Calculate number of name and date of birth online. How to find out your number in numerology? The meaning of numbers in numerology

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To calculate your individual life path number and secondary life path number, write down your date in mm/dd/yy format. You will get 8 digits, including 0. So, if your date of birth is 29, 1985, then you should write: 04/29/1985.

Sum up all the numbers included in your date of birth: 0 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 38. If the resulting number is greater than 10, then continue adding its constituent numbers until you get the number consisting of one digit: 3 + 8 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2. This number is the lucky number of your life path.

Secondary life path lucky numbers are obtained by adding the life path number and the number 9 until the sum is less than 100. For our example, these are: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92. These the numbers will always bring you .

The calendar day of your birth, 29, will also be considered a lucky number for you.

The lucky number can be obtained by first and last name. For this, assign each alphabet its own serial number. The letters of the Russian alphabet have the following numbers: A - 1, B - 2, B - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, Zh - 2, Z - 7, I, J - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, N - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, S - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7, Sh - 2, Shch - 9, S - 1, b - 1, E - 6, Yu - 7, Z - 2. If your name is Ivan Ivanov, then by writing down the corresponding numbers instead of the letters of your first and last name, you will get : 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 1 +6 +1 + 5 + 7 + 6 = 39; 3 + 9 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3. This is the lucky number for your name.

There is another personal lucky number called the Gua number. To calculate it, add the last two digits of the year in which you were born, if the year of birth is 1985, then the sum of the last two digits: 8 + 5 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4. If you are a man, then subtract the resulting number from 10, the remainder – 6 is your gua number. The woman must add the resulting number to 5 and, if the result is a two-digit number, then add the numbers that make it up again until an unambiguous result is obtained. This will be your lucky number. In our example it is 9.


  • lucky numbers of birth date

Every person is interested in how his destiny will turn out. Some people voraciously read horoscopes, others coordinate their actions with the predictions of palmists. And some are seriously interested in numerology. How to calculate your lucky number?


Familiarize yourself with the numerical meanings of the letters. Take a pen and a piece of paper. Write your first and last name in block letters. Sign the corresponding number under each letter.

Add up the numbers. You need to add the numbers in such a way that you end up with a single digit number. For example, 25 is 2+5=7.

Read the characteristics of your lucky number.

Compare this number with the number obtained when calculating your birthday lucky number. If your birthday number is greater than your name number, then this means that, according to the laws of numerology, you usually follow your inclinations. If the number of your name is greater than the number of your birthday, then you are an ambitious person and act according to circumstances. If the numbers are equal, then this is the most optimistic option, which means that you follow both reason and feelings equally.

Draw a square table of 9 cells on a piece of paper, in each of which you will then indicate numbers from 1 to 9. Write your first name, last name, and date of birth. Under the letters of the first and last names, write the corresponding numbers. Transfer all numbers (date of birth and name) into the square. Count how many times you had to enter a particular number in the corresponding cell. If once or not at all, then the ability expressed by this number is poorly developed; if 2-3 times, then you have average abilities, which, however, can be developed. If more than 3, then you are an unsurpassed authority in the field defined by this number.

Video on the topic


  • how to calculate your number

Encrypted numerical codes, which are the object of study of numerology, in a certain way influence what happens in people's lives. They can help you stay healthy, get rich, or stay out of trouble. Calculate your lucky number and try your luck.


Make a table of the relationships between numbers and letters of the alphabet. Each of the 9 columns with numbers from 1 to 9 will correspond to several letters. The first line of the table will consist of letters from A to Z, the second will begin with the letter I and end with the letter P. Number 1 in the third line will correspond to the letter C, number 9 - the letter Sh. The letter I will be located in the fourth line in the 6th column.

Write your first, middle and last names on paper in block letters on separate lines. Using the table, write the corresponding number under each letter. Add the resulting numbers on each line to get 3 two-digit numbers. Now add together the digits that make up these numbers. For example, in front of you are the numbers 23, 11 and 35. This means that you need to add the numbers as follows: 2+3+1+1+3+5. The number 15 obtained in our example must be brought into its final unambiguous form by adding the numbers 1 and 5. This will give the number 6.

Numerology is one of the ancient sciences of numbers. Numerology has its roots in ancient times - primitive tribes used numbers.
IN numerology all words, names and dates are reduced to simple numbers that correspond to characteristics that affect a person's life. Each single-digit number is assigned certain properties that are used to analyze a person’s character, to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person, and to predict the future.
Based on the teachings of Pythagoras about numbers, it is customary to bring numbers to a single-digit result from 1 to 9 using addition. When added, a number is calculated that affects your aspirations and capabilities. You can calculate your lucky number, you can discover some strengths and weaknesses of character, understand what goals you need to strive for so that they are achievable, without wasting time on the unattainable.
It says a lot about you and your place in the world. your birth number. Knowing it and its meaning, you will be able to save yourself from mistakes associated with misunderstanding yourself and the world around you, distinguish harmful influences from useful ones, and choose the path in life that is right for you.
In order to calculate your birth number, you need to add the numbers in your date of birth so that the result is a number from 1 to 9.
For example, your date of birth is 03/12/1985. This means your birth number is equal to the sum of all these numbers. 1+2+0+3+1+9+8+5=29
We bring this number to a single digit by adding 2+9= 11 1+1=2 Thus, your birth number is two.

General decoding of birth numbers

The number 1 symbolizes purpose, drive and aggression.
One is the number of leadership, high position and power. A person of this number is born to take a place at the head of worthy affairs and enterprises. This is a man of action. Others wait for the Unit to develop a plan and take action. A unit is interested in new ideas, new paths, new ventures. She prefers the creation and support of unexplored projects to traditional methods and routine.
Your birth number provides you with the opportunity to achieve your goal in the most direct and shortest way. You will easily achieve the desired success, since the unit symbolizes a high level of personal development. Just try not to succumb to the tendency to selfishness and selfishness. You are influential, have an original type of thinking and do not tolerate any competition.

Positive qualities: originality; creative thinking; ingenuity; willpower, determination; courage, initiative; ability to lead; energy, strength; independence; strong beliefs; masculinity.
Negative qualities: selfishness; boastfulness; impulsiveness; stubbornness, self-will; tendency to command; authoritarianism; cynicism; aggressiveness;

Number 2 - in this figure there is dualism and balance of everything in the world.
The Two achieves its rewards in life thanks to the natural desire to live in peace with others. Its success is not achieved by force, dominance and will. She strives to achieve the desired result without causing controversy. The Two person is able to be impartial, his goal is to find a harmonious path for everyone, leading to the achievement of positive results from his work and efforts, but providing benefits to many.
Internal contradictions, combined with some rationality, force you to constantly seek advice from other people. Meanwhile, two is a sign of world balance, and, thanks to this, you have a rare ability to smooth out and bypass unpleasant situations. Tactfulness and gentleness are your best qualities, but do not forget in your endless worries about others and yourself. Your mind rules over your feelings, so the ideas and plans you propose are always smart and carefully developed. But don’t try to carry them out on your own - you’re not a good performer.

Positive qualities: ability to resolve disputes; diplomacy; tactfulness, ability to persuade; ability to collaborate; peacefulness; courtesy; sensitivity; aestheticism; modesty; sincerity.
Negative qualities: shyness; timidity; shyness; nonsense; quarrelsomeness; tendency to extremes; excessive scrupulousness; dissatisfaction with life; pedantry.

Number 3 - symbolizes a triangle or unstable unity, the connection between the past, present and future.
Threes are at their best when they find a way to express their strong inner desire to create and give beauty. Troika wants only the best from life and is ready to give everything for it. But without creative work, she will not have the happiness she dreams of. Three is a lucky number. She naturally attracts money to herself. The troika is endowed with talents and skills that allow it to achieve what it wants without much difficulty. She is not a hard worker, but a creator. Troika's enthusiasm is its capital.
Since childhood, you have been distinguished by a sharp mind and the ability to grasp the most complex information on the fly. However, you won’t be able to reveal your brilliant abilities alone, so learn to take life and the people around you more seriously. Don't you think it's enough to live one day at a time, wasting yourself in search of momentary entertainment? Remember that your frivolity and impatience can prevent you from achieving the success that you undoubtedly deserve. And learn to manage your own sexuality, otherwise, instead of joys, it will begin to bring you a lot of trouble.

Positive qualities: imagination; inspiration; emotionality; creative talent; gift of speech; the gift of foresight; artistic taste; success in self-expression; optimism; love of life; gaiety.
Negative qualities: whimsicality, tyranny; extravagance; excesses; self-centeredness; lack of determination; extravagance; inability to complete things; rapid change of mood; inability to forgive.

Number 4 - strength and balance, four sides of the square, four elements that move the world - fire, earth, air, water.
The natural desire of the Four is to make what is planned real. She finds her favorable opportunities in enterprises that require patience, perseverance, determination, thoroughness, qualifications, and attention to detail. Four are very honest, courageous, responsible, focused and diligent in their work, and know how to appreciate their worth. She learns from her own mistakes and hard experiences. The Four arranges its own affairs carefully, with practical common sense. Sometimes the Four gives too much to those they love, and their relatives and colleagues can take advantage of this.
You don't like risk - you're too cautious for that. Your ability to independently solve any problem, while relying only on yourself, is an excellent basis for mastering any specialty. You are reliable, honest and punctual. However, your inherent caution can even lead you to self-deception. Beware of poverty - you are too accustomed to limiting yourself in everything, and four is traditionally considered the number of poverty, misfortune and defeat.

Positive qualities: concentration; diligence; good manners; sensitivity; creativity; respect for moral values; practicality; methodical; determination.
Negative qualities: lack of imagination; pettiness; stubbornness; slowness; hypocrisy; tendency to argue; conservatism; fear of change.

The number 5 is the number of uncertainty, risk, impermanence and at the same time - happiness, completeness and joy of being.
The inquisitive and freedom-loving Five is not afraid of any life experience and does not shy away from earthly joys. She hates the gray, tedious routine and all sorts of frames and restrictions. Freedom of thought, freedom of action and freedom of religion are its spiritual ideals. If the Five is like a tumbleweed, it will not be able to realize its destiny determined by the original command. In the midst of plans, ideas and opportunities, the Five must hold on to its roots in the substance of life, which promotes growth, stability and reliability, everything that is durable and permanent.
You are a real adventurer. There are simply no awkward or dangerous situations for you. You will emerge victorious from any alteration. Your resourcefulness, wit, and ability to speak foreign languages ​​make you the life of any company. Charming the most gloomy person is a matter of minutes for you. However, passion for change can prevent you from choosing the right path in life. Try to pay more attention to what is happening around you. In pursuit of future pleasures, you may miss your today's chance.

Positive qualities: progressiveness; resourcefulness; versatility; activity; energy; penchant for research; ability to manage; innovation; love of freedom; quick thinking; curiosity.
Negative qualities: restlessness; dissatisfaction with life; criticism; sharpness; hot temper; restlessness; nervousness; impatience; impulsiveness.

The number 6 is the main meaning of this number - stability, since it is divisible by both two and three.
The Six is ​​smart, capable and practical, but at the same time dreamy. She lives at a very high level, where she feels and herself expresses the beauty and grandeur of life and being. The Six prefers to act in a traditional way, according to established standards. She strives for a harmonious settlement and tries to avoid discord. Throughout her life, in all her undertakings, the Six burdens herself with responsibility, but she can do this, since she is driven by a high sense of duty. She enjoys doing good for her friends, family and community. You are an optimist, however, and do not strive to achieve fame by any means. Your honesty and integrity, your ability to calm a quarrel, inspire universal respect. However, sometimes you are not very attractive - do not forget that a career is not the most important thing.

Positive qualities: artistry; the ability to sympathize; humanism; strong beliefs; truthfulness; unselfishness; harmony; attachment to home and family; call of Duty.
Negative qualities: excessive fascination with other people's problems; complacency; stubbornness; homebody; slowness in decision making; desire to dominate; dissatisfaction with life; selfishness; partiality to flattery.

Number 7 is the number of secrets and mystical knowledge, the number of fairy tales and ancient treatises: seven planets, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes in the scale, seven days in the week.
The Seven person is first and foremost his own boss. He does not seek success in ordinary, established situations or conditions. Seven is a thinker who studies the subtle relationships of life; she will not rest until she connects the known with the unknown. Her analytical mind constantly pushes her to discover hidden facts. Therefore, she becomes a discoverer: a scientist, an inventor. The Seven has little interest in frivolous and stupid waste of time, as well as in unrealistic dreams. Above all, she thirsts for knowledge.
An irrepressible imagination, rich fantasy, and a penchant for mystical comprehension of the world will help you become a poet, artist or musician. Under favorable circumstances, the most secret knowledge may be revealed to you. Intense inner concentration can lead you to the path of asceticism and high hermitage. Weak natures will not achieve great success, as they are prone to fits of black melancholy. If you are strong, the world will submit to you.

Positive qualities: a penchant for observation, research, analysis, scientific thinking; technical ability, ingenuity; self-esteem; charm; intelligence; insight; independence.
Negative qualities: prudence; pride; isolation; sarcasm; suspicion; indiscretion; inability to express oneself; soul-searching; love of controversy.

The number 8 - the most stable number - is divided into two parts, forming two stable fours, each of which in turn is divided into two, forming twos, symbolizing world balance. Number of success and material well-being.
The Eight finds its greatest opportunity in a sense of purpose; its service to society is goal setting and planning. She always feels the need to plan, control, lead and take into her own hands the implementation of the plans and dreams of others in order to achieve their fulfillment, but not as a humanist philanthropist, but as a person who loves to work and joyfully achieve a worthy goal. The Eight has a philosophical streak. She loves to theorize and discover the motives and emotions behind human actions. She often proves to be a wise advisor, guiding and showing the way without any prejudices or illusions - an ability that is developed only with the acquisition of rich life experience and after several hard blows from life. Your will and unbending perseverance force you to move forward all the time. You will make an excellent leader, a talented and smart entrepreneur. Any attempt to resist your pressure only makes you triple the desire to move on. People willingly follow you, but be more lenient with their weaknesses. Not everyone knows how, like you, to forget for the sake of the cause itself.

Positive qualities: strength; authority; self-sufficiency; ability to lead; prudence; organization; energy; demandingness; determination; strong-willed character.
Negative qualities: vanity; excessive activity; tension; suppression of others; thirst for power; demand for recognition; intolerance; weakness for money.

The number 9 is the largest of the prime numbers. Brings wealth and fame.
Nine is the number of imagination, intuition, empathy and generosity, and all this is so strong that its actions can warm the soul of all humanity when not colored by personal interests and desires. During his life, Nine can more than once easily make a fortune for himself and just as easily lose it. Generous, impressionable and idealistic, the Nine lives by the principle “As it comes, so goes.” Nine is given the ability to always restore its shaky position, correct mistakes and return what was lost. The Nine must be more than others in all situations and motivations. And she needs to develop compassion, tolerance, forbearance and an understanding of true service in order to fulfill her promised greatness and achieve her goal.
The main thing for you is to choose the right path, taking into account your inclination towards the humanities. However, creative activity can prevent you from achieving the desired success. Learn to concentrate your strength, and then success is guaranteed.

Positive qualities: perfection; love, compassion; impressionability; mercy; impartiality; talent of an artist, writer, actor; luck.
Negative qualities: excessive selfishness, selfishness; impulsiveness; possessiveness; need for constant approval; depression; negligence in financial matters; indulgence in bad habits.

This article will provide an opportunity to touch the secrets of the ancient science of numerology.

  • A huge amount of information is contained in a person’s date of birth or the date of an event.
  • With this accessible information, by studying simple calculations, you can become a true expert on human character.
  • Thanks to this knowledge, an interesting and completely unexpected landscape of the universe opens up. Everything previously incomprehensible becomes easily explained

The meaning of the date of birth in numerology. The number of fate by date of birth in numerology

The meaning of date of birth in numerology

The date of birth shapes the destiny, interpersonal relationships, abilities, and energy of any person. The meaning of numbers for any date makes it possible to create a new destiny using the magic of numbers.

This magic number is the sum of the constituent digits of the date of birth.


Fateful number person:

Three + Four = Seven

What information does the number convey about the character of its owner:

  1. - aggression, unreasonable ambitions, leadership qualities, great determination, moderate ambition. A person with a 1 in his name knows how to achieve goals
  2. - restraint, flexibility, harmony in all aspects of life
  3. - optimism, great talent, increased intuition, slight imbalance
  4. - practicality, reliability, hard work, lack of risk-taking qualities
  5. - activity in achieving goals, adventurism, optimism, independence, unpredictability, resourcefulness, ingenuity
  6. - truthfulness, friendliness, stability, reliability
  7. - mystery, talent, intelligence. The desire for loneliness. They are often hermits
  8. - purposefulness, tough character, achieve a high financial position. Stable, reliable
  9. - successful, strong, achieve a worthy position and status, enormous wealth

Video: Numerology of birth - how does the date of birth affect fate?

How to determine character by date of birth in numerology?

  • To determine character by date of birth, add the date and month
  • This is the number of your basic character
  • Decoding the essence of character by numbers is described above

Numerology of first and last names

When analyzing the last name and first name, you should consider for what purposes the forecast is needed:

  • If it’s for business, we take for analysis the form of address in which you are addressed, that is, your full first and patronymic name, or last name, or maybe just your first name
  • For family relationships - we choose the way your loved ones address you, it can be a pet name, a nickname or just a name
  • The same goes for other relationships that interest you.

By giving a name, parents endow the child with certain abilities and strength corresponding to this name.
The patronymic and surname are a family inheritance.

This type of calculation allows you to determine the energy of the first and last name. Are they helping you or creating difficulties?

This will allow you to learn more about yourself and look at yourself from the outside.

Each letter of the last name, first name and patronymic corresponds to a number from one to nine. There is no zero in numerology.
To do this, write down your first and last name on a sheet
Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number:
A-1, B-2, V-6, G-3, D-4, E-5, Zh-2, Z-7, I-7, J-1, K-2, L-2
M-4, N-5, O-7, P-8, R-2, L-2, M-4, N-4, O-7, P-8, R-2, S-3, T- 4, U-6, F-8, X-5, Ts-3, Ch-7, Sh-2, Shch-9, Y-1, L-1, E-6, Yu-7, Ya-2

The number of the name characterizes developed abilities, while the number of the date of birth analyzes the natural data of a person.

  • Determine the number for each letter of the name Add it up
  • We bring the amount to a single value
  • We interpret it in accordance with the meaning of the numbers according to the above decoding.

Numerology of marriage by date of birth

A successful or unsuccessful marriage, based on the date of birth of the partners, is determined by the date of birth of each spouse.

  • Add each date separately

For example, a wife was born on 15. Her number is 6=1+5.

  • My husband's date of birth is 3, his number will be 3
  • Adding two numbers
  • Number of defects will 9

Let's look at the table and analyze:

Number of defects Interpretation
1 Neither of the two seeks to give in to each other. The marriage won't last long
2 Everyday problems can destroy a marriage if you don't make a concerted effort to resolve them.
3 Very harmonious couple. A love that is rare
4 Passive friendly couple. It can last a long time until one of the two wants sex on the side. If you want to save your marriage, pay more attention to sexual relationships
5 One of the partners is very easy in relationships. Even after becoming a family man, he doesn’t try to stop having affairs on the side. If you want to save your marriage, stop
6 Long family life guaranteed
7 Prosperous union, but too much worry about your well-being
8 A strong couple who will successfully overcome all difficulties. But we should trust each other more. Mistrust leads to internal insecurity
9 Perhaps this is not the case when it’s time to rush to register the relationship. Take a closer look at each other

Numerology of love by date of birth

The number by which you can determine the compatibility of a love relationship is calculated by adding the numbers of the month and year of birth to a single indicator.

  • Dates of birth are taken from both partners
  • Folds separately
  • And then the resulting numbers are added up again. Exactly the same as in the previous example

We apply the values ​​for predicting love relationships:

Love number Characteristics of relationships
1 Two purposeful people who put their goals above love. Either combine your efforts in one direction, or you will have to part ways.
2 Dependence of partners on outside opinions. Learn to make decisions together without other people interfering in your relationship.
3 Superficial relationships. If you do not make an effort towards mutual understanding and sincerity, a not very long relationship is possible.
4 Perfect couple
5 The birth of children will add stability to relationships. You can achieve a lot together if you support each other.
6 Don't be afraid to confess your love, restrain your jealousy. And only then will you become a harmonious couple
7 Relationships that will help you gain a lot of experience. They will not be easy, but very necessary in order to be a happy and harmonious couple in the future. The main problems will be related to financial difficulties. Learn to overcome them together. And there will not be a happier couple in the whole universe
8 You are completely different. If you want to maintain the union, you need to develop spiritually, turning a blind eye to each other’s shortcomings
9 Mutual understanding, development and support of each other are the key to good relationships. If you depend on the opinions of other people, love will not stand the test

Numerology of events by date of birth

The most significant events in life can be calculated by adding the numbers that make up that year to the year of your birth. With the resulting year, we do the same calculation.

For example, year of birth 1981





  • Significant years for a person born in 1981 would be 2000, 2002, 2006, 2014
  • It is during these years that important events will occur in a person’s life, on which his fate depends.
  • These can be both good and bad events

Video: Numerology. The magic of numbers. Destiny number, secrets of numbers in life

Numerology of wedding date by date of birth

Numerology of the wedding date You can determine the appropriate date for the wedding celebration by adding up the birth dates of the bride and groom, taking into account the year and month.

If the sum turns out to be more than 12, we reduce it to a single digit number.

For example, if 14, then 1+4=5.

This means May is the best time to register a marriage.

To clarify the date, we also add up all the birth numbers of the bride and groom. And we divide it in half. If the date is even, then the wedding should be held in the second half of the month; if it is not even, then in the first.

We choose a specific wedding date by mutual agreement.

Video: Happy wedding. Numerology of marriage

Tarot Numerology by date of birth

A very difficult but worthy fortune-telling in numerology by date of birth and Tarot cards
  • A way to predict by date of birth can be done using the meaning of Tarot cards
  • You can get practical advice by analyzing the age of a person of the corresponding year, with reference to the meaning of the cards
    To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth so that the sum does not exceed 22
  • For example, if you get 23, then add 2+3=5

We analyze the resulting figure, comparing it with the corresponding card of the Tarot deck of the major arcana

  1. High Priestess
  2. Empress
  3. Emperor
  4. High Priest
  5. Lovers
  6. Chariot
  7. Justice
  8. Hermit
  9. Wheel of Fortune
  10. Hanged
  11. Death
  12. Moderation
  13. Devil
  14. Tower
  15. Star
  16. Sun
  • This method allows you to identify the energy potential of the person interested. Tell his future and past
  • By plunging into the arcana of the Tarot, the entire life path and purpose of any person is fully revealed. You can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Uncover deep potentials
  • This is a more complex and in-depth forecasting process. In addition to knowledge of numerology, you need to know the meaning of the arcana of the deck. Feel the energy of the cards. Without meditation practices and yoga skills, you can receive distorted information
  • You need to be very careful not to harm a person. An untrained predictor may incorrectly interpret the information received. The result is a direction along the wrong path, a distortion of a person’s fate
    Tarot fortune telling is a deep knowledge that not everyone has access to.

Are numbers really that important in our lives?
  • Easy fortune telling by numbers will not do any harm. Even if you don’t like the result, don’t be discouraged - it’s just fortune telling
  • A person builds his own destiny. For fun, counting numbers, laughing and forgetting is one thing
  • But to calculate using numerology, delve into all the calculations, analyze all the pros and cons, make an important decision - that’s another thing.
  • Everything in life is relative. How you react to numerology, this will be the result

Video: Fatal numbers. Numerology

Different numbers influence a person’s personality and destiny. Therefore, many are interested in how to find out their number in numerology. By calculating them, you can find answers to your questions and make your life better. A science such as numerology studies the influence of numbers on people, and at the moment there is a lot of information that helps to better understand what is happening in the life of each individual.

Birth number

Numerology of fate makes it possible to understand a person’s potential, the prevailing features of his character, but does not allow him to accurately calculate his entire life. People born under the same numbers may be similar to each other, but it is not at all necessary that they will have everything in common. Numbers can tell us what is best to develop and maintain in ourselves, what potential lies within us. It is important for every person to understand this, because if he goes in the wrong direction, his life can be ruined.

It is customary to divide numbers from one to nine, and modern numerology also recognizes 11 and 22 as the strongest and happiest birth numbers. It is believed that great people are born under them, capable of leading masses of people, uniting them with a common idea or teaching. It is believed that many famous personalities were born under these numbers.

Calculation by date of birth

There are several ways to find out your date number. The most common option is to use all the numbers from the date. In other words, if a person was born on December 12, 2002, then we take into account the dates of December 12, 2002. After this, you need to sum them up, that is, 1+2+1+2+2+0+0+2 and we get 10. Next, you need to add the resulting numbers again. As a result, it turns out that the person was born under the number 1.

And in the second method, which is recognized by modern numerology, a person’s number is calculated taking into account the translation of the letter value of the month into numbers. Numerical values ​​are assigned to Russian letters. The alphabet is written in several rows, each of which has nine letters.

Then these numbers are summed up using a table: a letter is selected and its numerical value is looked up. This method relates to According to the previous example, it turns out that we need to add 1+2+5+6+1+1+2+7+2+0+0+2 and the result will be 29, which is 11. That is, this method allows us to find more correct meaning.

Calculation according to Pythagoras

It was the calculation taking into account the numbers belonging to the letters that Pythagoras performed in his time. Thus, months according to this system have numerical values:

  • January - 7.
  • February - 3.
  • March - 2.
  • April - 4.
  • May - 4.
  • June - 4.
  • July - 2.
  • August - 8.
  • September - 1.
  • October - 7.
  • November - 1.
  • December - 4.

This method is also taken into account when calculating the numerology of the first and last name. All numbers need to be summed up, and this will give the personal number of the person by name. But in the Pythagorean method, it is not the values ​​from one to nine that are taken into account, but all numbers below 22. But one and two are not counted.

The meaning of numbers according to Pythagoras

Let us give a brief meaning of numbers in human numerology, developed by Pythagoras:

3 - an active person who loves to work;

4 - a leader who is used to deciding everything personally;

5 - sociable, friendly personality;

6 - a very creative, talented person;

7 - a purposeful person who loves risk;

8 - responsible and reasonable person;

9 - lonely sage, very prudent;

10 - fatalistic nature, there are the makings of a leader, often passionate;

11 - an active person with a large supply of energy and love of life;

12 - purposeful, hardworking person;

13 - a bright, energetic personality who does not like everyday life and tranquility;

14 - a meticulous person, with a large supply of patience;

15 - a cheerful personality with a huge supply of energy;

16 - sensual, emotional nature;

17 - purposeful, romantic personality;

18 - a receptive person, very emotional, but keeping his inner world to himself;

19 - self-confident person;

20 - a very serious and categorical person;

21 - adventurer;

22 - a very smart person, prone to constant self-improvement.


With the help of numerology, you can also find out what problems a person may face in his life. In addition, the numbers will allow you to calculate how likely the occurrence of a particular event is. To do this, you need to take the two-digit number of your date of birth and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Let's say a person born on the 15th will calculate 5-1, and the result will be 4. For single-digit numbers, zero is subtracted.

The meaning of numbers in numerology regarding problems

Let's look at the brief meaning of problem numbers obtained by subtraction:

0 - no problems are expected in life;

1 - various dependencies may arise;

2 - increased self-doubt;

3 - inability to express one’s emotions;

5 - conservatism, fear of change;

6 - avoidance of obligations;

7 - indecisive character;

8 - a person does not understand well where is good and where is evil;

9 - lack of ability to sympathize.

The meaning of birth numbers

The most important thing that can be determined with the help of numerology is why a person came into this world, what he must achieve, what is his mission on earth. We have already looked at methods of how to find out your number in numerology, now let's understand the meaning of these numbers.

People born under the unit are born leaders, the so-called leaders. They must develop willpower, self-confidence, they are characterized by activity and selfishness, and they are often domineering. They may also exhibit stubbornness, initiative, aggression and the ability for creative self-realization.

Those born under the deuce are ordinary team members. This is an average person. They must develop modesty, vulnerability, sensitivity, and gentleness. Typically, such people are emotionally unstable, take offense, rarely dare to make decisions, are consistent, caring, and passive. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology.

Those born under the number three come into this world to be initiators and leaders. To gain life experience, they must be proactive, friendly, optimistic, sociable, and visible in society. They need to improve their creative and public speaking skills. They are often self-centered individuals, lazy and in need of social approval.

Those born under the number four come into this world to work. These are true workaholics who, in order to gain life experience, need to be organized, purposeful, resilient, diligent, patient, stubborn conservatives. It is also important to develop in yourself This is how the meanings of numbers in numerology are deciphered.

Those born under the number five are called the souls of society. These are freedom-loving individuals, they are witty, enterprising, quick-witted, and flexible. To gain life experience, they need to develop a love for self-improvement. They are usually eccentric, impatient, love entertainment of all kinds, are very fond of sensations and do not always react positively to change.

Those born under the number six are designated by destiny numerology as a support for society. They should be interested in spiritual development, care about people, sacrifice themselves, have a heightened sense of responsibility and a balanced psyche. They are often overly emotional, idealistic, beautiful, and artistic. They can suppress their own desires and try to control other people's lives.

Those born under are thinkers. To gain experience in life, they need to be deep, lonely. Introspection and spiritual quest should be a priority. They must have an analytical mind, not trust others, be afraid of change, and be stingy with feelings. Such people are often reserved, shy and critical in their judgments. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology for those born under the seven.

Those born under the number eight play the role of a “gray eminence”; they are careerists. They must be energetic, purposeful, decisive and self-confident. These are cold, fair, sensible people, with a merciless and demanding attitude towards people, often prone to dictatorship.

Those born under the number nine come into the world as philosophers and righteous people. To gain life experience, they need to develop humanism and selflessness. They must have love for their neighbors, compassion, and sometimes even fanaticism.


Now you know how to find out your number in numerology, and you can determine your mission. Numbers help us follow our path and achieve goals that allow us to realize our spiritual intentions.

Every day is unique. It carries new discoveries, emotions, feelings, success or defeat. But is it possible to predict which day promises to be the most successful for your business? Of course you can. Numerology provides all the answers to these questions. Simple calculations are within the power of each of you.

Any number, day of the week, or year always carries a charge of a certain energy. If you learn to calculate dates, you will always be on top.

Lucky days are called lucky days. Find your lucky number. This does not require complex mathematical calculations, all you need is a calculator and your attentiveness. Create your own successful year calendar. Your life will change if you follow it, because it’s so easy to live when you know that today promises to be successful.

Number Science Helps You Every Day

Numerology is the science of numbers. She is precise, mystical, amazing, but never wrong. Of course, for this you need to be able to count well. All calculations are very simple - addition, subtraction and, very rarely, multiplication. So, it’s not difficult to calculate everything you need. How can numerology help?

  • Determining a good day for a wedding, important event, moving, buying an apartment, etc.;
  • calculation of a person's destiny number;
  • making a forecast for the next year, day of the week.

Every day carries a certain energy. It may coincide with yours, then the effect of energetic harmony occurs. On such days of the week everything always goes well. It turns out that you have projects that you have been working on for a long time, purchases bring a lot of benefits, and a wedding or the birth of a child is a great happiness for you.

On other days of the year, any work falls out of hand. Such a date should be marked in your calendar with a black marker - do not start business, do not make appointments. Just wait out this unpleasant moment in some quiet place. It’s good that there aren’t so many of these days, otherwise it wouldn’t be easy for people.

It's all about the energy of the heavenly bodies. On a certain day, Venus, Mars, the Moon and the Sun occupy a special position relative to your zodiac constellation. This generates a release of energy that can harm you or help you. It all also depends on your personal code - the number that forms your date of birth.

How to calculate a lucky day

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the “vibrating” value of the number. Each date contains the day, month and year - it's simple and understandable to everyone. For example, the date is December 12, 2015. How would you describe this day? To answer this question, let's simplify the number:


The day will pass under the sign of the number 7, it can be easily found in the description. But advanced numerologists don’t stop there. What will this day be like for you personally? This is also easy to calculate. Let's remember the value 7, and now determine your personal code. Let's assume a person was born on August 14, 1989. Its number is calculated in the same way:


Now we have two values ​​- some date in the future and the person's personal code. Let's add them up, and the result will determine the situation:

All that remains is to look at the table of values.

Simple calculations will save you from troubles

Number meanings from 1 to 9

A day for action. A very good date to start something. Feel free to schedule important things for this day.

It's best to think things through. You can make a lot of mistakes on this day if you are not careful. It starts out sunny, but rain or even snow can come suddenly. Any time of the year.

Number 3 hints that you need to listen to yourself. Show your intuition, try to feel for yourself what to do. It's a day for the sixth sense.

Did the calculation give you the number 4? This means that you will need to try hard. On this day, do physical labor, it will bring success.

Try not to go on adventures. If 5 is the number of your day, then there may be financial losses for those who take money too lightly.

A harmonious day for all endeavors. Plan all the most important things for the day with the six. Make sure you do the calculations correctly just in case.

It makes sense to work alone. This is how inspiration will come to you. Rely only on your own strengths, then you will achieve success. Internal concentration number.

The date “8” is very good for realizing old ideas. It is on this day that you will achieve what you have been dreaming about for many years.

Using numerological calculations, choose the best day for your wedding

I can't think of a better day to work on myself. Read, study, work, go for a run. Save this day for yourself.

Lucky day for a wedding

This is how successful days are determined for many events. One of the most important is the wedding. For this solemn, happy day, not only the weather outside is important, but also in the house. Numerology gives a simple recipe for you and your partner on how to choose the best day. You need to start with the pair forecast.

Step One: Bride and Groom Code Compatibility

  • 06.1988 - date of birth of the bride.
  • 04.1980 - date of birth of the groom.

1+1+6+1+9+8+8 = 7,

1+3+4+1+9+8 = 8,

Now we just add the values, it turns out 7+8=15=6. Great, this is a very harmonious date. They have good compatibility, because six is ​​the number of harmony. The calculation was correct, so we can move on and give them the perfect wedding day.

Step two: ideal day of the month

Now they need to choose a month. A lot depends on the choice of month, because it affects the result. For example, they want to get married in the summer, in August. August - 08.2015. Numerology is an exact science, sometimes painstaking. It is necessary to calculate the best dates from August 2015. Here the calculation is carried out for each day: 08/1/2015, 08/2/2015...08/31/2015.

Let’s immediately determine the day of the month and year:

The sum of the numbers in the pair is 6. Let’s add these two values: 16+6=22 or 4.

Now you need to add the number 4 to all the days of the month in turn:

Let's write all the values ​​in a table, simplifying the numbers. I learned a table with values ​​from 1 to 9. The best day for a wedding will be the one that passes under the sign of six. There are 4 such days in August. A good day will be “one”. There are only three of them. Eight is also suitable, especially if you have been planning a wedding for a long time. Now the couple has 11 most suitable days when they can schedule a celebration. All that remains is to choose and invite guests.

1 5 2 (11) 6 3 (21) 7 4 (31) 8
2 6 3 (12) 7 4 (22) 8
3 7 4 (13) 8 5 (23) 9
4 8 5 (14) 9 6 (24) 1
5 9 6 (15) 1 7 (25) 2
6 1 7 (16) 2 8 (26) 3
7 2 8 (17) 3 9 (27) 4
8 3 9 (18) 4 1 (28) 4
9 4 1 (19) 5 2 (29) 6
1 (10) 5 2 (20) 6 3 (30) 7

The calculation takes no more than 10-15 minutes, and you have an ideal day that suits both, and even promises an excellent future for the union. Numerology works wonders. In the same way, you can calculate any event in your life.

Your life will be successful if you believe in yourself. You shouldn’t drive yourself into a prison of good and bad dates. Every day numerology is just advice on how you can carry out important things more successfully. Any day of the year can be successful, the main thing is to believe in yourself. Of course, using a numerological calendar is very useful. Plan for really important events ahead of time. The current year always gives you many good days when everything works out.

It is best to start calculating your lucky day at the end of the month. Then you have time to think about everything, think about what things need to be planned first.

Be sure to check your calculations well; if you don’t trust yourself to count mentally, then use a calculator. This is an exact science, everything must be correct, otherwise an error of one will be fatal to the plans.

Today is a unique day, which means enjoy it. If you get a result for today that says this day will not be your lucky day, then do not despair. Spend it with your family, watch your favorite movie. Let the troubles be everyday, not dangerous. This way you will protect yourself from problems and your loved ones from worries.

Do not impose your method of counting days on your family or friends. Firstly, they don’t disclose their Luck to everyone. Secondly, they have the right not to believe that numerology is capable of such miracles. Improve yourself, learn, you will definitely succeed.

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