Secret Millionaire Show on Friday Uncle Sasha. From the people: the audience was fascinated by the most generous "secret millionaire" Alexander Roslyakov

Family and relationships 20.06.2019
Family and relationships

On the channel "Friday!" The first season of the reality show has come to an end. secret millionaire". The last participant was businessman Alexander Roslyakov, who broke the generosity records of his predecessors by donating 21 million rubles to ordinary residents of the city of Vladimir.

The audience was fascinated by the most generous "secret millionaire" Alexander Roslyakov

Arriving in Vladimir with 1,000 rubles in his pocket, the businessman confidently plunged into the life of a guest worker, not shunning hard work in a warehouse, spending the night in a shelter for homeless people, cleaning open-air cages with dogs. After five days of hard work and vagrancy, Roslyakov finally declassified himself to the benefactors who gave him shelter, food and work.

He helped a family with a sick child, donating a large apartment and a million rubles for treatment. mother of many children The entrepreneur also presented Svetlana with a million and a spacious apartment in a new building. Homeless writer Arseniy also got his own living space, a new laptop, and a contract with a publishing house to publish a book. Two houses and a land plot were received by the fund for helping the homeless “Everyone is dear”.

Two million rubles were received by the Valenta Animal Assistance Fund.

Such incredible generosity, especially in comparison with the previous “secret millionaire” Denis Simachev, was very touching to the viewers of the Friday! channel.

"Alexander Roslyakov - humane, kind, loving people and animals, a sympathetic, rich soul in man. Well done, he really helped people, he didn’t just give money thoughtlessly - to give for the sake of giving, but he thought of everything, took care and solved people’s difficulties, imbued with their pain and problems, ”* spectator Nadya Kovtun wrote on social networks.

“Respect and pride for such a person, even from the promo he endeared himself, if she could, she would squeal with delight and joy for everyone whom he generously endowed! His conversation is so pleasant and his face and attitude towards people. Damn, it's really cool, as if she herself received a gift - it's nice to see real human kindness! And his final conversations! He gave gifts without any swagger and royal gestures, sweetly and as if embarrassed for his lie that he had to portray another. Thank you Alexander Roslyakov! Thank you, channel Friday! ”* - shared the spectator Anna Artemyeva.

“The coolest issue 7 with Alexander Roslyakov, straight to tears. Just respect for such people, you can immediately see that a kind and generous person. I wish him health and prosperity. There would be more such people! ”* - says Inga Matorina.

Also, the audience was pleasantly surprised by Roslyakov's wife, who is not at all like the glamorous silicone metropolitan features. * - the spelling and punctuation of the authors is preserved.

As a matter of fact, one of the richest people country, Alexander Roslyakov arrived in Vladimir under the guise of a man without a fixed place of residence and work. For those who did not leave him in trouble and helped, the "secret millionaire" gave apartments and impressive amounts of money. Our film crew met with these lucky people and found out if the gifts were really so generous.

I still can't believe that this is all ours. This house, this house, 10 acres of land.

Denis Tsoi is going to move his shelter to new homes tomorrow, but he still does not believe in what happened. The meeting with the millionaire Alexander Roslyakov was a real gift of fate for him. He got to Denis and his wife Elena directly from the station. Having received a portion of a hot lunch, he made friends with the homeless, cooked food with them and worked like everyone else. For many years, the foundation has been looking for premises for its wards, people left without a roof over their heads. A small rented apartment for everyone who needs the help of Denis and his wife has long been lacking.

They toiled about the apartments, from one apartment to another. Constantly neighbors, they did not like that so many people. People are all different. All the time they were disguised as something, but not what we were doing. Now, thank God, there is such joy that we can accept more people. This is the quality of housing.

-This is our main house, where there are four blocks. Now we have climbed to the second floor, you see that everything is made of wood, environmentally pure material, so great!

Denis and Elena will be able to accommodate 25 people in the new premises. Now the couple are actively engaged in planning and are preparing to purchase the remaining furniture. Alexander Roslyakov gave new housing to two Vladimir families and one homeless writer. Despite the difficult life situation, they all extended a helping hand to the “secret millionaire”.

-Alexander is very funny! We played memes, we have another one board game. We just don't know what it's called. We wanted to play chess with him, but he couldn't.

Kind and very funny. This seemed to the sisters one of the richest people in the country. The “secret millionaire” got into the Stepanov family in search of a part-time job. For 200 rubles, he sat with Svetlana's four children. The woman lived with them alone in a small room with friends. Now the family is moving into a new large apartment - another gift from a generous participant in the show. According to Svetlana, when she saw Alexander for the first time, she could not even dream of such a finale.

He is very humble. The only thing. which confused me that he was so tanned. I thought he probably worked on the street. A very polite person, it is clear that there is some kind of education. I thought that maybe the person was in some difficult life situation.

Another job for the undercover millionaire was the Valenta animal shelter. There he cleaned the cages, and carried the bags, and helped to set up the enclosures. According to the head of the shelter, she had not seen such a hardworking worker for a long time.

The nose was not pinched, he worked calmly. There were bags, there were a lot of bags, he helped us carry it all out. One room was dismantled, there were all these heavy things, boards, everything lay, he took everything out. Everything was taken away, the room was dismantled. A person without any complexes at all.

What is a penny for a millionaire, for ordinary person- A fortune. For the donated million, trees will be cut in Valenta, new barriers will be built and the site will be landscaped. This will allow to accept and save the lives of hundreds more animals.

Anastasia Nazarenko, Petr Sokolov

Dressed as a homeless millionaire Alexander Roslyakov spent five days in the city of Vladimir without housing and money, wandering around kind people. The dress-up game brought unexpected results - the oligarch made half the city happy by spending about 23,000,000 rubles on generous gifts. Almost six months have passed, KP has learned how the lives of these ordinary people and the millionaire himself have changed.

Three apartments for poor families, a mansion for a homeless shelter, and so “for little things” - a million for everyone who he considered necessary - these are the gifts of a generous businessman. The rumor about him, the great and kind Alexander Roslyakov, still excites the minds of Vladimirians: “What if he comes back?” And how many candles are burning in his honor in local churches .... Roslyakov himself says that his life after such an experience will never be the same - he understood a lot, and looked at some things differently.

But, as it turned out, one more person was left without a gift - a homeless watchmaker Sergey Kazantsev. Alexander instructed Komsomolskaya Pravda to find him. His modest present is waiting in the wings at our editorial office.

Fairy tale, reality and reality show

Hope for a miracle - it is always in the soul of a Russian person. Many of our folk tales built on the plot, when the poor man takes off his last shirt to help someone. And in the end, this someone turns out to be good magician, at the wave of a wand solving all problems. But what kind of fairy tales can there be, because the 21st century is in the yard? And it turns out there are. Albeit in the form of a reality show "Secret Millionaire".


Alexander Roslyakov, 47 years old. The owner of the transport business, is engaged in the transportation of oil. He graduated from the Naval Academy in St. Petersburg, from a simple family. Alexander says that he earned his first, personal briefcase with Beryozka checks and dollars at the age of 19. Now he is the owner of a large transport company Onego Shipping. Its branches are open all over the world: England, Holland, China, Greece, Japan, etc. Married, has four children. Spends the winter in Bali. According to the plot of the reality show "Secret Millionaire" (TV channel "Friday") - a rich man comes to an unfamiliar city for five days, with only 1000 rubles in his pocket. He needs to find a roof over his head and food on his own. At the end of filming, according to the rules, the hero must find and thank at least three people.

The oligarch is real!

Alexander Roslyakov is a real millionaire! In general, he is real, I saw him and talked to him. Although it seemed to many viewers that all this was a fiction for the sake of filming.

Alexander is an extremely busy person. Still would! Owner of factories, newspapers and ships. He is expected at major forums, famous businessmen dream of meeting him. For the sake of participating in the show, where he actually went "weakly", Alexander arrived from Bali to the cold, March, provincial Vladimir. But for KP, he still found time in his busy schedule and made an appointment on a weekday evening in his office on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg.

We talked for a long time about everything, including the consequences of participating in this show for him personally. Looking ahead, I will say that they are, but more on that later. After talking to my heart's content, I went to Vladimir, where Alexander had not been since that very March, and it is unlikely that he will ever again. We agreed that everything I see, I will send to him.

Royal gift for the homeless

“You won’t believe it, but literally a week before Sasha appeared in our shelter, my wife and I were sitting and writing an application for participation in the distribution of presidential grants,” says Denis Tsoi, head and founder of the same shelter for the homeless “Everyone is Dear”. - We really wanted to win it and buy our premises in the end. I no longer had the strength to wander through rented apartments with our wards. This is such a torment, because not everyone wants to rent out their apartment under the homeless. Often I even had to lie.

Denis and his wife Lena devote all their strength to their offspring - the shelter.

- I moved to Vladimir 5 years ago in the most difficult period of my life. I don’t want to tell you the details, but I remember I rented a “odnushka”, prayed to God and asked for help to understand who I am and why I came into this world, ”recalls Denis. - After some time, three homeless people asked me to stay for the night. I let them in on the condition that it was only for one night. So they stayed with me. Then I began to go to the station with hot food in my free time, the number of homeless people increased. He took off a "kopeck piece", then a "three piece". Then he got married and my wife and I moved to separate rented housing, and remained in a three-room apartment in an orphanage. By the way, Sasha spent the night there.

The secret millionaire Roslyakov, in the form of an unlucky teacher of labor, spent only one night among the homeless. As I got off the Moscow-Vladimir bus, I immediately got to the distribution of free food at the station. Ate from a common boiler, agreed on a lodging for the night.

- You were not embarrassed that with him, sort of like a homeless man, a cameraman walks everywhere with a camera? I asked Denis.

- Yes, not really, now they just don’t shoot, and there are a lot of bloggers. I rather took it as a chance to tell at least someone about our shelter. So I'm on Sasha special attention and did not pay. Homeless and homeless, no better and no worse than others. Fed, offered lodging for the night. I remember he kept walking between the beds and repeating: "Oh, and it's crowded with you." I was still wondering what kind, others do not complain. In the morning he left. And five days later he calls me, come, he says, at such and such an address. Well, I went.

And there Denis was waiting for a royal gift - a mansion with repairs for 7.5 million rubles.

“I just couldn't believe my eyes. I don’t even remember how I got to the Regpalata, tears welled up.

Now all the wards of the shelter live in this mansion and they have already forgotten about cramped, rented apartments. The plans are to plant a garden, maybe some small carpentry shop can be set up so that the peasants have work. Denis took me around his new mansions for a long time.

“You know, it feels like this house was built especially for us,” Denis does not get tired of repeating. - The former owner wanted to organize a mini-hotel here. As a result, there are four separate blocks, each with its own bathroom. I don't know if there are still homeless shelters that have their own toilet and shower for every 10 people? And here we have it, thanks to Sasha and the TV people. In general, with his gift, he hit the bull's-eye, it was his house that we needed most of all and just like that. Although I was afraid to imagine such a dream, too luxurious.

Member Name: Alexander Roslyakov

Age (birthday): 14.01.1970

City: Dubossary (Moldova), Bali

Education: University of Paris

Job: CEO and founder of Onega Shipping

Family: married, four children

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Reading this article:

Alexander Roslyakov was born on January 14, 1970 in the city of Dubossary in Moldova. His family was military. After graduating from school, Sasha decided to enter the Academy of the Naval Forces.

Alexander served in the Navy. After returning home, he left again and entered the University of Paris at the Faculty of Management. After receiving a diploma, he began working as a director in one of the construction companies.

Alexander Roslyakov showed himself perfectly as a director. After a while, he became the head of an organization specializing in the transportation of goods by water.

Roslyakov holds the position of General Director of Onega Shipping and is a founding member of the organization. The main specialization of the company is transportation in the oil sector.

Hobbies and personal life of a modest millionaire

Alexander Roslyakov is in 3 marriages and is raising a son with a young wife. This is not the first marriage for a businessman, the first wife gave Roslyakov one child, the second - two children.

He lives in Bali with his wife Maria. He is passionate about football: not only is he often present at matches, but he also plays. One of the best comrades of Roslyakov is the vocalist of the Leningrad group Sergey Shnurov.

Participation in the show "Secret Millionaire"

Alexander gladly accepted the offer of the organizers to become a participant in the project. For a couple of days, he had to pretend to be a beggar and feel all the “charms” of the life of a homeless person.

The businessman admits that it was not easy to face the indifference of some people to yourself when you still do not have money in your pocket.

"Uncle Sasha" made many new discoveries after participating in "Secret Millionaire". After returning to his usual environment, he began to work more actively, made the company more successful and richer, and expanded the range of its activities. Went to travel to different places the globe where he had not been before.

Alexander was remembered by the viewer as a kind, honest and positive-minded person. For five days he had only 1,000 rubles, and he had to portray a guest worker. He was able to get into the role. In total, Roslyakov donated about 23,000,000 rubles for his benefactors.

Alexander gave a spacious apartment and money for the treatment of a child to one family. He helped a mother of many children with money and housing. He gave the homeless writer an apartment, a laptop and a contract with a publishing house to publish a book.

Generous gifts from Roslyakov went not only to new acquaintances. In the most touching episode of the season, the millionaire helped the Homeless Help Fund “Everyone is Dear” and the “Valenta” Animal Help Fund.

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