What does the name Nellie mean for a woman? Name meaning: Nellie

Pregnancy and children 03.07.2024
Pregnancy and children

Meaning of the name Nellie: This name for a girl means "bright."

Origin of the name Nellie: Greek

Diminutive form of name: Nelya, Nelka, Elya, Lelya. This is a diminutive of the English names Helen and Elionor.

What does the name Nellie mean? Diminutive form from Helen and Elionor, increasingly used on its own. The meaning of the name Nellie is creativity. This girl chooses creative professions and plunges headlong into new projects. For her husband, Nelya is a real support and support, but she does not like to bother with housework and even resorts to the help of her mother or governess to raise her children.

Angel Day and patron saints named: In the Orthodox calendar, Nellie’s name does not appear, but she can celebrate her name day together with Elena: June 3 or November 13.


  • Zodiac Nellie – Gemini
  • Planet – Mars
  • Color - yellow
  • Auspicious tree - nut
  • Treasured plant – freesia
  • Patron - dragonfly
  • Talisman stone – topaz

Characteristics of the name Nellie

Positive features: In Nelly it is easy to notice sufficient excitability and a penchant for sophistication, so it is not surprising that in her eyes spiritual values ​​have much greater weight than purely material ones. A girl with this name is dreamy, she has a rich imagination that takes her to imaginary worlds. This daydreaming often leaves an imprint of increased emotionality on Nelya’s character and makes her extremely sensitive to comments and praise.

Negative features: She can be impulsive and impetuous. Nellie's opinion is often wrong, but out of stubbornness she continues to insist on her mistake.

Characteristics of the name Nellie: What character traits does the meaning of the name Nellie determine? For Nelitschka, the most important thing is sophistication, style, aristocracy in everything - in behavior and feelings. It consists of contradictions, it can be capricious, aggressive, selfish. Nellie is shy about natural manifestations of feelings, but at the same time she is hospitable, polite, caring and faithful in friendship. In general, it is very difficult to guess what a girl will do in this or that case and how to treat her. Depending on her mood, she can destroy the most faithful friendship and love with one word. They have special meaning for her.

Nellie and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Felix is ​​favorable. The name Nelly is also combined with Ernst. Difficult relationships are likely with Karp, Martyan, Solomon, Stanimir, Terenty, Titus.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Nelly promise happiness in love? This girl rarely limits her life to taking care of the house. The husband will have to come to terms with the fact that Nelya will turn the apartment into a secular salon, leaving him with the problems of financially supporting the family.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: attaches great importance to realizing oneself outside the family, for which he tries to choose an interesting job and make equally interesting acquaintances. The only thing Nellie should be wary of is the inconstancy of her emotions and her own temper.

Business and career: A woman named Nelly tries to act carefully and far-sightedly, show diplomacy and organize profitable acquaintances. Thanks to this, she is not in danger of a dire financial situation.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Nellie: As an infant, Nelitschka is very calm, eats well and sleeps. But from nine months she becomes capricious and painful. Nelya is susceptible to infectious diseases and has weak teeth. She is prone to slow growth, parents should pay attention to this in time and not let it take its course. Due to insufficient growth in adolescence, Nelitschka develops an inferiority complex and her nervous system is disrupted.

From the age of five, the girl is very independent and tries to be a leader in kindergarten. Sometimes she suffers from bronchitis and is afraid of drafts.

Born in August, Nelya may suffer from a congenital hearing defect. If this happens, it is advisable to send Nellie to a special school for the hearing impaired. In a regular school it will be difficult for her to overcome her illness; she will be irritable and nervous, which will have a detrimental effect on her psyche.

In adulthood, Nelya is susceptible to gynecological diseases, and uterine fibroids can form. Observation by a gynecologist is necessary. She is not suspicious, which helps her fight illnesses. It is contraindicated for her to carry weights, but she does not take care of herself.

At the age of sixteen, she was diagnosed with kidney prolapse. Sometimes he suffers from tonsillitis. The psyche is weakened and stress and nervous breakdowns can lead to severe neurological diseases. This is especially true for the “February” girl. She demonstrates very emotional, sometimes inappropriate behavior. She needs to be shown to a neurologist.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Nelly is susceptible to allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, and nervous dermatitis. The girl does not have a good memory, so you need to train her memory from childhood. Another weak point is the disruption of gastric flora in early childhood. She often complains of abdominal pain, which parents should pay attention to.

The owner of this name does not play sports and does not like outdoor games. It is advisable to accustom her to sports, and rhythmic gymnastics is most suitable for her.

Nellie's fate in history

What does the name Nellie mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Nellie Elizabeth Kingston - duchess, English adventuress, daughter of Colonel Chadley of the English service; was a maid of honor at the court of the Welsh princess; entered into a secret marriage with Captain Hervay (later Earl of Bristol), then Nellie became the mistress of an old rich man, the Duke of Kingston. The Duchess of Kingston spent her last years in Rome and Paris. In the very year of her death, her memoirs appeared in London.
  2. Nellie Kim (born 1957) is a famous Soviet gymnast, five-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, two-time European champion and multiple USSR champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1976). The sports nickname in the USSR national team is “KimaNelli”.
  3. Nelly Shirokikh (1930 - 2008) - announcer of Leningrad television in 1955-1988.
  4. Nelly Gromova is a Russian Africanist, linguist, philologist, and specialist in Swahili language and literature. Head of the Department of African Studies at the ISAA at Moscow State University, Professor at the Center for Anthropology of the East, Faculty of History of Political Science and Law, Russian State University for the Humanities.
  5. Nelly Gutina (born 1946) is an Israeli publicist who writes in Russian.
  6. Nellie Sachs (1891 - 1970) - German poetess, Nobel Prize laureate in literature (together with S.Y. Agnon 1966).
  7. Ninel Kulagina (1926 - 1990) - a woman who demonstrated telekinesis and other anomalous abilities that were studied for more than 20 years. Some researchers believe that the demonstrated phenomena are a deliberate hoax.
  8. Nellie Melba (1861 – 1931) - nee Helen Porter Mitchell, married name Armstrong; Australian singer (soprano).
  9. Nelya Motroshilova (born 1934) - Russian philosopher, Doctor of Philosophy, professor. Currently heads the department of historical and philosophical research at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Well-known domestic specialist in Western European philosophy of modern times and the 20th century.
  10. Nelly Shkolnikova (1928 - 2010) - Russian-American violinist and music teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1977). In 1953 she took first place at the International Marguerite Long and Jacques Thibaud Competition in Paris, after which she toured extensively around the world - in particular, she made three trips to the USA, including a concert at Lincoln Center with the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eugene Ormandy. Emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne.
  11. Nellie Bly (1864/1867 – 1922) - real name - Elizabeth Jane Cochran; American journalist, writer, entrepreneur.
  12. Nelly Arzhakova (born 1957) - editor, screenwriter.
  13. Nelly Abramova (born 1940) - Soviet volleyball player, player of the USSR national team (1964-1967). Silver medalist of the 1964 Olympic Games, European champion 1967. Setter. Master of Sports of International Class (1971).
  14. Nelly Kim Furtado (born 1978) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, record producer and actress.
  15. Nelly Ciobanu (born 1974) - aka Nelea Ciobanu-Margineanu; Moldovan singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Moldova (2001).

The name Nellie has several versions of the origin of the name, but the Greek version is the most popular. According to this version, the name Nellie comes from the Greek word "neos" (Νέος), which translates as young or new. If so, then the meaning of the name Nellie is “young”. However, this is only the first version.

According to the second version, it is believed that the name Nellie is only a short form of the name Eleanor. As you understand, in this case the meaning of the names is the same. However, everything is not so simple, since the name Eleanor also has several meanings. You can get acquainted with them by following the link.

The meaning of the name Nellie for a girl

Little Nellie is characterized by excessive excitability and a tendency to impulsive behavior. She often shows selfishness in her behavior, but this feature of the girl can be corrected. Usually this behavior is associated with insufficient educational work. But we can add about the girl that she has excellent leadership qualities and the ability to find a common language with her peers. True, for the most part, Nellie prefers solitude rather than noisy company.

During her school years, Nellie begins to show creative abilities. She especially loves to draw, but other directions are also open to her. She is a fairly mediocre student, but she doesn’t have bad grades either. She is more successful in mastering the humanities and, of course, literature. As a teenager, Nellie often begins to become seriously interested in theater. This hobby may later become decisive in her life.

But Nellie’s health leaves much to be desired. She doesn't move enough, which leads to many undesirable consequences. This can especially affect a girl’s heart. The best option would be to take up dancing, as it combines both sports and aesthetics. It is also worth monitoring the state of the girl’s nervous system. She should learn to relieve nervous tension, otherwise it can lead to neuroses.

Short name Nellie

Diminutive pet names

Nelechka, Nelyushka, Nelenka, Nelyusya, Nelyuska, Nelyusha, Nelyushka, Nelchik.

Name Nellie in English

The name Nellie is spelled Nelly in English, which is pronounced Nellie.

Name Nellie for international passport- NELLI.

Translation of the name Nellie into other languages

in Arabic - نيللي
in Chinese - 耐莉
in Latin - Nelly
in German - Nelli and Nelly (pronounced Nellie)
in Portuguese - Helé (pronounced Ele)
in French - Nelly
in Finnish - Heli (read as Heli)
in Japanese - ネリ

Church name Nellie(in the Orthodox faith) is not definite, since it is absent from the calendar. This means that Nellie will receive a name different from her worldly one at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Nellie

Adult Nellie is characterized by independence, sociability and a certain isolation. As in childhood, Nellie can easily find a common language with others, but she does not particularly strive for this. She is a little arrogant because she can afford it. She does not see the point in everyday hypocrisy and often speaks the truth, and not “what is needed.” Smart people should listen to her statements about themselves, because she will tell you about what everyone is simply silent about. Nelly often expresses her independence in her lifestyle or behavior. She is inherently a rebel and constantly proves this to herself and others.

Nelly chooses a job related to the opportunity to be independent. Another criterion for her work will always be the search for opportunities to express her creativity. If these two components are present, then Nellie will be happy with her workplace. Special commitments among the owners of the name are no longer noticed. She easily changes jobs as soon as it no longer suits her. It is worth noting that Nellie almost always has great success in her profession, as she has inner freedom.

In family relationships, one can note Nelly’s dislike for “responsibilities.” She hates stereotypes and wants to choose for herself what is considered right. This naturally affects the choice of husband and future family life. Nellie’s husband is usually smart and no less independent, so their life certainly cannot be called calm and measured. They often conflict over the right to make decisions in the family, but often remain together for life.

The secret of the name Nellie

Nelly's secret is that she rarely experiences real feelings. This is due to her misanthropy and a certain constraint. Even as a teenager, she begins to hide her defenselessness behind a shield of sarcasm, and over time, everything inside her can petrify. She should remember this and at least sometimes allow herself deep experiences.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Dragonfly.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Nut.

Plant- Freesia.

Stone- Topaz.

Let's find out from what exact name the shortened form was formed - Nelya? The full name of the owner of which sounds correct and where does it come from? When studying this issue, it is worth digging deeper, touching not only on the science that studies names (onomastics), but also on religion. And also plunge headlong into the history of this beautiful name. Then a lot will become clear.

General characteristics of Nel's contraction

The meaning of the name corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo, the patron planet is the Sun, among the talismans there are three stones - topaz, emerald and Favorite colors - green, black. The plant is a cypress, the animal is a mole or a turtle. Favorable day of the week is Saturday. The main character traits are loyalty, hard work, attractiveness, charm. Nelya celebrates her name day according to the Orthodox calendar together with Elena; this happens on June 3 or November 13.


In terms of compatibility with the patronymic, Nele is ideal: Maratovna, Pavlovna, Dmitrievna, Vsevolodovna, Valentinovna, Alekseevna, Tagirovna, Efimovna, Danilovna, Kimovna.

The following would be great for Nele's life partners: Oscar, Nazar, Arnold, Bogdan, Mieczyslaw, Martin, Ernest, Felix.

But it will be difficult for her to build harmonious relationships with Terenty, Solomon, Titus, Martyan and Karp.

The meaning of the name Nelya

The meaning of the name is interpreted differently, but in the most general form it is defined as “light”, “young”. It is interesting to trace the interpretation of the shortened version of the name by letter.

N is the letter of protest, willpower, inner core, discernment in people and life situations. A sign of independence, flexible mind, perseverance, determination, and result orientation.

E - symbolizes the naturalness of being. Gives a person internal and external attractiveness and charm. And if there is an accent in the name, as in our case, then this is a clear sign that the person is very sociable, easily gets along with people and is endearing.

L is a letter characteristic of the names of those people who have special sensitivity, are emotional, and have a keen sense of beauty and style. They have a penchant for creativity and artistic natures. They don’t like to waste time in vain; they try to find their true calling in life.

“I” is characterized as a symbol of individuality, dignity, personal growth, desire for universal respect, and love. And also the ability to certainly achieve all this.

Everyone calls the girl Nelya diminutively; her full name depends on a number of factors: original origin, religious affiliation and general characteristics. There are several variants of the original meaning, but the most common of them are Nelly and Nailya (in the Muslim world). Let's look at them in more detail.


How wonderful the full name sounds - Nellie! And it is customary to address a girl in abbreviated form - Nela, Nelia, Nelya, which is pronounced no less beautifully. Let's find out what the name Nelya means?

The origin of the name initially has an ambiguous history. On the one hand, it is known that its roots originate in Greece. And from the language of this country it is translated “bright”. On the other hand, historical fact shows that Nellie is an affectionate diminutive version of the names Eleanor, Elena and Anna. In our area, the name gained popularity in the 18th century thanks to the English nobility of that time. In turn, we approved it as full-fledged and independent, which further contributed to its spread.

Nelly is characterized by unpredictability and emotionality. You never know what to expect from her at one time or another. In an incomprehensible way, a person combines natural modesty with impulsiveness, a picky personality and a creative nature that has a good sense of all facets of art.

Despite her temper, Nellie quickly moves away and knows how to forget an insult, which is why she has very few enemies. He argues a lot, but only to the point. You can safely trust her with any secrets. She is more of a careerist than a homebody. Nelya is more interested in learning a useful business, profession, meeting the right people, than sitting at the stove and cross-stitching. The name Nelly or Nelya helps its owner realize herself in such professions as artist, doctor, actress.

For family relationships, she is looking for a man equal to herself, with a difficult character, serious and capable of satisfying all her material needs. She is jealous, but keeps herself in control because she prefers calm. This is how she is, Nelya, whose full name is Nelly.

Nailya - Nelya

Nailya is a Muslim full version of the affectionate abbreviation Nelya. The origin of the name dates back to Arab and Persian countries. Translated, it means “gift”, “reward”.

The owners of this worthy name are distinguished by an unbalanced character, adherence to principles, and willfulness. They absolutely do not tolerate criticism addressed to them; if expressed in a particularly harsh form, they can be remembered for the rest of their lives.

Nailya is a proud person, straightforward but friendly, loves to be the center of attention. He always takes the side of the weaker and helps the unprotected. At home she tries to be useful. She is neat, takes care of her appearance, loves sports. She is completely open to communication and people, and is very attached to them, especially to children. The opinion of her chosen one is the most important for her. In the future, Nailya becomes a wonderful housewife, an exemplary mother and wife.

The most famous Nelechki

There are many celebrities who have the beautiful name Nelly (Nelya). The first one who immediately comes to mind is Nelly Kobzon or Ninel, as she is delicately called at home, the wife of the famous Russian singer, cultural and political figure Joseph Davydovich Kobzon.

Also remembered is the poet Nellie Sachs, who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries and received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1966. Together with them, I would like to say about Nellie Kim, a Soviet gymnast, Honored Master of Sports, multiple champion of the USSR, five-time Olympic champion. I remember an interesting fact from her life: the athlete was affectionately called Kimanelli.

If we talk about the Muslim version of the full name Nelya (Naila), then Nailya Galyautdinova can be cited as an example. She is a People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a local radio and television announcer. The famous poetess from Kazan, Nailya Akhunova, and the athlete specializing in marathon races, Nailya Yulamanova, have the same name. In addition, this cute name belongs to the chairman of the Union of Muslim Women of Tatarstan - Naila Khanum Ziganshina.

A kind, conscientious, emotional girl Nelya, whose full name can be Nellie, Nailya, or even Neonilla, is a multifaceted nature. And no matter which variant of the name its owner bears, each of them characterizes her in its own way. But first of all, as an extraordinary person, endowing with certain human qualities, emphasizing individuality, helping to live in harmony with oneself and the world.

Short form of the name Nellie. Nelya, Elya, Nela, Nelka, Lelya, Nelly.
Synonyms for the name Nellie. Cornelia, Ninel, Nailya, Eleanor, Elena, Novella, Neonilla, Petronella.
Origin of the name Nellie. The name Nellie is Russian, Catholic, Greek.

The name Nellie has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name comes from the Greek word “neos”, which means “young”, “new”, so the name Nellie is translated as “young”.

According to the second version, the name Nellie is derived from the name Eleanor, which also has different interpretations and versions of origin. The name Nellie in this case is often considered also a diminutive address for Eleanor.

According to the third version, the name Nellie is a diminutive appeal to such names as Ninel, Cornelia, Novella, Neonilla, Petronella. The name Nellie is also used as a standalone name.

Since childhood, Nelly has been distinguished by unpredictability. Her character reveals pickiness, capriciousness, and sometimes even grumpiness. In a state of aggression, the girl is ready to quarrel with everyone around her. At the same time, Nellie is often shy, and in some situations very modest.

The owner of this name is a selfish nature. She always needs to feel superior. In society, Nellie tries to present herself as an aristocrat. She does this very well thanks to her exquisite taste and good manners. From a young age, Nele has been closer to spiritual than material values. She has an irresistible craving for art.

The girl is well brought up. She has a developed imagination and dreams a lot. Nellie always feels special among her peers. She knows how to provoke conflicts. This fact is directly influenced by sensitivity to comments and increased emotionality. Having matured, Nelya becomes an impulsive woman, prone to various impulses.

By giving such a name to their child, parents strive to give the girl a good education and ensure a future. They develop their daughter's sense of taste. The main thing is not to overdo it in this matter. Nellie is not endowed with restraint. If her emotionality is not directed in the right direction in time, then it can become explosive.

Nelya always shows her curiosity in everything. Secrets are revealed to her that may simply be inaccessible to others. Her inner charm attracts people to communicate. In conversation they become calmer. The girl has practically no ill-wishers. She is surrounded by loyal friends.

In everyday life, Nellie usually shifts household chores to her mother or mother-in-law. She can furnish an apartment perfectly, but standing at the stove is not for her. She enjoys reading books much more. She is always happy to have guests.

She needs sufficient financial support from her husband. For her, the realization of her spiritual needs is very important. They are usually not connected to the family in any way. For this reason, Nellie makes interesting friends and finds exciting work. Emotions and temper interfere with Nellie in many matters.

In marriage, Nelly establishes an even, calm relationship with her chosen one. Relationships with her are always simple and easy. For this woman, stability in the family is very important. Excessive pride often makes her jealous. Neli's chosen one must be a temperamental and experienced man. However, in her personal life, things do not always work out well. As a rule, her husband has a very complex character.

Nelya can become a wonderful teacher, doctor or artist. She is moving up the career ladder very slowly. Defending his position, he often gets into arguments with his superiors.

Nellie is very hot-tempered, but she also quickly moves away. She rarely shows rancor. Most often, he quickly begins to regret the manifestation of his incontinence. She loves to talk about social life, fashion, art, and enjoys listening to various stories about adventures.

A woman with this name always looks great. Her behavior exudes style and sophistication. She is very contradictory in her actions and actions. Without thinking, it can quickly destroy many years of friendship.

Nellie's birthday

Nelly doesn't celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Nelly

  • Nellie Kim ((born 1957) famous Soviet gymnast, five-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, two-time European champion and multiple champion of the USSR. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1976). Sports nickname in the USSR national team is “KimaNelli.”)
  • Nelly Shirokikh ((1930 - 2008) announcer of Leningrad television in 1955-1988)
  • Nelly Gromova (Russian Africanist, linguist, philologist, specialist in Swahili language and literature. Head of the Department of African Studies at the ISAA at Moscow State University, professor at the Center for the Anthropology of the East, Faculty of History of Political Science and Law, Russian State University for the Humanities.)
  • Nelly Gutina ((born 1946) Israeli publicist writing in Russian)
  • Nelly Sachs ((1891 - 1970) German poetess, Nobel Prize laureate in literature (together with S.Y. Agnon 1966))
  • Ninel Kulagina ((1926 - 1990) a woman who demonstrated telekinesis and other anomalous abilities that have been studied for more than 20 years. Some researchers believe that the phenomena demonstrated are a deliberate hoax.)
  • Nellie Melba ((1861 - 1931) née Helen Porter Mitchell, married name Armstrong; Australian singer (soprano))
  • Nelly (Nelya) Motroshilova ((born 1934) Russian philosopher, Doctor of Philosophy, professor. Currently heads the department of historical and philosophical research at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A well-known domestic specialist in Western European philosophy of the New Age and the 20th century. Laureate of the G. V. Plekhanov (2000). Executive editor of the “Historical and Philosophical Yearbook”, member of the editorial board of the journal “Problems of Philosophy” and the international journal “Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie” and “Studia Spinozana”. Order of Merit for Germany.)
  • Nelly Shkolnikova ((1928 - 2010) Russian-American violinist and music teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1977). In 1953 she took first place at the International Marguerite Long and Jacques Thibault Competition in Paris, after which she toured the world a lot - in particular, made three trips to the United States, including a concert at Lincoln Center with the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eugene Ormandy. Emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne.)
  • Nellie Bly ((1864/1867 - 1922) real name - Elizabeth Jane Cochran; American journalist, writer, entrepreneur)
  • Nelly Arzhakova ((born 1957) editor, screenwriter)
  • Nelly Abramova ((born 1940) Soviet volleyball player, player of the USSR national team (1964-1967). Silver medalist of the 1964 Olympic Games, European champion 1967. Setter. International master of sports (1971).)
  • Nelly Kim Furtado ((born 1978) Canadian singer, songwriter, record producer and actress)
  • Nelly Ciobanu ((born 1974) real name – Nelea Ciobanu-Margineanu; Moldavian singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Moldova (2001))
  • Nelly Feryabnikova ((born 1949) nee Bielmeier; Soviet basketball player, forward, two-time Olympic champion, two-time world champion and 5-time European champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971) and Honored Coach of Russia. From a family of exiled Germans. How The repressed woman was rehabilitated on May 30, 1997.)
  • Nelly Uvarova ((born 1980) Russian theater and film actress, winner of the Smolensky and Yakhontov competitions)
  • Nelly Sazhina ((1938 - 1996) Moldavian Soviet artist of monumental and easel ceramics)
  • Nelya (Nelly) Popova ((born 1964) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2005))
  • Nelly Nevedina ((born 1964) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Nelly Akopyan-Tamarina ((born 1941) Russian and British pianist)
  • Nellie Tayloe Ross ((1876 - 1977) American politician, fourteenth governor of Wyoming (1925 - 1927), first woman director of the US Mint from 1933 to 1953)
  • Nelly Zhiganshina ((born 1987) is a German and previously Russian figure skater who performs in ice dancing. Together with Alexander Gazhi, she is a three-time German champion (2007, 2011, 2012). As of June 2011, they occupy 21st place in the ranking International Skating Union (ISU). Brother - Ruslan Zhiganshin - also competes in ice dancing for Russia in a pair with Victoria Sinitsina.)

The inflexible name Nelly is often replaced for convenience in everyday life with “Nelya”. The ending “and” is not entirely typical for Russian names, so Nellie, essentially already a shortened form of the Western European Helen, Helen, Eleanor, many want to simplify even more. Cornelia is often called Nelya, and in Central Asia this is how the Arabic name Nailya is modified.

From the origin story

Some parents do it even simpler; they immediately name the girl Nelly, Nelly or Nelya. There are often cases when representatives of the fair sex with the rare euphonious name Nelly become extremely irritated if they are called Nelya.
It must be said that the name Nellie has long left the category of diminutives and has occupied its own independent niche both in Europe and in Russia. However, it would be a mistake to classify it as Slavic.

There are two main versions of its origin, and both have ancient Greek roots. As mentioned above, Western European names are equivalent in meaning to Elena, and since in the West it is customary to reduce them to Nellie, then Nellie is Elena. According to another version, Nellie originates from Neonilla or Leonilla. These ancient Greek names underwent some changes over the course of several centuries and were found in such forms as Leovilla, Neovilla, Neonila, Lonilla, but in the 19th century derivatives from them gained popularity: Nenila, Ninila and Nelli.

When performing a baptismal ceremony, you may not find “Nellie” in the calendar, but there are many options corresponding to this name: Elena, Neonilla or Leonilla. Therefore, beautiful owners of the name Nellie can have several heavenly patrons and celebrate Orthodox name days several times a year:

November 10 is the day of remembrance of the martyr Neonilla of Syria;
November 12 – St. Helen's Memorial Day;
January 16 is the day of remembrance of the martyr Leonilla of Langonia;
June 3 is the day of St. Queen Helena.

Meaning of the name Nellie

Since all versions of the origin of the name Nellie have the right to exist, there are several meanings. Neonilla is translated as “young, young,” and Leonilla is a lioness. The name Elena is derived from Helen (light, sunny). If we add oriental flavor to these meanings, saying that Nailya means “one who achieves success,” you will get a real portrait of Nelly in all her manifestations.

And indeed, Nellie’s age is not a hindrance. With him, she gains even more attractiveness due to her intuitive wisdom and ability to “see to the root.” Despite the fact that the owner of this name does not tolerate self-direction and is an unsurpassed leader at work, at home she is ready to cede primacy to her household, treating household affairs as secondary.

Pursuing a successful career and achieving success in scientific, pedagogical, medical activities or the field of art, Nellie considers it necessary to create a strong family based on trusting relationships and spiritual closeness, which she places above material wealth. Next to her it is always light, calm and cozy. Once you have met the sociable owner of this name, you will no longer be able to erase her from your life. After all, Nellie is characterized by natural charm, high intelligence and goodwill.

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