What is the morphological analysis of the word noun. Noun

Interesting 14.09.2020

The topic of this lesson: Morphological analysis noun name." First, you will remember how the morphological analysis of any part of speech is carried out. Then outline how you can do a similar analysis for the noun. Next on concrete examples consider examples of parsing nouns different type.

Subject: Noun

Lesson: Morphological analysis of a noun

1. General order of morphological analysis

Morphological analysis of any part of speech consists of three parts:

1. General grammatical meaning;

2. The grammatical meaning of the word being parsed;

3. Syntactic role parsed word.

2. The order of morphological analysis of the noun

To make a morphological analysis of a noun, firstly, it is necessary to write out the word in the form in which it is used in the sentence.

Then make a morphological analysis according to the proposed plan:

I. We indicate the part of speech, the general grammatical meaning and the question that the word answers.

II. We indicate the initial form of the word (Im.p., singular).

1. We indicate the permanent morphological features:

Animate or inanimate;

Own or common noun;


Number (if the word has only one form - singular or plural).

2. We indicate non-permanent morphological features:

Number (if the word changes by numbers).

III. We indicate the syntactic role (which member of the sentence is the noun in this sentence).

3. An example of morphological analysis of a noun

Klimov traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow in the mail train, in the non-smoking section.

Let's take a look at the noun first. train.

I. Noun, denotes an object, answers a question in what?

II. Initial form - train.

1. Permanent signs: common noun, inanimate, masculine, 2nd declension.

2. Not permanent signs: used in the form of a prepositional case, singular.

III. In a sentence, it is an adverb of place.

Let's make a morphological analysis of the noun Klimov.

I. Noun, denotes a person, answers a question who?

II. Initial form - Klimov.

1. Permanent signs: animated, proper, masculine, 2nd declension.

2. Inconstant signs: used in the form of the nominative case, singular.

III. In the sentence is the subject.


  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Parsing samples().


1. Exercise 1.

On a carpet of autumn leaves sun glare is reflected.

2. Exercise 2.

Make a morphological analysis of the nouns from this sentence.

The weather raged all night, and by morning it began to snow.

There are many tricky pitfalls in the morphological parsing of nouns that are often overlooked. Let's remember the most important thing.

According to their meaning and morphological features, nouns are divided into several categories: proper and common nouns, animate and inanimate.

It is easy to recognize proper names: they name a single object and are written with a capital letter (Petya, Zorka, Riga, Italy, “Spark”), sometimes they form names in the form of phrases (Krasnaya Presnya, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Velikaya Patriotic War) have only one number. We write out the proper name in its entirety and parse it as one noun.

Nouns have a common grammatical meaning - subject. Questions who? or what? help to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns. But our ideas about living and non-living things do not always coincide, so we use a hint: we compare cases in the plural. The animate have the same accusative and genitive cases (I see a brother - there is no brother), for the inanimate - accusative and nominative (I see books - there are books).

The subject can be different: a living being, a plant or a person, a period of time, an event or a natural phenomenon, a quality or a process. Groups of concrete (crow, table), material (sugar, hydrogen), abstract (courage, enmity) and collective nouns (crow, people) are not indicated in the school analysis, but play an important role in determining some features. For example, animation or number, gender or case.

Specific nouns are countable, go well with cardinal numbers, are used in the singular and plural.

Real names are food products, drinks, materials, fabrics, chemical elements, medicines, they have only the singular form (milk, oil) or only the plural form (spirits, sawdust), they can be measured, but not counted. In quantitative terms, they have the ending -У in the genitive case: buy honey, a bar of chocolate, give sugar.

Abstract (abstract) nouns denote concepts that have nothing to do with counting, and also do not change in numbers, have suffixes -ISM-, -OST-, -IZN-, -IN-, -OT-, -STV-, -TIY- , -NIY-: heroism, courage, whiteness, silence, kindness, mischief, arrival, education.

Collectives call many objects as a whole, are inanimate, have only the singular or only the plural, cannot be counted (foliage, furniture). You can also recognize them by the suffixes -j-, -OT-, -B-, -STV, -ESTV-, -NIK-, -NYAK-: crows, poor people, foliage, students, spruce forest, willow forest.

After indicating the categories of nouns, we proceed to the gender, which is determined by the form of the nominative case of the singular or by the method of substitution of pronouns OH-SHE-IT; MY, MY, MY. Formally, the gender can also be determined by the endings:

A, -I, zero, -O, -E, a special type like the adjective -OY, -YI, -IY - this is masculine (dad, uncle, doctor, little house, ax handle, sick, district, worker);

A, -I, zero, a special type like the adjective -AYA, -YAYA is feminine (mother, aunt, steppe, living room, front);

Oh, -E, words in -MYA, a special type like the adjective -OE, -EE is the neuter gender (window, sea, time, ice cream, future);

A, -I is a common gender (crybaby, sleepyhead).

Words of the general gender are divided into 3 groups: informal names Zhenya, Shura), indeclinable surnames (Zhivago, Hugo) and nouns with the meaning of properties and evaluation of persons in appearance (short man), behavior (bully), intelligence (stupid), morality (miser) , social status (hillbilly). The common gender does not include nouns denoting professions or occupations (teacher, agronomist, director - all masculine).

For indeclinable nouns, the gender is determined by the meaning and dependent words (maestro, lady, hot coffee, warm coat). It is impossible to establish the gender of words in the plural (watch, sleigh).

Declined nouns are divided into three groups. To 1 declension: masculine and feminine with endings -А, -Я; to the second - neuter gender with endings -O, -E, masculine gender with zero ending, to 3rd declension: feminine gender with zero ending.

There is a group of words that are indeclinable (10 words in -MYA and “way”) and indeclinable (foreign words, proper names, compound words and abbreviations for vowels). For words that have only the plural form, and for nouns that have passed from adjectives with a special type of declension, it is impossible to determine the declension, for example: rakes, gates; animal, injured.

Most specific words change by number: cat - cats, miracle - miracles, man - people, new coat - new coats. But if a noun has only one number form, this is its constant feature.

All cases, except for the nominative, are usually called indirect, since they are used with and without prepositions, and the prepositional case is used only with prepositions. Cases differ in questions and endings.

Nominative (Im.p.): is there anyone? what?

Genitive (R.p.): no one? what?

Dative (D.p.): I will give to whom? what?

Accusative (VP): see who? what?

Creative (T.p.): proud of whom? how?

Prepositional (Pr.p.): I think about whom? how?

Do not confuse cases! Think like this.

In the sentence: It rained all year - the word “rains” is in Im.p., since it is connected with the predicate “were going”, how long did it go? (time period) year - this word is in B.p.

In the sentence: Tomorrow the results of the competition will be announced - the word "results" in Im.p. connected with the predicate "will be announced", the results of what? competition - this word is in R.p.

In the sentence: It is necessary to cure animals - the word "animals" is in R.p. with a predicate expressed by a transitive verb.

In the sentence: After the expiration of the warranty period, the goods cannot be repaired - the word "after the expiration" is in Ex. (thinking about what? about expiration).

If the noun is used in the nominative case, it can be the subject or address, the nominal part of the predicate, or the application. The noun in indirect cases acts as an object, circumstance and definition.

We get acquainted with the plan of morphological analysis of nouns and proceed to the study of examples.


1. Part of speech and general grammatical meaning.

2. Initial form (Im. p., singular) and morphological features:
Permanent (P.p.):
- rank:
own or common noun,
animate or inanimate;
- genus,
- declination.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- number,
- case.

3. The syntactic role of the noun.

Sentences selected from funny stories children's writer Sergei Wolf.

First, we walk along the boulevard.

1. (Along) the boulevard - a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): boulevard
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- m.rod,
- 2 declination.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- unit,
- D. case.
3. We walk (for what? Where?) along the boulevard (the circumstance of the place).

There flowers grow, similar to dill, trees and the second day a cat meows, which I can’t track down.

1. Flowers - noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): flower
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- m.rod,
- 2 declination.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- plural,
- Name of case.
3. Flowers grow (what?) (subject).

On the street, we joined hands and walked to the park.

1. (On) the street - a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): street
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- zh.rod,
- 1 declination.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- unit,
- Ex. case.
3. They took (on what? where?) on the street (a circumstance of the place).

What's wrong with you, Alyosha? she said and touched my forehead.

1. Alyosha is a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Name, singular): Alyosha
Permanent (P.p.):
- own,
- animated;
- m.rod,
- 1 declination,
- has only a single number.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- Name of case.
3. (Who?) Alyosha (not a member of the proposal, because the appeal).

Let your boy go to Moscow!

1. (B) Moscow - a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): Moscow
Permanent (P.p.):
- own,
- inanimate;
- zh.rod,
- 1 declination,
- has only a single number.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. Release (to what? where?) to Moscow (the circumstance of the place).

But a week ago he took the calculation and went to Siberia to build a new railway.

1. (B) Siberia is a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): Siberia
Permanent (P.p.):
- own,
- inanimate;
- zh.rod,
- 3 declension,
- has only a single number.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. He left (to what? where?) to Siberia (the circumstance of the place).

Then we drink coffee and eat puff pastries.

1. Coffee is a noun, because. denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): coffee
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- m.rod,
- indestructible
- has only a single number.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. We drink (what?) coffee (direct addition).

It is very shameful in our time to believe in any such thing.

1. (B) time is a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): time
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- cf.
- diversified
- has only a single number.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. believe in time (in what? when?) time (the circumstance of time).

They will sit down, arrange chess and - let's talk about literature.

1. Chess is a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): chess
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- no gender
- no inclination
- has only a plural.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. Arrange (what?) chess (direct object).

The yard was already full of children from neighboring houses.

1. Guys - a noun, because. denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): guys
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- no gender
- no inclination
- has only a plural.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. There were a lot of (who?) guys (direct addition).

And the horse stretched out its muzzle and softly, with its lips, took this sugar directly from Sergey Vasilyevich's palm.

1. Sugar is a noun, because. denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): sugar
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- m.rod,
- 2 declination,
- has only a single number.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- V. case.
3. Took (what?) Sugar (direct addition).

The teacher Lev Evgenievich entered.

1. Teacher is a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): teacher
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- animated;
- m.rod,
- 2 declination.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- unit,
- I. case.
3. Entered (who?) teacher (subject).

You're doing well, but I didn't know you were such a jerk.

1. Balda is a noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): balda
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- animated;
- common gender
- 1 declination.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- unit,
- I. case.
3. You (who?) Balda (compound nominal predicate).

Take your dad's shirts to the laundry.

1. (B) laundry - noun, because denotes an object.
2. Initial form (Im. p., singular): laundry
Permanent (P.p.):
- common noun
- inanimate;
- zh.rod,
- declined as an adjective.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in
- unit,
- V. case.
3. You will take it (to what? where?) to the laundry (the circumstance of the place).

Training tasks

Perform a morphological analysis of the indicated nouns.

1) “You see,” he says, “but he remembered my name, it’s nice.

2) But when the guys put on the play "Well, wait a minute" and I saw Svetulya in a hare costume, I lost my head.

3) All day I walked around not myself and was very happy.

4) I am so confused in these reflections.

5) Roach took me normally, more or less often, from Sveta - also wow.

6) There, half a kilometer from the sanatorium, a river was discovered, the grandfather even perked up at first, he took a fishing rod with him, but it quickly became clear that the river was completely tiny, narrow, and most importantly, there was nothing there but minnow.

7) Everyone, as is usually the case at the beginning of the journey, stunned by the departure, sat in their compartments, it was empty and quiet in the carriage corridor, in general (I listened) there was complete silence.

8) Someone squeaked and fumbled in the willow bushes ...


1. Ilyushina L.A. On the morphological analysis of the noun / Russian language at school and at home. - 2002. - No. 3.

2. Chuglov V.I. On morphological analysis / Russian language at school. - 2002. - No. 3.

Russian language lesson in grade 3 (EMC "Perspektiva")

Teacher: Shurinova O.M.

Class: 3 G

Topic:"Analysis of a noun as a part of speech"

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge


To update knowledge about the concepts of "noun", "signs of a noun".

Introduce an algorithm for parsing a noun as a part of speech.

Cognitive Skills:

Reveal the meaning of the concepts "noun", "signs of a noun" and use them in an active dictionary;

Distinguish between permanent and variable signs of a noun and justify your opinion.

Regulatory Skills:

Perform a learning action using an algorithm.

Communication skills:

Take into account the opinion of the partner when making common solution within the educational dialogue.

Item Skills:

Talk about constant and variable signs of a noun;

Tell the algorithm for parsing a noun as a part of speech;

Identify nouns in a sentence;

Parse a noun as a part of speech using an algorithm.

Equipment: textbook "Russian language" L.F. Klimanov, T.V. Babushkina, presentation for the lesson in PowerPoint 2013, helper cards


STAGE 1 Self-determination to activity

Activity goals

Situational task

Planned result

    Motivate students to study the topic.

Let's introduce ourselves (SLIDE 1):

We are smart!

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

In the third grade we study

We can do this!

On the board words (SLIDE2): eyes, coals, nose, carrot, bucket, head, broom.

What task do I want to offer you? What can you say about these words? Children's answers. Make up a story about each word (group work). Examination. What did you notice? Everyone has their own order. Do you think order is necessary? Children's answers. Formulate the topic of the lesson and objectives.


Personal Skills:

    show interest in the topic

Regulatory Skills:

    formulate the topic of the lesson

    set a goal

Communication skills:


understandable statements within the educational dialogue, using terms

STAGE 2 Educational and cognitive activity

Purpose of activity

Learning tasks

Planned result


    Introduce an algorithm for parsing a noun as a part of speech.

Now we turn to the information table. What information will be important to you?

information desk

Scheme. Review the diagram. What can you tell? (SLIDE 4)

Have we received the information we need? How can a diagram help us learn to parse a noun? What signs are permanent (non-permanent)?

Item Skills:

Regulatory Skills:

Carry out the educational action in accordance with the plan;

Communication skills:

Interact constructively with a partner in the framework of an educational dialogue;


Identify nouns in a sentence;

Parse a noun as a part of speech using an algorithm;

Perform a learning action using an algorithm

Consider how to write a review in a notebook (SLIDE5):

Anya and Vanya wrote down the proposal and made an analysis:

We stopped near the school.

(near) school-noun, head form-school, common name, inanimate, female, singular, R.p.

What do we need to pay attention to when parsing?


Zone work.

Now let's try to parse the noun ourselves. Those who want to independently analyze and then test themselves will work in the “achievements” zone. Who needs my help will work in the zone of "doubt".

Doubt zone:

(instead of) nose-

(on) the head

(c) broom-

Achievement zone: p.42 exercise 75 with subsequent self-examination.

(from) window-noun, Nf.-window, adv., inanimate, s.r., singular, R.p.

street-n., N.f.-street, common name, inanimate, female, sing.

paints-noun, N.f.

Self-test: What mistakes did you make?

Who remembered the word parsing algorithm? Does order matter?

Item Skills:

Parse the noun as a part of speech.

Regulatory Skills:

Correlate the set goal and the result of the activity.

Communication skills:

Formulate clear statements within the framework of the educational dialogue, using terms;

Take into account the opinion of the partner when making a common decision within the framework of the educational dialogue;

Adequately use speech to present the result.


Identify nouns in a sentence;

Parse a noun as a part of speech using an algorithm;

Perform a learning action using an algorithm

Anya and Vanya completed homework. Let's see if the lions did a good job. The game "The most attentive"(group work)

Check if the nouns are parsed correctly. Correct the mistakes.

On the pine we saw a motley woodpecker. I wanted to find him nest.

(on) pine-existent, N.f.-pine, own, inanimate, female, sing., D.p.

woodpecker-n., N. f.-woodpeckers, common name, soul, m.p.

nest-n., N.f.-nest, adv., inanimate, cf., I.p.

Which noun was correct?

What advice would you give guys?

Item Skills:

Parse the noun as a part of speech.

Regulatory Skills:

Focus on different ways to complete a task

Communication skills:

Formulate clear statements within the framework of the educational dialogue, using terms


Tell the algorithm for parsing a noun as a part of speech;

Drawing up an algorithm "Parse of a noun" (work in a group)

Examination. (SLIDE 7)

Item Skills:

Know the noun parsing algorithm

Regulatory Skills:

Perform self-examination and mutual examination of the educational task;

Communication skills:

Interact constructively with a partner in the framework of an educational dialogue.

Stage 3 Reflective activity

Purpose of activity

Introspection and self-assessment student

Planned result


    correlate the result with the goal;

    evaluate the result of educational activities.

Introspection (SLIDE 8)

"Complete the sentences":

1. It is important for me to learn how to parse a noun as a part of speech, because ... (SLIDE 9)

2. To parse a noun, you need ...

(SLIDE 10)


"Finish the sentence":

I am ... (very, not very) satisfied with the result of the work that I did ... (on my own, with the help of a classmate, teacher).

Personal Skills:

    evaluate the result

own activities.

    Regulatory Skills:

correlate the goal and the result of the activity.

Parsing a word as a part of speech is otherwise called morphological. They get to know him already at school, studying certain parts of speech. First of all, this type of analysis is designed by teachers to develop logical thinking in students, to instill language skills. Morphological analysis helps to learn the basic information about all parts of speech, learn to distinguish them from each other, not to confuse the concepts of "part of speech" and "member of a sentence". A similar phenomenon sometimes occurs even in high school and at linguistic faculties, however, of course, those who can parse a word as a part of speech will never confuse a noun with a subject.

Parsing a word as a part of speech at school performs a serious function: in this way the material is fixed as much as possible, in the process of parsing, when students take turns analyzing different words, all the topics of the section are repeated. For example, when analyzing a verb as a part of speech after studying the topic “verb”, students repeat all its main categories: reflexivity, transitivity, aspect, conjugation, mood, tense, person, number and gender. It is the analysis of the word as a part of speech that is an effective practical exercise that develops language skills and abilities.

In university practice, it is somewhat more difficult to parse a word as a part of speech, since there the morphological analysis is carried out according to a more complex scheme, a larger number of linguistic factors are taken into account, categories are considered in more detail.

Each university may have its own requirements for morphological analysis, its essence and design, so applicants for philological specialties need to find out the analysis standards in a particular educational institution.

To be able to determine the part of speech, the category is necessary in order to correctly express your thoughts.

Basic requirements for parsing a word as a part of speech

How to parse a word as a part of speech? Let us denote the basic requirements for parsing in general, regardless of what part of speech it is.

Morphological analysis, like any other type of language analysis, should be carried out according to a clear specific plan. An algorithm is given to follow. Categories cannot be specified randomly. For example, if a student first names the number in which a noun is used, and speaks about the category of animate / inanimate only at the end of the analysis, one can immediately conclude from this: the student is poorly oriented in categories, does not know which of them are constant, and which are - changeable. Knowing the correct order of parsing provides a better memorization of categories and their connections, a consistent analysis of each word as a representative of a certain part of speech.

The order of parsing is the same everywhere.

  1. First, the word form of the word being parsed is indicated. This is the form in which the word appears in the context, without any additional changes. Morphological analysis is subjected to the words presented in the passage of the text.
  2. Then the initial form of the word is indicated. For each part of speech, it is determined individually. For example, in a noun it is the nominative singular.
  3. The third point is to indicate the general grammatical meaning of the word. Nouns have the meaning of an object, verbs have actions, adjectives have the meaning of an attribute of an object, numerals have quantities, etc.
  4. Then grammatical categories are defined. First, all the permanent signs of the word, and then - changeable. Grammar categories are individual for each part of speech. They must be listed in a specific order.
  5. The last point of morphological analysis is the definition of the syntactic function of the word. It has great importance specifically for parsing a word as a part of speech, although often schoolchildren believe that the requirement does not fully apply to morphology and is more appropriate in the “syntax” section. In fact, it is precisely by the syntactic function of a word in a sentence that one can sometimes find out exactly what part of speech it is. Moreover, this requirement allows you to connect the various sections of the Russian language, create a single language picture.
    Analysis of the word as a part of speech. Requirements for the morphological analysis of specific parts of speech
For the analysis of each part of speech are presented individual requirements, since all parts of speech have their own categories, which must be indicated in a strictly defined order. This is how the classical requirements for parsing a word as a part of speech look like.


  1. The word form is specified.
  2. The initial form is written: the word must be put in the nominative case and the singular.
  3. Then lexico-grammatical categories are determined. Permanent: own or common noun, inanimate or animate, gender, type of declension. Variables: number and case. Are determined fickle signs by word form in context.
  4. syntactic role.
  1. Word form.
  2. Initial form. The word is put in the nominative case and singular, it is used in the masculine gender.
  3. The signs of the word are determined. Constants: rank by value (adjectives are qualitative, relative and possessive); degree of comparison (it happens, but only for quality adjectives); short or long form (for quality ones).
  4. Variable signs: case, number and gender.
  5. Syntactic function in a sentence.
  1. Word form.
  2. Initial form. It is determined depending on the category of the numeral by value. The initial form of quantitative, collective and fractional numbers is the nominative case. The initial form of ordinal numbers is the nominative case, singular, masculine.
  3. Permanent signs (categories) of numeral names are indicated: rank by value (quantitative, fractional, ordinal, collective); category according to the morphological structure (composite, complex, simple).
  4. Variable signs are determined, that is, in what form the numeral is used in this context. It is necessary to write the case, number, gender of the numeral, if it has these features.
  5. The role in the sentence is indicated.
  1. The form of the word in which it is used in the context is indicated.
  2. The initial form of the pronoun is determined. The word must be put in the masculine, singular and nominative case, if possible.
  3. Then they write permanent signs of the pronoun as a part of speech. These include rank by value, group by relation to other parts of speech, and person for personal pronouns. Ranks of pronouns by meaning: indefinite, negative, relative, interrogative, possessive, personal and reflexive pronoun myself. Groups in relation to other parts of speech: pronouns-adverbs (adverbial pronouns), pronouns-numerals, pronouns-adjectives and pronouns-nouns.
  4. Then they indicate non-permanent signs of pronouns: number, gender and case, if any.
  5. The syntactic function in the sentence is determined.
  1. An adverb is an invariable part of speech, which should be specified separately in the process of morphological analysis. Therefore, it is enough to designate the language unit itself, that is, the word.
  2. Categories of adverbs - category and degree of comparison (if any). Adverbs are divided into the following categories: adverbs of mode of action, purpose, cause, time, measure and degree, place. The degrees of comparison are comparative and superlative. For example, stricter superlative, stricter - comparative.
  3. Specifies the role in the proposal.
Condition Category Words
This part of speech has a single feature, does not change, is always a predicate in impersonal sentences. Sad. Sunny.


  1. The word form is indicated.
  2. The verb is put in the indefinite form (infinitive). For example: wrote - write.
  3. Constant categories of the verb as parts of speech are determined: conjugation, aspect (perfect or imperfect), reflexivity (reflexive verbs have the postfix -sya or -ss), transitivity.
  4. The non-permanent features of a verb are mood, tense (for indicative verbs), number, person, and gender. All categories must be written, if any.
  5. Then the syntax function is specified.
  1. The word form is written.
  2. The initial form is determined, for this the participle must be put in the nominative case, masculine and singular.
  3. Then the constant signs of the sacrament are indicated: pledge (passive or active), form (short or full), time, type and recurrence.
  4. Non-permanent signs of the sacrament: number, gender, case.
  5. role in the proposal.
It is an invariable part of speech. Specify only the form and recurrence, as well as the syntactic function.

Sometimes the service parts of speech are analyzed.
Prepositions are divided into non-derivatives and derivatives (formed from another part of speech).

Unions are coordinating (separating, adversative, connecting) and subordinating (explanatory, comparative, investigative, concessive, conditional, target, causal, temporary).

Particles It is customary to subdivide into form-building, demonstrative, negative, amplifying, exclamatory, interrogative, affirmative, restrictive, clarifying, comparative and particles expressing doubt.

Interjection is a separate part of speech, not included in either official or independent parts of speech. It is not subject to parsing.

Nuances and features of parsing a word as a part of speech at a university
In university reviews, philologists describe the categories in more detail. Parts of speech are analyzed in the light of a detailed study of the language as a whole. The morphological analysis of the verb differs most strongly. Separately, the stems are indicated: the stem of the infinitive and the stem of the present tense. According to them, the class of the verb is determined, there are five classes in total. In the categories of time, absolute and relative time are distinguished. For example, four subcategories of the present tense are defined: irrelevant, abstract, commentary, pictorial. The future tense can be specific, the result of the present, permanent, denote an action that is repeated in the present, an action that is impossible in the present.

In a noun, types of declension are distinguished differently: substantive (1 and 2 declension change places), adjective (this is how conversives are inclined, that is, adjectives like nouns), mixed declension. There are indeclinable nouns - they are also sometimes distinguished into a separate, fourth, declension.

Each case in high school analyzes is assigned its own meaning: subjective, objective, adverbial or attributive.

Analyzing the numeral, universities often determine the type of connection with the noun, the case of the main noun. Speaking about adjectives and their forms of comparison, synthetic and analytical forms of comparative and superlative degrees are distinguished.

There are other nuances of analyzing a word as a part of speech, but all of them are individual, depending on the point of view of a particular scientist, university program.

, fast

Enter any word, then click "parse". After that, you will receive an analysis in which the part of speech, case, gender, tense and everything else will be written. Because parsing is performed out of context, then several parsing options may be offered, among which you will need to choose the correct one. Parsing is done automatically by the computer, so sometimes there may be errors. Be careful, online analysis is for help, not for mindless rewriting. Note about the letter Yo: do not replace it with E.

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In order not to experience difficulties in the scheme morphological analysis words or in the order of parsing, you should not automatically memorize the sequence and principle of parsing. It is most effective to focus on highlighting the general features of parts of speech, and then move on to the particular features of this form. At the same time, the general parsing logic should be preserved. Parts of speech will also help you.

The following examples of morphological parsing will allow you to understand the scheme of parsing the words of a sentence in Russian. However, it should be remembered that the presence of a text is a prerequisite for the correct analysis of parts of speech, because morphological analysis is a characteristic of a word (as a part of speech), taking into account the specifics of its use.

Consider examples morphological analysis.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  1. initial form (in the nominative case, singular);
  2. own or common noun;
  3. animate or inanimate;
  4. declination
  5. number;
  6. case;
  7. role in the proposal.

Noun(parsing sample):
Text: Babies love to drink milk.
Milk is a noun, the initial form is milk, common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, in the accusative case, singular (does not have a plural), direct object.

Adjective parsing plan

  1. the initial form is the infinitive (nominative case, singular);
  2. category (qualitative, relative or possessive);
  3. short or complete (only about quality);
  4. degree of comparison (only qualitative);
  5. gender (only about the singular);
  6. case;
  7. number;
  8. role in the proposal.

Adjective(parsing sample):
Text: Alyonushka collected a full basket of mushrooms.
Full - adjective, initial form - full; quality: complete; in a positive (zero) degree of comparison, in the neuter gender, accusative case, is an addition.

numeral(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative for quantitative, nominative singular, masculine for ordinal);
  2. category by value (quantitative, ordinal);
  3. category by composition (simple, complex, composite);
  4. case;
  5. gender and number (for ordinal and some quantitative);
  6. role in the proposal.

Numeral (parsing sample):
Text: Four days have passed.
Four is a numeral, the initial form is four, quantitative, simple, in the nominative case, has no number and gender, is the subject.

Pronoun(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, if it changes by number and gender);
  2. rank by value;
  3. gender (if any);
  4. case
  5. number (if any);
  6. role in the proposal.

Pronoun (parsing sample):
Text: Crystal raindrops dripped from it.
Nee is a pronoun, the initial form is she, personal, 3rd person, feminine, genitive, singular, adverb of place.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  1. infinitive (initial form);
  2. returnable or irrevocable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. conjugation;
  5. mood;
  6. time (for the indicative mood);
  7. person (for the present, future tense and imperative mood);
  8. gender (for the past tense and conditional in the singular);
  9. number;
  10. role in the proposal.

Verb (parsing sample):
Text: They told the truth without fear of condemnation.
They said - a verb, the initial form - to say, irrevocable, intransitive, perfective, 1st conjugation, in the indicative mood, past tense, plural, is a predicate.

Participle(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative, singular, masculine);
  2. infinitive;
  3. time;
  4. returnable or irrevocable (for valid);
  5. transitive or intransitive (for valid);
  6. complete or short (for the passive);
  7. gender (for the singular);
  8. case;
  9. number;
  10. role in the proposal.

Participle (parsing sample):
Text: I look at the falling leaves and feel sad.
Falling - participle, initial form - falling, from the verb to fall, imperfect form, present tense, irrevocable, intransitive, feminine, accusative, singular, agreed definition.

gerund(parsing order):

  1. the verb from which it is formed;
  2. returnable or irrevocable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. role in the proposal.

The participle (parsing sample):

Text: When you go abroad, you are sad about home.
Leaving - a gerund, from the verb "to leave", an imperfect form, irrevocable, intransitive, a circumstance of the mode of action.

Adverb(parsing order):

  1. category by value (definitive or adverbial);
  2. degree of comparison (if any).

Adverb (parsing sample):
Text: The sun rose higher and the clouds dissipated.
Above - an adverb, adverbial place, is a circumstance of place, a comparative degree.


Something is not clear? There is good video on the topic for adjectives:

The order of debriefing in your class may differ from what is suggested, so we advise you to check with your teacher for debriefing requirements.

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