Raisa Gorbacheva: biography, family, causes of death. Who was Raisa Gorbacheva really

diets 18.08.2019

28 Feb 2018

AT Soviet Union it was not customary for general secretaries to flaunt their wives, as the leaders of Western countries did.

While all the women in USA dreamed of dressing up in the same costumes as Jacqueline Kennedy, in the USSR, ladies did not even suspect that the wives of Khrushchev, Brezhnev and others were putting on themselves.

The wife changed the situation Mikhail Gorbachev, Raisa. She stepped out of the shadows, accompanying her husband, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, dressing in bright outfits and illuminating everyone with an impeccable smile everywhere.

In those days, the women of the whole Union envied Raisa Gorbacheva, discussing how many state rubles she spends on her outfits, how many times a day she changes costumes. After all, they could not afford such a luxury.

There was a crisis in the country, life became more and more difficult, and Gorbachev's wife still changed exquisite fur coats, coats and dresses like gloves. This angered the workers and peasant women the most.

There were rumors that Raisa dresses personally Vyacheslav Zaitsev or even myself Yves Saint Laurent. In fact, Gorbachev's wife dressed at the Kuznetsky Most Fashion House in Moscow.

Art critic of the Kuznetsky Most Alla Shilanina recalls that Raisa Maksimovna personally supervised the tailoring of her outfits.

She brought fabrics, approved the sketches proposed by the artist Tamara Makeeva, made changes and often asked to sew all kinds of bows and elegant collars to blouses. Gorbacheva often brought flowers and sweets to the Fashion House, for which her employees loved her very much.

In addition, the first lady of the USSR was familiar with Yves Saint Laurent, and with Pierre Cardin. They highly appreciated her taste and praised her choice of outfits.

However, people from Gorbacheva's inner circle also recall her whims and unexpected antics. So, head of security, Colonel Viktor Kuzovlev, spoke: " Mikhail Gorbachev was often late for meetings due to the fact that his wife gathered for a long time, and then she came with him and sat down without a word next to scientists and the country's top leadership».

Personal security guard of the Secretary General's wife, Yuri Plekhanov also complained about her. He was so tired of her whims that he demanded a transfer, and later joined the members of the State Emergency Committee who rebelled against Gorbachev.

Personal chef of the Gorbachev family, Evgenia Ermakova, complained that Raisa Maksimovna fooled her with the choice of dishes. She could never decide what to serve her for dinner. This made life very difficult for the cook.

At the request of Gorbacheva, a car of domestic production was brought to each country by plane. On trips abroad, she moved exclusively on such cars with a personal driver.

The negative attitude of the people towards Raisa Gorbacheva changed only after she was diagnosed with leukemia. Then the whole country empathized with the wife of the former Secretary General. However, she died in 1999 in one of the best clinics in Germany.

Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that Gorbacheva was involved in charity work. She helped fund "Helping the Children of Chernobyl" and charitable association "Hematologists of the world - for children".

The first and last lady of the USSR passed away. She was the wife of the only Soviet president, and concurrently General Secretary of the Central Committee, Rais Gorbachev. Biography, nationality, education - all this is known from many official and not very sources. The wife of the head of state was under the constant attentive and not always benevolent gaze of society. Her outfits and manner of speaking were discussed both in the kitchens of the apartments of ordinary citizens and on the sidelines of power.

general characteristics

The majority of the people did not like the President's wife. Various non-verbal signs, gestures and facial expressions unequivocally betrayed in Mikhail Sergeevich a henpecked man, quite pleased with his share. Psychologists understood this, and just people who lived long enough to understand people on a subconscious level. And the President-Secretary General himself admitted that he was very strong woman was Raisa Gorbacheva. Her biography confirms the assumptions about the subordinate position of her husband in their family. The wife never depended on her other half, she strove for a personal career and self-sufficiency, although she understood that at some point it was necessary to give in, perhaps in order to achieve more later. She was domineering, in part, according to people who knew her, even vindictive and vindictive, and these qualities do not paint a person, especially a woman. The biography of Raisa Gorbacheva, her life milestones and many circumstances of fate speaks better than any acquaintances about the character traits of this controversial personality.


Before becoming Gorbacheva, Raisa Maksimovna bore the Ukrainian surname Titarenko. Paternal grandfather - Andrey Filippovich - served on railway, he managed to sit in prison (four years). Another ancestor, on the mother's side, Pyotr Stepanovich's Parade, was completely shot for Trotskyism and rejection of the collective farm standing. His wife, Raisa's grandmother, died of starvation. There was something for grandfather not to like Soviet power. Who could have foreseen that the wife of the last leader Soviet Union will be Raisa Gorbacheva? The biography of her relatives could greatly influence her career in the Stalin years. And in the next decades, it would not bode well (the shot grandfather was only rehabilitated in 1988, when Mikhail Sergeevich had been leading the whole country for three years already). But the granddaughter of the disgraced Trotskyist managed to enter Moscow State University, get a diploma in philosophy (Marxist-Leninist, what else) and later defend a dissertation. This point deserves a special section.

Dissertation and science of all sciences

Topic scientific work concerned the formation of new features of collective farm life and was based on materials collected in the Stavropol Territory as a result of some sociological research. A special place in it was occupied by the position of a woman, a Soviet peasant woman. The work highlights the processes of reformation that occurred in the minds of the broad working masses as a result of the global shifts that occurred after the victory of October. The dynamics of changes in peasant life, way of life and thinking in the course of changes in socio-economic conditions is traced. And how all this together affects the growth of the cultural level of collective farmers in the conditions of modern socialist Russia. Such a glorious work was defended in 1967 by Gorbacheva Raisa Maksimovna. Her biography as a prominent scientist was continued as a twenty-year-old teaching experience. In two (medina and agriculture) she read Marxist-Leninist philosophy and sociology. The students cried, and if one of them tried to deceive fate and get an assessment from some other, less picky teacher, then retribution awaited him at the state exam. And don't expect forgiveness, you won't get more "good luck", renegade.

But that will be later. In the meantime, Raisa Titarenko is a student herself ...

Acquaintance with Gorbachev and marriage

Raya met Misha in a hostel somewhere in the early fifties. He studied to be a lawyer, especially enviable groom was not considered, but there was something that distinguished the student Gorbachev from all the others. Perhaps there was a sudden flash of passion, or Titarenko was bribed by a accommodating and gentle character, but the fact remains. At the end of September 1953, after a couple of years of courtship, the couple formalized the relationship in the registry office. The wedding was played in a dietary student canteen at the hostel on Stromynka, and it was unlikely that it was non-alcoholic. Thus began the biography of Raisa Gorbacheva, she changed her last name and ceased to be Titarenko.

The couple wanted to have a child almost immediately, but in 1954 this was not possible for medical reasons. Daughter Irina appeared three years later.


After university, graduate Gorbachev was assigned to the prosecutor's office of the city of Stavropol. At that time, his young wife was already a graduate student (she entered and graduated from the university a year earlier), and who knows, she might have written an outstanding scientific work a good ten years earlier, but these plans had to be postponed, if necessary. In the regional prosecutor's office, Mikhail did not work for very long, ten days, after which he became a Komsomol worker, moreover, released, in the regional committee. Department of agitation and propaganda, deputy head of the department. The young lawyer joined the party while still at university. It was not easy, students were reluctantly admitted to the CPSU - the quota was small, but work on the collective farm as an assistant combine operator and the order received for this contributed. Later on to physical labor the future general secretary did not return, specializing more and more in ideology.

The Stavropol biography of Raisa Gorbacheva was, as she believed, not easy. They rented an apartment, then they received two rooms in the commune from the regional committee. There was no work in the specialty, and I had to give lectures from the Knowledge Society (there was such a thing, one of the most popular topics there was about how, Then, nevertheless, there was a vacancy at the institute and in another part-time job. Scientific work began.

In fact, even a modest position in the regional committee of the Komsomol gave some advantages. The same two rooms and a teaching position for a wife would not be so easy to secure for an ordinary engineer.

First Lady of the Territory

In the years when her husband was making a career, reached the post of first secretary of the regional committee of Stavropol, and then held it for quite a long time, the biography of Raisa Gorbacheva, apparently, did not contain any special interesting facts, but the simplest logic allows us to restore the picture from a high degree reliability. She taught social sciences at institutes, her immediate superiors, fearing the wrath of a high-ranking spouse or striving for his mercy, most likely allowed her many innocent pranks like being late for work or leaving early, and colleagues (especially women) fiercely discussed her new clothes. At the same time, a peculiar manner of speaking developed - edifyingly verbose and largely condescending, even in relation to people who are older and obviously superior intellectually, repeatedly ridiculed (however, subtly) by some cultural figures.

In a blaze of glory

A swift rush to Moscow and a very quick mastery of the main office in the country, made by her husband, revealed all the character traits of the first lady of the USSR - both good and not very good. This is where Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva unfolded in all her glory, her biography was enriched with new facts that delight vanity and pride. Creation of some cultural funds, charity programs, the “name of me” club, which promotes the growth of the role of women (straight from the dissertation), with maximum publicity, demonstrated to the whole world, and primarily to Soviet people, the desire to show itself, and each time in a new stunning outfit.

Needless to say, ordinary working women, not spoiled by foreign wardrobes and not accustomed to the Western secular manner of the "first ladies", did not like it very much. They didn't know everything yet... But the West applauded, the Americans, the French and the Germans admired the casually charming manner of spending money in the boutiques of well-known brands. The couple was delighted with their similarity to foreigners.

Last years and days

In 1991, during the coup and isolation of the Gorbachev family at the Foros dacha, Raisa Maksimovna behaved courageously and with dignity, although this was not easy for her. She found the strength to support her husband, who, obviously, fell into despondency. After the collapse of the USSR, Mikhail Sergeevich wanted to return to politics and even put forward his candidacy for the presidency, despite the objections of his wife, who understood the futility of the attempt. You need to leave beautifully, it should not end in failure (this, apparently, was considered by Raisa

The disease overtook her unexpectedly. Was it a consequence of the radiation received during the Semipalatinsk tests, or did the deadly consequences of Chernobyl affect? Maybe, nervous system couldn't handle the load? Nobody can answer this question now. oncological disease put the last point in the story called “Raisa Gorbacheva. Biography". The years of life (1932-1999) are carved on the tombstone, they mean the time frame of her stay on earth, but can they tell about this unusual woman?

Raisa Gorbacheva made a real revolution in the USSR when she took and left the "twilight". Before her, the first persons not only hid their women - it was just that in the Union it was somehow not customary to flaunt them. Ordinary people usually did not even guess what the "second halves" of the country's leaders looked like.

And Raisa Maksimovna not only accompanied her husband everywhere - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev, lavishing friendly smiles and easily answering the greetings of the first persons various countries. She also dressed up in such a way that the country every time froze at the TV screens in horror and admiration.

patient client

Women then gossiped that millions of state rubles were spent on the outrageous outfits of the first lady. Hungryly clinging to the blue screens, they counted how many times a day the wife of the secretary general changes costumes. They figured out how much each blouse cost. And they were jealous. After all, such outfits were not available to them, Soviet women at that time sewed their own clothes, according to patterns from the magazines Rabotnitsa and Peasant Woman.

The worse the economic situation in the country became, the more irritated the “peasant women and workers” were at the sight of a smart, blooming, well-groomed Raisa. The country is in ruins, everything is in short supply. And here - perfectly tailored fashionable suits, elegant coats and fur coats, exquisite evening dresses, hats ...

People decided that Vyacheslav Zaitsev or even Yves Saint Laurent himself dresses her. In reality, the secretary general's wife visited the Kuznetsky Most Fashion House in Moscow, where first-class craftswomen worked for her.

According to Alla Shchilanina, an art historian at Kuznetsky Most, Raisa Maksimovna usually brought fabrics herself and discussed the sketches proposed by the artist Tamara Makeeva. Most often, she approved, behaved patiently during the fitting. Sometimes she made some suggestions - for example, she was very fond of blouses with various bows, unusual collars. She often appeared at the Fashion House with flowers and sweets for the staff, who had the most pleasant memories of her.

Raisa Maksimovna was well acquainted with both Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Cardin. At the same time, Cardin always admired her good taste in clothes. He emphasized that the first lady of the USSR could afford more bold and bright outfits, having a good figure and exquisite taste. Probably, Cardin added, she simply does not want to embarrass Soviet women, so she dresses quite modestly.

Capricious hostess

Eyewitnesses told a lot about the willfulness of Raisa Gorbacheva - people from the guards and servants. For example, the head of security, Colonel Viktor Kuzovlev, recalls how Gorbachev arrived at an important meeting scheduled for 11:00 in the afternoon. And next to him, his wife walked importantly, and then, without a shadow of a doubt, she sat down at the table with scientists, specialists and management. It turned out that the secretary general was late because of his wife - she was getting ready for a long time!

The first lady quickly got used to the fact that all her orders and whims are carried out implicitly. For example, from her there was literally no rest for the head of the 9th department (security service) Yuri Plekhanov: Raisa Maksimovna was used to calling him many times a day, demanding increased attention, consulting on every trifle. Plekhanov was so tired of such exactingness, of the position of a toy in the hands of the secretary general's wife, that he asked for his resignation or transfer, and later joined the members of the State Emergency Committee who rebelled against Gorbachev.

The Gorbachev family's personal chef, Yevgenia Ermakova, recounted how often Raisa Maksimovna brought her to tears with her conflicting orders. For example, she ordered dinner by 2 pm, but until the last minutes the cook could not agree on the menu with her - Gorbacheva was delaying the decision, and only the skill of the cook allowed her to honorably get out of the situation, but how many nerves did it cost her!

At the request of Raisa Maksimovna, in every country, in every foreign city where she went with her husband, cars of domestic production were delivered by plane - especially for her, so that she could ride them with a personal driver. This, of course, was very expensive for the state.

Country favorite

Raisa Maksimovna understood that most of the Soviet people did not treat her in the best way. But after Gorbachev's resignation, in July 1999, she was diagnosed with leukemia. And then the attitude of the people miraculously changed: they began to worry about her, sent her greetings, prayed for her health.

Being seriously ill, she said bitterly: “Probably, I had to get seriously ill and die in order to be understood.” Unfortunately, nothing helped: Raisa Gorbacheva, who seemed to be a winner in life, the first of the "first ladies" of the USSR, died in September 1999 in one of the best German clinics.

Interesting Facts

Before the appearance of Raisa Gorbacheva, foreign delegations to the USSR were met by the first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. The spouses of state leaders did not appear in the frame.

They said about the slender and fit Gorbacheva that this was the first wife of the Secretary General, who weighs less than her husband. While Raisa Gorbacheva was alive, her husband did not overweight - 85 kg, because she always monitored his nutrition and health. After the death of his wife, Mikhail Sergeevich abruptly passed - diabetes, which developed on a nervous basis, led to an increase in weight.

Raisa Maksimovna knew well English language- unlike her husband, thanks to which she could freely communicate with Margaret Thatcher and even translate the words of the English-speaking heads of state to her husband.

The wife of Mikhail Sergeevich was active in charitable activities. She worked in the "Help to the Children of Chernobyl" Foundation, in the "Hematologists of the World for Children" charitable association, and helped the Moscow Central Children's Hospital.

How much money did the former "first lady" actually spend on her outfits
Raisa Gorbacheva made a real revolution in the USSR when she took and left the "twilight". Before her, the first persons not only hid their women - it was just that in the Union it was somehow not customary to flaunt them. Ordinary people usually did not even guess what the "second halves" of the country's leaders looked like.

And Raisa Maksimovna not only accompanied her husband everywhere, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev, lavishing friendly smiles and easily answering the greetings of the first persons of various countries. She also dressed up in such a way that the country every time froze at the TV screens in horror and admiration.

patient client

Women then gossiped that millions of state rubles were spent on the outrageous outfits of the first lady. Hungryly clinging to the blue screens, they counted how many times a day the wife of the secretary general changes costumes. They figured out how much each blouse cost. And they were jealous. After all, such outfits were not available to them, Soviet women at that time sewed their own clothes, according to patterns from the magazines Rabotnitsa and Peasant Woman.

The worse the economic situation in the country became, the more irritated the “peasant women and workers” were at the sight of a smart, blooming, well-groomed Raisa. The country is in ruins, everything is in short supply. And here - perfectly tailored fashionable suits, elegant coats and fur coats, exquisite evening dresses, hats ...

People decided that Vyacheslav Zaitsev or even Yves Saint Laurent himself dresses her. In reality, the secretary general's wife visited the Kuznetsky Most Fashion House in Moscow, where first-class craftswomen worked for her.

According to Alla Shchilanina, an art historian at Kuznetsky Most, Raisa Maksimovna usually brought fabrics herself and discussed the sketches proposed by the artist Tamara Makeeva. Most often, she approved, behaved patiently during the fitting. Sometimes she made some suggestions - for example, she was very fond of blouses with various bows, unusual collars. She often appeared at the Fashion House with flowers and sweets for the staff, who had the most pleasant memories of her.

Raisa Maksimovna was well acquainted with both Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Cardin. At the same time, Cardin always admired her good taste in clothes. He emphasized that the first lady of the USSR could afford more bold and bright outfits, having a good figure and exquisite taste. Probably, Cardin added, she simply does not want to embarrass Soviet women, so she dresses quite modestly.

Capricious hostess

Eyewitnesses told a lot about the willfulness of Raisa Gorbacheva - people from the guards and servants. For example, the head of security, Colonel Viktor Kuzovlev, recalls how Gorbachev arrived at an important meeting scheduled for 11:00 in the afternoon. And next to him, his wife walked importantly, and then, without a shadow of a doubt, she sat down at the table with scientists, specialists and management. It turned out that the secretary general was late because of his wife - she was getting ready for a long time!

The first lady quickly got used to the fact that all her orders and whims are carried out implicitly. For example, from her there was literally no rest for the head of the 9th department (security service) Yuri Plekhanov: Raisa Maksimovna was used to calling him many times a day, demanding increased attention, consulting on every trifle. Plekhanov was so tired of such exactingness, of the position of a toy in the hands of the secretary general's wife, that he asked for his resignation or transfer, and later joined the members of the State Emergency Committee who rebelled against Gorbachev.

The Gorbachev family's personal chef, Yevgenia Ermakova, recounted how often Raisa Maksimovna brought her to tears with her conflicting orders. For example, she ordered dinner by 2 pm, but until the last minutes the cook could not agree on the menu with her - Gorbacheva was delaying the decision, and only the skill of the cook allowed her to honorably get out of the situation, but how many nerves did it cost her!

At the request of Raisa Maksimovna, cars of domestic production were delivered by plane to every country, to every foreign city where she went with her husband, especially for her, so that she could drive them with a personal driver. This, of course, was very expensive for the state.

Country favorite

Raisa Maksimovna understood that most of the Soviet people did not treat her in the best way. But after Gorbachev's resignation, in July 1999, she was diagnosed with leukemia. And then the attitude of the people miraculously changed: they began to worry about her, sent her greetings, prayed for her health.

Being seriously ill, she said bitterly: “Probably, I had to get seriously ill and die in order to be understood.” Unfortunately, nothing helped: Raisa Gorbacheva, who seemed to be a winner in life, the first of the "first ladies" of the USSR, died in September 1999 in one of the best German clinics.

Interesting Facts

Before the appearance of Raisa Gorbacheva, foreign delegations to the USSR were met by the first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. The spouses of state leaders did not appear in the frame.

They said about the slender and fit Gorbacheva that this was the first wife of the Secretary General, who weighs less than her husband. While Raisa Gorbacheva was alive, her husband did not overweight - 85 kg, because she always monitored his nutrition and health. After the death of his wife, Mikhail Sergeevich abruptly passed - diabetes, which developed on a nervous basis, led to an increase in weight.

Raisa Maksimovna knew English well - unlike her husband, thanks to which she could freely communicate with Margaret Thatcher and even translate the words of the English-speaking heads of state to her husband.

The wife of Mikhail Sergeevich was active in charitable activities. She worked in the Help for the Children of Chernobyl Foundation, in the charitable association World Hematologists for Children, and helped the Moscow Central Children's Hospital.

AT Soviet Union it was not customary for general secretaries to flaunt their wives, as the leaders of Western countries did.

While all women USA dreamed of dressing up in the same costumes as Jacqueline Kennedy, in the USSR, ladies did not even suspect that the wives of Khrushchev, Brezhnev and others were dressing.

The wife changed the situation Mikhail Gorbachev, Raisa. She stepped out of the shadows, accompanying her husband, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, dressed in bright outfits and illuminating everyone with an impeccable smile everywhere.

In those days, the women of the whole Union envied Raisa Gorbacheva, discussing how many state rubles she spends on her outfits, how many times a day she changes costumes. After all, they could not afford such a luxury.

There was a crisis in the country, life became more and more difficult, and Gorbachev's wife still changed exquisite fur coats, coats and dresses like gloves. This angered the workers and peasants more and more.

There were rumors that Raisa dresses personally Vyacheslav Zaitsev or even myself Yves Saint Laurent. In fact, Gorbachev's wife dressed at the Kuznetsky Most Fashion House in Moscow.

Art critic of the Kuznetsky Most Alla Shilanina recalls that Raisa Maksimovna personally supervised the tailoring of her outfits.

She brought fabrics, approved the sketches proposed by the artist Tamara Makeeva, made changes and often asked to sew all kinds of bows and elegant collars to blouses. Gorbacheva often brought flowers and sweets to the Fashion House, for which her employees loved her very much.

In addition, the first lady of the USSR was familiar with Yves Saint Laurent, and with Pierre Cardin. They highly appreciated her taste and praised her choice of outfits.

However, people from Gorbacheva's inner circle also recall her whims and unexpected antics. So, head of security, Colonel Viktor Kuzovlev, spoke: " Mikhail Gorbachev was often late for meetings due to the fact that his wife gathered for a long time, and then she came with him and sat down without a word next to scientists and the country's top leadership».

Personal security guard of the wife of Gensk, Yuri Plekhanov also complained about her. He was so tired of her whims that he demanded a transfer, and later joined the members of the State Emergency Committee who rebelled against Gorbachev.

Personal chef of the Gorbachev family, Evgenia Ermakova, complained that Raisa Maksimovna fooled her with the choice of dishes. She could never decide what to serve her for dinner. This made life very difficult for the cook.

At the personal request of Gorbacheva, a car of domestic production was brought to each country by plane. On trips abroad, she moved exclusively on such cars with a personal driver.

The negative attitude of the people towards Raisa Gorbacheva changed only after she was diagnosed with leukemia. Then the whole country empathized with the wife of the former Secretary General. However, she died in 1999 in one of the best clinics in Germany.

Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that Gorbacheva was involved in charity work. She helped fund "Helping the Children of Chernobyl" and charitable association "Hematologists of the world - for children".

Raisa Gorbacheva was without a doubt a strong and powerful woman. It was not difficult to notice that it was she who made decisions in the family and even oversaw matters of national importance.

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