Director of the Human Resources Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

the beauty 10.09.2019
the beauty

We continue the topic of Foreign Affairs scandals, intrigues and investigations, beloved by the readers of this magazine...

Do you know, my dear fellow bloggers and journalists, how much does it cost to go on a tour abroad on a business trip from the Russian Foreign Ministry and at the same time receive an impressive monthly salary of 300,000 rubles without doing anything?

This procedure costs only 90,000 rubles at the Deputy Director of the Personnel Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, in the famous high-rise building in Moscow on Smolenskaya-Sennaya.

Of course, our esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Mr. Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich, does not even talk about these facts and the grossest violation of the procedure for registering and hiring employees ... Or he knows, and all this is part of one huge machine for earning and laundering money using their official position?

So, let's look into this using the example of a well-known foreign ministry bribe taker and solver of all problems with registering "people from the street" in the Russian Foreign Ministry - Deputy Director of the Personnel Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mr. Shpankin Vyacheslav Sergeevich. After all, it is he, this Mr. Shpankin, who takes 90,000 rubles from everyone, and everyone, by prior arrangement. In my memory, several people, and I myself am no exception, went on foreign tours for free at the expense of the state, as they say, with the light hand of this wonderful Foreign Ministry official.

Shpankin Vyacheslav Sergeevich created a real system of "acquaintances / friends / relatives", according to which, behind the scenes, every person for good connections, even if he is not a member of the party and is generally wanted - can be sent or hidden for a year or another in any Russian embassy at any point the globe for only 90,000 rubles in bribes. So, for 90,000 rubles from justice and authorized police officers, Danilovsky hid first in the Russian embassy in Brazil, and now in the Russian embassy in Italy, a black realtor, a fraudster and a murderer, a colonel from Ryazan Bludov, about whom our diligent magazine of incorruptible bloggers and courageous journalists continues to observe and already wrote not only on the pages of other resources, but also here -. Of course, the timid colonel from Ryazan hid from justice on a personally "Shpanskin" high recommendation for the notorious bribe.

But back to our character, to the hero of this post, to the Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation ...

Left - Shpankin 90,000 rubles

According to the respected corrupt official Shpankin, any Russian, even if he is in trouble with the law, can be hidden in a foreign institution of any embassy, ​​for example, in Africa or Brazil. And no one will even find him, this scoundrel, in the same Italy, and even more so in the USA. When a person leaves Russia on official MFA food for vacation/work in the Russian embassy of a foreign state, information about this person simply cannot be found, the corrupt Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hide and smear anyone, from a swindler to a murderer, from a swindler to an embezzler. Like, what are you, what are you, you are mistaken, this most crystal-clear person is on a business trip abroad at the embassy from the Russian Foreign Ministry, and he is not a criminal at all, he is working for the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs selects people, as it were, the screen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs works perfectly, this is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And the opera closes the check for the absence of corpus delicti - thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Shpankin personally, he sent a person on a foreign tour, despite the super serious criminal offense he committed in Russia.

Of course, people from the street, through good connections, are offered professions in foreign institutions that are not very overhead, but with a high salary - from 4,000 to 7,000 US dollars per month + an accommodation package at the embassy and a car with limited gasoline. In addition, there is a unique opportunity to export abroad at the expense of the state of the Russian Federation, that is, at the expense of the country's taxpayers (you and me), members of the applicant's family.

It's just some kind of holiday, your mother!

He did things on the territory of Russia, killed a couple of three people, appropriated their apartments, rented them illegally through relatives and gave 90,000 bribes to a good person in the Foreign Ministry, a friend of mutual friends - the deputy director of the Human Resources Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, this notorious Shpankin Vyacheslav Sergeevich - and that’s it in Hat. No one will look for you in order to put you in jail for a long time for your bloody crimes, law enforcement with the result of the check within 10 legal days, they will have to face the Russian Foreign Ministry, the criminal case will not be initiated, the murderer and swindler will escape legal punishment - now he is under the cover of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and personally Minister Sergey Lavrov, who created in his the ministry is such a terrible corruption mess for making money for all sorts of freaks of officials.

Perhaps, in the same way, he was appointed to the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Russian Federation to Ukraine - Zurabov Mikhail Sergeevich, former Minister of Health and social development Russia, because of whose negligence and unprofessionalism, in fact, the current war in Ukraine unleashed, into which everyone from the American special services to the French paddling pools got involved. Rumor has it that it was the deputy head of the Personnel Department, the notorious "Mr. Shpankin," who helped appoint the disgraced Minister of Health and Social Development to the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Ukraine. And there are legends about love for the sweet life, for luxury, money, just like about the lawlessness of Mr. Zurabov. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of financial affair with the Americans Mr. Zurabov got into in Ukraine, since it was the United States that unleashed hostilities on the territory of the Ukrainian, once fraternal state of Russia. So simply the Americans will not enter a foreign, Russian-controlled region, if it were not for the incorrect work and how difficult it is to imagine the next jambs of Mr. Zurabov's personal activities in this country.

Previously, under Stalin, it was called very simply - an enemy of the people. Now this overgrown huyanta is called - Deputy Director of the Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry "Mr. Shpankin 9000 rubles."

In turn, it is worth noting that on March 19, 2008, a festive revival reigned in the Cultural Center of the Heads of the UPDC under the Russian Foreign Ministry - the bribe-taker Shpankin was awarded a socially useless tin order with the loud name "Pride of Russia". Yes, that's how it was. The younger generation of employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs subsequently chuckled and joked - our bribe-taker Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was awarded a tin, to see someone "big" he hid somewhere in the embassy holes of the world. This is how pride Russia has - with the face of the Foreign Ministry bribe taker and corrupt official, who, for a small bribe of 90,000 rubles, in fact, causes enormous harm not only to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his country, discrediting the already negligent work of the entire ministerial department, which is rotten through corruption and bribery, how much causing enormous damage to Russia itself, sending dubious personalities, criminals and alleged murderers on foreign tours for bribes, who represent the interests of our country.

Look again, what is this most beautiful patient who loves money, taking advantage of his position ...

Once, in the embassy of one of the beautiful countries, I was a witness when the assistant of one wonderful Russian ambassador, in fact the right hand of the representative of the President of the Russian Federation, uses cheap drugs and the entire embassy, ​​like all local dealers, just like the diplomats of other states are well aware of this. I would not be surprised if this drug addict went on a business trip with the light hand of our patient. But this drug addict is the future Russian ambassador, for a second.

Well, who does not feel sorry for 90,000 rubles in order to once again undermine the authority of their country on the world stage?

So it goes

Here's some more sweet stuff:
The building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - view from the inside. The most mysterious building in Moscow -

Corruption in the Personnel Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry - Lavrov in shock or in the subject? -
The Russian Embassy in Italy is hiding a criminal - the former head of the press service of the FSB of Ryazan -

Maxim Novikovsky
All photos provided are the property of the author.
When using any materials, a link to this site is required -

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is the federal executive body of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of Russia's relations with foreign states and international organizations. The Ministry is subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation on issues assigned to him by the Constitution, or in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs carries out its activities directly and through diplomatic missions and consular offices, representative offices of the Russian Federation under international organizations, territorial bodies - representative offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The system includes: central office; foreign institutions; territorial authorities; organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia. The Ministry in its activities is guided by the Constitution, federal laws, acts of the President and the Government, international treaties.

Management and contact information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Search by " Storozhev mid"results: mid - 741, guards - 33.

results 1 to 5 from 5 .

Searching results:

1. Lawlessness on the "Shevardnadze line". The shipowners contacted MFA Russian Federation, the FSB and the FPS of Russia with a demand to thoroughly understand what happened.
After turning around, Spitak returned to Russian waters and was already detained there. watchdog US ship. The American side is still investigating.
Date: 08/06/2001 2. In "Alexandria" Lukashenka's relatives drink too much. - Any foreign journalist wishing to visit our country is obliged to send a request to MFA!
Peeping out from around the corner watchdog dog. Uncertainly gives voice and immediately hides back.
Date: 11/10/2006 3. Latvian "pedofilgate" Of course, if only one watchdog Yanis' ship gave almost two-thirds of all the fines collected by the border guards in the Far East.
Among the guests was Valdis Birkavs, who headed the Latvian MFA. Eysaks offered the then 16-year-old Peteris to earn some money. 4. "Kulistikov proposed to rename Zharov's department into the State Committee for Forgetfulness." 03/11/14 Prokopenko: Thank you very much, I will be with her again mid will talk 03/11/14 Rykov: Oh!
And then I'm here watchdog the dog every day I try to track down so that everything is in my line without excesses, and you dynamize me) In another SMS, Rubin himself suggests removing uncomfortable information and eventually removes it: 09/30/14 15:05 Mikhail Rubin: Timur, hello ...
Date: 04/07/2015 5. The first victim of the police was watchdog dog. According to eyewitnesses, after the seizure of the house, all those present (more than 30 people) were put on the floor and searched.
Later, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of bribery to a senior employee Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Date: 30.10.2000

Dmitry Alekseevich Polyansky.

Born August 28, 1971
Education: ISAA Moscow State University (historian-orientalist) and the Diplomatic Academy (economist-internationalist).
Since 1993 in the system of the Russian Foreign Ministry. He repeatedly went on long business trips abroad, dealt with the Middle East issues, Russia-EU relations.
2008-2011 - Counsellor-envoy, Embassy of Russia in Poland.
2011-2015 - Deputy Director of the First Department of the CIS countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, oversees the Eurasian economic integration.
Former Head of the Representative Office of the Moscow-Taipei Coordinating Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation
First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN
Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 2nd class.
Married, daughter born in 1993 Muscovite, a fan of Dynamo.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs D.A. Polyansky did not get there right away and not after MGIMO: after graduating from the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University, the future diplomat first worked in business. At the same time, vocational work for him was clearly more important than money: “At first I went into commerce, where I earned $ 100 a month, in the early 90s it was a lot of money. I worked there for several months and left for the Foreign Ministry. Now I received $10 a month, $15 of which I spent on food.”

Alexei Ivanovich Polyansky died suddenly at the age of fifty-two, not having had time to bring the work he had begun to completion.
He was born in 1947, after graduating high school entered the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, where he graduated with a degree in library science and bibliography. However, he did not have to become a bibliographer: he was, as they say, "seen" and recommended for service in Soviet foreign intelligence. Three years of study at the Red Banner Institute of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and many years of service in the then PGU of the KGB, and then the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, of which about ten years abroad, under the guise of an accreditation card of a TASS correspondent.
In 1983, at the same Red Banner Institute (now the Academy of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation), Polyansky successfully defended a dissertation on a closed topic for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.
The framework of journalistic genres very soon ceased to satisfy Polyansky, and he, in his free hours, began to write books under the pseudonym "Vasily Timofeev".
In 1985, his first country study book, Thailand Encounters, was published. The next year in the collection "Blood on Black Tulips" the adventure story "Replacement in Bangkok".
1987 - in collaboration with G. Krotov, a political detective about Sikh separatism "The Holy Cause".
1991 - in collaboration with T. Gladkov, the adventure story "Defector" in the collection "Chekists tell".
1992 - in the collection "Profession - Scout" story about George Blake "Dangerous Tunnel".
In 1996 and 1997, the first and second volumes of the "KGB Guide to the Cities of the World" were published, for which A. Polyansky wrote essays about Bangkok and Delhi.
In addition, serious essays by A. Polyansky on topics close to him were published in several voluminous collections.
For the last few years of his life, Russian foreign intelligence colonel Alexei Polyansky worked on a book about the "iron Stalinist people's commissar", spent weekends in libraries, rummaged through the archives, collecting bit by bit information about Nikolai Yezhov ...
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