glass (or a little more) of cereal. Porridge is eaten little by little, because it helps cope well with the feeling of hunger. No butter, salt or sugar are added. As an exception, you can “enrich” the porridge with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. You need to watch your drinking: 30 minutes before meals you should drink a glass of water. You should also drink a glass of water before bed and in the morning. You can add lemon juice to the water. Such a diet will not be easy, but it will effectively and quickly help you lose extra pounds.

This video talks about barley groats - its history, beneficial properties, the advantages of barley groats compared to pearl barley, how to select and store the product, and also gives an interesting recipe for barley salad.

Harm and contraindications of barley porridge

Knowing not only the benefits, but also the dangers of barley porridge, we can maintain our health and avoid adverse reactions and complications. Here are some of the contraindications for eating this porridge:

  • acute diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Pediatricians do not recommend the product during pregnancy and for infants under one year of age. Barley porridge contains gluten, which can cause intolerance and allergies;
  • individual intolerance to the product (including reaction to gluten).

Barley porridge can also cause harm in combination with egg whites. The components of both products do not mix well and can lead to excess protein in the body.

It is important to eat barley porridge 2-3 times a week. You should not overuse this cereal product, otherwise you may gain excess weight. Everything is good in moderation - this golden rule also applies to barley.

It is very simple to prepare barley porridge in water. It should be taken into account that during cooking the volume of the cell will increase 3-4 times. For crumbly porridge, the ratio of cereal to liquid is 1:2.5. For viscous porridge – 1:4.

The cereal is washed in cold water, poured into boiling water and cooked over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then add oil and wrap it, or even better, put it in the oven, preheated to 180˚C, for 20-30 minutes. Then the porridge is served on the table.

Porridge goes well with fruits, berries, dried fruits, and nuts. It will also be delicious with vegetables, onions, carrots, and mushrooms. Porridge can be sweet, salty, with spices - it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

How to select and store barley groats

To prepare hearty, tasty and healthy porridge or other dishes, you need to choose and store barley grains correctly. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life; old grains may be bitter. Buy a jar in a transparent package to assess the condition and purity of the beans. If there are dark grains, lumps, or especially insects, you should not buy cereal.

After opening the package, barley grits should be poured into an airtight container, preferably glass. Store the cell in a dark and dry place. The maximum period for storing it at home is one year.

Polished and whole barley with the hull and aleurone layer removed, called pearl barley, differs in properties from crushed barley grains or barley groats. When producing barley groats, parts of the grains are not removed and a constant amount of useful barley substances remains in the groats.

Beneficial properties of barley groats

It is believed that the smaller the grains, the healthier the product. A detailed analysis of the composition of crushed barley will help you understand its value. Cereals are high in calories, but energy is released when complex carbohydrates are broken down. Dietary fiber accounts for 40% of the composition of ground grains.

Barley groats contain substances that are important for the human body. These are macro and microelements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron. There are also amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body independently, but are necessary to maintain normal vital processes: tryptophan, argenine, valine.

Crushed barley contains saturated fatty acids, vitamin B1, B2, B6 and PP.

Boosts immunity

An organism with weakened defenses will benefit from eating barley 2-3 times a week, since crushed barley grains contain Beta-glucan, an immunomodulator that belongs to the class of high-molecular proteins. The element affects lymphocytes, increasing the reaction to foreign substances.

Prevents aging of vessel walls

Rutin or vitamin P contained in cereals is a salvation for thin and fragile capillaries. It will slow down the aging of the walls of blood vessels, increase elasticity and strength, as it will not allow the natural destruction of hyaluronic acid or its disintegration under the influence of UV radiation.

Nourishes the brain

The brain and nervous system will benefit from barley, as it is rich in magnesium, a macronutrient that protects against stress.

Participates in the functioning of the endocrine system

The body spends a lot of time digesting cereals; energy is supplied in moderate portions. This makes hunger occur more slowly. After the product is broken down into elements, blood sugar remains at the same level, so the list of foods allowed for diabetes includes barley.

With moderate consumption, the thyroid gland will also be beneficial, since crushed grains contain selenium. The element is needed in minimal quantities for the synthesis of hormones, but even a small part is difficult for the body to replenish, since selenium is contained in a limited list of products, including barley.

Barley has been around as long as human civilization has existed. In Ancient Egypt, yachka was used to treat colds and stomach diseases. The first mention of cereal appeared in the third millennium BC. Barley groats are made from grain that has not been polished. The product is added to a variety of dishes, from soups to fried meat and fish. What are the benefits and harms of barley, how is it useful for the human body? What may be the properties and contraindications of using this product?

Chemical composition

Almost the entire periodic table is present in barley, it is difficult to say what is missing from it. There is calcium, magnesium, selenium and many other trace elements. There are also essential amino acids that are not produced by the body. Barley also contains many B vitamins. Beneficial effects of barley:

  • improves immunity;
  • promotes metabolism activation;
  • gives the body additional resistant functions.

This cereal contains a unique element beta glucan, a high molecular weight protein that has a positive effect on the endocrine system and rejuvenates blood vessels.

What are the benefits of barley groats?

Rutin is present in high concentrations in barley groats. This microelement is rare, it is a unique element that rejuvenates blood vessels, giving them additional elasticity and strength. The egg can be beneficial for the brain and spinal cord. The microelements that are present in it take an active part in the functioning of the endocrine system.

The benefits for the human body from this product are very significant, since once it enters the body, the product is broken down over a long period, which allows you to feel full for many hours. This dish has dietary properties, the sugar level remains at the same level. The product is especially nutritious and beneficial for the thyroid gland. Cereals contain a rare element - selenium, which acts on the thyroid gland in the most favorable way, strengthening it and increasing its resistance qualities.

The coarse fibers that barley is so rich in enter the digestive tract in its original form. Being saturated with moisture, they are an effective means of cleansing the intestines of toxins. The product is a powerful absorbent that removes toxins from the body and significantly strengthens nails and hair.

The proteins present in barley groats are highly active, they are easily absorbed by the body and are an excellent protectant against free radicals.

Possible harm and contraindications

The most useful product can cause serious damage to health if consumed in an uncontrolled manner. Moderation and a golden mean should be in any matter. It is best to eat barley porridge no more than three times a week. The product should be cooked in water and seasoned with sunflower or olive oil. People who have allergies caused by gluten should not use barley.

In rare cases, barley porridge may cause indigestion; in such circumstances, it is better to avoid this dish.

Cooking barley is very easy; the feeling of fullness from eating it lasts for a long time. Before cooking, it is recommended to scatter the cereal on a flat surface and check it for the presence of mechanical solid particles. It is recommended to soak the grain a little and rinse it.

Barley groats are differentiated by numbers (this is its original feature). There are three numbers in total, which are usually combined one with the other. There is also a distinction between coarse and fine grinding. Before processing grain, it is thoroughly cleaned of mechanical impurities. In this case, there is no grinding, no polishing is performed. The grain retains more microelements that are beneficial to the body. There are many B vitamins; cereals are rich in vitamins D, E, PP. It also contains amino acids and the antiseptic substance hordecin.

The energy potential of the product is 30 kcal per hundred grams. There are quite a lot of calories, but the product remains dietary thanks to the huge fiber content, which stimulates intestinal function. Barley groats differ from barley (pearl barley), in which the husks are removed. It is important to dose the portions correctly; the density of the product varies. Usually the normal concentration during cooking is considered 4 glasses of water for one glass of cereal.

It is better not to use butter; olive or sunflower oil is much healthier.

It takes about 18 minutes to prepare the dish. It is recommended to cook over low heat so that the porridge does not cook, but “simmers.” After cooking is completed, the porridge is often wrapped in a doha or blanket, where it sits for some time and “suits.” The glycemic index of this cereal is only 34, so this product is recommended for diabetics. The cell effectively allows you to control the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. It makes the most sense to eat such porridge at breakfast, when the body is replenished with useful microelements for the whole day.

There is a great variety of dishes made from yachka. Cereals are often used for cooking soups, making meatballs and cutlets. Boiled cereal is in perfect harmony with vegetable salads and as a side dish for barbecue and pork chops. Barley porridge with fish was one of Peter the Great’s favorite dishes. Porridge can not only be boiled, but also fried; it can be easily cooked in a cast iron frying pan. Here is just one of the recipes. Have to take:

  • cereals 400 g;
  • water 1 liter;
  • piece of butter 5 g.

The cereal is fried in a frying pan, and then it is poured into boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat. After the end of cooking, the water is drained and the porridge sits in the pan for another 15 minutes. The container is wrapped in a blanket. This porridge will be especially tasty with meat and vegetables.

To learn how to quickly prepare barley porridge, watch the following video.

Barley porridge is an ordinary dish. However, this fact does not prevent many people from enjoying the drug and preparing it regularly. Most often, barley porridge is consumed by adherents of a healthy diet. People who are losing weight and those with obesity often resort to taking the product. It's all about the effect of the product on the human body. When taken systematically, digestion is normalized, the functioning of the heart and endocrine system is stabilized. Let's consider valuable and harmful qualities.

Chemical composition, application and benefits

  1. Barley is a truly valuable grain. Porridge prepared on its basis has a number of advantages among its counterparts. The finished dish includes retinol, B vitamins, tocopherol, and nicotinic acid. All important elements are responsible for the proper functioning of the human body.
  2. Minerals accumulate in large quantities, so the value increases significantly. It is also useful to know that more than 6% of the total volume of porridge is fiber. It accelerates metabolic processes, frees the body from stagnation, stops the fermentation of food in the intestines, and removes toxic compounds and heavy metals.
  3. The incoming protein makes the porridge useful for athletes and people who are actively involved in their daily activities. Protein is quickly absorbed, helps build muscle, and also fills holes in bones and strengthens them. After eating porridge, a person retains a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  4. The vitamin composition, namely PP, D, E, A, C, has a positive effect on all internal organs. With the systematic consumption of eggs, the heart muscle begins to work smoothly, the blood channels are cleansed, the immune system is strengthened, and the risk of premature aging of the body is reduced.
  5. Retinol in combination with ascorbic acid and tocopherol has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, nail plates and epidermis. Eating porridge makes the skin smooth and radiant, eliminates hair loss and dandruff, and prevents nail splitting.
  6. Barley-based porridge contains many mineral compounds. These include chromium, manganese, fluorine, nickel, iron, iodine, silicon and others. These substances must be supplied with food or as an auxiliary fortified supplement. Macro- and microelements support the activity of the central nervous system, heart, vascular system, endocrine system, and digestive tract.
  7. Yachka is a low calorie dish. If you cook cereal in water, the finished dish will not exceed 318 Kcal. per 100 gr. In the case of milk, the value increases by 90-110 Kcal. depending on the degree of fat content of the raw materials.
  8. Barley porridge is superior to wheat porridge in that the first dish contains protein, which is quickly digested. This property allows patients with obesity, diabetes and excess weight to consume the product without much concern.
  9. Very often, egg is included in the diet menu due to its complete digestibility. After consumption, the product does not leave a heaviness in the stomach and does not cause fermentation in the intestines. Rapid absorption allows valuable enzymes to be distributed in the blood, improving the functioning of all internal organs. Usually the diet lasts a week, then a break is taken.
  10. Barley porridge fights urolithiasis. Healing drinks (decoctions) are made from cereals, which further contribute to the breakdown of sand and stones, as well as their removal.

Effect of barley porridge

The valuable elements that form the basis of the dish have a beneficial effect on all functions of the human body.

  1. Thus, antibacterial qualities make it possible to overcome fungal infections. The action is achieved due to the presence of gordecin in the porridge. To achieve significant benefits, you need to take a decoction of the cell.
  2. After including porridge in the daily diet, the condition of the skin of the face and body significantly improves. The product replenishes the lack of moisture, enhances the production of elastin fibers and collagen, and accelerates cellular regeneration.
  3. Yachka has a beneficial effect on hair health. When taken systematically, the hair gains shine and elasticity. The section disappears, sebum production is normalized, dandruff and skin itching disappear.
  4. Dietary fiber is responsible for the functioning of the digestive system. Fiber normalizes stool and fights constipation by enhancing intestinal motility. Therefore, the cell is used to combat constipation caused by slow metabolism and poor diet.

Benefits of barley porridge

  1. Including porridge in the daily diet will relieve a person from allergic reactions of various types. The composition has an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.
  2. By eating porridge for breakfast, you can boost your immunity in a short time and ensure satiety for a long time. The unique composition of raw materials helps to cope with irritability, stress and depression.
  3. Porridge has a beneficial effect on the activity of the genitourinary and endocrine systems. The presence of antioxidants cleanses the body of harmful compounds and inhibits the aging process of tissues.
  4. The valuable composition of the product strengthens the visual muscles and nerves. Porridge has a positive effect on cardiovascular function. Systematic consumption of the product cleanses blood vessels and makes their walls more elastic.
  5. Porridge will help you recover and improve your health in the shortest possible time after undergoing surgery on the intestines or stomach. If you prepare soups and similar dietary dishes from barley, then they are more suitable for dietary nutrition.
  6. When cooked, barley is famous for its unique enveloping property. The anti-inflammatory effect helps the patient recover faster from a serious illness.
  7. Porridge is no less useful for older people. The positive effect is achieved due to the valuable chemical composition. Unique microelements increase brain activity and metabolic processes in the body.
  8. Cereals perfectly cleanse the blood, which helps get rid of allergic reactions to various foods. Porridge reduces the effects of bad cholesterol by breaking down fatty layers in the body.
  9. A diet based on such a product is the most optimal. At the same time, a person does not feel discomfort when losing weight. The composition is considered nutritious and maximally saturated with essential microelements.

Barley porridge during pregnancy and lactation

  1. During the lactation period, it is recommended to consume more dishes made from whole grain cereals. Such products are rich in B vitamins and dietary fiber. The substances have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes, relieving constipation.
  2. Barley porridge is recommended for pregnant girls; the product fits perfectly into the daily diet. In the absence of contraindications, regular consumption of the composition will have a positive effect on the overall health of the expectant mother.

The benefits of barley porridge for children

  1. The product is recommended for children due to its valuable composition. Porridge helps the child’s body develop properly and improves mental activity. Recent studies have shown that the value of barley is higher than pearl barley.
  2. Yachka dishes are effective for abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract and digestion in general. It is recommended to introduce porridge into children's diet starting from 1.5 years. However, the procedure must be carried out gradually, in doses.
  3. In some cases, after professional consultation, porridge is prescribed to children from 1 year of age for better weight gain, if there is a lack of it. There is no doubt that the product is valuable to humans.
  4. The egg is rich in phosphorus; the enzyme takes an active part in the absorption of calcium from other products. The mineral is necessary for the proper formation of bone tissue. A valuable list of cell elements suppresses the development of rickets.
  5. It is recommended to include porridge in the diet of children who suffer from constipation. The product normalizes intestinal function and stabilizes stool in a short time. Thanks to fiber, the body gets rid of stagnant processes, waste and toxins are eliminated.
  6. Pediatricians recommend giving egg to children who have problems with poor growth activity and poor vision. Porridge has an increased anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the product is necessary for the baby during adaptation to kindergarten.
  7. The enveloping properties of barley groats have a gentle and positive effect on the activity of the child’s gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the product has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect.

Harm of barley porridge

  1. Serious harm to the body can only be caused in the case of individual intolerance to barley.
  2. Consumption of porridge is contraindicated in the presence of severe inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines.
  3. In all other cases, the product will bring undoubted benefits. It is important to follow the consumption standards for barley porridge.

There is not a drop of doubt that barley porridge brings value to the body of adults and children. Systematic intake of the dish guarantees complete relief from constipation, weight loss, and normal functioning of the vascular system and heart. Barley porridge is suitable for consumption by people who want to lose weight, as well as by obese patients. Before taking it, it is recommended to exclude all contraindications.

Video: how to quickly and easily prepare barley porridge

What is the difference between barley and pearl barley? Why is barley porridge so healthy, what is its calorie content?!

The content of the article:

Barley groats are crushed barley. Those who don’t know what barley is made from will now be “in the know.” After crushing, the cereal is assigned a certain number (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3), depending on its size. Barley groats differ from other cereals in that they are not divided into varieties. The barley kernel is not polished, so it retains more fiber, it is freed from flower films, and cleaned of organic and mineral impurities.

Pearl barley is considered to be polished grain of barley, from which the entire flower shell and part of the aleurone layer are removed. That is why pearl barley does not have the beneficial properties of whole grains and whole-ground cereals, which cannot be said about barley cereals!

The homeland of barley is Asia. In the wild, it can be found in Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Barley is known for being superior to other grains due to its unpretentiousness and early ripening. It’s not without reason that they say that “barley gives strength and strengthens memory,” and “barley porridge is the most delicious, high-calorie and spore-rich!”

  • Barley began to be grown as early as 4000 BC.

  • Not long ago, in Jordan, archaeologists were able to find barley grains 11 thousand years old, which makes it possible to compare the age of barley with the age of wheat.
  • Barley grain was once used as a measure of length and weight. Five peeled barley grains corresponded to an Arabic carat weighing 0.2232 g. And three barley grains were equal in length to one English inch (2.54 cm).
  • Even the famous ancient philosopher Avicenna, who lived in 980-1037, said that barley has cleansing properties, it removes waste and toxins from the body, and neutralizes allergic reactions.
  • While soaking barley in plain water, scientists discovered the antibiotic substance hordecin, which treats fungal growths on the skin.
  • In ancient times, barley was used to treat colds, mammary glands, and stomach diseases. The patient's body was covered with boiled barley, which indicates the softening, anti-inflammatory, enveloping, antispasmodic properties of this cereal, which have been known to mankind since ancient times.
  • Composition of barley porridge: vitamins and microelements

    Barley is a source of the most beneficial vitamins and minerals for our body. It contains B vitamins, vitamins A, PP and microelements - silicon, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, boron. The cereal is enriched with potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, nickel, iodine and other useful minerals.

    Barley grain consists of 5-6% fiber, which is so necessary for our stomach and intestines. It helps normalize digestion and remove all harmful waste products from the body. In terms of nutritional value, the protein in barley is superior to wheat and, unlike animal protein, is absorbed in the human body by almost 100%.

    Calorie content of barley cereal per 100 g of product is 324 kcal:

    • Proteins - 10.4 g
    • Fat - 1.3 g
    • Carbohydrates - 66.3 g
    • Coarse fibers - 13.0 g

    As you can see, this porridge is very nutritious, it is not 53 kcal.

    Beneficial properties of barley groats

    Why is barley porridge so good? The most important thing is that it can be used for dietary and baby food, as it is more tender and softer than pearl barley. Yes, and it’s not that expensive, but it’s so useful! If you try to cook it regularly for the whole family, you can significantly improve your health and also save your family budget. So, why is barley so healthy? Here are some facts for you:
    1. Dishes prepared from barley help our body cope with allergic reactions.
    2. The enveloping, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of barley are used in the treatment of obesity and diabetes.
    3. It has good taste and high calorie content. Modern nutritionists say that it is best to consume barley soups and cereals for people suffering from excess weight, intestinal diseases, and constipation.
    4. The high content of dietary fiber ensures better absorption of barley porridge compared to porridges made from other cereals. At the same time, the sugar level in a patient with diabetes does not increase and a long-lasting feeling of satiety is created, which helps to cope with excess weight.
    5. Barley groats are rightly called the champion in terms of protein-containing gluten content, which is why it is always recommended for preparing dietary porridges and soups.
    6. It is widely used in folk medicine; a useful decoction of barley is used, which relieves pain from arthritis. In the postoperative period for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, porridges and soups made from this cereal are an excellent general tonic.
    7. Barley porridge normalizes the activity of the endocrine system and genitourinary tract. It helps cope with depression, stress and bad mood.
    8. Barley contains a large amount of amino acids: for example, lysine promotes the production of collagen, which smoothes wrinkles and slows down their appearance.

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