Osho Zen one card per person. Osho Zen Tarot - my book and cards. Online divination, alignment

Technique and Internet 25.09.2019
Technique and Internet

- This is a specific fortune-telling on unusual Osho Zen cards, the interpretation of which is based on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism. In that main feature and value of these cards. The Zen Tarot deck can be used for meditation and self-improvement practices.

Divination is provided with online STATISTICS. All your predictions are remembered.

is the financial state of your affairs. The spread describes the cause of income complications and how to solve this problem. The result of the efforts made to improve the situation, if you follow the advice of the Osho Zen taro cards.

- one of the simplest and most traditional card layouts, this is the answer of the cards to your question, a kind of general layouts.

Only three cards are selected: the first determines the past and its influence on the issue that concerns you, the second is the influence of the present on this issue, the third is the final result.

Four cardinal points - this layout is one of the simplest and most versatile layouts. It is suitable even for beginners, but requires precise wording of the question. The more specific the question, the clearer the answer.

The alignment shows what significant event awaits the Questioner in the future, what should not be done in connection with this, the recommendations of the Osho Zen cards and the final result if the recommendation is fulfilled.

- this alignment is used to interpret the current state of affairs and events. It allows you to navigate what is currently happening around you, to better see what is happening from all sides, and helps to predict upcoming difficulties.

With this information, you can prepare for the challenges ahead and deal with them more easily, and in some cases avoid them altogether.

- this schedule can help make an important decision. You are offered two options for solving your problem and the results of each solution. It remains to choose which one to accept (or not to accept both - it's up to you). The prediction does not choose the best option for you, it only shows the results of one and the other decision. The choice is yours.

- a layout showing the past incarnation. Sometimes it happens that you are not interested, neither the past, nor the future, nor the present - you want to know at least something about your previous incarnation. You are interested in what kind of karma you came into this life with, what you have to work out, what to pay special attention to. In this case, the Infinity alignment will help you.

Seven pearls of Isis - the alignment is used in cases where a problem has already arisen or something worries you greatly, and you need to carefully analyze this situation. To get as much information as possible on the issue that concerns you, this alignment is used.

The alignment can be useful if you feel that you are not in control of the situation, or something important is constantly eluding you.

- the alignment can help if you find yourself in a difficult situation that negatively affects your well-being.

The cards offer you a detailed analysis of the situation, its causes, the origins of the problem, the possibilities for overcoming the crisis, the active steps towards overcoming the crisis and the end result of these efforts.

The Zen Osho Tarot deck was created on the basis of Osho's teachings. It stands apart from the classic decks and has a special purpose. Let's talk about the features of such cards and how to work with them correctly.

Zen tarot deck Taro Osho created by the followers of the great Teacher after his death in 1995. The author of the drawings for the major and minor arcana was Ma Deva Padma.

For reference: Osho is a well-known spiritual leader in certain circles, who founded his own religious and spiritual movement.

What is the difference between the Osho deck and all the others:

  • The purpose of any fortune-telling is to know the state of a person in this moment time. It is believed that it is the state of affairs "in the moment" that has greatest influence for the future
  • With this deck, you cannot learn about the past or predict the future, but you can get hints. For example, what should be given Special attention how to prioritize

If you are a fan of traditional tarot divination, this deck is not for you. But if you need to know yourself and advance deeper in spiritual development, the cards will tell you how to do this.

Differences between the Osho deck and the classic ones

Before you start guessing, you need to understand the main differences between the deck and other Tarot.

The differences are:

  • The names of some arcana differ. For example, the Priestess card in the Tarot deck is the Inner Voice, the Empress is Creativity. But most of the names of the arcana still coincide with the traditional
  • There is no division of the minor arcana into suits and elements, there is no digital classification. There are no Swords and Cups in the Osho deck, but there are Scepters and Denarii. Instead of the usual Twos, Threes and Aces - Trust, Friendliness, Healing

And, finally, the interpretation of cards in fortune-telling layouts is radically different. There is nothing to do with the classical interpretation. Therefore, you should carefully study the decoding of the arcana after purchasing the deck.

How to read Osho Zen Tarot?

The Osho deck is quite unusual. Therefore, if you want to make a layout, you need to know how to do it right.

There are several important points:

  • If the purpose of fortune-telling is to find out the future or reveal the secrets of the past, use a different, classic deck. Osho cards can only tell about the present
  • The Osho deck is an excellent assistant in spiritual development. Use the cards if you are striving for self-knowledge, spiritual growth, want to know yourself deeper, determine the source of your emotions and feelings, and understand how they can affect your life in general.
  • Classic spreads are not suitable for this deck. You can use special, modified layout options. For example, "Seven Chakras", "Card of the Day" or "Celtic Cross"
  • You can also use the cards for meditation practices.

What problems will the Osho deck help solve:

  • Understand relationships with the opposite sex or improve the union with your current partner. Determine what in your inner state affects your personal life
  • Better understand yourself and know the world in all its manifestations
  • Get a complete and detailed personality profile
  • Work out karma: find out about the presence of karmic debts that need to be worked out, understand your purpose, and so on
  • Aura diagnostics: maps will point to problematic chakras and help eliminate energy problems

The Osho deck will not help if you want:

  • Understand financial problems, attract money and prosperity, find new job, learn how to increase capital and more
  • Learn the future and options for its development
  • Find out how the trip will end or which country to go to

To summarize: any questions not related to your inner world, it will not be possible to work out with the help of the Osho deck. To do this, use the classic tarot cards.

Watch a video about an overview of the cards of the Osho deck:


The most popular layouts that are made using this deck:

  1. Breakdown of relationships. Helps to understand the essence of relationships with a partner. This applies not only to love affairs, but also to relationships with parents, children, friends, colleagues and business partners.
  2. "One card" layout. Allows you to assess the problem situation and understand its causes. Provides answers to the most important questions. Answers the question: “What mistakes of yours led to the current circumstances in life?”
  3. "Key". Working with the unconscious. This fortune-telling can bring a lot of surprises, because it “reveals” deep psychological problems.
  4. "Instant" layout. Considers the situation that concerns you from the point of view of Buddhist philosophy. Only one card is used, the value of which will be a complete prediction
  5. "Here and now". Talk about the most relevant event for you today. It will help you understand that there are no accidents. Indicate what your thoughts and feelings influenced the outcome of cases

Deck Composition

The Osho deck includes:

  1. Major arcana: 22 pieces
  2. Minor arcana (56 pieces) - 4 suits: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbow

Each card has its own, unique name.

Consider the interpretation of the prediction using the example of decoding the Awareness card (major lasso):

  • You live at the minimum of your possibilities. Mistakes of the past and fears of the future hinder development and progress. You do not burn brightly like a fire, but smoke like a candle that is about to go out
  • You need to work with your thinking, get rid of negative thoughts and attitudes, then most of the problems will go away. You will open the flow of positive energy, and life can change dramatically
  • You act on the basis of your mind only. But forget to listen to the voice of your soul. Learn to hear yourself inside, to understand the needs not of the brain, but of consciousness. Develop mindfulness

Use Osho deck when you need to understand yourself and your own life. If chaos and anxiety reign in your soul, there are a lot of thoughts, questions too, and the answers do not come by themselves, the magic arcana will help resolve the situation and work with the mind.

Osho divination online for free - The best way learn how to deal with the situation. Osho Zen Tarot allows you to guess for free online, to penetrate into the soul of a person.

This way of predicting the future is very different from any other practice using maps. Those who practice this type of divination are able not only to see the events of the future, but also to determine exactly how to behave in any situation.

Such a ritual will allow you to find out:

  • how to act in a love relationship;
  • how to overcome the crisis;
  • how to resolve the conflict;
  • what drives a person;
  • what needs to be done to achieve success, etc.

A fortuneteller should not be asked questions that relate to money and do not relate to emotional experiences. To help in this situation, the usual deck is not able to. Therefore, if a person asks such a question, he will not receive any information.

Sage Osho was sure that a person already knows what awaits him, how to act in any situation. But this knowledge is hidden by our subconscious and needs to be awakened.

Your task: both at and online - close your eyes, concentrate, clearly pronounce the question to yourself, look at the cards laid out in front of you. Intuitively, you will be drawn to the very picture that will be able to give the right advice.

Zen tarot divination free is not just a standard method of predicting the future. The rite is based on the parables of Osho, which makes it special.

The more you believe in the success of the ritual and are ready to look into your soul to get the right answer, the more accurate the information that the cards will give. Therefore, having concentrated and tuned in to the desired wave, you can begin to conduct the ceremony.

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Want to get an answer to your question? Think of a number from 1 to 12 and read the parable corresponding to it. It contains the answer. This is Osho's famous divination.

Like it or not, but on Sunday morning I saw an invitation to tell fortunes on FB, smiled and went to do it. I suggest that you treat this divination with a smile, but without a certain irony. Because in any case, all of Osho's parables are very instructive and worth reading. But only after the one that you chose in the process of divination.

“Remember one important thing: when we predict the future, make horoscopes, read palms, Tarot, I-ching - this is all, basically, reading the human subconscious. It is rather a guessing of the past, and as the past follows from the future, we can also know the future.” © Osho

Look carefully at the cards, mentally turn to yourself and select the number of the card.

Now find this card and its description below. Don't cheat with yourself. What for? After reading Osho's prediction and reflecting on it, then you can read the rest.

Map #1LOVE

Morality: carefully look at the road and, without hesitation, go ahead! Philosophizing is a mental process, it will not lead you to the goal. To be successful, you need to take action.


It was getting dark when an elderly pilgrim wandered into the village and began to ask the locals for lodging for the night. She knocked on every door, but no one opened it for her. As a result, tormented by cold and hunger, the wanderer fell asleep under a sprawling fruit tree. And at midnight I woke up and saw how unusually beautiful the flowering branches of the apple tree were in the moonlight. The woman stood up, bowed towards the village and thanked the people for not letting her in for the night. And then she returned home and painted the famous art canvas.

Morality: accept everything that life gives with gratitude. Both suffering and pleasure are equally necessary for human development.

Map number 9HOPE

There is a parable about a hunter who got lost in the jungle. For three days he wandered alone through a living labyrinth and, finally, stumbled upon the same poor fellow. The men embraced and for a while both were unspeakably happy. And then they asked each other why they were so happy. The first one said: - I got lost and already despaired of meeting someone. The second answered: - I also got lost and hoped to meet a guide. But if we both do not know the way, there is nothing to rejoice at. Now let's wander together.

Morality: happiness together is possible only when people know how to be happy alone. Otherwise, they make each other even more unhappy.


Jesus was very young when Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. The kid was lost in the crowd. The parents searched for the child for a long time, then found him in the circle of scribes. The boy talked with wise husbands, and they marveled at his childish mind. Joseph asked Jesus:

Why are you here? Mom and I have been looking for you all day!
- Why are you looking for me? I'm busy with my father's business.
- I am your father and I am a carpenter. And you are sitting among the scribes, - Joseph was indignant.
- I meant my spiritual father.

Morality: sooner or later the child must break away from his parents, becoming independent not only physically, but also spiritually.

Card number 11GATE OF PARADISE

A samurai came to a Zen master with the question: “Is there a hell and a heaven? And where is their gate?
- Who are you? his master asked.
- Samurai, - answered the guest.
- Samurai? Why, you look like a tramp!

The pride of the warrior was hurt, and he, without hesitation, drew his sword from its scabbard. The wise man smiled and said:

Here is your answer. Hell and Paradise are not geographical, but psychological concepts. They are within us. Both doors are close. Acting unconsciously, we open the gates of hell, and consciously - to heaven.

Morality: learn to control your feelings and actions. And it doesn't matter what you do - the main thing is that it be conscious.

Card number 12TRAVEL

The teacher and student were passing through the village on the day of a big festival. As they approached the main square, the sound of the drums and the shouting of the people became so loud that the student covered his ears with his hands. But to his surprise, the teacher, dancing, went deeper and deeper to the center of the square, to the place of the main action. After the holiday ended and the tired people went home, the student asked the teacher:
“Master, how could you rejoice and celebrate with such noise? I didn't even hear my thoughts!
“You were tuned in to noise, my friend, but to the people of this village, it was music. I just perceived these sounds the same way they did.

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Tarot Osho Zen is considered unique among other decks and is highly valued among tarot readers. This system represents an amazing fusion classical traditions Rider Waite and the worldview of the legendary spiritual teacher Osho. Tarot was created by students after the death of the master, in 1995.

deck structure

Unlike classic decks containing 78 cards, this Tarot has an additional card - the Master, which depicts Osho himself. If this card came up on a question, they try to tell you something like this: “You already know the answer.” In another sense, it can denote some person who has a great influence on the questioner, his spiritual mentor or teacher.

Most of the Major Arcana have undergone significant name changes. The High Priestess became the Inner Voice, the Hanged Man became the New Vision, the Star the Silence, etc. Such names give a completely new approach to familiar meanings.

Traditional suits have also been changed. So, the bowls turned into the element of water, the wands were replaced by fire, the pentacles - by the rainbow, and the swords - by clouds. Now, accompanying words have been added to each card, concisely describing the main message. For example, at 8 clouds it is wine, at 10 water - harmony, at 9 fire - exhaustion.

Why do tarot readers use the Osho deck?

  1. Spiritual knowledge. First of all, Osho Zen Tarot is intended to study the inner state of a person. This deck gives very precise and wise answers for someone who wants to understand himself and realize the direction in which he needs to move.
  2. Karmic questions. Due to the specifics of this Tarot, the questioner can receive information about his past lives, tasks in this incarnation.
  3. Chakra layouts. There are many layouts designed to diagnose the state of the seven chakras. Osho Zen helps to take a deeper look at the functioning of the chakra, see problem points and track the amount of energy involved.
  4. Relationships. This deck helps to consider the subtle facets of relationships between people, to show true feelings and reveal hidden motives.

The opinion that you should not look at issues related to everyday life on Tarot Osho Zen is wrong. Issues related to work, money, travel can also be considered with the help of cards, only in a slightly different way, with the identification of the underlying internal causes of what is happening.

Divination step by step plan

To begin with, it is important to tune in to the fortune-telling process. Remove all extraneous irritants, discard thoughts unrelated to the question, create a comfortable space around you. You can light candles or incense.

Focus on the question. The more specific it is, the more accurate the answer will be. For example, instead of the question: “What hinders and helps me in this situation?” it is better to ask separately: “What is stopping you?” and “What helps?” so as not to get confused in the answer.

At first, it is better to use ready-made layouts, where each card has a clear position that answers the question. Once you master this, you can lay out cards without a scheme, focusing on internal sensations.

Osho Zen on relationships and love

Consider practical use Tarot Osho Zen at home on the example of the popular layout "Station for two". Here seven cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

  1. Significator of relations in the present. The map shows what is currently happening between the partners.
  2. What the questioner thinks about the partner, how he imagines him.
  3. What does the partner think about the questioner.
  4. What does the questioner feel about the partner.
  5. What the partner feels for the questioner.
  6. How the questioner shows his feelings towards the partner.
  7. How the partner of the questioner shows his feelings.

Let's say in this scenario the following cards came out:

  • 8 clouds
  • 7 clouds
  • cloud king
  • Loneliness
  • 10 fire
  • 7 fire
  • Rebel

It can be seen from the alignment that relations between partners are now very tense. Both feel guilty towards each other (8 clouds - Guilt). The partner of the questioner probably recently fell for a big lie (7 clouds - Politics), and now the couple does not trust each other. He considers his soul mate to be too despotic, wanting to completely control his whole life (King of the clouds - Control) and therefore feels a lot of tension inside (10 fire - Suppression). The partner gives a way out of this tension with the help of open confrontation, dropping prohibitions and moving away from moral and ethical standards, perhaps there was a betrayal (Rebel).

The questioner himself spends all his strength on maintaining relationships, although he harbors a deep resentment (Loneliness). He understands that he is suppressing his partner, but after what happened he cannot weaken control, but only strengthens his grip, putting more and more on his shoulders (7 fires - Stress).

As you can see from the layout, it is not necessary to know the structure of the deck well, to identify the ratio of the Major and Minor Arcana, or pay attention to the prevailing suits. It is enough to have analytical skills, and the cards will tell you the direction in which you need to think.

☞ Video plot

With the help of Osho Zen Tarot, you can get advice in any exciting situation. This does not require a special scheme, just one card is enough.

Focus on the question and ask for help from the Tarot. The dropped card will be the answer. At the same time, Osho himself believed that the future of a person is determined not by a combination of circumstances, but by actions taken in the present. Therefore, if you asked, say, what prospects will be in your personal life in a month, and a bad card fell out, do not rush to get upset, everything is in your hands.

Let's say you ask the Tarot about the reason for your loneliness, and the Knight of the Clouds - Struggle falls out. This card shows that on the outer level you repel potential partners with an aggressive attitude and a short temper. On an internal level, this is due to a deep spiritual wound that was once inflicted on you, and now you are afraid to let someone close to you.

Behind the seeming ferocity lies a wounded soul, covering itself with an armor of cynicism and mockery, just so that someone does not see weakness in it. But remember, hiding behind such armor, you will not heal from wounds, but only prolong the pain. Council in this case like this: let yourself be real, learn to gradually trust and open up to people.

☞ Video plot

How to read layouts and interpret the cards that have fallen

For a regular Tarot deck, there is a rule by which you can easily deduce the value of a card. It consists of suit and rank (numbers). But Osho Zen works in a completely different way. To read these Tarot cards, it is not necessary to know the classical ways of interpretation, it is enough to rely on intuition and receptivity. Each card carries a certain idea, the plot of which is easily traced and accompanied by an explanatory caption. Therefore, even a novice tarologist, who has never taken cards in his hands before, can master this system.

In what cases the prediction may not come true?

As mentioned above, Tarot cards do not program our lives for some events with one hundred percent probability. They only show the most possible variant developments in the current circumstances. This applies to both negative and favorable forecasts. For example, if you get a promotion for hard work, you calm down and stop working as hard as before, of course, you won’t see a promotion. Or if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, and a bad health card falls in a few months, you can give up addictions, and then the result will be completely different.

There is also a rule that warns against excessive curiosity. You should not ask the Tarot the same question several times in a row, otherwise you will completely get confused with the answer. If something is bothering you, ask about it at least two weeks later so that time passes and the situation can change.

Osho Zen Tarot is suitable for use by both experienced tarologists and those who are just starting to read cards at home. This deck will not only help you find out “What is happening?”, but also answer the question: “Why is it happening this way?”. It is good to work with her to penetrate into the very essence of things, to ask questions that contribute to a deeper understanding of yourself and your spiritual path.

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