Press release - ready-made examples. How to write a press release? Press release - What does a press release mean?

Helpful Hints 21.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Often people who are inexperienced in journalism confuse two concepts - a press release and PR, identifying them, that is, they believe that they are one and the same. They will help you understand how a press release is different from a PR press release examples ready for the media. What are press releases? These are informational articles. The main purpose of writing them is to draw the attention of the media to any event taking place in the company or to the release new products which may be of interest to the press. The decision to publish a press release is made, as a rule, by the editor-in-chief, given the relevance of the event. Any document for advertising a product or service is a PR, this is the difference. Sometimes an article may be published on a paid basis as an advertisement.

In cases where the company has any interesting offers for the consumer or new developments, it makes sense to use a media channel that can cover information about new products in the press or on television. Products large companies is always under scrutiny, so their press release is sure to arouse the interest of journalists for a particular target audience. It is necessary to take into account all the factors of presenting information, taking into account the profile specialization of the publication. The literal translation of the phrase press release is information for the press, that is, intriguing news that will be interesting to present in the press.

How to draw up a document?

With a news focus, press releases should be drawn up in a strictly defined way:

  1. For registration, a company letterhead is used.
  2. Come up with a catchy interesting headline that attracts attention.
  3. Immediately in the first paragraph, it sets out answering the main questions.
  4. Then, in several paragraphs, the main topic is stated, the features, advantages of the product or service, characteristics and importance for the relevant market area are listed.
  5. It is desirable to insert the statements of the management or the general director.
  6. The last paragraph contains brief information about the company's activities and major achievements, available awards, development prospects.
  7. Press releases end with the contact details of the responsible person (press secretary or head of the PR service).

The document should be sent purposefully only to those media that specialize in this area. In practice, press releases are often sent to all organizations in a row, but not always to those from which publication may follow.

It makes sense to send press releases to news sites that host corporate news, where information may be of interest to advertising agencies. Given the features that a press release must comply with, the example may contain pictures, photographs, diagrams for a better perception of information.

What information can a press release cover?

The document must include interesting information the following direction:

  1. About changes and reshuffles in the company's management, personnel changes, the merger of several companies into a single corporation.
  2. Launching new products or services.
  3. Inform people about an upcoming event or event.
  4. Information about entering new sales markets.
  5. Crisis coverage, .
  6. Comments on the development of a particular industry.

Types of press releases depending on the purpose of use

  1. Informational - news about a company or service.
  2. In the form of an announcement - a message about the planned event, an invitation to visit it with coverage of the expected effect and purpose.
  3. PR news - a document about a past event, indicating the names of the main participants, results, promotions, description of the most interesting events.
  4. Promotional information - information compiled professionally, interesting for a wide range of people.
  5. The modern type of press release is performed not in text format, but in the form of audio and video files. This type of news delivery is especially good for young people, and this should be taken into account when assessing the target audience.

It makes sense to write press releases only if there is interesting, relevant news, topical and covering realities. modern life. The volume of the text should not exceed two pages. It is important to understand that the style should be oriented towards the publication and the potential audience. Sometimes even several versions of a document are written on the same topic. And each media will cover the problem in different ways, which in the end will provide a more multifaceted picture.

Prepared press release examples

The completed sample press release looks like this:


The considered examples of the rules for writing press releases will allow you to complete any task according to the model. This type of information provision is relevant and is an integral part of the development of any business.

Building a company's communication links is impossible to imagine without such a tool as a press release. It is a message for informational purposes. A company press release is compiled and distributed in the following cases:

  1. Opening a company, a branch of a company or expanding production.
  2. There will be a corporate event.
  3. An event that has taken place in a country or industry requires a reaction from the top management of the company.
  4. The organization received awards or had other significant achievements.
  5. important
  6. In case of force majeure and emergencies.

In such cases, the press release can be created both before and after the relevant event. AT last case it will be informative, not announcing.

Press release - what is it?

A press release is an important informational message for journalists, the purpose of which is to incite media interest in the topic presented with further publication of articles based on it. An example of a press release written upon the release of a new car model may contain information about its merits and be sent to publications for further publication (if the topic seems relevant to readers).

A press release is not an advertising publication, so the decision to publish it in print is made solely by the editor of the publication. If the message contains purely commercial elements, the publication will go through the advertising department and be paid accordingly.

What are releases for?

Writing a press release makes sense if the reason to contact the media is really worthwhile. Only in this way the company has a high chance of being noticed in the press, the Internet or on television.

A vivid example of a press release that attracted close attention of the media and caused a wave of publications is the non-standard actions of the Euroset company, including actions in which there were calls to “undress and get a mobile phone” and so on. For representatives big business everything is much simpler, since the media themselves are looking for a reason to cover issues related to their activities in their publications.

In what style are such articles written?

The genre of writing the text of the release should be informational, regardless of the field of activity and the size of the organization. However, the text should not be overloaded with professional terminology. The information provided in a press release, unlike an advertising publication, should be as objective as possible.

The use of interjections "I", "we" is inappropriate. The text also should not be emotionally colored. Be sure to re-read the text of the message before sending, since the image of the company will largely depend on literacy and informativeness.

How to write a press release for posting on the Internet?

When writing a release, a certain information structure should be observed, which resembles a pyramid turned upside down, at the beginning of which the most significant facts are stated.

Structurally, a press release should consist of the following parts:

  1. Press release title.
  2. An introductory paragraph called a "lead".
  3. The main body of the article.
  4. Help and contact information(backgrounder).
  5. Useful links for the reader (if the publication is on an Internet resource).


This part displays the whole essence of the release, describes the event that will happen. The headline should be interesting and consist of no more than eight words, as well as be clear and significant. Many professionals advise writing it after writing the body of the article.

Press release rules include writing the title in bold and larger type. The first word should be written with (it is not necessary to capitalize all letters). It is advisable to use the present tense without unnecessary articles.

The header needs to contain keywords articles. This will help improve the search properties of the release, as well as make its essence more understandable for journalists.


A press release about an event of the proper level should be written on company letterhead and have a meaningful and interesting headline for journalists. In the first paragraph, you should answer the questions: what, where, when and for what purpose will it be carried out.

The following paragraphs should carry an informational load, contain data about an event or product features, its place on the market. The text should contain as many facts as possible. This block can include comments from the company's directors.

So, an example of a press release written about a book publishing event is as follows.

Headline: "Bookinist publishing house publishes a new fantastic book about time travel." Then the first sentence should be like this: "Bookinist publishing house is releasing today new book acclaimed science fiction writer Bernard Werber about intangible time travel.

The text should contain as little "water" as possible and be compact. In addition, the use of slang words and expressions will be superfluous. Brevity is the soul of talent, however, in order for a press release to win the attention of the media, it is necessary to make it as informative and interesting as possible for readers of your particular sector of activity.

Information about the company

The final paragraph should introduce the company, give information about the stages of its development, types of activities, as well as significant achievements. This part of the text is called the background and contains important information that characterizes the company.

Information can be taken from specialized brochures or professionally compiled company business plans. At the end, you must specify the company's website, as well as, if necessary, the full URL for media representatives.

At the end, you should also indicate the contacts of the person responsible for public relations, as well as the contacts of people who are responsible for the specific processes described in the press release, for example, the department of engineering and innovation (if we are talking about some kind of discovery or innovation).

The primary contact details provided in the press release should include:

  1. Full name of the organization (official).
  2. A list showing the departments they represent.
  3. Legal address of the office.
  4. Phone and fax numbers in international format with all codes.
  5. Contact mobile number.
  6. Company hours of operation.
  7. website address and email companies.

An example of publishing on Internet resources

The publication of press releases on the Internet is becoming an increasingly popular activity, since electronic technologies are increasingly replacing printed sources of information every year. Most people are looking for necessary information in the vastness of the World Wide Web. What should a good press release look like? An example of a quality informational article looks like this:

How to get media attention?

When publishing a press release in replicated publications, it should be understood that for media representatives, the most important task is to attract and retain the attention of the audience. And if the press release received from the company is not interesting to readers (or viewers), it simply will not be published. An example of a press release that will not be of interest to the media is information about the opening of a corner store or about the anniversary of a small little-known company. Such information is published mainly for a fee in

However, if you make the information interesting for the reader or present it from the right angle, the chances of being published increase dramatically. Success has non-standard solutions. So, in the release of Tide Power, attention was focused on the specialization of equipment for of Eastern Europe, which attracted the attention of narrowly focused journalists.

How to send?

Sending the release should be carried out only by the target media, which will be interested in the information provided. It is best to send an article in the morning at the beginning of the working week. Posted at the end of the week, news runs the risk of being outdated over the weekend and not being published. It makes sense to send informational articles to specialized news and corporate sites.

Examples of press releases for the media

Publication in the company significantly increases the company's fame and positively affects its recognition and, as a result, success. An example of a press release to the media is shown below:

Thus, an interesting and well-formed press release is able to attract the attention of the media and significantly increase the company's awareness, which will certainly affect its success.

Often people who are inexperienced in journalism confuse two concepts - a press release and PR, identifying them, that is, they believe that they are one and the same. They will help you understand how a press release is different from a PR press release examples ready for the media. What are press releases? These are informational articles. The main purpose of writing them is to draw the attention of the media to any event taking place in the company or to the release of new products that may be of interest to the press. The decision to publish a press release is made, as a rule, by the editor-in-chief, given the relevance of the event. Any document of a commercial orientation for advertising a product or service is PR, this is the difference. Sometimes an article may be published on a paid basis as an advertisement.

In cases where the company has any interesting offers for the consumer or new developments, it makes sense to use a media channel that can cover information about new products in the press or on television. The products of large companies are always under scrutiny, so their press release is sure to arouse the interest of journalists for a specific target audience. It is necessary to take into account all the factors of presenting information, taking into account the profile specialization of the publication. The literal translation of the phrase press release is information for the press, that is, intriguing news that will be interesting to present in the press.

How to draw up a document?

With a news focus, press releases should be drawn up in a strictly defined way:

  1. For registration, a company letterhead is used.
  2. Come up with a catchy interesting headline that attracts attention.
  3. Immediately in the first paragraph, the essence of the news is stated, answering the main questions.
  4. Then, in several paragraphs, the main topic is stated, the features, advantages of the product or service, characteristics and importance for the relevant market area are listed.
  5. It is desirable to insert the statements of the management or the general director.
  6. The last paragraph contains brief information about the company's activities and major achievements, available awards, development prospects.
  7. Press releases end with the contact details of the responsible person (press secretary or head of the PR service).

The document should be sent purposefully only to those media that specialize in this area. In practice, press releases are often sent to all organizations in a row, but not always to those from which publication may follow.

It makes sense to send press releases to news sites that host corporate news, where information may be of interest to advertising agencies. Given the features that a press release must comply with, the example may contain pictures, photographs, diagrams for a better perception of information.

What information can a press release cover?

The document should include interesting information in the following areas:

  1. About changes and reshuffles in the company's management, personnel changes, bankruptcy or merger of several companies into a single corporation.
  2. Launching new products or services.
  3. Inform people about an upcoming event or event.
  4. Information about entering new sales markets.
  5. Coverage of crisis situations, incidents, accidents.
  6. Comments on the development of a particular industry.

Types of press releases depending on the purpose of use

  1. Informational - news about a company or service.
  2. In the form of an announcement - a message about the planned event, an invitation to visit it with coverage of the expected effect and purpose.
  3. PR news - a document about a past event, indicating the names of the main participants, results, promotions, description of the most interesting events.
  4. Promotional information - information compiled professionally, interesting for a wide range of people.
  5. The modern type of press release is performed not in text format, but in the form of audio and video files. This type of news delivery is especially good for young people, and this should be taken into account when assessing the target audience.

It makes sense to write press releases only if there is interesting, relevant news, topical and covering the realities of modern life. The volume of the text should not exceed two pages. It is important to understand that the style of the text must be oriented towards the publication and the potential audience. Sometimes even several versions of a document are written on the same topic. And each media will cover the problem in different ways, which in the end will provide a more multifaceted picture.

Prepared press release examples

The completed sample press release looks like this:


The considered examples of the rules for writing press releases will allow you to complete any task according to the model. This type of information provision is relevant and is an integral part of the development of any business.

The activity of any company is impossible without building communication links, for the creation of which PR and press releases are used. Let's discuss the last tool for presenting information to the general public. How to write a good press release? Let's try to figure it out.

What is a press release?

A press release is a kind of information document aimed at the media. The paper is sent to journalists with the expectation that they will become interested in the covered topic and launch publications in the media based on the received press release.

Many do not understand the difference between PR and release, but it is essential - the latter is not one hundred percent advertising, which means that the decision to print materials (or their presentation on radio, television, etc.) is made Chief Editor editions.

Publications of a purely commercial direction pass through the advertising department - it is logical that you have to pay for them. In what cases do companies resort to compiling and distributing a press release? What is it for? In fact, there are a lot of options. For example:

  • Start of work of the new organization;
  • Opening a branch, increasing the scale of production;
  • Notification of major personnel changes that have occurred;
  • Coverage of events that have occurred in the industry or country;
  • Notification of an upcoming corporate event;
  • Informing about the awards or other achievements received by the organization;
  • Reporting emergency and force majeure incidents.

If we analyze the situations presented above, it is clear that a press release does not always have an announcing character and is written before any event, sometimes it happens after the fact, but then it is called informative.

For example, after new model the car came off the assembly line and saw the light, a press release is being written containing data on the merits vehicle and its characteristics. Such an article is sent to various publications (both printed and electronic) in the hope of further publication. Of course, it will happen only if the topic seems to the editor to be relevant and of interest to readers.

Usually, releases are created when there is a really worthwhile reason to turn to the media (then the company has real chances to appear in the press or on television) or the news is not standard, which can interest populace. As an example with a touch of humor, we can recall the April Fools' campaign of Euroset, which promises a cell phone in the release to those who come to their communication salon and take off their clothes. The slogan was extremely simple: "Undress and get a phone for free." Oddly enough, but there were a lot of people who wanted to, and thanks to the many photos, the rating of this news on the Web overshadowed even permanent messages about the war in Iraq.

Types of press releases

Depending on the purpose of compilation, the following types of press releases are distinguished:

  • Informational- contain any information that needs to be conveyed to the public. For example, about the creation of a new company, the release of "freshly baked" products.
  • Announcers- notify that a certain event will happen soon, inviting you to take part in it, for example, as a spectator. These can be exhibitions, master classes, conferences, etc.
  • Advertising- contain a professionally composed message that is interesting to a wide range.
  • PR-oriented- a kind of summary containing data about the past event (names of participants, results, curious nuances, etc.).
  • dynamic- a fairly new and modern type that is well received by young people. The bottom line is that the release is not created in the usual text format, but with the help of audio and video materials.

How to write a press release?

main function similar messages is to attract public attention. But first you need to interest journalists in your text so that they present the information contained in your release to the media.

It is logical that this often requires not so much - really important (sensational, shocking, non-trivial, etc.) news. However, if you somehow write a boring article, not at all caring about observing a certain set of rules for compiling releases, then the chances of publication in the press will tend to zero.

Of course, all advertising materials are created taking into account certain requirements and standards: price list, press release - they all need a competent and logical presentation. It must be remembered that the release is to some extent an imposition of information, a way to arouse interest, and can only bring the desired result in the form of publishing your materials in the media.

What are the rules for compiling the documents in question? What should be in the content? There is a generally accepted set of necessary items, a kind of template, guided by which writing a press release will not be difficult even for a beginner. Consider the structure of the article:

In addition to the presence of certain content, a quality press release must be prepared taking into account a number of requirements:

  • small volume- usually it ranges from one to three pages.
  • Formatting- any information is perceived better if it is structured, that is, the text is divided into paragraphs, it has subheadings and lists.
  • Company's Form- according to the standards, press releases are sent on letterhead of the company with seals and signatures. You can also attach .

Important: in recent times the so-called media releases, which present information through audio files, videos, and presentations, have become widespread.

Features of distribution of press releases

It seems to some that writing a good release is enough for the press to be interested in it, but this is not entirely true - the process of sending out the text also plays an important role. You should pay attention to some aspects:

Important: Today, there are many services on the Internet whose work is aimed at distributing press releases. You can send texts to news and specialized sites, choosing the heading that suits you.

Press release - ready-made examples

Of course, if you turn to examples, it is easiest to understand what a press release is and how to write it. It was said above that such texts are usually aimed at covering completely different occasions - the release of new products, interesting events, the emergence of new ones, advertising and charity events, etc. The list is endless. Let's look at a few examples.

Option number 1


MK "How to add zest to an artistic photo portrait?"

On May 3-5, the Gamma Gallery in Moscow will host a master class by photographer Yulia Vaikulina dedicated to creating an unusual artistic portrait.

Main part

For all people who are interested in photography as an art, Yulia Vakulina is one of the most significant personalities, whose work you want to look at and unravel. Her photographs express the individuality of the models and their originality. Mastery and depth of perception allow her to lift the veil of the mystery of the human soul with the help of a photograph. Julia has been specializing in portraiture for about ten years, finding new horizons and opportunities in this area.

Photos of Yulia Vaikulina were published by well-known Russian and world media: Ogonyok, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russian newspaper”, “The Times”, “Parool”, “Liberation”, “Focus” and others. Julia is the winner of the prestigious international competition"35AWARDS" and the repeated winner of many Russian.

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