VK statuses for the summer. Cool statuses about summer

Fashion & Style 15.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Summer is vacation time, sun, sea and unbridled, endless joy. During summer holiday, each of us tries to collect as many impressions and emotions as possible so that this kind of piggy bank is enough for whole year. visit warm countries, climbing the mountains, uniting with nature - all this charges a person with positive energy and paints the gray routine of everyday life in bright, sunny colors. That's why summer statuses are always popular and quantitatively can only compete with statuses about love.

Statuses about summer - vacation ticket

Summer status fill your page with joy and warmth, create a light and pleasant mood in you, which is sure to be passed on to your friends. Summer status is able to stir up all the most pleasant memories received in three sunny months. And, of course, instantly improve your mood. So, by setting the status about summer, you can turn your page into a kind of antidepressant for all its visitors. And if you also take into account how many tearful-sad statuses can be observed in today's in social networks… The popularity of your page will definitely increase, because it is difficult to pass by such a positive, remaining indifferent!

Statuses about the summer are very different. As summer statuses, you can use statuses with statuses about love, statuses about the sea, statuses about vacation.

Summer without a good summer mood is nothing. Just another time of the year. So we recommend this very mood to improve. For this we have short and beautiful statuses and quotes about summer.

Everyone knows that the three most anticipated events of this summer are:

  • August

Well, they are already followed by the beach, the sea, fun, love, joy, the taste of watermelon, walking until the morning and other delights of life. In general, everything good that can be contained in these 92 days. Let `s start?

The most fertile time of the year is, without exaggeration, summer. In summer, all nature lives and breathes with full breasts. And people too. No one hibernates, no one has even a sign of depression, everyone lives bright and rich life. Naturally, a lot of thoughts and statements are devoted to such a wonderful time of the year. So, especially for you, we have prepared a selection of short quotes about summer.

Summer quotes are short

Summer outside. Summer inside.

Summer is when you want nothing and want everything at once.

From dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn, this summer is our summer!

The right summer is when you don't regret anything.

Summer is a time of irresponsibility.

This summer will be ours...

It is better to rest in the summer than to work in the winter.

It's summer now, remember? This is just the beginning!

Yes, it's summer! You won't have time to look back - bang! - and gone! Hurry up!

Summer nights are the wildest, the most restless.

Oh, what a wonderful and unique time this is. No need for warm clothes, no need to heat the apartment. Nothing prevents a person from moving, walking, running, traveling. Summer is a time that is specially designed for beauty. Therefore, further summer quotes are beautiful and rosy.

Beautiful quotes about summer

Summer is sunshine good mood, the end of depression, a beautiful tan and endless joy.

Summer is the kiss of a sunbeam, the salty breeze of the sea, strawberries and lots and lots of sun.

The sea and the sky are two summer symbols of infinity.

Summer - what beautiful word. How sweet it sounds! Blissful laziness and sunlight emanates from him.

Summer: the sun only does what it shines; the grass is so green that there is even a sensation of sweetness in the mouth; dandelions fly, birds sing; a light breeze flutters like an airy ball gown.

Summer time - and life is easy.

You don't need a reason to do stupid things in the summer. Summer is the reason!

I'm collecting summer bit by bit, I can't miss it!

I have everything in the style of "summer".

Sunny, joyful, cool - summer has not come in vain.

It's good in summer: green around, flowers. Evenings are warm, bright, it gets dark late. It seems that this is the time of idleness and bliss. But even in summer months there is something to think about. After all, wisdom and meaning can be found in anything.

Phrases and quotes about summer with meaning

If you care about bad things in the summer, then problems will follow you into the fall.

For some reason, childhood is always remembered as summer.

In order to forget a person, you can’t imagine a better time than summer.

You are waiting for this summer, like a holiday, you are waiting, and when it comes, it would soon be over.

In the June sun, even the shadow of a kite is a blessing. Enjoy the summer of your life - it is always followed by winter.

Apparently, there is only one really hot summer in a person's life. Everything that happens after is a little warm.

Summer is just an unfulfilled promise of spring, a fake instead of those warm blissful nights you dream of in April.

It won't always be summer.

Actually June, not February the most short month in a year - they didn’t even have time to feel the summer yet, and already July ...

Adult life has one plus - you are not upset by the end of the summer, because you did not have it.

And in June, and in July, and in August, everything around is clothed in green color, everything seems elegant. A better time just can't be imagined. He has a lot different parties, gifts, secrets, and therefore it is filled with unique beauty. I want to enjoy it before summer is over.

Cool and funny statuses about summer

A summer dream is when you wake up, crawl onto the cold half of the bed and then fall asleep.

As a child, he laughed at Krylov's fable about the dragonfly and the ant. I did not understand how you could not notice that the summer had passed. But now it's kind of not funny.

Until the morning you wander somewhere - it means that summer has come!

Summer is when outerwear looks more like underwear.

The best place for summer holidays - this is a spacious refrigerator!

And summer will not wait until you put yourself in order, it is already coming ... hurry up!

Let everything be watermelon in summer: bright, berry and tasty!

So summer has come, and the struggle of those who are blowing with those who are hot has begun.

Summer is when at night all mosquitoes look the same. And, unfortunately, this face is mine...

I didn’t manage to lose weight by the summer ... I fed my husband - I’ll play in contrast.

Despite the heat, summer is great for love. When the red rays of the sunset spread across the sky, but the sun still illuminates the earth with a golden light, everything around becomes tender and romantic. Try to find another such time for falling in love.

Quotes about summer and love

Probably, everyone in life has such a summer when you walk on the ground, as if you are flying through the sky.

Summer is a drop of sky in your palms, a drop of light on your eyelashes... And a drop of unforgettable life...

When you are next to me - I have an eternal summer.

Only next to you this summer will be unforgettable...

Even the young moon this summer... is in love!

When summer is over, what will happen to us?

And it's so beautiful, our summer. Sometime later, when we die, we will probably settle in it.

Plans for the summer? Kisses until dawn!

Happiness is to know that I have a whole summer ahead of me and you!

Summer is the most best time of the year! Time to love and be loved!

Many of the greats devoted their works to the summer. Therefore, quotes about summer famous people there are many. We advise you to check your own feeling from this season with the wise thoughts of the sages.

Thoughts on the summer of famous people

Summer is the time of the year when it is very hot to do things that were very cold to do in winter.
Mark Twain

Such a strange summer idleness, in which the days creep exhaustingly slowly, and time flies incomprehensibly quickly.
Evgeny Grishkovets

One has only to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.
Ray Bradbury

Oh, red summer, I would love you if it were not for dust, but for heat, and mosquitoes, and flies ...
Alexander Pushkin

"I will love you all summer" - it sounds much more convincing than "all my life" and - most importantly - much longer!
Marina Tsvetaeva

There is something beautiful in summer, and with summer there is something beautiful in us.
Sergey Yesenin

Before it had even arrived, all the pages were full of color.

If you did not have time to come up with your own personal, then you can use the ready-made summer text.

We offer the most relevant and popular statuses for social networks for the summer.

Summer - frivolity, openness, tenderness, emotionality, in a word, childhood!

Summer is a time of adventure and unbridled joy. As well as amazing details of night parties.)

My soul has already gone to the sea. The body isn't there yet...

Summer will pass. The habit of drinking every day will remain.

... Summer ... Stupidly wandering the streets, hiding from the sun and not knowing what day of the week it is ...

Summer is the kiss of a sunbeam, the salty breeze of the sea, strawberries and lots and lots of sun...

For Russians, the signs “Swimming is FORBIDDEN!”, “Do not climb in - it will KILL!”, “DO NOT TOUCH with your hands!” - it's a challenge!!!

I want to fall into the unrumpled grass, stare envious eyes into the sky and plunge into floral scents, and endlessly adore everything that lives ...

Now I seem to understand why high school students are not forced to write essays on the first of September about how they spent the summer ...

Lose weight, get prettier, succeed, sunbathe, relax, do not overeat. AMEN.

I love summer... phone call at 3 a.m. with the phrase "Are you sleeping?" YOU WILL ALWAYS HEAR NO

I love summer for wishing "sweet dreams" at 5 am!

I don't keep any secret, I'm in love with this summer!

Summer is the time when you set an alarm for 03.00 so as not to forget to go to bed.

Summer is when you come home from a party in the evening and wash your feet ”- But no) summer is when you come home from a party you are not even able to wash your feet)))

Summer, please, can you slow down?

I'm ready to share the whole world with you: let the sea be yours, and the waves be mine... I'll give you the sun if I get its light... Although it's better to take everything for yourself, and become mine yourself.

Summer ... Let's hit computer addiction with alcoholism!

The beach season is in full swing ... So let's see what anyone has accumulated under the avatars

With a cool head and clean hands, in hot pursuit - towards the summer!

I want to be a guy: summer, heat, hop and took off my shirt!

And the summer smells of smoke from the barbecue, raspberries, the sea, heavy rain, ripe cherries, sunscreen and vacation, which we are waiting for!!!

Summer is when you want nothing and want everything at once)

Some rest in the summer, others - where SUMMER is.

I have so many vacation plans. And the result is as always: comp - sleep - comp - sleep - comp - sleep. No way against the system...

Sunny days ... And nothing is needed and it's not too late ...

Do not look for me on VKontakte, we are not in classmates, because summer has come outside the window!

We spent a sleepless night together - me and a mosquito. He drank and sang all night, and I applauded him ...

Summer in the capital, the asphalt is hot from the heat, it smokes, you can’t sleep at night, you can’t hide from mosquito bites, and no matter how much water you drink, you still can’t get drunk.

The most popular perfume this season is mosquito spray.

You will make this summer the best if you are there.

The time has come when you stand at two in the morning in your shorts and with a slipper in your hand on the bed and look out for this buzzing bastard ...

... Summer is a drop of sky in your palms, a drop of light on your eyelashes ... And a drop of unforgettable life ...

Summer will show who pumped the press, and who the door from the refrigerator!

…The head is full of ideas, people have many plans…A lot of sunlight…Summer…Summer…Summer…

To whiten your teeth, just get a good tan!

Summer, the sea is calling... The wave is singing... And I'm like this in the garden... :)))

Summer is the time when you realize that sex is a sweaty fuss, and the real thrill is scratching mosquito bites.

The first working days after the holidays - you urgently need to remember how to do nothing if things are fucked up ...

Our summer, although short, has little snow!

Summer-kisses until dawn :)

Summer in the countryside - fresh air, river, heat, flowers... Kizyak

Summer is a time of rest and love.

My status went to hang out in the summer!

I hate summer.. everything is getting creepy s*xual! =)

Summer…. I'm fried like a cutlet.

How did you spend your summer? - With a look.

I really want this summer to be unforgettable.

Who love summer?

Sunny days and a fresh breeze in a couple of days, summer awaits us all!

We want summer, but it doesn't want us.

Wait for us summer, we will be beautifully undressed.

Summer. How I want it to be forever.

I am a summerophile, a summer lover, a summer addict… And I have a great plan for this summer!

- What day is today? - Summer.

Some rest in the summer, others - where SUMMER is.

Summer is a small life!

I want summer and sun!!! AND MORE!!!)

Now I understand why in high school they don’t write the essay “What I did in the summer”

The deeper the summer, the more magnificent the garden.

I want summer status.

From dusk to dawn, this summer is our summer!!!

... I want summer, the sun, the sea and You are near.

Let's buy tickets and rush to where the summer is.

Everyone has their own best summer and your status.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm really looking forward to summer.

How did you spend your summer? What did you do? Where have you been? Tell us))

In my heart is summer from night to dawn, you and I are together and there is no better you.

No summer will help if there is a thick layer of ice on the heart.

Every summer has its own history.

How hard it is to part with those with whom you spent the summer.

Summer is the kiss of a sunbeam, the salty breeze of the sea, strawberries and lots and lots of sun..

This summer has not yet passed, but I already want the next one.

Without you, my summer would not have happened.

Let this summer be the wildest, coolest, most fucking.

All the same, each of us will have something unforgettable this summer.

This summer will be the most unforgettable, I promise.

I'm alone this summer, sitting at home and doing nothing.

Like if you ate ice cream this summer :)

Summer summer one-two and you're undressed.....))

And yet I hope that we will be together this summer.

Chronicler... This is when the end of summer... Absolutely...

I want to spend the summer with you my love!

I am sure that over the summer I will change beyond recognition.

And this summer will be the best, I answer.

Summer is coming, and I have nothing to undress.

Let this summer be without the Internet.

Wasted my summer on you.

I want a summer so that there is no time for the Internet.

It felt like summer, mosquitoes bite.

Go in for sports boys, summer is coming!!!

In the summer you will regret that you ate at night in the winter !!!

Do you also start summer with a "morning run" ???

-What did you read in the summer? -VKontakte statuses!

I want this: first summer, summer, summer, then birthday, then New Year and it's summer again!

Beer and summer ...... - made for each other!!!

Long walks. Lines without answers. Parks, lanes. Summer warms the heart.

There is a good sign - if it's hot, it means summer.

What time is it? -Friday.-Oooh, summer is coming soon..

I'm very busy!!!...at the cellular level...

70% of people put statuses about school, 15% say goodbye to summer, 14% about classes at the university, and only 1% enjoy the last summer days...

Summer is happiness and warmth.

Sea, I'll be there soon...

You will make this summer the best if you are there.

Memories are nowhere to be found. This summer will forever be in my heart.

A room with air conditioning is a branch of PARADISE on earth.))

Summer! Looking at the shoes in the hallway, it seems that a 40-leg lives in the house.

Ass sticks to the stool - it means summer has come!

Until the morning you wander somewhere - it means summer has come !!

Summer...dreams....love... Eh... this can't be returned... but it can be repeated!!!))

Running barefoot through the night...

Summer...hooray going on vacation...visit at: sea, beach...

I will definitely fill this summer with crazy acts!

Come to me darling...bring two fans, a case of cold beer...and go...

Music does not obey, the book is not read, the head is lost - summer begins!

Summer ... Heat ... saves light clothes and light hope :)))

In the summer, borscht is replaced by okroshka!

Summer... I have a session, and he has an army...

For me personally, there are only 2 seasons of the year, these are "SUMMER" and "WAITING FOR SUMMER

Short statuses about summer

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