Presentation of hand grenades. Presentation "device and principle of operation of hand grenades" presentation for a lesson on the topic

Design and interior 09.08.2019
Design and interior

  • Topic: "Manual fragmentation grenades RGD-5, F-1: purpose and combat properties.
  • The purpose of the lesson: Explain to students the importance of using grenades in combat, familiarize them with the device and properties.
  • During the classes: Introduction (From the history of invention)
  • Main part:
  • RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade (offensive);
  • F-1 hand fragmentation grenade (defensive);
  • Conclusion.

  • For the first time in the world, hand grenades appeared in Russia in the XIV century. They constituted an integral armament of the Russian warrior. Hand grenades, nicknamed "pocket artillery", were successfully used in battles to repel enemy invasions of Russian lands. These grenades were filled with black powder and were used by soldiers in the defense of defensive lines.
  • In 1610, a percussion grenade was invented in Russia. When a grenade hit an obstacle, a special device was triggered, the flint struck a spark, and an explosion occurred.
  • In 1854-1855, during the defense of Sevastopol, the Russian scientist N. N. Zinin was the first in the world to propose filling grenades not with gunpowder, but with nitroglycerin.
  • In 1884, percussion grenades with a flammable primer entered service with the Russian army, and in 1910, much earlier than other European armies, the Russian army received a defensive remote-action grenade with a burning fuse of 5 s. In 1915, the designer F.V. Koveshnikov designed a more advanced fuse for a grenade with a remote composition of 3.5 from burning instead of 7 from burning.
  • During the years of the Great Patriotic War in service Soviet army consisted of a hand grenade RG-42. At the same time, a unified fuse was created for hand grenades. Then, the RGD-5 (offensive) and F-1 (defensive) grenades were adopted, and later - RGN and RGO

  • The RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade (offensive) (Fig. 42) consists of a body with a tube for a fuse, an explosive charge and a fuse. Weight of charged grenade - 310g
  • Frame grenades are used to place an explosive charge, a tube for a fuse, as well as the formation of fragments during a grenade explosion. It consists of two parts - upper and lower. The upper part of the body consists of an outer shell called a cap and a cap liner. A fuse tube is attached to the upper part of the body with the help of a cuff. The tube is designed to attach the fuse to the grenade and to seal the bursting charge in the case. To protect the tube from contamination, a plastic stopper is screwed into it. When preparing a grenade for throwing, instead of a cork, a fuse is screwed into the tube. The bottom of the body consists of an outer shell called a sump and a sump liner.
  • Bursting charge fills the body and serves to break the grenade into fragments.

Impact mechanism serves to ignite the primer-igniter fuse. It consists of a tube of the percussion mechanism, a connecting sleeve, a guide washer, a mainspring, a striker, a striker washer, a trigger lever and a safety pin with a ring.

The tube of the percussion mechanism is the basis for the assembly of all parts of the fuse. The connecting sleeve serves to connect the fuse with the grenade body. It is put on the lower part of the tube of the percussion mechanism. The guide washer is a stop for the upper end of the mainspring and directs the movement of the striker. It is fixed in the upper part of the tube of the percussion mechanism. The mainspring is used to inform the drummer of the energy necessary to prick the igniter capsule. It is put on the drummer and rests with its upper end against the guide washer, and with its lower end against the drummer washer. The drummer makes a prick and causes ignition of the igniter capsule; it is placed inside the tube of the percussion mechanism. The drummer washer is put on the lower end of the drummer and is a stop for the lower end of the mainspring.

The trigger lever holds the drummer in the cocked position (the mainspring is compressed). The safety pin is used to hold the trigger lever on the tube of the percussion mechanism. . It passes through the holes of the spring of the trigger lever and the walls of the tube of the percussion mechanism; there is a ring to pull it out.

Actually fuse designed to explode the explosive charge of a grenade. It consists of a retarder sleeve, an igniter cap, a retarder and a detonator cap.

The retarder sleeve in the upper part has a thread for connection with the tube of the percussion mechanism and a socket for the igniter cap, inside - a channel in which the retarder is placed, outside - a groove for attaching the detonator cap sleeve.

Primer igniter created for retarder ignition.

The retarder transmits a beam of fire from the igniter cap to the detonator cap. It consists of a pressed powder composition.

The detonator cap is used to detonate the explosive charge of the grenade. It is placed in a sleeve fixed on the bottom of the retarder bushing. The fuse capsule ignites at the moment the grenade is thrown, and the explosion occurs 3.2 - 4.2 seconds after the throw.

fuse UZRGM- a modernized unified fuse of a hand grenade (Fig. 43) - is intended for the explosion of an explosive charge. It consists of a percussion mechanism and the fuse itself.

The fuses are always in combat position. Dismantle fuses and

check the operation of the impact mechanism is strictly prohibited.

  • The F-1 hand fragmentation grenade (defensive) is intended to defeat manpower mainly in defensive combat. Due to the scattering of fragments over a considerable distance, it can only be thrown from behind cover, from an infantry fighting vehicle, a tank, and from an armored personnel carrier.
  • The grenade consists of a body, an explosive charge and a fuse.
  • Frame cast-iron grenades, with longitudinal and transverse grooves, along which it usually breaks into fragments. In the upper part of the body there is a threaded hole for screwing in the fuse. During storage, transportation and carrying, a plastic stopper is screwed into it.
  • The purpose and device of the explosive charge and fuse are the same as the RGD-5 grenades. A loaded grenade weighs 600 g.

Security measures for handling grenades

  • Grenades are carried in grenade bags (Fig. 45).
  • The fuses are placed in them separately from the grenades, with each fuse wrapped in paper or rags.
  • Grenades and fuses are periodically inspected. Loading a grenade (inserting a fuse) is allowed only before throwing it.
  • Disassemble live grenades and troubleshoot them, carry grenades without bags (suspended by the safety pin ring), and also touch unexploded grenades prohibited.

  • What advantages and disadvantages of this type of weapon have been revealed in comparison with others? Let's try to compare with mines.
  • Why can't you use the F-1 grenade on the offensive?
  • Does a single fuse of a grenade pose any danger, and a grenade without a fuse?

In the next lesson, we will continue the topic. And we have to study the rules for throwing grenades and safety measures when handling them. We conclude this part with this.

Thank you! See you soon.

Hand grenades: purpose, types. A grenade is an explosive weapon designed to
destruction of enemy manpower and equipment with the help of
hand throw.
A modern hand grenade consists of a body,
explosive charge and fuse (fuse).
The defeat is inflicted by fragments of the hull,
shock wave or cumulative jet, and
also, as an option, ready-made striking
elements (shrapnel). Made from
light alloys, materials of high specific
strength and plastics.
A trained soldier throws a fragmentation
grenade at 40-50 meters, anti-tank -
about 20 meters.


Grenades may have a fuse,
triggered on different principles of detonation
- dynamic (detonation upon impact with the target),
or with a delay (detonation by a fuse with
given delay).
Undermining with a delay is carried out
as follows: when pulling out
safety pin and clip release
cocked in advance
spring mechanism, and the striker hits with force
per capsule from shock-sensitive
substances, (by analogy with the product
hand-held shot firearms).


Exploding capsule
ignites gunpowder in a thin fuse
tube. Gunpowder burns at speed
approximately 1 cm per second and does not require
oxygen, so the grenade can
explode underwater. When the fire is in
ignition tube reaches the detonator,
it explodes and causes detonation
explosive, which
equipped with a grenade.
Depending on the design,
the fuse of the grenade turns on the fuse
a tube with a primer and a detonator, and
may also include a spring
mechanism with striker, pin and trigger


By appointment
main purpose (intended for
direct defeat of the enemy):
- anti-tank (high-explosive, cumulative)
- anti-personnel (fragmentation, high-explosive fragmentation, high-explosive)
– incendiary
special purpose:

light and sound
and others
training (have the shape and weight of a combat grenade)

Among the hand-held anti-personnel grenades are:

Among hand anti-personnel grenades
defensive grenades with a large radius
damage (more explosive power, quantity, quality and
fragmentation distance).
Defensive grenades are supposed to be used only because of
shelters, otherwise they are dangerous for the grenade launcher himself.
A typical defensive grenade - F-1 (explosive charge -
trotyl, 60 g; weight 600 g);
offensive (small explosive charge, scattering of fragments and
damaging effect). Offensive range
grenade guaranteed less than average throw range
hand, so they can be used while in the open
Offensive includes, for example, RGD-5 (charge
BB - TNT, 110 g; weight 310 g.).

F-1 grenade

F-1 - manual anti-personnel defensive

defensive battle.
Due to the significant radius of fragmentation
you can only throw it from behind cover, from
armored personnel carrier or from a tank.

The F-1 grenade has the following tactical and technical
Throw range: 50-60 m
Fragment damage radius: 7 m
200 m - safe distance
Ignition deceleration time: 3.2-4.5 sec
Number of fragments up to 300 pieces
F-1 grenade refers to hand-held anti-personnel fragmentation
defensive remote-action grenades.
Its design turned out to be so successful that without
fundamental changes have existed up to the present
time. Several changes and improvements were made to
increase the reliability of operation of the design of the fuse.

Like most anti-personnel grenades, the F-1 consists of 3 main parts:

Fuse. The grenade has a universal fuse UZRGM (or UZRG). fuse
UZRGM differs from UZRG by changes in the shape of the trigger guard and
striker design, which made it possible to reduce the failure rate of weapons.
Explosive. Explosive charge - 60 g of TNT.
Such grenades have an increased lethality, but the duration
storage in warehouses is strictly limited, after the expiration of the grenade
represents a significant hazard.
Metal shell.
Externally, the grenade has an oval ribbed
cast iron body.
Slicing the body makes it easy to tie
grenades to the peg and also performs
ergonomic function, contributing to
better holding grenades in hand.
The total weight of a grenade with a fuse is 600 g.

RGD-5 (hand grenade, remote)
RGD-5 - Soviet offensive manual
grenade, refers to anti-personnel fragmentation
remote hand grenades
offensive type. This means that she
designed to damage personal
the composition of the enemy with fragments of the hull with his own
The grenade reaches its target by throwing it with the hand.
Remote action - means that the grenade
will explode after a certain time (3.2-4.2
seconds) after it is released, regardless
from other conditions. offensive type -
means that grenade fragments have a small
mass and fly at a distance less than
possible throw distance.

Externally, the grenade has an oval body made of thin steel.
The streamlined body is assembled from the upper and lower parts,
each of which includes an outer shell and an insert.
Igniter hole closes during storage
plastic stopper. .
Explosive charge - TNT weighing 110
The range of fragmentation is 30 meters.
The fuse of the grenade is universal, suitable also for
grenades RG-42 and F-1.
Brand fuse: UZRG, UZRGM (since the second half of the 1950s
years), or UZRGM-2. All of these fuses are interchangeable.
Mass of a grenade with a fuse 310 g

RGO (defensive hand grenade)
RGO (defensive hand grenade) - hand
anti-personnel defensive strike-remote.
Designed to defeat manpower in
defensive battle. The grenade is delivered to the target only
due to her throw with the hand of a soldier.
The radius of destruction by fragments of a grenade is 50 meters, the radius
possible defeat 100 meters. According to performance characteristics in general
similar to the F-1 grenade, but unlike it has
combined shock-remote fuse.
Self-destruction time 3.2-4.2 sec.
Long-range cocking time 1.3-1.8 sec.
Weight 530 g
Detonation mechanism: UDZS fuse with
deceleration time 3.2-4.2 sec.

A grenade explosion occurs when a grenade meets
surface. For the fuse, it does not matter which
part of the grenade hit the surface. Has the meaning
only the deceleration speed of the grenade when meeting with
In order to improve the safety of the grenade launcher during
random encounter of a grenade with an obstacle at close range
distance from the grenade launcher, the fuse is cocked
only after 1.3-1.8 sec. after being released
safety lever (grenade thrown). That is, if
the grenade at this time will hit something, then the explosion will not
will happen at all.
If the grenade explosion did not occur from a percussion fuse
actions (grenade is not thrown, but the lever is released; grenade
is still in flight; the grenade fell into the water or
loose snow) then after 3.2-4.2 seconds after
the safety lever is released, the
self-destruction of a grenade by its detonation.

RGN (offensive hand grenade)
RGN (offensive hand grenade) anti-personnel
fragmentation shock-remote.
Designed to defeat manpower in combat.
The radius of destruction by fragments of a grenade is 15 meters, the radius
possible defeat 35 meters.
The RGN fuse is cocked only 1.3-1.8 seconds after
when the safety lever is released.
Weight 290 g
Detonation mechanism UDZS fuse with deceleration time
3.2-4.2 s

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GBOU Cadet School of the Pushkinsky District of St. Petersburg The device and principle of operation of hand grenades Completed by: Educator of the GPA Voronov Yu.A. Pavlovsk

The device, combat properties, and the principle of operation of hand fragmentation grenades

Grenade (Spanish: Granada - grenade) - explosive ammunition designed to defeat enemy personnel and equipment using manual throwing.

Grenadier Instructor Jr. Unger officer of the 12th Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment, 1917 Bettie hand grenade arr. 1915

F-1 Lemon grenade 1915 Tinder fuse grenade 1916

No. item / item characteristics Unit. rev. grenades RGD-5 F-1 1 Grenade type Offensive. Defense. 2 The mass of the loaded grenade G. 310 600 3 The mass of the bursting charge G. 60 75 4 The radius of the spread of lethal fragments M. 25 200 5 The radius of the zone of effective destruction of manpower M. 5 7 6 Medium range grenade throw M. 30-45 20-40 7 Fuse Combat properties hand fragmentation grenades of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

RGD - 5 General form 1 - igniter tube with cuff 2 - cap with insert 3 - tray with insert

F - 1 General view Device

UZRGM Striking mechanism: 1. Striking mechanism tube 2. Guide washer 3. Mainspring 4. Drummer 5. Drummer washer 6. Trigger lever 7. Safety pin with ring 8. Connecting sleeve Ignition: 9. Igniter capsule 10. Retarder sleeve 11 .Retarder 12. Capsule - detonator

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Hand-held fragmentation grenades are designed to destroy enemy personnel with fragments in close combat (during an attack, in trenches, shelters, settlements, in the forest, in the mountains, etc.)

General view of hand fragmentation grenades: a - RGD-5; b - F-1

The main combat characteristics of hand grenades

Grenade basic data



The nature of the fighting



The principle of operation of the mechanism



Burn time

The radius of the lethal action of fragments

Loaded grenade weight

Average throw distance

Hand fragmentation grenades are equipped with a modernized unified fuse for hand grenades (UZRGM).

The fuse capsule ignites at the moment the grenade is thrown, and its explosion occurs 3.2-4.2 seconds after the throw.

Grenades RGD-5 and F-1 explode without fail when dropped into mud, snow, water, etc. During the explosion, a large number of fragments are formed, flying in different directions.

Fragments of the RGD-5 grenade have the energy necessary to destroy manpower within a radius of up to 25 m, and F-1 grenades - up to 200 m.

The relatively small weight of grenades allows a trained person to throw them at a distance of 40-50 m.


The RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade consists of a body with a tube for a fuse, an explosive charge and a fuse.

Grenade case serves to place an explosive charge, a tube for a fuse, as well as to form fragments during a grenade explosion. It consists of two parts - upper and lower.

Top part The body consists of an outer shell, called a cap, and a cap liner. A tube for the fuse is attached to the upper part with the help of a cuff. The tube serves to attach the fuse to the grenade and to seal the bursting charge in the case.

To protect the tube from contamination, a plastic stopper is screwed into it. When preparing a grenade for throwing, instead of a cork, a fuse is screwed into the tube.

The bottom of the body consists of an outer shell called a sump and a sump liner.

FUSE Grenade UZRGM(modernized unified fuse of a hand grenade) is intended for the explosion of an explosive charge. It consists of a percussion mechanism and the fuse itself.

Device manual fragmentation grenade RGD-5:

1 - body; 2 - fuse; 3 - bursting charge; 4 - cap; 5 - cap insert; 6 - tube for fuse; 7 - cuff; 8 - pallet; 9 - pallet insert

The trigger lever serves to hold the drummer in the cocked position (the mainspring is compressed). On the tube of the percussion mechanism, the trigger lever is held by a safety pin.

The safety pin passes through the holes of the eye of the trigger lever and the walls of the tube of the percussion mechanism. She has a ring for her pulling. Actually fuse(Fig.) serves to explode the bursting charge of a grenade. It consists of a retarder bushing, an igniter cap, a retarder and a detonator cap. The fuses are always in combat position.


UZRGM grenade fuse:

1 - tube percussion mechanism; 2 - connecting sleeve; 3 - guide washer; 4 - mainspring; 5 - drummer; 6 - drummer washer;

7 - trigger lever; 8 - safety check; 9 - retarder bushing; 10 - moderator; 11 - primer-igniter; 12 - detonator cap


The F-1 fragmentation grenade consists of a body, an explosive charge and a fuse.

1 - body; 2 - bursting charge; 3 - fuse

Grenade case is used to place the explosive charge and fuse, as well as to form fragments during the explosion of a grenade. The body of the grenade is cast iron, with longitudinal and transverse grooves, along which the grenade usually breaks into fragments. In the upper part of the body there is a threaded hole for screwing in the fuse. When storing, transporting and carrying a grenade, a plastic plug is screwed into this hole.

EXPLOSIVE CHARGE fills the body and serves to break the grenade into fragments.

FUSE Grenade UZRGM(Fig. 4.3) is intended for the explosion of a bursting charge of a grenade. The F-1 grenade uses the same fuse as the RGD-5 grenade.


Before throwing a grenade. Get the grenade out of the bag, unscrew the cork from the tube, screw the fuse in its place to the full. The parts of the firing mechanism are in the following position:

The drummer is cocked and held in the upper position by the fork of the trigger lever connected to the tube of the percussion mechanism by a safety pin.

The ends of the safety checks are divorced and firmly hold it in the heat of the moment.

Class: 10

Presentation for the lesson

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  • Explain to students what hand grenades are for, tell about their device and combat properties.
  • Develop knowledge of weapons and the ability to use them.
  • Cultivate care, caution and ingenuity.

Time: 40 minutes.

Place: OBJ class.

Method: lecture, show presentation.

Benefits: computer, multimedia projector, screen, models of RGD-5 and F-1 grenades, UZRGM training fuse, posters for fire training.

Literature: OBZh textbook Grade 10 (M.P. Frolov, E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov.) 2010. OBZh lesson development class 10 (A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov).

During the classes

Introductory part - 5 minutes.

  1. Building and checking students according to the list;
  2. General issues;
  3. Study questions:
  4. The history of the creation of grenades.
  5. Types of grenades.
  6. The purpose of hand fragmentation grenades and their combat properties.
  7. The device of manual fragmentation grenades of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  8. Device UZRGM and UDZ.

The main part is 32 minutes.

I. The history of the creation of grenades.

Grana "ta (Spanish: Granada - grenade) is an explosive ammunition designed to destroy enemy manpower and equipment using hand throwing.

The name comes from the name of the pomegranate fruit, since the early types of pomegranates were similar in shape and size to the fruit and by analogy with the grains inside the fruit and the flying fragments of the grenade.

The prototype of hand grenades were clay vessels with lime or incendiary mixture, which were used from the 9th century. The first grenades were also made mainly from clay, the effectiveness of this weapon in terms of causing damage is highly doubtful. Rather, the result of their use was the demoralization of the enemy - in those days battle formations were very dense, so that a grenade thrown at the enemy forced the soldiers to break the formation, scatter in panic, push / trample / drop each other, disrupting the advancement and maneuvering of the detachments with these evolutions.

In 1405, Konrad Kaiser von Eichstadt proposed casting cast iron casings for throwing projectiles and making a cavity in a powder projectile, which increased the likelihood of the casing being crushed into fragments.

In field battles, grenades began to be actively used in the 17th century. In 1667, soldiers (4 people per company) were allocated in the English troops specifically for throwing shells. These fighters are called grenadiers". Only soldiers with excellent physical shape and training could become them. After all, the higher the soldier and the stronger, the farther he will be able to throw a grenade. Following the example of the British, this type of weapon was introduced in the armies of almost all states.

Germany was the first to realize that a great future was destined for grenades, and set up their mass production before the start of World War I. famous F-1- "lemon" was made by the French in 1914 (inventor - engineer Lemon), and by 15-16. almost all countries participating in the war again put the production of grenades on stream. The division of projectiles into offensive and defensive ones took place during the “lull”, between the I and II World Wars.

II. Types of grenades.

By purpose, grenades are divided into:

  • main purpose (intended for direct destruction of the enemy):
  • anti-tank (high-explosive, cumulative)
  • anti-personnel (fragmentation, high-explosive fragmentation, high-explosive)
  • incendiary
  • special purpose:
  • smoke
  • lighting
  • signal
  • gas
  • and others
  • training (have the shape and weight of a combat grenade)

Among the hand-held anti-personnel grenades are:

defensive grenades with a large radius of destruction (more explosive power, quantity, quality and range of fragments). Defensive grenades are supposed to be used only from behind cover, otherwise they are dangerous for the grenade launcher himself. Typical defensive grenade - F-1, RGO.

offensive (small explosive charge, fragmentation and damaging effect). Offensive grenades are guaranteed to have a lesser range than the average hand throw range, so they can be used in open spaces. Offensive ones include RGD-5, RGN.

III. The purpose of hand fragmentation grenades and their combat properties.

Hand-held fragmentation grenades are designed to destroy enemy personnel with fragments in close combat (in open areas, in trenches or communications, when fighting in locality, in the forest or mountains). Depending on the range of the fragments, grenades are divided into offensive (RGD-5, RGN) and defensive (F-1, RGO).

Hand fragmentation grenades are equipped with fuses UZRGM (modernized unified hand grenade fuse) and UDZ (shock-remote fuse).

No. p / p characteristics Unit grenades
RGD-5 F-1 RGN Russian Geographical Society
1 grenade type Advance. Defense. Advance. Defense.
2 Weight of equipped grenade G. 310 600 310 530
3 Bursting charge mass G. 60 75 114 92
4 Scattering radius of lethal fragments M 25 200 24 150
5 The radius of the zone of effective destruction of manpower M 5 7 8 12
6 Average grenade throw range M. 30-45 20-40 30-45 20-40
7 Grenade fuse UZRGM UZRGM UDZ UDZ
8 Flame retarder burning time FROM. 3,2-4,2 3,2-4,2 3,3-4,3 3,3-4,3

IV. The device of manual fragmentation grenades of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade consists of a body with a tube for a fuse, an explosive charge and a fuse.

The body of the grenade serves to place an explosive charge, a tube for a fuse, as well as to form fragments during a grenade explosion. It consists of two parts - upper and lower.

The upper part of the body consists of an outer shell called a cap and a cap liner. A tube for the fuse is attached to the upper part with the help of a cuff. The tube serves to attach the fuse to the grenade and to seal the bursting charge in the case. To protect the tube from contamination, a plastic stopper is screwed into it. When preparing a grenade for throwing, instead of a cork, a fuse is screwed into the tube.

The bottom of the body consists of an outer shell called a sump and a sump liner. The explosive charge fills the body and serves to break the grenade into fragments.

The F-1 hand fragmentation grenade consists of a body, an explosive charge and a fuse.

The body of the grenade serves to place an explosive charge and fuse, as well as to form fragments during a grenade explosion. The body of the grenade is cast iron, with longitudinal and transverse grooves. In the upper part of the body there is a threaded hole for screwing in the fuse.

When storing, transporting and carrying a grenade, a plastic plug is screwed into this hole.

The explosive charge fills the body and serves to break the grenade into fragments.

1 - a glass with a cuff

2 - upper hemisphere

3 - lower hemisphere

1 - a glass with a cuff

2 - upper outer and inner hemispheres

3 - lower outer and inner hemispheres

V. Device UZRGM and UDZ.

The fuse of the UZRGM grenade (modernized unified fuse of a hand grenade) is intended for the explosion of an explosive charge.

It consists of a percussion mechanism and the fuse itself:

Impact mechanism:

1 - tube percussion mechanism

3 - mainspring

4 - drummer

5 - drummer washer

6 - trigger lever

7 - safety pin with a ring

8 - connecting sleeve

9 - capsule - igniter

10 - retarder bushing

11 - moderator

12 - capsule - detonator

Slide #10

In official use, the drummer is constantly in the cocked state and is held by the fork of the trigger lever. The trigger lever is connected to the tube of the percussion mechanism by a safety pin. Before throwing a grenade, a plastic stopper is turned out and a fuse is screwed into its place.

When throwing a grenade, take it in your hand so that the trigger lever is pressed with your fingers to the body of the grenade. Continuing to press the trigger lever tightly, the ends of the safety checks are compressed (straightened) with the free hand, which is pulled out of the fuse with a finger by the ring. After pulling out the checks, the position of the parts of the fuse does not change. At the moment the grenade is thrown, the trigger lever separates and releases the drummer. The drummer under the action of the mainspring pierces the igniter capsule. The beam of fire from the primer ignites the moderator and, having passed it, is transmitted to the detonator cap. The explosion of the detonator cap initiates the detonation of the bursting charge. The explosion of the bursting charge crushes the body of the grenade into fragments.

Shock-remote fuse UDZ

Safety mechanism

2 - trigger lever
3 - drummer with a sting
4 - mainspring
5 - ring with check
6 - bar
7 - plug
8 - capsule - igniter

Long cocking mechanism

9 - powder fuses
10 - capsule - igniter
11 - engine
12 - spring

Target sensor

13 - sting
14 - spring
15 - sleeve
16 - bushing
17 - cargo

Self-liquidator mechanism

18 - retarder
19 - capsule - detonator

Detonation node

20 - capsule - detonator

Slide #11

The work of parts and mechanisms after throwing RGD-5 and F-1 grenades

At the moment the grenade is thrown, the trigger lever is separated from the grenade and releases the drummer. The drummer, under the action of the mainspring, strikes (pricks) the igniter primer and ignites it. The beam of fire from the igniter primer ignites the moderator (the remote part of the fuse) and, having passed it, is transferred to the detonator cap.

The blasting cap explodes and detonates the explosive charge of the grenade. The body of the grenade is torn apart, and fragments of the body and the fuse scatter in different directions.

Slide #12

Interaction of parts and mechanisms of RGN and RGS.

Starting position

In the initial position, the drummer with a sting (3) and the plug with the primer-igniter (7) are held by the trigger lever. The trigger lever is connected to the fuse body by a safety pin. The engine (11) with the primer-igniter (10) is displaced relative to the tip (13) and is held by the stoppers of the powder fuses (9), its spring (12) is in a compressed state. The sleeve (16) under the influence of the spring (14) compresses the load (17).

The position of parts and mechanisms in service circulation

When preparing a grenade for a throw, the trigger lever is tightly pressed with fingers to the body of the grenade, the ends of the safety pins are straightened with the fingers of the free hand, then they are pulled out by the ring, while the position of the parts of the fuse does not change. At the moment the grenade is thrown, the trigger lever separates and releases the striker with a sting (3) and the bar (6). The plug (7) with the primer-igniter comes out of the socket of the fuse body. The drummer under the action of the mainspring (4) pierces the igniter primer (8) with a sting. The beam of fire ignites the powder-filled fuses (9) and the pyrotechnic composition of the self-liquidator retarder (18). After 1-1.8 sec. the powder compositions of the fuses burn out and their stoppers under the influence of the springs disengage from the engine (11). The engine under the influence of the spring (12) becomes in combat position.

The long-range cocking mechanism prevents the grenade from detonating if it is accidentally dropped from the hand.

Interaction of parts and mechanisms when throwing and meeting a grenade with an obstacle (surface)

When it encounters an obstacle (surface), the load (17) moves in the direction of the inertial force component and acts on the sleeve (16). The sleeve, overcoming the resistance of the spring (14), displaces the tip, which pricks the igniter cap (10). The beam of fire is transmitted to the detonator cap (20), which causes the explosive charge to detonate.

In case of failure of the fuse in inertial action after 3.3 - 4.3 seconds. the composition of the moderator burns out, the detonator cap (19) of the self-liquidator ignites, causing the detonation assembly to explode.

Slide #13

Myths about the pomegranate

A hand grenade explodes so hard that it destroys small buildings, scatters people to the sides. Error. In cinema, such effects are created with the help of pyrotechnics. In reality, a hand grenade is not capable of causing significant damage. A grenade does not always kill a person, even if it explodes in close proximity to him.

A hand grenade explodes with a deafening noise, a ball of fire rises. Error. In cinema, such effects are created with the help of pyrotechnics. In reality, the grenade explodes with a sharp bang, raising a small cloud of dust.

The grenade ring can be pulled out with your teeth. Error. Without straightening the antennae, the ring (or, more precisely, the pin) is almost impossible to pull out even by hand. After straightening the antennae, the check is still pulled out with great difficulty. This is done to avoid accidental dropping (pulling out) of checks.

The radius of the grenade is 200 meters, which means that when it explodes, the fragments kill all life in this radius. Error. Even if we assume that during the explosion the body of the grenade is crushed evenly, it also scatters evenly to the sides and each fragment flies 200 meters, the probability of such a fragment hitting a person is approximately 8 hits per 100 thousand explosions. In reality, fragments rarely fly at a distance of more than 70-80 meters.

The final part is 3 minutes.

Announcement and commentary of grades received for the lesson.

Homework: know the types and purpose, characteristics and principle of operation of hand-held fragmentation grenades, and fuses UZRGM and UDZ (compendium).

Formation and farewell to the platoon.

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