Not with attributive pronouns. Definitive pronouns

Tourism and rest 22.10.2021
Tourism and rest

The lesson deals with definitive pronouns, their meaning, functions in speech, features of use.

1. Pronouns included in the category

Definitive pronouns are all, everyone, himself, most, different, other, any, each, all and all.

2. Examples of the use of definitive pronouns

The barefoot man bowed, looked gloomily at everyone, and went out.(A.I. Herzen).

Definitive pronoun in a sentence all. Initial form - all.

I would look from heaven to earth and rejoice in everything(A.N. Ostrovsky).

Everything all.

I will reveal the whole truth to you(A.S. Griboyedov). All- definitive pronoun. Initial form - the whole(m. r., sing. h., I. p.).

Anyone can be convinced of this if he goes to this garden(M.A. Bulgakov).

In this sentence, the definitive pronoun is any.

Yes, that's what I thought at first(A.I. Kuprin). Definitive pronoun herself. Initial form - myself.

The boy remembered that in his pocket were the very matches that his father had given him when he left for the city.(E.L. Schwartz). Definitive pronoun the most, and the initial form is most.

I was quenched in a different way, / I knew other thirsts, / But such a radiant dream / I dream only once(K.D. Balmont). In these sentences we are interested in the words different, others. These are definitive pronouns.

You can’t reason with them by other means: Natures are rude(N.A. Nekrasov). In this case, consider the word others- definitive pronoun ( another).

3. Meaning of definitive pronouns

The function of definitive pronouns is to identify an object or objects in a series of other objects.

4. Pronouns the whole, all and all

Pronoun the whole varies by gender, number and case and has the same forms as the adjective ( all, all, all, all, all, all etc.). This pronoun, like an adjective, agrees in gender, number and case with the noun it depends on.

Pronouns all and all look like pronoun forms the whole, but differ from it in that in the sentence they are not a definition, but a subject or object, that is, they replace not adjectives, but nouns. Although their forms completely coincide with some forms of the pronoun the whole, they are separate words; in the grammar dictionary of the Russian language we will find all three words: the whole, all and all.

Let's analyze the examples. Everyone came on time. What is the pronoun in this sentence: all? Or pronoun form the whole? pronoun in a sentence all is the subject, repeats the signs of a noun, which means we have the pronoun ALL.

I'm glad to see everyone. Glad to see who? All. We ask a question of a noun, so we again have a pronoun all.

All things were in their places. Here is the word all depends on the word things, defines it. Things(what kind?) all, this is a definition, which means we have a pronoun form the whole.

I did everything right. Did(what?) all. This is an addition. So we have a pronoun all.

He drank all the milk. Here the pronoun all depends on the word milk. What kind of milk? Everything. So this definition behaves like an adjective - a pronoun the whole.

It must be remembered that the pronoun the whole gender and number are non-permanent signs; this pronoun changes according to gender, numbers and cases. And for pronouns all and all gender and number are constant features ( all- plural, and all- always single, cf. R.). They change only in cases.

5. Pronouns myself and most

Consider the other two cognates: myself and most. Both of these pronouns change for gender and number: most, most, most, most; himself, himself, himself, himself. In addition, these pronouns are inflected. Moreover, the forms of indirect cases (all, except for the nominative) pronouns myself and most very similar. They look the same, but differ in emphasis.

The same will happen with the feminine gender.

I. p. the very top, the sister herself

R. p. of the very top, the very sister

D. p. to the very top, to the very sister

V. p. the very peak, the very, the very sister

T. p. the very top, the very sister

P. p. about the very peak, about the sister herself


  1. Russian language. Grade 6 / Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6 cells / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. About definitive pronouns ().
  2. About the ranks of pronouns ().
  3. Definitive pronouns. Presentation ().


Task number 1

Decline pronouns himself, most in the middle class.

Task number 2

Fill in the gaps with pronouns myself, most in the correct grammatical form. Point out the sentences in which the pronoun most serves to form the superlative degree of the adjective.

Working in the country was for my grandmother ... a favorite thing. He received a gift from... the director. I'll... dig up the beds. They've been friends since... childhood. A birch grew near the fence. Sasha can do it... without outside help. The underwater world is perhaps ... mysterious.

Task number 3

Find the definitive pronoun in the text. Justify your choice by answering these questions. What sign does the pronoun indicate and what question does it answer? How does it change? What word is associated with?

All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animal and plant world. Both worlds have been studied by us almost to perfection, but contact with them always leaves a feeling of mystery. Mysterious and therefore beautiful are the dark thickets of forests, the depths of the seas. The cry of a bird, the crackling of a tree bud bursting from the warmth, is mysterious. The solved riddle does not kill the excitement caused by the spectacle of the earth. The more we know, the stronger the desire to know(K. Paustovsky).

Definitive pronouns

Definitive pronouns

Discharge pronouns(begin with vs-), pointing to the whole set: everything, everything, everywhere, everywhere, always: Everyone is bad; All will pass. This category includes pronouns that indicate any element of the set: everyone, everyone, any, other, other, as well as the pronoun itself: Everyone should know this.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

See what "defining pronouns" are in other dictionaries:

    Point to a generalized attribute of an object. These include pronouns: himself, most, all, everyone, everyone, other, any, other, as well as pronouns everyone and everyone (obsolete). Pronouns any, anyone, each have the meaning of one of all ... ... Wikipedia

    See definitive pronouns (in the article pronoun) ...

    Definitive pronouns

    Definitive pronouns- 1. With a significant semantic similarity of pronouns everyone, everyone and anyone (cf .: each of us can do this - ... each of us - ... any of us), they differ from each other in their inherent shades of meaning. Everyone has a pronoun ... ... A guide to spelling and style

    Point to a generalized attribute of an object. All, everyone, everyone, any, himself, most, different. The pronoun itself can have the meaning of an amplifying word with a noun or a personal pronoun 'It was Pugachev (Pushkin) himself. Here he stands with... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    definitive pronouns- 1) himself, herself, all, everything (local noun); 2) the most, everyone, different, all, everything, everything (local adj.); 3) some, each (local number); 4) always, everywhere, sometimes, everywhere (local adv.) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    The pronoun is an independent part of speech used instead of the name of a noun, adjective, numeral, adverb or its characteristics and indicating them, their relationship to other objects, phenomena, etc. Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

    The pronoun is a part of speech devoid of its own lexical meaning and used instead of one or another noun or adjective, without naming the object (phenomenon, etc.) or its characteristic, but only pointing to them or to them ... ... Wikipedia

    The pronoun is a part of speech devoid of its own lexical meaning and used instead of one or another noun or adjective, without naming the object (phenomenon, etc.) or its characteristic, but only pointing to them or to them ... ... Wikipedia

Pronouns are among the words without which it is difficult to imagine a competent, logically correctly constructed speech.

Pronoun - what is it?

The peculiarity of pronouns is that they are used in sentences to replace independent (nominal) parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, numerals, and sometimes adverbs. According to the grammatical meaning, morphological and syntactic features, all pronouns are divided into several categories. The definitive pronoun helps to clarify the subject or feature referred to in the sentence or context. An example of its use: " Each from the cups their features and stood on his place." Or “Vladimir decided that all will do myself».

What pronouns are attributive pronouns?

The list of definitive pronouns is small: this is the use of well-known words in various forms each, everyone, most, himself, different, other, all, any. This category also includes the rarely used all kinds and obsolete everyone. They will help to concretize the meaning that each named examples denotes.

  • « Any (each, every) the apple was selective ”- with the help of these pronouns (they are interchangeable), one object is singled out from a number of similar ones.
  • « All the guests seemed very surprised ”- the sentence refers to the totality of persons considered as something indivisible.
  • "Arkady came to the station myself"- this pronoun indicates the person who performs the action.
  • "Take another (other) book" - that is, different from this one.

Although sometimes the listed pronouns can have other meanings. For example:

  • Take it on the road any(i.e., whatever) magazine - it will help pass the time.
  • Anyone a person (generalizing shade) needs a family and care.
  • It turned out myself(amplifying value) Bekhterev .

In addition, sentences with definitive pronouns can also include words most or the whole, often used to form the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs:

  • "Her dress turned out most elegant."

  • “In the new suit, he looked more solid all gathered."

It must be remembered that the words most and myself are different, although their forms, when changed in cases, coincide: that most magazine - togo the most magazine, saw myself- saw the most. Moreover, in the first case, the first syllable will be stressed, and in the second, the last.

Pronouns or adverbs?

In linguistics, the question remains open about such words as always, everywhere, everywhere and under. Some linguists classify them as adverbs, while others classify them as definitive pronouns. Example: " Everywhere there were traces of a recent robbery.

Therefore, it should be borne in mind that in the Russian language textbooks of different authors, the approach to dividing pronouns into categories may differ. This must be taken into account when performing tasks related to determining the part of speech in a sentence or context.

Grammar features of pronouns

They are determined by what independent part of speech the pronoun replaces in each case.

The general grammatical meaning, as noted above, is to define one object or feature in a number of others.

The presence of number forms ( herself) and genus ( all, all, each, each), case change ( everyone, everyone, everyone) - such morphological features usually have definitive pronouns.

Grade 6 - it is during this period that schoolchildren study the pronoun as a part of speech - introduces them to their syntactic function. Since attributive pronouns most often correlate with adjectives, in a sentence they, as a rule, are definitions, moreover, agreed:

  • « Every minute a new man is born in the world.

Less commonly, we are talking about cases where the pronoun acts as a noun or personal pronoun - subject or object:

  • « Another would have been in his place for a long time all understood" - subject and object.

Proverbs and phraseological units with definitive pronouns

The ability of these pronouns to generalize has become the reason that they can often be found in proverbs and sayings. For example, " Everyone the sandpiper praises his swamp. Or " To each own side is nice."

Definitive pronouns are often included in stable combinations. Here are the most common expressions: everyone step, on all sails, in all eyes, any creatures in pairs and others. Many of them have a very interesting history.

So, the expression "shout at all Ivanovskaya” dates back to tsarist times, when heralds went out to Ivanovskaya Square, which is next to the bell tower of Ivan the Great, and loudly announced, that is, shouted, the decrees of the king. The meaning of the definitive pronoun (examples of the use of this phraseological unit confirm this): the voice was so loud that it was heard anywhere in the square. From here, "shout (yell) all over Ivanovskaya" - very loudly, so that everyone can hear.

Thus, definitive pronouns are a very interesting part of speech, allowing you to briefly, without unnecessary words, express your thoughts and focus on the semantic component of a sentence or a whole text.

Definitive pronouns are very interesting. In their form, they are similar to adjectives, sometimes they are called that - pronouns-adjectives. But the essence of these words still refers them to the group of pronouns. Let's figure out which words are included in the category, what sign unites them, according to what rules they are inclined.

What do definitive pronouns say?

Sometimes we need to single out one thing from a multitude of objects or concepts of the same type that does not have special features. In this case, it is customary to use demonstrative pronouns, and in particular, "it". But sometimes we are faced with the opposite situation - we need to generalize certain objects or single out one of them, in which the qualities of the whole group are expressed most clearly. This is where definitive pronouns come in handy.

They answer the questions “what”, “what”, “what” and “what” and are represented by the following words - “any” and “each”, “every” and “all”, “most”, as well as “other” and "other". Definitive pronouns include the word "himself".

How to inflect attributive pronouns?

Declension rules for pronouns of this category are simple. Almost all of them change according to the main features - numbers, genders, cases. For example, “all” in the singular and “all” in the plural, “all” in the masculine and “all” in the feminine, “all” in the nominative case and “total” in the genitive, “everything” in the dative, and so on.

The only exception is the word "everyone". It cannot be declined by cases - it is transformed only by gender and number.

Groups by value

Definitive pronouns can be divided by meaning. Namely:

  • Words indicating a collection of objects or the complete coverage of a certain set - "whole", "all", "all".
  • Words that speak of any randomly taken object from the same type of set are “any” and “any”.
  • Words that distinguish an object or objects that differ in their characteristics from other objects mentioned are “other” and “other”.
  • Words that speak about one specific object from the set - "each", "any", "most".
  • And finally, the word "self" - it means a certain person or object that independently performs an action.

Let's give some examples.

  • All trees are covered with green leaves.
  • Everyone in this room knew what was being said.
  • I like the other jacket.
  • New Year's decorations appeared on every street.
  • He did this work himself.

Pronoun - this is an independent part of speech that indicates an object, sign, quantity, but does not name them.

Depending on the expressed meaning and grammatical features, nine categories of pronouns are distinguished: personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative, demonstrative, attributive.

The initial form for most pronouns is the nominative singular form.

All pronouns change in cases (me, me, (about) me), some by birth (such, such) and numbers (this, these).

syntax function pronouns depends on what part of speech the given word corresponds to. Pronouns pointing to an object, are correlative with nouns and perform the functions of nouns in a sentence (me, you, he, who, what etc.), and pronouns, indicating a sign, are correlative with adjectives and perform the functions of adjectives in a sentence (mine, yours, whose, what, such etc.), for example:

You - all!

You sky and water... (D. Merezhkovsky)

What do they smell they, then they take into themselves,

They have space in themselves. (I. Kanevsky)

In my dreams - your minutes:

Your Memphis eyes. (V. Bryusov)

Lexico-semantic categories of pronouns

Taking into account lexico-semantic features are the following ranks of pronouns:

Rank of pronouns


I, you, he (she, it), we, you, they.



Mine, yours, yours, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs.


Who, what, which, which, which, whose, how much.


someone, something, some, some, several, someone, something, some, someone, how much any, anyone, anything, anybody, something, anyone, anybody.


Nobody, nothing, nobody, nobody, nobody, nothing.


Who, what, what, what, what (obsolete), which, whose, how much.


That, this, such, such, so much, such (obsolete), such (obsolete), this (obsolete), this (obsolete).


Himself, most, all, everyone, everyone, other, any, other, everyone, everyone.

In some manuals, interrogative and relative pronouns are considered in the same group of interrogative-relative pronouns.

Pronouns can also include words both, both since they express to a greater extent not the quantitative meaning of “two” or “two”, “two”, but the pronominal demonstrative “both one and the other”, “both one and the other”. Wed Both received an award.- Both of them received an award. Both girls were injured in the accident.- Both were injured in the accident.

Personal pronouns

group personal pronouns make up the words: I, you, he (she, it), we, you, they.

Pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person singular and plural indicate persons, participants in the dialogue - the speaker and the interlocutor: I, you, we, you.

Pronouns of the 3rd person singular and plural indicate the one or those who are not participating in the dialogue, or the subject that is being spoken about, was said or will be said in the future: he, she, it, they.

Grammar signs personal pronouns: 1) have face shapes; 2) have the form of a number; 3) pronouns of the 3rd person singular have gender forms; 4) forms of indirect cases are formed from different stems, that is, in a suppletive way (i - me, me; you- you, you; he- him, him; she is- her, her; they- them, them etc.).

Personal pronouns 3rd person, if used with prepositions, may have a form beginning with and: at him, to him, behind him, with them, with him. No initial n these pronouns are not used with some derived prepositions: thanks to him, her, them; against him, her, them.

Personal pronouns him, her, them should be distinguished from homonymous possessive pronouns him, her, them. In offers personal pronouns most often refer to verbs and act as complements, for example: The watchman saw him at once. It is impossible not to love her. They have a lot of work. Possessive pronouns him, her, them, as a rule, refer to nouns, act as definitions, for example: Her eyes shone with happiness. His brother has many friends. This is a gift for their daughter. Possessive pronouns, used with prepositions, do not have an initial k. Compare: for him- for his friend; for her- for her friend; for them- for their friends.

2nd person plural pronoun you can be used when referring to one person as a polite form. In this case, the pronoun is most often capitalized, for example: I heartily congratulate you on the holiday. Wishing you all the best.

Reflexive pronoun "myself"

Group reflexive pronouns represented by the word myself. There are no other words in this group.

grammatical meaning reflexive pronoun myself - an indication of the person in question.

Grammar signs reflexive pronoun: 1) has no nominative form; 2) has no form of person, number, gender.

reflexive pronoun myself has no initial form, it changes only in oblique cases. Can refer to any of the personal pronouns of all three persons: He bought himself a book. She bought herself a book. They bought themselves books.

In a sentence reflexive pronoun myself performs the complement function: I would love to treat myself to a small gift.

reflexive pronoun myself in the form of the dative case should be distinguished from a pronoun that is close in meaning to a particle. Wed: He found himself a job.- He goes to himself and does not think about anything. Help yourself.- The performance was not very, so-so. In this case the word myself does not stand out as an independent member of the sentence, but is underlined along with the word to which it refers.

Possessive pronouns

group possessive pronouns make up the words: mine, yours, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs, yours.

grammatical meaning possessive pronouns- this is an indication that the object belongs to the person in question (this person can be the speaker, the interlocutor or some third person).

Grammar signs possessive pronouns: 1) have singular and plural forms; 2) have gender forms; 3) change in cases according to the type of adjectives (except for pronouns him, her, them).

Pronouns him, her, them by origin are a form of the genitive case of personal pronouns he she, they; have gender and number, but do not change by case, although they can be combined with a noun in any case, for example: He saw her father. He met with her father. He was proud of her father. He talked about her father.

Interrogative and relative pronouns

group interrogative pronouns make up the words: who, what, which, which, which, whose, how much.

Interrogative pronouns express a question about an object, attribute or quantity in interrogative sentences.

The same pronouns used to connect simple sentences as part of a complex one make up a group relative pronouns . Wed: Who come? (interrogative) - I don't know who came (relative).

Grammar signs interrogative and relative pronouns: 1) pronouns who, what, how much do not have a form of gender and number, they change by cases; 2) pronouns which, which, whose change according to cases, numbers and gender, decline according to the type of adjectives, for example: whose\\, h- j- eGo, whose-j-him, whose-j-andm, (o) ch-j-eat.

Indefinite pronouns

group indefinite pronouns make up the words: someone, something, some, some, someone, something, some, someone, someone anyone, anyone, something, anyone, someone, several and under.

grammatical meaning indefinite pronouns- an indication of an indefinite object, sign, quantity.

Indefinite pronouns formed from interrogative questions with prefixes not- and something and suffixes something, something, something.

Grammar signs indefinite pronouns the same as for the interrogative pronouns from which they are formed. The only difference is the pronouns. someone and something, which do not change.

Negative pronouns

group negative pronouns make up the words: no one, nothing, no one, no one, not at all, no one, nothing.

grammatical meaning negative pronouns: 1) denial of the presence of any object, sign, quantity; 2) strengthening the negative meaning of the whole sentence.

Negative pronouns are formed from interrogatives by the addition of particles-prefixes not and neither and have the same features as interrogative pronouns.

Grammar signs negative pronouns the same as for the interrogative pronouns from which they are formed.

Pronouns no one and there is nothing do not have a nominative form and are used only in impersonal sentences: You have no one to blame for what happened. He had nothing to do.

Pronouns nobody, nothing, nobody, no one usually used in a sentence with a negative verb: no one believed, nothing foretold etc.

From pronoun nothing The accusative form is formed only with a preposition: for nothing.

Demonstrative pronouns

group demonstrative pronouns make up the words: that, this, such, such, so much, such (obsolete), such (obsolete), this (obsolete), this (obsolete).

grammatical meaning demonstrative pronouns- selection among others of any object, attribute, quantity.

In a complex sentence, they can act as demonstrative words.

Grammar signs demonstrative pronouns: 1) have singular and plural forms (except for the pronoun so many); 2) have gender forms (except for the pronoun so many); 3) change in cases according to the type of full and short adjectives, according to the type of numerals (pronoun so many).

Some linguists classify demonstrative pronouns the words both and both in the meaning of "the one and the other", "the one and the other": Both students successfully passed their exams.- Both of them successfully passed the exams. Both girls received gifts.- Both of them received gifts.

Definitive pronouns

group definitive pronouns make up the words: himself, most, all, everyone, everyone, other, any, other, everyone, everyone.

grammatical meaning definitive pronouns- definition of an object in a number of other objects.

Grammar signs definitive pronouns: 1) have singular and plural forms (all, all); 2) have gender forms (all, all, all); 3) change in cases (all, everything, everything etc.).

Pronouns myself and most in declension, they differ only in the form of the nominative case and stress: (the) same house, the house itself- (of) the very house, the very house.

With the help of a pronoun most a complex superlative form of qualitative adjectives is formed: beautiful- the most beautiful, kindest- kindest, freshest- the freshest.

Pronoun myself can have two meanings: 1) the meaning of an intensifying word with a noun or personal pronoun: It was the director of the school himself; 2) the meaning of "independently, without outside help": He solved the problem himself.

Declension of pronouns

AT pronoun declension individual discharges there is a wide variety of types and forms, as well as cases of the formation of forms from different bases.

1. Declension of personal pronouns I, you; we you; he (it, she), they.

Forms of indirect cases of personal pronouns have a different basis, different from the form of the nominative case.

1st person pronouns

Pronouns 2 persons

Pronouns 3 persons

He (it), she, they

me, you

Him, her, them

me, you

Him, her, them

me, you

Him, her, them

By me(s), by you (-YU)

us, you

To them, to her, to them

(About) me, (About) you

(About) us, (About) you

(O) him, (about) her, (about) them

Pronouns I, you can represent either a male or female person. Wed: I'm almost happy.- I'm almost happy. You got angry.- You got angry.

Pronouns he, it, she, they, used with prepositions, can get the initial n (from him, to her, with them, with him, but: thanks to him, towards her, in spite of them).

2. Reflexive pronoun myself does not have a nominative form; it only changes in oblique cases, following the model of a pronoun you:

reflexive pronoun

by myself

3. Possessive pronouns mine, yours, ours, yours, yours, index that one, this one, interrogative and relative which, which, whose, defining most, himself, all, everyone, other have generic and plural forms and are declined according to separate patterns of adjective declension.

feminine pronouns

mine, this one; mine, this

mine, this

mine, this

mine, these

mine, this

mine, this

mine, this

mine, this one; mine, this is mine, this

Mine, these Mine, these

mine, this

My (th), this (th)

mine, these

(0) mine, (about) this

(0) mine, (about) this

(0) mine, (about) these

It is necessary to distinguish between the declension of pronouns most and myself.

Pronouns masculine and neuter

feminine pronouns

Plural Pronouns

The most (the most), myself (the most)

The most, herself

The most, themselves

by myself, by myself

The most, themselves

by myself, by myself

By the most, by ourselves

The most (most), himself (samb) Himself, most

most, myself

The most, themselves The most, themselves

By the most, by ourselves

The most (th), the most (th)

By the most, by ourselves

(0) itself, (about) itself

(0) most, (o) most

(0) the most, (about) themselves

Pronoun all (all, all, all) has special forms in the instrumental singular masculine and neuter and in all plural forms:

Pronouns masculine and neuter

feminine pronouns

Plural Pronouns

All (everything)

All (all) Total

(About everything

(Both) all

(both) all

4. Interrogative and relative pronouns who and what and negative pronouns nobody, nothing form when declining the form from other bases:

Who, what, nobody, nothing

Who, what, no one, nothing

Who, what, nobody, nothing

Who, what, nobody

Who, than, nobody, nothing

(0) com, (about) what, about no one, about nothing

5. Negative pronouns nobody, nothing do not have nominative case forms, and in oblique cases they are declined according to the given pattern:

Nobody, nothing

Nobody, nothing

Nobody, nothing

Not about anyone, not about anything

6. Indefinite pronouns someone (someone, anyone), something (something, anything), some (any, some), someone (someone, someone) ) and others are declined according to the pattern of the corresponding interrogative pronouns.

7. Indefinite pronoun some in some cases it has variant forms.

Pronouns masculine and neuter

feminine pronouns

Plural Pronouns

Some (some)

Some and some

Some and some

Some and some

Some and some

Some (some) and some

Some Some and some

Some and some

Some (yu)

Some and some

(Oh) some

(o) some and (o) some

(o) some and (o) some

8. Pronouns such as, someone, something do not bow.

Morphological analysis of the pronoun includes the selection of two permanent signs (rank by value and features of declension) and three non-permanent ones (gender, case and number). For personal pronouns, the person is also indicated as a constant feature. Fulfilling morphological analysis of the pronoun, you should remember about its specificity as a part of speech: pronoun indicates on objects, signs and quantities, but does not name them. This is important when formulating the general meaning of the pronoun. It should also be noted that only a change in cases is characteristic of all categories of pronouns (this is a common non-permanent feature).

Scheme of morphological analysis of the pronoun.

I. Part of speech.

II. Morphological features.

1. Initial form.

2. Permanent signs:

1) rank by value;

2) features of declination.

3. Non-permanent signs:

III. Syntactic function. The officer was embarrassed and, looking around, on tiptoe, with a red face and a beating heart, went into his room. (A. Kuprin)

An example of the morphological analysis of the pronoun.

I. My- a pronoun, as it indicates the ownership of the subject.

II. Morphological features.

1. The initial form is your own room, your own.

2. Permanent signs:

1) possessive, correlates in meaning with an adjective;

2) is declined as an adjective like "fox".

3. Non-permanent signs:

1) accusative case;

2) feminine gender;

3) singular.

III. The pronoun "his" agrees With the noun "room", therefore, in the sentence it performs the function of an agreed definition.

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