October names for girls by day of the month. Names for girls born in October

Auto 11.07.2019

In this article, we have compiled a list of holidays for you in October, including name days. We publish full list female and male names according to the calendar.

Name days in October: days of memory of saints

Male and female names in October (given here are the names currently in use, in their secular form)

1 - Alexei, Ariadne, Arkady, Boris, Benjamin, Vladimir, Euphrosyne, Hilarion, Ivan, Irina, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Sergei, Sofia.

2 - Alexei, David, Igor, Konstantin, Maria, Nikolai, Nil, Trofim, Savvaty, Fedor.

3 - Alexander, Hilarion, Ivan, Mikhail, Oleg, Tatyana, Fedor.

4 - Agnia, Alexander, Alexei, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Vladimir, Daniel, Dmitry, Ivan, Joseph, Kondrat, Konstantin, Lavrenty, Nestor, Peter.

5 - Alexander, Benjamin, Jonah, Isaac, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Fedor, Feofan, Foka.

6 - Andrei, Anton, Ivan, Innokenty, Iraida, Nikolai, Peter.

7 - Abraham, Andrei, Anton, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladislav, Galaktion, David, Nikandr, Pavel, Sergey, Spiridon, Stepan, Thekla.

8 - Athanasius, Herman, Eugene, Euphrosyne, Maxim, Nikolai, Pavel, Pafnuty, Prokhor, Roman, Sergei, Theodosius.

9 - Alexander, Athanasius, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ephraim, Ivan, Nikolai, Tikhon.
10 - Akulina, Aristarchus, Benjamin, Victor, German, Dmitry, Ignatius, Mark, Mikhail, Nikon, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Fedor, Filimon.
11 - Alexander, Anna, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Hilarion, Cyril, Mark, Maria, Nikon, Tatyana, Khariton.
12 - Ivan, Cyprian, Feofan.
13 - Alexander, Alexandra, Alexei, Apollinaria, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Procopius, Seraphim, Semyon.
14 - Alexander, Alexei, Vera, George, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Roman, Savva, Fedor.
15 - Andrei, Anna, Boris, Vasily, George, David, Dmitry, Ivan, Kasyan, Cyprian, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Yakov.
16 - Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Rustik, Feodosia.
17 - Vasily, Veronica, Vladimir, Gury, Dmitry, Erofey, Jonah, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Tikhon, Yakov.
18 - Alexandra, Alexei, Gabriel, Grigory, Demyan, Denis, Evdokim, Jonah, Innokenty, Kuzma, Makar, Matvey, Peter, Tikhon, Philip.
19 - Ivan, Makar, Nikanor, Foma.
20 - Demyan, Jonah, Joseph, Leonty, Mark, Nikolai, Pelageya, Sergey, Julian.
21 - Ambrose, Vasily, Varlaam, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Elizabeth, Ivan, Jonah, Isidore, Maria, Nadezhda, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Pavel, Pahom, Pelageya, Peter, Seraphim, Taisia, Tatyana, Tryphon.
22 - Abraham, Andronicus, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Stepan, Jacob.
23 - Ambrose, Andrei, Anton, Evlampia, Efim, Hilarion, Innokenty, Cyril, Cyprian, Kuzma, Pavel, Savva, Sergei, Simon, Stepan, Foma, Yakov.
24 - Alexander, Ambrose, Anatoly, Anton, Zinaida, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Leo, Makar, Moses, Nikon, Feofan, Philip.
25 - Alexander, Andronik, Denis, Ivan, Kuzma, Lavrenty, Makar, Maximilian, Martin, Nikolai, Taras, Theodosius, Fedot.
26 - Anton, Benjamin, Zlata, Innokenty, Karp, Nikita, Nikolai, Trofim.
27 - Ignatius, Kuzma, Maximilian, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Svyatoslav.
28 - Athanasius, Dmitry, Denis, Efim, Ivan, Semyon.
29 - Alexey, Georgy, Evgeny, Ivan, Leonty, Terenty.
30 - Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton, Demyan, Joseph, Isidor, Kuzma, Lazar, Leonty.
31 - Andrei, Gabriel, David, Euphrosyne, Elizabeth, Joseph, Zlata, Luka, Nikolai, Sergey, Semyon, Fedor, Julian.

Church Orthodox holidays in October

Among the Russian saints there are many great noble princes who have made great efforts to preserve and exalt our state. 2 October the church remembers four at once - the successor of the cause: the noble prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslavsky, his sons David and Konstantin, as well as the passion-bearer prince Igor of Chernigov, who was killed in 1147 in Kyiv by an angry mob.

October 6 the Conception is celebrated, the birth of which before the appearance of the Messiah was predicted by the prophet Micah. The parents of the Forerunner, the righteous priest Zacharias and Elisabeth, prayed to the Lord until their advanced years for permission from childlessness, but remained childless. Once in the temple, Zechariah saw the Archangel Gabriel, who predicted for him the birth of his son John. Because Zechariah did not believe him, Gabriel left Zacharias dumb until Elizabeth's permission from the burden.

October 8- the day of death, the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery - the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Reverend Sergius- one of the most revered Russian saints, a great miracle worker and at the same time a model of monastic humility. It was he who blessed the army.

St. app. John the Evangelist

The next day, October 9, the church celebrates the death of one of the closest followers of Jesus Christ. John was the only one of the disciples who did not leave the Lord during His crucifixion; He entrusted him with the care of His Mother. The apostle did not suffer martyrdom like other disciples of Christ, he lived for more than a hundred years, preaching the Gospel in many countries. At the end of his earthly journey, John ordered his disciples to put him in the grave alive and cover it with earth, but the next day the grave was empty.

On the same day in 1989, he was glorified as a saint - the first elected primate of the church after the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia. His ministry fell on the most severe post-revolutionary years of persecution and schism, when the main task was to keep the Russian Church in the purity of Orthodoxy.

October 14- a great holiday. In 860, Russian squads approached Constantinople from the sea. During the all-night vigil in Blachernae Church, Saint Andrew, a fool for Christ's sake, saw the Mother of God walking through the air, surrounded by a host of angels and saints. The Mother of God stretched out Her head covering over the worshipers, protecting them "from enemies visible and invisible." Soon after, the Russian squads lifted the siege and left Constantinople - according to some reports, the ships were scattered by a strong storm. An interesting fact: the Greek Church does not celebrate this event, while in Russia the Feast of the Intercession, established in the 12th century by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, is one of the most revered Mother of God holidays that are not included in the circle of the Twelve.

October 18- the day of memory of twelve Russian saints and miracle workers at once: Macarius, Job, Peter, and Macarius. Each of them has their own days of remembrance, but on this day the church gives them equal honors - as the heavenly patrons of Moscow and the entire Russian land.

October 19 we remember whose name has become a household name to denote incredulity. However, according to the words, “Thomas, who was once weaker than the other apostles in faith, became, by the grace of God, more courageous, more zealous and tireless than all of them, so that he went around with his preaching almost the whole earth.” He founded Christian Churches in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia, and also in India, where he suffered martyrdom for Christ.

Memorial Day of the Monk Leo of Optina, as well as the Cathedral of the Fourteen Venerable Optina Elders, headed by October 24. The monks were numbered among the locally venerated saints in the 80-90s, and in 2000 they were glorified by the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church for public worship. The holy relics of the elders are in the Vvedensky Cathedral of the monastery.

October 26- the day of bringing to Moscow. The first copy of the miraculous icon brought from Athos dates back to 1648. This image accompanied the Russian troops in the 1654 campaign against the Polish army, and then was placed in the Smolensk Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent.

October 31- the day of memory of another. A native of Syrian Antioch, Luke came from an educated Greek family and was a physician and artist. It was he, according to legend, who was the creator of the first icons depicting the Mother of God. Luke wrote his Gospel, as well as the Book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, under the guidance of the Apostle Paul, whom he accompanied on his missionary wanderings. After the death of the chief apostles, Luke continued preaching in Libya, Egypt and Greece, where he was martyred in 84.

Have you read the article Name day in October | Names according to the church calendar. Read also.

Distinctive character traits of girls born in October

Girls born in October are very sociable, they know how to find mutual language with other people. In communication, they show tact and friendliness. They love beautiful outfits and strive to please the people around them. Such girls often flirt to get attention.

October girls, as it is right, are not decisive. They are highly susceptible to other people's opinions and quite gullible. Before making their own decision, they can rush from side to side, making one or the other intermediate decision, consulting on this matter with all the people around them. As a result, they either do not make any decision at all, or take what other people advise them, or come to a decision that they did not originally think about.

Girls who appeared in October love to spend time with friends. They absolutely do not accept loneliness, which greatly depresses them. Therefore, such girls often have noisy companies of close friends that they need at home.

Despite all their windiness, these girls have a sense of justice and do not accept any manifestation of rudeness and tactlessness. Despite all their tact, rude and tactless people who allow themselves attacks on them, these girls respond with the same coin.

Choosing a name for October girl, the best option would be to choose a strong, strong-willed name that will help smooth out their windy, indecisive nature.

What are the names of girls born in October, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  3. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  4. Ariadne (from Greek "venerable")
  5. "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  2. "Tatius" 2.from Greek )
  1. Agnia (1. from Latin "lamb" 2.from Greek "pure, innocent")
  1. Flora (from Latin "blooming")
  2. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  3. Matryona (1. Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  1. Raisa (1. derivative of Iraid, from Greek "hero's daughter" 2. from Arabic "leader")
  2. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  3. Xenia, Xenya, Aksinya, Oksana (from the Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  1. Vladislav (Slavic, from the male Vladislav, "possessing glory")
  2. Ustinya (1. from Latin "fair" "speaking")
  3. Thekla (1. from ancient Greek "God's glory", "divine")
  1. Pelageya (from the Greek "marine")
  2. Taisia ​​(1. from Greek "wise" 2.from Greek "dedicated to the goddess Isis" 3.from Egyptian "fertile")
  3. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Angela (from the Greek "angel")
  2. "dedicated to Zeus" 2.from latin "Thoughtful" 3.from Arabic "beautiful")
  3. Paul, Paula, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  4. Akulina (from Old Russian or Latin "eagle")
  5. Dorothea (from the Greek "given by God")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  4. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  1. "protecting the people")
  2. Zlata (Slavic "golden")
  3. Madeleine (derived from Magdalena)
  4. Marianna, Maryana (1. derived from the combination of the names Maria and Anna, literally "bitter grace" 2.from Hebrew "outraged" 3.from latin "belonging to Mary" 4. Latin derivative "marine")
  5. Olesya (1.from Ukrainian "protector" 2. from Old Slavonic, means "forest", "living in the forest")
  6. Polina (this name has many variants of origin 1. from the ancient Greek "solar", "dedicated to Apollo" 2.from Greek "meaningful" 3.from latin "small" 4. from Greek "liberated" 5. from ancient Greek "strong")
  7. Apolinaria (origin unknown, presumably from Greek "sunny")
  1. Vera (Russian, literally "Vera")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  2. Ustinya (1. from Latin "fair" 2. from the Old Slavic word mouth, literally "speaking")
  3. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. Vladana (Slavic "owning")
  2. Jadwiga (from Old German "warrior")
  1. Veronica (1. from Greek "bringing victory" 2.from latin "pure image")
  2. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  3. Margarita (translated from Latin and ancient Greek "pearl")
  4. Virinea (from the Latin "young, blooming")
  1. Zlata (Slavic "golden")
  2. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting the people")
  1. Inessa (from the ancient Greek Agnes, meaning "lamb")
  1. Adeline (from Old German "noble")
  2. Pelageya (from the Greek "marine")
  1. Angelica (derived from Angelina, from the Greek "angel")
  2. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "worshiping God")
  3. Laura (from Latin "crowned with laurel, i.e. glorified")
  4. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  5. Hope (from Russian literally "hope")
  6. Pelageya (from the Greek "marine")
  7. Taisia ​​(1. from Greek "wise" 2.from Greek "dedicated to the goddess Isis" 3.from Egyptian "fertile")
  8. Ursula (from Latin "bear")
  9. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  1. Alla (1. from ancient Arabic "letter" 2.from Hebrew "goddess" 3.from Arabic "goddess" 4. from Hebrew "pistachio tree" 5. in the Gothic dialect "handyman of all trades" 6.from Greek "other" 7. from Hebrew "invincible")
  2. Odette (1. from the German "heiress, owner" 2. from the Greek "fragrant")
  3. Eulampia (from the ancient Greek "glowing")
  1. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  2. Zinaida (1. from ancient Greek "dedicated to Zeus" 2.from latin "Thoughtful" 3.from Arabic "beautiful")
  1. Miroslav (1. from Slavic "glorifying the world" 2.from Slavic "famous all over the world")
  1. Zlata (Slavic "golden")
  1. Antonina (1. from ancient Greek "opponent", "opponent" 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  2. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  3. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  4. Sabina (from Italian "beautiful")

Name days in ancient times depended on the birthday, so parents rarely chose a name for the child in advance. After the birth of the baby, according to the calendar, they looked at which saints were marked on this day.

As a rule, the day of memory of the saint is considered the day of his death and the transition to the kingdom of God. Name days in October, as in other months, according to the church calendar, there are male and female.

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Name day of a newborn

AT modern world name day, or namesake (which means namesake by name), is celebrated on the day closest to the birth. If there are several saints with the same name, you can choose one that is closer in spirit and life. In this case, the date of birth does not matter. Often the name day is called the day of the angel, although this name refers to baptism, the date of which may not coincide with the celebration of the saint's day.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was customary to name a child according to Christmas time on the eighth day. For example, on October 24, a girl was born. The eighth day after birth falls on October 31st. October 31, women's name days are celebrated by Zlata and Elizabeth, and they were chosen from them. These names could be called a girl born on October 31 or watch Christmas time in early November.

Some religious saints are marked in the church with several days of memory, but the main one is the day of transition to eternal memory, the day of death. Other days of memory are considered small name days..

Parents, sometimes not baptized themselves, often perform the sacrament to protect the child from evil eye and disease. Such a Christian act, carried out not from a pure heart, without observing prayer petitions, communion and confession, usually does not grant protection to the child. For this rite, you need to sincerely believe in God.

The name day is also celebrated, but more modestly than the birthday. It is necessary to read the prayers to the saint, ask for help and thank for the support. You can collect a small table, but without alcohol and noisy events.

Name days for men

According to the church calendar, in October there are many birthdays among boys, young men, and men. In total, there are more than a hundred names in a month. October birthdays in alphabetical order indicating the number the veneration of the holy namesake is as follows:

Alphabetical list of names with enumeration of numbers The name day celebration allows people born at the end of September to know when their angel's day is in October. It is easy to find out who has a men's name day today according to the Orthodox calendar: names and revered saints are indicated on each page.

Women's names

There are much fewer female names whose name day fell in October than male ones. Basically, one name is mentioned daily, less often two or three, but there are days when name days for girls and women are not indicated at all.

AT Orthodox calendar the following names are given:

Important dates in October

Name days on October 13 are for both women and men. The total number of revered saints in the calendar is 15. In the church, this day is considered the celebration of the name of Michael in memory of the saint, who became the first metropolitan of Kievan Rus.

Prince Vladimir, having been baptized in Byzantium, asked to be sent home worthy person able to cope with rampant paganism. Michael was such a person. He was engaged in the construction of temples and preached Christianity to the masses. Things were going uphill, the metropolitan did an excellent job with the task.

The next day, October 14, celebrate Pokrov Holy Mother of God. The holiday originated after the attack of Russian troops on Constantinople. The ships off the coast of the city kept the siege. The inhabitants of Constantinople saw the Virgin Mary approaching at night, surrounded by angels. Removing the veil from her head, she covered the worshipers with it to protect them from enemies. Soon the siege ended, and the Russian ships were swept across the sea by a storm. An interesting fact is that the holiday is celebrated by the Russian Church, but in Greece they do not remember it.

Girls born in October are called to be the soul of any company. They are sociable, good-natured and a little naive. It is easy to offend such people, as they quickly trust new acquaintances and believe in almost any of their stories, but faithful friends will always protect October girls from such misfortunes. Like all scales, it is difficult for them to make complex decisions and independent conclusions, therefore, one should not give tough and strong-willed names to October girls - this will resonate with the sensitive nature of the girl. Pay attention to the recommendations of astrologers, as well as the church October calendar of female names.

How to name a girl born in October - astrology

The names Irina, Sophia, Efrosinya, Marianna, Anna, Veronika will help to give decisiveness and courage to the October girl. This will help her in Hard time when the zodiac sign will infringe and fetter her ability to make important decisions.

The names Thekla, Ustinya, Virineya, Evlampia, Zlata are capable of instilling a love for creativity. And Pelageya, Taisia, Zinaida, Praskovya, Ariadna, Jonah can help the scales attract only kind and sympathetic people to themselves.

Take into account these names if it is important for you to match the zodiac character of the child with his name. Avoid names:

  • Claudia,
  • Tatiana,
  • Alice,
  • Olesya.

Since they will only add confusion to the already indecisive scales.

How to name a girl born in October - church names

Every name in the church calendar refers to a certain number, therefore, accurately compare the date of birth of the October girl with the date inherent in a particular name. For example:

  • October 1 - Arina, which means "peace" or "high", "enlightened".
    Irina, from the Greek translates "loving the world."
  • October 5 is an interesting name Flora, which from Latin means “blooming flower”.
    Matryona, literally in Russian it is “to know”, and from Latin: “dear lady”, “mother of a large family”.
  • October 17 - Veronica, which is from the Greek "bringing victory", and from the Latin "pure image".
    Karina, from Latin this name means “looking only forward”, and from Italian “beautiful and sweet”.
    Margarita, which means "pearl" in Latin.
    Virineya - "a young, blooming girl."
  • October 29 - Violetta, which is translated from Italian as "violet".
    Eupraxia, from the Greek "prosperity" or "virtue".

Carefully choose names for girls if they are on the church calendar, but on the list of unfavorable ones from astrologers. You can find the most complete list in church calendars.

How to name a girl born in October in honor of great people

Naming a child after any outstanding person, you draw the child's attention to the successes and skills, as well as the field of activity of this scientist, poet or athlete. In October there are many birthdays of Soviet and foreign women - scientists, actresses and other figures in important fields, for example:

  • On October 1, the famous theater-goer and film actress Nina Ustanova was born. In addition, by astrological calendar, the name Nina pushes children to creativity.
  • On October 8, you can name the girl Polina, in honor of the pilot Polina Osipenko. This day is also dedicated to the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.
  • On October 17, pay attention to the name Maria, in honor of the gymnast Maria Gorokhovskaya, as well as Anzhelika and Olesya.
  • On October 25, the name Catherine will suit the girl, in honor of all the achievements of the Great Empress this month, as well as Galina, as an opera singer.

Try to choose melodious names that have several diminutive forms. Don't forget that full name the child should be in harmony not only for aesthetic reasons, but also on the advice of astrologers, because the sonorous personal name will always be heard by the child, it is much more pleasant to hear him.

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