Secret millionaire Denis Simachev what issue. Green hat lawyer

Career and finance 20.06.2019
Career and finance

The bar of designer Denis Simachev, who was the first to think of dressing fashionistas in T-shirts with President Putin, is celebrating his birthday - according to the hero of the day, having reached him almost invariably elated.

“Fifteen years ago there were few establishments in the city where people would feel comfortable,” Denis Simachev in a blue turtleneck picks with a fork in a plate of tomatoes. “People have already traveled a lot, seen, but no one dared to take on such projects. It seemed to them that this business was unprofitable, they said that no one would go into them. We tried. They came to us right away." This is how the fashion designer describes the loft at the Arma gas tank factory - a place with closed secular parties and the progenitor of the bar named after himself. Let us recall that then, rumors about Roman Abramovich and Mikhail Prokhorov as title sponsors of the fashion designer were in vogue, SMS invitations to his loft looked like an outright curiosity, like Simachev himself at the entrance, and even arm in arm with a sportbike painted under Khokhloma. In 2007, the site actually moved to Stoleshnikov Lane, to the premises of the Moscow-Berlin cafe, noticeably rejuvenating along the way and opening up to the public. The fashion designer admitted that the new bar with “a naive interior as if from a garbage heap” was at first an advertising application for the store, but over time, the trade faded into the background a little - more precisely, it shrunk to a corner on the third floor, and the rest of the space was occupied by party-goers. The bar was populated, however, not immediately: for the first months, visitors were even paid extra - 50 rubles each. for every hundred dollars spent. The scheme was appreciated by the employees of the glossy publishing house Conde Nast in the neighborhood, retelling went, subsidies canceled. And away we go.

At the opening of the venue, Yana Zhukova, nicknamed DJ Vobla, performed, who recalled that it was Simachev who “broke around Moscow” the style of alcoholic mash-up - “pioneer camp disco, all this alcohol trash”. The title DJ of the bar was Fedor Fomin, who mixed Vetlitskaya with Zemfira, but he was also able to turn on the unalloyed Vladimirsky Central. The audience, already accustomed to house and cocktail electronics, the first evenings in a daze crumpled along the walls, but then got a taste, and then completely switched to the frenzy mode. Fomin recalled that general fatigue from “clubs, house, fake heifers and oligarchs in lodges” worked here. Denis Simachev felt that the audience was attracted by emphatically non-commercial music - for example, funk. “Although I myself still have no idea how to dance to it,” he notes. By the way, the maestro himself had a hand in the musical filling, leading the internal grouping of his Low Budget Family bar under the signboard of DJ Loser. Moreover, Simachev admits that at first they planned to play music exclusively “at home”, for which a prohibitive tour price of € 10 thousand was set and a crazy rider with limousines, towels of a certain hairiness and chocolate dragee exclusively yellow color. Which, however, did not help.

The orientation towards intricate cocktails contributed to the emancipation of citizens in the bar. “In the 2000s, they drank mostly pure,” recalls the fashion designer. “An unopened bottle of whiskey on the table was cool. And cocktails were considered indistinct mura - it is not clear what will be poured there, even poisoned. Agitation was also added by face control, peculiar for glamorous Moscow: sometimes even all-Russian celebrities like Philip Kirkorov (they didn’t recognize) and Dima Bilan (they found out) were not allowed in - what can we say about ordinary party-goers. In fact, a special instruction was sent down to the face controller from above, ordering to let in a strictly defined percentage of freaks, bohemians, foreigners and businessmen - say, 5% and 20% in two recent cases. “This is so that none of them consider the party their own,” Denis Simachev explains, recalling that he invented the formula by accident, but the instruction “took root”, and the largest percentage of it was always occupied by “promising students”.

All this mixture formed a really wonderful climate of the site. During the night, thousands of four guests easily passed through the bar. Some of them, recalls the director of the establishment, Mikhail Grechannikov, then got confused and tried to “return” to the neighboring Hermes store, knocking on windows and doors for half an hour. Previously, the director admitted that he was forced to change the doors in the toilets and pipes, which you can rest against, almost every weekend because of passionate visitors. Simachev is more delicate: according to him, the number of acquaintances in a bar with the subsequent construction of full-fledged families is difficult to count. “For people to come and get to know each other - for me this is the world culture of parties,” the fashion designer argues. “I liked to mix people of different social structures who otherwise might not have met. To do this, the meeting place must be democratic and practically without rules.” The degree of fun throughout the past decade and the degree of devotion of guests can be judged by two significant cases. Firstly, once a sports bike standing under the windows of the bar was stolen from the fashion designer himself: viewing the recordings from the cameras showed that right in the middle of the party he was unnoticed loaded into a fitted pickup truck. Secondly, the temporary closure of the site several years ago (due to friction with the landlord, who even put the mansion up for auction for 3 million rubles a month) caused such a massive surge in the activity of clubbers who were bored in social networks that it was just right to put together a party "For Simachev ". “Our greatest achievement is that we have not changed at all in ten years. And this is nonsense for the city,” adds the hero of the occasion.

The party on the occasion of the site's anniversary will last three days. Thursday will be given to trusted residents like Mark Shchedrin and DJ Orange, but the most stellar ones - Fomin and disco revival master Vitaly Kozak - will be reserved for Saturday. Friday is reserved for foreigners, including the Frenchman Benjamin Boget, who usually signs records like the gangster from the John Cassavetes film Cosmo Vitelli. Musician for a long time practiced with house in the spirit of Air and Cassius, then got carried away with a compote of electro and disco, and now sometimes leans towards fossil acid house, overclocked to decent speeds. However, on weekends there will be no crowding, even if playing for the consoles will “put” a disk or file. After all, Simachev himself recalls the birthdays of the bar as the most memorable parties in these walls. By the way, about the walls: under the Khokhloma they are black, but Yuri Luzhkov did not approve of such a gloomy decor in the historic lane. So the fashion designer made these painted temporary forests, which eventually became the hallmark of the bar, simply to spite the former mayor of the capital.

Alexander Voronov

Denis Simachev was born into a Moscow military family. Being a very obedient child, he did everything that his parents would say, right up to graduation. Creative circles and studios bore fruit: young Simachev flatly refused to pursue a military career and entered the Textile Academy. When he graduated in 1999, the name of Denis Simachev in a matter of months became a symbol of success - his T-shirts, jeans and jackets, made to last and with a sense of humor, immediately became popular. Simachev depicts either Vladimir Putin, or Khokhloma patterns, or returns to Soviet symbolism. His things are adored and " cool guys”, and young girls who boldly combine leather jackets from the Denis Simachёv brand with their favorite outfits from Chanel, Louboutin, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga. Together with a store in Stoleshnikov Lane, Denis opened a bar, which became a real center of attraction for the tireless party-goers of Moscow. In addition, he created the Low Budget Family - a company of non-professional DJs, which includes himself. Member of the Snob project since April 2009.


“I have two aliases. Loser is a DJ pseudonym, and on all tours I'm DJ Loser. And another pseudonym, Ahmed, appeared here in the bar. In our blog, I was asked questions, and someone, addressing me, asked a question to "Ahmed". Since then, that's what I've been called."

City where I live



Where he was born

“I was born in Moscow, on Mazutka, this is the thieves name of the area near the Cosmos Hotel. There officially at that time 32 thieves in law lived. Therefore, everything revolved around boyish concepts. And all the guys “on the block” know this name.”

Who was born

“I was born into an old Moscow military family. Muscovite in the fifth generation. Basically, everyone in the family was military, starting from the Chekists during the revolution, everyone served: in the First World War, in the Second, in cold war. KGB, FSB - these structures were directly related to our family. And I was always being prepared for the fact that I would have to become at least a general. Dad - Nikolai Alexandrovich Simachev - from childhood taught me to call him just a military man, so I say. Mom - Lyudmila Georgievna Simacheva - worked as a teacher of English and Russian.

Where and what did you study

Where and how did you work?

“I didn’t work anywhere before the creation of the Denis Simachёv trademark. In the work book, which they brought me in 2000, when I created my company, it says: "leading designer."

What did he do

The ironic Thai-style Putin T-shirt in a flower frame made an impression on everyone.

“It seems to me that for the first time in a long time I made people think about patriotism - at a time when it was completely unfashionable.”

First created and invented

A bar of the same name and a shop in the same room in Moscow.

“When we thought that we would have a bar downstairs and a store upstairs, a lot of people said that this was wrong, stupid, obviously a failed project. But the experiment was a success."

Successful projects

“Low Budget Family is a DJ crew that I gathered around myself from non-professional DJs. For it, we received the Night Light Award as the best project of the year. Our family includes six DJs: DJ Loser is me, DJ OneDollar is the art director of our bar Sergey Oranzh, DJ IGO-GO is the art director of the Solyanka club Igor Kompaniets, DJ HotDog is a photographer Lesha Kiselev, DJ Sestra is a Japanologist by profession Masha Pirumova, Andrey Pirumov's sister, and, of course, DJ E.Bak - owner of a designer furniture store Zhenya Bakaev. No one knew us, but we promoted ourselves so well that we have a whole year scheduled and only our price, which is quite high, is holding back the hype.”

Known for being

He makes the best T-shirts and the best parties in Moscow - earlier everyone tried to get into his club in the showroom at the Arma plant, now the Simachёv bar-shop is packed to capacity.

“It is always very difficult to answer the question of what you are known for. It's like learning English - what I can and what I can't. I'm more interested in hearing it from others."

I'm interested

“I’m interested in watching what happens, and maybe fashion is the ability to transform your observations into some kind of product that you can sell and earn money from it for a living.”

I love

“Cheerful people, I love to be smiled around me, I love to solve unsolvable problems, I love life - for what it is, and for being so interesting in it.”

Well I don't like

"Envy. Stupidity really infuriates me, it annoys me. I don’t like ugly people, but this is not about physics, but about the ugliness of the inner, soul - I have nothing to take from such a person. And I don’t like situations where I need to communicate with such people. ”

Favourite drink:“I don’t know what it’s called correctly – such a green liqueur with vodka. But we all call it "Lado-4". Lado is the name of our chief bar manager. He once made me this drink. And we ordered it all the time: "Lado, four!" So they began to call this cocktail.

Favorite dish:"Pizza. Margarita classic. It's hard to mess it up."


“For everyone to get behind me - but this is an unrealizable thing. Moreover, I myself am constantly acquiring some kind of projects, responsibilities, deeds.

A family

“Wife Natasha, daughter Sonya, 8 years old. This is a fortress for me, about which the public knows nothing. But it allows me to run away from everyone, and hide, and be filled with some kind of strength in order to rush again to be daring.

And generally speaking

“I want to make everyone brothers and sisters and somehow help everyone solve their problems.”

This week Denis Simachev Shop & Bar is celebrating its 10th anniversary. There are few places in Moscow that have reached such a deadline, even fewer of those that you want to return to more often than usual. Esquire talked to three people who made the main check-in of the capital out of a Khokhloma-painted building in Stoleshnikov Lane.

Interviews will be published over three days, leading up to a three-day holiday. It will start at the bar on Thursday, continue on Friday, and officially end on Saturday (never really). Today we publish the story of the DJ Fyodor Fomin.

About the bar:

We met Denis and Orange (Sergei "Oranzh" Pleshakov - Esquire) long before the bar opened, at parties in Simachev's studio at Arma. At some point, they say: "We are opening a bar, let's play with us." I played, they liked it, I liked it, that's how it all started.

I can hardly remember my first party. When the guys called me, I had the only condition - I play all night. From ten in the evening until the last guest on the dance floor. This is my ideology - I want to see how people come and circle them until the morning. Orange then came up with the wording all night long. It worked, took shape and followers. Then a lot of people began to play like that and call their performances like that.

Of course, there is a feeling that we have influenced the musical landscape of the city. Not even cities - countries, in part.

We had in our hands a huge layer of written and recorded music that was not heard anywhere - Mirage, Technology, Mumiy Troll, Kai Metov - it was impossible to miss this and take it off the bill. She had to play.

Original, no stupid remixes. And people danced to it with pleasure.

Many people tell me that I am a opportunist, in part - yes. I never wanted to create a musical parish where people would listen to my musical sermons. I'm invited to have fun.

Simachev appeared at a turning point for the Moscow crowd, when the era of Diaghilev was gone, at the departure of 30/7, which were replaced by mostly faceless places. They, of course, had their own charisma, their admirers and their heroes. But they left, and "Simachev" remained. He survived everyone.

The bar has become a home for many people. This can be seen from the number of those warm words that are now appearing in social networks. He means a lot to us. We drank here for someone's children born, at bachelor parties and divorces, for bonuses and bankruptcies. I myself came here to play when my son was born.

People are drawn to Simachev because they identify with the mood that the bar broadcasts. In show business, the element of myth-making is important. For them, Denis Simachev Shop & Bar is a brand and a place of power, which is spoken about with a breath. For most people today, the name of Denis Simachev as a designer does not mean anything - they did not see his landmark shows in Milan and the Manege, they do not know how he appeared, they did not wear his legendary olypiyki with anchors and Chapaev.

On the closure of the bar (autumn 2013):

Everyone was worried, of course. Wanted the bar to reopen. Nobody wanted to believe it. Many guests felt thrown out into the street. The main blow fell on the administration - the guys did something, pressed some magic buttons unknown to me. And it was very cool when it opened again, it was a real rebirth. We felt the unity of people who said - we will all stand up for this place.

Favorite items on the menu:

Teriyaki chicken and salmon pizza

Favorite cocktail on the menu:

Aperol Spritz

About Denis Simachev:

Talented, in a good way cunning, sincere silent. Insanely charismatic and interesting person. Possessing the strongest magnetism, which confirms the bar that bears his name.

Fedor Fomin with his son Tikhon

About Mikhail Grechanikov:

Mega reliable and professional friend. Not in the sense that he is professionally friendly, but that he knows how to be friends, which is rare in our time and at our age. Fearlessly harnesses himself to any problem in the bar, from external danger to a lost jacket, which he will find and return to the owner.

What has changed in music in 10 years?

Something is definitely changing. If 10 years ago the people who came here understood the trick “fellows, do not shoot at each other”, today it is not a fact that it will come. But there are things that are eternal. The same Vetlitskaya, Michael Jackson - Black or White, Dorn, I Will Survive.

I have a musical theory: what people really love, they love on the sly, as if they are ashamed of their sincere feelings. Everyone watches pornhub, but no one talks about it.

"Brothers, do not shoot each other" everyone had on CD or cassette in the car. And when I turned it on in such a fashionable place, people fell to their knees and threw credit cards at me. Because it's in their DNA.

The music has remained the same, although some new names have appeared that are listened to by a younger audience. Jah Khalib, Endgame and Miyagi. Every era has its heroes.

Here, many sounded for the first time. Noggano, Basta, Vanya Dorn, for example. I remember how I got Stytsamen, and people left the dance floor when I turned it on. They shrugged their shoulders and wrinkled their noses. It is difficult to accustom people to new things - this is a normal process.

The songs "Oh, Fomin, Fomin" and "Fedya Mackintosh", which Noggano wrote here, became a kind of anthem for the bar. Vasily (Vakulenko. - Esquire) during the time we spent together, in addition to these songs, he also composed a wonderful remix of Zurbagan and Olympiad 80. I am silent about the Vika-trombone, which can only be heard here.

In the bar?

Nothing. In "Simachev" time and the attitude of people to each other were mothballed.

When the bar opened, it became an oasis, a watering hole in a drought, where a truce reigned. Gays were a curiosity. Dancing transvestites were a curiosity. People from the fashion industry could come across gopniks closely - conditional, of course, who were smart enough to mimic.

Businessmen from dozens of Forbes drank with students. Ten years have passed, and here everything is the same.

Yes, generations have changed. I remember people who came here right after school, and now they are already established professionals. I played at the weddings of guys who met here.

In the country?

The feeling of lightness, freedom and hope that once was was gone. The degree of the former positive is lost forever. The feeling of expectation that it will be even cooler than now is gone.

They came to the bar different people, non-standard, youth, whores and weapons - but there has never been pathos here. And now the pathos has partly returned. Maybe he's such an apocalyptic feeler and they always go side by side.

The previous generation had different fun, they were completely crazy - in a good way. Maybe because they lived in Sovka, in the negative, and therefore they loved and appreciated the freedom that appeared along with money, beautiful things and good places. Millennials are different.

To you?

Became more tolerant. I am already calm in life, but in these 10 years I have had a son and I have almost comprehended Zen.

Hello dear visitors! In today's article, I will write to you about the millionaire Denis Simachev. He took part in the TV show secret millionaire» in the 6th issue. The TV show is on the TV channel "Friday".

Denis Simachev - famous designer. He owns two fashion brands, he also has a restaurant and a bar, all located in the center of Moscow. On a TV show, he spent four days as a vagabond in Taganrok. When he lost hope of finding a job, he opened the envelope.

What is his condition?

What his condition is currently unknown. Denis does not want to announce to the whole world how much money he has. It's probably right. His personal brand and restaurant and bar should be making a lot of money. But, having a lot of money, he did not fulfill the conditions of the TV show and did not help anyone. He just promised them help later. The TV program "Secret Millionaire" found out that Denis's apartment in the center of Moscow is rented. And also his company store in the center of Moscow is closed and littered with boxes.

Why didn't Denis Simachev help anyone on the TV show?

No one can answer this question, except for Denis himself. The TV show workers themselves do not even understand why Denis agreed to the project if he could not follow the rules.

Business secrets: founder Denis Simachёv and Hooligan

Denis Simachev

founder of Denis Simachёv and Hooligan brands

Brand Denis Simachёv Bar, design studio, showroom,
2 production workshops - 280 employees. Profit in 2016 - 38 million rubles

Hooligan brand Clothing and jewelry collection

Other assets Hooligan Restaurant
Shop and Bar Denis Simachёv
Cafe Simachaird

“There are no real things of the Denis Simachev brand on the Internet. Everything sold there is counterfeit. For the year, the turnover of counterfeit goods is 60 million euros. It's just what gets held up at customs."

- Hi. We are visiting the restaurant "Hooligan" with Denis Simachev. Show me what you have here.

Hello. Downstairs is a restaurant for everyone and upstairs is a closed studio.

- You have a ring. Does it have real fights?

Yes, there are fights in classic boxing. The ring was made according to the drawings of the forties, ropes, leather - everything is reliable.

- What is the design business in our snowy space today? Can you earn money?

Yes. It has become profitable for us to sew here, and not in China. China has become expensive. Plus, the logistics shoulder is long: it takes at least three months to deliver from China. Here you can do everything in a month. We have now new story associated with smart shopping. Everyone begins to think about what they are buying, for what money, they begin to count, they begin to understand what added value is, and so on. Everything goes to reduce the cost of the product.

“Everything that is sold on the Internet under the Denis Simachev brand is a fake”

- Do the mobile phone and applications help somehow? In banking, this is a complete revolution.

Yes, it helps. Everything has changed a lot, the distance between the designer and the client has decreased. The entire layer that earned in the gap between the designer and the consumer disappears. Previously, the designer was raised somewhere high and said that he was unavailable - this is some kind of god who sculpts something there, and we distribute it. Now the opposite is true: the designer becomes real person and shorten this distance.

- Can I buy clothes directly on your website?

No, it's not possible right now. Everything that is sold on the Internet under the Denis Simachev brand is a fake. I take this opportunity to speak directly. Forged by China and Turkey. Semi-finished products are brought in and assembled here.

- Open the site and sell the real yourself.

Yes, but for this you need to build a production cycle with a cheap product. It is cheap, because with the expensive it is now impossible to participate in the battle for the client through online sales. And a cheap product is a separate line and a separate job, starting from the fabric manufacturer and ending with assembly, logistics and delivery.

- Where can I buy your clothes now?

In TsUM, in Tsvetnoy, on November 12, the Hooligan brand was launched. We sell everything related to brass knuckles and bandits, everything is budget. In our history, the prison and boyish aesthetic is associated with something so gangster. Therefore, I took brass knuckles and the name "Hooligan" as a basis.

- What kind of cuisine does your restaurant "Hooligan" have? Is everything delicious?

The restaurant is a mix of so many cultures. There is Europe and Asia. There is a right approach to the ingredients. No sugar or butter, everything is very light and tasty. You can eat three meals and not feel heavy.

- I like the style of the restaurant and English sofas. This is also your design, did you do it yourself?

Yes, I chose. This is a classic Chester.

Denis Simachev is a Russian fashion designer and fashion designer. Founder and owner of clothing brands and bars Denis Simachёv and Hooligan. In 2001 he opened Denis Simachёv company. In 2002, the first show of the collection took place as part of Fashion Week Pret-a-porter. In 2006 he opened the first mono-brand boutique Denis Simachёv, and in 2007 - the bar of the same name. In 2009 he held the first show of the entire Denis Simachёv collection in Moscow. In 2015 he opened a restaurant and design studio Hooligan.

Date of Birth: June 12, 1974
Education: Moscow State Textile Academy, 1999
Equity: 38 million rubles (profit of Denis Simachёv brand in 2016)
"My dream is to sell T-shirts for $1"

- What are your plans for the nearest future? What do you think, how to develop, what to do?

I have many projects in progress. Three clothing brands: "Hooligan", "Denis Simachev" and another brand that will be super cheap, this is my old dream. Just absolutely budget, that is, a T-shirt for $ 1, a down jacket for 10.

- For a dollar? Is it possible?

Almost impossible, but I've been doing this for three years. Everything has to be broken down into molecules.

- 60 rubles is cool!

Yes. And I want to do the basic things so that it is no longer about fashion, but about clothes that you cannot do without.

- For 100 rubles, a T-shirt would sell well.

Well, it would be sold already for those who produce these T-shirts, and for those who are trying to make a business out of these T-shirts, that is, for everyone, as a basis.

We need to develop a base of clothes, make a comfortable fit, cut and cheap prices. Then business owners or designers will be able to buy basic batches and stamp something of their own on them, sew on labels and launch them for sale at their own price.

- I remember I bought a T-shirt with Putin about 10 years ago. And then you had Khokhloma. What do you have now?

I have many directions, now I develop jewelry and boy clothes. Everyone misses the nineties. They were very romantic years, in my recollection. The spirit of freedom was in the air. Do what you want. Young people like the aesthetics of the nineties, it is in trend and in fashion.

“People spend a trillion rubles on clothes just to keep warm”

- In connection with the failure of the ruble, do we sew more?

Yes, this industry is just now being liberated, and this is a lot of money. About a trillion rubles a year the population of our country spends on clothes just to keep warm. I'm talking about clothes strategic purpose. That is, just go to school for the child and back home, and for adults to work and not freeze in the winter. This is a big market.

- A trillion is serious.

This is very big money. They are now leaving for China, because they agreed like this: “We cannot pull it ourselves, so, okay, you earn money.” But the time is not far off when all this can settle down with us.

- They talked about money. What is your turnover and what is the fashion industry like?

According to my calculations, the fashion industry in the country sells for 500 million rubles a year. Basically it is Moscow, of course.

I can tell you what the turnover of counterfeit brand "Denis Simachev" is. Approximately 60 million euros per year. It's counterfeit. What is delayed by us at customs, by sea and by rail.

- Do you do something with counterfeit goods?

We do, but everything here is very criminal. There were even offers to me: “Come on, sign a statement to us that you are being forged, and we will take away, as it were, confiscate this product.” And I say, "What's next?" They tell me: "And then we will destroy." I say, "Are you sure?" They say, "Absolutely." I say: "Let me destroy together with you." They were frightened and said: "No, we are honest officers, we will destroy."

- What's going on in the West? Are you selling somewhere, trying to sell?

Yes, our brand "Denis Simachev" is being launched in America. Just in the wake of all the horror stories about Russia, we will open stores in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. I will try to win over all this multibillion-dollar PR that was spent on the story against us.

- That is, Iskander missile systems will be on your T-shirt?

No, it's simple. It will be much more interesting, much tougher and scarier. It's like it's all turned into a horror movie.

- Smart idea. Since they made an enemy out of us, we need to earn money on this.

- And you spent a lot of time in the Dominican Republic. Are you flying now?

Yes. Surf schools have been open there for 12 years. Now I'm going to go there to see everything. And it so happened that surfing was recognized as an Olympic sport. Now we will train surfers for four years before the Olympics. We will be part of the Olympic Federation and educate at our base. The Olympic Federation includes almost all of Russia. And on Far East there are very good guys, and in Sochi, wherever there is a sea and people ride. I recently took a ride in Kamchatka, I was just in shock.

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