The Nile freezes. Where does the Nile flow

Helpful Hints 26.09.2019
Helpful Hints

But anomalously cold winters are not such rare guests in the memory of mankind. At least in chronicles often in question about "extraordinary phenomena".

For example, there is evidence of an unusually severe winter on the territory of Scythia, where, according to data collected by Academician E.V. Oppokov, in 355 snow covered the ground with a layer of seven cubits. The frosts were so severe that the wine in the vessels froze. Colds recurred 11 years later. The Rhine froze over, and the ice was so thick and strong that columns of troops crossed it. harsh winter was also noted in 370, followed by a sultry dry summer. Droughts in Western Europe in the second half of the 5th century had especially catastrophic consequences, when trees and vineyards withered due to lack of rain, and rivers became shallow, ponds and streams dried up.

Winters 441/42-442/43 were unusually cold and prolonged.
At the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries, severe colds hit Byzantium. The entire Black Sea is frozen. As the chronicler wrote, for 30 days the ice “moved in mountains” along the streets of Constantinople.

Exceptional colds hit Europe in 717-718. They covered the south of Russia, the Balkans, and Asia Minor. Snow lay in Tsargrad for 100 days. Severe winters took place in 739, when the Bosphorus froze, and in 761, when snow covered Europe in places, and in 763-764, when the Black Sea and the Dardanelles were covered with a 75-centimeter layer of ice. And in May 787, it was cold in Europe, it was snowing and the birds froze on the fly and fell to the ground.

Perhaps one of the most severe winters for the south of Russia and Byzantium was in 742. This is how it is described in the Russian Chronograph:
“And the winter was fierce: the Pontic Sea froze to 30 cubits, and snow fell on it 20 cubits” (ibid., 131).

In the third quarter of the XI century. chroniclers first noted the unusually severe snowy winter(1067), during which Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod undertook a campaign against the western Russian lands.

According to the legends of the chroniclers, in the winters of 401 and 801 the waves of the Black Sea "hardened". And in "859 the Adriatic Sea was so frozen that it was possible to walk to Venice." In 1010 - 1011 frosts fettered the Turkish coast of the Black Sea. Terrible cold reached Africa, where the lower reaches of the Nile River were covered with ice.

In 1210-1211, the rivers Po and Rhone froze. In Venice, wagon trains traveled across the frozen Adriatic Sea.

In 1322, the Baltic Sea was covered with such a thick layer of ice that sledges were driven from Lübeck in Denmark to the shores of Pomerania.

In 1316, all the bridges in Paris were torn down by ice.

In 1326, the entire Mediterranean Sea froze over.

In 1365 the Rhine was covered in ice for three months.

In 1407-1408, all Swiss lakes froze over.

In 1420 there was a terrible mortality in Paris from the cold; wolves ran into the city to devour the corpses lying unburied in the streets.

In 1468, wine in the cellars froze in Burgundy.

In 1558, an entire army of 40,000 men was camped on the frozen Danube, and in France, frozen wine was sold by weight.

More accurate information is available about the colds of the 18th century thanks to the invention of the thermometer.

For example, in 1709 it was -24 degrees in Paris for many days; the wine froze in the cellars and the bells cracked as they rang.

So it's not that unique. last years in terms of natural anomalies.

In preparing the article, about 200 thousand dated events were processed.


My database contains 240 historical records of cold spells from 355 to
1953, but of greatest interest are 20 testimonies of
freezing of the southern seas - the Black, Adriatic and Mediterranean, as well as
the Nile Delta, the non-freezing soda lake Van (the Khlatskoe Sea) and
Bosphorus. Here is a list of those events.
401 years. "Hardened the waves" of the Black Sea
557-558. The Black Sea is covered with ice
608 year. The sea is covered with ice
696 year. Sea Khlatskoe frozen
739 year. Frozen Bosphorus
741-742. "The Pontic Sea froze 30 cubits"
762-763. Part of the sea turned to stone 30 cubits deep
763-764. The Black Sea is completely frozen
801-802. Frozen Black Sea
829 year. Ice bound the Nile Delta
859 year. The Adriatic Sea is frozen
1010-1011 year. Frozen Black Sea, Bosporus, lower reaches of the Nile River
1210-1211. Frozen Adriatic Sea
1233. Frozen Adriatic Sea
1326. The mediterranean sea is completely frozen
1454. Yellow Sea frozen 20 km from the coast
1601. Frozen Black Sea
1709. The Adriatic Sea is covered with "stagnant ice"
1754. In Venice, canals froze, ice in the Black Sea Straits
1874 Frozen Bosphorus

Three freezing events in the Baltic and four freezing events in the northern part
Black Sea, as not excessively heavy, are not included in the list.

It is worth noting that during the "volcanic winter" of 1816, when
the average temperature on the planet dropped by 1 degree, in the chronicles of the fact
freezing of the southern seas is not reflected. Therefore, in the above
in winter, the temperature on the planet fell even lower, deep into the region of the Small
Ice age.

The problem is that chronicle information contradicts scientific data. 16
out of 20 winters (80%) in which freezing of the southern seas is witnessed -
outside the Little Ice Age, in the so-called. in "temperature
optimum." Trends on the graph show how the cooling developed in
The Little Ice Age (gray diamonds) according to glaciology, and how it should
would develop if based on the dates of historical evidence (black
line). There is a conflict.

Not so long ago, the Intergovernmental Group joined this conflict
experts on climate change (IPCC, eng. IPCC), who changed her position
time from 1990 to 2001 from the recognition of medieval
climate optimum to non-recognition. Otherwise, save the traditional
historical dating is no longer possible.


To show the situation with chronicle cataclysms, I will give a general
statistics. 14 types of natural disasters and 1
humanitarian (repressions of sorcerers and Jews, closely related to the fallout
volcanic ash, fires and epidemics) from 1 to 2012.

Comet Pass 559
Earthquakes 519
Major fires 633
Hurricanes and storms 448
Repression of minorities 946
Volcanic eruptions 776
Tsunamis and floods 340
Mass psychoses 341
Epidemics 690
Cold snap 186
Crop failure and famine 271
Unusual precipitation 166
Signs (electromagnetic phenomena) 141
Heat and drought 132
Falling ash or smoke 108
TOTAL: 6256

726 years are free from cataclysms. The remaining 1286 years account for 6256
certificates - an average of 4.9 certificates per year. trend
distribution of evidence shows 106 catastrophic periods,
each of which lasts, on average, 12 years and contains, on average, 59
catastrophe evidence. Break between catastrophic periods
lasts about 7 years. Roughly speaking, 2000 years consist of 106 cycles of 19
years (lunar cycle), of which 7 years are good, and 12 are
continuous disaster, often caused by the fall of "fire from the sky" and wearing
universal character.

It is reasonable to assume that in the case of major disasters there were significant
less. Thus, Professor Schaeffer in his work on comparative
Bronze Age stratigraphy in the Near East (1948) indicates
only into six layers containing traces of the fall of fire - caked earth and
vitreous masses.

It is clear that if such a disaster is really large, it can
awaken volcanoes and provoke a whole set of attendant, closely
related disasters. An earthquake causes a tsunami, an eruption causes a fall
ash, atmospheric smoke - further cooling, and cooling -
crop failure and famine. Moreover, all these catastrophes must occur nearby.
one with the other, which means to have a clear chronological connection in the annals.
Let's check if it exists.


Here is an example of a chronological relationship between eruptions and floods (tsunamis):
most of them tend to occur simultaneously, in the same year.
At a distance of 1-3 years from the historical eruption, the number of written
evidence of tsunamis or floods is drastically reduced, and this

And here is a graph with 225 combinations of 15 main types of disasters,
expressed as a percentage. Graph branches below the 100% level
indicate a propensity for two different types of historical catastrophes
take place in one year. It is worth retreating from the date of the cataclysm a year ahead
or back, and there may not be a double cataclysm, and the percentage is below a hundred
this process of reducing coincidences reflects. 181 couples out of 225 (80%) behave this way.

The database contains quite a lot of local events, for example, Atlantic
hurricanes of the 20th century. It is clear that local cataclysms of such a graphic
communications will not be shown: it is unlikely that an earthquake in Tajikistan will cause a tsunami on
Philippines. And the graph clearly says that the lion's share of chronicle turmoil
this is not a local event, but a multiple reflection of multi-component

Of course, there are exceptions that indicate the tendency of some couples
cataclysms go at a distance of about a year. Yes, the cold snap is coming.
simultaneously with the release of volcanic ash into the atmosphere, and approximately
in a year. There are 44 such exceptions, which indicate well the dynamics of the process.
out of 225, that is, about 20%.


No less interesting is the tendency of cataclysms different type take place in
the same month of the year and even on the same days of the month. On the chart
below 365 days of the year are divided into 13 lunar months, and there is a correlation.

Of course, the connection between tsunamis and earthquakes is obvious even without graphs, however
only 74 tsunamis are directly connected in the annals with earthquakes.
Another 222 tsunamis and floods have been attributed to earthquakes for hundreds of years.

No less obvious calendar connection is shown by chronicle fires and
hurricanes. The anomaly of August-September is the annual seasonal hurricanes
Caribbean, not related to global catastrophes, but
other storms and hurricanes noticeably gravitate towards fires.

Sometimes the connection between hurricanes and fire is the most direct. So in l. m. 6210 hurricane
accompanied the fall of the "hail of fire", which boiled the sea, and the storm of 1164
year in Frisia led not only to the flooding of the entire coastal land, but also
caused massive fires. It was the same in Lisbon in 1755, in Japan in
1923 and in Moscow in 1451, 1493, 1547 and 1737. Occasionally
while the earth and stones are burning.

The calendar relationship between fires and unusual precipitation is clearly visible below,
moreover, I must say, fires blazing simultaneously with a downpour, in my
There are only four bases. All other strongly correlated fires and precipitation
separated in the existing chronology by centuries.

841. For three nights the fire appeared. It began to rain, which stripped the bark from the trees and brought down the stones.
1783. After the eruption of Laki (Iceland), acid precipitation was recorded in Crete
1453. The whole city was washed away (?) by thick fog. When the fog cleared, "the flames engulfed the dome of Hagia Sophia"

But the most interesting case: connection of eruptions and epidemics.


In the form in which it is, this correlation is not obvious.

But it is worth shifting the epidemics by one lunar month (chart below), and a connection is found.

Apparently, first there is an eruption, and a month later, after
the passage of a black cloud or falling on the grass of "white dust" comes and
Black Death. Here is a fitting account of the "plague" of 1348.

“... went heavy rain from the fire, falling in flakes like snow, and
burning mountains and valleys with all the inhabitants, ”and accompanied by an ominous
black cloud, which "whoever saw, he died within half

In general, the connection between the eruptions and epidemics of the Black Death is proven to be good.
ten ways. Here is showing the correlation
frequency of use of the terms "plague" (plague) and "eruption" (eruption) in
English-language sources.

And below - a similar correlation in French-language materials.

A similar correlation is also seen when calculating the share of references to eruptions and
plague from the total number of historical evidence. Phenomena as different
it is believed that nature has inside a colossal array of 65 thousand
heterogeneous events are extremely close, for almost 500 years
matching trends.

It should be emphasized that we are not dealing with real events, but with their
paper reflection - quite illusory. That is why around 1900
year the plague trend ends. Barely in 1894 "Black Death"
identified with the bacillus Yersinia pestis, limnological catastrophes as
would cease to be related to the "plague" and fell outside the bounds of statistics.


Cholera is embedded in history quite deeply, in 1031, but in a massive
in order, information about her appears around 1820 - shortly after
the eruption of Tambora and the ensuing volcanic winter. Moreover, the whole
The 19th century is full of controversy: an epidemic, which in Russia is considered cholera, in
Britain is often called the plague.

Cholera left the historical arena in exactly the same way as the Black Death: in
In 1883 Koch identified cholera with vibrio, and in 1885 cholera
left the medical statistics of southern Europe and ceased to appear in
Western. Accordingly, in 1888, cholera disappeared from the history of Eastern
Africa, and in 1892 - from Central Europe.

Only in 1990 cholera reappears, but this is no longer the same cholera that
killed half the province at a time; it is almost harmless: in unsanitary
conditions in Haiti during the 2010 epidemic, out of 200,000 infected
3 thousand people died - 1.7%. I dare to assume that the sanitary
the situation in Germany in the middle of the 19th century was more prosperous than in Haiti in
beginning of the 21st century, but the paradox is obvious.


The main argument pointing to a rigid causal
connection eruptions and epidemics of the Black Death, is their mutual
regional distribution. Here is the key chart. Notice what
further from volcanogenic regions, the more active the Black Death. Rare
exceptions, as shown by the test, are unreliable.

Plague is not sick and never was sick in Iceland and Japan, in Mexico and on
Samoa, in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. And since we have already seen the tough
chronological relationship between eruptions and plague epidemics, explanation
the phenomenon of regional distribution is one thing: a resident of Mexico who has seen
the death of fellow tribesmen after an ammonia release from a volcano cannot be proved,
that they died because of poorly washed hands. But if the cloud settles behind
a couple of thousand kilometers, somewhere in central Russia, install
the real cause of this misfortune is almost impossible.


"Global warming" bet on the Black Death and genuine cholera
fat dot. A planet out of balance over the past 400 years
steadily returns to normal. In the graph below, this is great to see, and
abnormally expanded factors of the XX-XXI centuries are hundreds of recorded
small fires, eruptions and earthquakes, that is, in fact, well
well-adjusted work of statisticians, rescuers and scientists.

Illusory eruptions

The simplest proof of the "smearing" of disasters on a scale
time are volcanic eruptions. This event usually has
exact date. So, out of 231 eruptions, dated to the nearest day,
only 121 happened on their own unique day, and 111 have 1 to 3
"twin" eruptions that occurred on the same day of the calendar.

In itself, such a coincidence is possible, especially if volcanoes
belong to the same group; such are the paired Japanese eruptions of OSHIMA and
NII-JIMA dated June 29, 886. I wouldn't be surprised by what happened that very same
eruption day at the other end Pacific Ocean, - just because
The “Ring of Fire” that encircles the ocean is one system. But almost all
"twin" eruptions are separated by centuries.

Let's ask ourselves, how many "twin" eruptions should be in
normal? In practice, they are 48%, an abnormally high figure, moreover, almost
half are in two islands isolated from world history
countries - Iceland and Japan.

Well, and most importantly, twin eruptions do not obey common sense.
It is logical to expect a massive appearance of the same dates in the XX-XXI centuries,
when even the smallest eruptions were massively recorded. In fact, than
closer to modernity, the closer to accurate scientific accounting, the less
proportion of twins. And vice versa, the Middle Ages are the absolute leaders
paradoxes. So all four eruptions that occurred from 862 to 911 -
"twins", and three of them are Japanese.


In terms of volcanic activity, the Japanese islands should be
comparable to the Kuriles and Kamchatka, well, maybe evidence of
the Japanese will have more eruptions due to historically high density
population. However, statistics show something paradoxical.

The average frequency of eruptions of 20 Japanese volcanoes is 13.5 times lower than that of
24 volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kuriles. For 97 years, from 1837 to 1934, volcanoes
Kamchatka and the Kuriles erupted 52 times. Japanese eruptions are
45, - but for 1169 years, from 764 to 1933. That is, the number of volcanoes and the number
eruptions in two neighboring regions is comparable, and volcanic
activity is different.

Such statistics can only mean one thing: Japanese eruptions are completely
recent times are smeared into eras to give Japanese history
greater length. The graph below shows how this is done:
comparable number of eruptions on five islands, on three of them the frequency
eruptions drops sharply, only to normalize again 1002 years earlier.

Similar shifts are observed in the chronology of geographical discoveries - from
step 84, 167, 251 years, that is, a multiple of the cycle of Uranus. Same in Japan
the most: an eightfold shift in 1002 occurring in the chronology of eruptions
year it's still the same cycle of Uranus - just repeated 12 times.


All reconstructions are more or less speculative, and this one is no exception.
Suppose that ALL groups of anomalous Japanese eruptions were discarded
into the past according to a single principle - at a distance that is a multiple of the cycle of Uranus in
83.5 years old. Then we'll try to return them to the supposedly genuine
place, up the time scale.

And now let's see what the distribution of Japanese eruptions looks like in
comparison with eruptions in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. We see that the series
volcanic activity in two neighboring regions have become synchronous.

The statistics also normalized; now the frequency of Japanese eruptions
volcanoes (0.48 eruptions per year) became comparable to
Kuril-Kamchatka (0.54 eruptions per year).


The situation with Japanese eruptions is not unique: the same is happening throughout
written history of disasters. According to preliminary estimates, countries
"brown axis" cataclysms were thrown into the past until the 1930s. How
result, when comparing trends in the distribution of catastrophes by day
years for two periods - 1549-1817. and 1818-1934. - we see amazing
synchronicity. The only exception is February.

Since most of the cataclysms are non-seasonal - massive
psychoses, repressions, earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis - we are left with either
believe in the power of numerology, or accept that catastrophe dating
the past is unreliable. I prefer the second one.
It remains to be seen whether this is the case with the chronology as a whole.


I took the same time periods:
- 11211 dated before the day of the events of 1549-1817;
- 12461 dated events 1818-1933.

Here, in addition to 1597 cataclysms, another 22705 events from dozens of spheres - from
wars and battles to trade and packaging; huge array bound to give
correct result. And there is a correlation.

Communication of the 16th and 19th centuries. - not an illusion. Below is an analysis of data from the HistoryOrb website
(130 thousand events) and the Soviet encyclopedia. dictionary (64 thousand). fluctuations
information densities on either side of the exponent clearly indicate that
that in the 19th century information was still redistributed.

Literature: Chronicle of Theophanes, Chronograph of Vardapet Airivansky,
Chronograph Russian, E.P. Borisenkov, V.M. Pasetsky "The Millennium Chronicle
extraordinary phenomena of nature", "Climatology" on the website of Igor Garshin.

I express my gratitude to V. V. Akimov for his help in substantiating the post with references to the sources of information used about unprecedented cold snaps. So links:

Chronicle of the Byzantine Theophanes from Diocletian to the kings Michael and his son Theophylact (can be downloaded on my former website, below the bases)

Chronograph of Vardapet Airivansky

Chronograph Russian

Retelling of the book by E.P. Borisenkov, V.M. Pasetsky "The Millennial Chronicle of Extraordinary Natural Phenomena"

Page "Climatology" on the site of Igor Garshin.

Vadim Vadimovich kindly points to the following sites:

- "Byzantine Chronicle"


My database of catastrophic events contains 51 severe cold snaps and 107 severe frosts. But of greatest interest are evidence of the freezing of the southern seas - the Black, Adriatic and Mediterranean, as well as the Nile Delta and the non-freezing soda lake Van (the Khlatskoye Sea).

The problem is that these record cold snaps recorded in annals, chronicles and chronographs do not coincide with scientific data. 11 of the 14 winters in which freezing of the southern seas is witnessed are outside the Little Ice Age. Here is the chart for this period.

And here is the evidence; 79% of the evidence is in the "temperature optimum".
401 in the winters of 401 and 801 the waves of the Black Sea "hardened"
696 The sea of ​​Chlatskoe is frozen
739 Cruel winters also took place in 739, when the Bosphorus froze
742 "And the winter was fierce: the Pontic Sea froze to 30 cubits"
762 (l. m. 6255, p. ch. 755) part of the sea a hundred miles from the coast turned into stone thirty cubits deep, and the same was from Zikhia to the Danube, from the Kuphis river to the Dniester and Dnieper and to the Dead gates, from all other coasts to Mesimvria and Media
763 In the winter of 763-764, the Black Sea completely froze over: it was possible to ride a sleigh on thick ice, “as if on land”
801 in the winters of 401 and 801 the waves of the Black Sea "hardened"
829 ice bound the Nile Delta
859 The Adriatic Sea was so frozen that it was possible to walk to Venice
1010 - 1011 Terrible cold reached Africa, where the lower reaches of the Nile River were covered with ice
1011 The waters of the Black Sea were bound by ice, even the Bosporus was frozen. When the wave of cold reached North Africa, even the Nile River was covered with ice.
1210-1211 in Venice, the frozen Adriatic Sea went wagon trains
1326 the entire Mediterranean Sea froze over
1601 on the Black Sea to Constantinople went on a sleigh
1709 in the vicinity of Venice, the Adriatic Sea was covered with "stagnant ice"
1754 Canals froze in Venice, ice in the area of ​​the Black Sea Straits

There are 18 dates in total: 401, 696, 739, 742, 762, 763, 764, 801, 829, 859, 1010, 1011, 1210, 1211, 1326, 1601, 1709, 1754. However, there are somewhat fewer winters on these dates - only 14 - for an obvious reason: winters capture two calendar years each.

And 11 out of 14 of these winters, that is, 79% fall on the so-called. "medieval temperature optimum" - an exceptionally warm period. This is how the top graph looks like in comparison with the trend of the dates of major cold snaps in the annals.

Thus, there is a serious conflict between the data of scientists, glaciologists and climatologists, on the one hand, and the data of historians, on the other.

Not so long ago, a fairly powerful office, the IPCC, joined this conflict. Here is a quote from Wikipedia.

“... known as the second climatic optimum, the medieval climatic optimum. The existence of this period in the Northern Hemisphere (Europe and Siberia) in the 8th-13th centuries with temperatures more than 1°C higher than modern ones (in Greenland - up to 2°C) is not in doubt.
A number of experts dispute global warming during a small optimum. For example, the position of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) changed from 1990 to 2001 from recognition to non-recognition of the medieval optimum (see comparison of temperature charts from IPCC reports on the right). One of the leading proponents of the anthropogenic theory global warming(AGP) Michael Mann wrote on June 4, 2003: "it would be good to try to limit the imaginary medieval warm period, although we do not yet have a temperature reconstruction for the hemispheres for that time." Critics of the AGP claim that proponents of the theory underestimated the temperatures of the Medieval Warm Period without justification for the purpose of declaring modern temperatures unprecedented high."

Suspicions of the political involvement of the IPCC have existed for a long time. Definitely speculative conclusions about the contribution of humanity to the level of carbon dioxide. The gross (already recognized) mistakes of the IPCC in expert opinions melting Himalayan glaciers. It is very likely that this structure to some extent serves the interests of large financial structures Europe.

Nevertheless, I think that the IPCC will win, glaciologists will be forced to reconsider their views on the medieval “temperature optimum”, and it is difficult to predict the consequences of this for us.

In history, the Nile froze twice - in the 9th and 11th centuries.

Phenomenal cooling in historical time

* In the winters of 401 and 801 the waves of the Black Sea "hardened".
* The Nile froze twice - in the 9th and 11th centuries.
* In "859, the Adriatic Sea was so frozen that it was possible to walk to Venice." After 850 years (1709) this phenomenon was repeated.
* In 1010 - 1011, frosts fettered the Turkish coast of the Black Sea. Terrible cold reached Africa, where the lower reaches of the Nile River were covered with ice (the Nile also froze in the 9th century).
* In 1210-1211, the rivers Po and Rhone froze. In Venice, wagon trains traveled across the frozen Adriatic Sea.
* In 1322, the Baltic Sea was covered with such a thick layer of ice that from Lübeck in Denmark to the shores of Pomerania went by sleigh.
* In 1316, all the bridges in Paris were demolished by ice.
* In 1326, the entire Mediterranean Sea froze over.
* In 1365 the Rhine was covered with ice for three months.
* In 1407-1408, all Swiss lakes froze over.
* In 1420 there was a terrible death rate in Paris from the cold; wolves ran into the city to devour the corpses lying unburied in the streets.
* In 1468, wine in the cellars froze in Burgundy.
* In 1558 [90 years later] an entire army of 40,000 men was camped on the frozen Danube, and in France frozen wine was sold by the weight.
* 1645-1705, Europe - "Small ice Age". In Holland, then all the channels froze, and in Greenland, due to the advance of glaciers, people were forced to leave part of the settlements.
* In 1709, it was -24 degrees in Paris for many days; the wine froze in the cellars and the bells cracked as they rang. Even the Nile froze.
* In 1795 [after 86 years] frost in Paris reached 23 degrees, and the French squadron stormed the entire Dutch fleet, captured by ice off the coast of France.
* In the 20th century, in the winter of 1953 - 1954 [and the summer of 1953 was also cold] in a vast territory from the Atlantic to the Urals, from November to April, the cold was fierce, it froze Northern part Black and the entire water area of ​​the Azov Seas.
* The winter of 1962-1963 was also remembered for burning frosts and ferocious snowstorms. Ice bound the Danish Strait, which usually does not freeze, and the canals of Venice and the rivers of France froze again.
* The season of 1968-1969 is also named "Winter of Furious Frosts".
* In the Sahara desert once - February 18, 1979 - it was snowing.
* In 2002, in Germany, due to frost, the movement of ships along the Main-Danube canal, which is an important European water transport artery, was completely stopped. The thickness of the ice, in which more than 20 ships froze, reached 70 cm in some places. At the same time, due to severe cold, the Venice lagoon froze, the gondolas froze into ice. Prior to this, the lagoon froze over in 1985.
* At the end of 2005, most of the countries of Central and Western Europe were at the mercy of heavy snowfalls. In Germany, unusual for this time of year cold has led to icing and breakage of power lines.

; the source is taken as the Kager, or Alexander Nile, a tributary of Lake Victoria Nyanza, from which flows to the North Kivir, or Somerset Nile. The latter forms the Ripon waterfalls, passes through the lakes: Gita-Ntsige and Kodzha, at Mruli (here the depth is 3 - 5 m, the width is from 900 - 1,000 meters) turns to the North to Fovera, from here to the West, forms the Karin and Murchison waterfalls (36 meters high) and 12 rapids, rolls down to the second terrace, flowing at Magungo into Lake Albert. From the south, the Isango River, or Zemliki, flows into Nyanza, flowing from Albert Edward Lake, the 3rd source of the Nile. From Lake Albert (2.5 ° north latitude), the Nile goes under the name Bar el-Jebel to the North (400 - 1,500 meters wide), navigable only to Dufile, then cuts through the 2nd terrace, forms 9 rapids, descends from Lado 200 meters to the east and loses the character of a mountain river. Of the tributaries along this path, the Nile receives the river. Assua and more mountain rivers; forming many channels and branches, constantly meandering, the Nile slowly flows to the North to 9 ° 21`, receives Bar al-Ghazal from the West and turns to the East. During the rains, the Nile turns the valley north of Gaba-Shambe into a lake 100 kilometers wide, after which such thick grass grows here that it often causes the Nile to change direction. The entire plain between the Nile and its branch, the Seraph, forms the region of the Upper Nile. Having traveled 150 kilometers to the East and united with Seraph, the Nile receives the Sobat River, she goes to meet him and makes him turn to the northwest; here the Nile takes the name Bar el-Abiad, that is, the Nile (actually the Transparent Nile), flows at a distance of 845 kilometers in a northerly direction and joins at Khartoum (15 ° 31 north latitude) with Bar el-Azrek, or the Blue Nile (Muddy Nile). The latter begins in Abyssinia (10 ° 55`) at an altitude of 2,800 meters under the name of Abai, flows into Lake Tana, exits (200 meters wide, 3 meters deep) from the south side of the lake, goes around the mountainous country of Gojjam and turns at 10 ° north latitude to the northwest - along this stretch it receives Jemma and Didessa on the left, Dinder (560 kilometers long) and Raat on the right.

The Blue Nile supplies Egypt with fertile silt and produces annual. The waters of Azrek and Abiad, connected in one channel under the common name of the Nile, flow through the low uplands (330 meters) of the Libyan. The Nile is navigable up to 17 ° north latitude, here it receives the last tributary of the Atbaru (1,230 kilometers long), navigation stops at 1,800 km, and rapids begin up to Aswan: the fifth threshold consists of 3 rapids between Shendi and Elkab, 4 threshold of seven ( 75 km long.) between Mograt Island and Mount Barkal, 3rd between Argo Island and Gerindid, 2nd, largest, of 9, between Dal Island and Wadigalfa, 1st between Philae Island and Aswan. The fall of the river along this stretch is 250 meters, at Aswan the Nile flows at an altitude of 101 meters above sea level, so that the remaining 1,185 kilometers to the mouth account for 101 meters of fall. The width of the Nile often changes along this path: at Shendi 165 meters, above the mouth of the Atbara 320 meters, below the fifth threshold 460, north of Vadigalf the Nile becomes wider, and between Esne and its width from 500 to 2200 meters. The width of the valley between Abu Hammed and Edfu is from 500 to 1,000 meters. To the north of Edfu, the Nile expands to 3 kilometers, and to Cairo its width is from 4 to 28 kilometers. At Damer, the Nile changes its direction, bypasses from 3 sides, in the shape of the letter "S", Bayudskaya, cuts through the mountains of the Nubian steppe; the windings of the Nile above Korosko are explained by the special arrangement of sandstone layers. From 27 ° north latitude, next to the Nile, the Yusuf (Joseph) canal flows, the remnant of ancient Egyptian waterworks, with numerous side channels, and flows in the North into Lake Fayum, which has great importance for the proper distribution of water in the Nile. To the northwest of Cairo (10 m above sea level) the delta begins, near the sea it reaches 270 kilometers wide. The Nile below Shubra was divided into 7 branches according to the ancients (Peluzsky, Talitsky, Mendezsky, Bukolsky, or Fatnichesky, Sebenitsky, Bolbitinsky and Kanopsky), and now only into Rozetsky and Damiutsky. Vost. The Kanop and western Pelusian arms were the most important in antiquity. The most important of the canals, Mamudiya, connecting Alexandria with the Rosetta arm, 77 kilometers long, 30 meters wide, was built by Megmet Ali; the short Menufsky (Bar el-Farunya) connects the Damietsky and Rosetta branches from the south. Tanitsky was turned into the Mulsky Canal, Pelusky into Abu-el-Menegsky. The surface of the delta is 22,194 square kilometers, the length of all channels is 13,440 kilometers. The length of the entire Nile, counting the Alexander Nile as the beginning, is 5,940 kilometers. The distance from the headwaters to the mouth in a straight line is 4,120 kilometers.

The lower reaches of the Nile had an advantage because of the proximity of the sea, but here the river has no tributaries at all, while the middle Nile is rich in them.

Nile's way of eating: predominantly rainy. The river receives most of its water from its many tributaries.

Inhabitants of the Nile: the most common inhabitants of the waters of the Nile and its banks are the Nile and Natal frogs, turtles, crocodiles and the Nile perch.

Freezing: does not freeze.

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