The permanent features of a noun are. Noun

the beauty 27.09.2019

noun e is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that

1) have a generalized meaning of objectivity and answer the questions who? or what?;

2) are proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate, have a permanent gender and non-permanent (for most nouns) signs of number and case;

3) in the proposal most often act as subjects or additions, but can be any other members of the proposal.

Noun- this is a part of speech, in the selection of which the grammatical features of words come to the fore. As for the meaning of nouns, this is the only part of speech that can mean anything: an object (table), a person (boy), an animal (cow), a sign (depth), an abstract concept (conscience), an action (singing) , relation (equality). In terms of meaning, these words are united by the fact that you can ask them the question who? or what?; this, in fact, is their objectivity.

Common nouns designate objects without distinguishing them from the class of the same type (city, river, girl, newspaper).

Proper nouns designate objects, distinguishing them from the class of homogeneous objects, individualizing them (Moscow, Volga, Masha, Izvestia). Proper names must be distinguished from proper names - ambiguous names of individualized objects ("Evening Moscow"). Proper names do not necessarily include a proper name (Moscow State University).

Animate and inanimate nouns

Nouns have a permanent morphological sign of animation.

The sign of animateness of nouns is closely connected with the concept of living / inanimate. Nevertheless, animation is not a rank in meaning, but a proper morphological feature.

Animation as a morphological feature also has formal means of expression. First, animateness / inanimateness is expressed by the endings of the noun itself:

1) animate nouns have the same endings. numbers V. p. and R. p., and for nouns husband. genus, this also applies to units. number;

2) inanimate nouns have the same endings. numbers V. p. and I. p., and for nouns husband. genus, this also applies to units. number.

The animacy of most nouns reflects a certain state of affairs in extralinguistic reality: animate nouns are mainly called living beings, and inanimate - inanimate objects, however, there are cases of violation of this pattern:

fluctuation by animation

An object cannot be both alive and non-living at the same time:
alive but inanimate

1) aggregates of living beings:

(see)armies, crowds, peoples ;

2) plants, mushrooms:

(gather)chanterelles ;

inanimate but animated

1) human toys:

(see)dolls, nesting dolls, tumblers ;

2) figures of some games:

(play out)kings, queens ;

3) deceased:

(see)dead, drowned , butdead body (inanimate);

4) fictional creatures:

(see)mermaids, goblin, brownies.

Nouns have a constant morphological gender and refer to male, female or neuter.

The masculine, feminine and neuter gender includes words with the following compatibility:

Some nouns with the ending -a, denoting signs, properties of persons, in I. p. have a double characterization by gender, depending on the gender of the designated person:

your ignoramus has come

your-I'm ignorant came-a.

Such nouns belong to the common gender.

Nouns only plural (cream, scissors) do not belong to any of the genders, since in the plural formal differences between nouns of different genders are not expressed (cf .: desks - tables).

Nouns change by numbers and cases. Most nouns have singular and plural forms ( city ​​- cities, village - villages). However, some nouns have either only the singular form (for example, peasantry, asphalt, burning), or only the plural form (for example, scissors, railings, weekdays, Luzhniki).

Case as a morphological feature of nouns

Nouns change in cases, that is, they have a non-permanent morphological sign of number.

There are 6 cases in Russian: nominative (I. p.), genitive (R. p.), dative (D. p.), accusative (V. p.), instrumental (T. p.), prepositional (P. p.). P.). These case forms are diagnosed in the following contexts:

I. p.who is this? what?

R. p. no one? what?

D. p.glad to whom? what?

V. p. see who? what?

T. p.proud of who? how?

P. p. thinking about whom? how?

The endings of different cases are different depending on which declension the noun belongs to.

Noun declension

Changing nouns in cases is called declension.

To I declension include nouns husband. and wives. genus with the ending I. p. units. numbers -а(-я), including words ending in -iya: mom-a, dad-a, earth-i, lecture-i (lectij-a). Words with a stem ending in a hard consonant (hard variant), a soft consonant (soft variant) and with a stem in - and j have some differences in endings, for example:

hard option
soft option
On the - and I
Im.p. countries - a Earth -I Army -I
R.p. countries - s
Earth -and Army -and
D.p. countries - e Earth -e
Army -and
V.p. countries - at Earth -Yu Army -Yu
etc. countries -oh (-oy )
Earth -her (-yoyu ) Army -her (-her )
P.p. countries -e Earth -e Army -and

Co. II declension include nouns husband. gender with a zero ending I. p., including words in -y, and nouns m. and cf. kind with the ending -o (-e), including words in -ie: table-, genius-, small town-o, window-o, floor-e, peni-e (penij-e).

To III declension include nouns of women. genus with zero ending in I. p .: dust-, night-.

In addition to nouns that have endings in only one of these declensions, there are words that have some endings from one declension, and some from another. They are called dissimilar. These are 10 words for -mya (burden, time, stirrup, tribe, seed, name, flame, banner, udder, crown) and path.

In Russian there are so-called indeclinable nouns. These include many common nouns and own borrowings (coat, Tokyo), Russian surnames in -y, -ih, -vo (Petrovykh, Dolgikh, Durnovo). They are usually described as words without endings.

Morphological analysis of a noun

The noun is parsed according to the following plan:

I. Part of speech. General value. Initial form (nominative singular).

II. Morphological features:

1. Permanent signs: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender (male, female, neuter, general), d) declension.
2. Non-permanent signs: a) case, b) number.

III. syntactic role.

Sample morphological parsing of a noun

Two ladies ran up to Luzhin and helped him up; he began to knock the dust off his coat with his palm (according to V. Nabokov).

I. ladies- noun;

initial form - lady.

II. Permanent signs: narits., odush., wives. genus, I class;

non-permanent signs: pl. number, I. p.

III. ran up(who?) ladies (subject part).

I.(to) Luzhin- noun;

initial form - Luzhin;

II. Constant signs: own., soul., husband. genus, I class;

non-permanent features: units. number, D. p.;

ran up(to whom?) .underline ( border-bottom: 1px dashed blue; ) to Luzhin(addition).

I. palm- noun;

initial form - palm;

Constant signs: narits., inanimate., wives. genus, I class;

non-permanent features: units. number, etc.;

Began to shoot down(how?) palm(addition).

I. Dust- noun;

initial form - dust;

Constant signs: narits., inanimate., wives. genus, III class;

non-permanent features: units. number, V. p.;

III. Began to shoot down(what?) dust(addition).

I. Coat- noun;

initial form - coat;

Constant signs: nav., inanimate, cf. genus, uninclined;

non-permanent signs: the number is not determined by the context, R. p .;

III. Began to shoot down(why?) with a coat(addition).

Target: repeat and summarize the knowledge of children about the noun.


  • repeat what is the role of a noun in speech,
  • permanent and non-permanent signs of nouns,
  • what parts of the sentence are nouns,
  • analysis of the noun as a part of speech.
  • To develop the ability to highlight the main thing, students' speech, cognitive interest.
  • Cultivate patriotic feelings of love for the native land.

Lesson type: repetition and generalization of the studied.

Lesson form: open mind lesson.

Basic didactic method: partially search.

Private methods and techniques: explanatory-illustrative, research, reproductive.


I. Language warm-up ( Presentation. 2 slide)

- Phraseological units will help us remember the rules of work in the lesson. What's this? (A dictionary is a set expression with an independent meaning.)

1. "Feeling of the elbow" (feeling of mutual support and help in all matters)
2. "Ears on top" (listen attentively)
3. "Stand up" (by all means to defend, defend something or someone)

By the end of the lesson, I will know how you worked in the lesson.

Red - 5 (for each work, children independently rate themselves)
Green - 4
Blue - 3

- Write down the words from dictation: heart, iron, cheek, blackberry, sum, reed, water strider, art, tradition, huntsman, ladder, filling, walnut, hedgehog.
- Underline the words that have an orthogram - a vowel letter - a consonant letter.
What word did you underline twice? (Cane)

Reed - O - unstressed vowel, T - unpronounceable consonant.

What word is not underlined? (Huntsman.)
- Why? What is the spelling of this word? b - at the end.

1. The hunter is a professional.
2. Hunter - a specialist in the organization of hunting, protection and reproduction of fauna.
3. In some armies: a soldier of special rifle regiments.

3 slide - Examination

What do these words have in common?

II. Section Introduction (2 slide)

- Look at the screen. Name the first letters of the words from the language warm-up. What word came out? NOUN. What letter is missing? b.
What is its role in this word?
The importance of language in human life is great. For a long time there have been proverbs among the people: “Language will bring you to Kyiv”, “Without a tongue, as without hands”.
How do you understand the meaning of proverbs?
- Linguists count 2,500 different languages ​​on earth, but most of the people of the planet, about two billion people, speak only 13 languages. by the most widespread language is Chinese, it is spoken by over 700 million people, in English– over 250 million, in Russian also over 250 million people.
Many wonderful words have been said about the greatness of the Russian language, its diversity.

(4 slide)

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy said: "... amazing in fidelity, beauty, diversity and strength, he is gentle, touching, where you need strict, where you need lively and lively."
To build a house, you need to prepare the parts of the house - what we will build from. Speech is made up of parts of speech. And from what PARTS of SPEECH is SPEECH built? (Students name familiar parts.
How to distinguish one part of speech from another? ( By questions, by meaning)

(5 slide)

What are the parts of speech divided into? ? Why? (Independent and official.)

Review slide

Conclusion: Each part of speech is very important and has a certain meaning, regardless of whether it is independent or official.

- Now we will conduct our investigation (recording from D.E.)
- Listen and watch a video clip about a bumblebee and memorize nouns, verbs, adjectives (distribute leaflets) into rows
- List the adjectives. What questions do they answer? What do they mean? (Definite, hermetic, important, sweet, certain.)
- Name the verbs. What questions do they answer? What do they mean? (Busy, endure, live, reign, fill, get, fulfill, fill.)
- Name the nouns. What do these words mean, what questions do they answer? (Proboscis, bumblebee, business, function, light, purity, order, food, instinct, essay, cap, look, food, stock, winter.)
What part of speech words do we use most often in speech?

Conclusion: You are right, noun the most representative, the most essential part of speech. Almost every second word in our speech is a noun. According to the observations of scientists, the noun appeared in speech among the very first words. And this is quite understandable, a person looks at the world from birth and wants to name everything that surrounds him.

III. Lesson topic message

– Today we will recall the permanent and non-permanent features of nouns.

IV. Working with the textbook With. 86, ex. No. 103)

  • insert missing letters
  • explain spelling,
  • write down the sentence, (children do the analysis of the sentence on the interactive whiteboard)
  • emphasize grammar.
  • do parsing
  • 2 - sort by composition

What parts of the sentence are nouns? (major and minor)

Conclusion: nouns in a sentence can be both main and secondary members.

Table - definition of a noun(the Internet)

– Why do nouns have two questions and not one? (Denotes animate and inanimate nouns). This is the first morphological feature of the noun we have met.

Complete the task. Use a marker on the board to connect the question with the picture

Slide 7

Ex. 102, p. 85

- Read an excerpt from the story of D. Mamin-Sibiryak, “Emelya is a hunter”. (Slide 8)
– Where are the events taking place? (Near the forest.)
Write out on your own from the text in two columns animate and inanimate nouns in the initial form. (Slide 9)


Why are some nouns capitalized?

Conclusion: Nouns are proper and common nouns.

Write the gender of nouns on the board.

How to determine the gender of nouns?
– There is no gender at all in the English, Armenian, Uzbek, Tatar languages. In Africa, some peoples have up to 48 genera.

Conclusion: nouns are masculine, feminine, neuter, and do not "change by gender". We determine the gender with the help of pronouns-assistants and by the final letters of the word.

Test "Permanent signs"


What do you understand by the expression “permanent sign”? (There is always, in any form of the given word.) (Slide 10)

Test "non-permanent signs"

Irregular symptoms: number (Slide 11)

KM school- nouns that do not have a plural 3 cl. 8 task.
Nouns. which have only units. hours or more number - back to the word gate

V. Exercises in parsing nouns as parts of speech

Why was it difficult to hunt? (Children's answers.)
* Write down the same-root words in a notebook: hunting, hunting.
- Continue a series of single-root words. Specify the parts of speech.
Write on the board - Hunting (n.), hunt (ch.), hunter (n.), willingly (nar.), willing (adj.).
- Make a conclusion.

Conclusion. Among single-root words there may be words different parts speech.
- Review the sample. Pay attention to the abbreviation.
What task should be completed if the number 3 is with the word

Variant work - pay attention to the definition of the sentence member.

VI. Work on the development of oral scientific speech (13 slide)

Collective compilation of a story (work in pairs).
Time is given for self-preparation. Individual responses are heard.

VII. Lesson summary

Well done boys. I will tell you a secret. These are not all signs of a noun. In the future, we will get to know them.

Why is this part of speech given such a name? (Names existing persons, objects, phenomena. The most representative, most essential part of speech.)

(14 slide)

We are friendly with you.
You name different things.
Very amazing
It will be hard without him
If it disappears.
To make everything great
a lot of nouns.
Everywhere we will notice
And to place them in speech to insert.

(child reads)

VIII. Reflection (15 slide)

- In the next lesson, we will have a new search. Today I am in seventh heaven. How do you understand it? (Be happy and content)

– Thank you for the lesson. You are great!

Nouns have a set of morphological features. Some of them are permanent (or immutable). Others, on the contrary, are non-permanent (or changeable). Unchangeable signs refer to the whole word as a whole, and changeable to the forms of the word. So noun Natalia- animated, own, female, 1 cl. In whatever form it may be, these signs will be preserved. Noun Natalia may be in the form of and many others. numbers, in different cases. Number and case are inconstant signs of nouns. In the illustration, dotted lines lead to such non-permanent or variable morphological characters. It is necessary to learn to distinguish which signs are permanent and which are non-permanent.

Common nouns - proper nouns

This is the division of nouns according to the features of the meaning. Common nouns denote homogeneous objects, i.e. any object from their series, and proper nouns call a separate specific object.
Compare nouns:

child, country, river, lake, fairy tale, turnip - common nouns

Alexey, Russia, Volga, Baikal, "Turnip" - own

Common nouns are varied. Their ranks by value:

specific: table, computer, document, mouse, notebook, fishing rod

abstract (abstract): surprise, joy, fear, happiness, miracle

real: iron, gold, water, oxygen, milk, coffee

collective: youth, foliage, nobility, spectator

Proper nouns include names of people, nicknames of animals, geographical names, names of works of literature and art, etc.: Alexander, Sasha, Sashenka, Zhuchka, Ob, Ural, "Teenager", "Gingerbread Man" etc.

Animation - inanimateness

Animate nouns call "living" objects, and inanimate - not "living".

Animated: mother, father, child, dog, ant, Kolobok (hero of a fairy tale, acting as a living person)

Inanimate: orange, ocean, war, lilac, program, toy, delight, laughter

For morphology, it is important that

· in plural in animate nouns
Near the school, I saw familiar girls and boys (vin. pad. = born. pad.), and in inanimate nouns wine form. pad. matches the shape. pad.: I love books and films (vin. pad. = im. pad.)

in the singular for animate masculine nouns wine form. pad. matches the form. fall:
The fox saw Kolobok (vin. fall. = genus. fall.), and for inanimate nouns of masculine gender wine form. pad. matches the shape. pad.: I baked a gingerbread man (wine. pad. = im. pad.)

The rest of the nouns have the form im., vin. and genus. cases are different.

Means, sign of inanimateness can be determined not only based on the meaning, but also on the set of word endings.

gender of nouns is a permanent morphological feature. Nouns do not change by gender.

There are three genders in Russian: male, female and average. The sets of endings for nouns of different genders differ.
In animate nouns, the reference to the masculine or feminine gender is motivated by gender, since the words denote male or female persons: father - mother, brother - sister, husband - wife, man - woman, boy - girl etc. The grammatical sign of gender correlates with gender.
For inanimate nouns, the belonging of the word to one of the three genders is not motivated. The words ocean, sea, river, lake, pond- different gender, and the gender is not determined by the meaning of words.

The morphological indicator of the genus is the endings.
If the ending word has:

a, y, or a, om, e in the singular and s, ov, am, s or ov, ami, ah, then this is a masculine noun

a, s, e, y, oh, e in the singular and s, am or s, ami, ah, then this is a feminine noun

o, a, y, o, om, e in the singular and a, am, a, ami, ah, then a neuter noun.

Do all nouns belong to one of the three genders?

No. There is a small group of amazing nouns. They are interesting in that they can refer to both males and females. These are the words: smart girl, glutton, sleepyhead, greedy, crybaby, ignorant, ignorant, wicked, bully, slob, wicked, muddler, slobber, daredevil etc. The form of such words coincides with the form of feminine words: they have the same set of endings. But the syntactic compatibility is different.
In Russian you can say:
She is so smart! AND: He is so smart! The meaning of the gender of an animate person can be found out by the form of a pronoun (as in our example) or an adjective, or a verb in the past tense: Sonya woke up. AND: Sonya woke up. Such nouns are called common nouns.

Common nouns do not include words that name professions. You may already know that many of these are masculine nouns: doctor, driver, engineer, economist, geologist, philologist etc. But they can designate both male and female persons. My mother is a good doctor. My father is a good doctor. Even if the word names a female person, then adjectives and verbs in the past tense can be used in both masculine and feminine: The doctor came. AND: The doctor came.

How to determine the gender of immutable words?

There are invariable nouns in the language. All of them are borrowed from other languages. In Russian, they have a gender. How to determine the genus? It's easy if you understand what the word means. Let's look at examples:

Monsieur - madam- in words denoting an animated person, gender matches gender.

Kangaroo, chimpanzee- words for animals male.

Tbilisi, Sukhumi- words - names of cities - male.

Congo, Zimbabwe- words - names of states - neuter.

Mississippi, Yangtze- words - names of rivers - female.

Coat, muffler- words denoting inanimate objects are more often neuter.

Are there any exceptions? There is. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to unchangeable words and remember how they are used. The gender is expressed not by the ending (there are no endings for indeclinable words), but by the form of other words that are connected with the unchangeable noun in meaning and grammatically. These can be adjectives, pronouns or verbs in the past tense. For example:

Mississippi wide and full.

Short adjectives in the form of f.r. indicate that the word Mississippi zh.r.


declination is a type of word change. Nouns change in number and case. Number and case are variable morphological features. Depending on what forms the word has in different numbers and cases, in the totality of all possible forms, nouns belong to one of the declensions.

Nouns have three declensions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The vast majority of Russian nouns are nouns of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd declension. The type of declension is a constant, unchanging morphological feature of nouns.

The 1st declension includes feminine and masculine words with endingsa, I in its original form.
Examples: mom, dad, grandfather, water, earth, Anna, Anya, lecture - ending [a].

The 2nd declension includes masculine words with zero ending and neuter gender with endingsabout , e in its original form.
Examples: father, brother, house, Alexander, sea, lake, building - ending [e] , genius, Alexey.

The 3rd declension includes null-ending feminine words in its original form.
Examples: mother, mouse, night, news, rye, lies.

initial form- this is the form of the word in which it is usually fixed in dictionaries. For nouns, it is the nominative singular form.

Pay attention to the words traditionally called nouns onia, ie , uy: lecture, building, genius.

What is the correct ending for these words?

Do you remember that the letters I and e, which are written at the end of such feminine and neuter nouns after vowels, and the letter and - vowel represent two sounds? Lecture- [i'a], building- [i’e], and the sound [i’] is the last consonant of the stem. So, in words like lecture ending [a], in words like building- [e], and in words like genius- null ending.

So the feminine nouns are: lecture, station, demonstration belong to the 1st declension, and masculine: genius and middle: building- to the 2nd.

Signs of nouns are grammatical categories inherent in the words of a given part of speech. Allocate permanent and non-permanent signs of a noun - 4 permanent and 2 non-permanent.

In Russian, nouns have permanent and non-permanent features in different ways depending on the characteristics of each individual word and its use in speech.

Permanent signs of nouns

Permanent features of a noun are a number of morphological categories that do not change depending on the context of speech and are inherent in all nouns.

Constant signs of nouns with examples:

    Animation - indicates whether this noun belongs to the class of “living” or “non-living” objects.
      Animated; Inanimate.

    Genus means ancestry the object that names the noun.

      Male; Female; Average.

    Declension - indicates the type of change of nouns in numbers and cases.

      1st declension; 2nd declension; 3rd declension; Differing.

    Common nouns and own.

      common nouns; Own.

    Number - acts as a constant feature for words that do not change in numbers.

Non-permanent signs of nouns

Non-permanent features of a noun are changeable grammatical features that appear in nouns depending on the context of speech and the position of the word in the sentence.

Inconstant signs of nouns with examples:

    Number - indicates the quantitative characteristic of the called object.
      The only thing; Plural.
      Nominative; Genitive; Dative; Accusative; Instrumental; Prepositional.

(1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)

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  2. What is noun declension? The declension of nouns in Russian is a constant grammatical feature that indicates the peculiarities of changing nouns in cases and numbers. There are three productive...
  3. What are the morphological features of a noun? Morphological features of a noun are a number of grammatical categories that are inherent in the words of a given part of speech and indicate their meaning in ...
  4. Spelling of case endings of nouns Case endings of nouns are represented by a system of endings that indicate the grammatical relationship of nouns to other words in sentences and phrases. Case endings...
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  6. The language system of the German (German) language is a combination of different parts of speech, each of which has its own specific syntactic and morphological features and characteristics. Parts of speech...
  8. What are the morphological features of an adjective? Morphological features of an adjective are a number of grammatical categories characteristic of the words of a given part of speech. Morphological features determine the features of the agreement of adjectives ...
  9. What are inconstant signs of adjectives? Non-permanent morphological features of adjectives - a number of variable grammatical categories. Their meaning depends on the grammatical features of the noun with which the adjective agrees....
  10. How to parse an adjective as a part of speech? What is the morphological analysis of an adjective? Morphological analysis adjective as a part of speech - This is a complete grammatical and lexical-syntactic characteristic of the word ....
  11. What are called nouns in Russian? A noun in Russian is an independent part of speech denoting an object, person or any phenomenon of reality. Primary...
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Noun Parsing Plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form. Morphological features:
A Permanent morphological features:
1 own or common noun;
2 animate or inanimate;
3 genus;
4 declination;
5 number (if the word has only one form - singular or plural).
B Variable morphological features:
1 number (if the word changes by numbers);
2 case.
III Role in the proposal(which member of the sentence is the noun in this sentence).

You can download separately the memo "Plan of morphological analysis of nouns" in our VK group in the album "Russian language in tables and diagrams":

Noun parsing patterns

On the mail train from St. Petersburg to Moscow, a young lieutenant Klimov rode in the smoking section(Chekhov).

(AT) train

  1. in what?
  2. N. f. - train.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, inanimate, masculine, 2nd declension.

(walking) (of) Petersburg

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question Of what?
  2. N. f. - Petersburg.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, inanimate, masculine, 2nd declension, does not change in numbers - it has only the singular form.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the form of the genitive case.
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of an adverb of place.

(walking) (in) Moscow

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question into what?
  2. N. f. - Moscow.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, inanimate, feminine, 1st declension, does not change in numbers - it has only the singular form.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the form of the accusative case.
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of an adverb of place.

(driving) to department

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question in what?
  2. N. f. - department.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, inanimate, neuter gender, noun in -i: 2nd declension, but in the prepositional case the ending is -i, as in nouns of the 3rd declension.
    B) Non-permanent features: used in the singular, prepositional case.
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of an adverb of place.

(in department) (for) smokers

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question for whom?
  2. N. f. - smoking.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, animated, given noun - substantiated participle, therefore it changes by gender ( smoking, smoking) and is declined as a full participle.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the form of the plural, genitive; there is no gender, as in full participles in the plural.
  3. In the proposal, it plays the role of an inconsistent definition.

(driving) lieutenant

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question who?
  2. N. f. - lieutenant.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, animate, masculine, 2nd declension.
  3. In the proposal, it acts as an application.

(driving) Klimov

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question who?
  2. N. f. - Klimov.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, animate, masculine, 2nd declension.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the singular, nominative case.
  3. It plays the role of the subject in the sentence.

Exercise for the topic “3.2.3. Morphological analysis of nouns "

  • 3.2.1. The concept of a noun. Morphological features of nouns. Noun ranks
  • 3.2.3. Morphological analysis of nouns

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